!> @synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod.f90
! This file is part of the PALM model system.
! PALM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
! terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
! Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
! version.
! PALM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
! WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
! A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
! PALM. If not, see .
! Copyright 2017 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover
! Current revisions:
! -----------------
! Former revisions:
! -----------------
! $Id: synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod.f90 3186 2018-07-30 17:07:14Z schwenkel $
! Mask topography while imposing inflow perturbations at the boundaries; do not
! impose perturbations at top boundary as well as ghost points
! 3183 2018-07-27 14:25:55Z suehring
! Rename variables and extend error message
! Enable geneartor also for stretched grids
! 3182 2018-07-27 13:36:03Z suehring
! Error message related to vertical stretching has been added, dz was replaced
! by dz(1)
! 3051 2018-05-30 17:43:55Z suehring
! Bugfix in calculation of initial Reynolds-stress tensor.
! 3045 2018-05-28 07:55:41Z Giersch
! Error messages revised
! 3044 2018-05-25 10:59:41Z gronemeier
! Add missing variable descriptions
! 3038 2018-05-24 10:54:00Z gronemeier
! updated variable descriptions
! 2967 2018-04-13 11:22:08Z raasch
! bugfix: missing parallel cpp-directives added
! 2946 2018-04-04 17:01:23Z suehring
! Remove unused module load
! 2945 2018-04-04 16:27:14Z suehring
! - Bugfix in parallelization of synthetic turbulence generator in case the
! z-dimension is not an integral divisor of the number of processors along
! the x- and y-dimension
! - Revision in control mimic in case of RAN-LES nesting
! 2938 2018-03-27 15:52:42Z suehring
! Apply turbulence generator at all non-cyclic lateral boundaries in case of
! realistic Inifor large-scale forcing or RANS-LES nesting
! 2936 2018-03-27 14:49:27Z suehring
! variable named found has been introduced for checking if restart data was found,
! reading of restart strings has been moved completely to read_restart_data_mod,
! redundant skipping function has been removed, stg_read/write_restart_data
! have been renamed to stg_r/wrd_global, stg_rrd_global is called in
! read_restart_data_mod now, flag syn_turb_gen_prerun and marker *** end stg
! *** have been removed (Giersch), strings and their respective lengths are
! written out and read now in case of restart runs to get rid of prescribed
! character lengths (Giersch), CASE DEFAULT was added if restart data is read
! 2841 2018-02-27 15:02:57Z suehring
! Bugfix: wrong placement of include 'mpif.h' corrected
! 2836 2018-02-26 13:40:05Z Giersch
! The variables synthetic_turbulence_generator and
! use_synthetic_turbulence_generator have been abbreviated + syn_turb_gen_prerun
! flag is used to define if module related parameters were outputted as restart
! data
! 2716 2017-12-29 16:35:59Z kanani
! Corrected "Former revisions" section
! 2696 2017-12-14 17:12:51Z kanani
! Change in file header (GPL part)
! 2669 2017-12-06 16:03:27Z raasch
! unit number for file containing turbulence generator data changed to 90
! bugfix: preprocessor directives added for MPI specific code
! 2576 2017-10-24 13:49:46Z Giersch
! Definition of a new function called stg_skip_global to skip module
! parameters during reading restart data
! 2563 2017-10-19 15:36:10Z Giersch
! stg_read_restart_data is called in stg_parin in the case of a restart run
! 2259 2017-06-08 09:09:11Z gronemeier
! Initial revision
! Authors:
! --------
! @author Tobias Gronemeier, Atsushi Inagaki, Micha Gryschka, Christoph Knigge
! Description:
! ------------
!> The module generates turbulence at the inflow boundary based on a method by
!> Xie and Castro (2008) utilizing a Lund rotation (Lund, 1998) and a mass-flux
!> correction by Kim et al. (2013).
!> The turbulence is correlated based on length scales in y- and z-direction and
!> a time scale for each velocity component. The profiles of length and time
!> scales, mean u, v, w, e and pt, and all components of the Reynolds stress
!> tensor are read from file STG_PROFILES.
