/****************************************************************************** KPP - The Kinetic PreProcessor Builds simulation code for chemical kinetic systems Copyright (C) -2020 996 Valeriu Damian and Adrian Sandu Copyright (C) -2020 005 Adrian Sandu KPP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html); either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. KPP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, consult http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Adrian Sandu Computer Science Department Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, VA 24060 E-mail: sandu@cs.vt.edu ******************************************************************************/ #include "gdata.h" #include "code.h" #include #include #define MAX_LINE 120 char *F77_types[] = { "", /* VOID */ "INTEGER", /* INT */ "REAL", /* FLOAT */ "REAL*8", /* DOUBLE */ "CHARACTER*12", /* STRING */ "CHARACTER*100" /* DOUBLESTRING */ }; /*************************************************************************************************/ void F77_WriteElm( NODE * n ) { ELEMENT *elm; char * name; char maxi[20]; char maxj[20]; elm = n->elm; name = varTable[ elm->var ]->name; switch( n->type ) { case CONST: bprintf("%g", elm->val.cnst); break; case ELM: bprintf("%s", name); break; case VELM: if( elm->val.idx.i >= 0 ) sprintf( maxi, "%d", elm->val.idx.i+1 ); else sprintf( maxi, "%s", varTable[ -elm->val.idx.i ]->name ); bprintf("%s(%s)", name, maxi ); break; case MELM: if( elm->val.idx.i >= 0 ) sprintf( maxi, "%d", elm->val.idx.i+1 ); else sprintf( maxi, "%s", varTable[ -elm->val.idx.i ]->name ); if( elm->val.idx.j >= 0 ) sprintf( maxj, "%d", elm->val.idx.j+1 ); else sprintf( maxj, "%s", varTable[ -elm->val.idx.j ]->name ); bprintf("%s(%s,%s)", name, maxi, maxj ); break; case EELM: bprintf("(%s)", elm->val.expr ); break; } } /*************************************************************************************************/ void F77_WriteSymbol( int op ) { switch( op ) { case ADD: bprintf("+"); AllowBreak(); break; case SUB: bprintf("-"); AllowBreak(); break; case MUL: bprintf("*"); AllowBreak(); break; case DIV: bprintf("/"); AllowBreak(); break; case POW: bprintf("power"); break; case O_PAREN: bprintf("("); AllowBreak(); break; case C_PAREN: bprintf(")"); break; case NONE: break; } } /*************************************************************************************************/ void F77_WriteAssign( char *ls, char *rs ) { int start; int linelg; int i,j; char c; int first; int crtident; int number_of_lines = 1, MAX_NO_OF_LINES = 36; int ifound, jfound; /* Operator Mapping: 0xaa = '*' | 0xab = '+' | 0xac = ',' 0xad = '-' | 0xae ='.' | 0xaf = '/' */ /* char op_mult=0xaa, op_plus=0xab, op_minus=0xad, op_dot=0xae, op_div=0xaf; */ char op_mult='*', op_plus='+', op_minus='-', op_dot='.', op_div='/'; crtident = 6 + ident * 2; bprintf("%*s%s = ", crtident, "", ls); start = strlen( ls ) + 2; linelg = 70 - crtident - start - 1; first = 1; while( strlen(rs) > linelg ) { ifound = 0; jfound = 0; if ( number_of_lines >= MAX_NO_OF_LINES ) {/* if a new line needs to be started */ for( j=linelg; j>5; j-- ) /* split row here if +, -, or comma */ if ( ( rs[j] == op_plus )||( rs[j] == op_minus )||( rs[j]==',' ) ) { jfound = 1; i=j; break; } } if ( ( number_of_lines < MAX_NO_OF_LINES )||( !jfound ) ) { for( i=linelg; i>10; i-- ) /* split row here if operator or comma */ if ( ( rs[i] & 0x80 )||( rs[i]==',' ) ) { ifound = 1; break; } if( i <= 10 ) { printf("\n Warning: possible error in continuation lines for %s = ...",ls); i = linelg; } } while ( rs[i-1] & 0x80 ) i--; /* put all operators