/****************************************************************************** KPP - The Kinetic PreProcessor Builds simulation code for chemical kinetic systems Copyright (C) -2021 996 Valeriu Damian and Adrian Sandu Copyright (C) -2021 005 Adrian Sandu KPP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html); either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. KPP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, consult http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Adrian Sandu Computer Science Department Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, VA 24060 E-mail: sandu@cs.vt.edu ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include "gdata.h" #include "code.h" #include "scan.h" #define MAX_MONITOR 8 enum strutypes { PLAIN, LU }; int **structB; int **structJ; int **LUstructJ; ICODE InlineCode[ INLINE_OPT ]; int NSPEC, NVAR, NVARACT, NFIX, NREACT; int NVARST, NFIXST; /* int PI; */ int C_DEFAULT, C; int DC; int ARP, JVRP, NJVRP, CROW_JVRP, IROW_JVRP, ICOL_JVRP; int V, F, VAR, FIX; int RCONST, RCT; int Vdot, P_VAR, D_VAR; int KR, A, BV, BR, IV; int JV, UV, JUV, JTUV, JVS; int JR, UR, JUR, JRS; int U1, U2, HU, HTU; int X, XX, NTMPB; int D2A, NTMPD2A, NHESS, HESS, IHESS_I, IHESS_J, IHESS_K; int DDMTYPE; int STOICM, NSTOICM, IROW_STOICM, ICOL_STOICM, CCOL_STOICM, CNEQN; int IROW, ICOL, CROW, DIAG; int LU_IROW, LU_ICOL, LU_CROW, LU_DIAG, CNVAR; int LOOKAT, NLOOKAT, MONITOR, NMONITOR; int NMASS, SMASS; int SPC_NAMES, EQN_NAMES; int EQN_TAGS; int NONZERO, LU_NONZERO; int TIME, SUN, TEMP; int RTOLS, TSTART, TEND, DT; int ATOL, RTOL, STEPMIN, STEPMAX, CFACTOR; int V_USER, CL; int NMLCV, NMLCF, SCT, PROPENSITY, VOLUME, IRCT; int Jac_NZ, LU_Jac_NZ, nzr; NODE *sum, *prod; int real; int nlookat; int nmoni; int ntrans; int nmass; char * CommonName; int Hess_NZ, *iHess_i, *iHess_j, *iHess_k; int nnz_stoicm; /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ char * ascii(int x) { static char s[40]; sprintf(s, "%d", x); return s; } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ char * ascid(double x) { static char s[40]; sprintf(s, "%12.6e", x); /* if (useDouble && ( (useLang==F77_LANG)||(useLang==F90_LANG) ) ) { */ if (useDouble && (useLang==F77_LANG)) s[strlen(s)-4] = 'd'; if (useDouble && (useLang==F90_LANG)) sprintf(s, "%s_dp",s); return s; } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ NODE * RConst( int n ) { switch( kr[n].type ) { case NUMBER: return Const( kr[n].val.f ); case PHOTO: case EXPRESION: return Elm( RCT, n ); } return 0; } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void InitGen() { int i,j; NSPEC = DefConst( "NSPEC", INT, "Number of chemical species" ); NVAR = DefConst( "NVAR", INT, "Number of Variable species" ); NVARACT = DefConst( "NVARACT", INT, "Number of Active species" ); NFIX = DefConst( "NFIX", INT, "Number of Fixed species" ); NREACT = DefConst( "NREACT", INT, "Number of reactions" ); NVARST = DefConst( "NVARST", INT, "Starting of variables in conc. vect." ); NFIXST = DefConst( "NFIXST", INT, "Starting of fixed in conc. vect." ); NONZERO = DefConst( "NONZERO", INT, "Number of nonzero entries in Jacobian" ); LU_NONZERO = DefConst( "LU_NONZERO", INT, "Number of nonzero entries in LU factoriz. of Jacobian" ); CNVAR = DefConst( "CNVAR", INT, "(NVAR+1) Number of elements in compressed row format" ); CNEQN = DefConst( "CNEQN", INT, "(NREACT+1) Number stoicm elements in compressed col format" ); /* PI = DefConst( "PI", real, "Value of pi" ); */ VAR = DefvElm( "VAR", real, -NVAR, "Concentrations of variable species (global)" ); FIX = DefvElm( "FIX", real, -NFIX, "Concentrations of fixed species (global)" ); V = DefvElm( "V", real, -NVAR, "Concentrations of variable species (local)" ); F = DefvElm( "F", real, -NFIX, "Concentrations of fixed species (local)" ); V_USER = DefvElm( "V_USER", real, -NVAR, "Concentration of variable species in USER's order" ); RCONST = DefvElm( "RCONST", real, -NREACT, "Rate constants (global)" ); RCT = DefvElm( "RCT", real, -NREACT, "Rate constants (local)" ); Vdot = DefvElm( "Vdot", real, -NVAR, "Time derivative of variable species concentrations" ); P_VAR = DefvElm( "P_VAR", real, -NVAR, "Production term" ); D_VAR = DefvElm( "D_VAR", real, -NVAR, "Destruction term" ); JVS = DefvElm( "JVS", real, -LU_NONZERO, "sparse Jacobian of variables" ); JV = DefmElm( "JV", real, -NVAR, -NVAR, "full Jacobian of variables" ); UV = DefvElm( "UV", real, -NVAR, "User vector for variables" ); JUV = DefvElm( "JUV", real, -NVAR, "Jacobian times user vector" ); JTUV = DefvElm( "JTUV",real, -NVAR, "Jacobian transposed times user vector" ); X = DefvElm( "X", real, -NVAR, "Vector for variables" ); XX = DefvElm( "XX", real, -NVAR, "Vector for output variables" ); TIME = DefElm( "TIME", real, "Current integration time"); SUN = DefElm( "SUN", real, "Sunlight intensity between [0,1]"); TEMP = DefElm( "TEMP", real, "Temperature"); RTOLS = DefElm( "RTOLS", real, "(scalar) Relative tolerance"); TSTART = DefElm( "TSTART", real, "Integration start time"); TEND = DefElm( "TEND", real, "Integration end time"); DT = DefElm( "DT", real, "Integration step"); A = DefvElm( "A", real, -NREACT, "Rate for each equation" ); ARP = DefvElm( "ARP", real, -NREACT, "Reactant product in each equation" ); NJVRP = DefConst( "NJVRP", INT, "Length of sparse Jacobian JVRP" ); JVRP = DefvElm( "JVRP", real, -NJVRP, "d ARP(1:NREACT)/d VAR (1:NVAR)" ); CROW_JVRP= DefvElm( "CROW_JVRP", INT, -CNEQN, "Beginning of rows in JVRP" ); ICOL_JVRP= DefvElm( "ICOL_JVRP", INT, -NJVRP, "Column indices in JVRP" ); IROW_JVRP= DefvElm( "IROW_JVRP", INT, -NJVRP, "Row indices in JVRP" ); NTMPB = DefConst( "NTMPB", INT, "Length of Temporary Array B" ); BV = DefvElm( "B", real, -NTMPB, "Temporary array" ); NSTOICM = DefConst("NSTOICM", INT, "Length of Sparse Stoichiometric Matrix" ); STOICM = DefvElm( "STOICM", real, -NSTOICM, "Stoichiometric Matrix in compressed column format" ); IROW_STOICM = DefvElm( "IROW_STOICM", INT, -NSTOICM, "Row indices in STOICM" ); ICOL_STOICM = DefvElm( "ICOL_STOICM", INT, -NSTOICM, "Column indices in STOICM" ); CCOL_STOICM = DefvElm( "CCOL_STOICM", INT, -CNEQN, "Beginning of columns in STOICM" ); DDMTYPE = DefElm( "DDMTYPE", INT, "DDM sensitivity w.r.t.: 0=init.val., 1=params" ); NTMPD2A= DefConst( "NTMPD2A", INT, "Length of Temporary Array D2A" ); D2A = DefvElm( "D2A", real, -NTMPD2A, "Second derivatives of equation rates" ); NHESS = DefConst( "NHESS", INT, "Length of Sparse Hessian" ); HESS = DefvElm( "HESS", real, -NHESS, "Hessian of Var (i.e. the 3-tensor d Jac / d Var)" ); IHESS_I = DefvElm( "IHESS_I", INT, -NHESS, "Index i of Hessian element d^2 f_i/dv_j.dv_k" ); IHESS_J = DefvElm( "IHESS_J", INT, -NHESS, "Index j of Hessian element d^2 f_i/dv_j.dv_k" ); IHESS_K = DefvElm( "IHESS_K", INT, -NHESS, "Index k of Hessian element d^2 f_i/dv_j.dv_k" ); U1 = DefvElm( "U1", real, -NVAR, "User vector" ); U2 = DefvElm( "U2", real, -NVAR, "User vector" ); HU = DefvElm( "HU", real, -NVAR, "Hessian times user vectors: (Hess x U2) * U1 = [d (Jac*U1)/d Var] * U2" ); HTU = DefvElm( "HTU", real, -NVAR, "Transposed Hessian times user vectors: (Hess x U2)^T * U1 = [d (Jac^T*U1)/d Var] * U2 " ); KR = DefeElm( "KR", 0 ); IROW = DefvElm( "IROW", INT, -NONZERO, "Row indexes of the Jacobian of variables" ); ICOL = DefvElm( "ICOL", INT, -NONZERO, "Column indexes of the Jacobian of variables" ); CROW = DefvElm( "CROW", INT, -CNVAR, "Compressed row indexes of the Jacobian of variables" ); DIAG = DefvElm( "DIAG", INT, -CNVAR, "Diagonal indexes of the Jacobian of variables" ); LU_IROW = DefvElm( "LU_IROW", INT, -LU_NONZERO, "Row indexes of the LU Jacobian of variables" ); LU_ICOL = DefvElm( "LU_ICOL", INT, -LU_NONZERO, "Column indexes of the LU Jacobian of variables" ); LU_CROW = DefvElm( "LU_CROW", INT, -CNVAR, "Compressed row indexes of the LU Jacobian of variables" ); LU_DIAG = DefvElm( "LU_DIAG", INT, -CNVAR, "Diagonal indexes of the LU Jacobian of variables" ); IV = DefeElm( "IV", 0 ); C_DEFAULT = DefvElm( "C_DEFAULT", real, -NSPEC, "Default concentration for all species" ); C = DefvElm( "C", real, -NSPEC, "Concentration of all species" ); CL = DefvElm( "CL", real, -NSPEC, "Concentration of all species (local)" ); DC = DefvElm( "DC", real, -NSPEC, "Fluxes of all species" ); ATOL = DefvElm( "ATOL", real, -NVAR, "Absolute tolerance" ); RTOL = DefvElm( "RTOL", real, -NVAR, "Relative tolerance" ); STEPMIN = DefElm( "STEPMIN", real, "Lower bound for integration step"); STEPMAX = DefElm( "STEPMAX", real, "Upper bound for integration step"); NLOOKAT = DefConst( "NLOOKAT", INT, "Number of species to look at" ); LOOKAT = DefvElm( "LOOKAT", INT, -NLOOKAT, "Indexes of species to look at" ); NMONITOR = DefConst( "NMONITOR", INT, "Number of species to monitor" ); MONITOR = DefvElm( "MONITOR", INT, -NMONITOR, "Indexes of species to monitor" ); NMASS = DefConst( "NMASS", INT, "Number of atoms to check mass balance" ); SMASS = DefvElm( "SMASS", STRING, -NMASS, "Names of atoms for mass balance" ); EQN_TAGS = DefvElm( "EQN_TAGS", STRING, -NREACT, "Equation tags" ); EQN_NAMES = DefvElm( "EQN_NAMES", DOUBLESTRING, -NREACT, "Equation names" ); SPC_NAMES = DefvElm( "SPC_NAMES", STRING, -NSPEC, "Names of chemical species" ); CFACTOR = DefElm( "CFACTOR", real, "Conversion factor for concentration units"); /* Elements of Stochastic simulation*/ NMLCV = DefvElm( "NmlcV", INT, -NVAR, "No. molecules of variable species" ); NMLCF = DefvElm( "NmlcF", INT, -NFIX, "No. molecules of fixed species" ); SCT = DefvElm( "SCT", real, -NREACT, "Stochastic rate constants" ); PROPENSITY = DefvElm( "Prop", real, -NREACT, "Propensity vector" ); VOLUME = DefElm( "Volume", real, "Volume of the reaction container" ); IRCT = DefElm( "IRCT", INT, "Index of chemical reaction" ); for ( i=0; i value = max(SpcNr,1); varTable[ NVAR ] -> value = max(VarNr,1); varTable[ NVARACT ] -> value = max(VarActiveNr,1); varTable[ NFIX ] -> value = max(FixNr,1); varTable[ NREACT ] -> value = max(EqnNr,1); varTable[ NVARST ] -> value = Index(0); varTable[ NFIXST ] -> value = Index(VarNr); } } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ int NonZero( int stru, int start, int end, int *row, int *col, int *crow, int *diag ) { int nElm; int i,j; nElm = 0; for (i = 0; i < end-start; i++) { crow[i] = Index(nElm); for (j = 0; j < end-start; j++) { if( (i == j) || ( (stru) ? LUstructJ[i+start][j+start] : structJ[i+start][j+start] ) ) { row[nElm] = Index(i); col[nElm] = Index(j); nElm++; } if( i == j ) { diag[i] = Index(nElm-1); } } } crow[i] = Index(nElm); diag[i] = Index(nElm); return nElm; } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateGData() { int i,j,k; int *crow; int *diag; int nElm; int *lookat; int *moni; char *snames[MAX_SPECIES]; int *trans; char *strans[MAX_SPECIES]; char *smass[MAX_ATOMS]; char *EQN_NAMES[MAX_EQN]; char *EQN_TAGS[MAX_EQN]; char *bufeqn, *p; int dim; if ( (useLang != C_LANG)&&(useLang != MATLAB_LANG) ) return; UseFile( driverFile ); NewLines(1); GlobalDeclare( C ); C_Inline("%s * %s = & %s[%d];", C_types[real], varTable[VAR]->name, varTable[C]->name, 0 ); C_Inline("%s * %s = & %s[%d];", C_types[real], varTable[FIX]->name, varTable[C]->name, VarNr ); GlobalDeclare( RCONST ); GlobalDeclare( TIME ); GlobalDeclare( SUN ); GlobalDeclare( TEMP ); GlobalDeclare( RTOLS ); GlobalDeclare( TSTART ); GlobalDeclare( TEND ); GlobalDeclare( DT ); GlobalDeclare( ATOL ); GlobalDeclare( RTOL ); GlobalDeclare( STEPMIN ); GlobalDeclare( STEPMAX ); GlobalDeclare( CFACTOR ); if (useStochastic) GlobalDeclare( VOLUME ); MATLAB_Inline(" %s_Parameters;",rootFileName); MATLAB_Inline(" %s_Global_defs;",rootFileName); MATLAB_Inline(" %s_Sparse;",rootFileName); MATLAB_Inline(" %s_Monitor;",rootFileName); if (useJacSparse ) MATLAB_Inline(" %s_JacobianSP;",rootFileName); if (useHessian ) MATLAB_Inline(" %s_HessianSP;",rootFileName); if (useStoicmat ) MATLAB_Inline(" %s_StoichiomSP;",rootFileName); NewLines(1); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateMonitorData() { int i,j,k; int *crow; int *diag; int nElm; int *lookat; int *moni; char *snames[MAX_SPECIES]; int *trans; char *strans[MAX_SPECIES]; char *smass[MAX_ATOMS]; char *seqn[MAX_EQN]; char *bufeqn, *p; int dim; /* Allocate local data structures */ dim = SpcNr+2; crow = AllocIntegerVector( dim, "crow in GenerateMonitorData"); diag = AllocIntegerVector( dim, "diag in GenerateMonitorData"); lookat = AllocIntegerVector( dim, "lookat in GenerateMonitorData"); moni = AllocIntegerVector( dim, "moni in GenerateMonitorData"); trans = AllocIntegerVector( dim, "trans in GenerateMonitorData"); UseFile( monitorFile ); F77_Inline("%6sBLOCK DATA MONITOR_DATA\n", " " ); F77_Inline("%6sINCLUDE '%s_Parameters.h'", " ",rootFileName); F77_Inline("%6sINCLUDE '%s_Global.h'", " ",rootFileName); F77_Inline("%6sINTEGER i", " " ); /* InitDeclare( CFACTOR, 0, (void*)&cfactor ); */ NewLines(1); for (i = 0; i < SpcNr; i++) { snames[i] = SpeciesTable[Code[i]].name; } InitDeclare( SPC_NAMES, SpcNr, (void*)snames ); nlookat = 0; for (i = 0; i < SpcNr; i++) if ( SpeciesTable[Code[i]].lookat ) { lookat[nlookat] = Index(i); nlookat++; } if (useDeclareValues) varTable[ NLOOKAT ] -> value = max(nlookat,1); InitDeclare( LOOKAT, nlookat, (void*)lookat ); nmoni = 0; for (i = 0; i < SpcNr; i++) if ( SpeciesTable[Code[i]].moni ) { moni[nmoni] = Index(i); nmoni++; } if( nmoni > MAX_MONITOR ) { Warning( "%d species to monitorize. Too many, keeping %d.", nmoni, MAX_MONITOR ); nmoni = MAX_MONITOR; } if (useDeclareValues) varTable[ NMONITOR ] -> value = max(nmoni,1); InitDeclare( MONITOR, nmoni, (void*)moni ); ntrans = 0; for (i = 0; i < SpcNr; i++) if ( SpeciesTable[Code[i]].trans ) { trans[ntrans] = Index(i); strans[ntrans] = SpeciesTable[Code[i]].name; ntrans++; } nmass = 0; for (i = 0; i < AtomNr; i++) if ( AtomTable[i].masscheck ) { smass[nmass] = AtomTable[i].name; nmass++; } if (useDeclareValues) varTable[ NMASS ] -> value = max(nmass,1); InitDeclare( SMASS, nmass, (void*)smass ); if ( (bufeqn = (char*)malloc(MAX_EQNLEN*EqnNr+2))==NULL ) { FatalError(-30,"GenerateMonitorData: Cannot allocate bufeqn (%d chars)", MAX_EQNLEN*EqnNr); } p = bufeqn; for (i = 0; i < EqnNr; i++) { EqnString(i, p); seqn[i] = p; p += MAX_EQNLEN; } InitDeclare( EQN_NAMES, EqnNr, (void*)seqn ); free( bufeqn ); if (useEqntags==1) { for (i = 0; i < EqnNr; i++) { seqn[i] = kr[i].label; } InitDeclare( EQN_TAGS, EqnNr, (void*)seqn ); } NewLines(1); WriteComment("INLINED global variables"); switch( useLang ) { case C_LANG: bprintf( InlineCode[ C_DATA ].code ); break; case F77_LANG: bprintf( InlineCode[ F77_DATA ].code ); break; case F90_LANG: bprintf( InlineCode[ F90_DATA ].code ); break; case MATLAB_LANG: bprintf( InlineCode[ MATLAB_DATA ].code ); break; } FlushBuf(); NewLines(1); WriteComment("End INLINED global variables"); NewLines(1); F77_Inline( "%6sEND\n\n", " " ); /* Free local data structures */ free(crow); free(diag); free(lookat); free(moni); free(trans); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateJacobianSparseData() { int* irow; int* icol; int* crow; int* diag; int nElm; int dim; if( !useJacSparse ) return; /* Allocate local arrays */ dim=MAX_SPECIES; irow = AllocIntegerVector( dim*dim, "irow in GenerateJacobianSparseData" ); icol = AllocIntegerVector( dim*dim, "icol in GenerateJacobianSparseData" ); crow = AllocIntegerVector( dim, "crow in GenerateJacobianSparseData" ); diag = AllocIntegerVector( dim, "diag in GenerateJacobianSparseData" ); UseFile( sparse_jacFile ); NewLines(1); WriteComment("Sparse Jacobian Data"); NewLines(1); F77_Inline("%6sBLOCK DATA JACOBIAN_SPARSE_DATA\n", " " ); F77_Inline("%6sINCLUDE '%s_Sparse.h'", " ",rootFileName); F77_Inline("%6sINTEGER i"," "); /* F90_Inline(" USE %s_Sparse", rootFileName); */ Jac_NZ = NonZero( PLAIN, 0, VarNr, irow, icol, crow, diag ); LU_Jac_NZ = NonZero( LU, 0, VarNr, irow, icol, crow, diag ); if (useDeclareValues) { varTable[NONZERO] -> value = Jac_NZ; varTable[LU_NONZERO] -> value = LU_Jac_NZ; } switch (useJacobian) { case JAC_ROW: Jac_NZ = NonZero( PLAIN, 0, VarNr, irow, icol, crow, diag ); InitDeclare( IROW, Jac_NZ, (void*)irow ); InitDeclare( ICOL, Jac_NZ, (void*)icol ); InitDeclare( CROW, VarNr+1, (void*)crow ); InitDeclare( DIAG, VarNr+1, (void*)diag ); break; case JAC_LU_ROW: LU_Jac_NZ = NonZero( LU, 0, VarNr, irow, icol, crow, diag ); InitDeclare( LU_IROW, LU_Jac_NZ, (void*)irow ); InitDeclare( LU_ICOL, LU_Jac_NZ, (void*)icol ); InitDeclare( LU_CROW, VarNr+1, (void*)crow ); InitDeclare( LU_DIAG, VarNr+1, (void*)diag ); } NewLines(1); F77_Inline( "%6sEND\n\n", " " ); /* Free local arrays */ free(irow); free(icol); free(crow); free(diag); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateJacobianSparseHeader() { UseFile( sparse_dataFile ); CommonName = "SDATA"; NewLines(1); WriteComment(" ----------> Sparse Jacobian Data"); NewLines(1); switch (useJacobian) { case JAC_ROW: ExternDeclare( IROW ); ExternDeclare( ICOL ); ExternDeclare( CROW ); ExternDeclare( DIAG ); break; case JAC_LU_ROW: ExternDeclare( LU_IROW ); ExternDeclare( LU_ICOL ); ExternDeclare( LU_CROW ); ExternDeclare( LU_DIAG ); } NewLines(1); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateFun() { int i, j, k; int used; int l, m; int F_VAR, FSPLIT_VAR; if( VarNr == 0 ) return; if (useLang != MATLAB_LANG) /* Matlab generates an additional file per function */ UseFile( functionFile ); F_VAR = DefFnc( "Fun", 4, "time derivatives of variables - Agregate form"); FSPLIT_VAR = DefFnc( "Fun_SPLIT", 5, "time derivatives of variables - Split form"); if( useAggregate ) FunctionBegin( F_VAR, V, F, RCT, Vdot ); else FunctionBegin( FSPLIT_VAR, V, F, RCT, P_VAR, D_VAR ); if ( (useLang==MATLAB_LANG)&&(!useAggregate) ) printf("\nWarning: in the function definition move P_VAR to output vars\n"); if ( useLang!