!> @todo test restart
!> enable cyclic_fill
!> implement turbulence generation for e and pt
!> @todo Input of height-constant length scales via namelist
!> @note
!> @bug Height information from input file is not used. Profiles from input
!> must match with current PALM grid.
!> In case of restart, velocity seeds differ from precursor run if a11,
!> a22, or a33 are zero.
MODULE synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod
USE arrays_3d, &
ONLY: mean_inflow_profiles, u, v, w
USE constants, &
ONLY: pi
USE control_parameters, &
ONLY: initializing_actions, message_string, syn_turb_gen
USE cpulog, &
ONLY: cpu_log, log_point, log_point_s
USE indices, &
ONLY: nbgp, nzb, nzt, nxl, nxlg, nxr, nxrg, nys, nyn, nyng, nysg
USE kinds
#if defined( __parallel ) && !defined( __mpifh )
USE pegrid, &
ONLY: comm1dx, comm1dy, comm2d, ierr, myidx, myidy, pdims
USE transpose_indices, &
ONLY: nzb_x, nzt_x
#if defined( __parallel ) && defined( __mpifh )
INCLUDE "mpif.h"
LOGICAL :: velocity_seed_initialized = .FALSE. !< true after first call of stg_main
LOGICAL :: use_syn_turb_gen = .FALSE. !< switch to use synthetic turbulence generator
INTEGER(iwp) :: id_stg_left !< left lateral boundary core id in case of turbulence generator
INTEGER(iwp) :: id_stg_north !< north lateral boundary core id in case of turbulence generator
INTEGER(iwp) :: id_stg_right !< right lateral boundary core id in case of turbulence generator
INTEGER(iwp) :: id_stg_south !< south lateral boundary core id in case of turbulence generator
INTEGER(iwp) :: stg_type_xz !< MPI type for full z range
INTEGER(iwp) :: stg_type_xz_small !< MPI type for small z range
INTEGER(iwp) :: stg_type_yz !< MPI type for full z range
INTEGER(iwp) :: stg_type_yz_small !< MPI type for small z range
INTEGER(iwp) :: merg !< maximum length scale (in gp)
INTEGER(iwp) :: mergp !< merg + nbgp
INTEGER(iwp) :: nzb_x_stg !< lower bound of z coordinate (required for transposing z on PEs along x)
INTEGER(iwp) :: nzt_x_stg !< upper bound of z coordinate (required for transposing z on PEs along x)
INTEGER(iwp) :: nzb_y_stg !< lower bound of z coordinate (required for transposing z on PEs along y)
INTEGER(iwp) :: nzt_y_stg !< upper bound of z coordinate (required for transposing z on PEs along y)
REAL(wp) :: mc_factor !< mass flux correction factor
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: displs_xz !< displacement for MPI_GATHERV
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: recv_count_xz !< receive count for MPI_GATHERV
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: displs_yz !< displacement for MPI_GATHERV
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: recv_count_yz !< receive count for MPI_GATHERV
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nux !< length scale of u in x direction (in gp)
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nuy !< length scale of u in y direction (in gp)
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nuz !< length scale of u in z direction (in gp)
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nvx !< length scale of v in x direction (in gp)
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nvy !< length scale of v in y direction (in gp)
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nvz !< length scale of v in z direction (in gp)
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nwx !< length scale of w in x direction (in gp)
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nwy !< length scale of w in y direction (in gp)
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nwz !< length scale of w in z direction (in gp)
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: seed !< seed of random number for rn-generator
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: a11 !< coefficient for Lund rotation
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: a21 !< coefficient for Lund rotation
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: a22 !< coefficient for Lund rotation
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: a31 !< coefficient for Lund rotation
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: a32 !< coefficient for Lund rotation
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: a33 !< coefficient for Lund rotation
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tu !< Lagrangian time scale of u
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tv !< Lagrangian time scale of v
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tw !< Lagrangian time scale of w
