New: --- Additional timestep criterion in case of simulations with plant canopy (timestep) Check for illegal entries in section_xy|xz|yz that exceed nz+1|ny+1|nx+1 (check_parameters) Clipping of dvrp output implemented. Default colourtable for particles implemented, particle attributes (color, dvrp_size) can be set with new parameters particle_color, particle_dvrpsize, color_interval, dvrpsize_interval (init_dvrp, data_output_dvrp, modules, user_data_output_dvrp). Slicer attributes (dvrp) are set with new routine set_slicer_attributes_dvrp and are controlled with existing parameters slicer_range_limits. (set_slicer_attributes_dvrp) Ocean atmosphere coupling allows to use independent precursor runs in order to account for different spin-up times. The time when coupling has to be started is given by new inipar parameter coupling_start_time. The precursor ocean run has to be started using new mrun option "-y" in order to add appendix "_O" to all output files. (check_for_restart, check_parameters, data_output_2d, data_output_3d, data_output_profiles, data_output_ptseries, data_output_spectra, data_output_tseries, header, init_coupling, modules, mrun, parin, read_var_list, surface_coupler, time_integration, write_var_list) Polygon reduction for topography and ground plate isosurface. Reduction level for buildings can be chosen with parameter cluster_size. (init_dvrp) External pressure gradient (check_parameters, header, init_3d_model, modules, parin, prognostic_equations, read_var_list, write_var_list) New topography case 'single_street_canyon' (header, init_grid, modules, parin, read_var_list, user_check_parameters, user_header, user_init_grid, write_var_list) Option to predefine a target bulk velocity for conserve_volume_flow (check_parameters, header, init_3d_model, modules, parin, read_var_list, write_var_list) Option for user defined 2D data output in xy cross sections at z=nzb+1 (data_output_2d, user_data_output_2d) xy cross section output of surface heatfluxes (latent, sensible) (average_3d_data, check_parameters, data_output_2d, modules, read_3d_binary, sum_up_3d_data, write_3d_binary) average_3d_data, check_for_restart, check_parameters, data_output_2d, data_output_3d, data_output_dvrp, data_output_profiles, data_output_ptseries, data_output_spectra, data_output_tseries, init_coupling, init_dvrp, init_grid, init_3d_model, header, modules, mrun, package_parin, parin, prognostic_equations, read_3d_binary, read_var_list, surface_coupler, timestep, time_integration, user_check_parameters, user_data_output_2d, user_data_output_dvrp, user_header, user_init_grid, write_3d_binary, write_var_list New: set_particle_attributes, set_slicer_attributes_dvrp Changed: ------- In case of restart runs without extension, initial profiles are not written to NetCDF-file anymore. (data_output_profiles, modules, read_var_list, write_var_list) Small change in formatting of the message handling routine concering the output in the job protocoll. (message) initializing_actions='read_data_for_recycling' renamed to 'cyclic_fill', now independent of turbulent_inflow (check_parameters, header, init_3d_model) 2 NetCDF error numbers changed. (data_output_3d) A Link to the website appendix_a.html is printed for further information about the possible errors. (message) Temperature gradient criterion for estimating the boundary layer height replaced by the gradient criterion of Sullivan et al. (1998). (flow_statistics) NetCDF unit attribute in timeseries output in case of statistic regions added (netcdf) Output of NetCDF messages with aid of message handling routine. (check_open, close_file, data_output_2d, data_output_3d, data_output_profiles, data_output_ptseries, data_output_spectra, data_output_tseries, netcdf, output_particles_netcdf) Output of messages replaced by message handling routine. (advec_particles, advec_s_bc, buoyancy, calc_spectra, check_for_restart, check_open, coriolis, cpu_log, data_output_2d, data_output_3d, data_output_dvrp, data_output_profiles, data_output_spectra, fft_xy, flow_statistics, header, init_1d_model, init_3d_model, init_dvrp, init_grid, init_particles, init_pegrid, netcdf, parin, plant_canopy_model, poisfft_hybrid, poismg, read_3d_binary, read_var_list, surface_coupler, temperton_fft, timestep, user_actions, user_data_output_dvrp, user_dvrp_coltab, user_init_grid, user_init_plant_canopy, user_parin, user_read_restart_data, user_spectra ) Maximum number of tails is calculated from maximum number of particles and skip_particles_for_tail (init_particles) Value of vertical_particle_advection may differ for each particle group (advec_particles, header, modules) First constant in array den also defined as type double. (eqn_state_seawater) Parameter dvrp_psize moved from particles_par to dvrp_graphics_par. (package_parin) topography_grid_convention moved from userpar to inipar (check_parameters, header, parin, read_var_list, user_check_parameters, user_header, user_init_grid, user_parin, write_var_list) Default value of grid_matching changed to strict. Adjustments for runs on lcxt4 (necessary due to an software update on CRAY) and for coupled runs on ibmy (mrun, subjob) advec_particles, advec_s_bc, buoyancy, calc_spectra, check_for_restart, check_open, check_parameters, close_file, coriolis, cpu_log, data_output_2d, data_output_3d, data_output_dvrp, data_output_profiles, data_output_ptseries, data_output_spectra, data_output_tseries, eqn_state_seawater, fft_xy, flow_statistics, header, init_1d_model, init_3d_model, init_dvrp, init_grid, init_particles, init_pegrid, message, mrun, netcdf, output_particles_netcdf, package_parin, parin, plant_canopy_model, poisfft_hybrid, poismg, read_3d_binary, read_var_list, sort_particles, subjob, user_check_parameters, user_header, user_init_grid, user_parin, surface_coupler, temperton_fft, timestep, user_actions, user_data_output_dvrp, user_dvrp_coltab, user_init_grid, user_init_plant_canopy, user_parin, user_read_restart_data, user_spectra, write_var_list Errors: ------ Bugfix: to_be_resorted => s_av for time-averaged scalars (data_output_2d, data_output_3d) Bugfix: error in formatting the output (message) Bugfix: avoid that ngp_2dh_s_inner becomes zero (init_3_model) Typographical error: unit of wpt in dots_unit (modules) Bugfix: error in check, if particles moved further than one subdomain length. This check must not be applied for newly released particles. (advec_particles) Bugfix: several tail counters are initialized, particle_tail_coordinates is only written to file if its third index is > 0, arrays for tails are allocated with a minimum size of 10 tails if there is no tail initially (init_particles, advec_particles) Bugfix: pressure included for profile output (check_parameters) Bugfix: Type of count and count_rate changed to default INTEGER on NEC machines (cpu_log) Bugfix: output if particle time series only if particle advection is switched on. (time_integration) Bugfix: qsws was calculated in case of constant heatflux = .FALSE. (prandtl_fluxes) Bugfix: averaging along z is not allowed for 2d quantities (e.g. u* and z0) (data_output_2d) Typographical errors (netcdf) If the inversion height calculated by the prerun is zero, inflow_damping_height must be explicitly specified (init_3d_model) Small bugfix concerning 3d 64bit netcdf output format (header) Bugfix: dt_fixed removed from the restart file, because otherwise, no change from a fixed to a variable timestep would be possible in restart runs. (read_var_list, write_var_list) Bugfix: initial setting of time_coupling in coupled restart runs (time_integration) advec_particles, check_parameters, cpu_log, data_output_2d, data_output_3d, header, init_3d_model, init_particles, modules, netcdf, prandtl_fluxes, read_var_list, time_integration, write_var_list