//------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // This file is part of PALM. // // PALM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms // of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // PALM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with // PALM. If not, see . // // Copyright 1997-2012 Leibniz University Hannover //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // // Current revisions: // ----------------- // // // Former revisions: // ----------------- // $Id: mainwindow.cpp 1805 2016-04-05 16:32:34Z gronemeier $ // // 1804 2016-04-05 16:30:18Z maronga // Removed parameter file check // Update for use with qt5 // // 1723 2015-11-16 15:25:51Z boeske // Added checkbox for cyclic fill flag in mrungui // // 1611 2015-07-07 12:23:22Z maronga // Added routine start_watchdog. // // 1046 2012-11-09 14:38:45Z maronga // code put under GPL (PALM 3.9) // // mainwindow.cpp 920 2012-06-05 09:56:53Z maronga // Added -Z option (disable combine_plot_fields) // // 818 2012-02-08 16:11:23Z maronga // New: flag parameter -z implemented (used for skipping parameter file check) // // 811 2012-01-31 09:45:54Z maronga // Bugfix: waitForFinished time exceeded limits, adjusted to 1h waiting time // // 809 2012-01-30 13:32:58Z marong // Bugfix: waiting for 20 minutes does not suffice for local runs // // 793 2011-12-12 15:15:24Z maronga // Initial revision // // Description: // ------------ // All subroutines for mrungui //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// #include #include "mainwindow.h" #include "ui_mainwindow.h" #include "ui_about.h" #include "ui_help.h" #include #include #include #include "stdlib.h" #include #include // Define username on host as global variable QString username = getenv("USER"); // Define variable branch (location of mrungui, e.g. // "/home/user/palm/current_version" QString branch; //****************************************************************************// // Initialization of the main window MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); // Empty the mrun command line (hereafter mrunline) ui->commandline->setText(""); // Get path of the program and set default file branch = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(); branch = branch.left(branch.length() - 14); QFile file(branch+"/.mrun.gui.default"); // Read default settings if ( file.exists() == true && file.size() > 10) { QString mrunline; if ( file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text ) ) { // File opened successfully QTextStream in(&file); QString line = in.readLine(); while (!line.isNull()) { mrunline = line; line = in.readLine(); } file.close(); } mrunline = mrunline.right(mrunline.length() - 17); ui->commandline->setText(mrunline); setup_gui(mrunline); } // Load jobs into the recent jobs list recent_jobs(10); } //****************************************************************************// // Routine for listing jobs in the recent jobs list int MainWindow::recent_jobs(int noj) { branch = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(); branch = branch.left(branch.length() - 14); QFile file(branch+"/.mrun.history"); QString listitem, timestamp; // Read mrun history and select the last used jobs if ( file.exists() == true && file.size() > 10) { // Open history QStringList history, tmphistory; if ( file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text ) ) { // file opened successfully QTextStream in(&file); QString line = in.readLine(); while (!line.isNull()) { history.append(line); line = in.readLine(); } file.close(); } int j = 0; ui->list_jobname->clear(); // Read history entries and append to recent job list for (int i=history.count(); i>=1; i--) { timestamp = history[i-1].left(16); listitem = history[i-1].right(history[i-1].length() - 17); listitem = listitem.split("-d ", QString::SkipEmptyParts)[1]; listitem = listitem.split(" -", QString::SkipEmptyParts)[0]; listitem = listitem.replace(" ",""); QList matchitems = \ ui->list_jobname->findItems(listitem, Qt::MatchExactly); if ( matchitems.count() == 0 ) { ui->list_jobname->addItem(listitem); tmphistory.append(listitem+" ("+timestamp+")"); j++; } if ( j == noj ) { break; } } // Send to list ui->list_jobname->clear(); for (int i=tmphistory.count(); i>=1; i--) { ui->list_jobname->addItem(tmphistory[i-1]); } } return 0; } //****************************************************************************// // Exit