****************************** -------------------------------------------- * PALM 6.0 Rev: 4828M * atmosphere - nested run without 1D - prerun ****************************** -------------------------------------------- Date: 2021-01-05 Run: cbl_particle_nested__gfortran_defa Time: 16:37:42 Run-No.: 00 Run on host: gfortran_d Number of PEs: 2 Processor grid (x,y): ( 1, 2) calculated A 1d-decomposition along y is used Max. # of parallel I/O streams is 4 Nesting informations: -------------------- Nesting mode: two-way Nesting-datatransfer mode: mixed Nest id parent number lower left coordinates name (*=me) id of PEs x (m) y (m) * 01 ** 2 0.00 0.00 coarse 02 01 2 400.00 400.00 fine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Numerical Schemes: ----------------- --> Use the 1.5-order turbulence closure (LES mode). --> Use the boussinesq approximation for the model equations. --> Solve perturbation pressure via multigrid method (w-cycle) number of grid levels: 3 Gauss-Seidel red/black iterations: 2 fixed number of multigrid cycles: 2 perturbation pressure is calculated at every Runge-Kutta step --> Momentum advection via Wicker-Skamarock-Scheme 5th order --> Scalar advection via Wicker-Skamarock-Scheme 5th order --> Loop optimization method: cache --> Time differencing scheme: runge-kutta-3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Run time and time step information: ---------------------------------- Timestep: variable maximum value: 20.000 s CFL-factor: 0.90 Start time: 0.000 s End time: 100.000 s Computational grid and domain size: ---------------------------------- Grid length: dx = 50.000 m dy = 50.000 m dz(1) = 50.000 m Domain size: x = 2000.000 m y = 2000.000 m z(u) = 2025.000 m Number of gridpoints (x,y,z): (0: 39, 0: 39, 0: 41) Subdomain size (x,y,z): ( 40, 20, 42) Characteristic levels of the geo. wind component ug: Height: 0.0 0.0 m ug: 1.00 1.00 m/s Gradient: ------ 0.00 1/100s Gridpoint: 0 0 Characteristic levels of the geo. wind component vg: Height: 0.0 0.0 m vg: 1.00 1.00 m/s Gradient: ------ 0.00 1/100s Gridpoint: 0 0 Topography information: ---------------------- Topography: flat Boundary conditions: ------------------- p uv pt B. bound.: p(0) = p(1) | uv(0) = -uv(1) | pt(0) = pt(1) T. bound.: p(nzt+1) = 0 | uv(nzt+1) = ug(nzt+1), vg(nzt+1) | pt(nzt+1) = pt(nzt) + dpt/dz_ e B. bound.: e(0) = e(1) T. bound.: e(nzt+1) = e(nzt) = e(nzt-1) Bottom surface fluxes are used in diffusion terms at k=1 Predefined constant heatflux: 0.100000 K m/s Constant flux layer between bottom surface and first computational u,v-level: z_mo = 25.00 m z0 = 0.1000 m z0h = 0.10000 m kappa = 0.40 zeta value range: -20.00 <= zeta <= 20.00 Lateral boundaries: left/right: cyclic north/south: cyclic Initial profiles: ---------------- Characteristic levels of the initial temperature profile: