;********************************************************* ; Copying .hluresfile in the home directory ;********************************************************* command = "ksh 'if [ ! -f $HOME/.hluresfile ]; then; "+\ "cp $PALM_BIN/NCL/.hluresfile $HOME; fi'" system(command) ;********************************************************* begin ;********************************************************* script=which_script ;****************************************************** ; BE AWARE: NCl uses double quotes (") to denote strings ; to retrieve the double quote character - use dq: dq=str_get_dq() ;****************************************************** ;********************************************************* ;****************************************************** ; parameters used by CROSS_SECTIONS ;****************************************************** if (script .EQ. "cross_section")then ;*************************************************** ; REQUIRED --file_1-- INPUT FILE ; ; input file produced by PALM; if there is more than one file for ; all timesteps ; of a job chain, ; declare path and file name without cycle number and ".nc" (first and ; last cycle numbers are given with the parameters 'start_f' and ; 'end_f'); ; otherwise declare path and full file name ; ; data type: string ; ; example: file_1 = "/path_to_file/file_xy_av" if you use more than ; one cycle number ; file_1 = "/path_to_file/file_xy_av.4.nc" if you use one file ; (e.g. with cycle number 4) ; ; default: "File in" ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("file_1"))then file_1 = "File in" end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL/REQUIRED if more than one file of a job chain ; --start_f-- START OF CYCLIC NUMBER ; ; if there is more than one file for all timesteps of a job chain, ; declare the first cyclicnumber which contains timesteps ; you'd like to use ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: start_f = 3 (if first file: example_xy_av.3.nc) and ; start_f = 0 (if first file: example_xy_av.nc) ; ; default: -1 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("start_f"))then start_f = -1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL/REQUIRED if more than one file of a job chain ; --end_f-- END OF CYCLIC NUMBER ; ; if there is more than one file for all timesteps of a job chain, ; declare the last cyclicnumber which contains timesteps you'd like ; to use ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: end_f = 48 (if last file: example_xy_av.48.nc) and ; end_f = 0 (if last file: example_xy_av.nc) ; ; default: -1 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("end_f"))then end_f = -1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --format_out-- OUTPUT FORMAT ; ; format of the output file; ; supported file formats: x11, pdf, ps, eps, epsi ncgm or png ; ; data type: string ; ; example: format_out = "pdf" ; ; default: "x11" ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("format_out"))then format_out = "x11" end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --file_out-- OUTPUT FILE ; ; path and name of the output file ; ; data type: string ; ; example: file_out = "/home/path_to_output/test_cs" ; ; default: "~/test_cs" ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("file_out"))then file_out = "~/test_cs" end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --var-- OUTPUT VARIABLES ; ; names of output variables; ; inidcate them with one comma before and after each variable; ; if the name contains double quotes (") use dq and the '+' operation to ; concatenate the strings ; ; data type: string ; ; example: var = ",u,v,w," ; ; default: "all" (all available variables are plotted) ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("var"))then var = "all" end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --start_time_step-- FIRST TIME STEP ; ; first time step of plot; there is no need to specify a precise time ; value from the input file, ; 'start_time_step' is rounded to the next existent time step ; ; data type: double; dimension: [hour] ; ; example: start_time_step = 0.5d ; ; default: -1.d (first available time step) ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("start_time_step"))then start_time_step = -1.d end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --end_time_step-- LAST TIME STEP ; ; last time step of plot; there is no need to specify a precise time ; value from the input file, ; 'end_time_step' is rounded to the next existent time step ; ; data type: double; dimension: [hour] ; ; example: end_time_step = 2.0d ; ; default: -1.d (last available time step) ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("end_time_step"))then end_time_step = -1.d end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --xs-- MINIMUM X-AXIS ; ; value for minimum of x-axis, selectable if there are ; NO preset layers ; for x (as for XY or XZ 2D-DATA); ; there is no need to specify a precise meter value from the input file, ; it is rounded to the next existent value ; ; data type: double; dimension: [meter] ; ; example: xs = 150.0d ; ; default: -1.d (minimum of range) ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("xs"))then xs = -1.d end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --xe-- MAXIMUM X-AXIS ; ; value for maximum of x-axis, selectable if there are ; NO preset layers ; for x (as for XY or XZ 2D-DATA); ; there is no need to specify a precise meter value from the input file, ; it is rounded to the next existent value ; ; data type: double; dimension: [meter] ; ; example: xe = 300.0d ; ; default: -1.d (maximum of range) ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("xe"))then xe = -1.d end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --ys-- MINIMUM Y-AXIS ; ; value for minimum of y-axis, selectable if there are ; NO preset layers ; for y (as for XY or YZ 2D-DATA); ; there is no need to specify a precise meter value from the input file, ; it is rounded to the next existent value ; ; data type: double; dimension: [meter] ; ; example: ys = 150.0d ; ; default: -1.d (minimum of range) ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("ys"))then ys = -1.d end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --ye-- MAXIMUM Y-AXIS ; ; value for maximum of y-axis, selectable if there are NO preset layers ; for y (as for XY or YZ 2D-DATA); ; there is no need to specify a precise meter value from the input file, ; it is rounded to the next existent value ; ; data type: double; dimension: [meter] ; ; example: ye = 300.0d ; ; default: -1.d (maximum of range) ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("ye"))then ye = -1.d end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --zs-- MINIMUM Z-AXIS ; ; index for minimum of z-axis, selectable if there are ; NO preset layers ; for z (as for XZ or YZ 2D-DATA); ; you cannot specify a meter value from the input file due to ; grid stretching ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: zs = 0 ; ; default: -1 (minimum of range) ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("zs"))then zs = -1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --ze-- MAXIMUM Z-AXIS ; ; index for maximum of z-axis, selectable if there are ; NO preset layers ; for z (as for XZ or YZ 2D-DATA); ; you cannot specify a meter value from the input file due to ; grid stretching ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: ze = 15 ; ; default: -1 (maximum of range) ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("ze"))then ze = -1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --no_columns-- NUMBER OF COLUMNS ; ; number of plots in one row ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: no_columns = 1 ; ; default: 1 ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("no_columns"))then no_columns = 1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --no_rows-- NUMBER OF ROWS ; ; number of plots in one column ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: no_rows = 2 ; ; default: 2 ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("no_rows"))then no_rows = 2 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --sort-- TYPE OF SORTING ; ; sequence of plots; sorting either by time step [="time"] or ; by layer/height [="layer"] ; ; data type: string ; ; example: sort = "layer" ; ; default: "layer" ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("sort"))then sort = "layer" end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --mode-- TYPE OF PLOT ; ; isoline plots [="Line"], contour plots [="Fill"] or both [="Both"] ; can be choosen ; ; data type: string ; ; example: mode = "Fill" ; ; default: "Fill" ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("mode"))then mode = "Fill" end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --fill_mode-- TYPE OF FILLING ; ; area fill [="AreaFill"], raster fill [="RasterFill"] or ; cell fill [="CellFill"] can be choosen ; ; data type: string ; ; example: fill_mode = "AreaFill" ; ; default: "RasterFill" ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("fill_mode"))then fill_mode = "RasterFill" end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --shape-- ASPECT RATIO ; ; aspect ratio of axis is kept [=1] or not[=0] ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: shape = 1 ; ; default: 1 ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("shape"))then shape = 1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --font_size-- FONT SIZE OF STRINGS ; ; font size can be changed to fit to the current plot ; ; data type: float ; ; example: font_size = 0.04 ; ; default: 0.04 ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("font_size"))then font_size = 0.04 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --font_size_legend-- FONT SIZE OF LEGEND STRINGS ; ; font size of the legend can be changed to fit to the current plot ; ; data type: float ; ; example: font_size_legend = 0.04 ; ; default: 0.04 ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("font_size_legend"))then font_size_legend = 0.04 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --legend_label_stride-- REDUCTION OF THE NUMBER ; OF LABELS IN THE LEGEND ; ; if legend_label_stride is set to 1 every label is shown; ; if set to 2 every second, ... ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: legend_label_stride = 2 ; ; default: 2 ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("legend_label_reduction"))then legend_label_stride = 2 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --axes_explicit-- ; EXPLICIT SETTINGS OF X- AND Y-AXES ARE SWITCHED ON ; ; to use several parameters to set up the axes, 'axes_explicit' ; must be switched on [=1]; if switched off [=0] units of axes are [m] ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: axes_explicit = 0 ; ; default: 0 ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("axes_explicit"))then axes_explicit = 0 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL if axes_explicit = 1 --major_ticks_x-- ; NUMBER OF MAJOR TICK MARKS AT X-AXIS ; ; major_ticks_x can be set to any integer, best segmentation of x-axis ; can be achieved, if ; (number of gripdpoints in x-direction)/(major_ticks_x-1)=INTEGER, ; e.g. 128/8 = 16 -> major_ticks_x should be set to 9 ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: major_ticks_x = 6 ; ; default: 6 ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("major_ticks_x"))then major_ticks_x = 6 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL if axes_explicit = 1 --major_ticks_y-- ; NUMBER OF MAJOR TICK MARKS AT Y-AXIS ; ; major_ticks_y can be set to any integer, best segmentation of y-axis ; can be achieved, if ; (number of gripdpoints in y-direction)/(major_ticks_y-1)=INTEGER, ; e.g. 128/8 = 16 -> major_ticks_y should be set to 9 ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: major_ticks_y = 6 ; ; default: 6 ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("major_ticks_y"))then major_ticks_y = 6 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL if axes_explicit = 1 --norm_x--norm_y--norm_z-- ; NORMALISE X-, Y- and Z-AXES ; ; normalising the axes with the given value; ; units can explicitly be set; ; by default no normalising is used and units are [meter] ; ; data type: float ; ; default: 1.0 ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("norm_x"))then norm_x = 1.0 end if if(.not. isvar("norm_y"))then norm_y = 1.0 end if if(.not. isvar("norm_z"))then norm_z = 1.0 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL if axes_explicit = 1 --unit_x--unit_y--unit_z-- ; UNITS OF X-, Y- and Z-AXES ; ; units of the axes can be set; by default no units are given, ; if norm_x, norm_y or norm_z are unequal 1., otherwise units are [meter] ; ; data type: string, ; ; example: unit_x = "m/s" ; ; default: " " ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("unit_x"))then unit_x = " " end if if(.not. isvar("unit_y"))then unit_y = " " end if if(.not. isvar("unit_z"))then