program MainWindow::~MainWindow() { delete ui; } //****************************************************************************// // Start the mrun command via xterm int MainWindow::startmrun() { QString xtermoutput; QString mrunline_save; QString history_line; QString mrunline = ui->commandline->text(); QString userline = ui->line_user->text(); // Check for empty line mrunline_save = mrunline; if (userline != "") { mrunline = mrunline + " " + userline; } history_line = mrunline; // Disable the main window ui->group_job->setEnabled(false); ui->group_execution->setEnabled(false); ui->group_runcontrol->setEnabled(false); ui->group_advanced->setEnabled(false); ui->check_advanced->setEnabled(false); ui->check_verbose->setEnabled(false); ui->button_start->setEnabled(false); ui->button_start->setText("wait..."); branch = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(); branch = branch.left(branch.length() - 14); ui->commandline->setText("Executing MRUN in xterm..."); // Wait until all commands have been executed (ugly) for(int i=0; i<20; i++) qApp->processEvents(); // Start xterm as QProcess QProcess mrun; mrun.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels); mrun.setWorkingDirectory(branch); mrunline = " -title \"Executing MRUN...\" -geometry \"100x55+970+0\" -e \""\ +mrunline.replace("\"","\'")\ +";echo -n '--> Press Enter to continue...';read yesno\""; mrun.start("xterm"+mrunline); if(!mrun.waitForStarted()) return 0; // while(mrun.waitForReadyRead()) // xtermoutput = xtermoutput+mrun.readAllStandardOutput(); // Wait until mrun has finished or wait for 200 minutes mrun.waitForFinished(3600000); // Jobs has been submitted or aborted. Continuing... // Save the mrun command to history file QString filename = branch+"/.mrun.history"; QDateTime time = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QString tmptime = time.toString("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm"); QFile file(filename); file.open(QIODevice::Append | QIODevice::Text); QTextStream out(&file); out << tmptime + " " + history_line + "\n"; file.close(); // Enable main window again ui->group_job->setEnabled(true); ui->group_execution->setEnabled(true); ui->group_runcontrol->setEnabled(true); if ( ui->check_advanced->isChecked() == true) { ui->group_advanced->setEnabled(true); } ui->check_advanced->setEnabled(true); ui->check_verbose->setEnabled(true); ui->button_start->setEnabled(true); ui->action_save->setEnabled(true); ui->button_start->setText("MRUN Start"); ui->commandline->setText(mrunline_save); // Reload recent jobs recent_jobs(10); return 0; } //****************************************************************************// // Disable/Enable advanced settings dialog int MainWindow::enable_advanced() { bool status; status = ui->group_advanced->isEnabled(); if (status == true) { ui->group_advanced->setEnabled(false); } else { ui->group_advanced->setEnabled(true); } return 0; } //****************************************************************************// // Disable/enable dialog for coupled runs int MainWindow::enable_coupled() { QString status; status = ui->drop_job->currentText(); if (status == "Coupled restart") { ui->label_coupled1->setEnabled(true); ui->label_coupled2->setEnabled(true); ui->label_coupled3->setEnabled(true); ui->line_PE_atmos->setEnabled(true); ui->line_PE_ocean->setEnabled(true); QString pe_total = ui->line_pe->text(); QString pe_atmos = ui->line_PE_atmos->text(); QString pe_ocean = ui->line_PE_ocean->text(); if (pe_total != "") { int PE_split = pe_total.toInt()/2; ui->line_PE_atmos->setText(QString::number(PE_split)); ui->line_PE_ocean->setText(QString::number(PE_split)); } } else { ui->label_coupled1->setEnabled(false); ui->label_coupled2->setEnabled(false); ui->label_coupled3->setEnabled(false); ui->line_PE_atmos->setEnabled(false); ui->line_PE_ocean->setEnabled(false); } return 0; } //****************************************************************************// // Choose job from dialog int MainWindow::choosejob() { QString filename; branch = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(); branch = branch.left(branch.length() - 14); QString jobdir = branch+"/JOBS"; // Pick a job from dialog filename = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, \ tr("Choose a job directory"), branch+"/JOBS", \ QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly | QFileDialog::DontResolveSymlinks | \ QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog | QFileDialog::ReadOnly | \ QFileDialog::DontConfirmOverwrite); // If a file was selected, load it into mainwindow if ( filename != "") { filename = filename.right(filename.length() - jobdir.length() - 1); ui->line_jobname->setText(filename); ui->list_jobname->clearSelection(); // Change mrunline accordingly change_commandline("d",""); change_commandline("r",""); return 0; } else { return 1; } } //****************************************************************************// // Choose job from the recent job list and load all settings int MainWindow::choosejob_list() { QString filename, timestamp, jobname; // Get selected item from list filename = ui->list_jobname->currentItem()->text(); int itemint = ui->list_jobname->currentRow(); // Reload list ui->setupUi(this); recent_jobs(10); // Set selected item to jobname ui->list_jobname->item(itemint)->setSelected(true); timestamp = filename.right(17).left(16); jobname = filename.left(filename.length() - 19); branch = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(); branch = branch.left(branch.length() - 14); QFile file(branch+"/.mrun.history"); QString listitem; // Load history if ( file.exists() == true && file.size() > 10) { QStringList history; if ( file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text ) ) { // file opened successfully QTextStream in(&file); QString line = in.readLine(); while (!line.isNull()) { history.append(line); line = in.readLine(); } file.close(); } for (int i=history.count(); i>=1; i--) { listitem = history[i-1].right(history[i-1].length() - 17); listitem = listitem.split("-d ", QString::SkipEmptyParts)[1]; listitem = listitem.split(" -", QString::SkipEmptyParts)[0]; listitem = listitem.replace(" ",""); // Select command line with correct timestamp and jobname if (history[i-1].left(16) == timestamp && listitem == jobname) { QString mrunline = history[i-1]; mrunline = mrunline.right(mrunline.length() - 17); ui->commandline->setText(mrunline); setup_gui(mrunline); } } } return 0; } //****************************************************************************// // Change run identifer (initial, restart, coupled...) int MainWindow::change_rc_list() { QString drop_job = ui->drop_job->currentText(); change_commandline("r",""); // Enable PE distribution for atmosphere/ocean if ( drop_job == "Coupled restart") { QString drop_atmos = ui->line_PE_atmos->text(); QString drop_ocean = ui->line_PE_ocean->text(); change_commandline("Y",drop_atmos+" "+drop_ocean); } // Check of ocean runs else { delete_commandline("Y"); if (drop_job == "Precursor run (Ocean)") { activate_flag("y"); } else { deactivate_flag("y"); } } return 0; } //****************************************************************************// // Routine for processing any changes in the mainwindow settings int MainWindow::change_commandline(QString id,QString fwstring) { // First get the mrunline QString newmrunline; bool initialize=false; QString mrunline = ui->commandline->text(); QStringList splitline = mrunline.split(" -"+id+"", QString::SkipEmptyParts); if ( splitline.count() == 1) { splitline.append(" "); } else if ( splitline.count() == 0 ) { splitline.append("mrun"); splitline.append(" "); initialize = true; } QStringList param = splitline[1].split("-"); // Change in parameter "d" (jobname) if (id == "d") { QString filename = ui->line_jobname->text(); param[0] = filename.replace(" ",""); if ( initialize == true && ui->group_runcontrol->isEnabled() == true ) { ui->group_runcontrol->setEnabled(true); ui->group_execution->setEnabled(true); ui->drop_job->setEnabled(true); ui->check_advanced->setEnabled(true); ui->button_start->setEnabled(true); ui->action_save->setEnabled(true); } else if ( param[0] == "") { ui->group_runcontrol->setEnabled(false); ui->group_execution->setEnabled(false); ui->drop_job->setEnabled(false); ui->button_start->setEnabled(false); ui->action_save->setEnabled(false); ui->group_advanced->setEnabled(false); ui->check_advanced->setEnabled(false); delete_commandline("d"); change_commandline("r","remove"); ui->label_usercode->setText(""); return 1; } else { // Check if user code is available branch = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(); branch = branch.left(branch.length() - 14); QDir usercode = branch+"/USER_CODE/"+param[0]; if (usercode.exists() == true) { ui->label_usercode->setText("User