= PALM Quickstart Guide = Ideally, you have successfully installed PALM using the [wiki:doc/install/automatic automatic installer]. If so, the installer has * downloaded PALM from the subversion control (svn) repository into a predefined directory structure on your local computer (see Fig. 1),\\\\ * created the required palmrun [wiki:doc/app/palmrun configuration file], e.g. '''.palm.config.default''' (hidden file),\\\\ * written some environment variables to Bash configuration file {{{$HOME/.bashrc}}} {{{ export PATH=$HOME/palm/current_version/trunk/SCRIPTS:$PATH export PALM_BIN=$HOME/palm/current_version/trunk/SCRIPTS }}} * pre-compiled ([wiki:doc/app/palmbuild palmbuild]) the '''UTIL'''ity programs and '''SOURCE''' code,\\\\ * run some small test simulations ('''JOBS''', see Fig. 2).\\ {{{#!table style="border: none" {{{#!tr {{{#!td style="border: none; width:10%" \\ }}} {{{#!td style="border: none;vertical-align:top" '''Fig. 1'''\\\\ [[Image(file_tree_1.png, 50%, left)]] }}} {{{#!td style="border: none; width:0%" \\ }}} {{{#!td style="border: none;vertical-align:top" '''Fig. 2'''\\\\ [[Image(file_tree_2.png, 50%, left)]]\\\\ }}} }}} }}} \\ Somewhere near the end of the automatic installation process, the following lines should have appeared in your terminal:\\ {{{ PALM installation successful ... PALM installer finished. }}} \\ Further, the installer has printed an example command for starting a PALM simulation, e.g. {{{#!div style="background: #e8ffdd; border: 3px ridge" {{{ palmrun -r example_cbl -a d3# -c default -X 4 -T 4 | | | | | run identifier | configuration identifier | tasks per node I/O control list number of cores }}} }}} We have a [wiki:doc/app/palmrungui GUI] to create and submit the palmrun command (software requirements: QT4, python). Typing: {{{ palmrungui }}} into the terminal opens the GUI: {{{ #!table style="border:none;vertical-align:top;text-align:left;width:750px" {{{#!tr style="border:none;width:750px" {{{#!td style="border:none" [[Image(palmrun_gui.png, width=750px, left, nolink)]] }}} }}} }}} Make your selections and click '''palmrun'''. A terminal window will appear with some messages. If this doesn't work, copy and paste the command into the terminal. == [=#create Create and run a new setup] == (1) Create a new directory {{{ cd $HOME/palm/current_version/JOBS mkdir -p /INPUT }}} (2) Create a new parameter file {{{_p3d}}} with your own parameter settings under {{{ $HOME/palm/current_version/JOBS//INPUT }}} (3) Submit palmrun command {{{ palmrun -r -a d3# -c default -X 4 -T 4 }}} (4) The [wiki:doc/app/palmrun#interactive terminal output] tells you if everything went fine, and if so, where to find the output files. {{{#!comment == How to create a new simulation set-up == First give your new set-up a name to be used as the run identifier, e.g. {{{neutral}}}. Create a new parameter file and set all parameters required for defining your set-up (number of grid points, grid spacing, etc.) . You may find it more convenient to use an existing parameter file and modify it, e.g. the one which has come with the automatic installation: {{{ cd ~/palm/current_version mkdir -p JOBS/neutral/INPUT cp JOBS/example_cbl/INPUT/example_cbl_p3d JOBS/neutral/INPUT/neutral_p3d }}} Edit file {{{neutral_p3d}}} and add, delete, or change parameters. Run your new set-up with {{{ palmrun -r neutral -c default -X4 -a "d3#" }}} If the run has finished successfully, results can be found in folders {{{JOBS/neutral/MONITORING}}} and {{{JOBS/neutral/OUTPUT}}}. }}}