1 | MODULE chem_gasphase_mod |
2 | |
3 | ! Mechanism: passive1 |
4 | ! |
5 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! |
6 | ! |
7 | ! ******Module chem_gasphase_mod is automatically generated by kpp4palm ****** |
8 | ! |
9 | ! *********Please do NOT change this Code,it will be ovewritten ********* |
10 | ! |
11 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! |
12 | ! This file was created by KPP (http://people.cs.vt.edu/asandu/Software/Kpp/) |
13 | ! and kpp4palm (created by Klaus Ketelsen). kpp4palm is an adapted version |
14 | ! of KP4 (Jöckel,P.,Kerkweg,A.,Pozzer,A.,Sander,R.,Tost,H.,Riede, |
15 | ! H.,Baumgaertner,A.,Gromov,S.,and Kern,B.,2010: Development cycle 2 of |
16 | ! the Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy2),Geosci. Model Dev.,3,717-752, |
17 | ! https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-3-717-2010). KP4 is part of the Modular Earth |
18 | ! Submodel System (MESSy),which is is available under the GNU General Public |
19 | ! License (GPL). |
20 | ! |
21 | ! KPP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms |
22 | ! of the General Public Licence as published by the Free Software Foundation; |
23 | ! either version 2 of the License,or (at your option) any later version. |
24 | ! KPP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; |
25 | ! without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR |
26 | ! PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public Licence for more details. |
27 | ! |
28 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! |
29 | ! This file is part of the PALM model system. |
30 | ! |
31 | ! PALM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the |
32 | ! terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software |
33 | ! Foundation,either version 3 of the License,or (at your option) any later |
34 | ! version. |
35 | ! |
36 | ! PALM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY |
37 | ! WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR |
38 | ! A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. |
39 | ! |
40 | ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with |
41 | ! PALM. If not,see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
42 | ! |
43 | ! Copyright 1997-2019 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover |
44 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------! |
45 | ! |
46 | ! |
48 | ! |
49 | ! Initial version (Nov. 2016,ketelsen),for later modifications of module_header |
50 | ! see comments in kpp4palm/src/create_kpp_module.C |
51 | |
52 | ! Set kpp Double Precision to PALM Default Precision |
53 | |
54 | USE kinds, ONLY: dp=>wp |
55 | |
56 | USE pegrid, ONLY: myid, threads_per_task |
57 | |
59 | PRIVATE |
60 | !SAVE ! note: occurs again in automatically generated code ... |
61 | |
63 | |
65 | ! ,REQ_MCFCT,IP_MAX,jname |
66 | |
67 | PUBLIC :: cs_mech |
68 | PUBLIC :: eqn_names, phot_names, spc_names |
69 | PUBLIC :: nmaxfixsteps |
70 | PUBLIC :: atol, rtol |
71 | PUBLIC :: nspec, nreact |
72 | PUBLIC :: temp |
73 | PUBLIC :: qvap |
74 | PUBLIC :: fakt |
75 | PUBLIC :: phot |
76 | PUBLIC :: rconst |
77 | PUBLIC :: nvar |
78 | PUBLIC :: nphot |
79 | PUBLIC :: vl_dim ! PUBLIC to ebable other MODULEs to distiguish between scalar and vec |
80 | |
81 | PUBLIC :: initialize, integrate, update_rconst |
82 | PUBLIC :: chem_gasphase_integrate |
83 | PUBLIC :: initialize_kpp_ctrl |
84 | PUBLIC :: get_mechanismname |
85 | |
87 | |
88 | ! Variables used for vector mode |
89 | |
90 | LOGICAL, PARAMETER :: l_vector = .FALSE. |
91 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: i_lu_di = 2 |
92 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vl_dim = 1 |
93 | INTEGER :: vl |
94 | |
95 | INTEGER :: vl_glo |
96 | INTEGER :: is, ie |
97 | |
98 | |
99 | LOGICAL :: data_loaded = .FALSE. |
101 | ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
102 | ! |
103 | ! Parameter Module File |
104 | ! |
105 | ! Generated by KPP-2.2.3 symbolic chemistry Kinetics PreProcessor |
106 | ! (http://www.cs.vt.edu/~asandu/Software/KPP) |
107 | ! KPP is distributed under GPL,the general public licence |
108 | ! (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html) |
109 | ! (C) 1995-1997,V. Damian & A. Sandu,CGRER,Univ. Iowa |
110 | ! (C) 1997-2005,A. Sandu,Michigan Tech,Virginia Tech |
111 | ! With important contributions from: |
112 | ! M. Damian,Villanova University,USA |
113 | ! R. Sander,Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry,Mainz,Germany |
114 | ! |
115 | ! File : chem_gasphase_mod_Parameters.f90 |
116 | ! Time : Fri Mar 15 17:37:41 2019 |
117 | ! Working directory : /home/forkel-r/palmstuff/work/trunk20190315/UTIL/chemistry/gasphase_preproc/tmp_kpp4palm |
118 | ! Equation file : chem_gasphase_mod.kpp |
119 | ! Output root filename : chem_gasphase_mod |
120 | ! |
121 | ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
122 | |
123 | |
124 | |
125 | |
126 | |
127 | |
128 | ! NSPEC - Number of chemical species |
129 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nspec = 1 |
130 | ! NVAR - Number of Variable species |
131 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nvar = 1 |
132 | ! NVARACT - Number of Active species |
133 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nvaract = 1 |
134 | ! NFIX - Number of Fixed species |
135 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nfix = 1 |
136 | ! NREACT - Number of reactions |
137 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nreact = 1 |
138 | ! NVARST - Starting of variables in conc. vect. |
139 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nvarst = 1 |
140 | ! NFIXST - Starting of fixed in conc. vect. |
141 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nfixst = 2 |
142 | ! NONZERO - Number of nonzero entries in Jacobian |
143 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nonzero = 1 |
144 | ! LU_NONZERO - Number of nonzero entries in LU factoriz. of Jacobian |
145 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: lu_nonzero = 1 |
146 | ! CNVAR - (NVAR+1) Number of elements in compressed row format |
147 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: cnvar = 2 |
148 | ! CNEQN - (NREACT+1) Number stoicm elements in compressed col format |
149 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: cneqn = 2 |
150 | ! NHESS - Length of Sparse Hessian |
151 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nhess = 1 |
152 | ! NMASS - Number of atoms to check mass balance |
153 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nmass = 1 |
154 | |
155 | ! Index declaration for variable species in C and VAR |
156 | ! VAR(ind_spc) = C(ind_spc) |
157 | |
158 | INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: ind_pm10 = 1 |
159 | |
160 | ! Index declaration for fixed species in C |
161 | ! C(ind_spc) |
162 | |
163 | |
164 | ! Index declaration for fixed species in FIX |
165 | ! FIX(indf_spc) = C(ind_spc) = C(NVAR+indf_spc) |
166 | |
167 | |
168 | ! NJVRP - Length of sparse Jacobian JVRP |
169 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: njvrp = 1 |
170 | |
171 | ! NSTOICM - Length of Sparse Stoichiometric Matrix |
172 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nstoicm = 1 |
173 | |
174 | |
175 | ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
176 | ! |
177 | ! Global Data Module File |
178 | ! |
179 | ! Generated by KPP-2.2.3 symbolic chemistry Kinetics PreProcessor |
180 | ! (http://www.cs.vt.edu/~asandu/Software/KPP) |
181 | ! KPP is distributed under GPL,the general public licence |
182 | ! (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html) |
183 | ! (C) 1995-1997,V. Damian & A. Sandu,CGRER,Univ. Iowa |
184 | ! (C) 1997-2005,A. Sandu,Michigan Tech,Virginia Tech |
185 | ! With important contributions from: |
186 | ! M. Damian,Villanova University,USA |
187 | ! R. Sander,Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry,Mainz,Germany |
188 | ! |
189 | ! File : chem_gasphase_mod_Global.f90 |
190 | ! Time : Fri Mar 15 17:37:41 2019 |
191 | ! Working directory : /home/forkel-r/palmstuff/work/trunk20190315/UTIL/chemistry/gasphase_preproc/tmp_kpp4palm |
192 | ! Equation file : chem_gasphase_mod.kpp |
193 | ! Output root filename : chem_gasphase_mod |
194 | ! |
195 | ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
196 | |
197 | |
198 | |
199 | |
200 | |
201 | |
202 | ! Declaration of global variables |
203 | |
204 | ! C - Concentration of all species |
205 | REAL(kind=dp), TARGET :: c(nspec) |
206 | ! VAR - Concentrations of variable species (global) |
207 | ! REAL(kind=dp):: var(nvar) var is now POINTER |
208 | ! FIX - Concentrations of fixed species (global) |
209 | REAL(kind=dp):: fix(nfix) |
210 | ! VAR,FIX are chunks of array C |
211 | ! RCONST - Rate constants (global) |
212 | REAL(kind=dp):: rconst(nreact) |
213 | ! TIME - Current integration time |
214 | REAL(kind=dp):: time |
215 | ! TEMP - Temperature |
216 | REAL(kind=dp):: temp |
217 | ! ATOL - Absolute tolerance |
218 | REAL(kind=dp):: atol(nvar) |
219 | ! RTOL - Relative tolerance |
220 | REAL(kind=dp):: rtol(nvar) |
221 | ! STEPMIN - Lower bound for integration step |
222 | REAL(kind=dp):: stepmin |
223 | ! CFACTOR - Conversion factor for concentration units |
224 | REAL(kind=dp):: cfactor |
225 | |
226 | ! INLINED global variable declarations |
227 | |
228 | ! QVAP - Water vapor |
229 | REAL(kind=dp):: qvap |
230 | ! FAKT - Conversion factor |
231 | REAL(kind=dp):: fakt |
232 | |
233 | ! CS_MECH for check of mechanism name with namelist |
234 | CHARACTER(len=30):: cs_mech |
235 | |
236 | ! INLINED global variable declarations |
237 | |
238 | |
239 | |
240 | ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
241 | ! |
242 | ! Sparse Jacobian Data Structures File |
243 | ! |
244 | ! Generated by KPP-2.2.3 symbolic chemistry Kinetics PreProcessor |
245 | ! (http://www.cs.vt.edu/~asandu/Software/KPP) |
246 | ! KPP is distributed under GPL,the general public licence |
247 | ! (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html) |
248 | ! (C) 1995-1997,V. Damian & A. Sandu,CGRER,Univ. Iowa |
249 | ! (C) 1997-2005,A. Sandu,Michigan Tech,Virginia Tech |
250 | ! With important contributions from: |
251 | ! M. Damian,Villanova University,USA |
252 | ! R. Sander,Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry,Mainz,Germany |
253 | ! |
254 | ! File : chem_gasphase_mod_JacobianSP.f90 |
255 | ! Time : Fri Mar 15 17:37:41 2019 |
256 | ! Working directory : /home/forkel-r/palmstuff/work/trunk20190315/UTIL/chemistry/gasphase_preproc/tmp_kpp4palm |
257 | ! Equation file : chem_gasphase_mod.kpp |
258 | ! Output root filename : chem_gasphase_mod |
259 | ! |
260 | ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