Height: 0.0 793.8 846.2 m Temperature: 285.00 285.00 301.00 K Gradient: ------ 32.00 0.70 K/100m Gridpoint: 0 16 17 List output: ----------- 1D-Profiles: Output every 9999999.90 s Time averaged over 3600.00 s Averaging input every 0.00 s Data output: ----------- Time averaged over 3600.00 s Averaging input every 0.00 s 3D-Arrays: Output format: netCDF 64bit offset Arrays: u, v, w, Output every 3600.00 s Upper output limit at 2025.00 m (GP 41) Number of output time levels allowed: unlimited 3D-Arrays(time-averaged): Output format: netCDF 64bit offset Arrays: u, v, w, Output every 3600.00 s Time averaged over 3600.00 s Averaging input every 0.00 s Upper output limit at 2025.00 m (GP 41) Number of output time levels allowed: unlimited Time series: Output format: netCDF 64bit offset Output every 0.00 s ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Physical quantities: ------------------- Geograph. latitude : latitude = 55.0 degr Geograph. longitude : longitude = 0.0 degr Rotation angle : rotation_angle = 0.0 degr Angular velocity : omega = 0.729E-04 rad/s Coriolis parameter : f = 0.000119 1/s f* = 0.000084 1/s Date and time at model start : 2019-06-21 12:00:00 +00 Gravity : g = 9.8 m/s**2 Reference state used in buoyancy terms: initial_profile Cloud physics quantities / methods: ---------------------------------- LES / Turbulence quantities: --------------------------- Mixing length is limited close to surfaces Actions during the simulation: ----------------------------- Disturbance impulse (u,v) every : ****** s Disturbance amplitude : 0.25 m/s Lower disturbance level : 125.00 m (GP 3) Upper disturbance level : 625.00 m (GP 13) Disturbances cease as soon as the disturbance energy exceeds 0.010 m**2/s**2 Random number generator used : random-parallel *** dynamic module disabled Particles: --------- Particle advection is active (switched on at t = 1.0 s) Interpolation of particle velocities is done by using trilinear method Start of new particle generations every 20.0 s Boundary conditions: left/right: cyclic north/south: cyclic bottom: reflect top: absorb Maximum particle age: 100.0 s Advection stopped at t = 21.0 s SGS velocity components are used for particle advection minimum timestep for advection: 0.00020 Number of particles in total domain: 441 Output of particle time series in NetCDF format every 3600.00 s Number of particle groups: 1 Particle group 1: Particle radius: 0.000E+00m Particles are advected only passively (no inertia) Boundaries of particle source: x: 0.0 - 1000.0 m y: 0.0 - 1000.0 m z: 5.0 - 5.1 m Particle distances: dx = 50.0 m dy = 50.0 m dz = 1.0 m ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Run-control output: ------------------ RUN ITER. HH:MM:SS.SS DT(E) UMAX VMAX WMAX U* W* THETA* Z_I ENERG. DISTENERG DIVOLD DIVNEW UMAX(KJI) VMAX(KJI) WMAX(KJI) ADVECX ADVECY MGCYC --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 00:00:00.00 18.9000A 1.1899D 1.2022D 0.1181 0.000 1.40 0.000E+00 800. 