PROGRAM interpret_config !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! This file is part of PALM. ! ! PALM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms ! of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, ! either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! PALM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY ! WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR ! A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ! PALM. If not, see . ! ! Copyright 1997-2014 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! Current revisions: ! ------------------ ! ! ! Former revisions: ! ----------------- ! $Id: interpret_config.f90 2018 2016-09-29 06:23:32Z sward $ ! ! 2017 2016-09-29 06:22:33Z raasch ! Bugfix in case of # of output files > 100 ! ! 1289 2014-03-04 07:12:34Z raasch ! routine local_getenv removed ! ! 1094 2013-02-03 01:52:12Z raasch ! unused variables removed ! ! 1046 2012-11-09 14:38:45Z maronga ! code put under GPL (PALM 3.9) ! ! 785 2011-11-28 09:47:19Z raasch ! character length extended to 1000 in order to account for long lines in the ! configuration file ! ! 07/09/10 - Siggi - bugfix in 2201 statement: closing " was missing ! unknown - Siggi - mrun environment variables are read from NAMELIST instead ! of using GETENV. Variables are always assigned a value, ! also if they already got one. These values are re-assigned ! later in mrun. ! 28/02/07 - Siggi - empty lines in configuration file are accepted ! 01/11/05 - Siggi - s2b-Feld erlaubt den Wert locopt ! 29/06/05 - Siggi - Fehlermeldung ins englische uebertragen und ergaenzt ! 29/04/05 - Siggi - extin wird auch fuer Input-Dateien ausgegeben ! 18/11/97 - Siggi - Komma in 2010-FORMAT hinzugefuegt ! 21/07/97 - Siggi - Erste Fassung ! ! Description: ! ------------- ! This program reads the mrun-configuration file .mrun.config and outputs ! its content in form of ksh-commands, which can then be executed by mrun. ! mrun is also able to directly read from the configuration file by using ! the option "-S" (but with much slower speed). !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER (LEN=1) :: bs = ACHAR( 92 ) ! backslash (auf vpp sonst n. ! druckbar) CHARACTER (LEN=20) :: do_remote, do_trace, host, localhost CHARACTER (LEN=100) :: config_file, icf CHARACTER (LEN=1000) :: cond1, cond2, empty = REPEAT( ' ', 240 ), & for_cond1, for_cond2, for_host, input_list, & iolist, output_list, s1, s2, s2a, s2b, s2c, s3, & s3cond, s4, s5, s6, value, var, zeile INTEGER :: i, icomment = 0, icond1, icond2, idatver = 0, iec = 0, & ienvvar = 0, ifor_cond1, ifor_cond2, ifor_host, ihost, & iic = 0, iicf, iin = 0, iinput_list, il, ilocalhost, ioc = 0, & ios, iout = 