List of message identifiers used in PALM message handling routine "message" PA**** Identifier for messages in the PALM standard code UI**** Identifier for messages in "user_" routines message_identifier message string PA0001 "host" is not set. Please check that environment variable "localhost" is set before running PALM PA0002 illegal coupling mode: ... PA0003 dt_coupling is not set but required for coupling mode "..." PA0004 coupling mode "...": dt_coupling = ... is not equal to dt_coupling_remote = ... PA0005 coupling mode "...": dt_coupling <= 0.0 is not allowed and is reset to MAX(dt_max(A,O)) = ... PA0006 coupling mode "...": restart_time = ... is not equal to restart_time_remote = ... PA0007 coupling mode "...": dt_restart = ... is not equal to dt_restart_remote = ... PA0008 coupling mode "...": end_time = ... is not equal to end_time_remote = ... PA0009 coupling mode "...": dx = ... is not equal to dx_remote = ... PA0010 coupling mode "...": dy = ... is not equal to dy_remote = ... PA0011 coupling mode "...": nx = ... is not equal to nx_remote = ... PA0012 coupling mode "...": ny = ... is not equal to ny_remote = ... PA0013 illegal value given for loop_optimization: "..." PA0014 a non-flat topography does not allow ... PA0015 ocean = .T. does not allow ... PA0016 unknown solver for perturbation pressure: psolver = "..." PA0017 psolver = "..." only works for a 1d domain-decomposition along x please do not set npey/=1 in the parameter file' PA0018 psolver = ".." does not work for subdomains with unequal size please set grid_matching = ''strict'' in the parameter file PA0019 psolver = "..." only works for a parallel environment PA0020 unknown multigrid cycle: cycle_mg = "..." PA0021 unknown fft-algorithm: fft_method = "..." PA0022 unknown advection scheme: momentum_advec = "..." PA0023 momentum_advec = "..." is not allowed with timestep_scheme = "..." PA0024 unknown advection scheme: scalar_advec = "..." PA0025 use_upstream_for_tke set .TRUE. because use_sgs_for_particles = .TRUE. PA0026 use_upstream_for_tke = .TRUE. not allowed with timestep_scheme = "..." PA0027 unknown timestep scheme: timestep_scheme = "..." PA0028 scalar advection scheme "..." does not work with timestep_scheme ".." PA0029 momentum advection scheme "..." does not work with timestep_scheme "..." PA0030 initializing_action = "..." unkown or not allowed PA0031 initializing_actions = "set_constant_profiles" and "set_1d-model_profiles" are not allowed simultaneously PA0032 initializing_actions = "set_constant_profiles" and "by_user" are not allowed simultaneously PA0033 initializing_actions = "by_user" and "set_1d-model_profiles" are not allowed simultaneously PA0034 cloud_physics = ... is not allowed with humidity = ... PA0035 precipitation = ... is not allowed with cloud_physics = ... PA0036 humidity = .TRUE. and sloping_surface = .TRUE. are not allowed simultaneously PA0037 UPS-scheme is not implemented for humidity = .TRUE. PA0038 humidity = .TRUE. and passive_scalar = .TRUE. is not allowed simultaneously' PA0039 UPS-scheme is not implemented for passive_scalar = .TRUE. PA0040 illegal value "..." found for parameter grid_matching PA0041 plant_canopy = .TRUE. requires a non-zero drag coefficient given value is drag_coefficient = 0.0 PA0042 use_top_fluxes must be .TRUE. in ocean version PA0043 ABS( alpha_surface = ... ) must be < 90.0 PA0044 dt = ', dt , ' <= 0.0 PA0045 cfl_factor = ... out of range 0.0 < cfl_factor <= 1.0 is required PA0046 baroclinicity (ug) not allowed simultaneously with galilei transformation PA0047 baroclinicity (vg) not allowed simultaneously with galilei transformation PA0048 variable translation speed used for galilei-transformation, which may cause instabilities in stably stratified regions PA0049 unknown boundary condition: bc_lr = "..." PA0050 unknown boundary condition: bc_ns = "..." PA0051 non-cyclic lateral boundaries do not allow psolver = "..." PA0052 non-cyclic lateral boundaries do not allow momentum_advec = "..." PA0053 non-cyclic lateral boundaries do not allow scalar_advec = "..." PA0054 non-cyclic lateral boundaries do not allow galilei_transformation = .T. PA0055 adjust_mixing_length = TRUE and bc_e_b = "neumann" PA0056 adjust_mixing_length = FALSE and bc_e_b = "..." PA0057 boundary condition bc_e_b changed to "..." PA0058 unknown boundary condition: bc_e_b = "..." PA0059 unknown boundary condition: bc_p_b = "..." PA0060 boundary condition: bc_p_b = "..." not allowed with prandtl_layer = .FALSE.' PA0061 unknown boundary condition: bc_p_t = "..." PA0062 unknown boundary condition: bc_pt_b = "..." PA0063 unknown boundary condition: bc_pt_t = "..." PA0064 both, top_momentumflux_u AND top_momentumflux_v must be set PA0065 boundary_condition: bc_pt_b = "..." is not allowed with constant_heatflux = .TRUE. PA0066 constant_heatflux = .TRUE. is not allowed with pt_surface_initial_change (/=0) = ... PA0067 boundary_condition: bc_pt_t = "..." is not allowed with constant_top_heatflux = .TRUE. PA0068 unknown boundary condition: bc_sa_t = "..." PA0069 boundary condition: bc_sa_t = "..." requires to set top_salinityflux PA0070 boundary condition: bc_sa_t = "..." is not allowed with constant_top_salinityflux = .TRUE.' PA0071 unknown boundary condition: bc_..._b ="..." PA0072 unknown boundary condition: bc_..._t ="..." PA0073 boundary condition: bc_..._b = "..." is not allowed with prescribed surface flux PA0074 a prescribed surface flux is not allowed with ..._surface_initial_change (/=0) = ... PA0075 boundary condition: bc_uv_b = "..." is not allowed with prandtl_layer = .TRUE. PA0076 unknown boundary condition: bc_uv_b = "..." PA0077 unknown boundary condition: bc_uv_t = "..." PA0078 rayleigh_damping_factor = ... out of range [0.0,1.0] PA0079 rayleigh_damping_height = ... out of range [0.0, ...] PA0080 overshoot_limit_... < 0.0 is not allowed PA0081 ups_limit_... < 0.0 is not allowed PA0082 number of statistic_regions = ... but only 10 regions are allowed PA0083 normalizing_region = ... must be >= 0 and <= ... (value of statistic_regions) PA0084 dt_sort_particles is reset to 0.0 because of cloud_droplets = .TRUE. PA0085 averaging_interval = ... must be <= dt_data_output = ... PA0086 averaging_interval_pr = ... must be <= dt_dopr = ... PA0087 averaging_interval_sp = ... must be <= dt_dosp = ... PA0088 dt_averaging_input = ... must be <= averaging_interval = ... PA0089 dt_averaging_input_pr = ... must be <= averaging_interval_pr = ... PA0090 precipitation_amount_interval = ... must not be larger than dt_do2d_xy = ... PA0091 data_output_pr = ... is not implemented for ocean = .FALSE.' PA0092 data_output_pr = ... is not implemented for humidity = .FALSE.' PA0093 data_output_pr = ... is not implemented for passive_scalar = .FALSE.' PA0094 data_output_pr = ... is not implemented for cloud_physics = .FALSE.' PA0095 data_output_pr = ... is not implemented for cloud_physics = .FALSE. and humidity = .FALSE. PA0096 data_output_pr = ... is not implemented for cloud_physics = .FALSE. or cloud_droplets = .FALSE. PA0097 illegal value for data_output_pr or data_output_pr_user = "..." PA0098 illegal value for data_output_pr = "..." PA0099 z_max_do1d = ... must be >= ... or <= ... PA0100 unknown normalization method cross_normalized_x = "..." PA0101 unknown normalization method cross_normalized_y = "..." PA0102 number of output quantitities given by data_output and data_output_user exceeds the limit of 100 PA0103 output of "..." requires constant_diffusion = .FALSE. PA0104 output of "..." requires a "particles_par"-NAMELIST in the parameter file (PARIN) PA0105 output of "..." requires