on the next row */ while ( rs[i] == ',' ) i++; /* put commas on the current row */ /*for( i=linelg; i>10; i-- ) if( ( rs[i] & 0x80 )||( rs[i]==',' ) ) break; if( i < 10 ) { printf("\nPossible error when cutting lines"); i = linelg; } */ c = rs[i]; rs[i] = 0; if ( first ) { /* first line in a split row */ bprintf("%s", rs ); linelg++; first = 0; } else {/* continuation line in a split row - but not last line*/ bprintf("\n &%*s%s", start, "", rs ); if ( jfound ) { bprintf("\n%*s%s = %s", crtident, "", ls, ls); number_of_lines = 1; } } rs[i] = c; rs += i; number_of_lines++; } if ( number_of_lines > MAX_NO_OF_LINES ) printf("\n Warning: many continuation lines (%d) for %s = ...",number_of_lines,ls); if ( first ) bprintf("%s\n", rs ); /* non-split row */ else bprintf("\n &%*s%s\n", start, "", rs ); /* last line in a split row */ FlushBuf(); } /*************************************************************************************************/ void F77_WriteComment( char *fmt, ... ) { Va_list args; char buf[ MAX_LINE ]; Va_start( args, fmt ); vsprintf( buf, fmt, args ); va_end( args ); bprintf( "C %-65s\n", buf ); FlushBuf(); } /*************************************************************************************************/ char * F77_Decl( int v ) { static char buf[120]; VARIABLE *var; char *baseType; char maxi[20]; char maxj[20]; var = varTable[ v ]; baseType = F77_types[ var->baseType ]; *buf = 0; switch( var->type ) { case ELM: sprintf( buf, "%s %s", baseType, var->name ); break; case VELM: if( var->maxi > 0 ) sprintf( maxi, "%d", var->maxi ); if( var->maxi == 0 ) sprintf( maxi, "%d", 1 ); /* else sprintf( maxi, "%s", varTable[ -var->maxi ]->name); */ if ( var->maxi < 0 ) { if (varTable[ -var->maxi ]->value < 0) sprintf( maxi, "%s", varTable[ -var->maxi ]->name ); else sprintf( maxi, "%d", (varTable[-var->maxi]->value)==0? 1:varTable[-var->maxi]->value ); } /* if( (var->maxi == 0) || ((var->maxi < 0) && (varTable[ -var->maxi ]->maxi == 0)) ) strcat( maxi, "+1"); */ sprintf( buf, "%s %s(%s)", baseType, var->name, maxi ); break; case MELM: if( var->maxi > 0 ) sprintf( maxi, "%d", var->maxi ); else { if (varTable[ -var->maxi ]->value < 0) sprintf( maxi, "%s", varTable[ -var->maxi ]->name ); else sprintf( maxi, "%d", (varTable[-var->maxi]->value)==0? 1:varTable[-var->maxi]->value ); } /* if( (var->maxi == 0) || ((var->maxi < 0) && (varTable[ -var->maxi ]->maxi == 0)) ) strcat( maxi, "+1"); */ if( var->maxj > 0 ) sprintf( maxj, "%d", var->maxj ); else { if (varTable[ -var->maxj ]->value < 0) sprintf( maxj, "%s", varTable[ -var->maxj ]->name ); else sprintf( maxj, "%d", (varTable[-var->maxj]->value)==0? 1:varTable[-var->maxj]->value ); } /*if( (var->maxj == 0) || ((var->maxj < 0 ) && (varTable[ -var->maxj ]->maxi == 0)) ) strcat( maxj, "+1");*/ sprintf( buf, "%s %s(%s,%s)", baseType, var->name, maxi, maxj ); break; default: printf( "Can not declare type %d\n", var->type ); break; } return buf; } /*************************************************************************************************/ void F77_Declare( int v ) { if( varTable[ v ]->comment ) { F77_WriteComment( "%s - %s", varTable[ v ]->name, varTable[ v ]->comment ); } bprintf(" %s\n", F77_Decl(v) ); FlushBuf(); } /*************************************************************************************************/ void F77_ExternDeclare( int v ) { F77_Declare( v ); bprintf(" COMMON /%s/ %s\n", CommonName, varTable[ v ]->name ); } /*************************************************************************************************/ void F77_GlobalDeclare( int v ) { } /*************************************************************************************************/ void F77_DeclareConstant( int v, char *val ) { VARIABLE *var; int ival; char dummy_val[100]; /* used just to avoid strange behaviour of sscanf when compiled with gcc */ strcpy(dummy_val,val);val = dummy_val; var = varTable[ v ]; if( sscanf(val, "%d", &ival) == 1 ) if( ival == 0 ) var->maxi = 0; else var->maxi = 1; else var->maxi = -1; if( var->comment ) F77_WriteComment( "%s - %s", var->name, var->comment ); switch( var->type ) { case CONST: bprintf(" %s %s\n", F77_types[ var->baseType ], var->name ); bprintf(" PARAMETER ( %s = %s )\n", var->name, val); break; default: printf( "Invalid constant %d", var->type ); break; } FlushBuf(); } /*************************************************************************************************/ void WriteVecData( VARIABLE * var, int min, int max, int split ) { char buf[80]; char *p; if( split ) sprintf( buf, "%6sDATA( %s(i), i = %d, %d ) /\n%5s*", " ", var->name, min, max, " " ); else sprintf( buf, "%6sDATA %s /\n%5s*", " ", var->name, " " ); FlushThisBuf( buf ); bprintf( " / \n\n" ); FlushBuf(); } /*************************************************************************************************/ void F77_DeclareData( int v, int * values, int n ) { int i, j; int nlines, min, max; int split; VARIABLE *var; int * ival; double * dval; char **cval; int maxCols = MAX_COLS; char dsbuf[55]; var = varTable[ v ]; ival = (int*) values; dval = (double*) values; cval = (char**) values; nlines = 1; min = max = 1; split = 0; switch( var->type ) { case VELM: if( n <= 0 ) break; for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { switch( var->baseType ) { case INT: bprintf( "%3d", ival[i] ); maxCols=12; break; case DOUBLE: case REAL:bprintf( "%5lg", dval[i] ); maxCols=8; break; case STRING:bprintf( "'%s'", cval[i] ); maxCols=5; break; case DOUBLESTRING: strncpy( dsbuf, cval[i], 54 ); dsbuf[54]='\0'; bprintf( "'%48s'", dsbuf ); maxCols=1; break; } if( ( (i+1) % 12 == 0 ) && ( nlines > MAX_LINES ) ) { split = 1; nlines = 1; WriteVecData( var, min, max, split ); min = max + 1; } else { if( i < n-1 ) bprintf( "," ); if( (i+1) % maxCols == 0 ) { bprintf( "\n%5s*", " " ); nlines++; } } max ++; } WriteVecData( var, min, max-1, split ); break; case ELM: bprintf( "%6sDATA %s / ", " ", var->name ); switch( var->baseType ) { case INT: bprintf( "%d", *ival ); break; case DOUBLE: case REAL:bprintf( "%lg", *dval ); break; case STRING:bprintf( "'%s'", *cval ); break; case DOUBLESTRING: strncpy( dsbuf, *cval, 54 ); dsbuf[54]='\0'; bprintf( "'%s'", dsbuf ); maxCols=1; break; /* bprintf( "'%50s'", *cval ); break; */ } bprintf( " / \n" ); FlushBuf(); break; default: printf( "\n Function not defined !\n" ); break; } } /*************************************************************************************************/ void F77_InitDeclare( int v, int n, void * values ) { int i; VARIABLE * var; var = varTable[ v ]; var->maxi = max( n, 1 ); NewLines(1); F77_DeclareData( v, values, n ); } /*************************************************************************************************/ void F77_FunctionStart( int f, int *vars ) { int i; int v; char * name; int narg; name = varTable[ f ]->name; narg = varTable[ f ]->maxi; bprintf(" SUBROUTINE %s ( ", name ); for( i = 0; i < narg-1; i++ ) { v = vars[ i ]; bprintf("%s, ", varTable[ v ]->name ); } if( narg >= 1 ) { v = vars[ narg-1 ]; bprintf("%s ", varTable[ v ]->name ); } bprintf(")\n"); FlushBuf(); } /*************************************************************************************************/ void F77_FunctionPrototipe( int f, ... ) { char * name; int