!> @file surface_output_merge.f90 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! This file is part of the PALM model system. ! ! PALM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the ! terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software ! Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later ! version. ! ! PALM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY ! WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR ! A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ! PALM. If not, see . ! ! Copyright 1997-2021 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! Current revisions: ! ----------------- ! ! ! Former revisions: ! ----------------- ! $Id: surface_output_to_vtk.f90 4843 2021-01-15 15:22:11Z banzhafs $ ! Creation of in- and output filenames simplified ! ! 4481 2020-03-31 18:55:54Z maronga ! - Give path to surface data directly ! - Remove non-used input variables ! - Output of 5 relevant digits rather than 1 for the point data in order ! to account also for small grid spacings ! ! 4481 2020-03-31 18:55:54Z maronga ! Add suffix to VTK output to indicate average data ! ! 3805 2019-03-20 15:26:35Z raasch ! output format adjusted ! ! 3755 2019-02-19 17:03:19Z suehring ! - Change format description to avoid *** for larger domains ! - switch back from to non-standard Fortran ftell and fseek since posix ! interface do not work any more for some unknown reason ! ! 3523 2018-11-13 16:09:31Z suehring ! Implement interface for posix conform C-systemcalls in order to replace ! non-standard FORTRAN functions ftell and fseek. ! ! 3496 2018-11-06 15:59:50Z suehring ! Use subroutine call for fseek instead of function call. gfortran has some ! problems with this. ! ! 3494 2018-11-06 14:51:27Z suehring ! Initial version ! ! Authors: ! -------- ! @author Matthias Suehring and Klaus Ketelsen ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Interface to posix systemcalls. The module allows to call the following !> C system calls from FORTRAN: ftell, lseek. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! MODULE posix_interface INTERFACE INTEGER (C_SIZE_T) FUNCTION C_LSEEK (fd, offset, whence) & BIND(C, NAME='lseek') USE ISO_C_BINDING IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(KIND=C_INT), VALUE :: fd INTEGER(KIND=C_SIZE_T), VALUE :: offset INTEGER(KIND=C_INT), VALUE :: whence END FUNCTION C_LSEEK END INTERFACE INTERFACE INTEGER (C_SIZE_T) FUNCTION C_FTELL ( fd ) & BIND(C, NAME='ftell') USE ISO_C_BINDING IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(KIND=C_INT), VALUE :: fd END FUNCTION C_FTELL END INTERFACE PUBLIC posix_lseek, posix_ftell CONTAINS ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Interface for the C-routine lseek. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE posix_lseek( fid, offset ) USE ISO_C_BINDING IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: fid !< file unit INTEGER(KIND=C_SIZE_T),INTENT(IN) :: offset !< file offset from the beginning INTEGER(KIND=C_INT) :: my_fid !< file unit INTEGER(KIND=C_SIZE_T) :: retval !< return value INTEGER(KIND=C_INT) :: whence !< mode, here start from the beginning my_fid = fid whence = 0 retval = C_LSEEK( fid, offset, whence ) END SUBROUTINE posix_lseek ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Interface for the C-routine ftell. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE posix_ftell( fid, filepos ) USE ISO_C_BINDING IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: fid !< file unit INTEGER(KIND=C_SIZE_T), INTENT(INOUT) :: filepos !< file position filepos = C_FTELL( fid ) END SUBROUTINE posix_ftell END MODULE posix_interface ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> This routine combines surface output from PALM-subdomains into one file. !> Output from every processor element is opened and read and output !> from all processor elements are written into one file for each timestep !> according to Paraview's VTK standard. !> Output is distinguished between instantaneous and time-averaged data. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! PROGRAM surface_output_to_vtk USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_C_BINDING USE posix_interface, & ONLY: posix_ftell, posix_lseek IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=4) :: char_time !< string indicating simulated time CHARACTER(LEN=4) :: file_suffix = '.bin' !< string which contain the suffix indicating surface data CHARACTER(LEN=10) :: char_dum !< dummy string CHARACTER(LEN=30) :: myid_char !< combined string indicating binary file CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: path !< path to the binary data CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: variable_name !< name of the processed output variable INTEGER(4) :: ftell !< intrinsic function, get current position in file INTEGER(4) :: ndum !< return parameter of intrinsic function fseek INTEGER, PARAMETER :: iwp = 4 !< integer precision INTEGER, PARAMETER :: wp = 8 !< float precision INTEGER, PARAMETER :: OFFSET_KIND = C_SIZE_T !< unsigned integer for the C-interface INTEGER(iwp) :: f !< running index over all binary files INTEGER(iwp) :: file_id_in = 18 !