load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl" ;*************************************************** ; Checking the kind of the script ;*************************************************** function which_script() local script begin script = "spectra" return(script) end ;*************************************************** ; Retrieving the NCL version used ;*************************************************** ncl_version_ch = systemfunc("ncl -V") ncl_version = stringtofloat(ncl_version_ch) ;*************************************************** ; Function for checking file existence in dependence ; on NCL version ;*************************************************** function file_exists(version:string,file_name:string) begin if( version .GE. "6.2.1" ) then existing = fileexists(file_name) else existing = isfilepresent(file_name) end if return(existing) end ;*************************************************** ; load .ncl.config or .ncl.config.default ;*************************************************** file_name ="$PALM_BIN/../../.ncl.config" existing_file = file_exists(ncl_version_ch,file_name) if (existing_file) then loadscript("$PALM_BIN/../../.ncl.config") else file_name = "$PALM_BIN/NCL/.ncl.config.default" existing_file = file_exists(ncl_version_ch,file_name) if (existing_file) then loadscript( "$PALM_BIN/NCL/.ncl.config.default") else palm_bin_path = getenv("PALM_BIN") print(" ") print("Neither the personal configuration file '.ncl.config' exists in") print("~/palm/current_version") print("nor the default configuration file '.ncl.config.default' "+\ "exists in") print(palm_bin_path + "/NCL") print(" ") exit end if end if begin ;*************************************************** ; Retrieving the double quote character ;*************************************************** dq=str_get_dq() ;*************************************************** ; set up default parameter values and strings ;*************************************************** if (file_1 .EQ. "File in") then print(" ") print("Declare input file 'file_1=' in '.ncl.config' or prompt") print(" ") exit else file_in = file_1 end if if (format_out .NE. "x11" .AND. format_out .NE. "pdf" .AND. \ format_out .NE. "eps" .AND. format_out .NE. "ps" .AND. \ format_out .NE. "epsi" .AND. format_out .NE. "ncgm" .AND. \ format_out .NE. "png")then print(" ") print("'format_out = "+format_out+"' is invalid and set to'x11'") print(" ") format_out="x11" end if if (ncl_version .LE. 5.1 .AND. format_out .EQ. "png") then print(" ") print("Output of png files not available") print("png output is avaiable with NCL version 5.2.0 and higher ") print("NCL version used: " + ncl_version_ch) print(" ") exit end if if (log_x .NE. 0 .AND. log_x .NE. 1)then print(" ") print("'log_x'= "+log_x+" is invalid and set to 1") print(" ") log_x = 1 end if if (log_y .NE. 0 .AND. log_y .NE. 1)then print(" ") print("'log_y'= "+log_y+" is invalid and set to 1") print(" ") log_y = 1 end if if (norm_y .EQ. 0.) then print(" ") print("Normalising with 0 is not allowed, 'norm_y' is set to 1.0") print(" ") norm_y = 1.0 end if if (norm_x .EQ. 0.) then print(" ") print("Normalising with 0 is not allowed, 'norm_x' is set to 1.0") print(" ") norm_x= 1.0 end if if (sort .NE. "height" .AND. sort .NE. "time") then print(" ") print("'sort'= "+sort+" is invalid and set to 'height'") print(" ") sort = "height" end if if (black .NE. 0 .AND. black .NE. 1)then print(" ") print("'black'= "+black+" is invalid and set to 0") print(" ") black = 0 end if if (dash .NE. 0 .AND. dash .NE. 1)then print(" ") print("'dash'= "+dash+" is invalid and set to 