0.953E+00 0.103E-02 0.628E-03 0.719E-06 9 9 23 4 5 25 5 26 7 0.000 0.000 2 0 1 00:00:18.90 0.3890A -30.1784 -28.9672 6.4826 0.163 0.00 -0.866E+00 0. 0.190E+01 0.521E+00 0.151E-02 0.132E-04 2 20 16 2 16 20 4 15 20 0.000 0.000 2 0 2 00:00:19.28 0.5580A 19.3826 19.7050 -4.8216 0.119 1.40 -0.113E+01 800. 0.144E+01 0.221E+00 0.297E-03 0.912E-05 2 15 21 2 21 15 4 21 17 0.000 0.000 2 0 3 00:00:19.84 0.6240A 15.2675 15.4757 -4.9109 0.074 0.56 -0.186E+01 50. 0.113E+01 0.778E-01 0.234E-03 0.322E-05 2 15 21 2 21 15 4 16 21 0.000 0.000 2 0 4 00:00:20.47 0.7910A 13.2768 13.5177 4.9788 0.053 0.88 -0.269E+01 200. 0.105E+01 0.480E-01 0.122E-03 0.187E-05 2 15 21 2 21 15 1 20 15 0.000 0.000 2 0 5 00:00:21.26 0.8830A 13.0456 13.4191 4.9272 0.045 0.00 -0.325E+01 0. 0.103E+01 0.409E-01 0.715E-04 0.231E-06 2 15 21 2 21 15 1 20 15 0.000 0.000 2 0 6 00:00:22.14 0.9350A 13.4582 13.9466 -5.1436 0.042 0.00 -0.357E+01 0. 0.102E+01 0.397E-01 0.464E-04 0.815E-06 2 15 21 2 21 15 4 20 15 0.000 0.000 2 0 7 00:00:23.07 1.0300A 13.4941 14.3254 -4.8069 0.040 1.06 -0.375E+01 350. 0.102E+01 0.395E-01 0.347E-04 0.653E-06 2 15 21 3 21 15 4 20 15 0.000 0.000 2 0 8 00:00:24.10 1.1800A 12.9295 14.0145 -4.1814 0.040 0.56 -0.382E+01 50. 0.102E+01 0.386E-01 0.290E-04 0.557E-07 2 15 21 3 21 15 4 20 15 0.000 0.000 2 0 9 00:00:25.28 1.3800A 11.9921 12.8651 -4.3074 0.040 0.56 -0.381E+01 50. 0.102E+01 0.367E-01 0.292E-04 0.382E-06 3 15 21 3 21 15 3 16 20 0.000 0.000 2 0 10 00:00:26.66 1.6000A 10.5094 11.0438 -4.3995 0.040 0.70 -0.375E+01 100. 0.101E+01 0.342E-01 0.318E-04 0.369E-06 3 15 21 3 21 15 3 16 20 0.000 0.000 2 0 11 00:00:28.26 1.7200A 8.8553 9.0416 -4.4723 0.040 0.00 -0.366E+01 0. 0.101E+01 0.318E-01 0.342E-04 0.972E-07 2 15 21 2 21 15 3 21 15 0.000 0.000 2 0 12 00:00:29.98 1.8000A 8.2386 9.4383 -4.6579 0.041 0.00 -0.355E+01 0. 0.101E+01 0.297E-01 0.352E-04 0.144E-06 3 15 22 3 22 15 3 21 15 0.000 0.000 2 0 13 00:00:31.78 1.9100A 8.4369 9.1081 -5.1521 0.042 0.00 -0.343E+01 0. 0.101E+01 0.281E-01 0.357E-04 0.158E-06 3 15 22 3 22 15 3 21 14 0.000 0.000 2 0 14 00:00:33.70 1.9300A 8.0525 8.2807 -5.0689 0.042 0.70 -0.331E+01 100. 0.101E+01 0.267E-01 0.365E-04 0.893E-07 3 15 22 3 22 15 3 21 14 0.000 0.000 2 0 15 00:00:35.63 2.0600A 7.3409 7.3208 -4.5692 0.043 0.70 -0.319E+01 100. 0.101E+01 0.258E-01 0.360E-04 0.834E-07 3 15 22 3 22 15 3 21 14 0.000 0.000 2 0 16 00:00:37.69 2.0700A 6.4622 7.3564 -3.8332 0.044 0.70 -0.309E+01 100. 0.101E+01 0.252E-01 0.369E-04 0.897E-07 3 15 22 3 23 14 3 21 14 0.000 0.000 2 0 17 00:00:39.76 2.1800A 6.6219 7.5684 -3.4207 0.045 0.00 -0.299E+01 0. 0.101E+01 0.249E-01 0.366E-04 0.782E-07 3 14 23 3 23 14 2 17 20 0.000 0.000 2 0 18 00:00:41.94 2.2300A 6.7280 7.4219 -3.4818 0.046 0.00 -0.290E+01 0. 