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: bux !< filter function for u in x direction
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: buy !< filter function for u in y direction
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: buz !< filter function for u in z direction
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: bvx !< filter function for v in x direction
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: bvy !< filter function for v in y direction
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: bvz !< filter function for v in z direction
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: bwx !< filter function for w in y direction
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: bwy !< filter function for w in y direction
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: bwz !< filter function for w in z direction
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: fu_xz !< velocity seed for u at xz plane
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: fuo_xz !< velocity seed for u at xz plane with new random number
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: fu_yz !< velocity seed for u at yz plane
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: fuo_yz !< velocity seed for u at yz plane with new random number
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: fv_xz !< velocity seed for v at xz plane
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: fvo_xz !< velocity seed for v at xz plane with new random number
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: fv_yz !< velocity seed for v at yz plane
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: fvo_yz !< velocity seed for v at yz plane with new random number
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: fw_xz !< velocity seed for w at xz plane
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: fwo_xz !< velocity seed for w at xz plane with new random number
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: fw_yz !< velocity seed for w at yz plane
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: fwo_yz !< velocity seed for w at yz plane with new random number
!-- PALM interfaces:
!-- Input parameter checks to be done in check_parameters
INTERFACE stg_check_parameters
MODULE PROCEDURE stg_check_parameters
END INTERFACE stg_check_parameters
!-- Calculate filter functions
INTERFACE stg_filter_func
MODULE PROCEDURE stg_filter_func
END INTERFACE stg_filter_func
!-- Generate velocity seeds at south and north domain boundary
INTERFACE stg_generate_seed_xz
MODULE PROCEDURE stg_generate_seed_xz
END INTERFACE stg_generate_seed_xz
!-- Generate velocity seeds at left and/or right domain boundary
INTERFACE stg_generate_seed_yz
MODULE PROCEDURE stg_generate_seed_yz
END INTERFACE stg_generate_seed_yz
!-- Output of information to the header file
INTERFACE stg_header
END INTERFACE stg_header
!-- Initialization actions
INTERFACE stg_init
!-- Main procedure of synth. turb. gen.
INTERFACE stg_main
!-- Reading of NAMELIST parameters
INTERFACE stg_parin
!-- Reading of parameters for restart runs
INTERFACE stg_rrd_global
MODULE PROCEDURE stg_rrd_global
END INTERFACE stg_rrd_global
!-- Writing of binary output for restart runs
INTERFACE stg_wrd_global
MODULE PROCEDURE stg_wrd_global
END INTERFACE stg_wrd_global
!-- Public interfaces
PUBLIC stg_check_parameters, stg_header, stg_init, stg_main, stg_parin, &
stg_wrd_global, stg_rrd_global
!-- Public variables
PUBLIC id_stg_left, id_stg_north, id_stg_right, id_stg_south, &
! Description:
! ------------
!> Check parameters routine for synthetic turbulence generator
SUBROUTINE stg_check_parameters
USE control_parameters, &
ONLY: bc_lr, bc_ns, child_domain, nesting_offline, &
number_stretch_level_start, rans_mode, turbulent_inflow
USE pmc_interface, &
ONLY : rans_mode_parent
IF ( .NOT. use_syn_turb_gen .AND. .NOT. rans_mode .AND. &
nesting_offline ) THEN
message_string = 'No synthetic turbulence generator is applied. ' // &
'In case PALM operates in LES mode and lateral ' // &
'boundary conditions are provided by COSMO model, ' // &
'turbulence may require large adjustment lenght at ' //&
'the lateral inflow boundaries. Please check your ' // &
'results carefully.'
CALL message( 'stg_check_parameters', 'PA0000', 0, 0, 0, 6, 0 )
IF ( .NOT. use_syn_turb_gen .AND. child_domain &
.AND. rans_mode_parent .AND. .NOT. rans_mode ) THEN
message_string = 'Synthetic turbulence generator has to be applied ' // &
'when nesting is applied and parent operates in ' // &
'RANS-mode but current child in LES mode.'
