== Code Installation == This chapter describes the installation of PALM on a Linux workstation (local host). There are two methods to install and run PALM. With the [#simple simple method], you can run PALM interactively on the local computer. This method is using the scripts '''palm_simple_install''' and '''palm_simple_run'''. The simple method cannot create batch jobs itself, and cannot be used to create restart runs. Also file handling and most other features of the [#advanced advanced method] are not available. This method is only recommended for those who like to test PALM quickly.\\\\ The [#advanced advanced method] is for running PALM in batch mode on a suitable remote computer. The installation procedure is using the script '''mbuild'''. All jobs are started on the local host using the script '''mrun'''. The PALM output is automatically sent back from the remote host to the local host. Alternatively, '''mrun''' can also be used to start PALM in interactive mode on the local host, or as a batch job on the local host (if a queueing system like NQS, PBS, or LoadLeveler is available).\\\\ Only the [#advanced advanced method] gives full access to all PALM features.