Message identifier | Error message | |
PA0001 |
"host" is not set. Please check that environment
variable "localhost" is set before running PALM |
PA0002 | illegal coupling mode: ... | |
PA0003 | dt_coupling is not set but required for coupling mode "..." | |
PA0004 | coupling mode "...": dt_coupling = ... is not equal to dt_coupling_remote = ... | |
PA0005 | coupling mode "...": dt_coupling <= 0.0 is not allowed and is reset to MAX(dt_max(A,O)) = ... | |
PA0006 | coupling mode "...": restart_time = ... is not equal to restart_time_remote = ... | |
PA0007 | coupling mode "...": dt_restart = ... is not equal to dt_restart_remote = ... | |
PA0008 | coupling mode "...": simulation_time_since_reference = ... is not equal to simulation_time_since_reference_remote = ... | |
PA0009 | coupling mode "...": dx = ... is not equal to dx_remote = ... | |
PA0010 | coupling mode "...": dy = ... is not equal to dy_remote = ... | |
PA0011 | coupling mode "...": nx = ... is not equal to nx_remote = ... | |
PA0012 | coupling mode "...": ny = ... is not equal to ny_remote = ... | |
PA0013 | illegal value given for loop_optimization: "..." | |
PA0014 | a non-flat topography does not allow ... | |
PA0015 | ocean = .T. does not allow ... | |
PA0016 | unknown solver for perturbation pressure: psolver = "..." | |
PA0017 | psolver = "..." only works for a 1d domain-decomposition along x please do not set npey/=1 in the parameter file | |
PA0018 |
psolver = ".." does not work for subdomains with
unequal size please set grid_matching = ''strict''
in the parameter file | |
PA0019 | psolver = "..." only works for a parallel environment | |
PA0020 | unknown multigrid cycle: cycle_mg = "..." | |
PA0021 | unknown fft-algorithm: fft_method = "..." | |
PA0022 | unknown advection scheme: momentum_advec = "..." | |
PA0023 | momentum_advec = "..." is not allowed with timestep_scheme = "..." | |
PA0024 | unknown advection scheme: scalar_advec = "..." | |
PA0025 | use_upstream_for_tke set .TRUE. because use_sgs_for_particles = .TRUE. | |
PA0026 | use_upstream_for_tke = .TRUE. not allowed with timestep_scheme = "..." | |
PA0027 | unknown timestep scheme: timestep_scheme = "..." | |
PA0028 | scalar advection scheme "..." does not work with timestep_scheme ".." | |
PA0029 | momentum advection scheme "..." does not work with timestep_scheme "..." | |
PA0030 | initializing_action = "..." unkown or not allowed | |
PA0031 | initializing_actions = "set_constant_profiles" and "set_1d-model_profiles" are not allowed simultaneously | |
PA0032 | initializing_actions = "set_constant_profiles" and "by_user" are not allowed simultaneously | |
PA0033 | initializing_actions = "by_user" and "set_1d-model_profiles" are not allowed simultaneously | |
PA0034 | cloud_physics = ... is not allowed with humidity = ... | |
PA0035 | precipitation = ... is not allowed with cloud_physics = ... | |
PA0036 | humidity = .TRUE. and sloping_surface = .TRUE. are not allowed simultaneously | |
PA0037 | UPS-scheme is not implemented for humidity = .TRUE. | |
PA0038 | humidity = .TRUE. and passive_scalar = .TRUE. is not allowed simultaneously' | |
PA0039 | UPS-scheme is not implemented for passive_scalar = .TRUE. | |
PA0040 | illegal value "..." found for parameter grid_matching | |
PA0041 | plant_canopy = .TRUE. requires a non-zero drag coefficient given value is drag_coefficient = 0.0 | |
PA0042 | use_top_fluxes must be .TRUE. in ocean version | |
PA0043 | ABS( alpha_surface = ... ) must be< 90.0 | |
PA0044 | dt = ... <= 0.0 | |
PA0045 | cfl_factor = ... out of range 0.0 < cfl_factor <= 1.0 is required | |
PA0046 | baroclinicity (ug) not allowed simultaneously with galilei transformation | |
PA0047 | baroclinicity (vg) not allowed simultaneously with galilei transformation | |
