#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # # Scripts for processing of WRF and CAMx files to PALM dynamic driver # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Copyright 2018-2021 Institute of Computer Science # of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague # Authors: Krystof Eben, Jaroslav Resler, Pavel Krc # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# ''' This file creates and writes the dynamic driver netcdf file based on preprepared transformed and interpolated wrf and camx files. ''' import os import time import numpy as np import netCDF4 from palm_wrf_utils import palm_wrf_gw def palm_dynamic_output(wrf_files, interp_files, camx_interp_fname, dynamic_driver_file, times_sec, dimensions, z_levels, z_levels_stag, ztop, z_soil_levels, dx, dy, lon_center, lat_center, rad_times_proc, rad_values_proc, sma, nested_domain): print('Processing interpolated files to dynamic driver') # dimension of the time coordinate dimtimes = len(times_sec) # other coordinates dimnames = ['z', 'zw', 'zsoil', 'x','xu', 'y', 'yv'] # z height agl in m, zw staggered, zsoil 4 lev from wrf dimsize_names = ['zdim' , 'zwdim', 'zsoildim', 'xdim', 'xudim', 'ydim', 'yvdim'] # palm: zw = z - 1 x = np.arange(dx, dimensions['xdim']*dx+dx, dx) # clean this print('dimension of x:', len(x)) y = np.arange(dy, dimensions['ydim']*dy+dy, dy) # clean this print('dimension of y:', len(y)) # fill values fillvalue_float = float(-9999.0) # check out file and remove for sure try: os.remove(dynamic_driver_file) except: pass # create netcdf out file print('Driver file:', dynamic_driver_file) outfile = netCDF4.Dataset(dynamic_driver_file, "w", format="NETCDF4" ) try: # time dimension and variable outfile.createDimension('time', dimtimes) _val_times = outfile.createVariable('time',"f4", ("time")) # other dimensions and corresponding variables for _dim in zip(dimnames, dimsize_names): #range (len(dimnames)): print(_dim[0],_dim[1], dimensions[_dim[1]]) outfile.createDimension(_dim[0], dimensions[_dim[1]]) _val_z_levels = outfile.createVariable('z',"f4", ("z")) _val_z_levels_stag = outfile.createVariable('zw',"f4", ("zw")) _val_z_soil_levels = outfile.createVariable('zsoil',"f4", ("zsoil")) _val_y = outfile.createVariable('y',"f4", ("y")) _val_x = outfile.createVariable('x',"f4", ("x")) # prepare influx/outflux area sizes zstag_all = np.r_[0., z_levels_stag, ztop] zwidths = zstag_all[1:] - zstag_all[:-1] print('zwidths', zwidths) areas_xb = np.zeros((len(z_levels), 1)) areas_xb[:,0] = zwidths * dy areas_yb = np.zeros((len(z_levels), 1)) areas_yb[:,0] = zwidths * dx areas_zb = dx*dy area_boundaries = (areas_xb.sum()*dimensions['ydim']*2 + areas_yb.sum()*dimensions['xdim']*2 + areas_zb*dimensions['xdim']*dimensions['ydim']) # write values for coordinates _val_times[:] = times_sec[:] _val_z_levels[:] = z_levels[:] _val_z_levels_stag[:] = z_levels_stag[:] _val_z_soil_levels[:] = z_soil_levels[:] _val_y[:] = y[:] _val_x[:] = x[:] # initialization of the variables and setting of init_* variables print("Processing initialization from file", interp_files[0]) # open corresponding infile = netCDF4.Dataset(interp_files[0], "r", format="NETCDF4") try: # open variables in the input file init_atmosphere_pt = infile.variables['init_atmosphere_pt'] init_atmosphere_qv = infile.variables['init_atmosphere_qv'] init_atmosphere_u = infile.variables['init_atmosphere_u'] init_atmosphere_v = infile.variables['init_atmosphere_v'] init_atmosphere_w = infile.variables['init_atmosphere_w'] init_soil_m = infile.variables['init_soil_m'] init_soil_t = infile.variables['init_soil_t'] # create netcdf structure _val_init_atmosphere_pt = outfile.createVariable('init_atmosphere_pt', "f4", ("z", "y", "x"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) _val_init_atmosphere_pt.setncattr('lod', 2) _val_init_atmosphere_qv = outfile.createVariable('init_atmosphere_qv', "f4", ("z", "y", "x"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) _val_init_atmosphere_qv.setncattr('lod', 2) _val_init_atmosphere_u = outfile.createVariable('init_atmosphere_u', "f4", ("z", "y", "xu"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) _val_init_atmosphere_u.setncattr('lod', 