unit_z = " " end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --vector-- VECTOR PLOT ; ; a vector plot for one defined vector is switched on [=1] or off [=0] ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: vector = 0 ; ; default: 0 ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("vector"))then vector = 0 end if ;*************************************************** ; REQUIRED IF vector=1 --vec1, vec2-- VECTOR FOR VECTOR PLOT ; ; variables for the vector, vec1 hast to be set to component 1 and ; vec2 to component 2; ; inidcate them with one comma before and after each variable; ; ; data type: string ; ; example: vec1=",u," ; vec2=",v," ; ; default: vec1 = "component1", vec2 = "component2" ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("vec1"))then vec1 = "component1" end if if (.not. isvar("vec2"))then vec2 = "component2" end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --plotvec-- VARIABLE FOR EXTRA VECTOR PLOT ; ; the vector plot can be combined with other plots of variables; ; if this is desired inidcate the variables, ; where a vector plot shall overlay; inidcate them with one comma ; before and after each variable ; ; data type: string ; ; example: plotvec = ",u,w," ; ; default: "plotvec" (no combining, ; the vector plot is created seperately) ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("plotvec"))then plotvec = "plotvec" end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --ref_mag-- REFERENCE VECTOR ; ; length of the reference vector in a vector plot ; ; data type: float ; ; example: ref_mag = 0.05 ; ; default: 0.05 ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("ref_mag"))then ref_mag = 0.05 end if ;*************************************************** end if ;****************************************************** ; parameters used by PROFILES ;****************************************************** if (script .EQ. "profiles")then ;*************************************************** ; REQUIRED --file_1-- 1ST INPUT FILE ; ; 1st input file produced by PALM; if there is more than one file for ; all timesteps of a job chain, declare path and file name without ; cycle number and ".nc" (first and last cycle numbers are given with ; the parameters 'start_f' and 'end_f'); ; otherwise declare path and full file name ; ; data type: string ; ; example: file_1 = "/path_to_file/file_pr" ; if you use more than one cycle number ; file_1 = "/path_to_file/file_pr.4.nc" ; if you use one file (e.g. with cycle number 4) ; ; default: "File in" ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("file_1"))then file_1 = "File in" end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL/REQUIRED --start_f-- if more than one file of a job chain ; START OF CYCLIC NUMBER OF THE 1ST INPUT FILE ; ; if there is more than one file for all timesteps of a job chain, ; declare the first cyclicnumber which contains timesteps ; you'd like to use ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: 3 (if first file: example_pr.3.nc) and ; 0 (if first file: example_pr.nc) ; ; default: -1 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("start_f"))then start_f = -1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL/REQUIRED --end_f-- if more than one file of a job chain ; END OF CYCLIC NUMBER OF THE 1ST INPUT FILE ; ; if there is more than one file for all timesteps of a job chain, ; declare the last cyclicnumber which contains timesteps ; you'd like to use ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: 48 (if last file: example_pr.48.nc) and ; 0 (if last file: example_pr.nc) ; ; default: -1 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("end_f"))then end_f = -1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --format_out-- OUTPUT FORMAT ; ; supported file formats: x11, pdf, ps, eps, epsi, ncgm or png ; ; data type: string ; ; default: "x11" ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("format_out"))then format_out = "x11" end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --file_out-- OUTPUT FILE ; ; declare path and name of the output file ; ; data type: string ; ; default: "~/test_pr" ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("file_out"))then file_out = "~/test_pr" end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --var-- OUTPUT VARIABLES ; ; names of output variables; ; inidcate them with one comma before and after each variable ; if the name contains double quotes (") use dq and the '+' operation to ; concatenate the strings ; ; data type: string ; ; example: var = ",u,v,w,w*pt*,w"+dq+"pt"+dq+",wpt," ; ; default: "all" (all available variables are plotted) ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("var"))then var = ",cross_profiles," end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --start_time_step-- FIRST TIME STEP ; ; first time step of plot; there is no need to specify a precise ; time value from the input file, ; 'start_time_step' is rounded to the next existent time step ; ; data type: double; dimension: [hour] ; ; example: start_time_step = 0.5d ; ; default: -1.d (first available time step) ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("start_time_step"))then start_time_step = -1.d end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --end_time_step-- LAST TIME STEP ; ; last time step of plot; there is no need to specify a precise ; time value from the input file, ; 'end_time_step' is rounded to the next existent time step ; ; data type: double; dimension: [hour] ; ; example: end_time_step = 2.0d ; ; default: -1.d (last available time step) ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("end_time_step"))then end_time_step = -1.d end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --time_stride-- TEMPORAL STRIDE ; ; temporal stride for the plots; if time_stride=1 all the profiles ; between first_time_step and end_time_step are plotted ; (including first_time_step and end_time_step), ; if time_stride=3 every third time step between start_time_step and ; end_time_step is plotted ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: time_stride = 3 ; ; default: 1 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("time_stride"))then time_stride = 1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --xs-- MINIMUM X-AXIS ; ; value for minimum of x-axis ; ; data type: float; dimension of variable ; ; example: xs = 300. (e.g. if var=",pt") ; ; default: -1. (minimum of range) ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("xs"))then