/****************************************************************************** KPP - The Kinetic PreProcessor Builds simulation code for chemical kinetic systems Copyright (C) -2020 996 Valeriu Damian and Adrian Sandu Copyright (C) -2020 005 Adrian Sandu KPP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html); either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. KPP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, consult http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Adrian Sandu Computer Science Department Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, VA 24060 E-mail: sandu@cs.vt.edu ******************************************************************************/ #include "gdata.h" #include "scan.h" #include "y.tab.h" #include #include #include int AtomNr = 0; int SpeciesNr = 0; int EqnNr = 0; int SpcNr = 0; int VarNr = 0; int VarActiveNr = 0; int FixNr = 0; int VarStartNr = 0; int FixStartNr = 0; int initNr = -1; int xNr = 0; int yNr = 0; int zNr = 0; int falseSpcNr = 0; ATOM_DEF AtomTable[ MAX_ATNR ]; SPECIES_DEF SpeciesTable[ MAX_SPECIES ]; CODE ReverseCode[ MAX_SPECIES ]; CODE Code[ MAX_SPECIES ]; KREACT kr[ MAX_EQN ]; float** Stoich_Left; float** Stoich; float** Stoich_Right; int Reactive[ MAX_SPECIES ]; INLINE_KEY InlineKeys[] = { { F77_GLOBAL, APPEND, "F77_GLOBAL" }, { F77_INIT, APPEND, "F77_INIT" }, { F77_DATA, APPEND, "F77_DATA" }, { F77_UTIL, APPEND, "F77_UTIL" }, { F77_RATES, APPEND, "F77_RATES" }, { F77_RCONST, APPEND, "F77_RCONST" }, { F90_GLOBAL, APPEND, "F90_GLOBAL" }, { F90_INIT, APPEND, "F90_INIT" }, { F90_DATA, APPEND, "F90_DATA" }, { F90_UTIL, APPEND, "F90_UTIL" }, { F90_RATES, APPEND, "F90_RATES" }, { F90_RCONST, APPEND, "F90_RCONST" }, { C_GLOBAL, APPEND, "C_GLOBAL" }, { C_INIT, APPEND, "C_INIT" }, { C_DATA, APPEND, "C_DATA" }, { C_UTIL, APPEND, "C_UTIL" }, { C_RATES, APPEND, "C_RATES" }, { C_RCONST, APPEND, "C_RCONST" }, { MATLAB_GLOBAL, APPEND, "MATLAB_GLOBAL" }, { MATLAB_INIT, APPEND, "MATLAB_INIT" }, { MATLAB_DATA, APPEND, "MATLAB_DATA" }, { MATLAB_UTIL, APPEND, "MATLAB_UTIL" }, { MATLAB_RATES, APPEND, "MATLAB_RATES" }, { MATLAB_RCONST, APPEND, "MATLAB_RCONST" } }; int useAggregate = 1; int useJacobian = JAC_LU_ROW; int useJacSparse = 1; int useHessian = 1; int useStoicmat = 1; int useDouble = 1; int useReorder = 1; int useMex = 1; int useDummyindex = 0; int useEqntags = 0; int useLang = F77_LANG; int useStochastic = 0; /* if useValues=1 KPP replaces parameters like NVAR etc. by their values in vector/matrix declarations */ int useDeclareValues = 0; char integrator[ MAX_PATH ] = "none"; char driver[ MAX_PATH ] = "none"; char runArgs[ MAX_PATH ] = ""; /* mz_rs_20050701+ */ /* char varDefault[ MAX_IVAL ] = "1.E-8"; */ /* char fixDefault[ MAX_IVAL ] = "1.E-8"; */ /* double cfactor = 1.09E+10; */ char varDefault[ MAX_IVAL ] = "0."; char fixDefault[ MAX_IVAL ] = "0."; double cfactor = 1.; /* mz_rs_20050701- */ ATOM crtAtoms[ MAX_ATOMS ]; int crtAtomNr = 0; char *fileList[ MAX_FILES ]; int fileNr = 0; double Abs( double x ) { return x > 0 ? x : -x; } void DefineInitializeNbr( char *cmd ) { int n; n = sscanf( cmd, "%d", &initNr); if( n != 1 ) ScanError("Bad number of species to initialize <%s>", cmd); } void DefineXGrid( char *cmd ) { int n; xNr = 1; n = sscanf( cmd, "%d", &xNr); if( n != 1 ) ScanError("Bad X grid number <%s>", cmd); } void DefineYGrid( char *cmd ) { int n; yNr = 1; n = sscanf( cmd, "%d", &yNr); if( n != 1 ) ScanError("Bad Y grid number <%s>", cmd); } void DefineZGrid( char *cmd ) { int n; zNr = 1; n = sscanf( cmd, "%d", &zNr); if( n != 1 ) ScanError("Bad Z grid number <%s>", cmd); } void CmdFunction( char *cmd ) { if( EqNoCase( cmd, "AGGREGATE" ) ) { useAggregate = 1; return; } if( EqNoCase( cmd, "SPLIT" ) ) { useAggregate = 0; return; } ScanError("'%s': Unknown parameter for #FUNCTION [AGGREGATE|SPLIT]", cmd ); } void CmdDeclareValues( char *cmd ) { if( EqNoCase( cmd, "SYMBOL" ) ) { useDeclareValues = 0; return; } if( EqNoCase( cmd, "VALUE" ) ) { useDeclareValues = 1; return; } ScanError("'%s': Unknown parameter for #DECLARE [SYMBOL|VALUE]", cmd ); } void CmdJacobian( char *cmd ) { if( EqNoCase( cmd, "OFF" ) ) { useJacobian = JAC_OFF; useJacSparse = 0; return; } if( EqNoCase( cmd, "FULL" ) ) { useJacobian = JAC_FULL; useJacSparse = 0; return; } if( EqNoCase( cmd, "SPARSE_LU_ROW" ) ) { useJacobian = JAC_LU_ROW; useJacSparse = 1; return; } if( EqNoCase( cmd, "SPARSE_ROW" ) ) { useJacobian = JAC_ROW; useJacSparse = 1; return; } ScanError("'%s': Unknown parameter for #JACOBIAN [OFF|FULL|SPARSE_LU_ROW|SPARSE_ROW]", cmd ); } void SparseData( char *cmd ) { ScanError("Deprecated use of #SPARSEDATA %s: see #JACOBIAN for equivalent functionality", cmd ); } void CmdHessian( char *cmd ) { if( EqNoCase( cmd, "OFF" ) ) { useHessian = 0; return; } if( EqNoCase( cmd, "ON" ) ) { useHessian = 1; return; } ScanError("'%s': Unknown parameter for #HESSIAN [ON|OFF]", cmd ); } void CmdStoicmat( char *cmd ) { if( EqNoCase( cmd, "OFF" ) ) { useStoicmat = 0; return; } if( EqNoCase( cmd, "ON" ) ) { useStoicmat = 1; return; } ScanError("'%s': Unknown parameter for #STOICMAT [ON|OFF]", cmd ); } void CmdDouble( char *cmd ) { if( EqNoCase( cmd, "OFF" ) ) { useDouble = 0; return; } if( EqNoCase( cmd, "ON" ) ) { useDouble = 1; return; } ScanError("'%s': Unknown parameter for #DOUBLE [ON|OFF]", cmd ); } void CmdReorder( char *cmd ) { if( EqNoCase( cmd, "OFF" ) ) { useReorder = 0; return; } if( EqNoCase( cmd, "ON" ) ) { useReorder = 1; return; } ScanError("'%s': Unknown parameter for #REORDER [ON|OFF]", cmd ); } void CmdMex( char *cmd ) { if( EqNoCase( cmd, "OFF" ) ) { useMex = 0; return; } if( EqNoCase( cmd, "ON" ) ) { useMex = 1; return; } ScanError("'%s': Unknown parameter for #MEX [ON|OFF]", cmd ); } void CmdDummyindex( char *cmd ) { if( EqNoCase( cmd, "OFF" ) ) { useDummyindex = 0; return; } if( EqNoCase( cmd, "ON" ) ) { useDummyindex = 1; return; } ScanError("'%s': Unknown parameter for #DUMMYINDEX [ON|OFF]", cmd ); } void CmdEqntags( char *cmd ) { if( EqNoCase( cmd, "OFF" ) ) { useEqntags = 