PA0048 | variable translation speed used for galilei-transformation, which may cause instabilities in stably stratified regions | |
PA0049 | unknown boundary condition: bc_lr = "..." | |
PA0050 | unknown boundary condition: bc_ns = "..." | |
PA0051 | non-cyclic lateral boundaries do not allow psolver = "..." | |
PA0052 | non-cyclic lateral boundaries do not allow momentum_advec = "..." | |
PA0053 | non-cyclic lateral boundaries do not allow scalar_advec = "..." | |
PA0054 | non-cyclic lateral boundaries do not allow galilei_transformation = .T. | |
PA0055 | adjust_mixing_length = TRUE and bc_e_b = "neumann" | |
PA0056 | adjust_mixing_length = FALSE and bc_e_b = "..." | |
PA0057 | boundary condition bc_e_b changed to "..." | |
PA0058 | unknown boundary condition: bc_e_b = "..." | |
PA0059 | unknown boundary condition: bc_p_b = "..." | |
PA0060 | boundary condition: bc_p_b = "..." not allowed with prandtl_layer = .FALSE.' | |
PA0061 | unknown boundary condition: bc_p_t = "..." | |
PA0062 | unknown boundary condition: bc_pt_b = "..." | |
PA0063 | unknown boundary condition: bc_pt_t = "..." | |
PA0064 | both, top_momentumflux_u AND top_momentumflux_v must be set | |
PA0065 | boundary_condition: bc_pt_b = "..." is not allowed with constant_heatflux = .TRUE. | |
PA0066 | constant_heatflux = .TRUE. is not allowed with pt_surface_initial_change (/=0) = ... | |
PA0067 | boundary_condition: bc_pt_t = "..." is not allowed with constant_top_heatflux = .TRUE. | |
PA0068 | unknown boundary condition: bc_sa_t = "..." | |
PA0069 | boundary condition: bc_sa_t = "..." requires to set top_salinityflux | |
PA0070 | boundary condition: bc_sa_t = "..." is not allowed with constant_top_salinityflux = .TRUE.' | |
PA0071 | unknown boundary condition: bc_..._b ="..." | |
PA0072 | unknown boundary condition: bc_..._t ="..." | |
PA0073 | boundary condition: bc_..._b = "..." is not allowed with prescribed surface flux | |
PA0074 | a prescribed surface flux is not allowed with ..._surface_initial_change (/=0) = ... | |
PA0075 | boundary condition: bc_uv_b = "..." is not allowed with prandtl_layer = .TRUE. | |
PA0076 | unknown boundary condition: bc_uv_b = "..." | |
PA0077 | unknown boundary condition: bc_uv_t = "..." | |
PA0078 | rayleigh_damping_factor = ... out of range [0.0,1.0] | |
PA0079 | rayleigh_damping_height = ... out of range [0.0, ...] | |
PA0080 | overshoot_limit_... < 0.0 is not allowed | |
PA0081 | ups_limit_... < 0.0 is not allowed | |
PA0082 | number of statistic_regions = ... but only 10 regions are allowed | |
PA0083 | normalizing_region = ... must be >= 0 and <= ... (value of statistic_regions) | |
PA0084 | dt_sort_particles is reset to 0.0 because of cloud_droplets = .TRUE. | |
PA0085 | averaging_interval = ... must be <= dt_data_output = ... | |
PA0086 | averaging_interval_pr = ... must be <= dt_dopr = ... | |
PA0087 | averaging_interval_sp = ... must be <= dt_dosp = ... | |
PA0088 | dt_averaging_input = ... must be <= averaging_interval = ... | |
PA0089 | dt_averaging_input_pr = ... must be <= averaging_interval_pr = ... | |
PA0090 | precipitation_amount_interval = ... must not be larger than dt_do2d_xy = ... | |
PA0091 | data_output_pr = ... is not implemented for ocean = .FALSE.' | |
PA0092 | data_output_pr = ... is not implemented for humidity = .FALSE.' | |
PA0093 | data_output_pr = ... is not implemented for passive_scalar = .FALSE.' | |
PA0094 | data_output_pr = ... is not implemented for cloud_physics = .FALSE.' | |
PA0095 | data_output_pr = ... is not implemented for cloud_physics = .FALSE. and humidity = .FALSE. | |
PA0096 | data_output_pr = ... is not implemented for cloud_physics = .FALSE. or cloud_droplets = .FALSE | |
PA0097 | illegal value for data_output_pr or data_output_pr_user = "..." | |
PA0098 | illegal value for data_output_pr = "..." | |
PA0099 | z_max_do1d = ... must be >= ... or <= ... | |
