/****************************************************************************** KPP - The Kinetic PreProcessor Builds simulation code for chemical kinetic systems Copyright (C) 1995-1996 Valeriu Damian and Adrian Sandu Copyright (C) 1997-2005 Adrian Sandu KPP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html); either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. KPP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, consult http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Adrian Sandu Computer Science Department Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, VA 24060 E-mail: sandu@cs.vt.edu ******************************************************************************/ #define KPP_VERSION "2.2.3" #ifndef _GDATA_H_ #define _GDATA_H_ #include #define MAX_EQN 400 #define MAX_SPECIES 500 #define MAX_SPNAME 30 #define MAX_IVAL 40 /* MAX_EQNTAG = max length of equation ID in eqn file */ #define MAX_EQNTAG 12 /* MAX_K = max length of rate expression in eqn file */ #define MAX_K 150 #define MAX_ATOMS 10 #define MAX_ATNAME 10 #define MAX_ATNR 250 #define MAX_PATH 120 #define MAX_FILES 20 #define MAX_EQNLEN 100 #define NO_CODE -1 #define max( x, y ) (x) > (y) ? (x) : (y) #define min( x, y ) (x) < (y) ? (x) : (y) #define IncName(x) FileName((x),"MODELS","models","") #define ModelName(x) FileName((x),"MODELS","models",".def") #define IntegName(x) FileName((x),"INTEG","int",".def") enum krtypes { NUMBER, EXPRESION, PHOTO }; enum table_modes { F_TEXT, FC_TEXT, C_TEXT, S_TEXT }; enum lang { NO_LANG, C_LANG, F77_LANG, F90_LANG, MATLAB_LANG }; enum inl_code { F77_GLOBAL, F77_INIT, F77_DATA, F77_UTIL, F77_RATES, F77_RCONST, F90_GLOBAL, F90_INIT, F90_DATA, F90_UTIL, F90_RATES, F90_RCONST, C_GLOBAL, C_INIT, C_DATA, C_UTIL, C_RATES, C_RCONST, MATLAB_GLOBAL, MATLAB_INIT, MATLAB_DATA, MATLAB_UTIL, MATLAB_RATES, MATLAB_RCONST, INLINE_OPT }; enum jacobian_format { JAC_OFF, JAC_FULL, JAC_LU_ROW, JAC_ROW }; typedef short int CODE; typedef float EQ_VECT[ MAX_EQN ]; typedef struct { char name[ MAX_ATNAME ]; char check; char masscheck; } ATOM_DEF; typedef struct { unsigned char code; unsigned char nr; } ATOM; typedef struct { char type; char lookat; char moni; char trans; short int nratoms; char name[ MAX_SPNAME ]; char ival[ MAX_IVAL ]; ATOM atoms[ MAX_ATOMS ]; } SPECIES_DEF; typedef struct { char type; union { char st[ MAX_K ]; float f; } val; char label[ MAX_EQNTAG ]; } KREACT; typedef struct { char * code; int maxlen; } ICODE; extern int SpeciesNr; extern int EqnNr; extern int SpcNr; extern int AtomNr; extern int VarNr; extern int VarActiveNr; extern int FixNr; extern int VarStartNr; extern int FixStartNr; extern int Hess_NZ; extern int LU_Jac_NZ; extern int Jac_NZ; extern int generateSD; extern int initNr; extern int xNr; extern int yNr; extern int zNr; extern int falseSpcNr; extern int useAggregate; extern int useJacobian; extern int useJacSparse; extern int useHessian; extern int useStoicmat; extern int useDouble; extern int useReorder; extern int useMex; extern int useDummyindex; extern int useEqntags; extern int useLang; extern int useStochastic; /* if useValues=1 KPP replaces parameters like NVAR etc. by their values in vector/matrix declarations */ extern int useDeclareValues; extern char Home[ MAX_PATH ]; extern char integrator[ MAX_PATH ]; extern char driver[ MAX_PATH ]; extern char runArgs[ MAX_PATH ]; extern char *eqFileName; extern char *rootFileName; extern ATOM_DEF AtomTable[ MAX_ATNR ]; extern SPECIES_DEF SpeciesTable[ MAX_SPECIES ]; extern KREACT kr [ MAX_EQN ]; extern CODE ReverseCode[ MAX_SPECIES ]; extern CODE Code [ MAX_SPECIES ]; extern float** Stoich_Left; extern float** Stoich; extern float** Stoich_Right; extern int Reactive [ MAX_SPECIES ]; extern int **structB; extern int **structJ; extern int **LUstructJ; extern ICODE InlineCode[ INLINE_OPT ]; extern char *fileList[ MAX_FILES ]; extern int fileNr; extern char varDefault[ MAX_IVAL ]; extern char radDefault[ MAX_IVAL ]; extern char fixDefault[ MAX_IVAL ]; extern double cfactor; void CmdFunction( char *cmd ); void CmdJacobian( char *cmd ); void CmdHessian( char *cmd ); void CmdDeclareValues( char *cmd ); void CmdDouble( char *cmd ); void CmdReorder( char *cmd ); void CmdMex( char *cmd ); void CmdDummyindex( char *cmd ); void CmdEqntags( char *cmd ); void CmdUse( char *cmd ); void CmdLanguage( char *cmd ); void CmdIntegrator( char *cmd ); void CmdDriver( char *cmd ); void CmdRun( char *cmd ); void CmdStochastic( char *cmd ); void Generate(); char * FileName( char *name, char* env, char *dir, char *ext ); int* AllocIntegerVector( int n, char* message ); int** AllocIntegerMatrix( int m, int n, char* message ); void FreeIntegerMatrix ( int** mat, int m, int n ); int Index( int i ); #endif