****************************** -------------------------------------------- * PALM 6.0 Rev: 3895M * atmosphere - run without 1D - prerun ****************************** -------------------------------------------- Date: 2019-04-16 Run: urban_environment_salsa Time: 16:50:40 Run-No.: 00 Run on host: salsa Number of PEs: 1 Processor grid (x,y): ( 1, 1) calculated A 1d-decomposition along x is used ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Numerical Schemes: ----------------- --> Use the Moeng_Wyngaard turbulence closure (LES mode). --> Use the boussinesq approximation for the model equations. --> Solve perturbation pressure via multigrid method (w-cycle) number of grid levels: 1 Gauss-Seidel red/black iterations: 2 fixed number of multigrid cycles: 4 perturbation pressure is calculated at every Runge-Kutta step --> Momentum advection via Wicker-Skamarock-Scheme 5th order --> Scalar advection via Wicker-Skamarock-Scheme 5th order --> Loop optimization method: cache --> Time differencing scheme: runge-kutta-3 --> No pt-equation solved. Neutral stratification with pt = 293.15 K assumed --> Additional prognostic equation for the specific humidity --> Volume flow at the right and north boundary will be conserved using the initial_profiles mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Run time and time step information: ---------------------------------- Timestep: variable maximum value: 20.000 s CFL-factor: 0.90 Start time: 0.000 s End time: 70.000 s Computational grid and domain size: ---------------------------------- Grid length: dx = 2.000 m dy = 2.000 m dz(1) = 2.000 m Domain size: x = 40.000 m y = 40.000 m z(u) = 45.000 m Number of gridpoints (x,y,z): (0: 19, 0: 19, 0: 23) Subdomain size (x,y,z): ( 20, 20, 24) Characteristic levels of the geo. wind component ug: Height: 0.0 0.0 m ug: 1.00 1.00 m/s Gradient: ------ 0.00 1/100s Gridpoint: 0 0 Characteristic levels of the geo. wind component vg: Height: 0.0 0.0 m vg: 0.00 0.00 m/s Gradient: ------ 0.00 1/100s Gridpoint: 0 0 Topography information: ---------------------- Topography: read_from_file Topography grid definition convention: cell center (scalar grid points) Boundary conditions: ------------------- p uv pt B. bound.: p(0) = p(1) | uv(0) = -uv(1) | pt(0) = pt_surface T. bound.: p(nzt+1) = 0 | uv(nzt+1) = ug(nzt+1), vg(nzt+1) | pt(nzt+1) = pt(nzt) + dpt/dz_ e B. bound.: e(0) = e(1) T. bound.: e(nzt+1) = e(nzt) = e(nzt-1) q B. bound.: q(0) = q_surface T. bound.: q(nzt+1) = q(nzt) + dq/dz Bottom surface fluxes are used in diffusion terms at k=1 Constant flux layer between bottom surface and first computational u,v-level: z_mo = 1.00 m z0 = 0.0500 m z0h = 0.05000 m kappa = 0.40 Rif value range: -20.00 <= rif <= 20.00 Predefined surface temperature Predefined surface humidity Lateral boundaries: left/right: cyclic north/south: cyclic Initial profiles: ---------------- Characteristic levels of the initial temperature profile: Height: 0.0 m Temperature: 293.15 K Gradient: ------ K/100m Gridpoint: 0 Characteristic levels of the initial humidity profile: Height: 0.0 0.0 m Humidity: 0.8E-02 0.8E-02 kg/kg Gradient: -------- 0.0E+00 (kg/kg)/100m Gridpoint: 0 0 List output: ----------- 1D-Profiles: Output every 9999999.90 s Data output: ----------- 3D-Arrays: Output format: netCDF4/HDF5 classic Arrays: u, v, w, Ntot, LDSA, PM2.5, s_OC, s_NH, s_NO, g_H2SO4, g_HNO3, g_NH3, Output every 10.00 s and at the start Upper output limit at 45.00 m (GP 23) Number of output time levels allowed: unlimited Time series: Output format: netCDF4/HDF5 classic Output every 0.00 s ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Physical quantities: ------------------- Geograph. latitude : latitude = 52.5 degr Geograph. longitude : longitude = 13.3 degr Angular velocity : omega = 0.729E-04 rad/s Coriolis parameter : f = 0.000116 1/s f* = 0.000089 1/s Day of the year at model start : day_init = 65 UTC time at model start : time_utc_init = 71700.0 s Gravity : g = 9.8 m/s**2 Reference state used in buoyancy terms: initial_profile Cloud physics quantities / methods: ---------------------------------- Humidity is considered, bu no