xs = -1. end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --xe-- MAXIMUM X-AXIS ; ; value for maximum of x-axis ; ; data type: float; dimension of variable ; ; example: xe = 302. (e.g. if var=",pt") ; ; default: -1. (maximum of range) ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("xe"))then xe = -1. end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --min_z-- MINIMUM Z-AXIS ; ; value for minimum height of z-axis ; ; data type: double; dimension: [meter] ; ; example: min_z = 0.0d ; ; default: -1.d (related to the minimum of z-axis in input file) ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("min_z"))then min_z = -1.d end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --max_z-- MAXIMUM Z-AXIS ; ; value for maximum height of z-axis ; ; data type: double; dimension: [meter] ; ; example: max_z = 1000.0d ; ; default: -1.d (related to the maximum of z-axis in input file) ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("max_z"))then max_z = -1.d end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --start_x-- STARTVALUE IN X-DIRECTION ; ; if 3D data is used for profiles you can choose a startvalue ; in x-direction for horizontal averaging ; ; data type: integer; dimension [grippoint] ; ; example: start_x = 0 ; ; default: 0 (minimum of range) ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("start_x"))then start_x = 0 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --end_x-- ENDVALUE IN X-DIRECTION ; ; if 3D data is used for profiles you can choose an endvalue ; in x-direction for horizontal averaging ; ; data type: integer; dimension [grippoint] ; ; example: end_x = 200 ; ; default: -1 (maximum of range excluding ghostpoint) ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("end_x"))then end_x = -1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --start_y-- STARTVALUE IN Y-DIRECTION ; ; if 3D data is used for profiles you can choose a startvalue ; in y-direction for horizontal averaging ; ; data type: integer; dimension [grippoint] ; ; example: start_y = 0 ; ; default: 0 (minimum of range) ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("start_y"))then start_y = 0 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --end_y-- ENDVALUE IN Y-DIRECTION ; ; if 3D data is used for profiles you can choose an endvalue ; in y-direction for horizontal averaging ; ; data type: integer; dimension [grippoint] ; ; example: end_y = 200 ; ; default: -1 (maximum of range excluding ghostpoint) ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("end_y"))then end_y = -1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --no_columns-- NUMBER OF COLUMNS ; ; number of plots in one row ; ; data type: integer ; ; default: -1 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("no_columns"))then no_columns = -1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --no_rows-- NUMBER OF ROWS ; ; number of plots in one column ; ; data type: integer ; ; default: -1 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("no_rows"))then no_rows = -1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --log_z-- LOGARITHMIC SCALE OF Z-AXIS ; ; logarithmic scale for z-axis is switched on [=1] or off [=0] ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: log_z = 0 ; ; default: 0 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("log_z"))then log_z = 0 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --norm_z-- NORMALISING Z-AXIS ; ; value for normalising the z-axis ; ; data type: float ; ; example: norm_z = 1. ; ; default: 1. (no normalising) ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("norm_z"))then norm_z = 1. end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --over-- OVERLAYING ; ; predefined overlaying of standard variables is switched ; on [=1] or off [=0]; ; this feature cannot be used with statistic regions ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: over = 0 ; ; default: 0 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("over"))then over = 0 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --combine-- COMBINING ; ; combining of two or three individual variables is possible and ; switched on [=1] or off[=0] ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: combine = 0 ; ; default: 0 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("combine"))then combine = 0 end if ;*************************************************** ; REQUIRED IF combine=1 --number_comb-- NUMBER FOR COMBINING ; ; number of variables for combining; 2 or 3 is valid ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: number_comb = 2 ; ; default: -1 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("number_comb"))then number_comb = -1 end if ;*************************************************** ; REQUIRED IF combine=1 --c_var-- VARIABLES FOR COMBINING ; ; names of variables; ; inidcate them with one comma before and after each variable ; if the name contains double quotes (") use dq and the '+' operation to ; concatenate the strings ; ; data type: string ; ; example: c_var = ",u,v,w,w*pt*,w"+dq+"pt"+dq+",wpt," ; ; default: "c_variables" ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("c_var"))then c_var = "c_variables" end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --black-- BLACK OR COLOR LINES ; ; colored [=0] or black and white [=1] plots ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: black = 0 ; ; default: 0 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("black"))then black = 0 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --dash-- DASHED LINES ; ; use of different line patterns [=1] or continous lines [=0] ; for different time steps ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: dash = 0 ; ; default: 0 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("dash"))then dash = 0 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --font_size-- FONT SIZE OF STRINGS ; ; font size can be changed to fit to the current plot ; ; data type: float ; ; example: font_size = 0.02 ; ; default: 0.02 ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("font_size"))then font_size = 0.02 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --legend-- SWITCHES ON A LEGEND ; ; a legend is switched on [=1] or off [=0] ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: legend = 1 ; ; default: 1 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("legend"))then legend = 1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --font_size_legend-- FONT