CALL message( 'stg_check_parameters', 'PA0000', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 )
IF ( use_syn_turb_gen ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. nesting_offline .AND. .NOT. child_domain ) THEN
IF ( INDEX( initializing_actions, 'set_constant_profiles' ) == 0 &
.AND. INDEX( initializing_actions, 'read_restart_data' ) == 0 ) THEN
message_string = 'Using synthetic turbulence generator ' // &
'requires %initializing_actions = ' // &
'"set_constant_profiles" or "read_restart_data"'
CALL message( 'stg_check_parameters', 'PA0015', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 )
IF ( bc_lr /= 'dirichlet/radiation' ) THEN
message_string = 'Using synthetic turbulence generator ' // &
'requires &bc_lr = "dirichlet/radiation"'
CALL message( 'stg_check_parameters', 'PA0035', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 )
IF ( bc_ns /= 'cyclic' ) THEN
message_string = 'Using synthetic turbulence generator ' // &
'requires &bc_ns = "cyclic"'
CALL message( 'stg_check_parameters', 'PA0037', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 )
IF ( turbulent_inflow ) THEN
message_string = 'Using synthetic turbulence generator ' // &
'in combination &with turbulent_inflow = .T. '// &
'is not allowed'
CALL message( 'stg_check_parameters', 'PA0039', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 )
END SUBROUTINE stg_check_parameters
! Description:
! ------------
!> Header output for synthetic turbulence generator
SUBROUTINE stg_header ( io )
INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: io !< Unit of the output file
!-- Write synthetic turbulence generator Header
WRITE( io, 1 )
IF ( use_syn_turb_gen ) THEN
WRITE( io, 2 )
WRITE( io, 3 )
1 FORMAT (//' Synthetic turbulence generator information:'/ &
' ------------------------------------------'/)
2 FORMAT (' synthetic turbulence generator switched on')
3 FORMAT (' synthetic turbulence generator switched off')
! Description:
! ------------
!> Initialization of the synthetic turbulence generator
USE arrays_3d, &
ONLY: ddzw, u_init, v_init, zu
USE control_parameters, &
ONLY: child_domain, coupling_char, dz, e_init, nesting_offline, &
USE grid_variables, &
ONLY: ddx, ddy
USE indices, &
ONLY: nz
USE pmc_interface, &
ONLY : rans_mode_parent
LOGICAL :: file_stg_exist = .FALSE. !< flag indication whether parameter file for Reynolds stress and length scales exist
#if defined( __parallel )
INTEGER(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: extent !< extent of new MPI type
INTEGER(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: tob=0 !< dummy variable
INTEGER(iwp) :: i !> grid index in x-direction
INTEGER(iwp) :: j !> loop index
INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< index
INTEGER(iwp) :: newtype !< dummy MPI type
INTEGER(iwp) :: realsize !< size of REAL variables
INTEGER(iwp) :: nseed !< dimension of random number seed
INTEGER(iwp) :: startseed = 1234567890 !< start seed for random number generator
