= The Sandbox = This is just a page to practice and learn WikiFormatting. Go ahead, edit it freely. Revision: [[CRev(0)]] is the same as [[CRev]] Date: [[CRev(1)]] Author: [[CRev(2)]] Message: [[CRev(3)]] Revision: [[CRev(0,500)]] Date: [[CRev(1,500)]] Author: [[CRev(2,500)]] Message: [[CRev(3,500)]] {{{#!table align="center"; width=100%" {{{#!td {{{#!html }}} {{{#!html }}} }}} }}} Javascript is working as well: {{{#!html }}} Now we learn how to embed a PDF: {{{#!html }}} Next try: {{{#!html }}} ---- [[download:palm_group_09_1_opt.jpg|Download PDF]] ---- Here is some text with a footnote at the end[[FootNote(This is a footnote)]]. And another one[[FootNote(aha!)]]! And here I print all footnotes: [[FootNote]] ---- The new Notebox plugin: * [[NoteBox(warn, critical warning?)]] * [[NoteBox(tip, this is a tip)]] * [[NoteBox(note, just a note for you)]]