!------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !-- INITIALIZATION PARAMETER NAMELIST ! Documentation: https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac/wiki/doc/app/inipar !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- &initialization_parameters ! !-- grid parameters !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nx = 7, ! number of gridboxes in x-direction (nx+1) ny = 23, ! number of gridboxes in y-direction (ny+1) nz = 60, ! number of gridboxes in z-direction (nz) dx = 50.0, ! size of single gridbox in x-direction dy = 50.0, ! size of single gridbox in y-direction dz = 50.0, ! size of single gridbox in z-direction ! !-- initialization and vertical profiles !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- initializing_actions = 'set_constant_profiles initialize_bubble', ! initial conditions (with warm air bubble) ug_surface = 0.0, ! u-comp of geostrophic wind at surface surface_pressure = 1015.4, ! surface pressure pt_surface = 297.9, ! temperature at surface pt_vertical_gradient = 0.0, 0.585, ! vertical gradient of temperature pt_vertical_gradient_level = 0.0, 740.0, ! height level of temp gradients q_surface = 0.016, ! mixing ratio at surface q_vertical_gradient = -2.97E-4, -4.52E-4, -8.1E-5, ! gradient for mix. ratio q_vertical_gradient_level = 0.0, 740.0, 3260.0, ! height lev. for gradients ! !-- humdity and microphysics !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- humidity = .TRUE., ! enables prog. equation for total water mixing ratio cloud_droplets = .TRUE., ! instead the lcm is used for microphysics ! !-- numerics !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fft_method = 'temperton-algorithm', ! build-in fft method / ! end of initialization parameter namelist !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !-- RUNTIME PARAMETER NAMELIST ! Documentation: https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac/wiki/doc/app/d3par !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- &runtime_parameters ! !-- run steering !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end_time = 950.0, ! simulation time of the 3D model dt = 1.0, ! time step (for this setup unfortunately unphysically; ! however, a smaller time step is unfeasible for this ! test case ) netcdf_data_format = 2, ! use NetCDF3 create_disturbances = .TRUE., ! randomly perturbate horiz. velocity dt_disturb = 150.0, ! interval for random perturbations disturbance_energy_limit = 0.01, ! upper limit for perturbation energy data_output_2d_on_each_pe = .FALSE., ! don't do 2D output on each MPI rank ! !-- data output !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dt_run_control = 0.0, ! output interval for run control dt_data_output = 400.0, ! output interval for general data dt_dopr = 400.0, ! output interval for profile data data_output = 'w_xy', 'w_xz', 'theta_xy', 'theta_xz', 'ql_yz', 'w_yz', 'u_yz', 'v_yz', 'theta_yz', data_output_pr = 'u', 'v', 'w', 'ql', '#theta', 'w"theta"', 'w*theta*', 'wtheta', 'w*2', 'theta*2', section_xy = 2, 10, ! grid index for 2D XY cross sections section_xz = 20, ! grid index for 2D XZ cross sections section_yz = -1, 5, ! grid index for 2D YZ cross sections averaging_interval_pr = 100.0, ! averaging interval profile data dt_averaging_input_pr = 10.0, ! averaging profile data sampling rate / ! end of runtime parameter namelist !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !-- PARTICLE PARAMETER NAMELIST ! Documentation: https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac/wiki/doc/app/particle_parameters !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- &particle_parameters ! !-- initialize particles in model domain !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- psb = 20.0, ! bottom of particle source pst = 2000.0, ! top of particle source pdx = 25.0, ! distance between particles along x pdy = 25.0, ! distance between particles along y pdz = 25.0, ! distance between particles along z random_start_position = .FALSE., ! add random start positions number_of_particle_groups = 1, ! only one particle group is used particle_advection_start = 700, ! particles are released after 700s ! !-- boundary conditions !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bc_par_b = 'absorb', ! bottom boundary condition for particles bc_par_t = 'reflect', ! top boundary condition for particles ! !-- initialize particle model as lagrangian cloud model !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- density_ratio = 0.001, ! density ratio of particles (air=1, liquid water = 1000) radius = 1.0E-6, ! initial radius of particles curvature_solution_effects = .FALSE., ! switch off koehler effects collision_kernel = 'hall', ! enabales collision number_concentration = 50.0E6, ! initialize particles with a weighting factor ! such that a number number concentration of ! 50 cm^-3 is obtained use_sgs_for_particles = .FALSE., ! disable SGS velocities for particles ! !-- particle output !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dt_dopts = 60.0, ! time interval for particle timeseries write_particle_statistics = .FALSE., ! write particle statistics in file dt_write_particle_data = 10000.0, ! interval for particle output (Binary Files) ! Attention: they might be very huge, so here ! particles are only implicitly outputted / ! end of particle parameter namelist