SUBROUTINE INTEGRATE( TIN, TOUT ) INCLUDE 'KPP_ROOT_params.h' INCLUDE 'KPP_ROOT_global.h' C TIN - Start Time KPP_REAL TIN C TOUT - End Time KPP_REAL TOUT EXTERNAL ITER KPP_REAL T KPP_REAL V(NVAR), VOLD(NVAR), VNEW(NVAR) KPP_REAL startdt, hmin, hmax, h INTEGER INFO(5) INFO(1) = Autonomous h = hmin c Number of Jacobi-Seidel iterations numit = 3 DO i=1,NVAR RTOL(i) = 1.e-2 ENDDO CALL twostepj(NVAR,TIN,TOUT,h,hmin,hmax, + VOLD,VAR,VNEW, + ATOL,RTOL,numit, + nfcn,naccpt,nrejec,nstart,startdt,ITER) RETURN END SUBROUTINE ITER(n,T,y,yp,yl) INCLUDE 'KPP_ROOT_params.h' INCLUDE 'KPP_ROOT_global.h' REAL*8 T, y(NVAR), yp(NVAR), yl(NVAR) TOLD = TIME TIME = T CALL Update_SUN() CALL Update_RCONST() CALL FunSPLIT_VAR(y,Rad,yp,yl) TIME = TOLD RETURN END subroutine twostepj(n,t,te,dt,dtmin,dtmax, + yold,y,ynew, + atol,rtol,numit, + nfcn,naccpt,nrejec,nstart,startdt,ITER) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) external ITER integer n,numit,nfcn,naccpt,nrejec,nstart,i,j real*8 t,te,dt,dtmin,dtmax,startdt,ytol, + ratio,dtold,a1,a2,c,cp1,dtg,errlte,dy real*8 yold(n),y(n),ynew(n),yp(n),yl(n), + work(n),sum(n),atol(n),rtol(n) logical accept,failer,restart c c Initialization of counters, etc. naccpt=0 nrejec=0 nfcn=0 nstart=0 failer=.false. restart=.false. accept=.true. c Initial stepsize computation. 10 if (dtmin.eq.dtmax) then nstart=1 dt=min(dtmin,(te-t)/2) goto 28 endif CALL ITER(n,t,y,yp,yl) nfcn=nfcn+1 dt=te-t do 20 i=1,n ytol=atol(i)+rtol(i)*abs(y(i)) dy=yp(i)-y(i)*yl(i) if ( dt=min(dt,ytol/abs(dy)) 20 continue 25 nstart=nstart+1 if (restart) dt=dt/10.0 restart=.true. dt=max(dtmin,min(dt,dtmax)) CALL FIT(t,te,dt) dt=min(dt,(te-t)/2) startdt=dt c The starting step is carried out, using the implicit Euler method. 28 do 30 i=1,n ynew(i)=y(i) yold(i)=y(i) sum(i)=y(i) 30 continue do 40 i=1,numit CALL ITER(n,t+dt,ynew,yp,yl) do i2i=1,n ynew(i2i) = (sum(i2i) + dt*yp(i2i))/(1.+dt*yl(i2i)) end do nfcn=nfcn+1 40 continue naccpt=naccpt+1 t=t+dt do 50 j=1,n y(j)=ynew(j) 50 continue c Subsequent steps are carried out with the two-step BDF method. dtold=dt ratio=1.0 60 continue c=1.0/ratio cp1=c+1.0 a1=((c+1.0)**2)/(c*c+2.0*c) a2=-1.0/(c*c+2.0*c) dtg=dt*(1.0+c)/(2.0+c) do 70 j=1,n sum(j)=a1*y(j)+a2*yold(j) ynew(j)=max(0.0,y(j)+ratio*(y(j)-yold(j))) 70 continue do 80 i=1,numit CALL ITER(n,t+dt,ynew,yp,yl) do i2i=1,n ynew(i2i) = (sum(i2i) + dtg*yp(i2i))/(1.+dtg*yl(i2i)) end do nfcn=nfcn+1 80 continue c If stepsizes should remain equal, stepsize control is omitted. if (dtmin.eq.dtmax) then t=t+dtold naccpt=naccpt+1 do 85 j=1,n yold(j)=y(j) y(j)=ynew(j) 85 continue if ( then t=t-dtold+dt goto 120 endif dt=min(dtold,te-t) ratio=dt/dtold if ( goto 120 goto 60 endif c Otherwise stepsize control is carried out. errlte=0.0 do 90 i=1,n ytol=atol(i)+rtol(i)*abs(y(i)) errlte=max(errlte,abs(c*ynew(i)-cp1*y(i)+yold(i))/ytol) 90 continue errlte=2.0*errlte/(c+c*c) CALL NEWDT(t,te,dt,dtold,ratio,errlte,accept, + dtmin,dtmax) c Here the step has been accepted. if (accept) then 201 format(2(E24.16,1X)) failer=.false. restart=.false. t=t+dtold naccpt=naccpt+1 do 100 j=1,n yold(j)=y(j) y(j)=ynew(j) 100 continue if ( goto 120 goto 60 endif c A restart check is carried out. if (failer) then nrejec=nrejec+1 failer=.false. naccpt=naccpt-1 t=t-dtold do 110 j=1,n y(j)=yold(j) 110 continue goto 25 endif c Here the step has been rejected. nrejec=nrejec+1 failer=.true. goto 60 c End of TWOSTEP. 120 end c===================================================================== subroutine NEWDT(t,te,dt,dtold,ratio,errlte, + accept,dtmin,dtmax) real*8 t,te,dt,dtold,ratio,errlte,ts,dtmin,dtmax logical accept if ( then accept=.false. ts=t else accept=.true. dtold=dt ts=t+dtold endif dt=max(0.5,min(2.0,0.8/sqrt(errlte)))*dt dt=max(dtmin,min(dt,dtmax)) CALL FIT(ts,te,dt) ratio=dt/dtold end subroutine FIT(t,te,dt) real*8 t,te,dt,rns integer ns rns=(te-t)/dt if ( goto 10 ns=int(rns)+1 dt=(te-t)/ns dt=(dt+t)-t 10 return end C End of MAIN function C ****************************************************************