[3683] | 1 | |
| 2 | ****************************** -------------------------------------------- |
| 3 | * PALM 6.0 Rev: 3678:36 * atmosphere - run without 1D - prerun |
| 4 | ****************************** -------------------------------------------- |
| 5 | |
| 6 | Date: 2019-01-20 Run: openacc_test_small__pgi_openacc__1 |
| 7 | Time: 03:36:17 Run-No.: 00 |
| 8 | Run on host: pgi_openac |
| 9 | Number of PEs: 1 Processor grid (x,y): ( 1, 1) calculated |
| 10 | A 1d-decomposition along x is used |
| 11 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 12 | |
| 13 | Numerical Schemes: |
| 14 | ----------------- |
| 15 | |
| 16 | --> Use the Moeng_Wyngaard turbulence closure (LES mode). |
| 17 | --> Use the boussinesq approximation for the model equations. |
| 18 | --> Solve perturbation pressure via FFT using system-specific routines |
| 19 | perturbation pressure is calculated at every Runge-Kutta step |
| 20 | --> Momentum advection via Wicker-Skamarock-Scheme 5th order |
| 21 | --> Scalar advection via Wicker-Skamarock-Scheme 5th order |
| 22 | --> Loop optimization method: vector |
| 23 | --> Time differencing scheme: runge-kutta-3 |
| 24 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 25 | |
| 26 | |
| 27 | Run time and time step information: |
| 28 | ---------------------------------- |
| 29 | |
| 30 | Timestep: variable maximum value: 20.000 s CFL-factor: 0.90 |
| 31 | Start time: 0.000 s |
| 32 | End time: 60.000 s |
| 33 | |
| 34 | |
| 35 | Computational grid and domain size: |
| 36 | ---------------------------------- |
| 37 | |
| 38 | Grid length: dx = 50.000 m dy = 50.000 m |
| 39 | dz(1) = 50.000 m |
| 40 | dz(2) = 999.000 m |
| 41 | |
| 42 | Domain size: x = 2000.000 m y = 2000.000 m z(u) = 2862.511 m |
| 43 | |
| 44 | Vertical stretching starts at height: 1225.0 m, |
| 45 | Vertical stretching starts at index: 25, |
| 46 | Vertical stretching ends at height: 9999999.9 m, |
| 47 | Vertical stretching ends at index: 41, |
| 48 | Factor used for stretching: 1.080, |
| 49 | |
| 50 | Number of gridpoints (x,y,z): (0: 39, 0: 39, 0: 41) |
| 51 | Subdomain size (x,y,z): ( 40, 40, 42) |
| 52 | |
| 53 | |
| 54 | Characteristic levels of the geo. wind component ug: |
| 55 | |
| 56 | Height: 0.0 0.0 m |
| 57 | ug: 0.00 0.00 m/s |
| 58 | Gradient: ------ 0.00 1/100s |
| 59 | Gridpoint: 0 0 |
| 60 | |
| 61 | Characteristic levels of the geo. wind component vg: |
| 62 | |
| 63 | Height: 0.0 0.0 m |
| 64 | vg: 0.00 0.00 m/s |
| 65 | Gradient: ------ 0.00 1/100s |
| 66 | Gridpoint: 0 0 |
| 67 | |
| 68 | |
| 69 | Topography information: |
| 70 | ---------------------- |
| 71 | |
| 72 | Topography: flat |
| 73 | |
| 74 | |
| 75 | Boundary conditions: |
| 76 | ------------------- |
| 77 | |
| 78 | p uv pt |
| 79 | |
| 80 | B. bound.: p(0) = p(1) | uv(0) = -uv(1) | pt(0) = pt(1) |
| 81 | T. bound.: p(nzt+1) = 0 | uv(nzt+1) = ug(nzt+1), vg(nzt+1) | pt(nzt+1) = pt(nzt) + dpt/dz_ |
| 82 | |
| 83 | e |
| 84 | |
| 85 | B. bound.: e(0) = e(1) |
| 86 | T. bound.: e(nzt+1) = e(nzt) = e(nzt-1) |
| 87 | |
| 88 | Bottom surface fluxes are used in diffusion terms at k=1 |
| 89 | Predefined constant heatflux: 0.100000 K m/s |
| 90 | |
| 91 | |