=F90_LANG ) { /* A is a module variable in F90 */ NewLines(1); WriteComment("Local variables"); Declare( A ); } NewLines(1); WriteComment("Computation of equation rates"); for(j=0; j 1. PROPENSITY FUNCTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ F_VAR = DefFnc( "Propensity", 4, "Propensity function"); FunctionBegin( F_VAR, NMLCV, NMLCF, SCT, PROPENSITY ); if ( (useLang==MATLAB_LANG)&&(!useAggregate) ) printf("\nWarning: in the function definition move P_VAR to output vars\n"); NewLines(1); for(j=0; j 2. RATE CONVERSION ~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ F_VAR = DefFnc( "StochasticRates", 3, "Convert deterministic rates to stochastic"); FunctionBegin( F_VAR, RCT, VOLUME, SCT ); WriteComment("No. of molecules = Concentration x Volume"); WriteComment("For a reaction with k reactants:"); WriteComment(" RCT [ (molec/Volume)^(1-k) * sec^(-1) ]"); WriteComment(" SCT [ (molec)^(1-k) * sec^(-1) ] = RCT*Volume^(k-1)"); WriteComment("For p molecules of the same type: SCT = SCT/(p!)"); NewLines(1); for(j=0; j 3. THE CHANGE IN NUMBER OF MOLECULES */ if (useLang == MATLAB_LANG) { F_VAR = DefFnc( "MoleculeChange", 3, "Change in the number of molecules"); FunctionBegin( F_VAR, IRCT, NMLCV, NMLCV ); } else { F_VAR = DefFnc( "MoleculeChange", 2, "Change in the number of molecules"); FunctionBegin( F_VAR, IRCT, NMLCV ); } NewLines(1); F90_Inline("\n SELECT CASE (IRCT)\n"); C_Inline ("\n switch (IRCT) { \n"); MATLAB_Inline("\n switch (IRCT) \n"); for(j=0; j value = JVRP_NZ + 1; } UseFile( stoichiomFile ); F_STOIC = DefFnc( "JacReactantProd",3, "Jacobian of Reactant Products vector"); FunctionBegin( F_STOIC, V, F, JVRP ); NewLines(1); WriteComment("Reactant Products in each equation are useful in the"); WriteComment(" stoichiometric formulation of mass action law"); WriteComment("Below we compute the Jacobian of the Reactant Products vector"); WriteComment(" w.r.t. variable species: d ARP(1:NREACT) / d Var(1:NVAR)"); NewLines(1); JVRP_NZ = -1; for ( i=0; i value = nonzeros_B; Declare( BV ); } NewLines(1); for ( i=0; i=2) nElm++; } else { /* i1 != i2 */ if ( (Stoich_Left[i1][j]>=1)&&(Stoich_Left[i2][j]>=1) ) nElm++; } /* Allocate temporary index arrays */ coeff_j = AllocIntegerVector(nElm, "coeff_j in GenerateHess"); coeff_i1 = AllocIntegerVector(nElm, "coeff_i1 in GenerateHess"); coeff_i2 = AllocIntegerVector(nElm, "coeff_i2 in GenerateHess"); /* Fill in temporary index arrays */ nElm = 0; for(j=0; j=2) { coeff_j[nElm] = j; coeff_i1[nElm] = i1; coeff_i2[nElm] = i2; nElm++; } } else { /* i1 != i2 */ if ( (Stoich_Left[i1][j]>=1)&&(Stoich_Left[i2][j]>=1) ) { coeff_j[nElm] = j; coeff_i1[nElm] = i1; coeff_i2[nElm] = i2; nElm++; } } /* Number of nonzero terms of the form d^2 f(i)/ ( d v(i1) d v(i2) ) */ Hess_NZ = 0; for (i = 0; i < VarNr; i++) for (i1 = 0; i1 < VarNr; i1++) for (i2 = i1; i2 < VarNr; i2++) { Djv_isElm = 0; for (j = 0; j < EqnNr; j++) if ( Stoich[i][j] != 0 ) for (k = 0; k < nElm; k++) if ( (coeff_j[k]==j) && (coeff_i1[k]==i1) && (coeff_i2[k]==i2) ) { Djv_isElm = 1; } if (Djv_isElm == 1) Hess_NZ++ ; } /* for i, i1, i2 */ if (useDeclareValues) varTable[ NHESS ] -> value = max( Hess_NZ, 1 ); /* Allocate temporary index arrays */ iHess_i = AllocIntegerVector(Hess_NZ, "iHess_i in GenerateHess"); iHess_j = AllocIntegerVector(Hess_NZ, "iHess_j in GenerateHess"); iHess_k = AllocIntegerVector(Hess_NZ, "iHess_k in GenerateHess"); F_Hess = DefFnc( "Hessian", 4, "function for Hessian (Jac derivative w.r.t. variables)"); FunctionBegin( F_Hess, V, F, RCT, HESS ); WriteComment("--------------------------------------------------------"); WriteComment("Note: HESS is represented in coordinate sparse format: "); WriteComment(" HESS(m) = d^2 f_i / dv_j dv_k = d Jac_{i,j} / dv_k"); WriteComment(" where i = IHESS_I(m), j = IHESS_J(m), k = IHESS_K(m)."); WriteComment("--------------------------------------------------------"); WriteComment("Note: d^2 f_i / dv_j dv_k = d^2 f_i / dv_k dv_j, "); WriteComment(" therefore only the terms d^2 f_i / dv_j dv_k"); WriteComment(" with j <= k are computed and stored in HESS."); WriteComment("--------------------------------------------------------"); if ( (useLang==C_LANG)||(useLang==F77_LANG)||(useLang==F90_LANG) ) { NewLines(1); WriteComment("Local variables"); /* DeclareConstant( NTMPD2A, ascii( max( nElm, 1 ) ) ); */ varTable[ NTMPD2A ] -> value = max( nElm, 1 ); Declare( D2A ); } NewLines(1); WriteComment("Computation of the second derivatives of equation rates"); /* Generate d^2 A(j)/ ( d v(i1) d v(i2) )*/ nElm = 0; for(j=0; j=2) { prod = RConst( j ); for (i = 0; i < i1; i++) for (k = 1; k <= (int)Stoich_Left[i][j]; k++ ) prod = Mul( prod, Elm( V, i ) ); prod = Mul( prod, Const( Stoich_Left[i1][j] ) ); prod = Mul( prod, Const( Stoich_Left[i1][j]-1 ) ); for (k = 1; k <= (int)Stoich_Left[i1][j]-2; k++ ) prod = Mul( prod, Elm( V, i1 ) ); for (i = i1+1; i < VarNr; i++) for (k = 1; k <= (int)Stoich_Left[i][j]; k++ ) prod = Mul( prod, Elm( V, i ) ); for ( ; i < SpcNr; i++) for (k = 1; k <= (int)Stoich_Left[i][j]; k++ ) prod = Mul( prod, Elm( F, i - VarNr ) ); /* Comment the D2A */ WriteComment("D2A(%d) = d^2 A(%d)/{dV(%d)dV(%d)}",Index(nElm),Index(j),Index(i1),Index(i2)); Assign( Elm( D2A, nElm ), prod ); nElm++; } /* if (Stoich_Left[i1][j]>=2) */ } else { /* i1 != i2 */ if ( (Stoich_Left[i1][j]>=1)&&(Stoich_Left[i2][j]>=1) ) { prod = RConst( j ); for (i = 0; i < i1; i++) for (k = 1; k <= (int)Stoich_Left[i][j]; k++ ) prod = Mul( prod, Elm( V, i ) ); prod = Mul( prod, Const( Stoich_Left[i1][j] ) ); for (k = 1; k <= (int)Stoich_Left[i1][j]-1; k++ ) prod = Mul( prod, Elm( V, i1 ) ); for (i = i1+1; i < i2; i++) for (k = 1; k <= (int)Stoich_Left[i][j]; k++ ) prod = Mul( prod, Elm( V, i ) ); prod = Mul( prod, Const( Stoich_Left[i2][j] ) ); for (k = 1; k <= (int)Stoich_Left[i2][j]-1; k++ ) prod = Mul( prod, Elm( V, i2 ) ); for (i = i2+1; i < VarNr; i++) for (k = 1; k <= (int)Stoich_Left[i][j]; k++ ) prod = Mul( prod, Elm( V, i ) ); for ( ; i < SpcNr; i++) for (k = 1; k <= (int)Stoich_Left[i][j]; k++ ) prod = Mul( prod, Elm( F, i - VarNr ) ); /* Comment the D2A */ WriteComment("D2A(%d) = d^2 A(%d) / dV(%d)dV(%d)", Index(nElm),Index(j),Index(i1),Index(i2)); Assign( Elm( D2A, nElm ), prod ); nElm++; } /* if ( (Stoich_Left[i1][j]>=1)&&(Stoich_Left[i2][j]>=1) ) */ } /* if i1==i2 */ } /* for j, i1, i2 */ NewLines(1); WriteComment("Computation of the Jacobian derivative"); /* Generate d^2 f(i)/ ( d v(i1) d v(i2) ) */ Hess_NZ = 0; for (i = 0; i < VarNr; i++) for (i1 = 0; i1 < VarNr; i1++) for (i2 = i1; i2 < VarNr; i2++) { sum = Const(0); Djv_isElm = 0; for (j = 0; j < EqnNr; j++) if ( Stoich[i][j] != 0 ) for (k = 0; k < nElm; k++) if ( (coeff_j[k]==j) && (coeff_i1[k]==i1) && (coeff_i2[k]==i2) ) { sum = Add( sum, Mul( Const( Stoich[i][j] ), Elm( D2A, k ) ) ); Djv_isElm = 1; } if (Djv_isElm == 1) { WriteComment("HESS(%d) = d^2 Vdot(%d)/{dV(%d)dV(%d)} = d^2 Vdot(%d)/{dV(%d)dV(%d)}", Index(Hess_NZ),Index(i),Index(i1),Index(i2),Index(i),Index(i2),Index(i1)); Assign( Elm( HESS, Hess_NZ ), sum ); iHess_i[ Hess_NZ ] = i; iHess_j[ Hess_NZ ] = i1; iHess_k[ Hess_NZ ] = i2; Hess_NZ++; } } /* for i, i1, i2 */ /* free temporary index arrays */ free(coeff_j); free(coeff_i1); free(coeff_i2); MATLAB_Inline("\n HESS = HESS(:);"); FunctionEnd( F_Hess ); FreeVariable( F_Hess ); F_HessTR_VEC = DefFnc( "HessTR_Vec", 4, "Hessian transposed times user vectors"); FunctionBegin( F_HessTR_VEC, HESS, U1, U2, HTU ); WriteComment("Compute the vector HTU =(Hess x U2)^T * U1 = d (Jac^T*U1)/d Var * U2 "); for (i=0; i Sparse Hessian Data"); NewLines(1); ExternDeclare( IHESS_I ); ExternDeclare( IHESS_J ); ExternDeclare( IHESS_K ); NewLines(1); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateStoicmSparseData() { int i,j,k, nnz_stoicm; /* int irow_stoicm[MAX_SPECIES*MAX_EQN]; int ccol_stoicm[MAX_EQN+2]; int icol_stoicm[MAX_SPECIES*MAX_EQN]; double stoicm[MAX_SPECIES*MAX_EQN]; */ int *irow_stoicm; int *ccol_stoicm; int *icol_stoicm; double *stoicm; /* Compute the sparsity structure and allocate data structure vectors */ nnz_stoicm = 0; for (j=0; j Sparse Stoichiometric Matrix"); NewLines(1); CommonName = "STOICM_VALUES"; ExternDeclare( STOICM ); CommonName = "STOICM_DATA"; ExternDeclare( IROW_STOICM ); ExternDeclare( CCOL_STOICM ); ExternDeclare( ICOL_STOICM ); NewLines(1); NewLines(1); WriteComment(" ----------> Sparse Data for Jacobian of Reactant Products"); NewLines(1); CommonName = "JVRP"; ExternDeclare( ICOL_JVRP ); ExternDeclare( IROW_JVRP ); ExternDeclare( CROW_JVRP ); NewLines(1); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateJacVect() { int i, j, nElm; int Jac_VEC; int Jac_SP_VEC; if( useLang == MATLAB_LANG ) return; if( VarNr == 0 ) return; UseFile( jacobianFile ); Jac_VEC = DefFnc( "Jac_Vec", 3, "function for sparse multiplication: square Jacobian times vector"); Jac_SP_VEC = DefFnc( "Jac_SP_Vec", 3, "function for sparse multiplication: sparse Jacobian times vector"); if ( useJacSparse ) { FunctionBegin( Jac_SP_VEC, JVS, UV, JUV ); nElm = 0; for( i = 0; i < VarNr; i++) { sum = Const(0); for( j = 0; j < VarNr; j++ ) if( LUstructJ[i][j] ) { if( structJ[i][j] != 0 ) sum = Add( sum, Mul( Elm( JVS, nElm ), Elm( UV, j ) ) ); nElm++; } Assign( Elm( JUV, i ), sum ); } FunctionEnd( Jac_SP_VEC ); } else { FunctionBegin( Jac_VEC, JV, UV, JUV ); for( i = 0; i < VarNr; i++) { sum = Const(0); for( j = 0; j < VarNr; j++ ) if( structJ[i][j] != 0 ) sum = Add( sum, Mul( Elm( JV, i, j ), Elm( UV, j ) ) ); Assign( Elm( JUV, i ), sum ); } FunctionEnd( Jac_VEC ); } FreeVariable( Jac_VEC ); FreeVariable( Jac_SP_VEC ); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateJacTRVect() { int i, j, nElm; int JacTR_VEC; int JacTR_SP_VEC; int **TmpStruct; if( useLang == MATLAB_LANG ) return; if ( VarNr == 0 ) return; UseFile( jacobianFile ); JacTR_VEC = DefFnc( "JacTR_Vec", 3, "sparse multiplication: square Jacobian transposed times vector"); JacTR_SP_VEC = DefFnc( "JacTR_SP_Vec", 3, "sparse multiplication: sparse Jacobian transposed times vector"); if ( useJacSparse ) { /* The temporary array of structure */ TmpStruct = AllocIntegerMatrix( VarNr, VarNr, "TmpStruct in GenerateJacTRVect" ); nElm = 0; for( i = 0; i < VarNr; i++) for( j = 0; j < VarNr; j++ ) if( LUstructJ[i][j] ) { TmpStruct[i][j] = nElm; nElm++; } FunctionBegin( JacTR_SP_VEC, JVS, UV, JTUV ); nElm = 0; for( i = 0; i < VarNr; i++) { sum = Const(0); for( j = 0; j < VarNr; j++ ) if( structJ[j][i] != 0 ) sum = Add( sum, Mul( Elm( JVS, TmpStruct[j][i] ), Elm( UV, j ) ) ); Assign( Elm( JTUV, i ), sum ); } FunctionEnd( JacTR_SP_VEC ); /* Free the temporary array of structure */ FreeIntegerMatrix( TmpStruct, VarNr, VarNr ); } /* useJacSparse*/ else { FunctionBegin( JacTR_VEC, JV, UV, JTUV ); for( i = 0; i < VarNr; i++) { sum = Const(0); for( j = 0; j < VarNr; j++ ) if( structJ[j][i] != 0 ) sum = Add( sum, Mul( Elm( JV, j, i ), Elm( UV, j ) ) ); Assign( Elm( JTUV, i ), sum ); } FunctionEnd( JacTR_VEC ); } FreeVariable( JacTR_VEC ); FreeVariable( JacTR_SP_VEC ); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateSparseUtil() { int SUTIL; if ( useLang == MATLAB_LANG ) return; UseFile( linalgFile ); SUTIL = DefFnc( "SPARSE_UTIL", 0, "SPARSE utility functions"); CommentFunctionBegin( SUTIL ); IncludeCode( "%s/util/sutil", Home ); CommentFunctionEnd( SUTIL ); FreeVariable( SUTIL ); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateBlas() { int BLAS; if ( useLang == MATLAB_LANG ) return; UseFile( linalgFile ); BLAS = DefFnc( "BLAS_UTIL", 0, "BLAS-LIKE utility functions"); CommentFunctionBegin( BLAS ); IncludeCode( "%s/util/blas", Home ); CommentFunctionEnd( BLAS ); FreeVariable( BLAS ); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateDFunDRcoeff() { UseFile( stoichiomFile ); NewLines(1); WriteComment("Begin Derivative w.r.t. Rate Coefficients"); NewLines(1); IncludeCode( "%s/util/dFun_dRcoeff", Home ); NewLines(1); WriteComment("End Derivative w.r.t. Rate Coefficients"); NewLines(1); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateDJacDRcoeff() { UseFile( stoichiomFile ); NewLines(1); WriteComment("Begin Jacobian Derivative w.r.t. Rate Coefficients"); NewLines(1); IncludeCode( "%s/util/dJac_dRcoeff", Home ); NewLines(1); WriteComment("End Jacobian Derivative w.r.t. Rate Coefficients"); NewLines(1); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateSolve() { int i, j; int SOLVE; int *irow; int *icol; int *crow; int *diag; int nElm; int ibgn, iend; int useLangOld; int dim; if( useLang == MATLAB_LANG ) return; /* Allocate local arrays for dimension dim */ dim = VarNr+2; irow = AllocIntegerVector( dim*dim, "irow in GenerateSolve" ); icol = AllocIntegerVector( dim*dim, "icol in GenerateSolve" ); crow = AllocIntegerVector( dim, "crow in GenerateSolve" ); diag = AllocIntegerVector( dim, "diag in GenerateSolve" ); useLangOld = useLang; useLang = C_LANG; nElm = NonZero( LU, 0, VarNr, irow, icol, crow, diag ); useLang = useLangOld; UseFile( linalgFile ); SOLVE = DefFnc( "KppSolve", 2, "sparse back substitution"); FunctionBegin( SOLVE, JVS, X ); for( i = 0; i < VarNr; i++) { ibgn = crow[i]; iend = diag[i]; if( ibgn <= iend ) { sum = Elm( X, i ); if ( ibgn < iend ) { for( j = ibgn; j < iend; j++ ) sum = Sub( sum, Mul( Elm( JVS, j ), Elm( X, icol[j] ) ) ); Assign( Elm( X, i ), sum ); } } } for( i = VarNr-1; i >=0; i--) { ibgn = diag[i] + 1; iend = crow[i+1]; sum = Elm( X, i ); for( j = ibgn; j < iend; j++ ) sum = Sub( sum, Mul( Elm( JVS, j ), Elm( X, icol[j] ) ) ); sum = Div( sum, Elm( JVS, diag[i] ) ); Assign( Elm( X, i ), sum ); } FunctionEnd( SOLVE ); FreeVariable( SOLVE ); /* Free Local Arrays */ free(irow); free(icol); free(crow); free(diag); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateTRSolve() { int i, j; int SOLVETR; int *irow; int *icol; int *crow; int *diag; int nElm; int ibgn, iend; int useLangOld; int **pos; int dim; if( useLang == MATLAB_LANG ) return; /* Allocate local arrays for dimension dim */ dim = VarNr+2; irow = AllocIntegerVector( dim*dim, "irow in GenerateTRSolve" ); icol = AllocIntegerVector( dim*dim, "icol in GenerateTRSolve" ); crow = AllocIntegerVector( dim, "crow in GenerateTRSolve" ); diag = AllocIntegerVector( dim, "diag in GenerateTRSolve" ); pos = AllocIntegerMatrix( dim+1, dim+1, "pos in GenerateTRSolve"); useLangOld = useLang; useLang = C_LANG; nElm = NonZero( LU, 0, VarNr, irow, icol, crow, diag ); useLang = useLangOld; UseFile( linalgFile ); SOLVETR = DefFnc( "KppSolveTR", 3, "sparse, transposed back substitution"); FunctionBegin( SOLVETR, JVS, X, XX ); for( i = 0; i < VarNr; i++) { for( j = 0; j < VarNr; j++) pos[i][j]=-1; } for( i = 0; i < VarNr; i++) { ibgn = crow[i]; iend = diag[i]; if( ibgn <= iend ) { if ( ibgn < iend ) { for( j = ibgn; j < iend; j++ ) pos[icol[j]][i]=j; } } } for( i = VarNr-1; i >=0; i--) { ibgn = diag[i] + 1; iend = crow[i+1]; for( j = ibgn; j < iend; j++ ) pos[icol[j]][i]=j; pos[i][i]=diag[i]; } for( i = 0; i= 0) { sum=Sub( sum, Mul ( Elm(JVS,pos[i][j] ), Elm( XX, j ) ) ); } } sum=Div( sum, Elm(JVS, diag[i] ) ); Assign( Elm( XX, i ), sum ); } for( i = VarNr-1; i >=0; i--) { sum = Elm( XX, i ); for (j=i+1; j= 0) { sum=Sub( sum, Mul ( Elm(JVS,pos[i][j] ), Elm( XX, j ) ) ); } } Assign( Elm( XX, i ), sum ); } FunctionEnd( SOLVETR ); FreeVariable( SOLVETR ); /* Free Local Arrays */ free(irow); free(icol); free(crow); free(diag); FreeIntegerMatrix(pos, dim+1, dim+1); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateRateLaws() { UseFile( rateFile ); NewLines(1); WriteComment("Begin Rate Law Functions from KPP_HOME/util/UserRateLaws"); NewLines(1); IncludeCode( "%s/util/UserRateLaws", Home ); NewLines(1); WriteComment("End Rate Law Functions from KPP_HOME/util/UserRateLaws"); NewLines(1); NewLines(1); WriteComment("Begin INLINED Rate Law Functions"); NewLines(1); switch( useLang ) { case C_LANG: