# config template with config defaults # not a separate module, only sourced from palm_dynamic_config # PALM case, domain, and configuration parameters # (only an example, needs to be rewriten in user config) domain = '' resolution = '' scenario = '' nested_domain = False # file name of output dynamic driver ("" means the standard name) dynamic_driver_file = "" # import grid parameters for dynamic driver from static driver grid_from_static = True # file name of static driver ("" means the standard name) static_driver_file = "" # reference coordinate system of PALM simulation proj_palm = "EPSG:32633" # projection lon-lat proj_wgs84 = 'EPSG:4326' # vertical grid # layer height (dz = 0.0 means dz is assigned from dx) dz = 0.0 # we need description of the PALM vertical structure for dynamic driver nz = 200 # z in grids dz_stretch_level = 5000.0 # in meters dz_stretch_factor = 1.0 dz_max = 100.0 # time origin and extent of the simulation (format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) origin_time = "" simulation_hours = 24 # WRF related configurations wrf_hybrid_levs = True # Smoothing of PALM terrain for WRF vertical interpolation to avoid sharp # horizontal gradients. None = off vinterp_terrain_smoothing = None # wrf and camx input files path and default file mask wrf_dir_name = "" # "" means that standard path will be calculated in the init wrf_file_mask = "wrfout_*.e000" # process radiation from wrf radiation_from_wrf = True wrf_rad_file_mask = "auxhist6_*" # smoothing distance for radiation radiation_smoothing_distance = 10000.0 # chemical initial and boundary conditions - CAMx nesting camx_file_mask = 'CAMx.*.nc' # PALM species names - version for phstatp2 mechanism species_names = ['NO', 'NO2', 'O3', 'PM10', 'PM25']