code found."); } else { ui->label_usercode->setText("Warning: no user code found!"); } // Check if _pdf file is available, otherwise notice user if (ui->check_restarts->checkState() == 2) { QString jobname = ui->line_jobname->text(); QFile restartfile(branch+"/JOBS/"+jobname+"/INPUT/"+jobname+"_p3df"); if (restartfile.exists() == true) { ui->label_restart->setText(""); } else { ui->label_restart->setText("Warning: No p3df file found!"); } } ui->group_runcontrol->setEnabled(true); ui->group_execution->setEnabled(true); ui->drop_job->setEnabled(true); ui->check_advanced->setEnabled(true); if ( ui->check_advanced->isChecked() == true ) { ui->group_advanced->setEnabled(true); if ( ui->line_i->text() != "" || ui->line_o->text() != "") { change_commandline("r","remove"); ui->group_runcontrol->setEnabled(false); } } } } // Change in parameter "r" (run control list) else if (id == "r") { int status_ts = ui->check_ts->checkState(); int status_pr = ui->check_pr->checkState(); int status_xy = ui->check_xy->checkState(); int status_xz = ui->check_xz->checkState(); int status_yz = ui->check_yz->checkState(); int status_3d = ui->check_3d->checkState(); int status_ma = ui->check_ma->checkState(); int status_sp = ui->check_sp->checkState(); int status_pts = ui->check_pts->checkState(); int status_prt = ui->check_prt->checkState(); QString drop_job = ui->drop_job->currentText(); QString rc_flag = "#"; if (drop_job == "Initial run") { rc_flag = "#"; } else if (drop_job == "Restart run") { rc_flag = "f"; } else if (drop_job == "Precursor run (Atmosphere)") { rc_flag = "#"; } else if (drop_job == "Precursor run (Ocean)") { rc_flag = "o#"; } else if (drop_job == "Coupled restart") { rc_flag = "f"; } param[0] = "\"d3"+rc_flag; if (status_ts == 2) { param[0] = param[0]+" ts"+rc_flag; } if (status_pr == 2) { param[0] = param[0]+" pr"+rc_flag; } if (status_xy == 2) { param[0] = param[0]+" xy"+rc_flag; } if (status_xz == 2) { param[0] = param[0]+" xz"+rc_flag; } if (status_yz == 2) { param[0] = param[0]+" yz"+rc_flag; } if (status_3d == 2) { param[0] = param[0]+" 3d"+rc_flag; } if (status_ma == 2) { param[0] = param[0]+" ma"+rc_flag; } if (status_sp == 2) { param[0] = param[0]+" sp"+rc_flag; } if (status_prt == 2) { param[0] = param[0]+" prt"+rc_flag; } if (status_pts == 2) { param[0] = param[0]+" pts"+rc_flag; } if (drop_job == "Coupled restart") { rc_flag = "of"; param[0] = param[0]+" d3"+rc_flag; if (status_ts == 2) { param[0] = param[0]+" ts"+rc_flag; } if (status_pr == 2) { param[0] = param[0]+" pr"+rc_flag; } if (status_xy == 2) { param[0] = param[0]+" xy"+rc_flag; } if (status_xz == 2) { param[0] = param[0]+" xz"+rc_flag; } if (status_yz == 2) { param[0] = param[0]+" yz"+rc_flag; } if (status_3d == 2) { param[0] = param[0]+" 3d"+rc_flag; } if (status_ma == 2) { param[0] = param[0]+" ma"+rc_flag; } if (status_sp == 2) { param[0] = param[0]+" sp"+rc_flag; } if (status_prt == 2) { param[0] = param[0]+" prt"+rc_flag; } if (status_pts == 2) { param[0] = param[0]+" pts"+rc_flag; } } int status_restarts = ui->check_restarts->checkState(); if (status_restarts == 2) { param[0]=param[0]+" restart"; // Check if _pdf file is available, otherwise notice user if (ui->check_restarts->checkState() == 2) { QString jobname = ui->line_jobname->text(); branch = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(); branch = branch.left(branch.length() - 14); QFile restartfile(branch+"/JOBS/"+jobname+"/INPUT/"+jobname+ \ "_p3df"); if (restartfile.exists() == true) { ui->label_restart->setText(""); } else { ui->label_restart->setText("Warning: No p3df file found!"); } } } else { ui->label_restart->setText(""); } int status_cycfill = ui->check_cycfill->checkState(); if (status_cycfill == 2) { param[0]=param[0]+" cycfill"; } param[0]=param[0]+"\" "; if ( fwstring == "remove") { delete_commandline(id); return 1; } else { ui->button_start->setEnabled(true); ui->action_save->setEnabled(true); } } // Change in any other parameter else { if ( fwstring != "") { param[0] = "\""+fwstring+"\""; } else { delete_commandline(id); return 1; } } param[0] = param[0] + " "; // Join the new mrunline splitline[1]= param.join("-"); newmrunline = splitline.join(" -"+id+" "); // Print the new mrunline to mainwindow newmrunline.replace(" "," "); ui->commandline->setText(newmrunline); return 0; } //****************************************************************************// // Get all signals