bprintf( InlineCode[ C_RATES ].code ); break; case F77_LANG: bprintf( InlineCode[ F77_RATES ].code ); break; case F90_LANG: bprintf( InlineCode[ F90_RATES ].code ); break; case MATLAB_LANG: bprintf( InlineCode[ MATLAB_RATES ].code ); break; } FlushBuf(); NewLines(1); WriteComment("End INLINED Rate Law Functions"); NewLines(1); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateUpdateSun() { int UPDATE_SUN; UseFile( rateFile ); UPDATE_SUN = DefFnc( "Update_SUN", 0, "update SUN light using TIME"); CommentFunctionBegin( UPDATE_SUN ); IncludeCode( "%s/util/UpdateSun", Home ); CommentFunctionEnd( UPDATE_SUN ); FreeVariable( UPDATE_SUN ); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateUpdateRconst() { int i; int UPDATE_RCONST; UseFile( rateFile ); UPDATE_RCONST = DefFnc( "Update_RCONST", 0, "function to update rate constants"); FunctionBegin( UPDATE_RCONST ); F77_Inline(" INCLUDE '%s_Global.h'", rootFileName); MATLAB_Inline("global SUN TEMP RCONST"); if ( (useLang==F77_LANG) ) IncludeCode( "%s/util/UserRateLaws_FcnHeader", Home ); NewLines(1); NewLines(1); WriteComment("Begin INLINED RCONST"); NewLines(1); switch( useLang ) { case C_LANG: bprintf( InlineCode[ C_RCONST ].code ); break; case F77_LANG: bprintf( InlineCode[ F77_RCONST ].code ); break; case F90_LANG: bprintf( InlineCode[ F90_RCONST ].code ); break; case MATLAB_LANG: bprintf( InlineCode[ MATLAB_RCONST ].code ); break; } FlushBuf(); NewLines(1); WriteComment("End INLINED RCONST"); NewLines(1); for( i = 0; i < EqnNr; i++) { if( kr[i].type == EXPRESION ) Assign( Elm( RCONST, i ), Elm( KR, kr[i].val.st ) ); if( kr[i].type == PHOTO ) Assign( Elm( RCONST, i ), Elm( KR, kr[i].val.st ) ); /* mz_rs_20050117+ */ if ( kr[i].type == NUMBER ) { F90_Inline("! RCONST(%d) = constant rate coefficient", i+1); /* WriteComment("Constant rate coefficient (value inlined in the code):"); */ /* Assign( Elm( RCONST, i ), Const( kr[i].val.f ) ); */ } /* mz_rs_20050117- */ } MATLAB_Inline(" RCONST = RCONST(:);"); FunctionEnd( UPDATE_RCONST ); FreeVariable( UPDATE_RCONST ); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateUpdatePhoto() { int i; int UPDATE_PHOTO; UseFile( rateFile ); UPDATE_PHOTO = DefFnc( "Update_PHOTO", 0, "function to update photolytical rate constants"); FunctionBegin( UPDATE_PHOTO ); F77_Inline(" INCLUDE '%s_Global.h'", rootFileName); F90_Inline(" USE %s_Global", rootFileName); MATLAB_Inline("global SUN TEMP RCONST"); NewLines(1); for( i = 0; i < EqnNr; i++) { if( kr[i].type == PHOTO ) Assign( Elm( RCONST, i ), Elm( KR, kr[i].val.st ) ); } FunctionEnd( UPDATE_PHOTO ); FreeVariable( UPDATE_PHOTO ); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateIntegrator() { int TIN, TOUT, INTEGRATE; UseFile( integratorFile ); TIN = DefElm( "TIN", real, "Start Time for Integration"); TOUT = DefElm( "TOUT", real, "End Time for Integration"); INTEGRATE = DefFnc( "INTEGRATE", 2, "Integrator routine"); CommentFunctionBegin( INTEGRATE, TIN, TOUT ); if( strchr( integrator, '/' ) ) IncludeCode( integrator ); else IncludeCode( "%s/int/%s", Home, integrator ); CommentFunctionEnd( INTEGRATE ); FreeVariable( INTEGRATE ); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateDriver() { int MAIN; UseFile( driverFile ); MAIN = DefFnc( "MAIN", 0, "Main program - driver routine"); CommentFunctionBegin( MAIN ); if( strchr( driver, '/' ) ) IncludeCode( driver ); else IncludeCode( "%s/drv/%s", Home, driver ); CommentFunctionEnd( MAIN ); FreeVariable( MAIN ); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateUtil() { int UTIL; /* if (useLang == MATLAB_LANG) return; */ UseFile( utilFile ); NewLines(1); WriteComment("User INLINED Utility Functions"); switch( useLang ) { case C_LANG: bprintf( InlineCode[ C_UTIL ].code ); break; case F77_LANG: bprintf( InlineCode[ F77_UTIL ].code ); break; case F90_LANG: bprintf( InlineCode[ F90_UTIL ].code ); break; case MATLAB_LANG:bprintf( InlineCode[ MATLAB_UTIL ].code ); break; } FlushBuf(); NewLines(1); WriteComment("End INLINED Utility Functions"); NewLines(1); WriteComment("Utility Functions from KPP_HOME/util/util"); UTIL = DefFnc( "UTIL", 0, "Utility functions"); CommentFunctionBegin( UTIL); IncludeCode( "%s/util/util", Home ); if ((useLang == F90_LANG) && (useEqntags==1)) { IncludeCode( "%s/util/tag2num", Home ); } WriteComment("End Utility Functions from KPP_HOME/util/util"); CommentFunctionEnd( UTIL ); FreeVariable( UTIL ); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateParamHeader() { int spc; int i; char name[20]; int offs; int mxyz; int j,dummy_species; /* ----------> First declaration of constants */ UseFile( param_headerFile ); NewLines(1); DeclareConstant( NSPEC, ascii( max(SpcNr, 1) ) ); DeclareConstant( NVAR, ascii( max(VarNr, 1) ) ); DeclareConstant( NVARACT, ascii( max(VarActiveNr, 1) ) ); DeclareConstant( NFIX, ascii( max(FixNr, 1) ) ); DeclareConstant( NREACT, ascii( max(EqnNr, 1) ) ); DeclareConstant( NVARST, ascii( VarStartNr ) ); DeclareConstant( NFIXST, ascii( FixStartNr ) ); DeclareConstant( NONZERO, ascii( max(Jac_NZ, 1) ) ); DeclareConstant( LU_NONZERO, ascii( max(LU_Jac_NZ, 1) ) ); DeclareConstant( CNVAR, ascii( VarNr+1 ) ); if ( useStoicmat ) { DeclareConstant( CNEQN, ascii( EqnNr+1 ) ); } if ( useHessian ) { DeclareConstant( NHESS, ascii( max(Hess_NZ, 1) ) ); } DeclareConstant( NLOOKAT, ascii( nlookat ) ); DeclareConstant( NMONITOR, ascii( nmoni ) ); DeclareConstant( NMASS, ascii( nmass ) ); /* DeclareConstant( PI, "3.14159265358979" ); */ NewLines(1); WriteComment("Index declaration for variable species in C and VAR"); WriteComment(" VAR(ind_spc) = C(ind_spc)"); NewLines(1); for( i = 0; i < VarNr; i++) { sprintf( name, "ind_%s", SpeciesTable[ Code[i] ].name ); spc = DefConst( name, INT, 0 ); DeclareConstant( spc, ascii( Index(i) ) ); FreeVariable( spc ); } NewLines(1); WriteComment("Index declaration for fixed species in C"); WriteComment(" C(ind_spc)"); NewLines(1); for( i = 0; i < FixNr; i++) { sprintf( name, "ind_%s", SpeciesTable[ Code[i + VarNr] ].name ); spc = DefConst( name, INT, 0 ); DeclareConstant( spc, ascii( Index(i+VarNr) ) ); FreeVariable( spc ); } if (useDummyindex==1) { NewLines(1); WriteComment("Index declaration for dummy species"); NewLines(1); for( i = 0; i < MAX_SPECIES; i++) { if (SpeciesTable[i].type == 0) continue; dummy_species = 1; for( j = 0; j < MAX_SPECIES; j++) if (Code[j] == i) dummy_species = 0; if (dummy_species) { sprintf( name, "ind_%s", SpeciesTable[i].name ); spc = DefConst( name, INT, 0 ); DeclareConstant( spc, ascii( 0 ) ); FreeVariable( spc ); } } } NewLines(1); WriteComment("Index declaration for fixed species in FIX"); WriteComment(" FIX(indf_spc) = C(ind_spc) = C(NVAR+indf_spc)"); NewLines(1); for( i = 0; i < FixNr; i++) { sprintf( name, "indf_%s", SpeciesTable[ Code[i + VarNr] ].name ); spc = DefConst( name, INT, 0 ); DeclareConstant( spc, ascii( Index(i) ) ); FreeVariable( spc ); } } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateGlobalHeader() { int spc; int i; char name[20]; int offs; int mxyz; UseFile( global_dataFile ); CommonName = "GDATA"; NewLines(1); WriteComment("Declaration of global variables"); NewLines(1); /* ExternDeclare( C_DEFAULT ); */ ExternDeclare( C ); if( useLang == F77_LANG ) { Declare( VAR ); Declare( FIX ); WriteComment("VAR, FIX are chunks of array C"); F77_Inline(" EQUIVALENCE( %s(%d),%s(1) )", varTable[C]->name, 1, varTable[VAR]->name ); if ( FixNr > 0 ) { /* mz_rs_20050121 */ F77_Inline(" EQUIVALENCE( %s(%d),%s(1) )", varTable[C]->name, VarNr+1, varTable[FIX]->name ); } } if( useLang == F90_LANG ) { ExternDeclare( VAR ); ExternDeclare( FIX ); WriteComment("VAR, FIX are chunks of array C"); F90_Inline(" EQUIVALENCE( %s(%d),%s(1) )", varTable[C]->name, 1, varTable[VAR]->name ); if ( FixNr > 0 ) { /* mz_rs_20050121 */ F90_Inline(" EQUIVALENCE( %s(%d),%s(1) )", varTable[C]->name, VarNr+1, varTable[FIX]->name ); } } if( useLang == MATLAB_LANG ) { ExternDeclare( VAR ); ExternDeclare( FIX ); } C_Inline(" extern %s * %s;", C_types[real], varTable[VAR]->name ); C_Inline(" extern %s * %s;", C_types[real], varTable[FIX]->name ); ExternDeclare( RCONST ); ExternDeclare( TIME ); ExternDeclare( SUN ); ExternDeclare( TEMP ); ExternDeclare( RTOLS ); ExternDeclare( TSTART ); ExternDeclare( TEND ); ExternDeclare( DT ); ExternDeclare( ATOL ); ExternDeclare( RTOL ); ExternDeclare( STEPMIN ); ExternDeclare( STEPMAX ); ExternDeclare( CFACTOR ); if (useStochastic) ExternDeclare( VOLUME ); CommonName = "INTGDATA"; if ( useHessian ) { ExternDeclare( DDMTYPE ); } if ( (useLang == C_LANG) || (useLang == F77_LANG) ) { CommonName = "INTGDATA"; ExternDeclare( LOOKAT ); ExternDeclare( MONITOR ); CommonName = "CHARGDATA"; ExternDeclare( SPC_NAMES ); ExternDeclare( SMASS ); ExternDeclare( EQN_NAMES ); ExternDeclare( EQN_TAGS ); } NewLines(1); WriteComment("INLINED global variable declarations"); switch( useLang ) { case C_LANG: bprintf( InlineCode[ C_GLOBAL ].code ); break; case F77_LANG: bprintf( InlineCode[ F77_GLOBAL ].code ); break; case F90_LANG: bprintf( InlineCode[ F90_GLOBAL ].code ); break; case MATLAB_LANG: bprintf( InlineCode[ MATLAB_GLOBAL ].code ); break; } FlushBuf(); NewLines(1); WriteComment("INLINED global variable declarations"); NewLines(1); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void WriteSpec( int i, int j ) { char buf[100]; if( Reactive[j] ) sprintf( buf, "%s (r)", SpeciesTable[ Code[j] ].name ); else sprintf( buf, "%s (n)", SpeciesTable[ Code[j] ].name ); WriteAll("%3d = %-10s", 1 + i, buf ); FlushBuf(); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ int EqnStr( int eq, char * buf, float** mat ) { int spc, first; /* bugfix if stoichiometric factor is not an integer */ int n; char s[40]; first = 1; *buf = 0; for( spc = 0; spc < SpcNr; spc++ ) if( mat[spc][eq] != 0 ) { if( ((mat[spc][eq] == 1)||(mat[spc][eq] == -1)) ) { sprintf(s, ""); } else { /* real */ /* mz_rs_20050130+ */ /* sprintf(s, "%g", mat[spc][eq]); */ /* remove the minus sign with fabs(), it will be re-inserted later */ sprintf(s, "%g", mat[spc][eq]?mat[spc][eq]:(-mat[spc][eq])); /* mz_rs_20050130- */ /* remove trailing zeroes */ for (n= strlen(s) - 1; n >= 0; n--) if (s[n] != '0') break; s[n + 1]= '\0'; sprintf(s, "%s ", s); } if( first ) { if( mat[spc][eq] > 0 ) sprintf(buf, "%s%s", buf, s); else sprintf(buf, "%s- %s", buf, s); first = 0; } else { if( mat[spc][eq] > 0 ) sprintf(buf, "%s + %s", buf, s); else sprintf(buf, "%s - %s", buf, s); } sprintf(buf, "%s%s", buf, SpeciesTable[ Code[spc] ].name); if (strlen(buf)>MAX_EQNLEN/2) { /* truncate if eqn string too long */ sprintf(buf, "%s ... etc.",buf); break; } } return strlen(buf); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ int EqnString( int eq, char * buf ) { static int lhs = 0; static int rhs = 0; int i, l; char lhsbuf[MAX_EQNLEN], rhsbuf[MAX_EQNLEN]; if(lhs == 0) for( i = 0; i < EqnNr; i++ ) { l = EqnStr( i, lhsbuf, Stoich_Left); lhs = (lhs > l) ? lhs : l; } if(rhs == 0) for( i = 0; i < EqnNr; i++ ) { l = EqnStr( i, rhsbuf, Stoich_Right); rhs = (rhs > l) ? lhs : l; } EqnStr( eq, lhsbuf, Stoich_Left); EqnStr( eq, rhsbuf, Stoich_Right); sprintf(buf, "%*s --> %-*s", lhs, lhsbuf, rhs, rhsbuf); return strlen(buf); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateMap() { int i; int dn; UseFile( mapFile ); WriteAll("### Options -------------------------------------------\n"); NewLines(1); if( useAggregate ) WriteAll("FUNCTION - AGGREGATE\n"); else WriteAll("FUNCTION - SPLIT\n"); switch ( useJacobian ) { case JAC_OFF: WriteAll("JACOBIAN - OFF\n"); break; case JAC_FULL: WriteAll("JACOBIAN - FULL\n"); break; case JAC_LU_ROW: WriteAll("JACOBIAN - SPARSE W/ ACCOUNT FOR LU DECOMPOSITION FILL-IN\n"); break; case JAC_ROW: WriteAll("JACOBIAN - SPARSE\n"); break; } if( useDouble ) WriteAll("DOUBLE - ON\n"); else WriteAll("DOUBLE - OFF\n"); if( useReorder ) WriteAll("REORDER - ON\n"); else WriteAll("REORDER - OFF\n"); NewLines(1); WriteAll("### Parameters ----------------------------------------\n"); NewLines(1); VarStartNr = Index(0); FixStartNr = Index(VarNr); DeclareConstant( NSPEC, ascii( SpcNr ) ); DeclareConstant( NVAR, ascii( max( VarNr, 1 ) ) ); DeclareConstant( NVARACT, ascii( max( VarActiveNr, 1 ) ) ); DeclareConstant( NFIX, ascii( max( FixNr, 1 ) ) ); DeclareConstant( NREACT, ascii( EqnNr ) ); DeclareConstant( NVARST, ascii( VarStartNr ) ); DeclareConstant( NFIXST, ascii( FixStartNr ) ); NewLines(1); WriteAll("### Species -------------------------------------------\n"); NewLines(1); WriteAll("Variable species\n"); dn = VarNr/3 + 1; for( i = 0; i < dn; i++ ) { if( i < VarNr ) WriteSpec( i, i ); i += dn; if( i < VarNr ) WriteSpec( i, i ); i += dn; if( i < VarNr ) WriteSpec( i, i ); i -= 2*dn; WriteAll("\n"); } NewLines(1); WriteAll("Fixed species\n"); dn = FixNr/3 + 1; for( i = 0; i < dn; i++ ) { if( i < FixNr ) WriteSpec( i, i + VarNr ); i += dn; if( i < FixNr ) WriteSpec( i, i + VarNr ); i += dn; if( i < FixNr ) WriteSpec( i, i + VarNr ); i -= 2*dn; WriteAll("\n"); } NewLines(1); WriteAll("### Subroutines ---------------------------------------\n"); NewLines(1); FlushBuf(); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateInitialize() { int i; int I, X; int INITVAL; if ( (useLang==C_LANG)||(useLang==F77_LANG)||(useLang==F90_LANG) ) UseFile( initFile ); INITVAL = DefFnc( "Initialize", 0, "function to initialize concentrations"); FunctionBegin( INITVAL ); F77_Inline(" INCLUDE '%s_Global.h'", rootFileName); F90_Inline(" USE %s_Global\n", rootFileName); MATLAB_Inline("global CFACTOR VAR FIX NVAR NFIX", rootFileName); I = DefElm( "i", INT, 0); X = DefElm( "x", real, 0); Declare( I ); Declare( X ); NewLines(1); WriteAssign( varTable[CFACTOR]->name , ascid( (double)cfactor ) ); NewLines(1); Assign( Elm( X ), Mul( Elm( IV, varDefault ), Elm( CFACTOR ) ) ); C_Inline(" for( i = 0; i < NVAR; i++ )" ); F77_Inline(" DO i = 1, NVAR" ); F90_Inline(" DO i = 1, NVAR" ); MATLAB_Inline(" for i = 1:NVAR" ); ident++; Assign( Elm( VAR, -I ), Elm( X ) ); ident--; F77_Inline(" END DO" ); F90_Inline(" END DO" ); MATLAB_Inline(" end" ); NewLines(1); Assign( Elm( X ), Mul( Elm( IV, fixDefault ), Elm( CFACTOR ) ) ); C_Inline(" for( i = 0; i < NFIX; i++ )" ); F77_Inline(" DO i = 1, NFIX" ); F90_Inline(" DO i = 1, NFIX" ); MATLAB_Inline(" for i = 1:NFIX" ); ident++; Assign( Elm( FIX, -I ), Elm( X ) ); ident--; F77_Inline(" END DO" ); F90_Inline(" END DO" ); MATLAB_Inline(" end" ); NewLines(1); for( i = 0; i < VarNr; i++) { if( *SpeciesTable[ Code[i] ].ival == 0 ) continue; Assign( Elm( VAR, i ), Mul( Elm( IV, SpeciesTable[ Code[i] ].ival ), Elm( CFACTOR ) ) ); } for( i = 0; i < FixNr; i++) { if( *SpeciesTable[ Code[i + VarNr] ].ival == 0 ) continue; Assign( Elm( FIX, i ), Mul( Elm( IV, SpeciesTable[ Code[i + VarNr] ].ival ), Elm( CFACTOR ) ) ); } /* NewLines(1); C_Inline(" for( i = 0; i < NSPEC; i++ )" ); F77_Inline(" do i = 1, NSPEC" ); ident++; Assign( Elm( C_DEFAULT, -I ), Elm( C, -I ) ); ident--; F77_Inline(" end do" ); */ /* mz_rs_20050117+ */ WriteComment("constant rate coefficients"); for( i = 0; i < EqnNr; i++) { if ( kr[i].type == NUMBER ) Assign( Elm( RCONST, i ), Const( kr[i].val.f ) ); } WriteComment("END constant rate coefficients"); /* mz_rs_20050117- */ NewLines(1); WriteComment("INLINED initializations"); switch( useLang ) { case C_LANG: bprintf( InlineCode[ C_INIT ].code ); break; case F77_LANG: bprintf( InlineCode[ F77_INIT ].code ); break; case F90_LANG: bprintf( InlineCode[ F90_INIT ].code ); break; case MATLAB_LANG: bprintf( InlineCode[ MATLAB_INIT ].code ); break; } FlushBuf(); NewLines(1); WriteComment("End INLINED initializations"); NewLines(1); MATLAB_Inline(" VAR = VAR(:);\n FIX = FIX(:);\n" ); FreeVariable( X ); FreeVariable( I ); FunctionEnd( INITVAL ); FreeVariable( INITVAL ); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateShuffle_user2kpp() { int i,k,l; int Shuffle_user2kpp; UseFile( utilFile ); Shuffle_user2kpp = DefFnc( "Shuffle_user2kpp", 2, "function to copy concentrations from USER to KPP"); FunctionBegin( Shuffle_user2kpp, V_USER, V ); k = 0;l = 0; for( i = 1; i < SpcNr; i++) { if( ReverseCode[i] < 0 ) { if( SpeciesTable[i].type == VAR_SPC ) k++; continue; } switch( SpeciesTable[i].type ) { case VAR_SPC: if( k < initNr ) { Assign( Elm( V, ReverseCode[i] ), Elm( V_USER, k++ ) ); break; } case FIX_SPC: case DUMMY_SPC: default: break; } } FunctionEnd( Shuffle_user2kpp ); FreeVariable( Shuffle_user2kpp ); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateShuffle_kpp2user() { int i,k,l; int Shuffle_kpp2user; UseFile( utilFile ); Shuffle_kpp2user = DefFnc( "Shuffle_kpp2user", 2, "function to restore concentrations from KPP to USER"); FunctionBegin( Shuffle_kpp2user, V, V_USER ); k = 0; l = 0; for( i = 0; i < SpcNr; i++) { if( ReverseCode[i] < 0 ) { if( SpeciesTable[i].type == VAR_SPC ) k++; continue; } switch( SpeciesTable[i].type ) { case