261 | |
262 | |
263 | |
264 | |
265 | |
266 | |
267 | ! Sparse Jacobian Data |
268 | |
269 | |
270 | INTEGER, PARAMETER, DIMENSION(1):: lu_irow = (/ & |
271 | 1 /) |
272 | |
273 | INTEGER, PARAMETER, DIMENSION(1):: lu_icol = (/ & |
274 | 1 /) |
275 | |
276 | INTEGER, PARAMETER, DIMENSION(2):: lu_crow = (/ & |
277 | 1, 2 /) |
278 | |
279 | INTEGER, PARAMETER, DIMENSION(2):: lu_diag = (/ & |
280 | 1, 2 /) |
281 | |
282 | |
283 | |
284 | ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
285 | ! |
286 | ! Utility Data Module File |
287 | ! |
288 | ! Generated by KPP-2.2.3 symbolic chemistry Kinetics PreProcessor |
289 | ! (http://www.cs.vt.edu/~asandu/Software/KPP) |
290 | ! KPP is distributed under GPL,the general public licence |
291 | ! (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html) |
292 | ! (C) 1995-1997,V. Damian & A. Sandu,CGRER,Univ. Iowa |
293 | ! (C) 1997-2005,A. Sandu,Michigan Tech,Virginia Tech |
294 | ! With important contributions from: |
295 | ! M. Damian,Villanova University,USA |
296 | ! R. Sander,Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry,Mainz,Germany |
297 | ! |
298 | ! File : chem_gasphase_mod_Monitor.f90 |
299 | ! Time : Fri Mar 15 17:37:41 2019 |
300 | ! Working directory : /home/forkel-r/palmstuff/work/trunk20190315/UTIL/chemistry/gasphase_preproc/tmp_kpp4palm |
301 | ! Equation file : chem_gasphase_mod.kpp |
302 | ! Output root filename : chem_gasphase_mod |
303 | ! |
304 | ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
305 | |
306 | |
307 | |
308 | |
309 | |
310 | CHARACTER(len=15), PARAMETER, DIMENSION(1):: spc_names = (/ & |
311 | 'PM10 ' /) |
312 | |
313 | CHARACTER(len=100), PARAMETER, DIMENSION(1):: eqn_names = (/ & |
314 | 'PM10 --> PM10 ' /) |
315 | |
316 | ! INLINED global variables |
317 | |
318 | ! inline f90_data: declaration of global variables for photolysis |
319 | ! REAL(kind=dp):: phot(nphot)must eventually be moved to global later for |
320 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nphot = 1 |
321 | ! phot photolysis frequencies |
322 | REAL(kind=dp):: phot(nphot) |
323 | |
324 | INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: j_no2 = 1 |
325 | |
326 | CHARACTER(len=15), PARAMETER, DIMENSION(nphot):: phot_names = (/ & |
327 | 'J_NO2 '/) |
328 | |
329 | ! End INLINED global variables |
330 | |
331 | |
332 | ! Automatic generated PUBLIC Statements for ip_ and ihs_ variables |
333 | |
334 | ! Automatic generated PUBLIC Statements for ip_ and ihs_ variables |
335 | |
336 | ! Automatic generated PUBLIC Statements for ip_ and ihs_ variables |
337 | |
338 | ! Automatic generated PUBLIC Statements for ip_ and ihs_ variables |
339 | |
340 | |
341 | ! variable definations from individual module headers |
342 | |
343 | ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
344 | ! |
345 | ! Initialization File |
346 | ! |
347 | ! Generated by KPP-2.2.3 symbolic chemistry Kinetics PreProcessor |
348 | ! (http://www.cs.vt.edu/~asandu/Software/KPP) |
349 | ! KPP is distributed under GPL,the general public licence |
350 | ! (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html) |
351 | ! (C) 1995-1997,V. Damian & A. Sandu,CGRER,Univ. Iowa |
352 | ! (C) 1997-2005,A. Sandu,Michigan Tech,Virginia Tech |
353 | ! With important contributions from: |
354 | ! M. Damian,Villanova University,USA |
355 | ! R. Sander,Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry,Mainz,Germany |
356 | ! |
357 | ! File : chem_gasphase_mod_Initialize.f90 |
358 | ! Time : Fri Mar 15 17:37:41 2019 |
359 | ! Working directory : /home/forkel-r/palmstuff/work/trunk20190315/UTIL/chemistry/gasphase_preproc/tmp_kpp4palm |
360 | ! Equation file : chem_gasphase_mod.kpp |
361 | ! Output root filename : chem_gasphase_mod |
362 | ! |
363 | ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
364 | |
365 | |
366 | |
367 | |
368 | |
369 | ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
370 | ! |
371 | ! Numerical Integrator (Time-Stepping) File |
372 | ! |
373 | ! Generated by KPP-2.2.3 symbolic chemistry Kinetics PreProcessor |
374 | ! (http://www.cs.vt.edu/~asandu/Software/KPP) |
375 | ! KPP is distributed under GPL,the general public licence |
376 | ! (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html) |
377 | ! (C) 1995-1997,V. Damian & A. Sandu,CGRER,Univ. Iowa |
378 | ! (C) 1997-2005,A. Sandu,Michigan Tech,Virginia Tech |
379 | ! With important contributions from: |
380 | ! M. Damian,Villanova University,USA |
381 | ! R. Sander,Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry,Mainz,Germany |
382 | ! |
383 | ! File : chem_gasphase_mod_Integrator.f90 |
384 | ! Time : Fri Mar 15 17:37:41 2019 |
385 | ! Working directory : /home/forkel-r/palmstuff/work/trunk20190315/UTIL/chemistry/gasphase_preproc/tmp_kpp4palm |
386 | ! Equation file : chem_gasphase_mod.kpp |
387 | ! Output root filename : chem_gasphase_mod |
388 | ! |
389 | ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
390 | |
391 | |
392 | |
393 | ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
394 | ! |
395 | ! INTEGRATE - Integrator routine |
396 | ! Arguments : |
397 | ! TIN - Start Time for Integration |
398 | ! TOUT - End Time for Integration |
399 | ! |
400 | ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
401 | |
402 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! |
403 | ! Rosenbrock - Implementation of several Rosenbrock methods: ! |
404 | ! *Ros2 ! |
405 | ! *Ros3 ! |
406 | ! *Ros4 ! |
407 | ! *Rodas3 ! |
408 | ! *Rodas4 ! |
409 | ! By default the code employs the KPP sparse linear algebra routines ! |
410 | ! Compile with -DFULL_ALGEBRA to use full linear algebra (LAPACK) ! |
411 | ! ! |
412 | ! (C) Adrian Sandu,August 2004 ! |
413 | ! Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University ! |
414 | ! Contact: sandu@cs.vt.edu ! |
415 | ! Revised by Philipp Miehe and Adrian Sandu,May 2006 ! ! |
416 | ! This implementation is part of KPP - the Kinetic PreProcessor ! |
417 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! |
418 | |
419 | |
420 | SAVE |
421 | |
422 | !~~~> statistics on the work performed by the rosenbrock method |
423 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nfun=1, njac=2, nstp=3, nacc=4, & |
424 | nrej=5, ndec=6, nsol=7, nsng=8, & |
425 | ntexit=1, nhexit=2, nhnew = 3 |
426 | |
427 | ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
428 | ! |
429 | ! Linear Algebra Data and Routines File |
430 | ! |
431 | ! Generated by KPP-2.2.3 symbolic chemistry Kinetics PreProcessor |
432 | ! (http://www.cs.vt.edu/~asandu/Software/KPP) |
433 | ! KPP is distributed under GPL,the general public licence |
434 | ! (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html) |
435 | ! (C) 1995-1997,V. Damian & A. Sandu,CGRER,Univ. Iowa |
436 | ! (C) 1997-2005,A. Sandu,Michigan Tech,Virginia Tech |
437 | ! With important contributions from: |
438 | ! M. Damian,Villanova University,USA |
439 | ! R. Sander,Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry,Mainz,Germany |
440 | ! |
441 | ! File : chem_gasphase_mod_LinearAlgebra.f90 |
442 | ! Time : Fri Mar 15 17:37:41 2019 |
443 | ! Working directory : /home/forkel-r/palmstuff/work/trunk20190315/UTIL/chemistry/gasphase_preproc/tmp_kpp4palm |
444 | ! Equation file : chem_gasphase_mod.kpp |
445 | ! Output root filename : chem_gasphase_mod |
446 | ! |
447 | ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
448 | |
449 | |
450 | |
451 | |
452 | |
453 | |
454 | ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
455 | ! |
456 | ! The ODE Jacobian of Chemical Model File |
457 | ! |
458 | ! Generated by KPP-2.2.3 symbolic chemistry Kinetics PreProcessor |
459 | ! (http://www.cs.vt.edu/~asandu/Software/KPP) |
460 | ! KPP is distributed under GPL,the general public licence |
461 | ! (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html) |
462 | ! (C) 1995-1997,V. Damian & A. Sandu,CGRER,Univ. Iowa |
463 | ! (C) 1997-2005,A. Sandu,Michigan Tech,Virginia Tech |
464 | ! With important contributions from: |
465 | ! M. Damian,Villanova University,USA |
466 | ! R. Sander,Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry,Mainz,Germany |
467 | ! |
468 | ! File : chem_gasphase_mod_Jacobian.f90 |
469 | ! Time : Fri Mar 15 17:37:41 2019 |
470 | ! Working directory : /home/forkel-r/palmstuff/work/trunk20190315/UTIL/chemistry/gasphase_preproc/tmp_kpp4palm |
471 | ! Equation file : chem_gasphase_mod.kpp |
472 | ! Output root filename : chem_gasphase_mod |
473 | ! |
474 | ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
475 | |
476 | |
477 | |
478 | |
479 | |
480 | |
481 | ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
482 | ! |
483 | ! The ODE Function of Chemical Model File |
484 | ! |
485 | ! Generated by KPP-2.2.3 symbolic chemistry Kinetics PreProcessor |
486 | ! (http://www.cs.vt.edu/~asandu/Software/KPP) |
487 | ! KPP is distributed under GPL,the general public licence |
488 | ! (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html) |
489 | ! (C) 1995-1997,V. Damian & A. Sandu,CGRER,Univ. Iowa |
490 | ! (C) 1997-2005,A. Sandu,Michigan Tech,Virginia Tech |
491 | ! With important contributions from: |
492 | ! M. Damian,Villanova University,USA |
493 | ! R. Sander,Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry,Mainz,Germany |
494 | ! |
495 | ! File : chem_gasphase_mod_Function.f90 |
496 | ! Time : Fri Mar 15 17:37:41 2019 |
497 | ! Working directory : /home/forkel-r/palmstuff/work/trunk20190315/UTIL/chemistry/gasphase_preproc/tmp_kpp4palm |
498 | ! Equation file : chem_gasphase_mod.kpp |
499 | ! Output root filename : chem_gasphase_mod |
500 | ! |
501 | ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
502 | |
503 | |
504 | |
505 | |
506 | |
507 | ! A - Rate for each equation |
508 | REAL(kind=dp):: a(nreact) |
509 | |
510 | ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
511 | ! |
512 | ! The Reaction Rates File |
513 | ! |
514 | ! Generated by KPP-2.2.3 symbolic chemistry Kinetics PreProcessor |
515 | ! (http://www.cs.vt.edu/~asandu/Software/KPP) |
516 | ! KPP is distributed under GPL,the general public licence |
517 | ! (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html) |
518 | ! (C) 1995-1997,V. Damian & A. Sandu,CGRER,Univ. Iowa |
519 | ! (C) 1997-2005,A. Sandu,Michigan Tech,Virginia Tech |
520 | ! With important contributions from: |
521 | ! M. Damian,Villanova University,USA |
522 | ! R. Sander,Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry,Mainz,Germany |
523 | ! |
524 | ! File : chem_gasphase_mod_Rates.f90 |
525 | ! Time : Fri Mar 15 17:37:41 2019 |
526 | ! Working directory : /home/forkel-r/palmstuff/work/trunk20190315/UTIL/chemistry/gasphase_preproc/tmp_kpp4palm |
527 | ! Equation file : chem_gasphase_mod.kpp |
528 | ! Output root filename : chem_gasphase_mod |
