% Wrapper for calling the sparse ODE Jacobian routine % in a format required by Matlab's ODE integrators function J = KPP_ROOT_Jac_Chem(T, Y) global TIME FIX RCONST % To call the mex file uncomment one of the following lines: % 1) LU prefix if SPARSE_LU_ROW option was used in code generation % global LU_IROW LU_ICOL % 2) if SPARSE_ROW option was used in code generation % global IROW ICOL Told = TIME; TIME = T; KPP_ROOT_Update_SUN; KPP_ROOT_Update_RCONST; % This line calls the Matlab ODE Jacobian routine J = KPP_ROOT_Jac_SP( Y, FIX, RCONST ); % To call the mex routine instead, comment the line above and uncomment one of the following lines: % 1) LU prefix if SPARSE_LU_ROW option was used in code generation % J = sparse( LU_IROW, LU_ICOL, ... % KPP_ROOT_mex_Jac_SP( Y, FIX, RCONST ), KPP_NVAR, KPP_NVAR); % 2) if SPARSE_ROW option was used in code generation % J = sparse( IROW, ICOL, ... % KPP_ROOT_mex_Jac_SP( Y, FIX, RCONST ), KPP_NVAR, KPP_NVAR); TIME = Told; return