MainWindow 0 0 917 689 0 0 960 730 MRUN gui 72 72 Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly false false 10 595 901 61 Main control 120 10 100 24 Quit false 10 10 100 24 MRUN Start true 10 35 881 25 false false false false 230 10 100 24 Clear false 360 0 141 326 Run control list 10 55 87 23 Profiles 10 155 87 23 3D 10 80 87 23 XY 10 30 121 23 Timeseries (TS) 10 180 87 23 Masks 10 205 87 23 Spectra 10 230 87 23 Particles 10 105 87 23 XZ 10 130 87 23 YZ 10 250 131 36 Particle TS true 10 0 351 326 Job name 90 30 251 25 10 30 71 24 Select 10 65 101 16 Recent 10 jobs: 10 85 331 181 false 10 265 251 25 Initial run Restart run Precursor run (Atmosphere) Precursor run (Ocean) Coupled restart true 10 295 241 16 75 true false 10 320 491 271 Execution 290 30 91 25 Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft 250 35 41 15 Queue: Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 70 80 51 25 40 85 31 15 PEs: Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 290 80 41 25 210 85 81 16 Tasks / node: Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 290 55 91 25 230 60 61 16 Account: Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 0 110 71 16 CPU time: Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 70 105 131 25 30 35 41 16 Host: false Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 70 30 131 25 false 10 135 161 16 false PEs (Atmosphere / Ocean): false Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing false 200 130 61 25 true false 290 130 61 25 false 180 135 21 16 A: Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing false 270 135 21 16 O: Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 7 155 481 16 Qt::Horizontal 10 170 121 23 Allow restarts 10 195 271 23 Do not delete temporary directory at end 70 55 131 25 20 60 51 16 Branch: false Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing false 350 135 55 15 10 220 261 23 No prompt on confirmation (silent) false 130 170 241 21 75 true 10 245 261 23 Skip namelist file check false 510 30 401 556 Advanced settings 10 200 421 23 -x (tracing of mrun for debug purposes) 10 175 421 23 -S (config file interpreted by shellscript) 10 150 421 23 -O (use OpenMP) 10 125 421 23 -k (keep data from previous run) 10 100 421 23 -I (archiving errors of previous batch-jobs will be ignored) 10 75 421 23 -F (create remote job file only) 10 50 421 23 -b (batch-job on local machine) 10 25 421 23 -A (archiving when using file-attribute fl) 280 255 111 25 default shared non_shared 200 330 191 25 200 305 191 25 60 460 131 16 OUTPUT control list: Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 10 240 381 16 Qt::Horizontal 100 260 91 15 Memory (MB): Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 200 255 71 25 30 310 161 16 Base name of input files: Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 10 335 181 16 Preprocessor directives (cpp): Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 20 360 171 16 Configuration file: Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 200 355 191 25 60 385 131 16 Software package list: Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 200 380 191 25 20 410 171 16 Filenames to be compiled: Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 200 405 191 25 60 435 131 16 INPUT control list: Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 200 430 191 25 200 455 191 25 200 480 191 25 10 485 181 16 Number of parallel I/O streams Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 0 505 441 16 Qt::Horizontal 200 525 191 25 10 530 181 16 User parameters (no preview): Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 30 285 161 16 Makefile: Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 200 280 191 25 10 225 421 23 -Z (disable combine_plot_fields at the end of job) false 510 5 201 23 Enable advanced settings TopToolBarArea false 0 0 917 21 2175 98 133 206 Start false Help Open from File false Save to File Load Last Job Quit Help About MRUN gui true Save as Default false Check parameter file Start watchdog pushButton line_jobname list_jobname drop_job line_host line_q line_branch line_account line_pe line_tpn line_time line_PE_atmos line_PE_ocean check_ts check_pr check_xy check_xz check_yz check_3d check_ma check_sp check_prt check_pts check_restarts check_delete_tmp_files check_verbose button_start button_clear check_advanced check_A check_b check_F check_I check_k check_O check_S check_x line_m combo_n line_M line_a line_D line_c line_p line_s line_i line_o line_w line_user commandline button_exit button_exit clicked() MainWindow close() 160 655 16 19 button_start clicked() MainWindow startmrun() 73 655 14 63 check_advanced stateChanged(int) MainWindow enable_advanced() 595 43 