529 | ! |
530 | ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
531 | |
532 | |
533 | |
534 | |
535 | |
536 | ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
537 | ! |
538 | ! Auxiliary Routines File |
539 | ! |
540 | ! Generated by KPP-2.2.3 symbolic chemistry Kinetics PreProcessor |
541 | ! (http://www.cs.vt.edu/~asandu/Software/KPP) |
542 | ! KPP is distributed under GPL,the general public licence |
543 | ! (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html) |
544 | ! (C) 1995-1997,V. Damian & A. Sandu,CGRER,Univ. Iowa |
545 | ! (C) 1997-2005,A. Sandu,Michigan Tech,Virginia Tech |
546 | ! With important contributions from: |
547 | ! M. Damian,Villanova University,USA |
548 | ! R. Sander,Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry,Mainz,Germany |
549 | ! |
550 | ! File : chem_gasphase_mod_Util.f90 |
551 | ! Time : Fri Mar 15 17:37:41 2019 |
552 | ! Working directory : /home/forkel-r/palmstuff/work/trunk20190315/UTIL/chemistry/gasphase_preproc/tmp_kpp4palm |
553 | ! Equation file : chem_gasphase_mod.kpp |
554 | ! Output root filename : chem_gasphase_mod |
555 | ! |
556 | ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
557 | |
558 | |
559 | |
560 | |
561 | |
562 | |
563 | ! header MODULE initialize_kpp_ctrl_template |
564 | |
565 | ! notes: |
566 | ! - l_vector is automatically defined by kp4 |
567 | ! - vl_dim is automatically defined by kp4 |
568 | ! - i_lu_di is automatically defined by kp4 |
569 | ! - wanted is automatically defined by xmecca |
570 | ! - icntrl rcntrl are automatically defined by kpp |
571 | ! - "USE messy_main_tools" is in MODULE_header of messy_mecca_kpp.f90 |
572 | ! - SAVE will be automatically added by kp4 |
573 | |
574 | !SAVE |
575 | |
576 | ! for fixed time step control |
577 | ! ... max. number of fixed time steps (sum must be 1) |
578 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nmaxfixsteps = 50 |
579 | ! ... switch for fixed time stepping |
580 | LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: l_fixed_step = .FALSE. |
581 | INTEGER, PUBLIC :: nfsteps = 1 |
582 | ! ... number of kpp control PARAMETERs |
583 | INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: nkppctrl = 20 |
584 | ! |
585 | INTEGER, DIMENSION(nkppctrl), PUBLIC :: icntrl = 0 |
586 | REAL(dp), DIMENSION(nkppctrl), PUBLIC :: rcntrl = 0.0_dp |
587 | REAL(dp), DIMENSION(nmaxfixsteps), PUBLIC :: t_steps = 0.0_dp |
588 | |
589 | ! END header MODULE initialize_kpp_ctrl_template |
590 | |
591 | |
592 | ! Interface Block |
593 | |
594 | INTERFACE initialize |
595 | MODULE PROCEDURE initialize |
596 | END INTERFACE initialize |
597 | |
598 | INTERFACE integrate |
599 | MODULE PROCEDURE integrate |
600 | END INTERFACE integrate |
601 | |
602 | INTERFACE fun |
604 | END INTERFACE fun |
605 | |
606 | INTERFACE kppsolve |
607 | MODULE PROCEDURE kppsolve |
608 | END INTERFACE kppsolve |
609 | |
610 | INTERFACE jac_sp |
611 | MODULE PROCEDURE jac_sp |
612 | END INTERFACE jac_sp |
613 | |
614 | INTERFACE k_arr |
615 | MODULE PROCEDURE k_arr |
616 | END INTERFACE k_arr |
617 | |
618 | INTERFACE update_rconst |
619 | MODULE PROCEDURE update_rconst |
620 | END INTERFACE update_rconst |
621 | |
622 | INTERFACE arr2 |
624 | END INTERFACE arr2 |
625 | |
626 | INTERFACE initialize_kpp_ctrl |
627 | MODULE PROCEDURE initialize_kpp_ctrl |
628 | END INTERFACE initialize_kpp_ctrl |
629 | |
630 | INTERFACE error_output |
631 | MODULE PROCEDURE error_output |
632 | END INTERFACE error_output |
633 | |
634 | INTERFACE wscal |
635 | MODULE PROCEDURE wscal |
636 | END INTERFACE wscal |
637 | |
638 | !INTERFACE not working INTERFACE waxpy |
639 | !INTERFACE not working MODULE PROCEDURE waxpy |
640 | !INTERFACE not working END INTERFACE waxpy |
641 | |
642 | INTERFACE rosenbrock |
643 | MODULE PROCEDURE rosenbrock |
644 | END INTERFACE rosenbrock |
645 | |
646 | INTERFACE funtemplate |
647 | MODULE PROCEDURE funtemplate |
648 | END INTERFACE funtemplate |
649 | |
650 | INTERFACE jactemplate |
651 | MODULE PROCEDURE jactemplate |
652 | END INTERFACE jactemplate |
653 | |
654 | INTERFACE kppdecomp |
655 | MODULE PROCEDURE kppdecomp |
656 | END INTERFACE kppdecomp |
657 | |
658 | INTERFACE get_mechanismname |
659 | MODULE PROCEDURE get_mechanismname |
660 | END INTERFACE get_mechanismname |
661 | |
662 | INTERFACE chem_gasphase_integrate |
663 | MODULE PROCEDURE chem_gasphase_integrate |
664 | END INTERFACE chem_gasphase_integrate |
665 | |
666 | |
667 | ! openmp directives generated by kp4 |
668 | |
669 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE (vl, vl_glo, is, ie, data_loaded) |
670 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE (c, var, fix, rconst, time, temp, stepmin, cfactor) |
671 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE (qvap, fakt, cs_mech, a, icntrl, rcntrl) |
672 | |
673 | CONTAINS |
674 | |
675 | SUBROUTINE initialize() |
676 | |
677 | |
678 | INTEGER :: k |
679 | |
680 | INTEGER :: i |
681 | REAL(kind=dp):: x |
682 | k = is |
683 | cfactor = 1.000000e+00_dp |
684 | ! |
685 | ! Following line is just to avoid compiler message about unused variables |
686 | IF ( lu_crow(1) == 1 .OR. lu_icol(1) == 1 .OR. lu_irow(1) == 1 ) CONTINUE |
687 | ! |
688 | |
689 | x = (0.) * cfactor |
690 | DO i = 1 , nvar |
691 | ENDDO |
692 | |
693 | x = (0.) * cfactor |
694 | DO i = 1 , nfix |
695 | fix(i) = x |
696 | ENDDO |
697 | |
698 | ! constant rate coefficients |
699 | ! END constant rate coefficients |
700 | |
701 | ! INLINED initializations |
702 | |
703 | ! End INLINED initializations |
704 | |
705 | |
706 | END SUBROUTINE initialize |
707 | |
708 | SUBROUTINE integrate( tin, tout, & |
709 | icntrl_u, rcntrl_u, istatus_u, rstatus_u, ierr_u) |
710 | |
711 | |
712 | REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN):: tin ! start time |
713 | REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN):: tout ! END time |
714 | ! OPTIONAL input PARAMETERs and statistics |
715 | INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: icntrl_u(20) |
716 | REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: rcntrl_u(20) |
717 | INTEGER, INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: istatus_u(20) |
718 | REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: rstatus_u(20) |
719 | INTEGER, INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: ierr_u |
720 | |
721 | REAL(kind=dp):: rcntrl(20), rstatus(20) |
722 | INTEGER :: icntrl(20), istatus(20), ierr |
723 | |
724 | |
725 | icntrl(:) = 0 |
726 | rcntrl(:) = 0.0_dp |
727 | istatus(:) = 0 |
728 | rstatus(:) = 0.0_dp |
729 | |
730 | !~~~> fine-tune the integrator: |
731 | icntrl(1) = 0 ! 0 - non- autonomous, 1 - autonomous |
732 | icntrl(2) = 0 ! 0 - vector tolerances, 1 - scalars |
733 | |
734 | ! IF OPTIONAL PARAMETERs are given, and IF they are >0, |
735 | ! THEN they overwrite default settings. |
736 | IF (PRESENT(icntrl_u))THEN |
737 | WHERE(icntrl_u(:)> 0)icntrl(:) = icntrl_u(:) |
738 | ENDIF |
739 | IF (PRESENT(rcntrl_u))THEN |
740 | WHERE(rcntrl_u(:)> 0)rcntrl(:) = rcntrl_u(:) |
741 | ENDIF |
742 | |
743 | |
744 | CALL rosenbrock(nvar, var, tin, tout, & |
745 | atol, rtol, & |
746 | rcntrl, icntrl, rstatus, istatus, ierr) |
747 | |
748 | !~~~> debug option: show no of steps |
749 | ! ntotal = ntotal + istatus(nstp) |
750 | ! PRINT*,'NSTEPS=',ISTATUS(Nstp),' (',Ntotal,')',' O3=',VAR(ind_O3) |
751 | |
752 | stepmin = rstatus(nhexit) |
753 | ! IF OPTIONAL PARAMETERs are given for output they |
754 | ! are updated with the RETURN information |
755 | IF (PRESENT(istatus_u))istatus_u(:) = istatus(:) |
756 | IF (PRESENT(rstatus_u))rstatus_u(:) = rstatus(:) |
757 | IF (PRESENT(ierr_u)) ierr_u = ierr |
758 | |
759 | END SUBROUTINE integrate |
760 | |
761 | SUBROUTINE fun(v, f, rct, vdot) |
762 | |
763 | ! V - Concentrations of variable species (local) |
764 | REAL(kind=dp):: v(nvar) |
765 | ! F - Concentrations of fixed species (local) |
766 | REAL(kind=dp):: f(nfix) |
767 | ! RCT - Rate constants (local) |
768 | REAL(kind=dp):: rct(nreact) |
769 | ! Vdot - Time derivative of variable species concentrations |
770 | REAL(kind=dp):: vdot(nvar) |
771 | |
772 | |
773 | ! Following line is just to avoid compiler message about unused variables |
774 | IF ( f(nfix) > 0.0_dp ) CONTINUE |
775 | ! |
776 | ! Computation of equation rates |
777 | |
778 | ! Aggregate function |
779 | vdot(1) = 0 |
780 | |
781 | END SUBROUTINE fun |
782 | |
783 | SUBROUTINE kppsolve(jvs, x) |
784 | |
785 | ! JVS - sparse Jacobian of variables |
786 | REAL(kind=dp):: jvs(lu_nonzero) |
787 | ! X - Vector for variables |
788 | REAL(kind=dp):: x(nvar) |
789 | |
790 | x(1) = x(1) / jvs(1) |
791 | |
792 | END SUBROUTINE kppsolve |
793 | |
794 | SUBROUTINE jac_sp(v, f, rct, jvs) |
795 | |
796 | ! V - Concentrations of variable species (local) |
797 | REAL(kind=dp):: v(nvar) |
798 | ! F - Concentrations of fixed species (local) |
799 | REAL(kind=dp):: f(nfix) |
800 | ! RCT - Rate constants (local) |
801 | REAL(kind=dp):: rct(nreact) |
802 | ! JVS - sparse Jacobian of variables |
803 | REAL(kind=dp):: jvs(lu_nonzero) |
804 | |
805 | |
806 | ! Local variables |
807 | ! B - Temporary array |
808 | REAL(kind=dp):: b(1) |
809 | ! |
810 | ! Following line is just to avoid compiler message about unused variables |
811 | IF ( f(nfix) > 0.0_dp ) CONTINUE |
812 | |
813 | ! B(1) = dA(1)/dV(1) |
814 | b(1) = rct(1) |
815 | |
816 | ! Construct the Jacobian terms from B's |
817 | ! JVS(1) = Jac_FULL(1,1) |
818 | jvs(1) = 0 |
819 | |
820 | END SUBROUTINE jac_sp |
821 | |
822 | elemental REAL(kind=dp)FUNCTION k_arr (k_298, tdep, temp) |
823 | ! arrhenius FUNCTION |
824 | |
825 | REAL, INTENT(IN):: k_298 ! k at t = 298.15k |
826 | REAL, INTENT(IN):: tdep ! temperature dependence |
827 | REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN):: temp ! temperature |
828 | |
829 | intrinsic exp |
830 | |
831 | k_arr = k_298 * exp(tdep* (1._dp/temp- 3.3540e-3_dp))! 1/298.15=3.3540e-3 |
832 | |
833 | END FUNCTION k_arr |
834 | |
835 | SUBROUTINE update_rconst() |
836 | INTEGER :: k |
837 | |
838 | k = is |
839 | |
840 | ! Begin INLINED RCONST |
841 | |
842 | |
843 | ! End INLINED RCONST |
844 | |
845 | rconst(1) = (1.0_dp) |
846 | |
847 | END SUBROUTINE update_rconst |
848 | |
850 | REAL(kind=dp)FUNCTION arr2( a0, b0, temp) |
851 | REAL(kind=dp):: temp |
852 | REAL(kind=dp):: a0, b0 |
853 | arr2 = a0 * exp( - b0 / temp) |
854 | END FUNCTION arr2 |
855 | |
856 | SUBROUTINE initialize_kpp_ctrl(status) |
857 | |
858 | |
859 | ! i/o |
860 | INTEGER, INTENT(OUT):: status |
861 | |
862 | ! local |
863 | REAL(dp):: tsum |
864 | INTEGER :: i |
865 | |
866 | ! check fixed time steps |
867 | tsum = 0.0_dp |
868 | DO i=1, nmaxfixsteps |
869 | IF (t_steps(i)< tiny(0.0_dp))exit |
