Aug 21, 2019 2:37:54 PM (5 years ago)

removed comments in 'Former revisions' section that are older than 01.01.2019

1 edited


  • palm/trunk/SOURCE/surface_mod.f90

    r4168 r4180  
    7272! OpenACC port for SPEC
    74 ! 3597 2018-12-04 08:40:18Z maronga
    75 ! Added pt_2m and renamed t_surf_10cm to pt_10cm. Removed some _eb variables as
    76 ! they are no longer used.
    77 !
    78 ! 3593 2018-12-03 13:51:13Z kanani
    79 ! Replace degree symbol by 'degrees'
    80 !
    81 ! 3572 2018-11-28 11:40:28Z suehring
    82 ! Define short- and longwave radiation flux arrays (e.g. diffuse, direct,
    83 ! reflected, resedual) for all surfaces. This is required to surface outputs
    84 ! in suface_output_mod. (M. Salim)
    85 !
    86 ! 3560 2018-11-23 09:20:21Z raasch
    87 ! Surface restoring in restarts commented. Some formatting.
    88 !
    89 ! 3556 2018-11-22 14:11:57Z suehring
    90 ! variables documented
    91 !
    92 ! 3467 2018-10-30 19:05:21Z suehring
    93 ! Bugfix in surface_wrd_local for cloud and rain water flux
    94 !
    95 ! 3418 2018-10-24 16:07:39Z kanani
    96 ! -Parameters for latent heat flux in usm, usm averages (rvtils)
    97 !
    98 ! 3351 2018-10-15 18:40:42Z suehring
    99 ! New flag indication that albedo at urban surfaces is initialized via ASCII
    100 ! file
    101 !
    102 ! 3298 2018-10-02 12:21:11Z kanani
    103 ! - Minor formatting/clean-up (kanani)
    104 ! - Removed initialization of cssws with surface_csflux values. Only the value 0
    105 !   is now passed to all the chemical species of the selected mechanism.
    106 !   The real inizialization is conducted in init_3d_model_mod.f90 (Russo)
    107 ! - Added calls and variables for inizialization of chemistry emission
    108 !   fluxes (Russo)
    109 ! - Setting of cssws to zero moved (forkel)
    110 ! - Set cssws to zero before setting values (forkel)
    111 ! - Distinguish flux conversion factors for gases and PM (forkel)
    112 ! - Some questions/todo's on conversion factors (forkel)
    113 !
    114 ! 3294 2018-10-01 02:37:10Z raasch
    115 ! changes concerning modularization of ocean option
    116 !
    117 ! 3274 2018-09-24 15:42:55Z knoop
    118 ! Modularization of all bulk cloud physics code components
    119 !
    120 ! 3254 2018-09-17 10:53:57Z suehring
    121 ! Remove redundant subroutine argument
    122 !
    123 ! 3253 2018-09-17 08:39:12Z suehring
    124 ! Bugfix, missing deallocation of q_surface
    125 !
    126 ! 3241 2018-09-12 15:02:00Z raasch
    127 ! unused variables removed
    128 !
    129 ! 3222 2018-08-30 13:35:35Z suehring
    130 ! +building_type, pavement_type, vegetation_type, water_type
    131 ! +building_type_name, pavement_type_name, vegetation_type_name, water_type_name
    132 !
    133 ! 3176 2018-07-26 17:12:48Z suehring
    134 ! Bugfix in restarts for surface elements.
    135 !
    136 ! 3152 2018-07-19 13:26:52Z suehring
    137 ! q_surface added
    138 !
    139 ! 3147 2018-07-18 22:38:11Z maronga
    140 ! Added vpt_surface and vpt1
    141 !
    142 ! 3146 2018-07-18 22:36:19Z maronga
    143 ! Initialize Obukhov length, friction velocity and momentum fluxes also
    144 ! in case of restarts and cyclic fill
    145 !
    146 ! 3026 2018-05-22 10:30:53Z schwenkel
    147 ! Changed the name specific humidity to mixing ratio, since we are computing
    148 ! mixing ratios.
    149 !
    150 ! 2977 2018-04-17 10:27:57Z kanani
    151 ! Implement changes from branch radiation (r2948-2971) with minor modifications,
    152 ! plus some formatting.
    153 ! (moh.hefny)
    154 ! Added flag to check the existence of vertical urban/land surfaces, required
    155 ! to activate RTM
    156 !
    157 ! 2970 2018-04-13 15:09:23Z suehring
    158 ! Remove un-necessary initialization of surface elements in old large-scale
    159 ! forcing mode
    160 !
    161 ! 2963 2018-04-12 14:47:44Z suehring
    162 ! Introduce index for vegetation/wall, pavement/green-wall and water/window
    163 ! surfaces, for clearer access of surface fraction, albedo, emissivity, etc. .
    164 !
    165 ! 2942 2018-04-03 13:51:09Z suehring
    166 ! Bugfix in assigning surface element data after restart
    167 !
    168 ! 2940 2018-04-03 11:22:42Z suehring
    169 ! Bugfix in reading restart data of vertical surface elements
    170 !
    171 ! 2920 2018-03-22 11:22:01Z kanani
    172 ! Correct comment for surface directions
    173 !
    174 ! 2894 2018-03-15 09:17:58Z Giersch
    175 ! Calculations of the index range of the subdomain on file which overlaps with
    176 ! the current subdomain are already done in read_restart_data_mod,