2) _val_init_atmosphere_v = outfile.createVariable('init_atmosphere_v', "f4", ("z", "yv", "x"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) _val_init_atmosphere_v.setncattr('lod', 2) _val_init_atmosphere_w = outfile.createVariable('init_atmosphere_w', "f4", ("zw", "y", "x"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) _val_init_atmosphere_w.setncattr('lod', 2) _val_init_soil_t = outfile.createVariable('init_soil_t', "f4", ("zsoil", "y", "x"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) _val_init_soil_t.setncattr('lod', 2) _val_init_soil_m = outfile.createVariable('init_soil_m', "f4", ("zsoil", "y", "x"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) _val_init_soil_m.setncattr('lod', 2) # time dependent variables if not nested_domain: # SURFACE PRESSURE _val_surface_forcing_surface_pressure = outfile.createVariable('surface_forcing_surface_pressure', "f4", ("time")) # BOUNDARY - vertical slices from left, right, south, north, top varname = 'pt' _val_ls_forcing_pt_left = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_left_' + varname, "f4", ("time", "z", "y"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) _val_ls_forcing_pt_right = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_right_' + varname, "f4", ("time", "z", "y"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) _val_ls_forcing_pt_south = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_south_' + varname, "f4", ("time", "z", "x"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) _val_ls_forcing_pt_north = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_north_' + varname, "f4", ("time", "z", "x"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) _val_ls_forcing_pt_top = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_top_' + varname, "f4", ("time", "y", "x"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) varname = 'qv' _val_ls_forcing_qv_left = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_left_' + varname, "f4", ("time", "z", "y"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) _val_ls_forcing_qv_right = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_right_' + varname, "f4", ("time", "z", "y"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) _val_ls_forcing_qv_south = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_south_' + varname, "f4", ("time", "z", "x"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) _val_ls_forcing_qv_north = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_north_' + varname, "f4", ("time", "z", "x"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) _val_ls_forcing_qv_top = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_top_' + varname, "f4", ("time", "y", "x"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) varname = 'u' _val_ls_forcing_u_left = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_left_' + varname, "f4", ("time", "z", "y"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) _val_ls_forcing_u_right = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_right_' + varname, "f4", ("time", "z", "y"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) _val_ls_forcing_u_south = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_south_' + varname, "f4", ("time", "z", "xu"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) _val_ls_forcing_u_north = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_north_' + varname, "f4", ("time", "z", "xu"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) _val_ls_forcing_u_top = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_top_' + varname, "f4", ("time", "y", "xu"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) varname = 'v' _val_ls_forcing_v_left = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_left_' + varname, "f4", ("time", "z", "yv"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) _val_ls_forcing_v_right = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_right_' + varname, "f4", ("time", "z", "yv"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) _val_ls_forcing_v_south = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_south_' + varname, "f4", ("time", "z", "x"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) _val_ls_forcing_v_north = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_north_' + varname, "f4", ("time", "z", "x"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) _val_ls_forcing_v_top = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_top_' + varname, "f4", ("time", "yv", "x"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) varname = 'w' _val_ls_forcing_w_left = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_left_' + varname, "f4", ("time", "zw", "y"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) _val_ls_forcing_w_right = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_right_' + varname, "f4", ("time", "zw", "y"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) _val_ls_forcing_w_south = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_south_' + varname, "f4", ("time", "zw", "x"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) _val_ls_forcing_w_north = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_north_' + varname, "f4", ("time", "zw", "x"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) _val_ls_forcing_w_top = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_top_' + varname, "f4", ("time", "y", "x"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) # geostrophic wind _val_ls_forcing_ug = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_ug', "f4", ("time", "z"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) _val_ls_forcing_vg = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_vg', "f4", ("time", "z"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) time.sleep(1) # write values for initialization variables _val_init_atmosphere_pt[:, :, :] = init_atmosphere_pt[0, :, :, :] _val_init_atmosphere_qv[:, :, :] = init_atmosphere_qv[0, :, :, :] _val_init_atmosphere_u[:, :, :] = init_atmosphere_u[0, :, :, 1:] _val_init_atmosphere_v[:, :, :] = init_atmosphere_v[0, :, 1:, :] _val_init_atmosphere_w[:, :, :] = init_atmosphere_w[0, :, :, :] _val_init_soil_t[:, :, :] = init_soil_t[0, :, :, :] for k in range(0,_val_init_soil_m.shape[0]): # adjust soil moisture according soil_moisture_adjust field (if exists) _val_init_soil_m[k, :, :] = init_soil_m[0, k, :, :] * sma[:, :] finally: # close interpolated file infile.close() # if not nested_domain: # cycle over all included time steps for ts in range(0, len(interp_files)): print("Processing file",interp_files[ts]) # open corresponding interpolated file infile = netCDF4.Dataset(interp_files[ts], "r", format="NETCDF4") try: # open variables in the input file init_atmosphere_pt = infile.variables['init_atmosphere_pt'] init_atmosphere_qv = infile.variables['init_atmosphere_qv'] init_atmosphere_u = infile.variables['init_atmosphere_u'] init_atmosphere_v = infile.variables['init_atmosphere_v'] init_atmosphere_w = infile.variables['init_atmosphere_w'] surface_forcing_surface_pressure = infile.variables['surface_forcing_surface_pressure'] ################################## # write values for time dependent values # surface pressure _val_surface_forcing_surface_pressure[ts] = np.average(surface_forcing_surface_pressure[:,:,:], axis = (1,2))[0] # boundary conditions _val_ls_forcing_pt_left[ts, :, :] = init_atmosphere_pt[0, :, :, 0] _val_ls_forcing_pt_right[ts, :, :] = init_atmosphere_pt[0, :, :, dimensions['xdim'] - 1] _val_ls_forcing_pt_south[ts, :, :] = init_atmosphere_pt[0, :, 0, :] _val_ls_forcing_pt_north[ts, :, :] = init_atmosphere_pt[0, :, dimensions['ydim'] - 1, :] _val_ls_forcing_pt_top[ts, :, :] = init_atmosphere_pt[0, dimensions['zdim'] - 1, :, :] _val_ls_forcing_qv_left[ts, :, :] = init_atmosphere_qv[0, :, :, 0] _val_ls_forcing_qv_right[ts, :, :] = init_atmosphere_qv[0, :, :, dimensions['xdim'] - 1] _val_ls_forcing_qv_south[ts, :, :] = init_atmosphere_qv[0, :, 0, :] _val_ls_forcing_qv_north[ts, :, :] = init_atmosphere_qv[0, :, dimensions['ydim'] - 1, :] _val_ls_forcing_qv_top[ts, :, :] = init_atmosphere_qv[0, dimensions['zdim'] - 1, :, :] # Perform mass balancing uxleft = init_atmosphere_u[0, :, :, 0] uxright = init_atmosphere_u[0, :, :, dimensions['xdim'] - 1] vysouth = init_atmosphere_v[0, :, 0, :] vynorth = init_atmosphere_v[0, :, dimensions['ydim'] - 1, :] wztop = init_atmosphere_w[0, dimensions['zwdim'] - 