870 | tsum = tsum + t_steps(i) |
871 | ENDDO |
872 | |
873 | nfsteps = i- 1 |
874 | |
875 | l_fixed_step = (nfsteps > 0).and.((tsum - 1.0)< tiny(0.0_dp)) |
876 | |
877 | IF (l_vector)THEN |
878 | WRITE(*,*) ' MODE : VECTOR (LENGTH=',VL_DIM,')' |
879 | ELSE |
880 | WRITE(*,*) ' MODE : SCALAR' |
881 | ENDIF |
882 | ! |
883 | WRITE(*,*) ' DE-INDEXING MODE :',I_LU_DI |
884 | ! |
885 | WRITE(*,*) ' ICNTRL : ',icntrl |
886 | WRITE(*,*) ' RCNTRL : ',rcntrl |
887 | ! |
888 | ! note: this is ONLY meaningful for vectorized (kp4)rosenbrock- methods |
889 | IF (l_vector)THEN |
890 | IF (l_fixed_step)THEN |
891 | WRITE(*,*) ' TIME STEPS : FIXED (',t_steps(1:nfsteps),')' |
892 | ELSE |
894 | ENDIF |
895 | ELSE |
896 | WRITE(*,*) ' TIME STEPS : AUTOMATIC '//& |
897 | &'(t_steps (CTRL_KPP) ignored in SCALAR MODE)' |
898 | ENDIF |
899 | ! mz_pj_20070531- |
900 | |
901 | status = 0 |
902 | |
903 | |
904 | END SUBROUTINE initialize_kpp_ctrl |
905 | |
906 | SUBROUTINE error_output(c, ierr, pe) |
907 | |
908 | |
909 | INTEGER, INTENT(IN):: ierr |
910 | INTEGER, INTENT(IN):: pe |
911 | REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN):: c |
912 | |
913 | write(6,*) 'ERROR in chem_gasphase_mod ',ierr,C(1),PE |
914 | |
915 | |
916 | END SUBROUTINE error_output |
917 | |
918 | SUBROUTINE wscal(n, alpha, x, incx) |
919 | !- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
920 | ! constant times a vector: x(1:N) <- Alpha*x(1:N) |
921 | ! only for incX=incY=1 |
922 | ! after BLAS |
923 | ! replace this by the function from the optimized BLAS implementation: |
924 | ! CALL SSCAL(N,Alpha,X,1) or CALL DSCAL(N,Alpha,X,1) |
925 | !- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
926 | |
927 | INTEGER :: i, incx, m, mp1, n |
928 | REAL(kind=dp) :: x(n), alpha |
929 | REAL(kind=dp), PARAMETER :: zero=0.0_dp, one=1.0_dp |
930 | ! |
931 | ! Following line is just to avoid compiler message about unused variables |
932 | IF ( incx == 0 ) CONTINUE |
933 | |
934 | IF (alpha .eq. one)RETURN |
935 | IF (n .le. 0)RETURN |
936 | |
937 | m = mod(n, 5) |
938 | IF ( m .ne. 0)THEN |
939 | IF (alpha .eq. (- one))THEN |
940 | DO i = 1, m |
941 | x(i) = - x(i) |
942 | ENDDO |
943 | ELSEIF (alpha .eq. zero)THEN |
944 | DO i = 1, m |
945 | x(i) = zero |
946 | ENDDO |
947 | ELSE |
948 | DO i = 1, m |
949 | x(i) = alpha* x(i) |
950 | ENDDO |
951 | ENDIF |
952 | IF ( n .lt. 5)RETURN |
953 | ENDIF |
954 | mp1 = m + 1 |
955 | IF (alpha .eq. (- one))THEN |
956 | DO i = mp1, n, 5 |
957 | x(i) = - x(i) |
958 | x(i + 1) = - x(i + 1) |
959 | x(i + 2) = - x(i + 2) |
960 | x(i + 3) = - x(i + 3) |
961 | x(i + 4) = - x(i + 4) |
962 | ENDDO |
963 | ELSEIF (alpha .eq. zero)THEN |
964 | DO i = mp1, n, 5 |
965 | x(i) = zero |
966 | x(i + 1) = zero |
967 | x(i + 2) = zero |
968 | x(i + 3) = zero |
969 | x(i + 4) = zero |
970 | ENDDO |
971 | ELSE |
972 | DO i = mp1, n, 5 |
973 | x(i) = alpha* x(i) |
974 | x(i + 1) = alpha* x(i + 1) |
975 | x(i + 2) = alpha* x(i + 2) |
976 | x(i + 3) = alpha* x(i + 3) |
977 | x(i + 4) = alpha* x(i + 4) |
978 | ENDDO |
979 | ENDIF |
980 | |
981 | END SUBROUTINE wscal |
982 | |
983 | SUBROUTINE waxpy(n, alpha, x, incx, y, incy) |
984 | !- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
985 | ! constant times a vector plus a vector: y <- y + Alpha*x |
986 | ! only for incX=incY=1 |
987 | ! after BLAS |
988 | ! replace this by the function from the optimized BLAS implementation: |
989 | ! CALL SAXPY(N,Alpha,X,1,Y,1) or CALL DAXPY(N,Alpha,X,1,Y,1) |
990 | !- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
991 | |
992 | INTEGER :: i, incx, incy, m, mp1, n |
993 | REAL(kind=dp):: x(n), y(n), alpha |
994 | REAL(kind=dp), PARAMETER :: zero = 0.0_dp |
995 | |
996 | ! |
997 | ! Following line is just to avoid compiler message about unused variables |
998 | IF ( incx == 0 .OR. incy == 0 ) CONTINUE |
999 | IF (alpha .eq. zero)RETURN |
1000 | IF (n .le. 0)RETURN |
1001 | |
1002 | m = mod(n, 4) |
1003 | IF ( m .ne. 0)THEN |
1004 | DO i = 1, m |
1005 | y(i) = y(i) + alpha* x(i) |
1006 | ENDDO |
1007 | IF ( n .lt. 4)RETURN |
1008 | ENDIF |
1009 | mp1 = m + 1 |
1010 | DO i = mp1, n, 4 |
1011 | y(i) = y(i) + alpha* x(i) |
1012 | y(i + 1) = y(i + 1) + alpha* x(i + 1) |
1013 | y(i + 2) = y(i + 2) + alpha* x(i + 2) |
1014 | y(i + 3) = y(i + 3) + alpha* x(i + 3) |
1015 | ENDDO |
1016 | |
1017 | END SUBROUTINE waxpy |
1018 | |
1019 | SUBROUTINE rosenbrock(n, y, tstart, tend, & |
1020 | abstol, reltol, & |
1021 | rcntrl, icntrl, rstatus, istatus, ierr) |
1022 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1023 | ! |
1024 | ! Solves the system y'=F(t,y) using a Rosenbrock method defined by: |
1025 | ! |
1026 | ! G = 1/(H*gamma(1)) - Jac(t0,Y0) |
1027 | ! T_i = t0 + Alpha(i)*H |
1028 | ! Y_i = Y0 + \sum_{j=1}^{i-1} A(i,j)*K_j |
1029 | ! G *K_i = Fun( T_i,Y_i)+ \sum_{j=1}^S C(i,j)/H *K_j + |
1030 | ! gamma(i)*dF/dT(t0,Y0) |
1031 | ! Y1 = Y0 + \sum_{j=1}^S M(j)*K_j |
1032 | ! |
1033 | ! For details on Rosenbrock methods and their implementation consult: |
1034 | ! E. Hairer and G. Wanner |
1035 | ! "Solving ODEs II. Stiff and differential-algebraic problems". |
1036 | ! Springer series in computational mathematics,Springer-Verlag,1996. |
1037 | ! The codes contained in the book inspired this implementation. |
1038 | ! |
1039 | ! (C) Adrian Sandu,August 2004 |
1040 | ! Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University |
1041 | ! Contact: sandu@cs.vt.edu |
1042 | ! Revised by Philipp Miehe and Adrian Sandu,May 2006 |
1043 | ! This implementation is part of KPP - the Kinetic PreProcessor |
1044 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1045 | ! |
1046 | !~~~> input arguments: |
1047 | ! |
1048 | !- y(n) = vector of initial conditions (at t=tstart) |
1049 | !- [tstart, tend] = time range of integration |
1050 | ! (if Tstart>Tend the integration is performed backwards in time) |
1051 | !- reltol, abstol = user precribed accuracy |
1052 | !- SUBROUTINE fun( t, y, ydot) = ode FUNCTION, |
1053 | ! returns Ydot = Y' = F(T,Y) |
1054 | !- SUBROUTINE jac( t, y, jcb) = jacobian of the ode FUNCTION, |
1055 | ! returns Jcb = dFun/dY |
1056 | !- icntrl(1:20) = INTEGER inputs PARAMETERs |
1057 | !- rcntrl(1:20) = REAL inputs PARAMETERs |
1058 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1059 | ! |
1060 | !~~~> output arguments: |
1061 | ! |
1062 | !- y(n) - > vector of final states (at t- >tend) |
1063 | !- istatus(1:20) - > INTEGER output PARAMETERs |
1064 | !- rstatus(1:20) - > REAL output PARAMETERs |
1065 | !- ierr - > job status upon RETURN |
1066 | ! success (positive value) or |
1067 | ! failure (negative value) |
1068 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1069 | ! |
1070 | !~~~> input PARAMETERs: |
1071 | ! |
1072 | ! Note: For input parameters equal to zero the default values of the |
1073 | ! corresponding variables are used. |
1074 | ! |
1075 | ! ICNTRL(1) = 1: F = F(y) Independent of T (AUTONOMOUS) |
1076 | ! = 0: F = F(t,y) Depends on T (NON-AUTONOMOUS) |
1077 | ! |
1078 | ! ICNTRL(2) = 0: AbsTol,RelTol are N-dimensional vectors |
1079 | ! = 1: AbsTol,RelTol are scalars |
1080 | ! |
1081 | ! ICNTRL(3) -> selection of a particular Rosenbrock method |
1082 | ! = 0 : Rodas3 (default) |
1083 | ! = 1 : Ros2 |
1084 | ! = 2 : Ros3 |
1085 | ! = 3 : Ros4 |
1086 | ! = 4 : Rodas3 |
1087 | ! = 5 : Rodas4 |
1088 | ! |
1089 | ! ICNTRL(4) -> maximum number of integration steps |
1090 | ! For ICNTRL(4) =0) the default value of 100000 is used |
1091 | ! |
1092 | ! RCNTRL(1) -> Hmin,lower bound for the integration step size |
1093 | ! It is strongly recommended to keep Hmin = ZERO |
1094 | ! RCNTRL(2) -> Hmax,upper bound for the integration step size |
1095 | ! RCNTRL(3) -> Hstart,starting value for the integration step size |
1096 | ! |
1097 | ! RCNTRL(4) -> FacMin,lower bound on step decrease factor (default=0.2) |
1098 | ! RCNTRL(5) -> FacMax,upper bound on step increase factor (default=6) |
1099 | ! RCNTRL(6) -> FacRej,step decrease factor after multiple rejections |
1100 | ! (default=0.1) |
1101 | ! RCNTRL(7) -> FacSafe,by which the new step is slightly smaller |
1102 | ! than the predicted value (default=0.9) |
1103 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1104 | ! |
1105 | ! |
1107 | ! ----------------- |
1108 | ! |
1109 | ! T -> T value for which the solution has been computed |
1110 | ! (after successful return T=Tend). |
1111 | ! |
1112 | ! Y(N) -> Numerical solution at T |
1113 | ! |
1114 | ! IDID -> Reports on successfulness upon return: |
1115 | ! = 1 for success |
1116 | ! < 0 for error (value equals error code) |
1117 | ! |
1118 | ! ISTATUS(1) -> No. of function calls |
1119 | ! ISTATUS(2) -> No. of jacobian calls |
1120 | ! ISTATUS(3) -> No. of steps |
1121 | ! ISTATUS(4) -> No. of accepted steps |
1122 | ! ISTATUS(5) -> No. of rejected steps (except at very beginning) |
1123 | ! ISTATUS(6) -> No. of LU decompositions |
1124 | ! ISTATUS(7) -> No. of forward/backward substitutions |
1125 | ! ISTATUS(8) -> No. of singular matrix decompositions |
1126 | ! |
1127 | ! RSTATUS(1) -> Texit,the time corresponding to the |
1128 | ! computed Y upon return |
1129 | ! RSTATUS(2) -> Hexit,last accepted step before exit |
1130 | ! RSTATUS(3) -> Hnew,last predicted step (not yet taken) |
1131 | ! For multiple restarts,use Hnew as Hstart |
1132 | ! in the subsequent run |
1133 | ! |
1134 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1135 | |
1136 | |
1137 | !~~~> arguments |
1138 | INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n |
1139 | REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(INOUT):: y(n) |
1140 | REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN) :: tstart, tend |
1141 | REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN) :: abstol(n), reltol(n) |
1142 | INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: icntrl(20) |
1143 | REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN) :: rcntrl(20) |
1144 | INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT):: istatus(20) |
1145 | REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(INOUT):: rstatus(20) |
1146 | INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ierr |
1147 | !~~~> PARAMETERs of the rosenbrock method, up to 6 stages |
1148 | INTEGER :: ros_s, rosmethod |
1149 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: rs2=1, rs3=2, rs4=3, rd3=4, rd4=5, rg3=6 |
1150 | REAL(kind=dp):: ros_a(15), ros_c(15), ros_m(6), ros_e(6), & |
1151 | ros_alpha(6), ros_gamma(6), ros_elo |
1152 | LOGICAL :: ros_newf(6) |
1153 | CHARACTER(len=12):: ros_name |
1154 | !~~~> local variables |
1155 | REAL(kind=dp):: roundoff, facmin, facmax, facrej, facsafe |
1156 | REAL(kind=dp):: hmin, hmax, hstart |
1157 | REAL(kind=dp):: texit |