    177 ! surface_read/write_restart_data was renamed to surface_r/wrd_local, variable
    178 ! named found has been introduced for checking if restart data was found,
    179 ! reading of restart strings has been moved completely to
    180 ! read_restart_data_mod, surface_rrd_local is already inside the overlap loop
    181 ! programmed in read_restart_data_mod, SAVE attribute added where necessary,
    182 ! deallocation and allocation of some arrays have been changed to take care of
    183 ! different restart files that can be opened (index i), the marker *** end
    184 ! surf *** is not necessary anymore, strings and their respective lengths are
    185 ! written out and read now in case of restart runs to get rid of prescribed
    186 ! character lengths (Giersch)
    187 !
    188 ! 2813 2018-02-16 16:28:14Z suehring
    189 ! Some more bugfixes concerning restart runs
    190 !
    191 ! 2812 2018-02-16 13:40:25Z hellstea
    192 ! Entries 'u_out', 'v_out' and 'w_out' removed from the functions
    193 ! get_topography_top_index and get_topography_top_index_ji 
    194 !
    195 ! 2805 2018-02-14 17:00:09Z suehring
    196 ! Bugfix in re-mapping surface elements in case of restart runs
    197 !
    198 ! 2766 2018-01-22 17:17:47Z kanani
    199 ! Removed preprocessor directive __chem
    200 !
    201 ! 2759 2018-01-17 16:24:59Z suehring
    202 ! Bugfix, consider density in vertical fluxes of passive scalar as well as
    203 ! chemical species.
    204 !
    205 ! 2753 2018-01-16 14:16:49Z suehring
    206 ! +r_a_green, r_a_window
    207 !
    208 ! 2718 2018-01-02 08:49:38Z maronga
    209 ! Changes from last commit documented
    210 !
    211 ! 2706 2017-12-18 18:33:49Z suehring
    212 ! In case of restarts read and write pt_surface
    213 !
    214 ! 2698 2017-12-14 18:46:24Z suehring
    215 !
    216 ! 2696 2017-12-14 17:12:51Z kanani
    217 ! - Change in file header (GPL part)
    218 ! - Missing code for css added to surf_*, handling of surface_csflux updated (FK)
    219 ! - Bugfixes in reading/writing restart data in case several surface types are
    220 !   present at the same time (MS)
    221 ! - Implementation of chemistry module (FK)
    222 ! - Allocation of pt1 and qv1 now done for all surface types (MS)
    223 ! - Revised classification of surface types
    224 ! - Introduce offset values to simplify index determination of surface elements
    225 ! - Dimensions of function get_topo_top_index (MS)
    226 ! - added variables for USM
    227 ! - adapted to changes in USM (RvT)
    228 !
    229 ! 2688 2017-12-12 17:27:04Z Giersch
    230 ! Allocation and initialization of the latent heat flux (qsws) at the top of
    231 ! the ocean domain in case of coupled runs. In addtion, a double if-query has
    232 ! been removed. 
    233 !
    234 ! 2638 2017-11-23 12:44:23Z raasch
    235 ! bugfix for constant top momentumflux
    236 !
    237 ! 2575 2017-10-24 09:57:58Z maronga
    238 ! Pavement parameterization revised
    239 !
    240 ! 2547 2017-10-16 12:41:56Z schwenkel
    241 ! extended by cloud_droplets option
    242 !
    243 ! 2526 2017-10-10 11:29:14Z monakurppa
    244 ! Implementation of a new aerosol module salsa: new surface fluxes for aerosols
    245 ! and gases.
    246 !
    247 ! 2508 2017-10-02 08:57:09Z suehring
    248 ! Minor formatting adjustment
    249 !
    250 ! 2478 2017-09-18 13:37:24Z suehring
    251 ! Bugfixes in initializing model top
    252 !
    253 ! 2378 2017-08-31 13:57:27Z suehring
    254 ! Bugfix in write restart data
    255 !
    256 ! 2339 2017-08-07 13:55:26Z gronemeier
    257 ! corrected timestamp in header
    258 !
    259 ! 2338 2017-08-07 12:15:38Z gronemeier
    260 ! Modularize 1D model
    261 !
    262 ! 2318 2017-07-20 17:27:44Z suehring
    263 ! New function to obtain topography top index.
    264 !
    265 ! 2317 2017-07-20 17:27:19Z suehring
    266 ! Implementation of new microphysic scheme: cloud_scheme = 'morrison'
    267 ! includes two more prognostic equations for cloud drop concentration (nc) 
    268 ! and cloud water content (qc).
    269 !
    270 ! 2270 2017-06-09 12:18:47Z maronga
    271 ! Parameters removed/added due to changes in the LSM
    272 !
    273 ! 2269 2017-06-09 11:57:32Z suehring
    274 ! Formatting and description adjustments
    275 !
    276 ! 2256 2017-06-07 13:58:08Z suehring
    277 ! Enable heating at downward-facing surfaces
    278 !
    279 ! 2233 2017-05-30 18:08:54Z suehring
    280 ! Initial revision
    281 !
    28375! Description:
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