PA0100 | unknown normalization method cross_normalized_x = "..." | |
PA0101 | unknown normalization method cross_normalized_y = "..." | |
PA0102 | number of output quantitities given by data_output and data_output_user exceeds the limit of 100 | |
PA0103 | output of "..." requires constant_diffusion = .FALSE. | |
PA0104 | output of "..." requires a "particles_par"-NAMELIST in the parameter file (PARIN) | |
PA0105 | output of "..." requires humidity = .TRUE. | |
PA0106 | output of "" requires cloud_physics = .TRUE. or cloud_droplets = .TRUE.' | |
PA0107 | output of "..." requires cloud_droplets = .TRUE. | |
PA0108 | output of "..." requires cloud_physics = .TRUE. | |
PA0109 | output of "..." requires ocean = .TRUE. | |
PA0110 | output of "..." requires passive_scalar = .TRUE. | |
PA0111 | illegal value for data_output: "..." only 2d-horizontal cross sections are allowed for this value | |
PA0112 | output of "..." requires precipitation = .TRUE. | |
PA0113 | temporal averaging of precipitation amount "..." is not possible' | |
PA0114 | illegal value for data_output or data_output_user = "..." | |
PA0115 | illegal value for data_output = "..." | |
PA0116 | z_max_do2d = ..., z_max_do2d must be >= ... (zu(nzb+1)) and <= ...(zu(nzt)) | |
PA0117 | do3d_compress = .TRUE. not allowed on host "" | |
PA0118 | illegal precision: do3d_comp_prec ( ...) = "..." | |
PA0119 | unknown variable "..." given for do3d_comp_prec(...) | |
PA0120 | unknown value for data_output_format "..." | |
PA0121 | km_constant = ... < 0.0 | |
PA0122 | prandtl_number = ... < 0.0 | |
PA0123 | prandtl_layer is not allowed with fixed value of km | |
PA0124 | outflow_damping width out of range | |
PA0125 | rif_min = ... must be less than rif_max = ... | |
PA0126 | disturbance_level_b = ... must be >= ... (zu(3)) | |
PA0127 | disturbance_level_b = ... must be <= ... (zu(nzt-2)) | |
PA0128 | disturbance_level_t = ... must be <= ... (zu(nzt-2)) | |
PA0129 | disturbance_level_t = ... must be >= disturbance_level_b = ... | |
PA0130 | disturbance_level_ind_t =... must be >= disturbance_level_b = ... | |
PA0131 | inflow_disturbance_begin out of range | |
PA0132 | inflow_disturbance_end out of range | |
PA0133 | turbulent_inflow = .T. requires a Dirichlet condition at the inflow boundary | |
PA0134 | illegal value for recycling_width: ... | |
PA0135 | unknown random generator: random_generator = "..." | |
PA0136 | damp_level_1d = ... must be > 0.0 and < ... (zu(nzt+1)) | |
PA0137 | mixing_length_1d = "..." is unknown | |
PA0138 | dissipation_1d = "..." is unknown | |
PA0139 | termination_time_needed = ... must be > 30.0 on host ... | |
PA0140 | termination_time_needed = ... should be >= 300.0 on host "..." | |
PA0141 | coupling requires PALM to be called with ''mrun -K parallel'' | |
PA0142 | absolute temperature < 0.0 at zu(...) = ... | |
PA0143 | k=... j=... i=... ql_c=... part(...)%wf=... delta_r=... | |
PA0144 | #1 k=... j=... i=... e_s=... e_a=... t_int=... d_radius=... delta_r=... particle_radius=... | |
PA0145 | collision_efficiency out of range: ... | |
PA0146 | maximum_number_of_particles needs to be increased but this is not allowed with netcdf_data_format < 3 | NetCDF output is switched on (data_output_format = 'netcdf') and a NetCDF3 format is used (netcdf_data_format < 3). If output of particle data is switched on (see dt_write_particle_data), the size of the particle array, given on each processor by maximum_number_of_particles, is not allowed to increase during the run, when the NetCDF3 data format is used, because NetCDF3 allows only one unlimited dimension, which is the time dimension. Anyhow, PALM tries to increase the size of the particle array, if the number of particles in a subdomain becomes larger than the size of this array. This may happen because of a flow convergence or because new sets of particles are released (see dt_prel). This problem can be avoided by using the NetCDF4 data format (netcdf_data_format > 2), which allows more than one unlimited dimension. Alternatively, maximum_number_of_particles can be given a sufficiently large value. |