1, :, :] mass_disbalance = ((uxleft * areas_xb).sum() - (uxright * areas_xb).sum() + (vysouth * areas_yb).sum() - (vynorth * areas_yb).sum() - (wztop * areas_zb).sum()) mass_corr_v = mass_disbalance / area_boundaries print('Mass disbalance: {0:8g} m3/s (avg = {1:8g} m/s)'.format( mass_disbalance, mass_corr_v)) uxleft -= mass_corr_v uxright += mass_corr_v vysouth -= mass_corr_v vynorth += mass_corr_v wztop += mass_corr_v # Verify mass balance (optional) #mass_disbalance = ((uxleft * areas_xb).sum() # - (uxright * areas_xb).sum() # + (vysouth * areas_yb).sum() # - (vynorth * areas_yb).sum() # - (wztop * areas_zb).sum()) #mass_corr_v = mass_disbalance / area_boundaries #print('Mass balanced: {0:8g} m3/s (avg = {1:8g} m/s)'.format( # mass_disbalance, mass_corr_v)) _val_ls_forcing_u_left[ts, :, :] = uxleft _val_ls_forcing_u_right[ts, :, :] = uxright _val_ls_forcing_u_south[ts, :, :] = init_atmosphere_u[0, :, 0, 1:] _val_ls_forcing_u_north[ts, :, :] = init_atmosphere_u[0, :, dimensions['ydim'] - 1, 1:] _val_ls_forcing_u_top[ts, :, :] = init_atmosphere_u[0, dimensions['zdim'] - 1, :, 1:] _val_ls_forcing_v_left[ts, :, :] = init_atmosphere_v[0, :, 1:, 0] _val_ls_forcing_v_right[ts, :, :] = init_atmosphere_v[0, :, 1:, dimensions['xdim'] - 1] _val_ls_forcing_v_south[ts, :, :] = vysouth _val_ls_forcing_v_north[ts, :, :] = vynorth _val_ls_forcing_v_top[ts, :, :] = init_atmosphere_v[0, dimensions['zdim'] - 1, 1:, :] _val_ls_forcing_w_left[ts, :, :] = init_atmosphere_w[0, :, :, 0] _val_ls_forcing_w_right[ts, :, :] = init_atmosphere_w[0, :, :, dimensions['xdim'] - 1] _val_ls_forcing_w_south[ts, :, :] = init_atmosphere_w[0, :, 0, :] _val_ls_forcing_w_north[ts, :, :] = init_atmosphere_w[0, :, dimensions['ydim'] - 1, :] _val_ls_forcing_w_top[ts, :, :] = wztop finally: # close interpolated file infile.close() # write geostrophic wind print('Open wrf file '+wrf_files[ts]) nc_wrf = netCDF4.Dataset(wrf_files[ts], 'r') try: ug, vg = palm_wrf_gw(nc_wrf, lon_center, lat_center, z_levels) _val_ls_forcing_ug[ts, :] = ug _val_ls_forcing_vg[ts, :] = vg finally: nc_wrf.close() # Write chemical boundary conds if camx_interp_fname: f_camx = netCDF4.Dataset(camx_interp_fname) try: for vname, vval in f_camx.variables.items(): # PALM doesn't support 3D LOD=2 init for chem yet, we have to average the field var = outfile.createVariable('init_atmosphere_'+vname, 'f4', ('z',), fill_value=fillvalue_float) var.units = vval.units var.lod = 1 var[:] = vval[0,:,:,:].mean(axis=(1,2)) var = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_left_'+vname, 'f4', ('time','z','y'), fill_value=fillvalue_float) var.units = vval.units var[:] = vval[:,:,:,0] var = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_right_'+vname, 'f4', ('time','z','y'), fill_value=fillvalue_float) var.units = vval.units var[:] = vval[:,:,:,-1] var = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_south_'+vname, 'f4', ('time','z','x'), fill_value=fillvalue_float) var.units = vval.units var[:] = vval[:,:,0,:] var = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_north_'+vname, 'f4', ('time','z','x'), fill_value=fillvalue_float) var.units = vval.units var[:] = vval[:,:,-1,:] var = outfile.createVariable('ls_forcing_top_'+vname, 'f4', ('time','y','x'), fill_value=fillvalue_float) var.units = vval.units var[:] = vval[:,-1,:,:] finally: f_camx.close() if len(rad_times_proc) > 0: # process radiation inputs # radiation time dimension and variable outfile.createDimension('time_rad', len(rad_times_proc)) _val_times = outfile.createVariable('time_rad',"f4", ("time_rad")) _val_times[:] = rad_times_proc[:] # radiation variables var = outfile.createVariable('rad_sw_in', "f4", ("time_rad"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) var.setncattr('lod', 1) var.units = 'W/m2' var[:] = rad_values_proc[0][:] var = outfile.createVariable('rad_lw_in', "f4", ("time_rad"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) var.setncattr('lod', 1) var.units = 'W/m2' var[:] = rad_values_proc[1][:] var = outfile.createVariable('rad_sw_in_dif', "f4", ("time_rad"), fill_value=fillvalue_float) var.setncattr('lod', 1) var.units = 'W/m2' var[:] = rad_values_proc[2][:] finally: outfile.close()