narg; name = varTable[ f ]->name; narg = varTable[ f ]->maxi; bprintf(" EXTERNAL %s\n", name ); FlushBuf(); } /*************************************************************************************************/ void F77_FunctionBegin( int f, ... ) { Va_list args; int i; int v; int vars[20]; char * name; int narg; FILE *oldf; name = varTable[ f ]->name; narg = varTable[ f ]->maxi; Va_start( args, f ); for( i = 0; i < narg; i++ ) vars[ i ] = va_arg( args, int ); va_end( args ); CommentFncBegin( f, vars ); F77_FunctionStart( f, vars ); NewLines(1); bprintf(" IMPLICIT NONE\n" ); bprintf(" INCLUDE '%s_Parameters.h'\n\n", rootFileName ); FlushBuf(); for( i = 0; i < narg; i++ ) F77_Declare( vars[ i ] ); bprintf("\n"); FlushBuf(); MapFunctionComment( f, vars ); } /*************************************************************************************************/ void F77_FunctionEnd( int f ) { bprintf(" RETURN\n"); bprintf(" END\n\n"); FlushBuf(); CommentFunctionEnd( f ); } /*************************************************************************************************/ void F77_Inline( char *fmt, ... ) { Va_list args; char buf[ 1000 ]; if( useLang != F77_LANG ) return; Va_start( args, fmt ); vsprintf( buf, fmt, args ); va_end( args ); bprintf( "%s\n", buf ); FlushBuf(); } /*************************************************************************************************/ void Use_F() { WriteElm = F77_WriteElm; WriteSymbol = F77_WriteSymbol; WriteAssign = F77_WriteAssign; WriteComment = F77_WriteComment; DeclareConstant = F77_DeclareConstant; Declare = F77_Declare; ExternDeclare = F77_ExternDeclare; GlobalDeclare = F77_GlobalDeclare; InitDeclare = F77_InitDeclare; FunctionStart = F77_FunctionStart; FunctionPrototipe = F77_FunctionPrototipe; FunctionBegin = F77_FunctionBegin; FunctionEnd = F77_FunctionEnd; OpenFile( ¶m_headerFile, rootFileName, "_Parameters.h", "Parameter Header File" ); OpenFile( &initFile, rootFileName, "_Initialize.f", "Initialization File" ); OpenFile( &driverFile, rootFileName, "_Main.f", "Main Program File" ); OpenFile( &integratorFile, rootFileName, "_Integrator.f", "Numerical Integrator (Time-Stepping) File" ); OpenFile( &linalgFile, rootFileName, "_LinearAlgebra.f", "Linear Algebra Data and Routines File" ); OpenFile( &functionFile, rootFileName, "_Function.f", "The ODE Function of Chemical Model File" ); OpenFile( &jacobianFile, rootFileName, "_Jacobian.f", "The ODE Jacobian of Chemical Model File" ); OpenFile( &rateFile, rootFileName, "_Rates.f", "The Reaction Rates File" ); if ( useStochastic ) OpenFile( &stochasticFile, rootFileName, "_Stochastic.f", "The Stochastic Chemical Model File" ); if ( useStoicmat ) { OpenFile( &stoichiomFile, rootFileName, "_Stoichiom.f", "The Stoichiometric Chemical Model File" ); OpenFile( &sparse_stoicmFile, rootFileName, "_StoichiomSP.f", "Sparse Stoichiometric Data Structures File" ); } OpenFile( &utilFile, rootFileName, "_Util.f", "Auxiliary Routines File" ); OpenFile( &sparse_dataFile, rootFileName, "_Sparse.h", "Sparse Data Header File" ); OpenFile( &global_dataFile, rootFileName, "_Global.h", "Global Data Header File" ); if ( useJacSparse ) { OpenFile( &sparse_jacFile, rootFileName, "_JacobianSP.f", "Sparse Jacobian Data Structures File" ); } if ( useHessian ) { OpenFile( &hessianFile, rootFileName, "_Hessian.f", "Hessian File" ); OpenFile( &sparse_hessFile, rootFileName, "_HessianSP.f", "Sparse Hessian Data Structures File" ); } OpenFile( &mapFile, rootFileName, ".map", "Map File with Human-Readable Information" ); OpenFile( &monitorFile, rootFileName, "_Monitor.f", "Initialization of Utility Data Structures" ); }