PA0147 | maximum_number_of_tails needs to be increased but this is not allowed with netcdf_data_format < 3 | NetCDF output is switched on (data_output_format = 'netcdf') and a NetCDF3 format is used (netcdf_data_format < 3). If output of particle data is switched on (see dt_write_particle_data), the size of the particle tail array, given on each processor by maximum_number_of_tails, is not allowed to increase during the run, when the NetCDF3 data format is used, because NetCDF3 allows only one unlimited dimension, which is the time dimension. Anyhow, PALM tries to increase the size of the particle tail array, if the number of particle tails in a subdomain becomes larger than the size of this array. This may happen because of a flow convergence or because new sets of particles are released (see dt_prel). This problem can be avoided by using the NetCDF4 data format (netcdf_data_format > 2), which allows more than one unlimited dimension. Alternatively, maximum_number_of_tails can be given a sufficiently large value. |
PA0148 | particle too fast. n = ... | |
PA0149 | particle out of range: i=... j=... k=... nxl=... nxr=... nys=... nyn=... nzb=... nzt=... | |
PA0150 | Both dp_external and conserve_volume_flow are .TRUE. but one of them must be .FALSE. | |
PA0151 | dp_level_b = ... is out of range | |
PA0152 | dp_external is .TRUE. but dpdxy is zero, i.e. the external pressure gradient will not be applied | |
PA0153 | dpdxy is nonzero but dp_external is .FALSE., i.e. the external pressure gradient will not be applied | |
PA0154 | unknown conserve_volume_flow_mode: ... | |
PA0155 | noncyclic boundary conditions require conserve_volume_flow_mode = ''inflow_profile'' | |
PA0156 | cyclic boundary conditions require conserve_volume_flow_mode = ''initial_profiles'' or ''bulk_velocity'' requires noncyclic boundary conditions | |
PA0137 | nonzero bulk velocity requires conserve_volume_flow = .T. and conserve_volume_flow_mode = ''bulk_velocity'' | |
PA0158 | no vertical boundary condition for variable "..." | |
PA0159 | no term for component "..." | |
PA0160 | non-cyclic lateral boundaries along x do not allow calculation of spectra along x | |
PA0161 | sorry, calculation of spectra in non parallel mode is still not realized | |
PA0162 | non-cyclic lateral boundaries along y do not allow calculation of spectra along y | |
PA0163 | run will be terminated because it is running out of job cpu limit remaining time: ... s termination time needed: ... s | |
PA0164 | run will be terminated due to user settings of restart_time / dt_restart new restart time is: ... s | |
PA0165 | re-open of unit 14 is not verified. Please check results! | |
PA0166 | re-opening of file-id ... is not allowed | |
PA0167 | opening file-id ... not allowed for PE ... | |
PA0168 | opening file-id ... is not allowed since it is used otherwise | |
PA0169 | no filename for AVS-data-file found in MRUN-config-file filename in FLD-file set to "unknown" | |
PA0170 | no path for batch_scp on host "..." | |
PA0171 |
NetCDF: NetCDF4 format requested but no cpp-directive __netcdf4 given switch back to 64-bit offset format | netcdf_data_format > 2 has been set. This requires NetCDF4 features, which have to be activated by setting the cpp-directive __netcdf4 in the configuration file (%cpp_options). It also requires a NetCDF4 library. Set -I, -L, and -l options in compile (%copts) and load (%lopts) options of the configuration file appropriately. |
PA0172 | no OPEN-statement for file-id ... | |
