load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclex/gsun/gsn_code.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl" ; cross-sections ; last change: $Id: crosssections_new.ncl 127 2007-10-23 11:05:25Z resler $ begin ; ; set default value(s) for shell script variables assigned on command line if ( .not. isvar("cm") ) then ; colormap cm = "ncview_default" end if if ( .not. isvar("di") ) then ; input directory (with final /) di = "" end if if ( .not. isvar("d") ) then ; output directory (with final /) d = di end if if ( .not. isvar("fi") ) then ; base name of input file (without suffix) fi = "example_xy" end if if ( .not. isvar("fill_mode") ) then ; "AreaFill", "RasterFill" or "CellFill" fill_mode = "AreaFill" end if if ( .not. isvar("fo") ) then ; base name of output files (without suffix) fo = "" end if if ( .not. isvar("mode") ) then ; output mode ("Fill" or "Line") mode = "Fill" end if if ( .not. isvar("t") ) then ; output time step t = 0 end if if ( .not. isvar("var") ) then ; variable to be output var = "u_xy" end if if ( .not. isvar("xs") ) then ; output x-coordinate range start (in m) xs = -1e+38 end if if ( .not. isvar("xe") ) then ; output x-coordinate range end (in m) xe = 1e+38 end if if ( .not. isvar("ys") ) then ; output y-coordinate range start (in m) ys = -1e+38 end if if ( .not. isvar("ye") ) then ; output y-coordinate range end (in m) ye = 1e+38 end if if ( .not. isvar("zs") ) then ; output z-coordinate range start (in m) zs = -1e+38 end if if ( .not. isvar("ze") ) then ; output z-coordinate range end (in m) ze = 1e+38 end if ; ; open input file f = addfile( di + fi + ".nc", "r" ) ; ; open workstation(s) and set colormap wks_x11 = gsn_open_wks("x11","cross-section") ; X11 workstation gsn_define_colormap(wks_x11,cm) if ( isvar("fo") ) then wks_pdf = gsn_open_wks("pdf",d+fo) ; optional workstations gsn_define_colormap(wks_pdf,cm) wks_eps = gsn_open_wks("eps",d+fo) ; for output on file gsn_define_colormap(wks_eps,cm) wks_ps = gsn_open_wks("ps",d+fo) gsn_define_colormap(wks_ps,cm) end if ; ; read input data using 'coordinate subscripting' ; NCL uses the closest corresponding values (in case of two equally distant ; values NCL chooses the smaller one) raw_data = f->$var$(t:t,{zs:ze},{ys:ye},{xs:xe}) raw_data!0 = "t" raw_data!1 = "z" raw_data!2 = "y" raw_data!3 = "x" time = raw_data&t ; ; reduce variable dimensions from 4D to 2D according to output ranges if ( zs .eq. ze ) then data = raw_data(0,0,:,:) x_axis = "x" y_axis = "y" plane = "z" dx = f->x(1) dy = f->y(1) if ( raw_data&z .eq. -1 ) then level = "-average" else level = "=" + raw_data&z + "m" end if else if ( ys .eq. ye ) then data = raw_data(0,:,0,:) x_axis = "x" y_axis = "z" plane = "y" dx = f->x(1) if (isfilevar(f, "zw_3d")) then dz = f->zw_3d(1) else dz = f->zw(1) end if if ( raw_data&y .eq. -1 ) then level = "-average" else level = "=" + raw_data&y + "m" end if else if ( xs .eq. xe ) then data = raw_data(0,:,:,0) x_axis = "y" y_axis = "z" plane = "x" dy = f->y(1) if (isfilevar(f, "zw_3d")) then dz = f->zw_3d(1) else dz = f->zw(1) end if if ( raw_data&x .eq. -1 ) then level = "-average" else level = "=" + raw_data&x + "m" end if end if end if end if delete( raw_data ) ; ; set up resources cs_res = True cs_res@gsnDraw = False cs_res@gsnFrame = False cs_res@gsnMaximize = True cs_res@gsnPaperOrientation = "portrait" cs_res@gsnPaperWidth = 8.27 cs_res@gsnPaperHeight = 11.69 cs_res@gsnPaperMargin = 0.79 cs_res@tiMainFuncCode = "~" cs_res@tiMainFontHeightF = 0.015 cs_res@tiMainString = f@title cs_res@tiXAxisString = x_axis + " [m]" cs_res@tiYAxisString = y_axis + " [m]" ; cs_res@gsnLeftString = "" ; gsn_csm_* scripts use default data cs_res@gsnCenterString = "t=" + time + "s " + plane + level ; cs_res@gsnRightString = "" ; gsn_csm_* scripts use default data cs_res@tmXBMode ="Automatic" cs_res@tmYLMode ="Automatic" if ( mode .eq. "Fill" ) then cs_res@cnFillOn = True cs_res@gsnSpreadColors = True cs_res@cnFillMode = fill_mode cs_res@lbOrientation = "Vertical" ; vertical label bar cs_res@cnLinesOn = False cs_res@cnLineLabelsOn = False end if vector = True co_overlay = True if ( .not. isvar("wv1") ) then vector = False end if if ( .not. isvar("wv2") ) then vector = False end if if ( .not. isvar("co") ) then co_overlay = False end if if ( vector .eq. True ) then if ( wv1 .eq. "u_xy" .or. wv1 .eq. "u_xz" .or. wv1 .eq. "u_yz" ) then raw_data = f->$wv1$(t:t,{zs:ze},{ys:ye},{xs-(0.5*dx):xe-(0.5*dx)}) raw_data!0 = "t" raw_data!1 = "z" raw_data!2 = "y" raw_data!3 = "x" time = raw_data&t else if ( wv1 .eq. "v_xy" .or. wv1 .eq. "v_xz" .or. wv1 .eq. "v_yz" ) then raw_data = f->$wv1$(t:t,{zs:ze},{ys-(0.5*dy):ye-(0.5*dy)},{xs:xe}) raw_data!0 = "t" raw_data!1 = "z" raw_data!2 = "y" raw_data!3 = "x" time = raw_data&t else if ( wv1 .eq. "w_xy" .or. wv1 .eq. "w_xz" .or. wv1 .eq. "w_yz" ) then raw_data = f->$wv1$(t:t,{zs+(0.5*dz):ze+(0.5*dz)},{ys:ye},{xs:xe}) raw_data!0 = "t" raw_data!1 = "z" raw_data!2 = "y" raw_data!3 = "x" time = raw_data&t end if end if end if if ( zs .eq. ze ) then data_u = raw_data(0,0,:,:) else if ( ys .eq. ye ) then data_u = raw_data(0,:,0,:) else if ( xs .eq. xe ) then data_u = raw_data(0,:,:,0) end if end if end if delete( raw_data ) if ( wv2 .eq. "u_xy" .or. wv2 .eq. "u_xz" .or. wv2 .eq. "u_yz" ) then raw_data = f->$wv2$(t:t,{zs:ze},{ys:ye},{xs-(0.5*dx):xe-(0.5*dx)}) raw_data!0 = "t" raw_data!1 = "z" raw_data!2 = "y" raw_data!3 = "x" time = raw_data&t else if ( wv2 .eq. "v_xy" .or. wv2 .eq. "v_xz" .or. wv2 .eq. "v_yz" ) then raw_data = f->$wv2$(t:t,{zs:ze},{ys-(0.5*dy):ye-(0.5*dy)},{xs:xe}) raw_data!0 = "t" raw_data!1 = "z" raw_data!2 = "y" raw_data!3 = "x" time = raw_data&t else if ( wv2 .eq. "w_xy" .or. wv2 .eq. "w_xz" .or. wv2 .eq. "w_yz" ) then raw_data = f->$wv2$(t:t,{zs+(0.5*dz):ze+(0.5*dz)},{ys:ye},{xs:xe}) raw_data!0 = "t" raw_data!1 = "z" raw_data!2 = "y" raw_data!3 = "x" time = raw_data&t end if end if end if if ( zs .eq. ze ) then data_v = raw_data(0,0,:,:) else if ( ys .eq. ye ) then data_v = raw_data(0,:,0,:) else if ( xs .eq. xe ) then data_v = raw_data(0,:,:,0) end if end if end if delete( raw_data ) wv_res = True wv_res@gsnDraw = False wv_res@gsnFrame = False wv_res@gsnRightString = "" wv_res@gsnLeftString = "" wv_res@gsnCenterString = "" wv_res@vpClipOn = True end if if ( co_overlay .eq. True ) then raw_data = f->$co$(t:t,{zs:ze},{ys:ye},{xs:xe}) raw_data!0 = "t" raw_data!1 = "z" raw_data!2 = "y" raw_data!3 = "x" time = raw_data&t if ( zs .eq. ze ) then data2 = raw_data(0,0,:,:) else if ( ys .eq. ye ) then data2 = raw_data(0,:,0,:) else if ( xs .eq. xe ) then data2 = raw_data(0,:,:,0) end if end if end if delete( raw_data ) co_res = True co_res@cnLineThicknessF = 1.0 co_res@gsnDraw = False co_res@gsnFrame = False co_res@gsnContourZeroLineThicknessF = 2.0 