== Overview == [[TracNav(doc/app/partoc|nocollapse)]] [[TracNav(doc/tec/bcmtoc|nocollapse)]] [[NoteBox(note,This page is part of the ** Bulk Cloud Model** (BCM) documentation. \\ It contains recent applications of the Bulk cloud model. \\ For an overview of all BCM-related pages\, see the **[wiki:doc/tec/microphysics Bulk Cloud Model main page]**.)]] == Recent applications == The two-moment cloud microphysics scheme has been used within the framework of the HD(CP)^2^ (High Definition Clouds and Precipitation for Climate Prediction, [http://www.hdcp2.eu]) project to produce LES simulation data for the evaluation and benchmarking of ICON-LES ([#dipankar2015 Dipankar et al., 2015]). Figure 8 contains a snapshot from such a benchmark simulation, where three continuous days were simulated. The figure shows the simulated clouds including precipitation events on 26 April 2013 during a frontal passage. Moreover, cloud microphysics have been recently used for investigations of shadow effects of shallow convective clouds on the ABL and their feedback on the cloud field ([wiki: doc/app/bcmref Gronemeier et al. 2016]). [[Image(06.png,600px,border=1)]] Figure 8: Snapshot of the cloud field from a PALM run for three continuous days of the HD(CP)^2^ Observational Prototype Experiment. Shown is the 3-D field of ''q'',,c,, (white to gray colors) as well as rain water (''q'',,r,,'' > 0'', blue) on 26 April 2013. The simulation had a grid-spacing of ''50 m'' on a ''50 x 50 km^2^'' domain. Large-scale advective tendencies for ''θ'',,l,, and ''q'' were taken from COSMOE-DE (regional model of German Meteorological Service, DWD) analyses. The copyright for the underlying satellite image is held by Cnes / Spot Image, Digitalglobe.