SIZE OF LEGEND STRINGS ; ; font size of the legend can be changed to fit to the current plot ; ; data type: float ; ; example: font_size_legend = 0.02 ; ; default: 0.02 ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("font_size_legend"))then font_size_legend = 0.02 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL ---no_files-- NUMBER OF INPUT FILES ; ; up to 6 input files of different runs can be used; all input files ; must contain the same variables and dimensionalties; ; identical variables are merged in one plot; ; combining or overlaying of any variables is not feasible; ; an extra legend (besides the time step legend) is drawn where you ; can explicitily name the items ; ; data type: integer ; ; default: 1 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("no_files"))then no_files = 1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --name_legend_1-- 1st LEGEND ITEM ; ; if no_files > 1: name of 1st item in extra legend ; ; data type: string ; ; default: "File 1" ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("name_legend_1"))then name_legend_1 = "File 1" end if ;*************************************************** ; REQUIRED if no_files > 1 --file_2-- 2ND INPUT FILE ; ; 2nd input file produced by PALM; if there is more than one file ; for all timesteps of a job chain, ; declare path and file name without cycle number and ".nc" (first and ; last cycle numbers are given with the parameters ; 'start_f' and 'end_f'); ; otherwise declare path and full file name ; ; data type: string ; ; example: file_2 = "/path_to_file/file_pr" ; if you use more than one cycle number ; file_2 = "/path_to_file/file_pr.4.nc" ; if you use one file (e.g. with cycle number 4) ; ; default: "File in" ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("file_2"))then file_2 = "File in" end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL/REQUIRED --start_f_2-- if more than one file of a job chain ; START OF CYCLIC NUMBER OF THE 2ND INPUT FILE ; ; if there is more than one file for all timesteps of a job chain, ; declare the first cyclicnumber which contains timesteps ; you'd like to use ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: 3 (if first file: example_ts.3.nc) ; ; default: -1 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("start_f_2"))then start_f_2 = -1 end if ;*************************************************** ; REQUIRED --end_f_2-- if more than one file of a job chain ; END OF CYCLIC NUMBER OF THE 2ND INPUT FILE ; ; if there is more than one file for all timesteps of a job chain, ; declare the last cyclicnumber which contains timesteps ; you'd like to use ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: 48 (if last file: example_ts.48.nc) ; ; default: -1 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("end_f_2"))then end_f_2 = -1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --name_legend_2-- 2nd LEGEND ITEM ; ; if no_files > 1: name of 2nd item in extra legend ; ; data type: string ; ; default: "File 2" ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("name_legend_2"))then name_legend_2 = "File 2" end if ;*************************************************** ; REQUIRED if no_files > 2 --file_3-- 3RD INPUT FILE ; ; 3rd input file produced by PALM; if there is more than one file ; for all timesteps of a job chain, ; declare path and file name without cycle number and ".nc" (first and ; last cycle numbers are given with the parameters ; 'start_f' and 'end_f'); ; otherwise declare path and full file name ; ; data type: string ; ; example: file_3 = "/path_to_file/file_pr" ; if you use more than one cycle number ; file_3 = "/path_to_file/file_pr.4.nc" ; if you use one file (e.g. with cycle number 4) ; ; default: "File in" ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("file_3"))then file_3 = "File in" end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL/REQUIRED --start_f_3-- if more than one file of a job chain ; START OF CYCLIC NUMBER OF THE 3RD INPUT FILE ; ; if there is more than one file for all timesteps of a job chain, ; declare the first cyclicnumber which contains timesteps ; you'd like to use ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: 3 (if first file: example_ts.3.nc) ; ; default: -1 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("start_f_3"))then start_f_3 = -1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL/REQUIRED --end_f_3-- if more than one file of a job chain ; END OF CYCLIC NUMBER OF THE 3RD INPUT FILE ; ; if there is more than one file for all timesteps of a job chain, ; declare ; the last cyclicnumber which contains timesteps you'd like to use ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: 48 (if last file: example_ts.48.nc) ; ; default: -1 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("end_f_3"))then end_f_3 = -1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --name_legend_3-- 3rd LEGEND ITEM ; ; if no_files > 2: name of 3rd item in extra legend ; ; data type: string ; ; default: "File 3" ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("name_legend_3"))then name_legend_3 = "File 3" end if ;*************************************************** ; REQUIRED if no_files > 3 --file_4-- 4TH INPUT FILE ; ; 4th input file produced by PALM; if there is more than one file for ; all timesteps of a job chain, ; declare path and file name without cycle number and ".nc" (first and ; last cycle numbers are given with the parameters ; 'start_f' and 'end_f'); ; otherwise declare path and full file name ; ; data type: string ; ; example: file_4 = "/path_to_file/file_pr" ; if you use more than one cycle number ; file_4 = "/path_to_file/file_pr.4.nc" ; if you use one file (e.g. with cycle number 4) ; ; default: "File in" ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("file_4"))then file_4 = "File in" end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL/REQUIRED --start_f_4-- if more than one file of a job chain ; START OF CYCLIC NUMBER OF THE 4TH INPUT FILE ; ; if there is more than one file for all timesteps of a job chain, ; declare the first cyclicnumber which contains timesteps ; you'd like to use ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: 3 (if first file: example_ts.3.nc) ; ; default: -1 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("start_f_4"))then start_f_4 = -1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL/REQUIRED --end_f_4-- if more than one file of a job chain ; END OF