0") print(" ") dash = 0 end if ;*************************************************** ; open input file ;*************************************************** file_in_1 = False if (isStrSubset(file_in, ".nc"))then start_f = -2 end_f = -2 file_in_1 = True end if if (start_f .EQ. -1)then print(" ") print("'start_f' must be one of the cyclic numbers (at least 0) of "+\ "your input file(s)") print(" ") exit end if if (end_f .EQ. -1)then print(" ") print("'end_f' must be one of the cyclic numbers (at least 0) of "+\ "your input file(s)") print(" ") exit end if files=new(end_f-start_f+1,string) if (file_in_1)then if (isfilepresent(file_in))then files(0)=file_in else print(" ") print("1st input file: '"+file_in+"' does not exist") print(" ") exit end if else if (start_f .EQ. 0)then if (isfilepresent(file_in+".nc"))then files(0)=file_in+".nc" do i=1,end_f if (isfilepresent(file_in+"."+i+".nc"))then files(i)=file_in+"."+i+".nc" else print(" ") print("Input file: '"+file_in+"."+i+".nc' does not exist") print(" ") exit end if end do else print(" ") print("Input file: '"+file_in+".nc' does not exist") print(" ") exit end if else do i=start_f,end_f if (isfilepresent(file_in+"."+i+".nc"))then files(i-start_f)=file_in+"."+i+".nc" else print(" ") print("Input file: '"+file_in+"."+i+".nc' does not exist") print(" ") exit end if end do end if end if f=addfiles(files,"r") f_att=addfile(files(0),"r") ListSetType(f,"cat") vNam = getfilevarnames(f_att) if( ncl_version .GE. 6.1 ) then vNam = vNam(::-1) end if vType = getfilevartypes(f_att,vNam) if ((all(vType .eq. "double"))) then ;distinction if data is double or float check_vType = True else check_vType = False end if print(" ") print("Variables in input file:") print("- "+ vNam) print(" ") dim = dimsizes(vNam) vDim = getfiledimsizes(f_att) t_all = f[:]->time nt = dimsizes(t_all) if (nt .EQ. 1)then delta_t=t_all(nt-1)/nt else delta_t_array = new(nt-1,double) do i=0,nt-2 delta_t_array(i) = t_all(i+1)-t_all(i) end do delta_t = min(delta_t_array) delete(delta_t_array) end if k_x=f_att->k_x dimx=dimsizes(k_x) k_y=f_att->k_y dimy=dimsizes(k_y) dim_level=dimsizes(height_level) do i=0,dim-1 if (vNam(i) .EQ. "zu_sp")then zu=f_att->zu_sp if (height_level(0) .EQ. -1)then dimz=dimsizes(zu) else if (dim_level .GT. dimsizes(zu))then print(" ") print("'height_level' has more elements than available "+\ "height levels in input file (= "+dimsizes(zu)+")") print(" ") exit else zuh=new(dim_level,double) do le=0,dim_level-1 if (height_level(le) .GE. dimsizes(zu)) then no_levels=dimsizes(zu)-1 print(" ") print("Element "+le+" of 'height_level' is greater " +\ "than the maximum available index in input file "+\ "which is "+no_levels+". Note that the first " +\ "element has the index 0.") print(" ") exit end if zuh(le)=zu(height_level(le)) end do dimz=dim_level end if end if else if (vNam(i) .EQ. "zw_sp")then zw=f_att->zw_sp if (height_level(0) .EQ. -1)then dimz=dimsizes(zw) else if (dim_level .GT. dimsizes(zw))then print(" ") print("'height_level' has more elements than available "+\ "height levels in input file (= "+dimsizes(zw)+")") print(" ") exit else zwh=new(dim_level,double) do le=0,dim_level-1 if (height_level(le) .GE. dimsizes(zw)) then no_levels=dimsizes(zw)-1 print(" ") print("Element "+le+" of 'height_level' is greater "+\ "than the maximum available index in input " +\ "file which is "+no_levels+". Note that the " +\ "first element has the index 0.") print(" ") exit end if zwh(le)=zw(height_level(le)) end do dimz=dim_level end if end if end if end if end do ;**************************************************** ; start of time