< file unit for input binaray file INTEGER(iwp) :: file_id_out = 20 !< file unit for output VTK file INTEGER(iwp) :: file_id_out_header = 19 !< file unit for temporary header file INTEGER(iwp) :: length !< length of string on file INTEGER(iwp) :: n !< running index over all points and polygons INTEGER(iwp) :: npoints_total !< total number of points INTEGER(iwp) :: ns_total !< total number of polygons INTEGER(iwp) :: num_pe !< number of processors of the run ! INTEGER(OFFSET_KIND),DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: filepos !< current fileposition in binary file INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: filepos !< current fileposition in binary file INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: npoints !< number of points/vertices in a binaray file INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ns !< number of surface elements in a binaray file LOGICAL :: convert_average_data = .FALSE. !< namelist parameter to decide whether average or instantaneous data should be converted LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: eof !< flag indicating that end of binary file is reached REAL(wp) :: simulated_time !< output time REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: var !< actual surface data REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: points !< point / vertex data REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: polygons !< polygon data real(wp) :: dum logical :: flag ! !-- Read namelist. CALL surface_output_parin ! !-- Allocate array which contains the file position in each output file, !-- in order to skip some reading. ALLOCATE( eof(0:num_pe-1) ) ALLOCATE( filepos(0:num_pe-1) ) ALLOCATE( npoints(0:num_pe-1) ) ALLOCATE( ns(0:num_pe-1) ) ! !-- Initialize file position. filepos = 0 ! !-- Open a temporary file which contains all necessary header information for the !-- VTK format. OPEN ( file_id_out_header, FILE = 'HEADER', STATUS = 'REPLACE', & FORM = 'FORMATTED' ) ! !-- READ grid setup, i.e. the number and position of vertices and surface elements !-- and merge all this information into one file. Further, create all the required !-- header information of the VTK file. !-- Note, PARAVIEW expects one VTK file for each variable and each timestep. !-- Hence, header information needs to be duplicated multiple times. !-- Moreover, Paraview expects consecutive vertex and polygon data, which are !-- all distributed over the binaray files. Hence, first read vertex data from !-- binary file, write this to the HEADER file, close the binary file and read !-- data from the next binary file and so on. This requires several openenings !-- and closings of the binary files and temporarily storage of the !-- file-positions. DO f = 0, num_pe - 1 ! !-- Create filename of the treated binary file. CALL surface_output_create_file_string ! !-- Open file with surface output for processor f. OPEN ( file_id_in, FILE = TRIM( path ) // & TRIM( myid_char ), FORM = 'UNFORMATTED' ) ! !-- Read number of vertices / points and surface elements READ ( file_id_in ) npoints(f) READ ( file_id_in ) npoints_total READ ( file_id_in ) ns(f) READ ( file_id_in ) ns_total ! !-- Allocate arrays where all the surfaces and vertices will be stored. ALLOCATE( points(3,1:npoints(f)) ) ! !-- Read polygon data and store them in a temporary file. READ ( file_id_in ) points ! !-- Obtain current file position. Will be stored for next file opening. ! CALL posix_ftell( file_id_in, filepos(f) ) filepos(f) = ftell( file_id_in ) ! !-- Write header information. Only one time required. IF ( f == 0 ) THEN WRITE( file_id_out_header,'(A)' ) "# vtk DataFile Version 3.0" WRITE( file_id_out_header,'(A,F8.2,A)' ) "legacy vtk File generated by PALM, simulation time = xxx sec" WRITE( file_id_out_header,'(A)') "ASCII" WRITE( file_id_out_header,'(A)') "DATASET POLYDATA" WRITE( file_id_out_header,'(A,I12,A)') "POINTS ", npoints_total, " float" ENDIF ! !-- Write the vertex data into header file. DO n = 1, npoints(f) WRITE( file_id_out_header, '(8F15.4)' ) points(1:3,n) ENDDO ! !-- Deallocate vertex data and close binary file. DEALLOCATE( points ) CLOSE ( file_id_in ) ENDDO ! !-- Now, treat polygon data. DO f = 0, num_pe - 1 ! !-- Create filename of the treated binary file . CALL surface_output_create_file_string ! !-- Open file with surface output for processor f. OPEN ( file_id_in, FILE = TRIM( path ) // TRIM( myid_char ), FORM = 'UNFORMATTED' ) ! !-- Move to last postion. ! CALL posix_lseek( file_id_in, filepos(f) ) CALL FSEEK( file_id_in, filepos(f), 0, ndum ) ! !-- Allocate array for polygon data ALLOCATE( polygons(5,1:ns(f)) ) ! !-- Read polygon data and store them in a temporary file. READ ( file_id_in ) polygons ! !-- Obtain current file position after reading the local polygon data. !-- Will be used for next file opening. ! CALL posix_ftell( file_id_in, filepos(f) ) filepos(f) = ftell( file_id_in ) ! !-- Write further header information. Only one time required. IF ( f == 0 ) & WRITE ( file_id_out_header, '(A,2I10)') "POLYGONS ", & ns_total, 5 * ns_total ! !-- Write the polygons into the header file. Note, polygon data is of type !-- integer, as it just connects the point-indices which describe the given !