CYCLIC NUMBER OF THE 4TH INPUT FILE ; ; if there is more than one file for all timesteps of a job chain, ; declare the last cyclicnumber which contains timesteps ; you'd like to use ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: 48 (if last file: example_ts.48.nc) ; ; default: -1 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("end_f_4"))then end_f_4 = -1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --name_legend_4-- 4th LEGEND ITEM ; ; if no_files > 3: name of 4th item in extra legend ; ; data type: string ; ; default: "File 4" ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("name_legend_4"))then name_legend_4 = "File 4" end if ;*************************************************** ; REQUIRED if no_files > 4 --file_5-- 5TH INPUT FILE ; ; 5th input file produced by PALM; if there is more than one file for ; all timesteps of a job chain, ; declare path and file name without cycle number and ".nc" (first and ; last cycle numbers are given with the parameters ; 'start_f' and 'end_f'); ; otherwise declare path and full file name ; ; data type: string ; ; example: file_5 = "/path_to_file/file_pr" ; if you use more than one cycle number ; file_5 = "/path_to_file/file_pr.4.nc" ; if you use one file (e.g. with cycle number 4) ; ; default: "File in" ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("file_5"))then file_5 = "File in" end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL/REQUIRED --start_f_5-- if more than one file of a job chain ; START OF CYCLIC NUMBER OF THE 5TH INPUT FILE ; ; if there is more than one file for all timesteps of a job chain, ; declare the first cyclicnumber which contains timesteps ; you'd like to use ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: 3 (if first file: example_ts.3.nc) ; ; default: -1 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("start_f_5"))then start_f_5 = -1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL/REQUIRED --end_f_5-- if more than one file of a job chain ;END OF CYCLIC NUMBER OF THE 5TH INPUT FILE ; ; if there is more than one file for all timesteps of a job chain, ; declare the last cyclicnumber which contains timesteps ; you'd like to use ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: 48 (if last file: example_ts.48.nc) ; ; default: -1 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("end_f_5"))then end_f_5 = -1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --name_legend_5-- 5th LEGEND ITEM ; ; if no_files > 4: name of 5th item in extra legend ; ; data type: string ; ; default: "File 5" ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("name_legend_5"))then name_legend_5 = "File 5" end if ;*************************************************** ; REQUIRED if no_files > 5 --file_6-- 6TH INPUT FILE ; ; 6th input file produced by PALM; if there is more than one file for ; all timesteps of a job chain, ; declare path and file name without cycle number and ".nc" (first and ; last cycle numbers are given with the parameters ; 'start_f' and 'end_f'); ; otherwise declare path and full file name ; ; data type: string ; ; example: file_6 = "/path_to_file/file_pr" ; if you use more than one cycle number ; file_6 = "/path_to_file/file_pr.4.nc" ; if you use one file (e.g. with cycle number 4) ; ; default: "File in" ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("file_6"))then file_6 = "File in" end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL/REQUIRED --start_f_6-- if more than one file of a job chain ; START OF CYCLIC NUMBER OF THE 6TH INPUT FILE ; ; if there is more than one file for all timesteps of a job chain, ; declare the first cyclicnumber which contains timesteps ; you'd like to use ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: 3 (if first file: example_ts.3.nc) ; ; default: -1 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("start_f_6"))then start_f_6 = -1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL/REQUIRED --end_f_6-- if more than one file of a job chain ; END OF CYCLIC NUMBER OF THE 6TH INPUT FILE ; ; if there is more than one file for all timesteps of a job chain, ; declare the last cyclicnumber which contains timesteps ; you'd like to use ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: 48 (if last file: example_ts.48.nc) ; ; default: -1 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("end_f_6"))then end_f_6 = -1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --name_legend_6-- 6TH LEGEND ITEM ; ; if no_files > 5: name of 6th item in extra legend ; ; data type: string ; ; default: "File 6" ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("name_legend_6"))then name_legend_6 = "File 6" end if ;*************************************************** end if ;****************************************************** ; parameters used by SPECTRA ;****************************************************** if (script .EQ. "spectra") then ;*************************************************** ; REQUIRED --file_1-- INPUT FILE ; ; input file produced by PALM; if there is more than one file for ; all timesteps of a job chain, ; declare path and file name without cycle number and ".nc" (first and ; last cycle numbers are given with the parameters ; 'start_f' and 'end_f'); ; otherwise declare path and full file name ; ; data type: string ; ; example: file_1 = "/path_to_file/file_sp" ; if you use more than one cycle number ; file_1 = "/path_to_file/file_sp.4.nc" ; if you use one file (e.g. with cycle number 4) ; ; default: "File in" ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("file_1"))then file_1 = "File in" end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL/REQUIRED if more than one file of a job chain ; --start_f-- START OF CYCLIC NUMBER ; ; if there is more than one file for all timesteps of a job chain, ; declare the first cyclicnumber which contains timesteps ; you'd like to use ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: start_f = 3 (if first file: example_sp.3.nc) and ; start_f = 0 (if first file: example_sp.nc) ; ; default: -1 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("start_f"))then start_f = -1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL/REQUIRED if more than one file of a job chain ; --end_f-- END OF CYCLIC NUMBER ; ; if there is more than one file for all timesteps of a job chain, ; declare the last cyclicnumber which contains timesteps ; you'd like to use ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: end_f = 48 (if last file: example_sp.48.nc) and ; end_f = 0 (if last file: example_sp.nc) ; ; default: -1 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("end_f"))then end_f = -1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --format_out-- OUTPUT FORMAT ; ; format of the output file; ; supported file formats: x11, pdf, ps, eps, epsi, ncgm or png ; ; data type: string ; ; example: format_out = "pdf" ; ; default: "x11" ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("format_out"))then format_out = "x11" end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --file_out-- OUTPUT FILE ; ; path and name of the output file ; ; data type: string ; ; example: file_out = "/home/path_to_output/test_sp" ; ; default: "~/test_sp" ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("file_out"))then file_out = "~/test_sp" end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --var-- OUTPUT VARIABLES ; ; names of output variables; ; inidcate them with one comma before and after each variable ; if the name contains double quotes (") use dq and the '+' operation to ; concatenate the strings ; ; data type: string ; ; example: var = ",u,v,w," ; ; default: "all" (all available variables are plotted) ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("var"))then var = "all" end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --start_time_step-- FIRST TIME STEP ; ; first time step of plot; there is no need to specify a precise ; time value from the input file, ; 'start_time_step' is rounded to the next existent time step ; ; data type: double; dimension: [hour] ; ; example: start_time_step = 0.5d ; ; default: -1.d (first available time step) ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("start_time_step"))then start_time_step = -1.d end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --end_time_step-- LAST TIME STEP ; ; last time step of plot; there is no need to specify a precise ; time value from the input file, ; 'end_time_step' is rounded to the next existent time step ; ; data type: double; dimension: [hour] ; ; example: end_time_step = 2.0d ; ; default: -1.d (last available time step) ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("end_time_step"))then end_time_step = -1.d end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --height_level-- HEIGHT LEVELS ; ; defines if all levels or selected levels are output; ; a 1D array with up to 100 elements ; from 0 to 99 must be indicated ; ; data type: integer array ; ; example: height_level=(/0,3,7/) ; ; default: (/-1/) (all levels are output) ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("height_level"))then height_level = (/-1/) end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --sort-- TYPE OF SORTING ; ; defines if all heights [="height"] or all timesteps [="time"] ; are merged in one plot ; ; data type: string ; ; example: sort = "height" ; ; default: "height" ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("sort"))then sort = "height" end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --no_columns-- NUMBER OF COLUMNS ; ; number of plots in one row ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: no_columns = 1 ; ; default: 1 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("no_columns"))then no_columns = 1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --no_rows-- NUMBER OF ROWS ; ; number of plots in one column ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: no_rows = 2 ; ; default: 2 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("no_rows"))then no_rows = 2 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --log_x-- LOGARITHMIC SCALE X-AXIS ; ; logarithmic scale for x-axis is switched on [=1] or off [=0] ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: log_x = 1 ; ; default: 1 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("log_x"))then log_x = 1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --log_y-- LOGARITHMIC SCALE Y-AXIS ; ; logarithmic scale for y-axis is switched on [=1] or off [=0] ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: log_y = 1 ; ; default: 1 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("log_y"))then log_y = 1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --norm_height-- NORMALISING X-AXIS WITH HEIGHT ; ; normalising the x-axis with the height of each spectra ; is switched on [=1] or off [=0] ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: norm_height = 0 ; ; default: 0 (no normalising) ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("norm_height"))then norm_height = 0 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --norm_x-- NORMALISING X-AXIS ; ; value for normalising the x-axis ; ; data type: float ; ; example: norm_x = 1. ; ; default: 1. (no normalising) ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("norm_x"))then norm_x = 1. end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --norm_y-- NORMALISE Y-AXIS ; ; value for normalising the y-axis ; ; data type: float ; ; example: norm_y = 1. ; ; default: 1. (no normalising) ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("norm_y"))then norm_y = 1. end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --unit_x--unit_y-- UNITS OF X-, Y-AXES ; ; unit of the x-axis can be set if norm_x is unequal 1, ; otherwise the unit is [1/m]; by default no unit is set for the y-axis ; ; data type: string, ; ; example: unit_x = "100/m" ; ; default: " " ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("unit_x"))then unit_x = " " end if if(.not. isvar("unit_y"))then unit_y = " " end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --black-- BLACK OR COLOR LINES ; ; colored [=0] or black and white [=1] plots ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: black = 0 ; ; default: 0 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("black"))then black = 0 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --dash-- DASHED LINES ; ; use of different line patterns [=1] or continous lines [=0] ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: dash = 0 ; ; default: 0 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("dash"))then dash = 0 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --font_size-- FONT SIZE OF STRINGS ; ; font size can be changed to fit to the current plot ; ; data type: float ; ; example: font_size = 0.02 ; ; default: 0.02 ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("font_size"))then font_size = 0.02 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --font_size_legend-- FONT