//chem_gasphase_mod.kpp // //Former revisions //---------------- // $Id: chem_gasphase_mod.kpp 2459 2017-09-13 14:10:33Z forkel $ // initial revision from branch salsa rev 3576 (29.11.2018, monakurppa) // removed obsolete INLINE F90_GLOBAL - is now done in kpp4palm.ksh (03.05.2019, forkel) // #include salsa+simple.spc #include salsa+simple.eqn #INTEGRATOR rosenbrock #LANGUAGE Fortran90 #HESSIAN on #STOICMAT on // // ******************************************************************************************* // *** adapt the lines below occurding to the photolysis reactions of your mechanism * // *** adapt the number of photolysis frequencies NPHO * // *** adapt/extend the indices in the INTEGER, PARAMETER,PUBLIC statement below * // *** adapt/extend PHOT_NAMES: Note that the order of PHOT_NAMES and the indices must match * // ******************************************************************************************* // #INLINE F90_DATA ! INLINE F90_DATA: Declaration of global variables for photolysis ! REAL(kind=dp) :: phot(nphot) must eventually be moved to GLOBAL later for vector version INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nphot = 2 ! phot Photolysis frequencies REAL(kind=dp) :: phot(nphot) INTEGER, PARAMETER,PUBLIC :: j_no2 = 1 INTEGER, PARAMETER,PUBLIC :: j_o31d = 2 CHARACTER(LEN=15), PARAMETER, DIMENSION(NPHOT) :: phot_names = (/ & 'J_NO2 ','J_O31D '/) #ENDINLINE