PA0173 | wrong component: ... | |
PA0174 | wrong argument expected: ... given: | |
PA0175 | no time measurement defined on this host | |
PA0176 | negative time interval occured PE ... L=PAUSE "..." new=... last=... | |
PA0177 | negative time interval occured PE ... L=STOP "..." new=... last=... isum=... | |
PA0178 | negative time interval occured PE ... L=STOP "..." sum=... mtime=... | |
PA0179 | unknown modus of time measurement: ... | |
PA0180 | unknown cross-section: ... | |
PA0181 | no output provided for: ... | |
PA0182 | no output available for: ... | |
PA0183 | if humidity/passive_scalar = FALSE output of ... is not provided | |
PA0184 | if cloud_physics = FALSE output of ... is not provided | |
PA0185 | data_output_profiles: normalizing cross ... is not possible since one of the normalizing factors is zero! cross_normx_factor(...,...) = ... cross_normy_factor(...,...) = ... | |
PA0186 | no spectra data available | |
PA0187 | fft method "..." currently does not work on NEC | |
PA0188 | no system-specific fft-call available | |
PA0189 | fft method "..." not available | |
PA0190 | flow_statistics is called two times within one timestep | |
PA0191 | unknown action(s): ... | |
PA0192 | timestep has exceeded the lower limit dt_1d = ... s simulation stopped! | |
PA0193 | unknown initializing problem | |
PA0194 | number of time series quantities exceeds its maximum of dots_max = ... Please increase dots_max in modules.f90. | |
PA0195 | dvrp_username is undefined | |
PA0196 | dvrp_output="..." not allowed | |
PA0197 | dvrp_file="..." not allowed | |
PA0198 | mode_dvrp="..." not allowed | |
PA0199 | split of communicator not realized with MPI1 coupling atmosphere-ocean' | |
PA0200 | missing dz | |
PA0201 | dz=... <= 0.0 | |
PA0202 | grid anisotropy exceeds threshold given by only local horizontal reduction of near_wall mixing length l_wall starting from height level k = ... . | |
PA0203 | inconsistent building parameters: bxl=... bxr=... bys=... byn=... nx=... ny=... | |
PA0204 | no street canyon width given | |
PA0205 | inconsistent canyon parameters: cxl=... cxr=... cwx=... ch=... nx=... ny=... | |
PA0206 | inconsistent canyon parameters:... cys=... cyn=... cwy=... ch=... nx=... ny=... | |
PA0207 | inconsistent canyon parameters: street canyon can only be oriented either in x- or in y-direction | |
PA0208 | file TOPOGRAPHY_DATA does not exist | |
PA0209 | errors in file TOPOGRAPHY_DATA | |
PA0210 | nzb_local values are outside the model domain MINVAL( nzb_local ) = ... MAXVAL( nzb_local ) = ... | |
PA0211 | nzb_local does not fulfill cyclic boundary condition in x-direction | |
PA0212 | nzb_local does not fulfill cyclic boundary condition in y-direction | |
PA0213 | max_number_of_particle_groups =... number_of_particle_groups reset to ... | |
PA0214 | version mismatch concerning data from prior run version on file = ... version in program = ... | |
PA0215 | particle group # ... has a density ratio /= 0 but radius = 0 | |
PA0216 | number of initial particles (...) exceeds maximum_number_of_particles (...) on PE ... | |
PA0217 | unknown boundary condition bc_par_b = "..." | |
PA0218 | unknown boundary condition bc_par_t = "..." | |
PA0219 | unknown boundary condition bc_par_lr = "..." | |
PA0220 | unknown boundary condition bc_par_ns = "..." | |
PA0221 | number of PEs of the prescribed topology (...) does not match the number of PEs available to the job () | |
PA0222 | if the processor topology is prescribed by the user, both values of "npex" and "npey" must be given in the NAMELIST-parameter file | |
PA0223 | psolver = "poisfft_hybrid" can only be used in case of a 1d-decomposition along x | |
PA0224 | no matching grid for transpositions found | |
PA0225 | x-direction: gridpoint number (...)is not an integral divisor of the number of procesors (...) | |