!-- Dummy variables used for reading profiles
REAL(wp) :: d1 !< u profile
REAL(wp) :: d2 !< v profile
REAL(wp) :: d3 !< w profile
REAL(wp) :: d5 !< e profile
REAL(wp) :: d11 !< vertical interpolation for a11
REAL(wp) :: d21 !< vertical interpolation for a21
REAL(wp) :: d22 !< vertical interpolation for a22
REAL(wp) :: dum_exp !< dummy variable used for exponential vertical decrease of turbulent length scales
REAL(wp) :: luy !< length scale for u in y direction
REAL(wp) :: luz !< length scale for u in z direction
REAL(wp) :: lvy !< length scale for v in y direction
REAL(wp) :: lvz !< length scale for v in z direction
REAL(wp) :: lwy !< length scale for w in y direction
REAL(wp) :: lwz !< length scale for w in z direction
REAL(wp) :: nnz !< increment used to determine processor decomposition of z-axis along x and y direction
REAL(wp) :: zz !< height
REAL(wp) :: length_scale_surface !< typical length scale
REAL(wp) :: r_ii_0 !< correction factor
REAL(wp) :: time_scale !< typical time scale
REAL(wp) :: length_scale_z !< typical length scale
REAL(wp),DIMENSION(nzb:nzt+1) :: r11 !< Reynolds parameter
REAL(wp),DIMENSION(nzb:nzt+1) :: r21 !< Reynolds parameter
REAL(wp),DIMENSION(nzb:nzt+1) :: r22 !< Reynolds parameter
REAL(wp),DIMENSION(nzb:nzt+1) :: r31 !< Reynolds parameter
REAL(wp),DIMENSION(nzb:nzt+1) :: r32 !< Reynolds parameter
REAL(wp),DIMENSION(nzb:nzt+1) :: r33 !< Reynolds parameter
#if defined( __parallel )
CALL MPI_BARRIER( comm2d, ierr )
CALL cpu_log( log_point(57), 'synthetic_turbulence_gen', 'start' )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( mean_inflow_profiles ) ) &
ALLOCATE( mean_inflow_profiles(nzb:nzt+1,5) )
ALLOCATE ( a11(nzb:nzt+1), a21(nzb:nzt+1), a22(nzb:nzt+1), &
a31(nzb:nzt+1), a32(nzb:nzt+1), a33(nzb:nzt+1), &
nux(nzb:nzt+1), nuy(nzb:nzt+1), nuz(nzb:nzt+1), &
nvx(nzb:nzt+1), nvy(nzb:nzt+1), nvz(nzb:nzt+1), &
nwx(nzb:nzt+1), nwy(nzb:nzt+1), nwz(nzb:nzt+1), &
tu(nzb:nzt+1), tv(nzb:nzt+1), tw(nzb:nzt+1) )
#if defined( __parallel )
!-- Determine processor decomposition of z-axis along x- and y-direction
nnz = nz / pdims(1)
nzb_x_stg = 1 + myidx * INT( nnz )
nzt_x_stg = ( myidx + 1 ) * INT( nnz )
IF ( MOD( nz , pdims(1) ) /= 0 .AND. myidx == id_stg_right ) &
nzt_x_stg = nzt_x_stg + myidx * ( nnz - INT( nnz ) )
! nzt_x_stg = myidx * nnz + MOD( nz , pdims(1) )
IF ( nesting_offline .OR. ( child_domain .AND. rans_mode_parent &
.AND. .NOT. rans_mode ) ) THEN
nnz = nz / pdims(2)
nzb_y_stg = 1 + myidy * INT( nnz )
nzt_y_stg = ( myidy + 1 ) * INT( nnz )
IF ( MOD( nz , pdims(2) ) /= 0 .AND. myidy == id_stg_north ) &
nzt_y_stg = nzt_y_stg + myidy * ( nnz - INT( nnz ) )
! nzt_y_stg = myidy * nnz + MOD( nz , pdims(2) )
!-- Define MPI type used in stg_generate_seed_yz to gather vertical splitted
!-- velocity seeds
CALL MPI_TYPE_SIZE( MPI_REAL, realsize, ierr )
extent = 1 * realsize
!-- Set-up MPI datatyp to involve all cores for turbulence generation at yz
!-- layer
