New: --- particle reflection from vertical walls implemented, particle SGS model adjusted to walls Wall functions for vertical walls now include diabatic conditions. New subroutines wall_fluxes, wall_fluxes_e. New 4D-array rif_wall. new d3par-parameter netcdf_64bit_3d to switch on 64bit offset only for 3D files new d3par-parameter dt_max to define the maximum value for the allowed timestep new inipar-parameter loop_optimization to control the loop optimization method new inipar-parameter pt_refrence. If given, this value is used as the reference that in buoyancy terms (otherwise, the instantaneous horizontally averaged temperature is used). new user interface user_advec_particles new initializing action "by_user" calls user_init_3d_model and allows the initial setting of all 3d arrays topography height informations are stored on arrays zu_s_inner and zw_w_inner and output to the 2d/3d NetCDF files samples added to the user interface which show how to add user-define time series quantities. unit 9 opened for debug output (file DEBUG_) Makefile, advec_particles, buoyancy, check_open, check_parameters, diffusion_e, diffusion_u, diffusion_v, diffusion_w, diffusivities, header, init_particles, init_3d_model, modules, netcdf, parin, production_e, read_var_list, user_interface, write_var_list New: wall_fluxes Changed: ------- +age_m in particle_type Particles-package is now part of the default code ("-p particles" is not needed any more). Move call of user_actions( 'after_integration' ) below increment of times and counters. user_actions is now called for each statistic region and has as an argument the number of the respective region (sr) d3par-parameter data_output_ts removed. Timeseries output for "profil" removed. Timeseries are now switched on by dt_dots. Timeseries data is collected in flow_statistics. Initial velocities at nzb+1 are regarded for volume flow control in case they have been set zero before (to avoid small timesteps); see new internal parameters u/v_nzb_p1_for_vfc. __vtk directives removed from main program. check_parameters, data_output_dvrp, data_output_ptseries, data_output_ts, flow_statistics, header, init_particles, init_3d_model, modules, palm, package_parin, parin, time_integration Errors: ------ Bugfix: preset of tendencies te_em, te_um, te_vm in init_1d_model Bugfix in sample for reading user defined data from restart file (user_init) in Makefile, default suffixes removed from the suffix list to avoid calling of m2c in # case of .mod files Makefile init_1d_model, user_interface