1158 | INTEGER :: i, uplimtol, max_no_steps |
1159 | LOGICAL :: autonomous, vectortol |
1160 | !~~~> PARAMETERs |
1161 | REAL(kind=dp), PARAMETER :: zero = 0.0_dp, one = 1.0_dp |
1162 | REAL(kind=dp), PARAMETER :: deltamin = 1.0e-5_dp |
1163 | |
1164 | !~~~> initialize statistics |
1165 | istatus(1:8) = 0 |
1166 | rstatus(1:3) = zero |
1167 | |
1168 | !~~~> autonomous or time dependent ode. default is time dependent. |
1169 | autonomous = .not.(icntrl(1) == 0) |
1170 | |
1171 | !~~~> for scalar tolerances (icntrl(2).ne.0) the code uses abstol(1)and reltol(1) |
1172 | ! For Vector tolerances (ICNTRL(2) == 0) the code uses AbsTol(1:N) and RelTol(1:N) |
1173 | IF (icntrl(2) == 0)THEN |
1174 | vectortol = .TRUE. |
1175 | uplimtol = n |
1176 | ELSE |
1177 | vectortol = .FALSE. |
1178 | uplimtol = 1 |
1179 | ENDIF |
1180 | |
1181 | !~~~> initialize the particular rosenbrock method selected |
1182 | select CASE (icntrl(3)) |
1183 | CASE (1) |
1184 | CALL ros2 |
1185 | CASE (2) |
1186 | CALL ros3 |
1187 | CASE (3) |
1188 | CALL ros4 |
1189 | CASE (0, 4) |
1190 | CALL rodas3 |
1191 | CASE (5) |
1192 | CALL rodas4 |
1193 | CASE (6) |
1194 | CALL rang3 |
1195 | CASE default |
1196 | PRINT *,'Unknown Rosenbrock method: ICNTRL(3) =',ICNTRL(3) |
1197 | CALL ros_errormsg(- 2, tstart, zero, ierr) |
1198 | RETURN |
1199 | END select |
1200 | |
1201 | !~~~> the maximum number of steps admitted |
1202 | IF (icntrl(4) == 0)THEN |
1203 | max_no_steps = 200000 |
1204 | ELSEIF (icntrl(4)> 0)THEN |
1205 | max_no_steps=icntrl(4) |
1206 | ELSE |
1207 | PRINT *,'User-selected max no. of steps: ICNTRL(4) =',ICNTRL(4) |
1208 | CALL ros_errormsg(- 1, tstart, zero, ierr) |
1209 | RETURN |
1210 | ENDIF |
1211 | |
1212 | !~~~> unit roundoff (1+ roundoff>1) |
1213 | roundoff = epsilon(one) |
1214 | |
1215 | !~~~> lower bound on the step size: (positive value) |
1216 | IF (rcntrl(1) == zero)THEN |
1217 | hmin = zero |
1218 | ELSEIF (rcntrl(1)> zero)THEN |
1219 | hmin = rcntrl(1) |
1220 | ELSE |
1221 | PRINT *,'User-selected Hmin: RCNTRL(1) =',RCNTRL(1) |
1222 | CALL ros_errormsg(- 3, tstart, zero, ierr) |
1223 | RETURN |
1224 | ENDIF |
1225 | !~~~> upper bound on the step size: (positive value) |
1226 | IF (rcntrl(2) == zero)THEN |
1227 | hmax = abs(tend-tstart) |
1228 | ELSEIF (rcntrl(2)> zero)THEN |
1229 | hmax = min(abs(rcntrl(2)), abs(tend-tstart)) |
1230 | ELSE |
1231 | PRINT *,'User-selected Hmax: RCNTRL(2) =',RCNTRL(2) |
1232 | CALL ros_errormsg(- 3, tstart, zero, ierr) |
1233 | RETURN |
1234 | ENDIF |
1235 | !~~~> starting step size: (positive value) |
1236 | IF (rcntrl(3) == zero)THEN |
1237 | hstart = max(hmin, deltamin) |
1238 | ELSEIF (rcntrl(3)> zero)THEN |
1239 | hstart = min(abs(rcntrl(3)), abs(tend-tstart)) |
1240 | ELSE |
1241 | PRINT *,'User-selected Hstart: RCNTRL(3) =',RCNTRL(3) |
1242 | CALL ros_errormsg(- 3, tstart, zero, ierr) |
1243 | RETURN |
1244 | ENDIF |
1245 | !~~~> step size can be changed s.t. facmin < hnew/hold < facmax |
1246 | IF (rcntrl(4) == zero)THEN |
1247 | facmin = 0.2_dp |
1248 | ELSEIF (rcntrl(4)> zero)THEN |
1249 | facmin = rcntrl(4) |
1250 | ELSE |
1251 | PRINT *,'User-selected FacMin: RCNTRL(4) =',RCNTRL(4) |
1252 | CALL ros_errormsg(- 4, tstart, zero, ierr) |
1253 | RETURN |
1254 | ENDIF |
1255 | IF (rcntrl(5) == zero)THEN |
1256 | facmax = 6.0_dp |
1257 | ELSEIF (rcntrl(5)> zero)THEN |
1258 | facmax = rcntrl(5) |
1259 | ELSE |
1260 | PRINT *,'User-selected FacMax: RCNTRL(5) =',RCNTRL(5) |
1261 | CALL ros_errormsg(- 4, tstart, zero, ierr) |
1262 | RETURN |
1263 | ENDIF |
1264 | !~~~> facrej: factor to decrease step after 2 succesive rejections |
1265 | IF (rcntrl(6) == zero)THEN |
1266 | facrej = 0.1_dp |
1267 | ELSEIF (rcntrl(6)> zero)THEN |
1268 | facrej = rcntrl(6) |
1269 | ELSE |
1270 | PRINT *,'User-selected FacRej: RCNTRL(6) =',RCNTRL(6) |
1271 | CALL ros_errormsg(- 4, tstart, zero, ierr) |
1272 | RETURN |
1273 | ENDIF |
1274 | !~~~> facsafe: safety factor in the computation of new step size |
1275 | IF (rcntrl(7) == zero)THEN |
1276 | facsafe = 0.9_dp |
1277 | ELSEIF (rcntrl(7)> zero)THEN |
1278 | facsafe = rcntrl(7) |
1279 | ELSE |
1280 | PRINT *,'User-selected FacSafe: RCNTRL(7) =',RCNTRL(7) |
1281 | CALL ros_errormsg(- 4, tstart, zero, ierr) |
1282 | RETURN |
1283 | ENDIF |
1284 | !~~~> check IF tolerances are reasonable |
1285 | DO i=1, uplimtol |
1286 | IF ((abstol(i)<= zero).or. (reltol(i)<= 10.0_dp* roundoff)& |
1287 | .or. (reltol(i)>= 1.0_dp))THEN |
1288 | PRINT *,' AbsTol(',i,') = ',AbsTol(i) |
1289 | PRINT *,' RelTol(',i,') = ',RelTol(i) |
1290 | CALL ros_errormsg(- 5, tstart, zero, ierr) |
1291 | RETURN |
1292 | ENDIF |
1293 | ENDDO |
1294 | |
1295 | |
1296 | !~~~> CALL rosenbrock method |
1297 | CALL ros_integrator(y, tstart, tend, texit, & |
1298 | abstol, reltol, & |
1299 | ! Integration parameters |
1300 | autonomous, vectortol, max_no_steps, & |
1301 | roundoff, hmin, hmax, hstart, & |
1302 | facmin, facmax, facrej, facsafe, & |
1303 | ! Error indicator |
1304 | ierr) |
1305 | |
1306 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1307 | CONTAINS ! SUBROUTINEs internal to rosenbrock |
1308 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1309 | |
1310 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1311 | SUBROUTINE ros_errormsg(code, t, h, ierr) |
1312 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1313 | ! Handles all error messages |
1314 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1315 | |
1316 | REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN):: t, h |
1317 | INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: code |
1318 | INTEGER, INTENT(OUT):: ierr |
1319 | |
1320 | ierr = code |
1321 | print * , & |
1322 | 'Forced exit from Rosenbrock due to the following error:' |
1323 | |
1324 | select CASE (code) |
1325 | CASE (- 1) |
1326 | PRINT *,'--> Improper value for maximal no of steps' |
1327 | CASE (- 2) |
1328 | PRINT *,'--> Selected Rosenbrock method not implemented' |
1329 | CASE (- 3) |
1330 | PRINT *,'--> Hmin/Hmax/Hstart must be positive' |
1331 | CASE (- 4) |
1332 | PRINT *,'--> FacMin/FacMax/FacRej must be positive' |
1333 | CASE (- 5) |
1334 | PRINT *,'--> Improper tolerance values' |
1335 | CASE (- 6) |
1336 | PRINT *,'--> No of steps exceeds maximum bound' |
1337 | CASE (- 7) |
1338 | PRINT *,'--> Step size too small: T + 10*H = T',& |
1339 | ' or H < Roundoff' |
1340 | CASE (- 8) |
1341 | PRINT *,'--> Matrix is repeatedly singular' |
1342 | CASE default |
1343 | PRINT *,'Unknown Error code: ',Code |
1344 | END select |
1345 | |
1346 | print * , "t=", t, "and h=", h |
1347 | |
1348 | END SUBROUTINE ros_errormsg |
1349 | |
1350 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1351 | SUBROUTINE ros_integrator (y, tstart, tend, t, & |
1352 | abstol, reltol, & |
1353 | !~~~> integration PARAMETERs |
1354 | autonomous, vectortol, max_no_steps, & |
1355 | roundoff, hmin, hmax, hstart, & |
1356 | facmin, facmax, facrej, facsafe, & |
1357 | !~~~> error indicator |
1358 | ierr) |
1359 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1360 | ! Template for the implementation of a generic Rosenbrock method |
1361 | ! defined by ros_S (no of stages) |
1362 | ! and its coefficients ros_{A,C,M,E,Alpha,Gamma} |
1363 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1364 | |
1365 | |
1366 | !~~~> input: the initial condition at tstart; output: the solution at t |
1367 | REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(INOUT):: y(n) |
1368 | !~~~> input: integration interval |
1369 | REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN):: tstart, tend |
1370 | !~~~> output: time at which the solution is RETURNed (t=tendIF success) |
1371 | REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(OUT):: t |
1372 | !~~~> input: tolerances |
1373 | REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN):: abstol(n), reltol(n) |
1374 | !~~~> input: integration PARAMETERs |
1375 | LOGICAL, INTENT(IN):: autonomous, vectortol |
1376 | REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN):: hstart, hmin, hmax |
1377 | INTEGER, INTENT(IN):: max_no_steps |
1378 | REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN):: roundoff, facmin, facmax, facrej, facsafe |
1379 | !~~~> output: error indicator |
1380 | INTEGER, INTENT(OUT):: ierr |
1381 | ! ~~~~ Local variables |
1382 | REAL(kind=dp):: ynew(n), fcn0(n), fcn(n) |
1383 | REAL(kind=dp):: k(n* ros_s), dfdt(n) |
1384 | #ifdef full_algebra |
1385 | REAL(kind=dp):: jac0(n, n), ghimj(n, n) |
1386 | #else |
1387 | REAL(kind=dp):: jac0(lu_nonzero), ghimj(lu_nonzero) |
1388 | #endif |
1389 | REAL(kind=dp):: h, hnew, hc, hg, fac, tau |
1390 | REAL(kind=dp):: err, yerr(n) |
1391 | INTEGER :: pivot(n), direction, ioffset, j, istage |
1392 | LOGICAL :: rejectlasth, rejectmoreh, singular |
1393 | !~~~> local PARAMETERs |
1394 | REAL(kind=dp), PARAMETER :: zero = 0.0_dp, one = 1.0_dp |
1395 | REAL(kind=dp), PARAMETER :: deltamin = 1.0e-5_dp |
1396 | !~~~> locally called FUNCTIONs |
1397 | ! REAL(kind=dp) WLAMCH |
1399 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1400 | |
1401 | |
1402 | !~~~> initial preparations |
1403 | t = tstart |
1404 | rstatus(nhexit) = zero |
1405 | h = min( max(abs(hmin), abs(hstart)), abs(hmax)) |
1406 | IF (abs(h)<= 10.0_dp* roundoff)h = deltamin |
1407 | |
1408 | IF (tend >= tstart)THEN |
1409 | direction = + 1 |
1410 | ELSE |
1411 | direction = - 1 |
1412 | ENDIF |
1413 | h = direction* h |
1414 | |
1415 | rejectlasth=.FALSE. |
1416 | rejectmoreh=.FALSE. |
1417 | |
1418 | !~~~> time loop begins below |
1419 | |
1420 | timeloop: DO WHILE((direction > 0).and.((t- tend) + roundoff <= zero)& |
1421 | .or. (direction < 0).and.((tend-t) + roundoff <= zero)) |
1422 | |
1423 | IF (istatus(nstp)> max_no_steps)THEN ! too many steps |
1424 | CALL ros_errormsg(- 6, t, h, ierr) |
1425 | RETURN |
1426 | ENDIF |
1427 | IF (((t+ 0.1_dp* h) == t).or.(h <= roundoff))THEN ! step size too small |
1428 | CALL ros_errormsg(- 7, t, h, ierr) |
1429 | RETURN |
1430 | ENDIF |
1431 | |
1432 | !~~~> limit h IF necessary to avoid going beyond tend |
1433 | h = min(h, abs(tend-t)) |
1434 | |
1435 | !~~~> compute the FUNCTION at current time |
1436 | CALL funtemplate(t, y, fcn0) |
1437 | istatus(nfun) = istatus(nfun) + 1 |
1438 | |
1439 | !~~~> compute the FUNCTION derivative with respect to t |
1440 | IF (.not.autonomous)THEN |
1441 | CALL ros_funtimederivative(t, roundoff, y, & |
1442 | fcn0, dfdt) |
1443 | ENDIF |
1444 | |
1445 | !~~~> compute the jacobian at current time |
1446 | CALL jactemplate(t, y, jac0) |
1447 | istatus(njac) = istatus(njac) + 1 |
1448 | |
1449 | !~~~> repeat step calculation until current step accepted |
1450 | untilaccepted: do |
1451 | |
1452 | CALL ros_preparematrix(h, direction, ros_gamma(1), & |