condensation LES / Turbulence quantities: --------------------------- Mixing length is limited to 1.80 * z Actions during the simulation: ----------------------------- Disturbance impulse (u,v) every : ****** s Disturbance amplitude : 0.25 m/s Lower disturbance level : 5.00 m (GP 3) Upper disturbance level : 13.00 m (GP 7) Disturbances cease as soon as the disturbance energy exceeds 0.010 m**2/s**2 Random number generator used : random-parallel Vegetation canopy (drag) model: ------------------------------ Canopy mode: read_from_file_3d Canopy height: 10.00m ( 5 grid points) Leaf drag coefficient: 0.50 Predefined constant heatflux at the top of the vegetation: 0.00 K m/s Characteristic levels of the leaf area density: Height: 0.0 0.0 m Leaf area density: 0.0000 0.00 m**2/m**3 Gradient: ------ 0.00 m**2/m**4 Gridpoint: 0 0 SALSA information: ------------------------------ Starts at: skip_time_do_salsa = 10.00 s Timestep: dt_salsa = 2.00 s Array shape (z,y,x,bins): aerosol_number: 24 26 26 8 aerosol_mass: 24 26 26 32 (advect_particle_water = T) salsa_gas: 24 26 26 5 (salsa_gases_from_chem = F) Aerosol dynamic processes included: coagulation condensation (of precursor gases = T and water vapour = F) dry deposition (on vegetation = T and on topography = T) Aerosol bin subrange limits (in metres): 3.00E-009 1.00E-008 2.50E-006 Number of size bins for each aerosol subrange: 1 7 Aerosol bin limits (in metres): 3.00E-009 1.00E-008 2.20E-008 4.84E-008 1.07E-007 2.35E-007 5.16E-007 1.14E-006 Initial number concentration in bins at the lowest level (#/m**3): 0.00E+000 0.00E+000 0.00E+000 0.00E+000 0.00E+000 0.00E+000 0.00E+000 0.00E+000 Number of chemical components used: 3 Species: OC NO NH Initial relative contribution of each species to particle volume in: a-bins: 0.800 0.100 0.100 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 b-bins: 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Number of gaseous tracers used: 5 Initial gas concentrations: H2SO4: 5.0000E+012 #/m**3 HNO3: 3.0000E+012 #/m**3 NH3: 6.0000E+012 #/m**3 OCNV: 1.0000E+012 #/m**3 OCSV: 1.0000E+012 #/m**3 Initialising concentrations: Aerosol size distribution: init_aerosol_type = 0 Gas concentrations: init_gases_type = 0 Mode diametres: dpg(nmod) = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (m) Standard deviation: sigmag(nmod) = 1.80 2.16 2.21 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Number concentration: n_lognorm(nmod) = 1.4300E+009 4.4500E+008 7.0000E+004 0.0000E+000 0.0000E+000 0.0000E+000 0.0000E+000 (#/m3) Emissions: salsa_emission_mode = read_from_file (currently all emissions are soluble!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Run-control output: ------------------ RUN ITER. HH:MM:SS.SS DT(E) UMAX VMAX WMAX U* W* THETA* Z_I ENERG. DISTENERG DIVOLD DIVNEW UMAX(KJI) VMAX(KJI) WMAX(KJI) ADVECX ADVECY MGCYC --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 00:00:00.00 1.5300A 1.1740D 0.5958D 0.4479 0.000 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.328E+00 0.265E-01 0.357E-01 0.219E-01 17 0 19 6 15 5 21 17 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 1 00:00:01.53 0.3070A -5.8637 3.1112 2.2106 0.313 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.227E+01 0.128E+01 0.564E+00 0.262E+00 3 16 10 7 0 5 15 1 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 2 00:00:01.83 0.7360A 2.4450 2.4206 1.7519 0.095 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.395E+00 0.121E+00 0.549E-01 0.442E-01 22 0 1 7 0 5 11 18 5 0.000 0.000 4 0 3 00:00:02.57 0.5210A 3.4548 2.2340 1.2457 0.148 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.106E+01 0.198E+00 0.179E+00 0.996E-01 7 1 8 4 0 9 6 0 9 0.000 0.000 4 0 4 00:00:03.09 0.8660A 1.9783 2.0780 -1.1874 0.043 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.224E+00 0.901E-01 0.244E-01 0.251E-01 22 0 3 3 0 9 5 19 11 0.000 0.000 4 0 5 00:00:03.96 0.9460A 1.9019 1.8854 -1.1006 0.050 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.198E+00 0.812E-01 0.443E-01 0.228E-01 22 0 3 3 1 9 5 19 11 0.000 0.000 4 0 6 00:00:04.90 0.8600A 2.0940 1.7943 -1.0036 0.054 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.295E+00 