Scripts for processing of WRF and CAMx files to PALM dynamic driver. Version: v.3.1, 20201102 Usage: palm_dynamic -c [-w] The script requires name of the case configuration on the command line. The corresponding configuration files are placed in subdirectory "configuration" and they are named .conf. Examples of the config files are supplied with the scripts, all configuration options with are in the file as well as at the end of this readme file. The values which agree with defaults need not be present in the user config. The file contains setting and calculation of standard initialization values for particular system and can be adjusted. The optional parameter -w allows to skip horizontal and vertical interpolation in case it is already done. The scripts were implemented with regards to good portability and they only depend on standard and well-known Python libraries. Needed modules are: - numpy ( - scipy ( - pyproj ( - netCDF4 ( - metpy ( First four modules are included in all major linux distributions. In other cases, they can be installed via pip (e.g. "pip3 install netCDF4"). The MetPy module is a well-known and widely used project for meteorological calculations in Python maintained by Unidata. It can also be installed using pip ("pip3 install MetPy"). In the current version, the only supported projection in WRF is Lambert conformal conic, which is WRF default and recommended projection for mid-latitudes. The CAMx output files, which are used optionally for the chemical initial and boundary conditions, are expected to be the result of a coupled CAMx simulation using the same horizontal grid as WRF, although this is not strictly required. The scripts support both variants of WRF vertical levels - the sigma levels (default until WRF version 3.*) and the hybrid levels (default since WRF 4.*). However, it is necessary to correctly configure this option via the setting "wrf_hybrid_levs = True/False". CONFIGURATION Configuration files have syntax: = = ... Parameters can be string, integer, float, logical or list of these values. The terms have Python syntax, the config file needs to contain only parameters which differ from default. Description of the particular configuration options are (defaults are in parenthesis): # 1. Domain and case related config domain name of the simulation case ("") resolution name of the particular domain resolution scenario ("") scenario name of the individual scenario in the case ("") nested_domain False indicates parent and True nested domain. (False) dynamic_driver_file file name of output dynamic driver (""). The default value "" means the standard name assigned in the palm_dynamic_init. grid_from_static value True - the grid parameters are imported from the static driver, False - they are prescribed in the config (True) static_driver_file file name of the static driver in case of grid_from_static (""). The default value "" means the standard name assigned in init. proj_palm reference coordinate system of PALM simulation ("EPSG:32633") proj_wgs84 reference coordinate system of lon-lat projection ("EPSG:4326") dz height of the PALM vertical grid layer (0.0). The default value dz = 0.0 means dz is assigned from dx. nz number of vertical layers of PALM domain (200) dz_stretch_level height in meters from which stretching of vertical levels starts in PALM (5000.0) dz_stretch_factor coefficient of the stretching of the vertical layers in PALM (1.0) dz_max max height of the stretched vertical layers (100.0) origin_time origin time of the PALM simulation in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss (""). The default value "" means that the value is read from the global attribute of the static driver. simulation_hours extent of the simulation in hours (24) # 2. WRF and CAMx related configurations wrf_hybrid_levs True means hybrid levels in WRF files, False means sigma levels (True). vinterp_terrain_smoothing the standard deviation for Gaussian kernel of smoothing method of the PALM terrain for WRF vertical interpolation to avoid sharp horizontal gradients. Value None disables the smoothing. (None) wrf_dir_name files path of the wrf and camx input files (""). The default value "" means that the standard path will be calculated in the init. wrf_file_mask file mask of the wrf input files ("wrfout_*.e000") radiation_from_wrf enable or disable processing of radiation from WRF files (True). wrf_rad_file_mask file mask of the wrf radiation input files ("auxhist6_*"). The default setting reads radiation from WRF auxiliary history files. This setting allows to use finer time step for WRF radiation outputs than for other values. radiation_smoothing_distance smoothing distance for radiation values in m (10000.0). camx_file_mask file mask of the CAMx input files ("CAMx.*.nc"). species_names PALM names of the chemical species (['NO','NO2','O3','PM10','PM25']). The default value can be used for phstatp and phstatp2 chemical mechanisms in PALM. The mapping and recalculation from the CAMx species to PALM species is defined in the variable camx_conversions (see The current mapping is adjusted for CAMx v6.50 with CB05 + PM (CF,SOAP2.1,ISORROPIA) chemistry mechanisms. In the case other combinations, it may be necessary to adjust this mapping. # 3. horizontal parameters of the PALM domain which have to be set in case # of grid_from_static = False nx, ny number of horizontal grids of the domain in x and y directions dx, dy grid cell size of the domain in x and y directions origin_x, origin_y origin x and y of the domain origin_z origin of the domain in the vertical direction