1453 | jac0, ghimj, pivot, singular) |
1454 | IF (singular)THEN ! more than 5 consecutive failed decompositions |
1455 | CALL ros_errormsg(- 8, t, h, ierr) |
1456 | RETURN |
1457 | ENDIF |
1458 | |
1459 | !~~~> compute the stages |
1460 | stage: DO istage = 1, ros_s |
1461 | |
1462 | ! current istage offset. current istage vector is k(ioffset+ 1:ioffset+ n) |
1463 | ioffset = n* (istage-1) |
1464 | |
1465 | ! for the 1st istage the FUNCTION has been computed previously |
1466 | IF (istage == 1)THEN |
1467 | !slim: CALL wcopy(n, fcn0, 1, fcn, 1) |
1468 | fcn(1:n) = fcn0(1:n) |
1469 | ! istage>1 and a new FUNCTION evaluation is needed at the current istage |
1470 | ELSEIF(ros_newf(istage))THEN |
1471 | !slim: CALL wcopy(n, y, 1, ynew, 1) |
1472 | ynew(1:n) = y(1:n) |
1473 | DO j = 1, istage-1 |
1474 | CALL waxpy(n, ros_a((istage-1) * (istage-2) /2+ j), & |
1475 | k(n* (j- 1) + 1), 1, ynew, 1) |
1476 | ENDDO |
1477 | tau = t + ros_alpha(istage) * direction* h |
1478 | CALL funtemplate(tau, ynew, fcn) |
1479 | istatus(nfun) = istatus(nfun) + 1 |
1480 | ENDIF ! IF istage == 1 ELSEIF ros_newf(istage) |
1481 | !slim: CALL wcopy(n, fcn, 1, k(ioffset+ 1), 1) |
1482 | k(ioffset+ 1:ioffset+ n) = fcn(1:n) |
1483 | DO j = 1, istage-1 |
1484 | hc = ros_c((istage-1) * (istage-2) /2+ j) /(direction* h) |
1485 | CALL waxpy(n, hc, k(n* (j- 1) + 1), 1, k(ioffset+ 1), 1) |
1486 | ENDDO |
1487 | IF ((.not. autonomous).and.(ros_gamma(istage).ne.zero))THEN |
1488 | hg = direction* h* ros_gamma(istage) |
1489 | CALL waxpy(n, hg, dfdt, 1, k(ioffset+ 1), 1) |
1490 | ENDIF |
1491 | CALL ros_solve(ghimj, pivot, k(ioffset+ 1)) |
1492 | |
1493 | END DO stage |
1494 | |
1495 | |
1496 | !~~~> compute the new solution |
1497 | !slim: CALL wcopy(n, y, 1, ynew, 1) |
1498 | ynew(1:n) = y(1:n) |
1499 | DO j=1, ros_s |
1500 | CALL waxpy(n, ros_m(j), k(n* (j- 1) + 1), 1, ynew, 1) |
1501 | ENDDO |
1502 | |
1503 | !~~~> compute the error estimation |
1504 | !slim: CALL wscal(n, zero, yerr, 1) |
1505 | yerr(1:n) = zero |
1506 | DO j=1, ros_s |
1507 | CALL waxpy(n, ros_e(j), k(n* (j- 1) + 1), 1, yerr, 1) |
1508 | ENDDO |
1509 | err = ros_errornorm(y, ynew, yerr, abstol, reltol, vectortol) |
1510 | |
1511 | !~~~> new step size is bounded by facmin <= hnew/h <= facmax |
1512 | fac = min(facmax, max(facmin, facsafe/err** (one/ros_elo))) |
1513 | hnew = h* fac |
1514 | |
1515 | !~~~> check the error magnitude and adjust step size |
1516 | istatus(nstp) = istatus(nstp) + 1 |
1517 | IF ((err <= one).or.(h <= hmin))THEN !~~~> accept step |
1518 | istatus(nacc) = istatus(nacc) + 1 |
1519 | !slim: CALL wcopy(n, ynew, 1, y, 1) |
1520 | y(1:n) = ynew(1:n) |
1521 | t = t + direction* h |
1522 | hnew = max(hmin, min(hnew, hmax)) |
1523 | IF (rejectlasth)THEN ! no step size increase after a rejected step |
1524 | hnew = min(hnew, h) |
1525 | ENDIF |
1526 | rstatus(nhexit) = h |
1527 | rstatus(nhnew) = hnew |
1528 | rstatus(ntexit) = t |
1529 | rejectlasth = .FALSE. |
1530 | rejectmoreh = .FALSE. |
1531 | h = hnew |
1532 | exit untilaccepted ! exit the loop: WHILE step not accepted |
1533 | ELSE !~~~> reject step |
1534 | IF (rejectmoreh)THEN |
1535 | hnew = h* facrej |
1536 | ENDIF |
1537 | rejectmoreh = rejectlasth |
1538 | rejectlasth = .TRUE. |
1539 | h = hnew |
1540 | IF (istatus(nacc)>= 1) istatus(nrej) = istatus(nrej) + 1 |
1541 | ENDIF ! err <= 1 |
1542 | |
1543 | END DO untilaccepted |
1544 | |
1545 | END DO timeloop |
1546 | |
1547 | !~~~> succesful exit |
1548 | ierr = 1 !~~~> the integration was successful |
1549 | |
1550 | END SUBROUTINE ros_integrator |
1551 | |
1552 | |
1553 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1554 | REAL(kind=dp)FUNCTION ros_errornorm(y, ynew, yerr, & |
1555 | abstol, reltol, vectortol) |
1556 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1557 | !~~~> computes the "scaled norm" of the error vector yerr |
1558 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1559 | |
1560 | ! Input arguments |
1561 | REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN):: y(n), ynew(n), & |
1562 | yerr(n), abstol(n), reltol(n) |
1563 | LOGICAL, INTENT(IN):: vectortol |
1564 | ! Local variables |
1565 | REAL(kind=dp):: err, scale, ymax |
1566 | INTEGER :: i |
1567 | REAL(kind=dp), PARAMETER :: zero = 0.0_dp |
1568 | |
1569 | err = zero |
1570 | DO i=1, n |
1571 | ymax = max(abs(y(i)), abs(ynew(i))) |
1572 | IF (vectortol)THEN |
1573 | scale = abstol(i) + reltol(i) * ymax |
1574 | ELSE |
1575 | scale = abstol(1) + reltol(1) * ymax |
1576 | ENDIF |
1577 | err = err+ (yerr(i) /scale) ** 2 |
1578 | ENDDO |
1579 | err = sqrt(err/n) |
1580 | |
1581 | ros_errornorm = max(err, 1.0d-10) |
1582 | |
1583 | END FUNCTION ros_errornorm |
1584 | |
1585 | |
1586 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1587 | SUBROUTINE ros_funtimederivative(t, roundoff, y, & |
1588 | fcn0, dfdt) |
1589 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1590 | !~~~> the time partial derivative of the FUNCTION by finite differences |
1591 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1592 | |
1593 | !~~~> input arguments |
1594 | REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN):: t, roundoff, y(n), fcn0(n) |
1595 | !~~~> output arguments |
1596 | REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(OUT):: dfdt(n) |
1597 | !~~~> local variables |
1598 | REAL(kind=dp):: delta |
1599 | REAL(kind=dp), PARAMETER :: one = 1.0_dp, deltamin = 1.0e-6_dp |
1600 | |
1601 | delta = sqrt(roundoff) * max(deltamin, abs(t)) |
1602 | CALL funtemplate(t+ delta, y, dfdt) |
1603 | istatus(nfun) = istatus(nfun) + 1 |
1604 | CALL waxpy(n, (- one), fcn0, 1, dfdt, 1) |
1605 | CALL wscal(n, (one/delta), dfdt, 1) |
1606 | |
1607 | END SUBROUTINE ros_funtimederivative |
1608 | |
1609 | |
1610 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1611 | SUBROUTINE ros_preparematrix(h, direction, gam, & |
1612 | jac0, ghimj, pivot, singular) |
1613 | ! --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- |
1614 | ! Prepares the LHS matrix for stage calculations |
1615 | ! 1. Construct Ghimj = 1/(H*ham) - Jac0 |
1616 | ! "(Gamma H) Inverse Minus Jacobian" |
1617 | ! 2. Repeat LU decomposition of Ghimj until successful. |
1618 | ! -half the step size if LU decomposition fails and retry |
1619 | ! -exit after 5 consecutive fails |
1620 | ! --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- |
1621 | |
1622 | !~~~> input arguments |
1623 | #ifdef full_algebra |
1624 | REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN):: jac0(n, n) |
1625 | #else |
1626 | REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN):: jac0(lu_nonzero) |
1627 | #endif |
1628 | REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN):: gam |
1629 | INTEGER, INTENT(IN):: direction |
1630 | !~~~> output arguments |
1631 | #ifdef full_algebra |
1632 | REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(OUT):: ghimj(n, n) |
1633 | #else |
1634 | REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(OUT):: ghimj(lu_nonzero) |
1635 | #endif |
1636 | LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT):: singular |
1637 | INTEGER, INTENT(OUT):: pivot(n) |
1638 | !~~~> inout arguments |
1639 | REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(INOUT):: h ! step size is decreased when lu fails |
1640 | !~~~> local variables |
1641 | INTEGER :: i, ising, nconsecutive |
1642 | REAL(kind=dp):: ghinv |
1643 | REAL(kind=dp), PARAMETER :: one = 1.0_dp, half = 0.5_dp |
1644 | |
1645 | nconsecutive = 0 |
1646 | singular = .TRUE. |
1647 | |
1648 | DO WHILE (singular) |
1649 | |
1650 | !~~~> construct ghimj = 1/(h* gam) - jac0 |
1651 | #ifdef full_algebra |
1652 | !slim: CALL wcopy(n* n, jac0, 1, ghimj, 1) |
1653 | !slim: CALL wscal(n* n, (- one), ghimj, 1) |
1654 | ghimj = - jac0 |
1655 | ghinv = one/(direction* h* gam) |
1656 | DO i=1, n |
1657 | ghimj(i, i) = ghimj(i, i) + ghinv |
1658 | ENDDO |
1659 | #else |
1660 | !slim: CALL wcopy(lu_nonzero, jac0, 1, ghimj, 1) |
1661 | !slim: CALL wscal(lu_nonzero, (- one), ghimj, 1) |
1662 | ghimj(1:lu_nonzero) = - jac0(1:lu_nonzero) |
1663 | ghinv = one/(direction* h* gam) |
1664 | DO i=1, n |
1665 | ghimj(lu_diag(i)) = ghimj(lu_diag(i)) + ghinv |
1666 | ENDDO |
1667 | #endif |
1668 | !~~~> compute lu decomposition |
1669 | CALL ros_decomp( ghimj, pivot, ising) |
1670 | IF (ising == 0)THEN |
1671 | !~~~> IF successful done |
1672 | singular = .FALSE. |
1673 | ELSE ! ising .ne. 0 |
1674 | !~~~> IF unsuccessful half the step size; IF 5 consecutive fails THEN RETURN |
1675 | istatus(nsng) = istatus(nsng) + 1 |
1676 | nconsecutive = nconsecutive+1 |
1677 | singular = .TRUE. |
1678 | PRINT*,'Warning: LU Decomposition returned ISING = ',ISING |
1679 | IF (nconsecutive <= 5)THEN ! less than 5 consecutive failed decompositions |
1680 | h = h* half |
1681 | ELSE ! more than 5 consecutive failed decompositions |
1682 | RETURN |
1683 | ENDIF ! nconsecutive |
1684 | ENDIF ! ising |
1685 | |
1686 | END DO ! WHILE singular |
1687 | |
1688 | END SUBROUTINE ros_preparematrix |
1689 | |
1690 | |
1691 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1692 | SUBROUTINE ros_decomp( a, pivot, ising) |
1693 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1694 | ! Template for the LU decomposition |
1695 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1696 | !~~~> inout variables |
1697 | #ifdef full_algebra |
1698 | REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(INOUT):: a(n, n) |
1699 | #else |
1700 | REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(INOUT):: a(lu_nonzero) |
1701 | #endif |
1702 | !~~~> output variables |
1703 | INTEGER, INTENT(OUT):: pivot(n), ising |
1704 | |
1705 | #ifdef full_algebra |
1706 | CALL dgetrf( n, n, a, n, pivot, ising) |
1707 | #else |
1708 | CALL kppdecomp(a, ising) |
1709 | pivot(1) = 1 |
1710 | #endif |
1711 | istatus(ndec) = istatus(ndec) + 1 |
1712 | |
1713 | END SUBROUTINE ros_decomp |
1714 | |
1715 | |
1716 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1717 | SUBROUTINE ros_solve( a, pivot, b) |
1718 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1719 | ! Template for the forward/backward substitution (using pre-computed LU decomposition) |
1720 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1721 | !~~~> input variables |
1722 | #ifdef full_algebra |
1723 | REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN):: a(n, n) |
1724 | INTEGER :: ising |
1725 | #else |
1726 | REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(IN):: a(lu_nonzero) |
1727 | #endif |
1728 | INTEGER, INTENT(IN):: pivot(n) |
1729 | !~~~> inout variables |
1730 | REAL(kind=dp), INTENT(INOUT):: b(n) |
1731 | ! |
1732 | ! Following line is just to avoid compiler message about unused variables |