0.662E-01 0.147E-01 0.101E-01 22 0 4 3 1 9 5 19 11 0.000 0.000 4 0 7 00:00:05.76 0.9230A 1.9509 -1.5875 -0.9754 0.047 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.271E+00 0.668E-01 0.118E-01 0.375E-02 22 0 4 6 0 9 6 0 9 0.000 0.000 4 0 8 00:00:06.68 0.9620A 1.8702 1.4274 -0.8663 0.045 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.254E+00 0.653E-01 0.999E-02 0.363E-02 21 17 7 3 2 9 6 0 9 0.000 0.000 4 0 9 00:00:07.65 0.9660A 1.8635 1.3192 -0.7929 0.047 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.259E+00 0.625E-01 0.881E-02 0.300E-02 21 17 7 3 2 9 7 19 9 0.000 0.000 4 0 10 00:00:08.61 0.9860A 1.8258 1.1186 -0.7396 0.047 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.258E+00 0.611E-01 0.710E-02 0.223E-02 21 17 7 3 2 9 7 19 9 0.000 0.000 4 0 11 00:00:09.60 1.0100A 1.7786 0.9043 0.7158 0.048 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.256E+00 0.604E-01 0.554E-02 0.155E-02 21 17 8 3 2 9 15 2 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 12 00:00:10.61 1.0200A 1.7661 -0.8828 0.7411 0.048 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.257E+00 0.603E-01 0.446E-02 0.118E-02 21 17 8 5 19 9 15 2 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 13 00:00:11.63 1.0400A 1.7228 -0.8455 0.7552 0.049 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.257E+00 0.607E-01 0.428E-02 0.133E-02 21 17 8 6 19 10 15 2 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 14 00:00:12.67 1.0400A 1.7294 -0.7885 0.7577 0.050 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.258E+00 0.612E-01 0.452E-02 0.148E-02 22 18 8 4 16 12 15 2 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 15 00:00:13.71 1.0500A 1.7096 -0.7602 0.7511 0.050 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.258E+00 0.617E-01 0.464E-02 0.153E-02 22 18 9 4 16 12 15 2 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 16 00:00:14.76 1.0400A 1.7372 -0.7573 0.7380 0.051 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.259E+00 0.622E-01 0.460E-02 0.148E-02 22 17 9 18 15 14 15 2 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 17 00:00:15.80 1.0400A 1.7254 0.7851 0.7227 0.052 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.260E+00 0.627E-01 0.435E-02 0.134E-02 22 17 10 19 0 14 15 2 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 18 00:00:16.84 1.0400A 1.7244 0.8312 0.7068 0.053 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.261E+00 0.633E-01 0.407E-02 0.118E-02 22 17 10 19 0 14 15 2 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 19 00:00:17.88 1.0400A 1.7324 -0.8733 0.6927 0.053 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.261E+00 0.640E-01 0.384E-02 0.102E-02 22 17 11 19 15 14 15 2 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 20 00:00:18.92 1.0600A 1.6937 -0.9065 0.6819 0.054 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.262E+00 0.647E-01 0.375E-02 0.924E-03 22 17 11 19 15 14 15 2 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 21 00:00:19.98 1.0600A 1.7039 -0.9074 0.6744 0.055 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.263E+00 0.655E-01 0.381E-02 0.943E-03 22 17 12 19 15 14 15 2 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 22 00:00:21.04 1.0600A 1.6992 -0.8659 0.6718 0.056 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.264E+00 0.662E-01 0.382E-02 0.957E-03 22 17 13 19 15 14 15 2 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 23 00:00:22.10 1.0700A 1.6753 -0.8488 0.6735 0.056 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.265E+00 0.669E-01 0.379E-02 0.950E-03 22 17 13 18 15 14 15 2 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 24 00:00:23.17 1.0700A 1.6882 -0.8114 0.6784 0.057 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.266E+00 0.677E-01 0.378E-02 0.929E-03 22 17 15 18 15 14 15 2 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 25 00:00:24.24 1.0400A 1.7302 -0.7613 0.6861 0.057 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.267E+00 0.684E-01 0.373E-02 0.895E-03 22 17 15 18 15 14 15 2 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 26 00:00:25.28 1.0300A 1.7398 0.7503 0.6961 0.057 