PA0226 | x-direction: nx does not match the requirements given by the number of PEs used please use nx = ... instead of nx =... | |
PA0227 | y-direction: gridpoint number (...) is not an integral divisor of the number of processors (...) | |
PA0228 | y-direction: ny does not match the requirements given by the number of PEs used please use ny = ... instead of ny =... | |
PA0229 | 1d-decomposition along x chosen but nz restrictions may occur since ups-scheme is activated | |
PA0230 | transposition z --> x: nz=... is not an integral divisior of pdims(1)= ... | |
PA0231 | transposition x --> y: nx+1=... is not an integral divisor of pdims(2)= ... | |
PA0232 | transposition y --> z: ny+1=... is not an integral divisor of pdims(1)=... | |
PA0233 | transposition x --> y: ny+1=... is not an integral divisor of pdims(1)=... | |
PA0234 | direct transposition z --> y (needed for spectra): nz=... is not an integral divisor of pdims(2)=... | |
PA0235 | mg_switch_to_pe0_level out of range and reset to default (=0) | |
PA0236 | not enough memory for storing gathered multigrid data on PE0 | |
PA0237 | multigrid gather/scatter impossible in non parallel mode | |
PA0238 | more than 10 multigrid levels | |
PA0239 | The value for "topography_grid_convention" is not set. Its default value is only valid for "topography" = ''single_building'', ''single_street_canyon'' or ''read_from_file'' Choose ''cell_edge'' or ''cell_center''. | |
PA0240 | The value for "topography_grid_convention" is not recognized. Choose ''cell_edge'' or ''cell_center''. | |
PA0241 | netcdf_precision must contain a "_" netcdf_precision(...)="..." | |
PA0242 | illegal netcdf precision: netcdf_precision( ...)="..." | |
PA0243 | unknown variable in inipar assignment: netcdf_precision(', i, ')="..." | |
PA0244 | no grid defined for variable ... | |
PA0245 | NetCDF file for volume data ... from previuos run found, but this file cannot be extended due to variable mismatch. New file is created instead. | |
PA0246 | NetCDF file for volume data ... from previuos run found, but this file cannot be extended due to mismatch in number of vertical grid points (nz_do3d). New file is created instead. | |
PA0247 | NetCDF file for volume data ... from previuos run found, but this file cannot be extended because the current output time is less or equal than the last output time on this file. New file is created instead. | |
PA0248 | NetCDF file for volume data ... from previous run found. This file will be extended. | |
PA0249 | NetCDF file for cross-sections ... from previuos run found, but this file cannot be extended due to variable mismatch. New file is created instead. | |
PA0250 | NetCDF file for cross-sections ... from previuos run found, but this file cannot be extended due to mismatch in number of cross sections. New file is created instead. | |
PA0251 | NetCDF file for cross-sections ... from previuos run found but this file cannot be extended due to mismatch in cross section levels. New file is created instead. | |
PA0252 | NetCDF file for cross sections ... from previuos run found, but this file cannot be extended because the current output time is less or equal than the last output time on this file. New file is created instead. | |
PA0253 | NetCDF file for cross-sections ... from previous run found. This file will be extended. | |
PA0254 | NetCDF file for vertical profiles from previuos run found, but this file cannot be extended due to variable mismatch. New file is created instead. | |
PA0255 | NetCDF file for vertical profiles from previuos run found, but this file cannot be extended because the current output time is less or equal than the last output time on this file. New file is created instead. | |
PA0256 | NetCDF file for vertical profiles from previous run found. This file will be extended. | |