!-- stg_type_yz: yz-slice with vertical bounds nzb:nzt+1
CALL MPI_TYPE_CREATE_SUBARRAY( 2, [nzt-nzb+2,nyng-nysg+1], &
[1,nyng-nysg+1], [0,0], MPI_ORDER_FORTRAN, MPI_REAL, newtype, ierr )
CALL MPI_TYPE_CREATE_RESIZED( newtype, tob, extent, stg_type_yz, ierr )
CALL MPI_TYPE_COMMIT( stg_type_yz, ierr )
CALL MPI_TYPE_FREE( newtype, ierr )
! stg_type_yz_small: yz-slice with vertical bounds nzb_x_stg:nzt_x_stg+1
CALL MPI_TYPE_CREATE_SUBARRAY( 2, [nzt_x_stg-nzb_x_stg+2,nyng-nysg+1], &
[1,nyng-nysg+1], [0,0], MPI_ORDER_FORTRAN, MPI_REAL, newtype, ierr )
CALL MPI_TYPE_CREATE_RESIZED( newtype, tob, extent, stg_type_yz_small, ierr )
CALL MPI_TYPE_COMMIT( stg_type_yz_small, ierr )
CALL MPI_TYPE_FREE( newtype, ierr )
! receive count and displacement for MPI_GATHERV in stg_generate_seed_yz
ALLOCATE( recv_count_yz(pdims(1)), displs_yz(pdims(1)) )
recv_count_yz = nzt_x_stg-nzb_x_stg + 1
recv_count_yz(pdims(1)) = recv_count_yz(pdims(1)) + 1
DO j = 1, pdims(1)
displs_yz(j) = 0 + (nzt_x_stg-nzb_x_stg+1) * (j-1)
!-- Set-up MPI datatyp to involve all cores for turbulence generation at xz
!-- layer
!-- stg_type_xz: xz-slice with vertical bounds nzb:nzt+1
IF ( nesting_offline .OR. ( child_domain .AND. rans_mode_parent &
.AND. .NOT. rans_mode ) ) THEN
CALL MPI_TYPE_CREATE_SUBARRAY( 2, [nzt-nzb+2,nxrg-nxlg+1], &
[1,nxrg-nxlg+1], [0,0], MPI_ORDER_FORTRAN, MPI_REAL, newtype, ierr )
CALL MPI_TYPE_CREATE_RESIZED( newtype, tob, extent, stg_type_xz, ierr )
CALL MPI_TYPE_COMMIT( stg_type_xz, ierr )
CALL MPI_TYPE_FREE( newtype, ierr )
! stg_type_yz_small: xz-slice with vertical bounds nzb_x_stg:nzt_x_stg+1
CALL MPI_TYPE_CREATE_SUBARRAY( 2, [nzt_y_stg-nzb_y_stg+2,nxrg-nxlg+1], &
[1,nxrg-nxlg+1], [0,0], MPI_ORDER_FORTRAN, MPI_REAL, newtype, ierr )
CALL MPI_TYPE_CREATE_RESIZED( newtype, tob, extent, stg_type_xz_small, ierr )
CALL MPI_TYPE_COMMIT( stg_type_xz_small, ierr )
CALL MPI_TYPE_FREE( newtype, ierr )
! receive count and displacement for MPI_GATHERV in stg_generate_seed_yz
ALLOCATE( recv_count_xz(pdims(2)), displs_xz(pdims(2)) )
recv_count_xz = nzt_y_stg-nzb_y_stg + 1
recv_count_xz(pdims(2)) = recv_count_xz(pdims(2)) + 1
DO j = 1, pdims(2)
displs_xz(j) = 0 + (nzt_y_stg-nzb_y_stg+1) * (j-1)
!-- Define seed of random number
CALL RANDOM_SEED( size=nseed )
ALLOCATE( seed(1:nseed) )
DO j = 1, nseed
seed(j) = startseed + j
!-- Read inflow profile
!-- Height levels of profiles in input profile is as follows:
!-- zu: luy, luz, tu, lvy, lvz, tv, r11, r21, r22, d1, d2, d5
!-- zw: lwy, lwz, tw, r31, r32, r33, d3
!-- WARNING: zz is not used at the moment
INQUIRE( FILE = 'STG_PROFILES' // TRIM( coupling_char ), &
EXIST = file_stg_exist )
IF ( file_stg_exist ) THEN
OPEN( 90, FILE='STG_PROFILES'//TRIM( coupling_char ), STATUS='OLD', &
!-- Skip header
READ( 90, * )
DO k = nzb+1, nzt+1
READ( 90, * ) zz, luy, luz, tu(k), lvy, lvz, tv(k), lwy, lwz, tw(k), &
r11(k), r21(k), r22(k), r31(k), r32(k), r33(k), &
d1, d2, d3, d5
!-- Convert length scales from meter to number of grid points.