| 92 | Constant flux layer between bottom surface and first computational u,v-level: |
| 93 | |
| 94 | z_mo = 25.00 m z0 = 0.1000 m z0h = 0.10000 m kappa = 0.40 |
| 95 | Rif value range: -20.00 <= rif <= 20.00 |
| 96 | |
| 97 | |
| 98 | Lateral boundaries: |
| 99 | left/right: cyclic |
| 100 | north/south: cyclic |
| 101 | |
| 102 | |
| 103 | Initial profiles: |
| 104 | ---------------- |
| 105 | |
| 106 | Characteristic levels of the initial temperature profile: |
| 107 | |
| 108 | Height: 0.0 0.0 800.0 m |
| 109 | Temperature: 300.00 300.00 300.00 K |
| 110 | Gradient: ------ 0.00 1.00 K/100m |
| 111 | Gridpoint: 0 0 16 |
| 112 | |
| 113 | |
| 114 | List output: |
| 115 | ----------- |
| 116 | |
| 117 | 1D-Profiles: |
| 118 | Output every 9999999.90 s |
| 119 | |
| 120 | |
| 121 | Data output: |
| 122 | ----------- |
| 123 | |
| 124 | |
| 125 | Time series: |
| 126 | Output format: netCDF 64bit offset |
| 127 | |
| 128 | Output every 0.00 s |
| 129 | |
| 130 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 131 | |
| 132 | |
| 133 | Physical quantities: |
| 134 | ------------------- |
| 135 | |
| 136 | Geograph. latitude : latitude = 55.0 degr |
| 137 | Geograph. longitude : longitude = 0.0 degr |
| 138 | Angular velocity : omega = 0.729E-04 rad/s |
| 139 | Coriolis parameter : f = 0.000119 1/s |
| 140 | f* = 0.000084 1/s |
| 141 | |
| 142 | Day of the year at model start : day_init = 172 |
| 143 | UTC time at model start : time_utc_init = 43200.0 s |
| 144 | |
| 145 | Gravity : g = 9.8 m/s**2 |
| 146 | |
| 147 | Reference state used in buoyancy terms: initial_profile |
| 148 | |
| 149 | |
| 150 | Cloud physics quantities / methods: |
| 151 | ---------------------------------- |
| 152 | |
| 153 | |
| 154 | |
| 155 | LES / Turbulence quantities: |
| 156 | --------------------------- |
| 157 | |
| 158 | Mixing length is limited to 1.80 * z |
| 159 | |
| 160 | |
| 161 | Actions during the simulation: |
| 162 | ----------------------------- |
| 163 | |
| 164 | Disturbance impulse (u,v) every : 150.00 s |
| 165 | Disturbance amplitude : 0.25 m/s |
| 166 | Lower disturbance level : 125.00 m (GP 3) |
| 167 | Upper disturbance level : 625.00 m (GP 13) |
| 168 | Disturbances cease as soon as the disturbance energy exceeds 0.010 m**2/s**2 |
| 169 | Random number generator used : random-parallel |
| 170 | |
| 171 | |
| 172 | |
| 173 | *** no user-defined variables found |
| 174 | |
| 175 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 176 | |
| 177 | |
| 178 | |
| 179 | Run-control output: |
| 180 | ------------------ |
| 181 | |
| 183 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 184 | 0 0 00:00:00.00 20.0000A -0.2131D -0.2288D 0.1182 0.000 1.38 0.000E+00 800. 0.104E-02 0.103E-02 0.597E-03 0.867E-13 7 7 11 11 7 19 5 26 7 0.000 0.000 0 |
| 185 | 0 1 00:00:20.00 20.0000D -0.2125 -0.2273 0.1172 0.009 0.69 -0.132E+02 100. 0.103E-02 0.102E-02 0.570E-05 0.411E-15 7 7 11 11 7 19 5 26 7 0.000 0.000 0 |
| 186 | 0 2 00:00:40.00 20.0000D -0.2117 -0.2252 0.1162 0.009 0.69 -0.133E+02 100. 0.102E-02 0.102E-02 0.935E-05 0.416E-15 7 7 11 11 7 19 5 26 7 0.000 0.000 0 |
| 187 | 0 3 00:01:00.00 20.0000D -0.2106 -0.2227 0.1152 0.009 0.69 -0.134E+02 100. 0.101E-02 0.101E-02 0.130E-04 0.421E-15 7 7 11 11 7 19 5 26 7 0.000 0.000 0 |