[4222] | 1 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 3 | ! Documentation: https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac/wiki/doc/app/inipar |
| 4 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
[4002] | 5 | &initialization_parameters |
| 6 | ! |
| 7 | !-- grid parameters |
[4222] | 8 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 9 | nx = 39, ! Number of gridboxes in x-direction (nx+1) |
| 10 | ny = 39, ! Number of gridboxes in y-direction (ny+1) |
| 11 | nz = 80, ! Number of gridboxes in z-direction (nz) |
[4002] | 12 | |
[4222] | 13 | dx = 50.0, ! Size of single gridbox in x-direction |
| 14 | dy = 50.0, ! Size of single gridbox in y-direction |
| 15 | dz = 25.0, ! Size of single gridbox in z-direction |
[4002] | 16 | ! |
| 17 | !-- initialization |
| 18 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
[4222] | 19 | initializing_actions = 'set_constant_profiles', ! initial conditions |
[4002] | 20 | |
[4222] | 21 | ug_surface = 0.0, ! u-comp of geostrophic wind at surface |
| 22 | vg_surface = 0.0, ! v-comp of geostrophic wind at surface |
[4002] | 23 | |
[4222] | 24 | pt_surface = 293.0, ! initial surface potential temp |
[4002] | 25 | |
[4222] | 26 | pt_vertical_gradient = 0.0, |
| 27 | 2.0, ! piecewise temp gradients |
| 28 | pt_vertical_gradient_level = 0.0, |
| 29 | 800.0, ! height level of temp gradients |
| 30 | |
| 31 | day_of_year_init = 232, ! Aug 20 |
| 32 | time_utc_init = 39600.0, ! 11:00 UTC |
[4002] | 33 | ! |
| 34 | !-- boundary conditions |
| 35 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
[4222] | 36 | constant_flux_layer = .TRUE., ! use a constant flux layer at |
| 37 | ! the bottom boundary |
[4002] | 38 | |
[4222] | 39 | bc_pt_b = 'dirichlet', ! required when using LSM |
[4002] | 40 | ! |
| 41 | !-- numerics |
| 42 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
[4222] | 43 | fft_method = 'temperton-algorithm', ! build-in fft method |
[4002] | 44 | |
[4222] | 45 | / ! end of initialization parameter namelist |
| 46 | |
| 47 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 49 | ! Documentation: https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac/wiki/doc/app/d3par |
| 50 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
[4002] | 51 | &runtime_parameters |
| 52 | ! |
| 53 | !-- run steering |
[4222] | 54 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 55 | end_time = 7200.0, ! simulation time of the 3D model |
[4002] | 56 | |
[4222] | 57 | create_disturbances = .TRUE., ! randomly perturbate horiz. velocity |
| 58 | dt_disturb = 150.0, ! interval for random perturbations |
| 59 | disturbance_energy_limit = 0.01, ! upper limit for perturbation energy |
[4002] | 60 | ! |
[4222] | 61 | !-- data output |
| 62 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 63 | netcdf_data_format = 2, ! use NetCDF3 |
[4002] | 64 | |
[4222] | 65 | dt_run_control = 60.0, ! output interval for run control |
| 66 | dt_data_output = 900.0, ! output interval for general data |
| 67 | dt_data_output_av = 1800.0, ! output interval for averaged data |
| 68 | dt_dots = 0.0, ! output interval for time-series data |
| 69 | dt_dopr = 600.0, ! output interval for profile data |
| 70 | dt_do3d = 60.0, ! output interval for 3d data |
| 71 | dt_do2d_xy = 60.0, ! output interval for 2d-xy data |
[4002] | 72 | |
[4222] | 73 | data_output = 'theta', 'w', 'u', 'v', |
| 74 | 'us*_xy', |
| 75 | 'ghf*_xy', 'shf*_xy', |
| 76 | 'tsurf*_xy', |
| 77 | 't_soil', ! 2d and/ |
| 78 | ! or 3d |
| 79 | ! output |
[4002] | 80 | |
[4222] | 81 | data_output_pr = '#u', '#v', '#theta', |
| 82 | '#km', '#kh', '#l', |
| 83 | 'w', 'e', 'e*', 'p', |
| 84 | 'w"theta"', 'w*theta*', 'wtheta', 'w*e*', |
| 85 | 'theta*2','u*2', 'v*2', 'w*2', |
| 86 | '#t_soil', ! Profile |
| 87 | ! output |
[4002] | 88 | |
[4222] | 89 | section_xy = 0, ! grid index for 2D XY cross sections |
| 90 | |
| 91 | averaging_interval = 1800.0, ! averaging interval general data |
| 92 | dt_averaging_input = 6.0, ! averaging general data sampling rate |
| 93 | |
| 94 | averaging_interval_pr = 600.0, ! averaging interval profile data |
| 95 | dt_averaging_input_pr = 6.0, ! averaging profile data sampling rate |
| 96 | |
| 97 | / ! end of runtime parameter namelist |
| 98 | |
| 99 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 101 | ! Documentation: https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac/wiki/doc/app/lsmpar |
| 102 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
[4002] | 103 | &land_surface_parameters |
[4222] | 104 | soil_type = 3, ! type to be used in soil model |
| 105 | soil_moisture = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ! moisture at every |
| 106 | 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ! soil level |
| 107 | soil_temperature = 293, 293, 293, 293, ! temperature at |
| 108 | 293, 293, 293, 293, ! every soil level |
| 109 | deep_soil_temperature = 293, ! temperature of deep soil |
[4002] | 110 | |
[4222] | 111 | surface_type = 'vegetation', ! surface classification |
| 112 | vegetation_type = 1, ! vegetation to be used in surface model |
| 113 | |
| 114 | / ! end of land-surface parameter namelist |
| 115 | |
| 116 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 118 | ! Documentation: https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac/wiki/doc/app/radpar |
| 119 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
[4002] | 120 | &radiation_parameters |
[4222] | 121 | radiation_scheme = 'clear-sky', ! Radiation scheme to be used |
| 122 | dt_radiation = 20.0, ! Time step of the radiation model |
[4002] | 123 | |
[4222] | 124 | / ! end of radiation parameter namelist |
| 125 | |
| 126 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 128 | ! Documentation: https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac/wiki/doc/app/userpar |
| 129 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
[4002] | 130 | &user_parameters |
[4222] | 131 | data_output_user = 'v_h', 'v_h_xy', ! user defined data output |
[4002] | 132 | |
[4222] | 133 | / ! end of user parameter namelist |