humidity = .TRUE. PA0106 output of "" requires cloud_physics = .TRUE. or cloud_droplets = .TRUE.' PA0107 output of "..." requires cloud_droplets = .TRUE. PA0108 output of "..." requires cloud_physics = .TRUE. PA0109 output of "..." requires ocean = .TRUE. PA0110 output of "..." requires passive_scalar = .TRUE. PA0111 illegal value for data_output: "..." only 2d-horizontal cross sections are allowed for this value PA0112 output of "..." requires precipitation = .TRUE. PA0113 temporal averaging of precipitation amount "..." is not possible' PA0114 illegal value for data_output or data_output_user = "..." PA0115 illegal value for data_output = "..." PA0116 z_max_do2d = ', z_max_do2d must be >= ... (zu(nzb+1)) and <= ... (zu(nzt)) PA0117 do3d_compress = .TRUE. not allowed on host "" PA0118 illegal precision: do3d_comp_prec ( ...) = "..." PA0119 unknown variable "..." given for do3d_comp_prec(...) PA0120 unknown value for data_output_format "..." PA0121 km_constant = ... < 0.0 PA0122 prandtl_number = ... < 0.0 PA0123 prandtl_layer is not allowed with fixed value of km PA0124 outflow_damping width out of range PA0125 rif_min = ... must be less than rif_max = ... PA0126 disturbance_level_b = ... must be >= ... (zu(3)) PA0127 disturbance_level_b = ... must be <= ... (zu(nzt-2)) PA0128 disturbance_level_t = ... must be <= ... (zu(nzt-2)) PA0129 disturbance_level_t = ... must be >= disturbance_level_b = ... PA0130 disturbance_level_ind_t =... must be >= disturbance_level_b = ... PA0131 inflow_disturbance_begin out of range PA0132 inflow_disturbance_end out of range PA0133 turbulent_inflow = .T. requires a Dirichlet condition at the inflow boundary PA0134 illegal value for recycling_width: ... PA0135 unknown random generator: random_generator = "..." PA0136 damp_level_1d = ... must be > 0.0 and < ... (zu(nzt+1)) PA0137 mixing_length_1d = "..." is unknown PA0138 dissipation_1d = "..." is unknown PA0139 termination_time_needed = ... must be > 30.0 on host ..." PA0140 termination_time_needed = ... should be >= 300.0 on host "..." PA0141 coupling requires PALM to be called with ''mrun -K parallel'' PA0142 absolute temperature < 0.0 at zu(...) = ... PA0143 k=... j=... i=... ql_c=... part(...)%wf=... delta_r=... PA0144 #1 k=... j=... i=... e_s=... e_a=... t_int=... d_radius=... delta_r=... particle_radius=... PA0145 collision_efficiency out of range: ... PA0146 maximum_number_of_particles needs to be increased but this is not allowed with NetCDF output switched on PA0147 maximum_number_of_tails needs to be increased but this is not allowed with NetCDF output switched on PA0148 particle too fast. n = ... PA0149 particle out of range: i=... j=... k=... nxl=... nxr=... nys=... nyn=... nzb=... nzt=... PA0150 Both dp_external and conserve_volume_flow are .TRUE. but one of them must be .FALSE. PA0151 dp_level_b = ... is out of range PA0152 dp_external is .TRUE. but dpdxy is zero, i.e. the external pressure gradient will not be applied PA0153 dpdxy is nonzero but dp_external is .FALSE., i.e. the external pressure gradient will not be applied PA0154 unknown conserve_volume_flow_mode: ... PA0155 noncyclic boundary conditions require conserve_volume_flow_mode = ''inflow_profile'' PA0156 cyclic boundary conditions require conserve_volume_flow_mode = ''initial_profiles'' or ''bulk_velocity'' requires noncyclic boundary conditions PA0157 nonzero bulk velocity requires conserve_volume_flow = .T. and conserve_volume_flow_mode = ''bulk_velocity'' UI0001 The value for "topography_grid_convention" is not set. Its default value is only valid for "topography" = ''single_building'', ''single_street_canyon'' or ''read_from_file'' Choose ''cell_edge'' or ''cell_center''. UI0002 The value for "topography_grid_convention" is not recognized. Choose ''cell_edge'' or ''cell_center''.