nuy(k) = INT( luy * ddy )
nuz(k) = INT( luz * ddzw(k) )
nvy(k) = INT( lvy * ddy )
nvz(k) = INT( lvz * ddzw(k) )
nwy(k) = INT( lwy * ddy )
nwz(k) = INT( lwz * ddzw(k) )
!-- Workaround, assume isotropic turbulence
nwx(k) = nwy(k)
nvx(k) = nvy(k)
nux(k) = nuy(k)
!-- Save Mean inflow profiles
IF ( TRIM( initializing_actions ) /= 'read_restart_data' ) THEN
mean_inflow_profiles(k,1) = d1
mean_inflow_profiles(k,2) = d2
! mean_inflow_profiles(k,4) = d4
mean_inflow_profiles(k,5) = d5
!-- Set lenght scales at surface grid point
nuy(nzb) = nuy(nzb+1)
nuz(nzb) = nuz(nzb+1)
nvy(nzb) = nvy(nzb+1)
nvz(nzb) = nvz(nzb+1)
nwy(nzb) = nwy(nzb+1)
nwz(nzb) = nwz(nzb+1)
CLOSE( 90 )
!-- Set-up defaul length scales. Assume exponentially decreasing length
!-- scales and isotropic turbulence.
!-- Typical length (time) scales of 100 m (s) should be a good compromise
!-- between all stratrifications. Near-surface variances are fixed to
!-- 0.1 m2/s2, vertical fluxes are one order of magnitude smaller.
!-- Vertical fluxes
length_scale_surface = 100.0_wp
r_ii_0 = 0.1_wp
time_scale = 100.0_wp
DO k = nzb+1, nzt+1
dum_exp = MERGE( -zu(k) / ( 0.3* zu(nzt) ), &
0.0_wp, &
zu(k) > 0.3 * zu(nzt) &
length_scale_z = length_scale_surface * EXP( dum_exp )
nux(k) = MAX( INT( length_scale_z * ddx ), 1 )
nuy(k) = MAX( INT( length_scale_z * ddy ), 1 )
nuz(k) = MAX( INT( length_scale_z * ddzw(k) ), 1 )
nvx(k) = MAX( INT( length_scale_z * ddx ), 1 )
nvy(k) = MAX( INT( length_scale_z * ddy ), 1 )
nvz(k) = MAX( INT( length_scale_z * ddzw(k) ), 1 )
nwx(k) = MAX( INT( length_scale_z * ddx ), 1 )
nwy(k) = MAX( INT( length_scale_z * ddy ), 1 )
nwz(k) = MAX( INT( length_scale_z * ddzw(k) ), 1 )
r11(k) = r_ii_0 * EXP( dum_exp )
r22(k) = r_ii_0 * EXP( dum_exp )
r33(k) = r_ii_0 * EXP( dum_exp )
r21(k) = 0.1_wp * r_ii_0 * EXP( dum_exp )
r31(k) = 0.1_wp * r_ii_0 * EXP( dum_exp )
r32(k) = 0.1_wp * r_ii_0 * EXP( dum_exp )
tu(k) = time_scale
tv(k) = time_scale
tw(k) = time_scale
nux(nzb) = nux(nzb+1)
nuy(nzb) = nuy(nzb+1)
nuz(nzb) = nuz(nzb+1)
nvx(nzb) = nvx(nzb+1)
nvy(nzb) = nvy(nzb+1)
nvz(nzb) = nvz(nzb+1)
nwx(nzb) = nwx(nzb+1)
nwy(nzb) = nwy(nzb+1)
nwz(nzb) = nwz(nzb+1)
r11(nzb) = r11(nzb+1)
r22(nzb) = r22(nzb+1)
r33(nzb) = r33(nzb+1)
r21(nzb) = r11(nzb+1)
r31(nzb) = r31(nzb+1)
r32(nzb) = r32(nzb+1)
tu(nzb) = time_scale
tv(nzb) = time_scale
tw(nzb) = time_scale