from mainwindow and perform change via change_commandline() int MainWindow::change_lineinput() { QString tmptext; if ( sender() == ui->line_host ) { tmptext = ui->line_host->text(); change_commandline("h",tmptext); } else if ( sender() == ui->line_jobname) { tmptext = ui->line_jobname->text(); change_commandline("d",tmptext); } else if ( sender() == ui->line_q) { tmptext = ui->line_q->text(); change_commandline("q",tmptext); } else if ( sender() == ui->line_account) { tmptext = ui->line_account->text(); change_commandline("u",tmptext); } else if ( sender() == ui->line_pe) { tmptext = ui->line_pe->text(); change_commandline("X",tmptext); } else if ( sender() == ui->line_tpn) { tmptext = ui->line_tpn->text(); change_commandline("T",tmptext); } else if ( sender() == ui->line_branch) { tmptext = ui->line_branch->text(); change_commandline("K",tmptext); } else if ( sender() == ui->line_time) { tmptext = ui->line_time->text(); change_commandline("t",tmptext); } else if ( sender() == ui->line_M) { tmptext = ui->line_M->text(); change_commandline("M",tmptext); } else if ( sender() == ui->line_m) { tmptext = ui->line_m->text(); change_commandline("m",tmptext); } else if ( sender() == ui->line_a) { tmptext = ui->line_a->text(); change_commandline("a",tmptext); } else if ( sender() == ui->line_D) { tmptext = ui->line_D->text(); change_commandline("D",tmptext); } else if ( sender() == ui->line_c) { tmptext = ui->line_c->text(); if ( tmptext == ".mrun.config") { tmptext = ""; } change_commandline("c",tmptext); } else if ( sender() == ui->line_p) { tmptext = ui->line_p->text(); change_commandline("p",tmptext); } else if ( sender() == ui->line_s) { tmptext = ui->line_s->text(); change_commandline("s",tmptext); } else if ( sender() == ui->line_i) { tmptext = ui->line_i->text(); if ( tmptext != "") { change_commandline("r","remove"); ui->group_runcontrol->setEnabled(false); ui->button_start->setEnabled(true); ui->action_save->setEnabled(true); } else if (ui->line_o->text() == "" ) { ui->group_runcontrol->setEnabled(true); change_commandline("r",""); } change_commandline("i",tmptext); } else if ( sender() == ui->line_o) { tmptext = ui->line_o->text(); if ( tmptext != "") { change_commandline("r","remove"); ui->button_start->setEnabled(true); ui->action_save->setEnabled(true); ui->group_runcontrol->setEnabled(false); } else if (ui->line_i->text() == "" ) { ui->group_runcontrol->setEnabled(true); change_commandline("r",""); } change_commandline("o",tmptext); } else if ( sender() == ui->line_w) { tmptext = ui->line_w->text(); change_commandline("w",tmptext); } else if ( sender() == ui->line_PE_atmos || sender() == ui->line_PE_ocean) { tmptext = ui->line_PE_atmos->text() + " " + ui->line_PE_ocean->text(); change_commandline("Y",tmptext); int PE_total = ui->line_PE_atmos->text().toInt() + \ ui->line_PE_ocean->text().toInt(); ui->line_pe->setText(QString::number(PE_total)); change_commandline("X",QString::number(PE_total)); } else if ( sender() == ui->combo_n) { tmptext = ui->combo_n->currentText(); if ( tmptext == "default") { tmptext = ""; } change_commandline("n",tmptext); } else if ( sender() == ui->line_user) { return 0; } return 0; } //****************************************************************************// // Delete a parameter from mrunline int MainWindow::delete_commandline(QString id) { // Read mrunline QString newmrunline; QString mrunline = ui->commandline->text(); QStringList splitline = mrunline.split(" -"+id, QString::SkipEmptyParts); if ( splitline.count() == 1) { return 0; } else { QStringList param = splitline[1].split("-"); param[0] = ""; splitline[1]= param.join(" -"); newmrunline = splitline.join(""); // Print new mrunline to screen ui->commandline->setText(newmrunline); return 0; } } //****************************************************************************// // Check routine for all flag parameters int MainWindow::check_flags() { int status = ui->check_delete_tmp_files->checkState(); if (status == 2) { activate_flag("B"); } else { deactivate_flag("B"); } status = ui->check_verbose->checkState(); if (status == 2) { activate_flag("v"); } else { deactivate_flag("v"); } status = ui->check_A->checkState(); if (status == 2) { activate_flag("A"); } else { deactivate_flag("A"); } status = ui->check_b->checkState(); if (status == 2) { activate_flag("b"); } else { deactivate_flag("b"); } status = ui->check_F->checkState(); if (status == 2) { activate_flag("F"); } else { deactivate_flag("F"); } status = ui->check_I->checkState(); if (status == 2) { activate_flag("I"); } else { deactivate_flag("I"); } status = ui->check_k->checkState(); if (status == 2) { activate_flag("k"); } else { deactivate_flag("k"); } status = ui->check_O->checkState(); if (status == 2) { activate_flag("O"); } else { deactivate_flag("O"); } status = ui->check_S->checkState(); if (status == 2) { activate_flag("S"); } else { deactivate_flag("S"); } status = ui->check_x->checkState(); if (status == 2) { activate_flag("x"); } else { deactivate_flag("x"); } status = ui->check_Z->checkState(); if (status == 2) { activate_flag("Z"); } else { deactivate_flag("Z"); } return 0; } //****************************************************************************// // Activate flag int MainWindow::activate_flag(QString id) { QString newmrunline; QString mrunline = ui->commandline->text(); QStringList splitline = mrunline.split(" -"+id, QString::SkipEmptyParts); if ( splitline.count() == 1) { splitline.append(""); newmrunline = splitline.join(" -"+id); // print new commandline to screen newmrunline.replace(" "," "); ui->commandline->setText(newmrunline); return 0; } else { return 0; } } //****************************************************************************// // Deactivate flag int MainWindow::deactivate_flag(QString id) { QString newmrunline; QString mrunline = ui->commandline->text(); QStringList splitline = mrunline.split(" -"+id, QString::SkipEmptyParts); newmrunline = splitline.join(""); // print new commandline to screen newmrunline.replace(" "," "); ui->commandline->setText(newmrunline); return 0; } //****************************************************************************// // Mainwindow reset int MainWindow::reset_window() { ui->setupUi(this); recent_jobs(10); return 0; } //****************************************************************************// // Save current setting as default int MainWindow::save_default() { // Get mrunline QString mrunline_save; QString mrunline = ui->commandline->text(); QString userline = ui->line_user->text(); mrunline_save = mrunline; if (userline != "") { mrunline = mrunline + " " + userline; } // Define filename branch = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(); branch = branch.left(branch.length() - 14); QString filename = branch+"/.mrun.gui.default"; // Prepare data output QDateTime time = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QString tmptime = time.toString("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm"); // Write to file QFile file(filename); file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text); QTextStream out(&file); if ( mrunline == "" || mrunline == " ") { out << ""; } else { out << tmptime + " " + mrunline; } file.close(); return 0; } //****************************************************************************// // Save current settings to a file of choice int MainWindow::save_to_file() { // Get mrunline QString mrunline_save; QString mrunline = ui->commandline->text(); QString userline = ui->line_user->text(); mrunline_save = mrunline; if (userline != "") { mrunline = mrunline + " " + userline; } // Define a filename QString filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save to file"), \ "", tr("Save files (*.sav)")); QString extension = filename.right(4); if ( extension != ".sav" ) { filename = filename + ".sav"; } // Prepare data output QDateTime time = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QString tmptime = time.toString("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm"); // Write to file QFile file(filename); file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text); QTextStream out(&file); out << tmptime + " " + mrunline; file.close(); return 0; } //****************************************************************************// // Start watchdog (palm_wd) int MainWindow::start_watchdog() { return system("nohup palm_wd >> /dev/null 2>&1 &"); } //****************************************************************************// // Open job from file (previously saved by the user) int MainWindow::open_from_file() { // Select filename and open it QString filename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open File"), \ "", tr("Save files (*.sav)")); QFile file(filename); QString mrunline; if ( filename != "") { if ( file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text ) ) { // File opened successfully QTextStream in(&file); QString line = in.readLine(); while (!line.isNull()) { mrunline = line; line = in.readLine(); } file.close(); } // In case a mrunline was found, load it to mainwindow if ( mrunline != "") { mrunline = mrunline.right(mrunline.length() - 17); ui->commandline->setText(mrunline); setup_gui(mrunline); } } return 0; } //****************************************************************************// // Open the last submitted job int MainWindow::open_last() { branch = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(); branch = branch.left(branch.length() - 14); QFile file(branch+"/.mrun.history"); // Load mrun history QString mrunline; if ( file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text ) ) { // file opened successfully QTextStream in(&file); QString line = in.readLine(); while (!line.isNull()) { mrunline = line; line = in.readLine(); } file.close(); } // Select the last submitted job and print it to mainwindow if ( mrunline != "" ) { mrunline = mrunline.right(mrunline.length() - 17); ui->commandline->setText(mrunline); setup_gui(mrunline); } return 0; } //****************************************************************************// // Display help window int MainWindow::help() { QDialog *child_help = new QDialog; Ui::child_help ui; ui.setupUi(child_help); child_help->show(); return 0; } //****************************************************************************// // Display about window int MainWindow::about_gui() { QDialog *about = new QDialog; Ui::about ui; ui.setupUi(about); about->show(); return 0; } //****************************************************************************// // Setup mainwindow according to a given mrunline int MainWindow::setup_gui(QString mrunline) { // Some initial settings QString user = ""; bool coupled_run = false; bool ocean_run = false; bool advanced = false; bool nojob = false; bool rc_manual = false; // Split parameters in mrunline QStringList splitline = mrunline.split(" -", QString::SkipEmptyParts); if ( splitline[0] != "mrun") { return 1; } else { ui->group_job->setEnabled(true); // Loop for all parameters in mrunline for(int i=splitline.count()-1; i>=1; i--) { // Determine parameter QStringList splitparameter = splitline[i].split(" ", \ QString::SkipEmptyParts); QString parameter = splitparameter[0]; splitparameter.removeFirst(); QString options = splitparameter.join(" "); options = options.replace("\"",""); // Check for suitable switch if ( parameter == "d") { if ( options != "") { ui->line_jobname->setText(options); nojob = false; } else { nojob = true; } } else if ( parameter == "h") { ui->line_host->setText(options); } else if ( parameter == "q") { ui->line_q->setText(options); } else if ( parameter == "K") { ui->line_branch->setText(options); } else if ( parameter == "u") { ui->line_account->setText(options); } else if ( parameter == "X") { ui->line_pe->setText(options); } else if ( parameter == "T") { ui->line_tpn->setText(options); } else if ( parameter == "t") { ui->line_time->setText(options); } else if ( parameter == "B") { ui->check_delete_tmp_files->setChecked(true); } else if ( parameter == "v") { ui->check_verbose->setChecked(true); } else if ( parameter == "A") { ui->check_A->setChecked(true); } else if ( parameter == "b") { ui->check_b->setChecked(true); advanced = true; } else if ( parameter == "F") { ui->check_F->setChecked(true); advanced = true; } else if ( parameter == "I") { ui->check_I->setChecked(true); advanced = true; } else if ( parameter == "k") { ui->check_k->setChecked(true); advanced = true; } else if ( parameter == "O") { ui->check_O->setChecked(true); advanced = true; } else if ( parameter == "S") { ui->check_S->setChecked(true); advanced = true; } else if ( parameter == "x") { ui->check_x->setChecked(true); advanced = true; } else if ( parameter == "Z") { ui->check_Z->setChecked(true); advanced = true; } else if ( parameter == "m") { ui->line_m->setText(options); advanced = true; } else if ( parameter == "M") { ui->line_M->setText(options); advanced = true; } else if ( parameter == "a") { ui->line_a->setText(options); advanced = true; } else if ( parameter == "D") { ui->line_D->setText(options); advanced = true; } else if ( parameter == "c") { ui->line_c->setText(options); advanced = true; } else if ( parameter == "p") { ui->line_p->setText(options); advanced = true; } else