****************************** -------------------------------------------- * PALM 6.0 Rev: 3986 * atmosphere - run with cyclic fill of 3D - prerun data ****************************** -------------------------------------------- Date: 2019-05-22 Run: e3_cube_noncyc Time: 11:49:29 Run-No.: 00 Run on host: imuk_defau Number of PEs: 2 Processor grid (x,y): ( 1, 2) calculated A 1d-decomposition along y is used ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Numerical Schemes: ----------------- --> Use the Moeng_Wyngaard turbulence closure (LES mode). --> Use the boussinesq approximation for the model equations. --> Solve perturbation pressure via multigrid method (w-cycle) number of grid levels: 3 Gauss-Seidel red/black iterations: 2 fixed number of multigrid cycles: 2 perturbation pressure is calculated at every Runge-Kutta step --> Momentum advection via Wicker-Skamarock-Scheme 5th order --> Scalar advection via Wicker-Skamarock-Scheme 5th order --> Loop optimization method: cache --> Time differencing scheme: runge-kutta-3 --> No pt-equation solved. Neutral stratification with pt = 300.00 K assumed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Run time and time step information: ---------------------------------- Timestep: variable maximum value: 20.000 s CFL-factor: 0.90 Start time: 0.000 s End time: 600.000 s Computational grid and domain size: ---------------------------------- Grid length: dx = 2.000 m dy = 2.000 m dz(1) = 2.000 m Domain size: x = 160.000 m y = 80.000 m z(u) = 81.000 m Number of gridpoints (x,y,z): (0: 79, 0: 39, 0: 41) Subdomain size (x,y,z): ( 80, 20, 42) Characteristic levels of the geo. wind component ug: Height: 0.0 0.0 m ug: 1.00 1.00 m/s Gradient: ------ 0.00 1/100s Gridpoint: 0 0 Characteristic levels of the geo. wind component vg: Height: 0.0 0.0 m vg: 0.00 0.00 m/s Gradient: ------ 0.00 1/100s Gridpoint: 0 0 Topography information: ---------------------- Topography: read_from_file Topography grid definition convention: cell center (scalar grid points) Boundary conditions: ------------------- p uv pt B. bound.: p(0) = p(1) | uv(0) = -uv(1) | pt(0) = pt_surface T. bound.: p(nzt+1) = 0 | uv(nzt+1) = uv(nzt) | pt(nzt+1) = pt(nzt) + dpt/dz_ e B. bound.: e(0) = e(1) T. bound.: e(nzt+1) = e(nzt) = e(nzt-1) Bottom surface fluxes are used in diffusion terms at k=1 Constant flux layer between bottom surface and first computational u,v-level: z_mo = 1.00 m z0 = 0.1000 m z0h = 0.10000 m kappa = 0.40 Rif value range: -20.00 <= rif <= 20.00 Predefined surface temperature Lateral boundaries: left/right: dirichlet/radiation north/south: cyclic use_cmax: T pt damping layer width = 0.00 m, pt damping factor = 0.0000 turbulence recycling at inflow switched on width of recycling domain: 80.0 m grid index: 40 inflow damping height: 80.0 m width: 8.0 m Initial profiles: ---------------- Characteristic levels of the initial temperature profile: Height: 0.0 m Temperature: 300.00 K Gradient: ------ K/100m Gridpoint: 0 List output: ----------- 1D-Profiles: Output every 9999999.90 s Time averaged over 600.00 s Averaging input every 6.00 s Data output: ----------- Time averaged over 600.00 s Averaging input every 6.00 s 1D-Profiles: Output format: netCDF 64bit offset Profile: u, u*2, wu, w*u*, w"u", v, v*2, wv, w*v*, w"v", w*2, : e, e*, km, l, Output every 600.00 s Time averaged over 600.00 s Averaging input every 6.00 s 3D-Arrays: Output format: netCDF 64bit offset Arrays: u, v, w, Output every 600.00 s Upper output limit at 81.00 m (GP 41) Number of output time levels allowed: unlimited 3D-Arrays(time-averaged): Output