step and different types of mistakes that could be done ;**************************************************** if (start_time_step .EQ. -1.d) then start_time_step=t_all(0)/3600 else if (start_time_step .GT. t_all(nt-1)/3600)then print(" ") print("'start_time_step' = "+ start_time_step +"h is greater than "+\ "last time step = "+ t_all(nt-1)+"s = "+t_all(nt-1)/3600+"h") print(" ") print("Select another 'start_time_step'") print(" ") exit end if if (start_time_step .LT. t_all(0)/3600)then print(" ") print("'start_time_step' = "+ start_time_step +"h is lower than "+\ "first time step = "+ t_all(0)+"s = "+t_all(0)/3600+"h") exit end if end if do i=0,nt-1 if (start_time_step .GE. (t_all(i)-delta_t/2)/3600 .AND. \ start_time_step .LT. (t_all(i)+delta_t/2)/3600)then st=i break else st=0 end if end do ;**************************************************** ; end of time step and different types of mistakes that could be done ;**************************************************** if (end_time_step .EQ. -1.d) then end_time_step = t_all(nt-1)/3600 else if (end_time_step .GT. t_all(nt-1)/3600)then print(" ") print("'end_time_step' = "+ end_time_step +"h is greater than "+\ "last time step = " + t_all(nt-1)+"s = "+t_all(nt-1)/3600+"h") print(" ") print("Select another 'end_time_step'") print(" ") exit end if if (end_time_step .LT. start_time_step/3600)then print(" ") print("'end_time_step' = "+ end_time_step +"h is lower than "+\ "'start_time_step' = "+start_time_step+"h") print(" ") print("Select another 'start_time_step' or 'end_time_step'") print(" ") exit end if end if do i=0,nt-1 if (end_time_step .GE. (t_all(i)-delta_t/2)/3600 .AND. \ end_time_step .LT. (t_all(i)+delta_t/2)/3600)then et=i break else et=0 end if end do delete(start_time_step) start_time_step=round(st,3) delete(end_time_step) end_time_step=round(et,3) print(" ") print("Output of time steps from "+t_all(start_time_step)/3600+" h = "+\ t_all(start_time_step)+" s => index = "+start_time_step) print(" till "+t_all(end_time_step)/3600+" h = "+\ t_all(end_time_step)+" s => index = "+end_time_step) print(" ") dimt = end_time_step-start_time_step+1 ;*************************************************** ; set up recourses ;*************************************************** res = True res@gsnDraw = False res@gsnFrame = False res@txFont = "helvetica" res@tiMainFont = "helvetica" res@tiXAxisFont = "helvetica" res@tiYAxisFont = "helvetica" res@tmXBLabelFont = "helvetica" res@tmYLLabelFont = "helvetica" res@lgLabelFont = "helvetica" res@tmLabelAutoStride = True res@lgLabelFontHeightF = font_size_legend res@lgTitleFontHeightF = font_size res@txFontHeightF = font_size res@tiXAxisFontHeightF = font_size res@tiYAxisFontHeightF = font_size res@tmXBLabelFontHeightF = font_size res@tmYLLabelFontHeightF = font_size res@tmXBMinorPerMajor = 4 res@tmYLMinorPerMajor = 4 if (log_x .EQ. 1) then res@trXLog = True else res@trXLog = False end if if (log_y .EQ. 1)then res@trYLog = True else res@trYLog = False end if legend_label=new(dimt,string) legend_label_zu=new(dimz,double) legend_label_zw=new(dimz,double) legend_label_z=new(dimz,double) do p=start_time_step,end_time_step legend_label(p-start_time_step)=sprintf("%6.2f", t_all(p)/3600) end do if (sort .EQ. "time") plot = new(dim*dimz,graphic) np=dimt res@lgTitleString = "Time (h)" else plot = new(dim*dimt,graphic) np=dimz do p=0,dimz-1 if (height_level(0) .EQ. -1)then legend_label_zu(p)=round(zu(p),3) legend_label_zw(p)=round(zw(p),3) else legend_label_zu(p)=round(zuh(p),3) legend_label_zw(p)=round(zwh(p),3) end if end do end if if (black .eq. 0 ) then if (np .EQ. 1)then