VAR_SPC: if( k < initNr ) Assign( Elm( V_USER, k++ ), Elm( V, ReverseCode[i] ) ); break; case FIX_SPC: case DUMMY_SPC: default: break; } } FunctionEnd( Shuffle_kpp2user ); FreeVariable( Shuffle_kpp2user ); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateGetMass() { int i; int atm, spc; int GETMASS, MASS; SPECIES_DEF *sp; int numass; UseFile( utilFile ); nmass = 0; for( atm = 0; atm < AtomNr; atm++ ) if( AtomTable[atm].masscheck ) nmass++; if( nmass == 0 ) nmass = 1; MASS = DefvElm( "Mass", real, nmass, "value of mass balance" ); GETMASS = DefFnc( "GetMass", 2, "compute total mass of selected atoms"); FunctionBegin( GETMASS, CL, MASS); numass = 0; for( atm = 0; atm < AtomNr; atm++ ) { if( AtomTable[atm].masscheck ) { sum = Const( 0 ); for( spc = 0; spc < SpcNr; spc++ ) { sp = &SpeciesTable[ Code[spc] ]; for( i = 0; i < sp->nratoms; i++ ) { if( sp->atoms[i].code == atm ) { sum = Add( sum, Mul( Const( sp->atoms[i].nr ), Elm( CL, spc ) ) ); } } } Assign( Elm( MASS, numass ), sum ); numass++; } } FunctionEnd( GETMASS ); FreeVariable( GETMASS ); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateMakefile() { char buf[100]; if ( useLang == MATLAB_LANG ) return; sprintf( buf, "Makefile_%s", rootFileName ); makeFile = fopen(buf, "w"); if( makeFile == 0 ) { FatalError(3,"%s: Can't create file", buf ); } UseFile( makeFile ); IncludeCode( "%s/util/Makefile", Home ); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateMex() { char buf[100], suffix[5]; if (useLang == MATLAB_LANG) return; if (useMex == 0) return; switch( useLang ) { case F77_LANG: sprintf( suffix, "f"); break; case F90_LANG: sprintf( suffix, "f90"); break; case C_LANG: sprintf( suffix, "c"); break; default: printf("\nCannot create mex files for language %d\n", useLang); exit(1); break; } sprintf( buf, "%s_mex_Fun.%s", rootFileName, suffix ); mex_funFile = fopen(buf, "w"); if( mex_funFile == 0 ) { FatalError(3,"%s: Can't create file", buf ); } UseFile( mex_funFile ); IncludeCode( "%s/util/Mex_Fun", Home ); if (useJacSparse) { sprintf( buf, "%s_mex_Jac_SP.%s", rootFileName, suffix ); mex_jacFile = fopen(buf, "w"); if( mex_jacFile == 0 ) { FatalError(3,"%s: Can't create file", buf ); } UseFile( mex_jacFile ); IncludeCode( "%s/util/Mex_Jac_SP", Home ); } if (useHessian) { sprintf( buf, "%s_mex_Hessian.%s", rootFileName, suffix ); mex_hessFile = fopen(buf, "w"); if( mex_hessFile == 0 ) { FatalError(3,"%s: Can't create file", buf ); } UseFile( mex_hessFile ); IncludeCode( "%s/util/Mex_Hessian", Home ); } } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateMatlabTemplates() { char buf[200], suffix[5]; if (useLang != MATLAB_LANG) return; sprintf( buf, "%s_Fun_Chem.m", rootFileName ); mex_funFile = fopen(buf, "w"); if( mex_funFile == 0 ) { FatalError(3,"%s: Can't create file", buf ); } UseFile( mex_funFile ); IncludeCode( "%s/util/Template_Fun_Chem", Home ); sprintf( buf, "%s_Update_SUN.m", rootFileName ); mex_funFile = fopen(buf, "w"); if( mex_funFile == 0 ) { FatalError(3,"%s: Can't create file", buf ); } UseFile( mex_funFile ); IncludeCode( "%s/util/UpdateSun", Home ); if (useJacSparse) { sprintf( buf, "%s_Jac_Chem.m", rootFileName ); mex_jacFile = fopen(buf, "w"); if( mex_jacFile == 0 ) { FatalError(3,"%s: Can't create file", buf ); } UseFile( mex_jacFile ); IncludeCode( "%s/util/Template_Jac_Chem", Home ); } if (useHessian) { } } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void GenerateF90Modules(char where) { char buf[200]; if (useLang != F90_LANG) return; switch (where) { case 'h': sprintf( buf, "%s_Precision.f90", rootFileName ); sparse_dataFile = fopen(buf, "w"); if( sparse_dataFile == 0 ) { FatalError(3,"%s: Can't create file", buf ); } UseFile( sparse_dataFile ); F90_Inline("\nMODULE %s_Precision\n", rootFileName ); F90_Inline("!"); F90_Inline("! Definition of different levels of accuracy"); F90_Inline("! for REAL variables using KIND parameterization"); F90_Inline("!"); F90_Inline("! KPP SP - Single precision kind"); F90_Inline(" INTEGER, PARAMETER :: sp = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(6,30)"); F90_Inline("! KPP DP - Double precision kind"); F90_Inline(" INTEGER, PARAMETER :: dp = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(14,300)"); F90_Inline("! KPP QP - Quadruple precision kind"); F90_Inline(" INTEGER, PARAMETER :: qp = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(18,400)"); F90_Inline("\nEND MODULE %s_Precision\n\n", rootFileName ); UseFile( initFile ); F90_Inline("MODULE %s_Initialize\n", rootFileName ); F90_Inline(" USE %s_Parameters, ONLY: dp, NVAR, NFIX", rootFileName); F90_Inline(" IMPLICIT NONE\n", rootFileName ); F90_Inline("CONTAINS\n\n"); UseFile( param_headerFile ); F90_Inline("MODULE %s_Parameters\n", rootFileName ); F90_Inline(" USE %s_Precision", rootFileName ); F90_Inline(" PUBLIC\n SAVE\n"); UseFile( global_dataFile ); F90_Inline("MODULE %s_Global\n", rootFileName ); if ( useDeclareValues ) F90_Inline(" USE %s_Precision", rootFileName ); else F90_Inline(" USE %s_Parameters, ONLY: dp, NSPEC, NVAR, NFIX, NREACT", rootFileName); F90_Inline(" PUBLIC\n SAVE\n"); UseFile( functionFile ); F90_Inline("MODULE %s_Function\n", rootFileName ); if ( useDeclareValues ) F90_Inline(" USE %s_Precision", rootFileName ); else F90_Inline(" USE %s_Parameters", rootFileName ); F90_Inline(" IMPLICIT NONE\n", rootFileName ); Declare( A ); /* mz_rs_20050117 */ F90_Inline("\nCONTAINS\n\n"); UseFile( rateFile ); F90_Inline("MODULE %s_Rates\n", rootFileName ); if ( useDeclareValues ) F90_Inline(" USE %s_Precision", rootFileName ); else F90_Inline(" USE %s_Parameters", rootFileName ); F90_Inline(" USE %s_Global", rootFileName ); F90_Inline(" IMPLICIT NONE", rootFileName ); F90_Inline("\nCONTAINS\n\n"); if ( useStochastic ) { UseFile(stochasticFile); F90_Inline("MODULE %s_Stochastic\n", rootFileName); if ( useDeclareValues ) F90_Inline(" USE %s_Precision", rootFileName ); else F90_Inline(" USE %s_Parameters, ONLY: NVAR, NFIX, NREACT", rootFileName ); F90_Inline(" PUBLIC\n SAVE\n"); F90_Inline("\nCONTAINS\n\n"); } if ( useJacSparse ) { UseFile(sparse_jacFile); F90_Inline("MODULE %s_JacobianSP\n", rootFileName); F90_Inline(" PUBLIC\n SAVE\n"); } UseFile( jacobianFile ); F90_Inline("MODULE %s_Jacobian\n", rootFileName ); if ( useDeclareValues ) F90_Inline(" USE %s_Precision", rootFileName ); else F90_Inline(" USE %s_Parameters", rootFileName ); if ( useJacSparse ) F90_Inline(" USE %s_JacobianSP\n", rootFileName); F90_Inline(" IMPLICIT NONE", rootFileName ); F90_Inline("\nCONTAINS\n\n"); if ( useStoicmat ) { UseFile(sparse_stoicmFile); F90_Inline("MODULE %s_StoichiomSP\n", rootFileName); F90_Inline(" USE %s_Precision", rootFileName); F90_Inline(" PUBLIC\n SAVE\n"); UseFile( stoichiomFile ); F90_Inline("MODULE %s_Stoichiom\n", rootFileName); if ( useDeclareValues ) F90_Inline(" USE %s_Precision", rootFileName ); else F90_Inline(" USE %s_Parameters", rootFileName ); F90_Inline(" USE %s_StoichiomSP\n", rootFileName); F90_Inline(" IMPLICIT NONE", rootFileName ); F90_Inline("\nCONTAINS\n\n"); } if ( useHessian ) { UseFile(sparse_hessFile); F90_Inline("MODULE %s_HessianSP\n", rootFileName); /* F90_Inline(" USE %s_Precision", rootFileName ); */ /* mz_rs_20050321 */ F90_Inline(" PUBLIC\n SAVE\n"); UseFile( hessianFile ); F90_Inline("MODULE %s_Hessian\n", rootFileName); if ( useDeclareValues ) F90_Inline(" USE %s_Precision", rootFileName ); else F90_Inline(" USE %s_Parameters", rootFileName ); F90_Inline(" USE %s_HessianSP\n", rootFileName); F90_Inline(" IMPLICIT NONE", rootFileName ); F90_Inline("\nCONTAINS\n\n"); } UseFile( monitorFile ); F90_Inline("MODULE %s_Monitor", rootFileName); UseFile( linalgFile ); F90_Inline("MODULE %s_LinearAlgebra\n", rootFileName); F90_Inline(" USE %s_Parameters", rootFileName ); /* mz_rs_20050511+ if( useJacSparse ) added */ if ( useJacSparse ) F90_Inline(" USE %s_JacobianSP\n", rootFileName); /* mz_rs_20050511- */ /* mz_rs_20050321+ */ /* if (useHessian) */ /* F90_Inline(" USE %s_HessianSP\n", rootFileName); */ /* mz_rs_20050321- */ F90_Inline(" IMPLICIT NONE", rootFileName ); F90_Inline("\nCONTAINS\n\n"); UseFile( utilFile ); F90_Inline("MODULE %s_Util\n", rootFileName); F90_Inline(" USE %s_Parameters", rootFileName ); F90_Inline(" IMPLICIT NONE", rootFileName ); F90_Inline("\nCONTAINS\n\n"); /* Here we define the model module which aggregates everything */ /* put module rootFileName_Model into separate file */ /* (reusing "sparse_dataFile" as done above for _Precision file) */ sprintf( buf, "%s_Model.f90", rootFileName ); sparse_dataFile = fopen(buf, "w"); if( sparse_dataFile == 0 ) { FatalError(3,"%s: Can't create file", buf ); } UseFile( sparse_dataFile ); F90_Inline("MODULE %s_Model\n", rootFileName); F90_Inline("!