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.268E+00 0.691E-01 0.361E-02 0.843E-03 22 17 16 6 6 14 15 2 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 27 00:00:26.31 1.0400A 1.7364 0.7431 0.7062 0.057 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.269E+00 0.699E-01 0.354E-02 0.803E-03 22 17 16 6 6 14 15 2 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 28 00:00:27.35 1.0400A 1.7321 0.7332 0.7154 0.056 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.270E+00 0.707E-01 0.355E-02 0.801E-03 22 17 17 5 5 14 15 2 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 29 00:00:28.39 1.0500A 1.7180 0.7321 0.7240 0.056 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.272E+00 0.714E-01 0.354E-02 0.810E-03 22 17 18 5 5 14 15 2 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 30 00:00:29.44 1.0600A 1.7017 0.7261 0.7313 0.056 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.273E+00 0.723E-01 0.355E-02 0.823E-03 22 17 19 5 5 14 15 2 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 31 00:00:30.50 1.0600A 1.6921 0.7156 0.7372 0.056 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.274E+00 0.731E-01 0.356E-02 0.835E-03 22 17 19 5 5 14 15 2 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 32 00:00:31.56 1.0700A 1.6853 0.7010 0.7417 0.056 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.276E+00 0.739E-01 0.355E-02 0.834E-03 22 17 0 5 5 14 15 2 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 33 00:00:32.63 1.0800A 1.6729 0.6848 0.7440 0.056 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.277E+00 0.747E-01 0.355E-02 0.831E-03 22 17 1 12 5 14 15 2 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 34 00:00:33.71 1.0900A 1.6581 0.6828 0.7556 0.056 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.278E+00 0.756E-01 0.353E-02 0.825E-03 22 17 1 12 5 14 20 17 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 35 00:00:34.80 1.1000A 1.6323 0.6806 0.7734 0.056 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.280E+00 0.763E-01 0.351E-02 0.816E-03 22 1 1 12 5 14 20 17 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 36 00:00:35.90 1.1200A 1.6130 0.6775 0.7848 0.055 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.281E+00 0.771E-01 0.348E-02 0.805E-03 22 17 2 12 5 14 20 17 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 37 00:00:37.02 1.1300A 1.5964 0.6742 0.7896 0.055 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.282E+00 0.778E-01 0.347E-02 0.798E-03 22 1 2 13 5 14 20 17 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 38 00:00:38.15 1.1400A 1.5736 0.6686 0.7887 0.055 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.283E+00 0.785E-01 0.344E-02 0.785E-03 22 1 3 13 5 14 20 17 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 39 00:00:39.29 1.1700A 1.5441 0.6594 0.7832 0.055 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.284E+00 0.792E-01 0.340E-02 0.768E-03 22 1 3 13 5 14 20 17 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 40 00:00:40.46 1.1800A 1.5311 0.6450 0.7741 0.055 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.285E+00 0.798E-01 0.341E-02 0.760E-03 22 2 4 13 5 14 20 17 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 41 00:00:41.64 1.1900A 1.5096 0.6266 0.7645 0.055 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.286E+00 0.804E-01 0.337E-02 0.740E-03 22 2 5 13 5 14 20 17 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 42 00:00:42.83 1.2200A 1.4789 0.6041 0.7554 0.055 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.287E+00 0.809E-01 0.331E-02 0.717E-03 22 3 6 13 5 14 20 17 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 43 00:00:44.05 1.2300A 1.4646 0.5901 0.7454 0.055 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.288E+00 0.814E-01 0.330E-02 0.702E-03 22 2 6 17 0 14 20 17 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 44 00:00:45.28 1.2400A 1.4541 0.5896 0.7318 0.055 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.289E+00 0.818E-01 0.325E-02 0.680E-03 22 4 7 17 0 14 20 17 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 45 00:00:46.52 1.2500A 1.4347 0.5929 0.7147 0.054 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.289E+00 