1733 | IF ( pivot(1) == 0 ) CONTINUE |
1734 | |
1735 | #ifdef full_algebra |
1736 | CALL DGETRS( 'N',N ,1,A,N,Pivot,b,N,ISING) |
1737 | IF (info < 0)THEN |
1738 | print* , "error in dgetrs. ising=", ising |
1739 | ENDIF |
1740 | #else |
1741 | CALL kppsolve( a, b) |
1742 | #endif |
1743 | |
1744 | istatus(nsol) = istatus(nsol) + 1 |
1745 | |
1746 | END SUBROUTINE ros_solve |
1747 | |
1748 | |
1749 | |
1750 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1751 | SUBROUTINE ros2 |
1752 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1753 | ! --- AN L-STABLE METHOD,2 stages,order 2 |
1754 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1755 | |
1756 | double precision g |
1757 | |
1758 | g = 1.0_dp + 1.0_dp/sqrt(2.0_dp) |
1759 | rosmethod = rs2 |
1760 | !~~~> name of the method |
1761 | ros_Name = 'ROS-2' |
1762 | !~~~> number of stages |
1763 | ros_s = 2 |
1764 | |
1765 | !~~~> the coefficient matrices a and c are strictly lower triangular. |
1766 | ! The lower triangular (subdiagonal) elements are stored in row-wise order: |
1767 | ! A(2,1) = ros_A(1),A(3,1) =ros_A(2),A(3,2) =ros_A(3),etc. |
1768 | ! The general mapping formula is: |
1769 | ! A(i,j) = ros_A( (i-1)*(i-2)/2 + j) |
1770 | ! C(i,j) = ros_C( (i-1)*(i-2)/2 + j) |
1771 | |
1772 | ros_a(1) = (1.0_dp) /g |
1773 | ros_c(1) = (- 2.0_dp) /g |
1774 | !~~~> does the stage i require a new FUNCTION evaluation (ros_newf(i) =true) |
1775 | ! or does it re-use the function evaluation from stage i-1 (ros_NewF(i) =FALSE) |
1776 | ros_newf(1) = .TRUE. |
1777 | ros_newf(2) = .TRUE. |
1778 | !~~~> m_i = coefficients for new step solution |
1779 | ros_m(1) = (3.0_dp) /(2.0_dp* g) |
1780 | ros_m(2) = (1.0_dp) /(2.0_dp* g) |
1781 | ! E_i = Coefficients for error estimator |
1782 | ros_e(1) = 1.0_dp/(2.0_dp* g) |
1783 | ros_e(2) = 1.0_dp/(2.0_dp* g) |
1784 | !~~~> ros_elo = estimator of local order - the minimum between the |
1785 | ! main and the embedded scheme orders plus one |
1786 | ros_elo = 2.0_dp |
1787 | !~~~> y_stage_i ~ y( t + h* alpha_i) |
1788 | ros_alpha(1) = 0.0_dp |
1789 | ros_alpha(2) = 1.0_dp |
1790 | !~~~> gamma_i = \sum_j gamma_{i, j} |
1791 | ros_gamma(1) = g |
1792 | ros_gamma(2) = -g |
1793 | |
1794 | END SUBROUTINE ros2 |
1795 | |
1796 | |
1797 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1798 | SUBROUTINE ros3 |
1799 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1800 | ! --- AN L-STABLE METHOD,3 stages,order 3,2 function evaluations |
1801 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1802 | |
1803 | rosmethod = rs3 |
1804 | !~~~> name of the method |
1805 | ros_Name = 'ROS-3' |
1806 | !~~~> number of stages |
1807 | ros_s = 3 |
1808 | |
1809 | !~~~> the coefficient matrices a and c are strictly lower triangular. |
1810 | ! The lower triangular (subdiagonal) elements are stored in row-wise order: |
1811 | ! A(2,1) = ros_A(1),A(3,1) =ros_A(2),A(3,2) =ros_A(3),etc. |
1812 | ! The general mapping formula is: |
1813 | ! A(i,j) = ros_A( (i-1)*(i-2)/2 + j) |
1814 | ! C(i,j) = ros_C( (i-1)*(i-2)/2 + j) |
1815 | |
1816 | ros_a(1) = 1.0_dp |
1817 | ros_a(2) = 1.0_dp |
1818 | ros_a(3) = 0.0_dp |
1819 | |
1820 | ros_c(1) = - 0.10156171083877702091975600115545e+01_dp |
1821 | ros_c(2) = 0.40759956452537699824805835358067e+01_dp |
1822 | ros_c(3) = 0.92076794298330791242156818474003e+01_dp |
1823 | !~~~> does the stage i require a new FUNCTION evaluation (ros_newf(i) =true) |
1824 | ! or does it re-use the function evaluation from stage i-1 (ros_NewF(i) =FALSE) |
1825 | ros_newf(1) = .TRUE. |
1826 | ros_newf(2) = .TRUE. |
1827 | ros_newf(3) = .FALSE. |
1828 | !~~~> m_i = coefficients for new step solution |
1829 | ros_m(1) = 0.1e+01_dp |
1830 | ros_m(2) = 0.61697947043828245592553615689730e+01_dp |
1831 | ros_m(3) = - 0.42772256543218573326238373806514_dp |
1832 | ! E_i = Coefficients for error estimator |
1833 | ros_e(1) = 0.5_dp |
1834 | ros_e(2) = - 0.29079558716805469821718236208017e+01_dp |
1835 | ros_e(3) = 0.22354069897811569627360909276199_dp |
1836 | !~~~> ros_elo = estimator of local order - the minimum between the |
1837 | ! main and the embedded scheme orders plus 1 |
1838 | ros_elo = 3.0_dp |
1839 | !~~~> y_stage_i ~ y( t + h* alpha_i) |
1840 | ros_alpha(1) = 0.0_dp |
1841 | ros_alpha(2) = 0.43586652150845899941601945119356_dp |
1842 | ros_alpha(3) = 0.43586652150845899941601945119356_dp |
1843 | !~~~> gamma_i = \sum_j gamma_{i, j} |
1844 | ros_gamma(1) = 0.43586652150845899941601945119356_dp |
1845 | ros_gamma(2) = 0.24291996454816804366592249683314_dp |
1846 | ros_gamma(3) = 0.21851380027664058511513169485832e+01_dp |
1847 | |
1848 | END SUBROUTINE ros3 |
1849 | |
1850 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1851 | |
1852 | |
1853 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1854 | SUBROUTINE ros4 |
1855 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1858 | ! |
1862 | ! SPRINGER-VERLAG (1990) |
1863 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1864 | |
1865 | |
1866 | rosmethod = rs4 |
1867 | !~~~> name of the method |
1868 | ros_Name = 'ROS-4' |
1869 | !~~~> number of stages |
1870 | ros_s = 4 |
1871 | |
1872 | !~~~> the coefficient matrices a and c are strictly lower triangular. |
1873 | ! The lower triangular (subdiagonal) elements are stored in row-wise order: |
1874 | ! A(2,1) = ros_A(1),A(3,1) =ros_A(2),A(3,2) =ros_A(3),etc. |
1875 | ! The general mapping formula is: |
1876 | ! A(i,j) = ros_A( (i-1)*(i-2)/2 + j) |
1877 | ! C(i,j) = ros_C( (i-1)*(i-2)/2 + j) |
1878 | |
1879 | ros_a(1) = 0.2000000000000000e+01_dp |
1880 | ros_a(2) = 0.1867943637803922e+01_dp |
1881 | ros_a(3) = 0.2344449711399156_dp |
1882 | ros_a(4) = ros_a(2) |
1883 | ros_a(5) = ros_a(3) |
1884 | ros_a(6) = 0.0_dp |
1885 | |
1886 | ros_c(1) = -0.7137615036412310e+01_dp |
1887 | ros_c(2) = 0.2580708087951457e+01_dp |
1888 | ros_c(3) = 0.6515950076447975_dp |
1889 | ros_c(4) = -0.2137148994382534e+01_dp |
1890 | ros_c(5) = -0.3214669691237626_dp |
1891 | ros_c(6) = -0.6949742501781779_dp |
1892 | !~~~> does the stage i require a new FUNCTION evaluation (ros_newf(i) =true) |
1893 | ! or does it re-use the function evaluation from stage i-1 (ros_NewF(i) =FALSE) |
1894 | ros_newf(1) = .TRUE. |
1895 | ros_newf(2) = .TRUE. |
1896 | ros_newf(3) = .TRUE. |
1897 | ros_newf(4) = .FALSE. |
1898 | !~~~> m_i = coefficients for new step solution |
1899 | ros_m(1) = 0.2255570073418735e+01_dp |
1900 | ros_m(2) = 0.2870493262186792_dp |
1901 | ros_m(3) = 0.4353179431840180_dp |
1902 | ros_m(4) = 0.1093502252409163e+01_dp |
1903 | !~~~> e_i = coefficients for error estimator |
1904 | ros_e(1) = -0.2815431932141155_dp |
1905 | ros_e(2) = -0.7276199124938920e-01_dp |
1906 | ros_e(3) = -0.1082196201495311_dp |
1907 | ros_e(4) = -0.1093502252409163e+01_dp |
1908 | !~~~> ros_elo = estimator of local order - the minimum between the |
1909 | ! main and the embedded scheme orders plus 1 |
1910 | ros_elo = 4.0_dp |
1911 | !~~~> y_stage_i ~ y( t + h* alpha_i) |
1912 | ros_alpha(1) = 0.0_dp |
1913 | ros_alpha(2) = 0.1145640000000000e+01_dp |
1914 | ros_alpha(3) = 0.6552168638155900_dp |
1915 | ros_alpha(4) = ros_alpha(3) |
1916 | !~~~> gamma_i = \sum_j gamma_{i, j} |
1917 | ros_gamma(1) = 0.5728200000000000_dp |
1918 | ros_gamma(2) = -0.1769193891319233e+01_dp |
1919 | ros_gamma(3) = 0.7592633437920482_dp |
1920 | ros_gamma(4) = -0.1049021087100450_dp |
1921 | |
1922 | END SUBROUTINE ros4 |
1923 | |
1924 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1925 | SUBROUTINE rodas3 |
1926 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1927 | ! --- A STIFFLY-STABLE METHOD,4 stages,order 3 |
1928 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1929 | |
1930 | |
1931 | rosmethod = rd3 |
1932 | !~~~> name of the method |
1933 | ros_Name = 'RODAS-3' |
1934 | !~~~> number of stages |
1935 | ros_s = 4 |
1936 | |
1937 | !~~~> the coefficient matrices a and c are strictly lower triangular. |
1938 | ! The lower triangular (subdiagonal) elements are stored in row-wise order: |
1939 | ! A(2,1) = ros_A(1),A(3,1) =ros_A(2),A(3,2) =ros_A(3),etc. |
1940 | ! The general mapping formula is: |
1941 | ! A(i,j) = ros_A( (i-1)*(i-2)/2 + j) |
1942 | ! C(i,j) = ros_C( (i-1)*(i-2)/2 + j) |
1943 | |
1944 | ros_a(1) = 0.0_dp |
1945 | ros_a(2) = 2.0_dp |
1946 | ros_a(3) = 0.0_dp |
1947 | ros_a(4) = 2.0_dp |
1948 | ros_a(5) = 0.0_dp |
1949 | ros_a(6) = 1.0_dp |
1950 | |
1951 | ros_c(1) = 4.0_dp |
1952 | ros_c(2) = 1.0_dp |
1953 | ros_c(3) = -1.0_dp |
1954 | ros_c(4) = 1.0_dp |
1955 | ros_c(5) = -1.0_dp |
1956 | ros_c(6) = -(8.0_dp/3.0_dp) |
1957 | |
1958 | !~~~> does the stage i require a new FUNCTION evaluation (ros_newf(i) =true) |
1959 | ! or does it re-use the function evaluation from stage i-1 (ros_NewF(i) =FALSE) |
1960 | ros_newf(1) = .TRUE. |
1961 | ros_newf(2) = .FALSE. |
1962 | ros_newf(3) = .TRUE. |
1963 | ros_newf(4) = .TRUE. |
1964 | !~~~> m_i = coefficients for new step solution |
1965 | ros_m(1) = 2.0_dp |
1966 | ros_m(2) = 0.0_dp |
1967 | ros_m(3) = 1.0_dp |
1968 | ros_m(4) = 1.0_dp |
1969 | !~~~> e_i = coefficients for error estimator |
1970 | ros_e(1) = 0.0_dp |
1971 | ros_e(2) = 0.0_dp |
1972 | ros_e(3) = 0.0_dp |
1973 | ros_e(4) = 1.0_dp |
1974 | !~~~> ros_elo = estimator of local order - the minimum between the |
1975 | ! main and the embedded scheme orders plus 1 |
1976 | ros_elo = 3.0_dp |
1977 | !~~~> y_stage_i ~ y( t + h* alpha_i) |
1978 | ros_alpha(1) = 0.0_dp |
1979 | ros_alpha(2) = 0.0_dp |
1980 | ros_alpha(3) = 1.0_dp |
1981 | ros_alpha(4) = 1.0_dp |
1982 | !~~~> gamma_i = \sum_j gamma_{i, j} |
1983 | ros_gamma(1) = 0.5_dp |
1984 | ros_gamma(2) = 1.5_dp |
1985 | ros_gamma(3) = 0.0_dp |
1986 | ros_gamma(4) = 0.0_dp |
1987 | |
1988 | END SUBROUTINE rodas3 |
1989 | |
1990 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1991 | SUBROUTINE rodas4 |
1992 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
1994 | ! |
1998 | ! SPRINGER-VERLAG (1996) |
1999 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
2000 | |
2001 | |
2002 | rosmethod = rd4 |
2003 | !~~~> name of the method |
2004 | ros_Name = 'RODAS-4' |
2005 | !~~~> number of stages |
2006 | ros_s = 6 |
2007 | |
2008 | !~~~> y_stage_i ~ y( t + h* alpha_i) |
2009 | ros_alpha(1) = 0.000_dp |
2010 | ros_alpha(2) = 0.386_dp |
2011 | ros_alpha(3) = 0.210_dp |
2012 | ros_alpha(4) = 0.630_dp |
2013 | ros_alpha(5) = 1.000_dp |
2014 | ros_alpha(6) = 1.000_dp |
2015 | |
2016 | !~~~> gamma_i = \sum_j gamma_{i, j} |
2017 | ros_gamma(1) = 0.2500000000000000_dp |
2018 | ros_gamma(2) = -0.1043000000000000_dp |
2019 | ros_gamma(3) = 0.1035000000000000_dp |
2020 | ros_gamma(4) = -0.3620000000000023e-01_dp |
2021 | ros_gamma(5) = 0.0_dp |
2022 | ros_gamma(6) = 0.0_dp |
2023 | |