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); F90_Inline("! Completely defines the model %s", rootFileName); F90_Inline("! by using all the associated modules"); F90_Inline("!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); F90_Inline("\n USE %s_Precision", rootFileName ); F90_Inline(" USE %s_Parameters", rootFileName ); F90_Inline(" USE %s_Global", rootFileName ); F90_Inline(" USE %s_Function", rootFileName ); F90_Inline(" USE %s_Integrator", rootFileName ); F90_Inline(" USE %s_Rates", rootFileName ); if ( useStochastic ) F90_Inline(" USE %s_Stochastic", rootFileName ); if ( useJacobian ) F90_Inline(" USE %s_Jacobian", rootFileName ); if ( useHessian ) F90_Inline(" USE %s_Hessian", rootFileName); if ( useStoicmat ) F90_Inline(" USE %s_Stoichiom", rootFileName); F90_Inline(" USE %s_LinearAlgebra", rootFileName); F90_Inline(" USE %s_Monitor", rootFileName); F90_Inline(" USE %s_Util", rootFileName); F90_Inline("\nEND MODULE %s_Model\n", rootFileName); /* mz_rs_20050518+ */ /* UseFile( driverFile ); */ /* WriteDelim(); */ /* mz_rs_20050518- */ break; case 't': /* mz_rs_20050117+ */ UseFile( initFile ); F90_Inline("\nEND MODULE %s_Initialize\n", rootFileName ); /* mz_rs_20050117- */ UseFile( param_headerFile ); F90_Inline("\nEND MODULE %s_Parameters\n", rootFileName ); UseFile( global_dataFile ); F90_Inline("\nEND MODULE %s_Global\n", rootFileName ); UseFile( functionFile ); F90_Inline("\nEND MODULE %s_Function\n", rootFileName ); UseFile( rateFile ); F90_Inline("\nEND MODULE %s_Rates\n", rootFileName ); if ( useStochastic ) { UseFile(stochasticFile); F90_Inline("\nEND MODULE %s_Stochastic\n", rootFileName); } if ( useJacSparse ) { UseFile(sparse_jacFile); F90_Inline("\nEND MODULE %s_JacobianSP\n", rootFileName); } UseFile( jacobianFile ); F90_Inline("\nEND MODULE %s_Jacobian\n", rootFileName ); if ( useStoicmat ) { UseFile(sparse_stoicmFile); F90_Inline("\nEND MODULE %s_StoichiomSP\n", rootFileName); UseFile( stoichiomFile ); F90_Inline("\nEND MODULE %s_Stoichiom\n", rootFileName); } if ( useHessian ) { UseFile(sparse_hessFile); F90_Inline("\nEND MODULE %s_HessianSP\n", rootFileName); UseFile( hessianFile ); F90_Inline("\nEND MODULE %s_Hessian\n", rootFileName ); } UseFile(monitorFile); F90_Inline("\nEND MODULE %s_Monitor", rootFileName); UseFile( linalgFile ); F90_Inline("\nEND MODULE %s_LinearAlgebra\n", rootFileName); UseFile( utilFile ); F90_Inline("\nEND MODULE %s_Util\n", rootFileName); break; default: printf("\n Unrecognized option '%s' in GenerateF90Modules\n", where); break; } } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ void Generate() { int i, j; int n; VarStartNr = 0; FixStartNr = VarNr; real = useDouble ? DOUBLE : REAL; n = MAX_OUTBUF; for( i = 1; i < INLINE_OPT; i++ ) if( InlineCode[i].maxlen > n ) n = InlineCode[i].maxlen; outBuf = (char*)malloc( n ); outBuffer = outBuf; switch( useLang ) { case F77_LANG: Use_F( rootFileName ); break; case F90_LANG: Use_F90( rootFileName ); break; case C_LANG: Use_C( rootFileName ); break; case MATLAB_LANG: Use_MATLAB( rootFileName ); break; default: printf("\n Language no '%s' unknown\n",useLang ); } printf("\nKPP is initializing the code generation."); InitGen(); if ( useLang == F90_LANG ) GenerateF90Modules('h'); GenerateMap(); /* if( (useLang == F77_LANG)||(useLang == F90_LANG)||(useLang == C_LANG) ) {*/ printf("\nKPP is generating the monitor data:"); printf("\n - %s_Monitor",rootFileName); GenerateMonitorData(); /* }*/ printf("\nKPP is generating the utility data:"); printf("\n - %s_Util",rootFileName); GenerateUtil(); printf("\nKPP is generating the global declarations:"); printf("\n - %s_Main",rootFileName); GenerateGData(); printf("\nKPP is generating the ODE function:"); printf("\n - %s_Function",rootFileName); GenerateFun(); if ( useStochastic ) { printf("\nKPP is generating the Stochastic description:"); printf("\n - %s_Function",rootFileName); GenerateStochastic(); } if ( useJacobian ) { printf("\nKPP is generating the ODE Jacobian:"); printf("\n - %s_Jacobian\n - %s_JacobianSP",rootFileName,rootFileName); GenerateJacobianSparseData(); GenerateJac(); if ( (useLang == F77_LANG)||(useLang == F90_LANG)||(useLang == C_LANG) ) { GenerateJacVect(); GenerateJacTRVect(); if( useJacSparse ) { printf("\nKPP is generating the linear algebra routines:"); printf("\n - %s_LinearAlgebra",rootFileName); GenerateSparseUtil(); GenerateSolve(); GenerateTRSolve(); } } } GenerateBlas(); if( useHessian ) { printf("\nKPP is generating the Hessian:"); printf("\n - %s_Hessian\n - %s_HessianSP",rootFileName,rootFileName); GenerateHessian(); GenerateHessianSparseData(); } printf("\nKPP is generating the utility functions:"); printf("\n - %s_Util",rootFileName); GenerateInitialize(); GenerateShuffle_user2kpp(); GenerateShuffle_kpp2user(); printf("\nKPP is generating the rate laws:"); printf("\n - %s_Rates",rootFileName); GenerateRateLaws(); GenerateUpdateSun(); GenerateUpdateRconst(); GenerateUpdatePhoto(); GenerateGetMass(); printf("\nKPP is generating the parameters:"); printf("\n - %s_Parameters",rootFileName); GenerateParamHeader(); printf("\nKPP is generating the global data:"); printf("\n - %s_Global",rootFileName); GenerateGlobalHeader(); if ( (useLang == F77_LANG)||(useLang == C_LANG)||(useLang == MATLAB_LANG) ) { printf("\nKPP is generating the sparsity data:"); if( useJacSparse ) { GenerateJacobianSparseHeader(); printf("\n - %s_JacobianSP",rootFileName); } if( useHessian ) { GenerateHessianSparseHeader(); printf("\n - %s_HessianSP",rootFileName); } } if ( useStoicmat ) { printf("\nKPP is generating the stoichiometric description files:"); printf("\n - %s_Stoichiom\n - %s_StoichiomSP",rootFileName,rootFileName); GenerateReactantProd(); GenerateJacReactantProd(); GenerateStoicmSparseData(); if ( (useLang == F77_LANG)||(useLang == C_LANG)||(useLang == MATLAB_LANG) ) GenerateStoicmSparseHeader(); GenerateDFunDRcoeff(); GenerateDJacDRcoeff(); } printf("\nKPP is generating the driver from %s.f90:", driver); printf("\n - %s_Main",rootFileName); if ( (useLang == F77_LANG)||(useLang == F90_LANG)||(useLang == C_LANG) ) GenerateIntegrator(); /* mz_rs_20050518+ no driver file if driver = none */ if( strcmp( driver, "none" ) != 0 ) GenerateDriver(); /* mz_rs_20050518- */ if ( (useLang == F77_LANG)||(useLang == F90_LANG)||(useLang == C_LANG) ) GenerateMakefile(); if ( useLang == F90_LANG ) GenerateF90Modules('t'); if ( useLang == MATLAB_LANG ) GenerateMatlabTemplates(); if ( (useLang == F77_LANG)||(useLang == F90_LANG)||(useLang == C_LANG) ) GenerateMex(); /* mz_rs_20050117+ */ if( initFile ) fclose( initFile ); /* mz_rs_20050117- */ if( driverFile ) fclose( driverFile ); if( functionFile ) fclose( functionFile ); if( global_dataFile ) fclose( global_dataFile ); if( hessianFile ) fclose( hessianFile ); if( integratorFile ) fclose( integratorFile ); if( jacobianFile ) fclose( jacobianFile ); if( linalgFile ) fclose( linalgFile ); if( mapFile ) fclose( mapFile ); if( makeFile ) fclose( makeFile ); if( monitorFile ) fclose( monitorFile ); if( mex_funFile ) fclose( mex_funFile ); if( mex_jacFile ) fclose( mex_jacFile ); if( mex_hessFile ) fclose( mex_hessFile ); if( param_headerFile ) fclose( param_headerFile ); if( rateFile ) fclose( rateFile ); if( sparse_dataFile ) fclose( sparse_dataFile ); if( sparse_jacFile ) fclose( sparse_jacFile ); if( sparse_hessFile ) fclose( sparse_hessFile ); if( sparse_stoicmFile ) fclose( sparse_stoicmFile ); if( stoichiomFile ) fclose( stoichiomFile ); if( utilFile ) fclose( utilFile ); if( stochasticFile ) fclose( stochasticFile ); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ int* AllocIntegerVector(int n, char* message) { int* vec; if ( ( vec=(int*)calloc(n,sizeof(int)) ) == NULL ) FatalError(-30,"%s: Cannot allocate vector.",message); return vec; } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ /* Allocates a matrix of integers */ int** AllocIntegerMatrix(int m, int n, char* message) { int** mat; int i; if ( (mat = (int**)calloc(m,sizeof(int*)))==NULL ) { FatalError(-30,"%s: Cannot allocate matrix.", message); } for (i=0; i