0.821E-01 0.320E-02 0.659E-03 22 4 8 17 0 14 20 18 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 46 00:00:47.77 1.2800A 1.4108 0.6001 0.6921 0.054 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.290E+00 0.824E-01 0.316E-02 0.643E-03 22 4 8 17 0 14 20 18 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 47 00:00:49.05 1.2800A 1.4102 0.6101 0.6891 0.054 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.291E+00 0.827E-01 0.317E-02 0.641E-03 22 5 9 17 0 14 15 2 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 48 00:00:50.33 1.2800A 1.4050 0.6237 0.6888 0.054 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.291E+00 0.829E-01 0.313E-02 0.633E-03 22 6 10 17 0 14 15 2 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 49 00:00:51.61 1.2900A 1.3931 0.6395 0.6860 0.054 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.292E+00 0.831E-01 0.309E-02 0.624E-03 22 6 11 17 0 14 15 2 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 50 00:00:52.90 1.2400A 1.4539 0.6571 0.6785 0.054 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.292E+00 0.832E-01 0.307E-02 0.619E-03 21 16 15 17 0 14 15 2 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 51 00:00:54.14 1.2000A 1.4975 0.6780 0.6746 0.055 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.292E+00 0.833E-01 0.294E-02 0.593E-03 21 16 15 17 0 14 15 1 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 52 00:00:55.34 1.1900A 1.5071 0.7016 0.6762 0.055 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.293E+00 0.834E-01 0.282E-02 0.568E-03 21 16 15 19 0 14 15 1 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 53 00:00:56.53 1.2000A 1.4971 0.7327 0.6751 0.055 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.293E+00 0.834E-01 0.276E-02 0.556E-03 21 17 15 18 0 14 15 1 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 54 00:00:57.73 1.2100A 1.4911 0.7633 0.6715 0.055 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.293E+00 0.834E-01 0.276E-02 0.556E-03 21 17 15 18 0 14 15 1 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 55 00:00:58.94 1.2200A 1.4800 0.7830 0.6657 0.055 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.293E+00 0.834E-01 0.276E-02 0.559E-03 21 17 15 18 0 14 15 1 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 56 00:01:00.16 1.2300A 1.4611 0.8074 -0.6734 0.055 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.294E+00 0.834E-01 0.277E-02 0.562E-03 21 17 15 17 0 14 5 4 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 57 00:01:01.39 1.2600A 1.4332 0.8173 -0.6852 0.055 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.294E+00 0.834E-01 0.278E-02 0.564E-03 21 17 15 17 0 14 5 4 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 58 00:01:02.65 1.2600A 1.4301 0.7946 -0.6800 0.055 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.294E+00 0.834E-01 0.283E-02 0.572E-03 22 3 17 17 0 14 5 4 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 59 00:01:03.91 1.2600A 1.4332 0.7555 -0.7051 0.054 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.294E+00 0.834E-01 0.282E-02 0.569E-03 22 15 18 16 0 14 16 17 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 60 00:01:05.17 1.2600A 1.4341 0.7391 -0.7543 0.054 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.295E+00 0.834E-01 0.280E-02 0.560E-03 22 15 19 16 0 14 16 18 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 61 00:01:06.43 1.2500A 1.4393 0.6918 -0.7598 0.053 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.295E+00 0.834E-01 0.277E-02 0.547E-03 22 3 19 16 0 14 16 18 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 62 00:01:07.68 1.2500A 1.4381 0.6393 -0.7650 0.053 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.295E+00 0.834E-01 0.271E-02 0.529E-03 22 3 0 16 1 14 15 18 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 63 00:01:08.93 1.2600A 1.4296 0.6196 -0.7827 0.052 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.295E+00 0.834E-01 0.268E-02 0.512E-03 22 4 1 16 1 14 15 18 14 0.000 0.000 4 0 64 00:01:10.19 1.2600A 1.4308 0.5760 -0.7698 0.051 0.00 0.000E+00 0. 0.296E+00 0.833E-01 0.266E-02 0.499E-03 22 2 1 16 1 14 15 18 14 0.000 0.000 4