2024 | !~~~> the coefficient matrices a and c are strictly lower triangular. |
2025 | ! The lower triangular (subdiagonal) elements are stored in row-wise order: |
2026 | ! A(2,1) = ros_A(1),A(3,1) =ros_A(2),A(3,2) =ros_A(3),etc. |
2027 | ! The general mapping formula is: A(i,j) = ros_A( (i-1)*(i-2)/2 + j) |
2028 | ! C(i,j) = ros_C( (i-1)*(i-2)/2 + j) |
2029 | |
2030 | ros_a(1) = 0.1544000000000000e+01_dp |
2031 | ros_a(2) = 0.9466785280815826_dp |
2032 | ros_a(3) = 0.2557011698983284_dp |
2033 | ros_a(4) = 0.3314825187068521e+01_dp |
2034 | ros_a(5) = 0.2896124015972201e+01_dp |
2035 | ros_a(6) = 0.9986419139977817_dp |
2036 | ros_a(7) = 0.1221224509226641e+01_dp |
2037 | ros_a(8) = 0.6019134481288629e+01_dp |
2038 | ros_a(9) = 0.1253708332932087e+02_dp |
2039 | ros_a(10) = -0.6878860361058950_dp |
2040 | ros_a(11) = ros_a(7) |
2041 | ros_a(12) = ros_a(8) |
2042 | ros_a(13) = ros_a(9) |
2043 | ros_a(14) = ros_a(10) |
2044 | ros_a(15) = 1.0_dp |
2045 | |
2046 | ros_c(1) = -0.5668800000000000e+01_dp |
2047 | ros_c(2) = -0.2430093356833875e+01_dp |
2048 | ros_c(3) = -0.2063599157091915_dp |
2049 | ros_c(4) = -0.1073529058151375_dp |
2050 | ros_c(5) = -0.9594562251023355e+01_dp |
2051 | ros_c(6) = -0.2047028614809616e+02_dp |
2052 | ros_c(7) = 0.7496443313967647e+01_dp |
2053 | ros_c(8) = -0.1024680431464352e+02_dp |
2054 | ros_c(9) = -0.3399990352819905e+02_dp |
2055 | ros_c(10) = 0.1170890893206160e+02_dp |
2056 | ros_c(11) = 0.8083246795921522e+01_dp |
2057 | ros_c(12) = -0.7981132988064893e+01_dp |
2058 | ros_c(13) = -0.3152159432874371e+02_dp |
2059 | ros_c(14) = 0.1631930543123136e+02_dp |
2060 | ros_c(15) = -0.6058818238834054e+01_dp |
2061 | |
2062 | !~~~> m_i = coefficients for new step solution |
2063 | ros_m(1) = ros_a(7) |
2064 | ros_m(2) = ros_a(8) |
2065 | ros_m(3) = ros_a(9) |
2066 | ros_m(4) = ros_a(10) |
2067 | ros_m(5) = 1.0_dp |
2068 | ros_m(6) = 1.0_dp |
2069 | |
2070 | !~~~> e_i = coefficients for error estimator |
2071 | ros_e(1) = 0.0_dp |
2072 | ros_e(2) = 0.0_dp |
2073 | ros_e(3) = 0.0_dp |
2074 | ros_e(4) = 0.0_dp |
2075 | ros_e(5) = 0.0_dp |
2076 | ros_e(6) = 1.0_dp |
2077 | |
2078 | !~~~> does the stage i require a new FUNCTION evaluation (ros_newf(i) =true) |
2079 | ! or does it re-use the function evaluation from stage i-1 (ros_NewF(i) =FALSE) |
2080 | ros_newf(1) = .TRUE. |
2081 | ros_newf(2) = .TRUE. |
2082 | ros_newf(3) = .TRUE. |
2083 | ros_newf(4) = .TRUE. |
2084 | ros_newf(5) = .TRUE. |
2085 | ros_newf(6) = .TRUE. |
2086 | |
2087 | !~~~> ros_elo = estimator of local order - the minimum between the |
2088 | ! main and the embedded scheme orders plus 1 |
2089 | ros_elo = 4.0_dp |
2090 | |
2091 | END SUBROUTINE rodas4 |
2092 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
2093 | SUBROUTINE rang3 |
2094 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
2096 | ! |
2097 | ! J. RANG and L. ANGERMANN |
2101 | ! BIT Numerical Mathematics (2005) 45: 761-787 |
2102 | ! DOI: 10.1007/s10543-005-0035-y |
2103 | ! Table 4.1-4.2 |
2104 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
2105 | |
2106 | |
2107 | rosmethod = rg3 |
2108 | !~~~> name of the method |
2109 | ros_Name = 'RANG-3' |
2110 | !~~~> number of stages |
2111 | ros_s = 4 |
2112 | |
2113 | ros_a(1) = 5.09052051067020d+00; |
2114 | ros_a(2) = 5.09052051067020d+00; |
2115 | ros_a(3) = 0.0d0; |
2116 | ros_a(4) = 4.97628111010787d+00; |
2117 | ros_a(5) = 2.77268164715849d-02; |
2118 | ros_a(6) = 2.29428036027904d-01; |
2119 | |
2120 | ros_c(1) = - 1.16790812312283d+01; |
2121 | ros_c(2) = - 1.64057326467367d+01; |
2122 | ros_c(3) = - 2.77268164715850d-01; |
2123 | ros_c(4) = - 8.38103960500476d+00; |
2124 | ros_c(5) = - 8.48328409199343d-01; |
2125 | ros_c(6) = 2.87009860433106d-01; |
2126 | |
2127 | ros_m(1) = 5.22582761233094d+00; |
2128 | ros_m(2) = - 5.56971148154165d-01; |
2129 | ros_m(3) = 3.57979469353645d-01; |
2130 | ros_m(4) = 1.72337398521064d+00; |
2131 | |
2132 | ros_e(1) = - 5.16845212784040d+00; |
2133 | ros_e(2) = - 1.26351942603842d+00; |
2134 | ros_e(3) = - 1.11022302462516d-16; |
2135 | ros_e(4) = 2.22044604925031d-16; |
2136 | |
2137 | ros_alpha(1) = 0.0d00; |
2138 | ros_alpha(2) = 2.21878746765329d+00; |
2139 | ros_alpha(3) = 2.21878746765329d+00; |
2140 | ros_alpha(4) = 1.55392337535788d+00; |
2141 | |
2142 | ros_gamma(1) = 4.35866521508459d-01; |
2143 | ros_gamma(2) = - 1.78292094614483d+00; |
2144 | ros_gamma(3) = - 2.46541900496934d+00; |
2145 | ros_gamma(4) = - 8.05529997906370d-01; |
2146 | |
2147 | |
2148 | !~~~> does the stage i require a new FUNCTION evaluation (ros_newf(i) =true) |
2149 | ! or does it re-use the function evaluation from stage i-1 (ros_NewF(i) =FALSE) |
2150 | ros_newf(1) = .TRUE. |
2151 | ros_newf(2) = .TRUE. |
2152 | ros_newf(3) = .TRUE. |
2153 | ros_newf(4) = .TRUE. |
2154 | |
2155 | !~~~> ros_elo = estimator of local order - the minimum between the |
2156 | ! main and the embedded scheme orders plus 1 |
2157 | ros_elo = 3.0_dp |
2158 | |
2159 | END SUBROUTINE rang3 |
2160 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
2161 | |
2162 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
2163 | ! End of the set of internal Rosenbrock subroutines |
2164 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
2165 | END SUBROUTINE rosenbrock |
2166 | |
2167 | SUBROUTINE funtemplate( t, y, ydot) |
2168 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
2169 | ! Template for the ODE function call. |
2170 | ! Updates the rate coefficients (and possibly the fixed species) at each call |
2171 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
2172 | !~~~> input variables |
2173 | REAL(kind=dp):: t, y(nvar) |
2174 | !~~~> output variables |
2175 | REAL(kind=dp):: ydot(nvar) |
2176 | !~~~> local variables |
2177 | REAL(kind=dp):: told |
2178 | |
2179 | told = time |
2180 | time = t |
2181 | CALL fun( y, fix, rconst, ydot) |
2182 | time = told |
2183 | |
2184 | END SUBROUTINE funtemplate |
2185 | |
2186 | SUBROUTINE jactemplate( t, y, jcb) |
2187 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
2188 | ! Template for the ODE Jacobian call. |
2189 | ! Updates the rate coefficients (and possibly the fixed species) at each call |
2190 | !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
2191 | !~~~> input variables |
2192 | REAL(kind=dp):: t, y(nvar) |
2193 | !~~~> output variables |
2194 | #ifdef full_algebra |
2195 | REAL(kind=dp):: jv(lu_nonzero), jcb(nvar, nvar) |
2196 | #else |
2197 | REAL(kind=dp):: jcb(lu_nonzero) |
2198 | #endif |
2199 | !~~~> local variables |
2200 | REAL(kind=dp):: told |
2201 | #ifdef full_algebra |
2202 | INTEGER :: i, j |
2203 | #endif |
2204 | |
2205 | told = time |
2206 | time = t |
2207 | #ifdef full_algebra |
2208 | CALL jac_sp(y, fix, rconst, jv) |
2209 | DO j=1, nvar |
2210 | DO i=1, nvar |
2211 | jcb(i, j) = 0.0_dp |
2212 | ENDDO |
2213 | ENDDO |
2214 | DO i=1, lu_nonzero |
2215 | jcb(lu_irow(i), lu_icol(i)) = jv(i) |
2216 | ENDDO |
2217 | #else |
2218 | CALL jac_sp( y, fix, rconst, jcb) |
2219 | #endif |
2220 | time = told |
2221 | |
2222 | END SUBROUTINE jactemplate |
2223 | |
2224 | SUBROUTINE kppdecomp( jvs, ier) |
2225 | ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
2226 | ! sparse lu factorization |
2227 | ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
2228 | ! loop expansion generated by kp4 |
2229 | |
2230 | INTEGER :: ier |
2231 | REAL(kind=dp):: jvs(lu_nonzero), a |
2232 | |
2233 | a = 0. |
2234 | ier = 0 |
2235 | |
2236 | ! i = 1 |
2237 | RETURN |
2238 | |
2239 | END SUBROUTINE kppdecomp |
2240 | |
2241 | SUBROUTINE get_mechanismname |
2242 | |
2244 | |
2245 | ! Set cs_mech for check with mechanism name from namelist |
2246 | cs_mech = 'passive1' |
2247 | |
2248 | RETURN |
2249 | END SUBROUTINE get_mechanismname |
2250 | |
2251 | |
2252 | SUBROUTINE chem_gasphase_integrate (time_step_len, conc, tempi, qvapi, fakti, photo, ierrf, xnacc, xnrej, istatus, l_debug, pe, & |
2253 | icntrl_i, rcntrl_i) |
2254 | |
2256 | |
2257 | REAL(dp), INTENT(IN) :: time_step_len |
2258 | REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(INOUT) :: conc |
2259 | REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(IN) :: photo |
2260 | REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: tempi |
2261 | REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: qvapi |
2262 | REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: fakti |
2263 | INTEGER, INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: ierrf(:) |
2264 | INTEGER, INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: xnacc(:) |
2265 | INTEGER, INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: xnrej(:) |
2266 | INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT), OPTIONAL :: istatus(:) |
2268 | LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: l_debug |
2269 | INTEGER, DIMENSION(nkppctrl), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: icntrl_i |
2270 | REAL(dp), DIMENSION(nkppctrl), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: rcntrl_i |
2271 | |
2272 | INTEGER :: k ! loop variable |
2273 | REAL(dp) :: dt |
2274 | INTEGER, DIMENSION(20) :: istatus_u |
2275 | INTEGER :: ierr_u |
2276 | INTEGER :: vl_dim_lo |
2277 | |
2278 | |
2279 | IF (PRESENT (istatus)) istatus = 0 |
2280 | IF (PRESENT (icntrl_i)) icntrl = icntrl_i |
2281 | IF (PRESENT (rcntrl_i)) rcntrl = rcntrl_i |
2282 | |
2283 | var => c(1:nvar) |
2284 | |
2285 | vl_glo = size(tempi, 1) |
2286 | |
2287 | vl_dim_lo = vl_dim |
2288 | DO k=1, vl_glo, vl_dim_lo |
2289 | is = k |
2290 | ie = min(k+ vl_dim_lo-1, vl_glo) |
2291 | vl = ie-is+ 1 |
2292 | |
2293 | c(:) = conc(is, :) |
2294 | |
2295 | temp = tempi(is) |
2296 | |
2297 | qvap = qvapi(is) |
2298 | |
2299 | fakt = fakti(is) |
2300 | |
2301 | CALL initialize |
2302 | |
2303 | phot(:) = photo(is, :) |
2304 | |
2305 | CALL update_rconst |
2306 | |
2307 | dt = time_step_len |
2308 | |
2309 | ! integrate from t=0 to t=dt |
2310 | CALL integrate(0._dp, dt, icntrl, rcntrl, istatus_u = istatus_u, ierr_u=ierr_u) |
2311 | |
2312 | |
2313 | IF (PRESENT(l_debug) .AND. PRESENT(pe)) THEN |
2314 | IF (l_debug) CALL error_output(conc(is, :), ierr_u, pe) |
2315 | ENDIF |
2316 | |
2317 | conc(is, :) = c(:) |
2318 | |
2319 | ! RETURN diagnostic information |
2320 | |
2321 | IF (PRESENT(ierrf)) ierrf(is) = ierr_u |
2322 | IF (PRESENT(xnacc)) xnacc(is) = istatus_u(4) |
2323 | IF (PRESENT(xnrej)) xnrej(is) = istatus_u(5) |
2324 | |
2325 | IF (PRESENT (istatus)) THEN |
2326 | istatus(1:8) = istatus(1:8) + istatus_u(1:8) |
2327 | ENDIF |
2328 | |
2329 | END DO |
2330 | |
2331 | |
2332 | ! Deallocate input arrays |
2333 | |
2334 | |
2335 | data_loaded = .FALSE. |
2336 | |
2337 | RETURN |
2338 | END SUBROUTINE chem_gasphase_integrate |
2339 | |
2340 | END MODULE chem_gasphase_mod |
2341 | |