0, ioutput_list, is1, is2, is2a, is2b, is2c, & is3, is3cond, is4, is5, is6, ivalue, ivar, izeile, linenr LOGICAL :: found NAMELIST /mrun_environment/ cond1, cond2, config_file, do_remote, & do_trace, host, input_list, icf, localhost, & output_list OPEN ( 1, FILE='.mrun_environment', FORM='FORMATTED' ) READ ( 1, mrun_environment ) CLOSE ( 1 ) icond1 = LEN_TRIM( cond1 ) icond2 = LEN_TRIM( cond2 ) il = LEN_TRIM( config_file ) ihost = LEN_TRIM( host ) iinput_list = LEN_TRIM( input_list ) iicf = LEN_TRIM( icf ) ilocalhost = LEN_TRIM( localhost ) ioutput_list = LEN_TRIM( output_list ) iolist = input_list(1:iinput_list) // output_list(1:ioutput_list) IF ( do_trace(1:4) == 'true' ) THEN PRINT*,'*** cond1="',cond1(1:icond1),'"' PRINT*,'*** cond2="',cond2(1:icond2),'"' PRINT*,'*** config_file="',config_file(1:il),'"' PRINT*,'*** do_remote="',do_remote,'"' PRINT*,'*** do_trace="',do_trace,'"' PRINT*,'*** host="',host(1:ihost),'"' PRINT*,'*** input_list="',input_list(1:iinput_list),'"' PRINT*,'*** interpreted_config_file="',icf(1:iicf),'"' PRINT*,'*** localhost="',localhost(1:ilocalhost),'"' PRINT*,'*** output_list="',output_list(1:ioutput_list),'"' ENDIF OPEN ( 1, FILE=config_file(1:il), FORM='formatted' ) OPEN ( 2, FILE=icf(1:iicf), FORM='formatted' ) READ ( 1, '(A)', IOSTAT=ios ) zeile linenr = 1 DO WHILE ( ios == 0 ) izeile = LEN_TRIM( zeile ) IF ( LEN_TRIM( zeile ) == 0 ) THEN CONTINUE ELSEIF ( zeile(1:1) == '#' ) THEN icomment = icomment + 1 ELSEIF ( zeile(1:1) == '%' ) THEN ienvvar = ienvvar + 1 i = INDEX( zeile, ' ' ) var = zeile(2:i-1) ivar = i - 2 zeile(1:i) = empty(1:i) zeile = ADJUSTL( zeile ) i = INDEX( zeile, ' ' ) value = zeile(1:i-1) ivalue = i - 1 zeile(1:i) = empty(1:i) zeile = ADJUSTL( zeile ) i = INDEX( zeile, ' ' ) IF ( i /= 1 ) THEN for_host = zeile(1:i-1) ifor_host = i - 1 zeile(1:i) = empty(1:i) zeile = ADJUSTL( zeile ) i = INDEX( zeile, ' ' ) IF ( i /= 1 ) THEN for_cond1 = zeile(1:i-1) ifor_cond1 = i - 1 zeile(1:i) = empty(1:i) zeile = ADJUSTL( zeile ) i = INDEX( zeile, ' ' ) IF ( i /= 1 ) THEN for_cond2 = zeile(1:i-1) ifor_cond2 = i - 1 ELSE for_cond2 = '' ifor_cond2 = 0 ENDIF ELSE for_cond1 = '' ifor_cond1 = 0 for_cond2 = '' ifor_cond2 = 0 ENDIF ELSE for_host = ' ' ifor_host = 1 for_cond1 = '' ifor_cond1 = 0 for_cond2 = '' ifor_cond2 = 0 ENDIF IF ( do_trace(1:4) == 'true' ) THEN PRINT*,'var="',var(1:ivar),'"' PRINT*,'value="',value(1:ivalue),'"' PRINT*,'for_host="',for_host(1:ifor_host),'"' PRINT*,'for_cond1="',for_cond1(1:ifor_cond1),'"' PRINT*,'for_cond2="',for_cond2(1:ifor_cond2),'"' ENDIF ! !-- Geltungsbereich pruefen und evtl. Variable ausgeben IF ( for_host == ' ' .OR. ( & for_host(1:ifor_host) == host(1:ihost) .AND. & for_cond1(1:ifor_cond1) == cond1(1:icond1) .AND. & for_cond2(1:ifor_cond2) == cond2(1:icond2) & ) .OR. ( & INDEX( iolist, for_host(1:ifor_host) ) /= 0 & ) ) THEN ! !