SIZE OF LEGEND STRINGS ; ; font size of the legend can be changed to fit to the current plot ; ; data type: float ; ; example: font_size_legend = 0.02 ; ; default: 0.02 ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("font_size_legend"))then font_size_legend = 0.02 end if ;*************************************************** end if ;****************************************************** ; parameters used by TIMESERIES ;****************************************************** if (script .EQ. "timeseries") then ;*************************************************** ; REQUIRED --file_1-- INPUT FILE ; ; input file produced by PALM; if there is more than one file for ; all timesteps of a job chain, ; declare path and file name without cycle number and ".nc" (first and ; last cycle numbers are given with the parameters ; 'start_f' and 'end_f'); ; otherwise declare path and full file name ; ; data type: string ; ; example: file_1 = "/path_to_file/file_ts" ; if you use more than one cycle number ; file_1 = "/path_to_file/file_ts.4.nc" ; if you use one file (e.g. with cycle number 4) ; ; default: "File in" ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("file_1"))then file_1 = "File in" end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL/REQUIRED if more than one file of a job chain ; --start_f-- START OF CYCLIC NUMBER ; ; if there is more than one file for all timesteps of a job chain, ; declare the first cyclicnumber which contains timesteps ; you'd like to use ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: start_f = 3 (if first file: example_ts.3.nc) and ; start_f = 0 (if first file: example_ts.nc) ; ; default: -1 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("start_f"))then start_f = -1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL/REQUIRED if more than one file of a job chain ; --end_f-- END OF CYCLIC NUMBER ; ; if there is more than one file for all timesteps of a job chain, ; declare the last cyclicnumber which contains timesteps ; you'd like to use ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: end_f = 48 (if last file: example_ts.48.nc) and ; end_f = 0 (if last file: example_ts.nc) ; ; default: -1 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("end_f"))then end_f = -1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --format_out-- OUTPUT FORMAT ; ; format of the output file; ; supported file formats: x11, pdf, ps, eps, epsi, ncgm or png ; ; data type: string ; ; example: format_out = "pdf" ; ; default: "x11" ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("format_out"))then format_out = "x11" end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --file_out-- OUTPUT FILE ; ; path and name of the output file ; ; data type: string ; ; example: file_out = "/home/path_to_output/test_ts" ; ; default: "~/test_ts" ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("file_out"))then file_out = "~/test_ts" end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --var-- OUTPUT VARIABLES ; ; names of output variables; ; inidcate them with one comma before and after each variable ; if the name contains double quotes (") use dq and the '+' operation to ; concatenate the strings ; ; data type: string ; ; example: var = ",umax,vmax,wmax,w"+dq+"pt"+dq+"0," ; ; default: "all" (all available variables are plotted) ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("var"))then var = "all" end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --start_time_step-- FIRST TIME STEP ; ; first time step of plot; there is no need to specify a precise ; time value from the input file, ; 'start_time_step' is rounded to the next existent time step ; ; data type: double; dimension: [hour] ; ; example: start_time_step = 0.5d ; ; default: -1.d (first available time step) ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("start_time_step"))then start_time_step = -1.d end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --end_time_step-- LAST TIME STEP ; ; last time step of plot; there is no need to specify a precise ; time value from the input file, ; 'end_time_step' is rounded to the next existent time step ; ; data type: double; dimension: [hour] ; ; example: end_time_step = 2.0d ; ; default: -1.d (last available time step) ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("end_time_step"))then end_time_step = -1.d end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --over-- OVERLAYING ; ; predefined overlaying of standard variables are switched ; on [=1] or off [=0]; ; this feature cannot be used with statistic regions ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: over = 0 ; ; default: 0 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("over"))then over = 0 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --norm_t-- NORMALISING X-AXIS OF TIMESERIES PLOTS (T-AXIS) ; ; normalising the x-axis with the given value; ; the unit can be set explicitly; ; by default no normalising and unit is set to [s] ; ; data type: float ; ; example: norm_t = 3600. ; ; default: 1. ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("norm_t"))then norm_t = 1. end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --unit_t-- UNIT OF X-AXIS OF TIMESERIES PLOTS (T-AXIS) ; ; unit of the x-axis can be set; by default unit is set to [s] ; ; data type: string ; ; example: unit_t = "h" ; ; default: " " ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("unit_t"))then unit_t = " " end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --no_columns-- NUMBER OF COLUMNS ; ; number of plots in one row ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: no_columns = 1 ; ; default: 1 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("no_columns"))then no_columns = 1 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --no_rows-- NUMBER OF ROWS ; ; number of plots in one column ; ; data type: integer ; ; example: no_rows = 2 ; ; default: 2 ;*************************************************** if (.not. isvar("no_rows"))then no_rows = 2 end if ;*************************************************** ; OPTIONAL --font_size-- FONT SIZE OF STRINGS ; ; font size can be changed to fit to the current plot ; ; data type: float ; ; example: font_size = 0.07 ; ; default: 0.07 ;*************************************************** if(.not. isvar("font_size"))then font_size = 0.07 end if ;*************************************************** end if ;********************************************************* end