0.102E+01 0.247E-01 0.376E-04 0.847E-07 3 14 23 3 23 14 3 22 15 0.000 0.000 2 0 19 00:00:44.17 2.3400A 6.5568 6.9927 -3.3627 0.047 0.00 -0.283E+01 0. 0.102E+01 0.246E-01 0.375E-04 0.868E-07 3 14 23 3 23 14 3 15 22 0.000 0.000 2 0 20 00:00:46.51 2.4300A 6.1719 6.4077 -3.1450 0.048 0.00 -0.275E+01 0. 0.102E+01 0.245E-01 0.375E-04 0.875E-07 3 14 23 3 24 14 3 15 22 0.000 0.000 2 0 21 00:00:48.94 2.5500A 5.7065 6.4463 -2.7396 0.049 0.00 -0.267E+01 0. 0.102E+01 0.244E-01 0.371E-04 0.897E-07 3 14 24 3 24 14 3 15 22 0.000 0.000 2 0 22 00:00:51.49 2.6800A 5.7107 6.2693 -2.4251 0.050 0.00 -0.259E+01 0. 0.102E+01 0.243E-01 0.370E-04 0.953E-07 3 14 24 3 24 14 3 23 15 0.000 0.000 2 0 23 00:00:54.17 2.7800A 5.5680 5.9650 -2.4976 0.051 0.00 -0.252E+01 0. 0.102E+01 0.242E-01 0.370E-04 0.100E-06 3 14 24 3 24 14 2 16 22 0.000 0.000 2 0 24 00:00:56.95 2.9300A 5.3542 5.5793 -2.8245 0.052 1.40 -0.245E+01 800. 0.103E+01 0.241E-01 0.369E-04 0.102E-06 3 14 24 3 24 14 2 16 22 0.000 0.000 2 0 25 00:00:59.88 3.0700A 5.0772 5.4271 -2.9557 0.053 1.40 -0.238E+01 800. 0.103E+01 0.240E-01 0.375E-04 0.105E-06 3 14 24 3 25 14 2 16 22 0.000 0.000 2 0 26 00:01:02.95 3.2500A 4.7274 5.3021 -2.8887 0.054 1.40 -0.232E+01 800. 0.103E+01 0.239E-01 0.383E-04 0.106E-06 3 14 24 3 25 14 2 16 22 0.000 0.000 2 0 27 00:01:06.20 3.4400A 4.6758 5.0658 -2.6503 0.055 1.40 -0.226E+01 800. 0.103E+01 0.238E-01 0.400E-04 0.109E-06 3 14 25 3 25 14 2 16 22 0.000 0.000 2 0 28 00:01:09.64 3.6600A 4.6093 4.7694 -2.5041 0.056 1.40 -0.220E+01 800. 0.103E+01 0.238E-01 0.418E-04 0.111E-06 3 14 25 3 25 14 2 22 16 0.000 0.000 2 0 29 00:01:13.29 3.8900A 4.4540 4.4476 -2.4318 0.057 1.40 -0.215E+01 800. 0.103E+01 0.237E-01 0.444E-04 0.114E-06 3 14 25 3 25 14 3 21 17 0.000 0.000 2 0 30 00:01:17.18 4.1500A 4.2397 4.3180 -2.4000 0.058 1.40 -0.209E+01 800. 0.104E+01 0.237E-01 0.473E-04 0.118E-06 3 14 25 3 26 14 3 21 17 0.000 0.000 2 0 31 00:01:21.34 4.4400A 3.9912 4.2193 -2.3666 0.060 1.40 -0.204E+01 800. 0.104E+01 0.236E-01 0.511E-04 0.123E-06 3 14 25 3 26 14 3 21 17 0.000 0.000 2 0 32 00:01:25.78 4.5100A 3.7749 4.0471 -2.3100 0.061 1.40 -0.200E+01 800. 0.104E+01 0.235E-01 0.551E-04 0.129E-06 3 14 26 3 26 14 3 21 17 0.000 0.000 2 0 33 00:01:30.29 4.7100A 3.7265 3.8455 -2.3274 0.062 1.40 -0.195E+01 800. 0.104E+01 0.234E-01 0.564E-04 0.125E-06 3 14 26 3 26 14 3 17 21 0.000 0.000 2 0 34 00:01:35.00 4.8500A 3.6350 3.6402 -2.3003 0.063 1.40 -0.192E+01 800. 0.104E+01 0.233E-01 0.585E-04 0.130E-06 3 14 26 3 26 14 3 17 21 0.000 0.000 2 0 35 00:01:39.84 5.0800A 3.5268 3.5421 -2.2304 0.063 1.40 -0.188E+01 800. 0.104E+01 0.233E-01 0.593E-04 0.133E-06 3 14 26 3 27 14 3 17 21 0.000 0.000 2 0 36 00:01:44.92 5.2900A 3.4104 3.4631 -2.1461 0.064 1.40 -0.185E+01 800. 0.104E+01 0.232E-01 0.611E-04 0.142E-06 3 14 26 3 27 14 3 17 21 0.000 0.000 2