-- Zuerst Doppelpunkte durch Blanks ersetzen (aber doppelt !-- auftretende Doppelpunkte durch einen Doppelpunkt) i = 0 DO i = i + 1 IF ( i > ivalue ) EXIT IF ( value(i:i) == ':' ) THEN IF ( value(i+1:i+1) == ':' ) THEN value = value(1:i) // value(i+2:ivalue) ivalue = ivalue - 1 ELSE value(i:i) = ' ' ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ! !-- Variable ausgeben WRITE (2,2200) var(1:ivar), bs, value(1:ivalue), bs, & var(1:ivar) 2200 FORMAT ('eval ',A,'=',A,'"',A,A,'"'/'export ',A) IF ( do_trace(1:4) == 'true' ) THEN WRITE (2,2201) bs, var(1:ivar), value(1:ivalue) 2201 FORMAT ('printf "',A,'n*** ENVIRONMENT-VARIABLE ',A,' = ',A,'"') ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Variable "host" muss gleich ausgewertet werden, da mit ihr ein !-- neuer Geltungsbereich festgelegt wird IF ( var(1:ivar) == 'host' ) THEN host = value(1:ivalue) ihost = ivalue ENDIF ELSEIF ( zeile(1:3) == 'EC:' ) THEN ! !-- Error-Kommandos iec = iec + 1 IF ( iec < 10 ) THEN WRITE (2,'(''err_command['',I1,'']="'',A,''"'')') iec, & zeile(4:izeile) ELSEIF ( iec < 100 ) THEN WRITE (2,'(''err_command['',I2,'']="'',A,''"'')') iec, & zeile(4:izeile) ELSE WRITE (2,'(''err_command['',I3,'']="'',A,''"'')') iec, & zeile(4:izeile) ENDIF ELSEIF ( zeile(1:3) == 'IC:' ) THEN ! !-- Input-Kommandos iic = iic + 1 IF ( iic < 10 ) THEN WRITE (2,'(''in_command['',I1,'']="'',A,''"'')') iic, & zeile(4:izeile) ELSEIF ( iic < 100 ) THEN WRITE (2,'(''in_command['',I2,'']="'',A,''"'')') iic, & zeile(4:izeile) ELSE WRITE (2,'(''in_command['',I3,'']="'',A,''"'')') iic, & zeile(4:izeile) ENDIF ELSEIF ( zeile(1:3) == 'OC:' ) THEN ! !-- Output-Kommandos ioc = ioc + 1 IF ( ioc < 10 ) THEN WRITE (2,'(''out_command['',I1,'']="'',A,''"'')') ioc, & zeile(4:izeile) ELSEIF ( ioc < 100 ) THEN WRITE (2,'(''out_command['',I2,'']="'',A,''"'')') ioc, & zeile(4:izeile) ELSE WRITE (2,'(''out_command['',I3,'']="'',A,''"'')') ioc, & zeile(4:izeile) ENDIF ELSE ! !-- Dateiverbindungen idatver = idatver + 1 ! !-- Lokaler Name i = INDEX( zeile , ' ' ) s1 = zeile(1:i-1) is1 = i-1 ! !-- Dateieigenschaften zeile = ADJUSTL( zeile(i:izeile) ) i = INDEX( zeile , ' ' ) s2 = zeile(1:i-1) is2 = i-1 ! !-- Geltungsbereich zeile = ADJUSTL( zeile(i:izeile) ) i = INDEX( zeile , ' ' ) s3 = zeile(1:i-1) is3 = i-1 ! !-- Pfadname zeile = ADJUSTL( zeile(i:izeile) ) i = INDEX( zeile , ' ' ) s4 = zeile(1:i-1) is4 = i-1 ! !-- evtl. Extension zeile = ADJUSTL( zeile(i:izeile) ) i = INDEX( zeile , ' ' ) IF ( i == 1 ) THEN s5 = ' ' is5 = 1 s6 = ' ' is6 = 1 ELSE s5 = zeile(1:i-1) is5 = i-1 ! !