-- surface element. DO n = 1, ns(f) WRITE ( file_id_out_header, '(5I18)' ) INT( polygons(1:5,n) ) ENDDO ! !-- Deallocate array for polygon data and close the file. DEALLOCATE( polygons ) CLOSE ( file_id_in ) ENDDO f = 0 CALL surface_output_create_file_string ! !-- Write further header information. Only once required. WRITE ( file_id_out_header, '(A,I10)') "CELL_DATA ", ns_total WRITE ( file_id_out_header, '(A,I10)') "SCALARS cell_scalars float 1 " WRITE ( file_id_out_header, '(A,I10)') "LOOKUP_TABLE default " ! !-- Header creation has now been completed. File can be closed. CLOSE( file_id_out_header ) ! !-- Now, read all the actual data from the surface output. Please note, Paraview !-- VTK format expects 1 file per variable and time step. !-- The output file is only created once and includes the variable and the !-- simulated time. !-- In the binaray files, several variables and timesteps are stored, data for a !-- given variable, however, is distributed over all binary files. Hence, read !-- variable data for a given timestep from the binary file, write this data into !-- the target output file, remember file position in binary file and close it, !-- open nex binary file and read the variable, and so on, until all variables !-- for all timesteps are processed. eof = .FALSE. DO DO f = 0, num_pe - 1 ! !-- Clean up strings- char_time = '' variable_name = '' ! !-- Create filename of the treated binary file. CALL surface_output_create_file_string ! !-- Open binary file with surface output for processor f. OPEN ( file_id_in, FILE = TRIM( path ) // TRIM( myid_char ), FORM = 'UNFORMATTED' ) ! !-- Move to last postion. ! CALL posix_lseek( file_id_in, filepos(f) ) CALL FSEEK( file_id_in, filepos(f), 0, ndum ) ! !-- Read string length and string indicating the output time step. READ ( file_id_in ) length READ ( file_id_in ) char_time(1:length) ! !-- If string for the output time indicates the end-of-file, set the eof !-- flag and skip the read of the loop. IF ( char_time(1:length) == 'END' ) THEN eof(f) = .TRUE. CLOSE ( file_id_in ) CYCLE ENDIF ! !-- Read output time, and variable name. READ ( file_id_in ) simulated_time READ ( file_id_in ) length READ ( file_id_in ) variable_name(1:length) ! !-- For first loop index, open the target output file. First create the !-- filename string. Further, copy HEADER file with the given filename !-- string. The header information must be given in each VTK file! IF ( f == 0 ) THEN WRITE( char_dum, '(I9.0)' ) INT( simulated_time ) print*, char_dum, TRIM(ADJUSTL(char_dum)) ! !-- Copy HEADER file and open VTK file IF ( convert_average_data ) THEN CALL system('cp HEADER ' // & TRIM( path ) // TRIM( ADJUSTL(char_dum) ) // & '_AV_' // 's_' // TRIM( variable_name ) // '.vtk' ) OPEN ( file_id_out, FILE = TRIM( path ) // & TRIM( ADJUSTL(char_dum) ) // & '_AV_' // 's_' // TRIM( variable_name ) // '.vtk', & FORM='FORMATTED', POSITION = 'APPEND' ) ELSE CALL system('cp HEADER ' // & TRIM( path ) // TRIM(ADJUSTL(char_dum)) // & 's_' // TRIM( variable_name ) // '.vtk' ) OPEN ( file_id_out, FILE = TRIM( path ) // & TRIM( ADJUSTL(char_dum) ) // & 's_' // TRIM( variable_name ) // '.vtk', & FORM='FORMATTED', POSITION = 'APPEND' ) ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Allocate and read array for variable data. ALLOCATE( var(1:ns(f)) ) READ( file_id_in ) var ! !-- Write variable data into output VTK file. DO n = 1, ns(f) WRITE( file_id_out, * ) var(n) ENDDO ! !-- Remember file position in binary file and close it. ! CALL posix_ftell( file_id_in, filepos(f) ) filepos(f) = ftell( file_id_in ) CLOSE ( file_id_in ) ! !-- Deallocate temporary array for variable data. DEALLOCATE( var ) ENDDO ! !-- After data for a variable for one time step is read, close the output !-- VTK file and go to next variable or timestep. CLOSE ( file_id_out ) ! !-- If all files reached the end-of-file, exit the loop. IF ( ALL( eof ) ) EXIT ENDDO ! !-- Finally, remove HEADER file CALL system( 'rm HEADER' ) CONTAINS !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> This subroutine read the namelist file. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE surface_output_parin IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: file_id_parin = 90 NAMELIST /surface_output/ convert_average_data, num_pe, path ! !-- Open namelist file. OPEN( file_id_parin, FILE='surface_output_parin', & STATUS='OLD', FORM='FORMATTED') ! !-- Read namelist. READ ( file_id_parin, surface_output ) ! !-- Close namelist file. CLOSE( file_id_parin ) END SUBROUTINE surface_output_parin !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> This subroutine creates the filename string of the treated binary file. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE surface_output_create_file_string IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=3) :: char_av = '' ! !-- Create substring for averaged data. IF ( convert_average_data ) char_av = '_av' ! !-- Create substring for the processor id and combine all substrings. WRITE( char_dum, '(I6.6)') f myid_char = TRIM( char_av ) // '_' // TRIM( char_dum ) END SUBROUTINE surface_output_create_file_string END PROGRAM surface_output_to_vtk