if ( parameter == "s") { ui->line_s->setText(options); advanced = true; } else if ( parameter == "i") { ui->line_i->setText(options); advanced = true; rc_manual = true; } else if ( parameter == "o") { ui->line_o->setText(options); advanced = true; rc_manual = true; } else if ( parameter == "w") { ui->line_w->setText(options); advanced = true; } // Determine settings for coupled restart runs else if ( parameter == "Y") { QStringList optionssplit = options.split(" ", \ QString::SkipEmptyParts); ui->line_PE_atmos->setEnabled(true); ui->line_PE_ocean->setEnabled(true); ui->label_coupled1->setEnabled(true); ui->label_coupled2->setEnabled(true); ui->label_coupled3->setEnabled(true); ui->label_coupling->setEnabled(true); if (optionssplit.count() == 2) { ui->line_PE_atmos->setText(optionssplit[0]); ui->line_PE_ocean->setText(optionssplit[1]); } else { ui->line_PE_atmos->setText(""); ui->line_PE_ocean->setText(""); } coupled_run = true; } else if ( parameter == "n") { if ( options == "shared") { ui->combo_n->setCurrentIndex(1); } else if ( options == "non_shared") { ui->combo_n->setCurrentIndex(2); } else { ui->combo_n->setCurrentIndex(0); } } else if ( parameter == "y") { ui->drop_job->setCurrentIndex(3); } // Determine settings for the run control list else if ( parameter == "r") { QStringList optionssplit = options.split(" ", \ QString::SkipEmptyParts); QString options_2; QString options_all; for (int j=0; jcheck_ts->setChecked(true); } if (options_2 == "pr" && options_all.left(3) != "prt") { ui->check_pr->setChecked(true); } if (options_2 == "xy") { ui->check_xy->setChecked(true); } if (options_2 == "xz") { ui->check_xz->setChecked(true); } if (options_2 == "yz") { ui->check_yz->setChecked(true); } if (options_2 == "3d") { ui->check_3d->setChecked(true); } if (options_2 == "ma") { ui->check_ma->setChecked(true); } if (options_2 == "sp") { ui->check_sp->setChecked(true); } if (options_all.left(3) == "prt") { ui->check_prt->setChecked(true); } if (options_all.left(3) == "pts") { ui->check_pts->setChecked(true); } if (options_2 == "d3") { if (options_all.left(3).right(1) == "#") { ui->drop_job->setCurrentIndex(0); } else if (options_all.left(3).right(1) == "f") { ui->drop_job->setCurrentIndex(1); } else if (options_all.left(3).right(1) == "o") { ocean_run = true; } } if (options_all == "restart") { ui->check_restarts->setChecked(true); // Check if _pdf file is available, otherwise notice user QString jobname = ui->line_jobname->text(); branch = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(); branch = branch.left(branch.length() - 14); QFile restartfile(branch+"/JOBS/"+jobname+"/INPUT/"+ \ jobname+"_p3df"); if (restartfile.exists() == true) { ui->label_restart->setText(""); } else { ui->label_restart->setText("Warning: No p3df file \ found!"); } } } } // All unknown parameters are set as extra user parameters else { user = user + "-" + parameter + " \"" + options + "\" "; splitline.removeAt(i); } } // Change drop box state in case of ocean precursor or coupled restart runs if ( ocean_run == true ) { if ( coupled_run == true ) { ui->drop_job->setCurrentIndex(4); } else { ui->drop_job->setCurrentIndex(3); } } if ( user != "") { ui->line_user->setText(user); } // Join mrunline and post it to mainwindow mrunline = splitline.join(" -"); ui->commandline->setText(mrunline); // Check if advanced settings are used and enable advanced dialog if ( advanced == true ) { ui->check_advanced->setChecked(true); } // Disable mainwindow if no job was found, otherwise enable if ( nojob == true ) { ui->group_execution->setEnabled(false); ui->group_runcontrol->setEnabled(false); ui->button_start->setEnabled(false); ui->action_save->setEnabled(false); ui->drop_job->setEnabled(false); ui->group_advanced->setEnabled(false); ui->check_advanced->setEnabled(false); } else { ui->group_execution->setEnabled(true); ui->group_runcontrol->setEnabled(true); ui->button_start->setEnabled(true); ui->action_save->setEnabled(true); ui->check_advanced->setEnabled(true); ui->drop_job->setEnabled(true); if ( advanced == true ) { ui->group_advanced->setEnabled(true); } else { ui->group_advanced->setEnabled(false); } } // Disable run control box, if manual settings of -i and -o are used if ( rc_manual == true ) { ui->group_runcontrol->setEnabled(false); change_commandline("r","remove"); ui->button_start->setEnabled(true); ui->action_save->setEnabled(true); } } return 0; }