-- evtl. 2. Extension zeile = ADJUSTL( zeile(i:izeile) ) i = INDEX( zeile , ' ' ) IF ( i == 1 ) THEN s6 = ' ' is6 = 1 ELSE s6 = zeile(1:i-1) is6 = i-1 ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Dateieigenschaften aufspalten i = INDEX( s2 , ':' ) IF ( i == 0 ) THEN s2a = s2 is2a = is2 s2b = '' is2b = 0 s2c = '' is2c = 0 ELSE s2a = s2(1:i-1) is2a = i-1 s2 = s2(i+1:is2) i = INDEX( s2 , ':' ) IF ( i == 0 ) THEN s2b = s2 is2b = LEN_TRIM( s2 ) s2c = '' is2c = 0 ELSE s2b = s2(1:i-1) is2b = i-1 s2c = s2(i+1:) is2c = LEN_TRIM( s2c ) ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Pruefung, ob Eingabedateiverbindung abgespeichert werden soll IF ( s2a(1:is2a) == 'in' .AND. .NOT. ( & do_remote(1:4) == 'true' .AND. & ( s2b(1:is2b) == 'loc' .OR. s2b(1:is2b) == 'locopt' ) & ) ) THEN found = .FALSE. i = INDEX( s3 , ':' ) IF ( i == 0 ) THEN s3cond = s3 is3cond = LEN_TRIM( s3cond ) ELSE s3cond = s3(1:i-1) is3cond = i-1 s3 = s3(i+1:) ENDIF DO WHILE ( s3cond(1:1) /= ' ' ) IF ( INDEX( input_list(1:iinput_list) , s3cond(1:is3cond) ) /= 0 & .OR. s3cond(1:is3cond) == '-' ) THEN found = .TRUE. ENDIF IF ( s3(1:1) == ' ' ) THEN s3cond = ' ' ELSE i = INDEX( s3 , ':' ) IF ( i == 0 ) THEN s3cond = s3 is3cond = LEN_TRIM( s3cond ) s3 = ' ' ELSE s3cond = s3(1:i-1) is3cond = i-1 s3 = s3(i+1:) ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ! !-- Wenn Geltungsbereich erfuellt, dann Dateiverbindung abspeichern IF ( found ) THEN iin = iin + 1 IF ( iin < 10 ) THEN WRITE (2,2000) iin, s1(1:is1), iin, s2b(1:is2b), & iin, s2c(1:is2c), & iin, s3(1:is3), iin, s4(1:is4), & iin, s5(1:is5), iin, s6(1:is6) 2000 FORMAT ('localin[',I1,']="',A,'"; transin[',I1,']="',A, & '"; actionin[',I1,']="',A, & '"; typein[',I1,']="',A,'"'/'pathin[',I1,']="',A, & '"; endin[',I1,']="',A,'"; extin[',I1,']="',A,'"') ELSEIF ( iin < 100 ) THEN WRITE (2,2001) iin, s1(1:is1), iin, s2b(1:is2b), & iin, s2c(1:is2c), & iin, s3(1:is3), iin, s4(1:is4), & iin, s5(1:is5), iin, s6(1:is6) 2001 FORMAT ('localin[',I2,']="',A,'"; transin[',I2,']="',A, & '"; actionin[',I2,']="',A, & '"; typein[',I2,']="',A,'"'/'pathin[',I2,']="',A, & '"; endin[',I2,']="',A,'"; extin[',I2,']="',A,'"') ELSE WRITE (2,2002) iin, s1(1:is1), iin, s2b(1:is2b), & iin, s2c(1:is2c), & iin, s3(1:is3), iin, s4(1:is4), & iin, s5(1:is5), iin, s6(1:is6) 2002 FORMAT ('localin[',I3,']="',A,'"; transin[',I3,']="',A, & '"; actionin[',I3,']="',A, & '"; typein[',I3,']="',A,'"'/'pathin[',I3,']="',A, & '"; endin[',I3,']="',A,'"; extin[',I3,']="',A,'"') ENDIF ENDIF ELSEIF ( s2a(1:is2a) == 'out' .AND. .NOT. ( & do_remote(1:4) == 'true' .AND. s2b(1:is2b) == 'loc' & ) ) THEN ! !