!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !-- INITIALIZATION PARAMETER NAMELIST !-- Documentation: https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac/wiki/doc/app/inipar !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ &initialization_parameters ! !-- model grid !-------------------------------------- nx = 35, ny = 35, nz = 80, dx = 10.0, dy = 10.0, dz = 10.0, dz_stretch_level = 1200.0, dz_stretch_factor = 1.02, dz_max = 60.0, !-- pressure solver !-------------------------------------- ! fft_method = 'fftw', psolver = 'multigrid', cycle_mg = 'w', mg_cycles = 2, mg_switch_to_pe0_level = -1, ! !-- initial and boundary conditions !-------------------------------------- initializing_actions = 'set_constant_profiles', ! options: 'set_constant_profiles', or 'inifor', ! or both, e.g. 'inifor set_constant_profiles' constant_flux_layer = .T., ! !-- wind speed !-------------------------------------- ug_surface = 1.0, vg_surface = 0.0, ! !-- temperature !-------------------------------------- pt_surface = 290.0, bc_pt_b = 'dirichlet', pt_vertical_gradient = 0.1, 1.0, !pt gradient/100m K pt_vertical_gradient_level= 0.0, 500.0, !height (m) at which pt gradient is effective ! !-- humidity !-------------------------------------- humidity = .T., q_surface = 0.001, bc_q_b = 'dirichlet', ! !-- time !-------------------------------------- origin_date_time = '2017-07-31 06:00:00 +00' ! !-- wall/soil spinup !-------------------------------------- spinup_time = 86400.0, ! 24h wall/soil spinup spinup_pt_mean = 290.0, spinup_pt_amplitude = 20.0, dt_spinup = 120.0, ! time step during spinup data_output_during_spinup = .F., ! set .T. if you want output ! !-- building topology !-------------------------------------- topography = 'read_from_file', / !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !-- RUNTIME PARAMETER NAMELIST !-- Documentation: https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac/wiki/doc/app/d3par !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ &runtime_parameters ! !-- run time !-------------------------------------- end_time = 7200., termination_time_needed = 600.0, ! !-- processor topology !-------------------------------------- ! npex = 6, ! npey = 6, ! !-- 2d/3d output !-------------------------------------- do3d_at_begin = .T., do2d_at_begin = .T., dt_data_output = 300.0, dt_data_output_av = 600.0, dt_do2d_xy = 600.0, section_xy = 0, averaging_interval = 600.0, data_output = 'theta', 'q', 'u', 'v', 'w','e', 't_soil', 'm_soil', 'tsurf*_xy', 'shf*_xy', 'qsws*_xy', 'ghf*_xy', 'rad_net*_xy', 'us*_xy', 't*_xy', 'r_a*_xy', 'm_liq*_xy', 'kc_NO2','kc_O3','kc_NO', 'kc_PM10', 'theta_av', 'q_av', 'u_av', 'v_av', 'w_av','e_av', 'tsurf*_xy_av', 'shf*_xy_av', 'qsws*_xy_av', 'ghf*_xy_av', 'kc_NO2_av','kc_O3_av','kc_NO_av', 'kc_PM10_av', ! ! Masked output - here for first layer above ground mask_k_over_surface(1,:) = 0, ! 1. layer above surface (terrain following) dt_domask = 60., ! time interval for masked output data_output_masks(1,:) = 'u', 'v', 'kc_NO', 'kc_NO2', 'kc_O3', 'kc_PM10', ! !-- timeseries output !-------------------------------------- dt_run_control = 0.0, dt_dots = 60.0, ! !-- profile output !-------------------------------------- skip_time_dopr = 0.0, dt_dopr = 600.0, averaging_interval_pr = 600.0, dt_averaging_input_pr = 600.0, data_output_pr = 'e', 'e*', '#u', 'w"u"', 'w*u*', 'wu', 'u*2', '#v', 'w"v"', 'w*v*', 'wv', 'v*2', 'w', 'w*2', '#theta', 'w"theta"', 'w*theta*','wtheta', 'theta*2', 'kc_NO2','kc_O3','kc_NO', / !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !-- RADIATION MODEL PARAMETER NAMELIST ! Documentation: https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac/wiki/doc/app/radpar !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- &radiation_parameters radiation_scheme = 'clear-sky', !'clear-sky', 'rrtmg', dt_radiation = 60.0, albedo_type = 5, constant_albedo = .F., surface_reflections = .T., nrefsteps = 5, / ! end of radiation_parameters namelist !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !-- URBAN SURFACE MODEL PARAMETER NAMELIST ! Documentation: https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac/wiki/doc/app/usmpar !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ &urban_surface_parameters / ! end of urban_surface_parameters namelist !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !-- LAND SURFACE MODEL PARAMETER NAMELIST ! Documentation: https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac/wiki/doc/app/lsmpar !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ &land_surface_parameters vegetation_type = 2, soil_type = 3, root_fraction = 0.49, 0.26, 0.25, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, soil_moisture = 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, soil_temperature = 289., 289., 291., 292., 292., 290., 288., 287., deep_soil_temperature = 285., aero_resist_kray = .T., constant_roughness = .T., conserve_water_content = .T., / ! end of land_surface_parameters namelist !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !-- PLANT CANOPY MODEL PARAMETER NAMELIST ! Documentation: https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac/wiki/doc/app/canpar !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ &plant_canopy_parameters canopy_mode = 'read_from_file', canopy_drag_coeff = 0.3, / ! end of plant_canopy_parameters namelist !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !-- CHEMISTRY MODEL PARAMETER NAMELIST ! Documentation: https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac/wiki/doc/app/chempar !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ &chemistry_parameters chem_gasphase_on = .TRUE., chem_mechanism = "phstatp", deposition_dry = .TRUE., photolysis_scheme = 'simple', ! initial profiles cs_name = 'O3', 'NO', 'NO2', 'PM10', cs_surface = 0.025, 0.000, 0.010, 2.0e-09, !units- chem spcs in ppm, and PM10 in ug/m**2 cs_profile(1,:) = 0.025, 0.040, 0.050, cs_profile(2,:) = 0.000, 0.000, cs_profile(3,:) = 0.010, 0.002, cs_profile(4,:) = 2.0e-09, 2.0e-09, 2.0e-09, 2.0e-09, 2.0e-09, 2.0e-09, 2.0e-09, 2.0e-09, 2.0e-09, 2.0e-09, 1.0e-09, cs_heights(1,:) = 0.0, 305.0, 495.0, cs_heights(2,:) = 0.0, 295.0, cs_heights(3,:) = 0.0, 295.0, cs_heights(4,:) = 0.0, 15.0, 15.0, 45.0, 65.0, 85.0, 105.0, 125.0, 155.0, 185.0, 295.0, ! Emissions emissions_anthropogenic = .TRUE., emiss_lod = 2, ! 0 "PARAMETERIZED", 1 "DEFAULT", 2 "PRE-PROCESSED", emiss_read_legacy_mode = .FALSE. ! Parameters for parameterized traffic emissions ! Bottom and top boundary conditions (lateral BCs are cyclic, which is the default) bc_cs_b = 'neumann', bc_cs_t = 'neumann', ! Parameters chemistry solver (see KPP description) icntrl(3) = 1, ! solver ros2 icntrl(4) = 500, ! max number of chem-substeps rcntrl(3) = 0.1, ! Hstart, starting value for the integration step size / ! end of chemistry_parameters namelist