== Masked data output == === General === From release 3.7a (r483) output of masked data is implemented in PALM. This feature allows to output quantities at different mask locations and can already use netCDF4 file format.\\ Default quantities are available and can be declared with the parameter [../d3par#data_output_mask data_output_mask], user-defined quantities can be output with [../userpar#data_output_mask_user data_output_mask_user].\\\\ Different runtime parameters defines the masks and steers the output: [../d3par#dt_domask|dt_domask]\\ [../d3par#mask_scale_x mask_scale_x]\\ [../d3par#mask_scale_y mask_scale_y]\\ [../d3par#mask_scale_z mask_scale_z]\\ [../d3par#mask_x mask_x]\\ [../d3par#mask_y mask_y]\\ [../d3par#mask_z mask_z]\\ [../d3par#mask_x_loop mask_x_loop]\\ [../d3par#mask_y_loop mask_y_loop]\\ [../d3par#mask_z_loop mask_z_loop]\\ [../d3par#skip_time_domask skip_time_domask]\\ === Examples ===