-- Pruefung, ob Ausgabedateiverbindung abgespeichert werden soll found = .FALSE. i = INDEX( s3 , ':' ) IF ( i == 0 ) THEN s3cond = s3 is3cond = LEN_TRIM( s3cond ) ELSE s3cond = s3(1:i-1) is3cond = i-1 s3 = s3(i+1:) ENDIF DO WHILE ( s3cond(1:1) /= ' ' ) IF ( INDEX( output_list(1:ioutput_list) , s3cond(1:is3cond) ) /= 0 & .OR. s3cond(1:is3cond) == '-' ) THEN found = .TRUE. ENDIF IF ( s3(1:1) == ' ' ) THEN s3cond = ' ' ELSE i = INDEX( s3 , ':' ) IF ( i == 0 ) THEN s3cond = s3 is3cond = LEN_TRIM( s3cond ) s3 = ' ' ELSE s3cond = s3(1:i-1) is3cond = i-1 s3 = s3(i+1:) ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ! !-- Wenn Geltungsbereich erfuellt, dann Dateiverbindung abspeichern IF ( found ) THEN iout = iout + 1 IF ( iout < 10 ) THEN WRITE (2,2003) iout, s1(1:is1), iout, s2c(1:is2c), & iout, s3(1:is3), iout, s4(1:is4), & iout, s5(1:is5), iout, s6(1:is6) 2003 FORMAT ('localout[',I1,']="',A,'"; actionout[',I1,']="',A, & '"; typeout[',I1,']="',A,'"'/'pathout[',I1,']="',A, & '"; endout[',I1,']="',A,'"; extout[',I1,']="',A,'"') ELSEIF ( iout < 100 ) THEN WRITE (2,2004) iout, s1(1:is1), iout, s2c(1:is2c), & iout, s3(1:is3), iout, s4(1:is4), & iout, s5(1:is5), iout, s6(1:is6) 2004 FORMAT ('localout[',I2,']="',A,'"; actionout[',I2,']="',A, & '"; typeout[',I2,']="',A,'"'/'pathout[',I2,']="',A, & '"; endout[',I2,']="',A,'"; extout[',I2,']="',A,'"') ELSE WRITE (2,2005) iout, s1(1:is1), iout, s2c(1:is2c), & iout, s3(1:is3), iout, s4(1:is4), & iout, s5(1:is5), iout, s6(1:is6) 2005 FORMAT ('localout[',I3,']="',A,'"; actionout[',I3,']="',A, & '"; typeout[',I3,']="',A,'"'/'pathout[',I3,']="',A, & '"; endout[',I3,']="',A,'"; extout[',I3,']="',A,'"') ENDIF ENDIF ELSEIF ( s2a(1:is2a) /= 'in' .AND. s2a(1:is2a) /= 'out' ) THEN ! !-- Kein gueltiger Wert fuer I/O-Feld WRITE (2,2010) bs, bs, config_file(1:il), linenr, bs, bs, & s2a(1:is2a), bs, bs, bs, bs, bs 2010 FORMAT ('printf "',A,'n',A,'n +++ I/O-field in configuration ', & 'file ',A, ', line ', I5, ' has the illegal"'/ & 'printf "',A,'n value ',A,'"',A,A,'". Only ', & A,'"in',A,'" or ',A,'"out',A,'" are allowed!"' & ) WRITE (2,'(''locat=connect; exit'')') STOP ENDIF ENDIF READ( 1, '(A)', IOSTAT=ios ) zeile linenr = linenr + 1 ENDDO ! !-- Ausgabe der Anzahl von gefundenen Zeilen IF ( iec > 0 ) WRITE (2,'(''(( iec = '',I3,'' ))'')') iec IF ( iic > 0 ) WRITE (2,'(''(( iic = '',I3,'' ))'')') iic IF ( ioc > 0 ) WRITE (2,'(''(( ioc = '',I3,'' ))'')') ioc IF ( iin > 0 ) WRITE (2,'(''(( iin = '',I3,'' ))'')') iin IF ( iout > 0 ) WRITE (2,'(''(( iout = '',I3,'' ))'')') iout IF ( do_trace(1:4) == 'true' ) THEN PRINT*,' ' PRINT*,'*** Inhalt von: ',config_file(1:il) PRINT*,icomment,' Kommentarzeilen' PRINT*,ienvvar,' Environment-Variablen-Vereinbarungen' PRINT*,iec,' Error-Kommandos' PRINT*,iic,' Input-Kommandos' PRINT*,ioc,' Output-Kommandos' PRINT*,idatver,' Dateiverbindungs-Anweisungen' PRINT*,'Davon interpretiert:' PRINT*,iin,' Eingabedateien' PRINT*,iout,' Ausgabedateien' ENDIF END PROGRAM interpret_config