co_res@gsnContourNegLineDashPattern = 4 co_res@cnLineColor = "Black" co_res@gsnRightString = "" co_res@gsnLeftString = "" co_res@gsnCenterString = "" ; co_res1@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels" ; set manual contour levels ; co_res1@cnMinLevelValF = -5. ; set min contour level ; co_res1@cnMaxLevelValF = 5. ; set max contour level ; co_res1@cnLevelSpacingF = 0.5 ; set contour spacing co_res@cnLineLabelsOn = True co_res@cnLineLabelPlacementMode = "constant" ; co_res@cnLineLabelBackgroundColor = "white" end if if ( co_overlay .eq. True .and. vector .eq. True ) then if ( isvar("fo") ) then plot_pdf2 = gsn_csm_contour(wks_pdf,data2,co_res) plot_pdf1 = gsn_csm_contour(wks_pdf,data,cs_res) plot_pdf3 = gsn_csm_vector(wks_pdf,data_u,data_v,wv_res) overlay(plot_pdf1,plot_pdf2) overlay(plot_pdf1,plot_pdf3) draw(plot_pdf1) frame(wks_pdf) plot_eps2 = gsn_csm_contour(wks_eps,data2,co_res) plot_eps1 = gsn_csm_contour(wks_eps,data,cs_res) plot_eps3 = gsn_csm_vector(wks_eps,data_u,data_v,wv_res) overlay(plot_eps1,plot_eps2) overlay(plot_eps1,plot_eps3) draw(plot_eps1) frame(wks_eps) plot_ps2 = gsn_csm_contour(wks_ps,data2,co_res) plot_ps1 = gsn_csm_contour(wks_ps,data,cs_res) plot_ps3 = gsn_csm_vector(wks_ps,data_u,data_v,wv_res) overlay(plot_ps1,plot_ps2) overlay(plot_ps1,plot_ps3) draw(plot_ps1) frame(wks_ps) end if plot1 = gsn_csm_contour(wks_x11,data,cs_res) plot2 = gsn_csm_contour(wks_x11,data2,co_res) plot3 = gsn_csm_vector(wks_x11,data_u,data_v,wv_res) overlay(plot1,plot2) overlay(plot1,plot3) draw(plot1) frame(wks_x11) else if ( co_overlay .eq. True .and. vector .ne. True ) then if ( isvar("fo") ) then plot_pdf2 = gsn_csm_contour(wks_pdf,data2,co_res) plot_pdf1 = gsn_csm_contour(wks_pdf,data,cs_res) overlay(plot_pdf1,plot_pdf2) draw(plot_pdf1) frame(wks_pdf) plot_eps2 = gsn_csm_contour(wks_eps,data2,co_res) plot_eps1 = gsn_csm_contour(wks_eps,data,cs_res) overlay(plot_eps1,plot_eps2) draw(plot_eps1) frame(wks_eps) plot_ps2 = gsn_csm_contour(wks_ps,data2,co_res) plot_ps1 = gsn_csm_contour(wks_ps,data,cs_res) overlay(plot_ps1,plot_ps2) draw(plot_ps1) frame(wks_ps) end if plot1 = gsn_csm_contour(wks_x11,data,cs_res) plot2 = gsn_csm_contour(wks_x11,data2,co_res) overlay(plot1,plot2) draw(plot1) frame(wks_x11) else if ( co_overlay .ne. True .and. vector .eq. True ) then if ( isvar("fo") ) then plot_pdf1 = gsn_csm_contour(wks_pdf,data,cs_res) plot_pdf3 = gsn_csm_vector(wks_pdf,data_u,data_v,wv_res) overlay(plot_pdf1,plot_pdf3) draw(plot_pdf1) frame(wks_pdf) plot_eps1 = gsn_csm_contour(wks_eps,data,cs_res) plot_eps3 = gsn_csm_vector(wks_eps,data_u,data_v,wv_res) overlay(plot_eps1,plot_eps3) draw(plot_eps1) frame(wks_eps) plot_ps1 = gsn_csm_contour(wks_ps,data,cs_res) plot_ps3 = gsn_csm_vector(wks_ps,data_u,data_v,wv_res) overlay(plot_ps1,plot_ps3) draw(plot_ps1) frame(wks_ps) end if plot1 = gsn_csm_contour(wks_x11,data,cs_res) plot3 = gsn_csm_vector(wks_x11,data_u,data_v,wv_res) overlay(plot1,plot3) draw(plot1) frame(wks_x11) else if ( co_overlay .ne. True .and. vector .ne. True) then if ( isvar("fo") ) then plot_pdf1 = gsn_csm_contour(wks_pdf,data,cs_res) draw(plot_pdf1) frame(wks_pdf) plot_eps1 = gsn_csm_contour(wks_eps,data,cs_res) draw(plot_eps1) frame(wks_eps) plot_ps1 = gsn_csm_contour(wks_ps,data,cs_res) draw(plot_ps1) frame(wks_ps) end if plot1 = gsn_csm_contour(wks_x11,data,cs_res) draw(plot1) frame(wks_x11) end if end if end if end if end