format: netCDF 64bit offset Arrays: u, v, w, Output every 600.00 s Time averaged over 600.00 s Averaging input every 6.00 s Upper output limit at 81.00 m (GP 41) Number of output time levels allowed: unlimited Time series: Output format: netCDF 64bit offset Output every 60.00 s ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Physical quantities: ------------------- Geograph. latitude : latitude = 55.0 degr Geograph. longitude : longitude = 0.0 degr Angular velocity : omega = 0.000E+00 rad/s Coriolis parameter : f = 0.000000 1/s f* = 0.000000 1/s Day of the year at model start : day_init = 172 UTC time at model start : time_utc_init = 43200.0 s Gravity : g = 9.8 m/s**2 Reference state used in buoyancy terms: initial_profile Cloud physics quantities / methods: ---------------------------------- LES / Turbulence quantities: --------------------------- Mixing length is limited to 1.80 * z Actions during the simulation: ----------------------------- Disturbance impulse (u,v) every : ****** s Disturbance amplitude : 0.25 m/s Lower disturbance level : 5.00 m (GP 3) Upper disturbance level : 25.00 m (GP 13) Disturbances continued during the run from i/j = 10 to i/j = 59 Random number generator used : random-parallel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Run-control output: ------------------ RUN ITER. HH:MM:SS.SS DT(E) UMAX VMAX WMAX U* W* THETA* Z_I ENERG. DISTENERG DIVOLD DIVNEW UMAX(KJI) VMAX(KJI) WMAX(KJI) ADVECX ADVECY MGCYC --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 00:00:00.00 1.7500A 1.0258 0.1887 0.1568 0.000 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.319E+00 0.433E-02 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 40 39 32 10 5 16 7 30 24 0.000 0.000 0 0 44 00:01:00.03 1.3800A 1.3023 -0.9059 1.1410 0.056 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.350E+00 0.257E-01 0.959E-03 0.115E-03 21 22 50 2 9 49 20 21 49 0.000 0.000 2 0 88 00:02:00.90 1.4100A 1.2728 0.7803 1.0866 0.054 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.353E+00 0.283E-01 0.870E-03 0.974E-04 16 34 62 1 31 49 20 23 49 0.000 0.000 2 0 132 00:03:01.09 1.3100A 1.3756 -0.6602 0.9525 0.054 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.360E+00 0.355E-01 0.804E-03 0.732E-04 15 39 0 1 9 49 20 24 49 0.000 0.000 2 0 177 00:04:00.32 1.2900A 1.3998 0.7440 1.0563 0.052 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.369E+00 0.433E-01 0.750E-03 0.740E-04 15 38 73 9 31 49 20 13 49 0.000 0.000 2 0 226 00:05:00.11 1.2100A 1.4904 0.6525 1.0411 0.052 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.378E+00 0.518E-01 0.765E-03 0.671E-04 14 37 73 2 31 49 20 24 49 0.000 0.000 2 0 276 00:06:00.87 1.1900A 1.5158 0.6775 1.0760 0.052 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.389E+00 0.623E-01 0.850E-03 0.750E-04 17 3 58 17 30 49 20 25 49 0.000 0.000 2 0 328 00:07:00.09 1.1000A 1.6348 0.6900 1.0862 0.059 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.398E+00 0.704E-01 0.901E-03 0.659E-04 21 8 73 11 18 49 20 12 49 0.000 0.000 2 0 382 00:08:00.89 1.0900A 1.6450 -0.8238 1.3869 0.061 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.404E+00 0.773E-01 0.110E-02 0.874E-04 21 12 50 9 10 49 20 13 49 0.000 0.000 2 0 437 00:09:00.12 1.0400A 1.7316 0.9994 1.3816 0.062 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.411E+00 0.826E-01 0.123E-02 0.863E-04 19 3 71 20 18 49 20 26 49 0.000 0.000 2 0 495 00:10:00.41 1.0200A 1.7623 -0.8743 1.4594 0.066 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.413E+00 0.853E-01 0.141E-02 0.860E-04 18 1 62 12 16 43 20 26 49 0.000 0.000 2