= Some remarks on using Trac = * The login names and passwords should be the same as your svn-account. * If you are not logged in, only this Wiki can be used. No Source-Code browsing, no roadmap etc. * Please set up your e-mail in the Preferences above. * More information on using Trac can be found below! == If some errors occur == * Until now administrative rights are granted to Siggi and Johannes. * Contact: * personally. * if you are logged in open a ticket with "lotz" as owner where you explain the problem. = Official Trac Introduction = == The Trac Wiki Engine == [[TracGuideToc]] Trac has a built-in wiki engine, used for text and documentation throughout the system. WikiFormatting is used in [wiki:TitleIndex wiki pages], [wiki:TracTickets tickets] and [wiki:TracChangeset check-in log messages]. This allows for formatted text and hyperlinks in and between all Trac modules. Editing wiki text is easy, using any web browser and a simple [WikiFormatting formatting system], rather than more complex markup languages like HTML. The reasoning behind its design is that HTML, with its large collection of nestable tags, is too complicated to allow fast-paced editing, and distracts from the actual content of the pages. Note though that Trac also supports [wiki:WikiHtml HTML], [wiki:WikiRestructuredText reStructuredText] and [http://www.textism.com/tools/textile/ Textile] as alternative markup formats. The main goal of the wiki is to make editing text easier and ''encourage'' people to contribute and annotate text content for a project. The wiki itself does not enforce any structure, but rather resembles a stack of empty sheets of paper, where you can organize information and documentation as you see fit, and later reorganize if necessary. For more help on editing wiki text, see these pages: * WikiFormatting * WikiPageNames * WikiNewPage * TracLinks * WikiMacros * WikiProcessors * PageTemplates If you want to practice editing, please use the SandBox. Some more information about wiki on the web: * http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki * http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?WikiHistory * http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl?WhyWikiWorks ---- See also: TracGuide