628 10 drop_job activated(QString) MainWindow enable_coupled() 222 296 261 0 pushButton clicked() MainWindow choosejob() 53 77 535 0 list_jobname itemActivated(QListWidgetItem*) MainWindow choosejob_list() 313 178 430 0 check_ts stateChanged(int) MainWindow change_rc_list() 440 73 506 63 check_pr stateChanged(int) MainWindow change_rc_list() 427 96 506 90 check_xy stateChanged(int) MainWindow change_rc_list() 417 121 506 116 check_xz stateChanged(int) MainWindow change_rc_list() 413 141 505 142 check_yz stateChanged(int) MainWindow change_rc_list() 409 169 505 167 check_3d stateChanged(int) MainWindow change_rc_list() 418 196 505 194 check_ma stateChanged(int) MainWindow change_rc_list() 416 217 505 219 check_prt stateChanged(int) MainWindow change_rc_list() 429 279 505 247 check_sp stateChanged(int) MainWindow change_rc_list() 431 254 503 304 check_pts stateChanged(int) MainWindow change_rc_list() 415 312 505 330 drop_job currentIndexChanged(QString) MainWindow change_rc_list() 270 295 334 356 check_restarts stateChanged(int) MainWindow change_rc_list() 72 539 1 530 check_delete_tmp_files stateChanged(int) MainWindow check_flags() 76 564 3 562 check_verbose stateChanged(int) MainWindow check_flags() 53 589 5 623 check_A stateChanged(int) MainWindow check_flags() 531 98 952 41 check_b stateChanged(int) MainWindow check_flags() 556 119 954 67 check_F stateChanged(int) MainWindow check_flags() 574 150 954 103 check_I stateChanged(int) MainWindow check_flags() 586 172 956 129 check_k stateChanged(int) MainWindow check_flags() 593 195 957 158 check_O stateChanged(int) MainWindow check_flags() 606 216 955 188 check_S stateChanged(int) MainWindow check_flags() 604 244 955 221 check_x stateChanged(int) MainWindow check_flags() 617 266 955 255 line_host textEdited(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 119 401 26 362 line_branch textEdited(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 149 426 4 405 line_pe textEdited(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 95 451 5 440 line_time textEdited(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 179 476 4 480 line_q textEdited(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 338 400 507 387 line_account textEdited(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 361 426 506 416 line_tpn textEdited(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 328 451 505 447 line_PE_atmos textEdited(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 262 501 507 482 line_PE_ocean textEdited(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 324 501 505 513 line_m textEdited(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 756 332 954 328 line_a textEdited(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 796 386 955 365 line_D textEdited(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 805 389 955 396 line_c textEdited(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 850 436 956 421 line_p textEdited(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 868 448 958 482 line_s textEdited(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 885 486 955 522 line_i textEdited(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 900 511 955 551 line_o textEdited(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 900 536 954 578 line_w textEdited(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 900 561 956 612 combo_n currentIndexChanged(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 887 332 955 310 line_user textChanged(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 812 592 955 650 button_clear clicked() MainWindow reset_window() 307 655 956 689 line_M textChanged(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 900 343 953 287 action_quit triggered() MainWindow close() -1 -1 479 366 action_save triggered() MainWindow save_to_file() -1 -1 479 366 action_last triggered() MainWindow open_last() -1 -1 479 366 action_open triggered() MainWindow open_from_file() -1 -1 479 366 action_help triggered() MainWindow help() -1 -1 479 366 action_about triggered() MainWindow about_gui() -1 -1 479 366 action_default triggered() MainWindow save_default() -1 -1 479 366 line_jobname textChanged(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 175 66 4 122 check_namelist_check stateChanged(int) MainWindow check_flags() 61 609 5 594 check_Z stateChanged(int) MainWindow check_flags() 730 295 458 344 action_start_wd triggered() MainWindow start_watchdog() -1 -1 458 344 startmrun() enable_advanced() enable_coupled() choosejob() choosejob_list() change_rc_list() check_flags() change_lineinput() reset_window() save_to_file() open_from_file() open_last() about() about_gui() save_default() help() start_watchdog()