PA0257 | NetCDF file for vertical profiles from previous run found. This file will be extended. | |
PA0258 | NetCDF file for time series from previuos run found, but this file cannot be extended because the current output time is less or equal than the last output time on this file. New file is created instead. | |
PA0259 | NetCDF file for time series from previous run found. This file will be extended. | |
PA0260 | NetCDF file for spectra from previuos run found, but this file cannot be extended due to variable mismatch. New file is created instead. | |
PA0261 | NetCDF file for spectra from previuos run found, but this file cannot be extended due to mismatch in number of vertical levels. New file is created instead. | |
PA0262 | NetCDF file for spectra from previuos run found, but this file cannot be extended due to mismatch in heights of vertical levels. New file is created instead. | |
PA0263 | NetCDF file for spectra from previuos run found, but this file cannot be extended because the current output time is less or equal than the last output time on this file. New file is created instead. | |
PA0264 | NetCDF file for spectra from previous run found. This file will be extended. | |
PA0265 | NetCDF file for particles from previuos run found, but this file cannot be extended because the current output time is less or equal than the last output time on this file. New file is created instead. | |
PA0266 | NetCDF file for particles from previous run found. This file will be extended. | |
PA0267 | NetCDF file for particle time series from previuos run found, but this file cannot be extended due to variable mismatch. New file is created instead. | |
PA0268 | NetCDF file for particle time series from previuos run found, but this file cannot be extended because the current output time is less or equal than the last output time on this file. New file is created instead. | |
PA0269 | NetCDF file for particle time series from previous run found. This file will be extended. | |
PA0270 | mode "..." not supported | |
PA0271 | errors in \$inipar ∨ no \$inipar-namelist found (CRAY-machines only) | |
PA0272 | no \$inipar-namelist found | |
PA0273 | no value or wrong value given for nx: nx=... | |
PA0274 | no value or wrong value given for ny: ny=... | |
PA0275 | no value or wrong value given for nz: nz=... | |
PA0276 | local file ENVPAR not found some variables for steering may not be properly set | |
PA0277 | errors in local file ENVPAR some variables for steering may not be properly set | |
PA0278 | no envpar-NAMELIST found in local file ENVPAR some variables for steering may not be properly set | |
PA0279 | wrong component: ... | |
PA0280 | Number of OpenMP threads = ... | |
PA0281 | running optimized multinode version switch_per_lpar = ... tasks_per_lpar = ... tasks_per_logical_node = ... | |
PA0282 | parallel environment (MPI) required | |
PA0283 | no sufficient convergence within 1000 cycles | |
PA0284 | data from subdomain of previous run mapped more than 1000 times | |
PA0285 | number of PEs or virtual PE-grid changed in restart run PE ... will read from files ... | |
PA0286 | version mismatch concerning data from prior run version on file = "..." version in program = "..." | |
PA0287 | problem with index bound nxl on restart file "..." nxl = ... but it should be = ... from the index bound information array | |
PA0288 | problem with index bound nxr on restart file "..." nxr = ... but it should be = ... from the index bound information array | |
PA0289 | problem with index bound nys on restart file "..." nys = .. but it should be = ... from the index bound information array | |
PA0290 | problem with index bound nyn on restart file "..." nyn = ... but it should be = ... from the index bound information array | |