0; return; } if( EqNoCase( cmd, "ON" ) ) { useEqntags = 1; return; } ScanError("'%s': Unknown parameter for #EQNTAGS [ON|OFF]", cmd ); } void CmdUse( char *cmd ) { ScanError("Deprecated command '#USE %s';\nReplace with '#LANGUAGE %s'.",cmd,cmd ); } void CmdLanguage( char *cmd ) { if( EqNoCase( cmd, "FORTRAN77" ) ) { useLang = F77_LANG; return; } if( EqNoCase( cmd, "FORTRAN" ) ) { ScanWarning("Fortran version not specified in '#LANGUAGE %s'. Will use Fortran 77.", cmd); useLang = F77_LANG; return; } if( EqNoCase( cmd, "FORTRAN90" ) ) { useLang = F90_LANG; return; } if( EqNoCase( cmd, "MATLAB" ) ) { useLang = MATLAB_LANG; return; } if( EqNoCase( cmd, "C" ) ) { useLang = C_LANG; return; } ScanError("'%s': Unknown parameter for #LANGUAGE [Fortran77|Fortran90|C|Matlab]", cmd ); } void CmdStochastic( char *cmd ) { if( EqNoCase( cmd, "ON" ) ) { useStochastic = 1; return; } if( EqNoCase( cmd, "OFF" ) ) { useStochastic = 0; return; } ScanError("'%s': Unknown parameter for #STOCHASTIC [OFF|ON]", cmd ); } void CmdIntegrator( char *cmd ) { strcpy( integrator, cmd ); } void CmdDriver( char *cmd ) { strcpy( driver, cmd ); } void CmdRun( char *cmd ) { strcpy( runArgs, cmd ); } int FindAtom( char *atname ) { int i; for( i=0; i= 0 ) { ScanError("Multiple declaration for atom %s.", atname ); return; } if( AtomNr >= MAX_ATNR ) { Error("Too many atoms"); return; } strcpy( AtomTable[ AtomNr ].name, atname ); AtomTable[ AtomNr ].check = NO_CHECK; AtomTable[ AtomNr ].masscheck = 0; AtomNr++; } void SetAtomType( char *atname, int type ) { int code; code = FindAtom( atname ); if ( code < 0 ) { ScanError("Undefined atom %s.", atname ); return; } AtomTable[ code ].check = type; } void CheckAll() { int i; for( i=0; i 0 ) ) { SpeciesTable[ index ].nratoms = crtAtomNr; for( i = 0; i < crtAtomNr; i++ ) SpeciesTable[ index ].atoms[i] = crtAtoms[i]; } crtAtomNr = 0; } void DeclareSpecies( int type, char *spname ) { int code; code = FindSpecies( spname ); if ( code >= 0 ) { ScanError("Multiple declaration for species %s.", spname ); return; } if( SpeciesNr >= MAX_SPECIES ) { Error("Too many species"); return; } StoreSpecies( SpeciesNr, type, spname ); SpeciesNr++; } void SetSpcType( int type, char *spname ) { int code; int i; if( EqNoCase( spname, "VAR_SPEC" ) ) { for( i = 0; i < SpeciesNr; i++ ) if( SpeciesTable[i].type == VAR_SPC ) SpeciesTable[i].type = type; return; } if( EqNoCase( spname, "FIX_SPEC" ) ) { for( i = 0; i < SpeciesNr; i++ ) if( SpeciesTable[i].type == FIX_SPC ) SpeciesTable[i].type = type; return; } if( EqNoCase( spname, "ALL_SPEC" ) ) { for( i = 0; i < SpeciesNr; i++ ) SpeciesTable[i].type = type; return; } code = FindSpecies( spname ); if ( code < 0 ) { ScanError("Undefined species %s.", spname ); return; } SpeciesTable[ code ].type = type; } void AssignInitialValue( char *spname , char *spval ) { int code; double cf; if( EqNoCase( spname, "CFACTOR" ) ) { code = sscanf( spval, "%lg", &cf ); if( code != 1 ) { ScanWarning("Invalid CFACTOR value: %s", spval); return; } cfactor = cf; return; } if( EqNoCase( spname, "VAR_SPEC" ) ) { strcpy( varDefault, spval ); return; } if( EqNoCase( spname, "FIX_SPEC" ) ) { strcpy( fixDefault, spval ); return; } if( EqNoCase( spname, "ALL_SPEC" ) ) { strcpy( varDefault, spval ); strcpy( fixDefault, spval ); return; } code = FindSpecies( spname ); if ( code < 0 ) { ScanError("Undefined species %s.", spname ); return; } strcpy( SpeciesTable[ code ].ival, spval ); } void StoreEquationRate( char *rate, char *label ) { double f; char buf[ MAX_K ]; int n; KREACT *kreact; kreact = &kr[ EqnNr ]; strcpy( kreact->label, label ); if( isPhoto ) { kreact->type = PHOTO; strcpy( kreact->val.st, rate ); isPhoto = 0; return; } n = sscanf( rate, "%lf%s", &f, buf ); if ( n == 1 ) { kreact->type = NUMBER; kreact->val.f = f; return; } kreact->type = EXPRESION; strcpy( kreact->val.st, rate ); return; } void CheckEquation() { int i,j; int equal, index; double r1, r2; float atcnt[ MAX_ATNR ]; int spc; SPECIES_DEF *sp; char errmsg[80]; int err; if( EqnNr >= MAX_EQN ) { Error("Too many equations"); return; } for( i = 0; i < AtomNr; i++ ) atcnt[i] = 0; for( spc = 0; spc < SpcNr; spc++ ) { sp = &SpeciesTable[ Code[spc] ]; if( Stoich_Left[spc][EqnNr] != 0 ) { for( i = 0; i < sp->nratoms; i++ ) atcnt[ sp->atoms[i].code ] += Stoich_Left[spc][EqnNr] * sp->atoms[i].nr; } if( Stoich_Right[spc][EqnNr] != 0 ) { for( i = 0; i < sp->nratoms; i++ ) atcnt[ sp->atoms[i].code ] -= Stoich_Right[spc][EqnNr] * sp->atoms[i].nr; } } *errmsg = 0; err = 0; for( i = 0; i < AtomNr; i++ ) { if ( Abs( atcnt[i] ) > 1e-5 ) { if ( AtomTable[i].check == CANCEL_CHECK ) { err = 0; break; } if ( AtomTable[i].check == NO_CHECK ) { continue; } if ( AtomTable[i].check == DO_CHECK ) { err = 1; sprintf(errmsg, "%s %s", errmsg, AtomTable[i].name ); continue; } } } if ( err ) ScanWarning( "(eqn %d) Atom balance mismatch for:%s.", EqnNr+1, errmsg ); for( j = 0; j < SpcNr; j++ ) if( Stoich_Left[j][EqnNr] != 0 ) { index = j; break; } for( i = 0; i < EqnNr; i++ ) { equal = 1; r1 = Stoich_Left[index][EqnNr]; r2 = Stoich_Left[index][i]; for( j = 0; j < SpcNr; j++ ) { if( r1 * Stoich_Left[j][i] != r2 * Stoich_Left[j][EqnNr] ) { equal = 0; break; } if( r1 * Stoich_Right[j][i] != r2 * Stoich_Right[j][EqnNr] ) { equal = 0; break; } } if ( equal ) { if( r1 == r2 ) ScanError( "Duplicate equation: " " (eqn<%d> = eqn<%d> )", i+1, EqnNr+1 ); else ScanError( "Linearly dependent equations: " "( %.0f eqn<%d> = %.0f eqn<%d> )", r1, i+1, r2, EqnNr+1 ); break; } } EqnNr++; } void ProcessTerm( int side, char *sign, char *coef, char *spname ) { int code; CODE crtSpec; double val; char buf[40]; code = FindSpecies( spname ); if ( code < 0 ) { ScanError("Undefined species %s.", spname ); return; } crtSpec = ReverseCode[ code ]; if(EqNoCase(spname,"HV")) isPhoto = 1; if ( crtSpec == NO_CODE ) { if( MAX_SPECIES - code <= 2 ) falseSpcNr++; crtSpec = SpcNr++; Code[ crtSpec ] = code; ReverseCode[ code ] = crtSpec; } strcpy( buf, sign ); strcat( buf, coef ); sscanf( buf, "%lf", &val ); switch( side ) { case LHS: Stoich_Left[ crtSpec ][ EqnNr ] += val; Stoich[ crtSpec ][ EqnNr ] -= val; Reactive[ crtSpec ] = 1; break; case RHS: Stoich_Right[ crtSpec ][ EqnNr ] += val; Stoich[ crtSpec ][ EqnNr ] += val; break; } } void AddLumpSpecies( char *spname ) { int code; code = FindSpecies( spname ); if ( code < 0 ) { ScanError("Undefined species %s.", spname ); return; } /* ... */ } void CheckLump( char *spname ) { int code; code = FindSpecies( spname ); if ( code < 0 ) { ScanError("Undefined species %s.", spname ); return; } /* ... */ } void AddLookAt( char *spname ) { int code; code = FindSpecies( spname ); if ( code < 0 ) { ScanError("Undefined species %s.", spname ); return; } SpeciesTable[ code ].lookat = 1; } void LookAtAll() { int i; for( i=0; i= 0 ) { SpeciesTable[ code ].moni = 1; return; } code = FindAtom( spname ); if ( code >= 0 ) { AtomTable[ code ].masscheck = 1; return; } ScanError("Undefined species or atom %s.", spname ); } void AddTransport( char *spname ) { int code; code = FindSpecies( spname ); if ( code < 0 ) { ScanError("Undefined species %s.", spname ); return; } SpeciesTable[ code ].trans = 1; } void TransportAll() { int i; for( i=0; i= *maxlen ) { s1 = (char*)realloc( (void*)s1, *maxlen ); } strcat( s1, s2 ); return s1; } char * ReplaceString( char * s1, char * s2, int * maxlen, int addlen ) { char * tmp; if( s1 ) free(s1); *maxlen = strlen( s2 ); s1 = (char*)malloc( 1+*maxlen ); strcpy( s1, s2 ); return s1; } void AddInlineCode( char * ctx, char * s ) { ICODE * c; int i, key, type; int totallength; /* mz_rs_20050607 */ c = NULL; for( i = 0; i < INLINE_OPT; i++ ) if( EqNoCase( ctx, InlineKeys[i].kname ) ) { key = InlineKeys[i].key; c = &InlineCode[key]; type = InlineKeys[i].type; break; } if( !c ) { printf( "\n'%s': Unknown inline option (ignored)", ctx ); return; } /* mz_rs_20050607+ */ if (c->code) totallength = strlen( c->code )+strlen( s ); else totallength = strlen( s ); if (totallength>MAX_INLINE) ScanError("\nInline code for %s is too long (%d>%d).\nIncrease MAX_INLINE in scan.h and recompile kpp!", ctx, totallength, MAX_INLINE); /* mz_rs_20050607- */ switch( type ) { case APPEND: c->code = AppendString( c->code, s, &c->maxlen, MAX_INLINE ); break; case REPLACE: c->code = ReplaceString( c->code, s, &c->maxlen, MAX_INLINE ); break; } } int ParseEquationFile( char * filename ) { int i,j; int code; for( i = 0; i < MAX_SPECIES; i++ ) { ReverseCode[i] = NO_CODE; Reactive[i] = 0; } for( i = 0; i < MAX_SPECIES; i++ ) { for( j = 0; j < MAX_EQN; j++ ) { Stoich_Left[i][j] = 0; Stoich[i][j] = 0; Stoich_Right[i][j] = 0; } } for( i = 0; i < MAX_SPECIES; i++ ) { SpeciesTable[ i ].nratoms = 0; } for( i = 0; i < INLINE_OPT; i++ ) { InlineCode[i].code = NULL; InlineCode[i].maxlen = 0; } EqnNr = 0; SpcNr = 0; DeclareAtom( "CANCEL" ); SetAtomType( "CANCEL", CANCEL_CHECK ); DeclareAtom( "IGNORE" ); SetAtomType( "IGNORE", NO_CHECK ); DeclareSpecies( DUMMY_SPC, "???" ); StoreSpecies( MAX_SPECIES-1, DUMMY_SPC, "HV" ); AddAtom( "CANCEL", "1" ); StoreSpecies( MAX_SPECIES-2, DUMMY_SPC, "PROD" ); code = Parser( filename ); return code; }