color = 237 else step=round(235/(np-1),3) color = ispan(2,237,step) end if else color = 2 end if if ( dash .eq. 0 ) then res@xyMonoDashPattern = True end if if ( format_out .EQ. "pdf" .OR. format_out .EQ. "ps" ) then format_out@wkPaperSize = "A4" end if if ( format_out .EQ. "png" ) then format_out@wkWidth = 1000 format_out@wkHeight = 1000 end if wks=gsn_open_wks(format_out,file_out) gsn_define_colormap(wks,"rainbow+white") n=0 do varn =dim-1,0,1 check = True if ( isStrSubset( vNam(varn), "time") .OR. \ isStrSubset( vNam(varn), "zu_sp") .OR. \ isStrSubset( vNam(varn), "zw_sp") .OR. \ isStrSubset( vNam(varn), "k_x") .OR. \ isStrSubset( vNam(varn), "k_y")) then check = False end if if (var .NE. "all") then check = isStrSubset( var,","+vNam(varn)+"," ) end if if(check) then temp = f[:]->$vNam(varn)$ data = temp(start_time_step:end_time_step,0:dimz-1,:) temp_att = f_att->$vNam(varn)$ a=getvardims(temp_att) b=dimsizes(a) delete(temp_att) if (height_level(0) .NE. -1)then do te=0,dimz-1 data(:,te,:) = temp(start_time_step:end_time_step,\ height_level(te),:) end do end if data=data/(norm_y*norm_x) do i=0,b-1 if (isStrSubset( a(i),"zu_sp" ))then legend_label_z=legend_label_zu if (height_level(0) .NE. -1)then z=zuh else z=zu end if else if (isStrSubset( a(i),"zw_sp" ))then legend_label_z=legend_label_zw if (height_level(0) .NE. -1)then z=zwh else z=zw end if end if end if end do if (check_vType) then min_y=new(dimz,double) max_y=new(dimz,double) else min_y=new(dimz,float) max_y=new(dimz,float) end if min_x=new(dimz,double) max_x=new(dimz,double) plot_h = new(dimz,graphic) if (isStrSubset(vNam(varn),"x"))then x_axis = new((/dimz,dimx/),double) do q=0,dimz-1 x_axis(q,:) = f_att->k_x x_axis = x_axis/norm_x end do if (norm_x .NE. 1.)then res@tiXAxisString = "k~B~x~N~ ("+unit_x+")" else if (norm_height .EQ. 1)then res@tiXAxisString = "k~B~x~N~ x z (1)" else res@tiXAxisString = "k~B~x~N~ (1/m)" end if end if dim_r=dimx else x_axis=new((/dimz,dimy/),double) do q=0,dimz-1 x_axis(q,:) = f_att->k_y x_axis = x_axis/norm_x end do if (norm_x .NE. 1.)then res@tiXAxisString = "k~B~y~N~ ("+unit_x+")" else if (norm_height .EQ. 1)then res@tiXAxisString = "k~B~y~N~ x z (1)" else res@tiXAxisString = "k~B~y~N~ (1/m)" end if end if dim_r=dimy end if if (sort .EQ. "time") res@xyLineColors = color res@pmLegendDisplayMode = "Always" res@pmLegendSide = "Top" res@pmLegendParallelPosF = 1.2 res@pmLegendOrthogonalPosF = -1.0 res@pmLegendWidthF = 0.12 res@pmLegendHeightF = 0.04*\ (end_time_step-start_time_step+1) do p=dimz-1,0,1 if (log_y .EQ. 1)then do q=0,dimt-1 do r=0,dim_r-1 if (data(q,p,r) .EQ. 0)then st=p+start_time_step print(" ") print("'"+vNam(varn)+"("+st+","+q+","+r+")' is "+\ "equal 0. Logarithmic scale for y-axis "+\ "and height "+z(p)+" cannot be used") print(" ") res@trYLog = False end if end do end do end if res@gsnLeftString = vNam(varn) res@gsnRightString = "Height = "+z(p)+"m" res@tiYAxisString = "("+unit_y+")" res@xyExplicitLegendLabels = legend_label if (norm_height .EQ. 1)then data(:,p,:)=data(:,p,:)*doubletofloat(z(p)) x_axis(p,:) = x_axis(p,:)*z(p) end if res@trXMinF = min(x_axis(p,:)) res@trXMaxF = max(x_axis(p,:)) plot(n) = gsn_csm_xy(wks,x_axis(p,:),data(:,p,:),res) n=n+1 end do else if (sort .EQ. "height") do p=0,dimt-1 do q=0,dimz-1 do r=0,dim_r-1 if (data(p,q,r) .EQ. 0)then st=p+start_time_step print(" ") print("'"+vNam(varn)+"("+st+","+q+","+r+")' "+\ "is equal 0. Logarithmic scale for y-axis "+\ "and time "+legend_label(p)+" h cannot be used") print(" ") res@trYLog = False end if end do if (norm_height .EQ. 1 .AND. p .EQ. 0)then data(p,q,:) = data(p,q,:)*\ doubletofloat(legend_label_z(q)) x_axis(q,:) = x_axis(q,:)*\ doubletofloat(legend_label_z(q)) end if max_y(q)=max(data(p,q,:)) min_y(q)=min(data(p,q,:)) min_x(q)=min(x_axis(q,:)) max_x(q)=max(x_axis(q,:)) end do do q=0,dimz-1 res@xyLineColor = color(q) if (dash .EQ. 1)then res@xyDashPattern = q end if if (q .EQ. 0)then res@tiYAxisString = "("+unit_y+")" res@gsnLeftString = vNam(varn) res@gsnRightString = "Time = "+legend_label(p)+"h" res@trXMinF = min(min_x) res@trXMaxF = max(max_x) res@trYMinF = min(min_y) res@trYMaxF = max(max_y) plot_h(q) = gsn_csm_xy(wks,x_axis(q,:),\ data(p,q,:),res) lgres = True if (dash .EQ. 0)then lgres@lgMonoDashIndex = True else lgres@lgDashIndexes = ispan(0,dimz-1,1) end if if (black .EQ. 1)then lgres@lgMonoLineColors = True else lgres@lgLineColors = color end if lgres@lgTitleString = "Height (m)" lgres@lgLabelFont = "helvetica" lgres@lgLabelFontHeightF = font_size_legend*6 lgres@lgTitleFontHeightF = font_size lgres@vpWidthF = 0.12 lgres@vpHeightF = font_size_legend*(dimz+3) lbid = gsn_create_legend(wks,dimz,legend_label_z,lgres) amres = True amres@amParallelPosF = 0.75 amres@amOrthogonalPosF = 0.15 annoid1 = gsn_add_annotation(plot_h(q),lbid,amres) else plot_h(q) = gsn_csm_xy(wks,x_axis(q,:),\ data(p,q,:),res) overlay(plot_h(0),plot_h(q)) end if end do plot(n)=plot_h(0) n=n+1 end do end if end if delete(data) delete(temp) delete(x_axis) delete(min_x) delete(max_x) delete(min_y) delete(max_y) delete(plot_h) end if end do if (n .EQ. 0) then print(" ") print("The variables 'var="+var+"' do not exist on your input file;") print("be sure to have one comma berfore and after each variable") print(" ") exit end if ; *************************************************** ; merge plots onto one page ; *************************************************** resP = True resP@gsnMaximize = True resP@gsnPanelXWhiteSpacePercent = 4.0 resP@gsnPanelYWhiteSpacePercent = 4.0 resP@txFont = "helvetica" resP@txString = f_att@title resP@txFuncCode = "~" resP@txFontHeightF = 0.0105 no_frames = 0 if ((format_out .EQ. "eps" .OR. format_out .EQ. "epsi") .AND. \ n .gt. no_rows*no_columns) then gsn_panel(wks,plot,(/n,1/),resP) print(" ") print("Outputs to .eps or .epsi have only one frame") print(" ") else do i = 0,n-1, no_rows*no_columns if( (i+no_rows*no_columns) .gt. (n-1)) then gsn_panel(wks,plot(i:n-1),(/no_rows,no_columns/),resP) no_frames = no_frames + 1 else gsn_panel(wks,plot(i:i+no_rows*no_columns-1),\ (/no_rows,no_columns/),resP) no_frames = no_frames + 1 end if end do end if if (format_out .EQ. "png" ) then png_output = new((/no_frames/), string) j = 0 if (no_frames .eq. 1) then if (ncl_version .GE. 6 ) then png_output(0) = file_out+".png" else png_output(0) = file_out+".00000"+1+".png" end if ;using imagemagick's convert for reducing the white ;space around the plot cmd = "convert -geometry 1000x1000 -density 300 -trim " + \ png_output(0) + " " + png_output(0) system(cmd) else do i=0, no_frames-1 j = i + 1 if (j .LE. 9) then png_output(i) = file_out+".00000"+j+".png" end if if (j .GT. 9 .AND. j .LE. 99) then png_output(i) = file_out+".0000"+j+".png" end if if (j .GT. 99 .AND. j .LE. 999) then png_output(i) = file_out+".000"+j+".png" end if if (j .GT. 999) then png_output(i) = file_out+".00"+j+".png" end if ;using imagemagick's convert for reducing the white ;space around the plot cmd = "convert -geometry 1000x1000 -density 300 -trim " + \ png_output(i) + " " + png_output(i) system(cmd) end do end if print(" ") print("Output to: "+ png_output) print(" ") else print(" ") print("Output to: " + file_out +"."+ format_out) print(" ") end if end