PA0291 | mismatch between actual data and data from prior run on PE ... nzb on file = ... nzb = ... | |
PA0292 | mismatch between actual data and data from prior run on PE ... nzt on file = ... nzt = ... | |
PA0293 | read_3d_binary: spectrum_x on restart file ignored because total numbers of grid points (nx) do not match | |
PA0294 | read_3d_binary: spectrum_y on restart file ignored because total numbers of grid points (ny) do not match | |
PA0295 | unknown field named "..." found in data from prior run on PE ... | |
PA0296 | version mismatch concerning control variables version on file = "..." version on program = "..." | |
PA0297 | numprocs not found in data from prior run on PE ... | |
PA0298 | hor_index_bounds not found in data from prior run on PE ... | |
PA0299 | nz not found in data from prior run on PE ... | |
PA0300 | max_pr_user not found in data from prior run on PE ... | |
PA0301 | statistic_regions not found in data from prior run on PE ... | |
PA0302 | unknown variable named "..." found in data from prior run on PE ... | |
PA0303 | nz not found in restart data file | |
PA0304 | mismatch concerning number of gridpoints along z nz on file = "..." nz from run = "..." | |
PA0305 | max_pr_user not found in restart data file | |
PA0306 | number of user profiles on restart data file differs from the current run max_pr_user on file = "..." max_pr_user from run = "..." | |
PA0307 | statistic_regions not found in restart data file | |
PA0308 | statistic regions on restart data file differ from the current run statistic regions on file = "..." statistic regions from run = "..." statistic data may be lost! | |
PA0309 | inflow profiles not temporally averaged. Averaging will be done now using ... samples. | |
PA0310 | remote model "..." terminated with terminate_coupled_remote = ... local model "..." has terminate_coupled = ... | |
PA0311 | number of gridpoints along x or/and y contain illegal factors only factors 8,6,5,4,3,2 are allowed | |
PA0312 |
Time step has reached minimum limit. dt = ... s Simulation is terminated. old_dt = ... s dt_u = ... s dt_v = ... s dt_w = ... s dt_diff = ... s u_max = ... m/s k=... j=... i=... v_max = ... m/s k=... j=... i=... w_max = ... m/s k=... j=... i=... | |
PA0313 | illegal value for parameter particle_color: ... | |
PA0314 | illegal value for parameter particle_dvrpsize: ... | |
PA0315 | color_interval(2) <= color_interval(1) | |
PA0316 | dvrpsize_interval(2) <= dvrpsize_interval(1) | |
PA0317 | ocean = .F. does not allow coupling_char = ... set by mrun-option "-y" | |
PA0318 | inflow_damping_height must be explicitly specified because the inversion height calculated by the prerun is zero | |
PA0319 | section_xy must be <= nz + 1 = ... | |
PA0320 | section_xz must be <= ny + 1 = ... | |
PA0321 | section_yz must be <= nx + 1 = ... | |
PA0322 | output of q*w*(0) requires humidity=.TRUE. | |
PA0323 |
output of averaged quantity "..." requires to set a non-zero averaging interval | |
PA0324 |
Applying large scale vertical motion is not
allowed for ocean runs | |
UI0001 | unknown location "..." | |
UI0002 | location "..." is not allowed to be called with parameters "i" and "j" | |
UI0003 | no output possible for: ... | |
UI0004 | unknown mode "..." | |
UI0005 | topography "..." not available yet | |
UI0006 | unknown topography "..." | |
UI0007 | canopy_mode "..." not available yet | |
UI0008 | unknown canopy_mode "..." | |
UI0009 | the number of user-defined profiles given in data_output_pr (...) does not match the one found in the restart file (...) | |
UI0010 | Spectra of ... can not be calculated | |
UI0011 | Spectra of ... are not defined | |
UI0012 | unknown variable named "..." found in data from prior run on PE | |
NC**** | **** contains numbers in the range from 1-444 |
Last change: $Id: appendix_a.html 519 2010-03-19 05:30:02Z ketelsen $