!-- Assign initial profiles
IF ( .NOT. nesting_offline .AND. .NOT. child_domain ) THEN
u_init = mean_inflow_profiles(:,1)
v_init = mean_inflow_profiles(:,2)
!pt_init = mean_inflow_profiles(:,4)
e_init = MAXVAL( mean_inflow_profiles(:,5) )
!-- Calculate coefficient matrix from Reynolds stress tensor (Lund rotation)
DO k = nzb, nzt+1
IF ( r11(k) > 0.0_wp ) THEN
a11(k) = SQRT( r11(k) )
a21(k) = r21(k) / a11(k)
a11(k) = 0.0_wp
a21(k) = 0.0_wp
a22(k) = r22(k) - a21(k)**2
IF ( a22(k) > 0.0_wp ) THEN
a22(k) = SQRT( a22(k) )
a22(k) = 0.0_wp
!-- a31, a32, a33 must be calculated with interpolated a11, a21, a22 (d11,
!-- d21, d22) because of different vertical grid
IF ( k .le. nzt ) THEN
d11 = 0.5_wp * ( r11(k) + r11(k+1) )
IF ( d11 > 0.0_wp ) THEN
d11 = SQRT( d11 )
d21 = ( 0.5_wp * ( r21(k) + r21(k+1) ) ) / d11
a31(k) = r31(k) / d11
d21 = 0.0_wp
a31(k) = 0.0_wp
d22 = 0.5_wp * ( r22(k) + r22(k+1) ) - d21 ** 2
IF ( d22 > 0.0_wp ) THEN
a32(k) = ( r32(k) - d21 * a31(k) ) / SQRT( d22 )
a32(k) = 0.0_wp
a33(k) = r33(k) - a31(k) ** 2 - a32(k) ** 2
IF ( a33(k) > 0.0_wp ) THEN
a33(k) = SQRT( a33(k) )
a33(k) = 0.0_wp
a31(k) = a31(k-1)
a32(k) = a32(k-1)
a33(k) = a33(k-1)
!-- Define the size of the filter functions and allocate them.
merg = 0
! arrays must be large enough to cover the largest length scale
DO k = nzb, nzt+1
j = MAX( ABS(nux(k)), ABS(nuy(k)), ABS(nuz(k)), &
ABS(nvx(k)), ABS(nvy(k)), ABS(nvz(k)), &
ABS(nwx(k)), ABS(nwy(k)), ABS(nwz(k)) )
IF ( j > merg ) merg = j
merg = 2 * merg
mergp = merg + nbgp
ALLOCATE ( bux(-merg:merg,nzb:nzt+1), &
buy(-merg:merg,nzb:nzt+1), &
buz(-merg:merg,nzb:nzt+1), &
bvx(-merg:merg,nzb:nzt+1), &
bvy(-merg:merg,nzb:nzt+1), &
bvz(-merg:merg,nzb:nzt+1), &
bwx(-merg:merg,nzb:nzt+1), &
bwy(-merg:merg,nzb:nzt+1), &
bwz(-merg:merg,nzb:nzt+1) )
!-- Allocate velocity seeds for turbulence at xz-layer
ALLOCATE ( fu_xz( nzb:nzt+1,nxlg:nxrg), fuo_xz(nzb:nzt+1,nxlg:nxrg), &
fv_xz( nzb:nzt+1,nxlg:nxrg), fvo_xz(nzb:nzt+1,nxlg:nxrg), &
fw_xz( nzb:nzt+1,nxlg:nxrg), fwo_xz(nzb:nzt+1,nxlg:nxrg) )
!-- Allocate velocity seeds for turbulence at yz-layer
ALLOCATE ( fu_yz( nzb:nzt+1,nysg:nyng), fuo_yz(nzb:nzt+1,nysg:nyng), &
fv_yz( nzb:nzt+1,nysg:nyng), fvo_yz(nzb:nzt+1,nysg:nyng), &
fw_yz( nzb:nzt+1,nysg:nyng), fwo_yz(nzb:nzt+1,nysg:nyng) )
fu_xz = 0.0_wp
fuo_xz = 0.0_wp
fv_xz = 0.0_wp
fvo_xz = 0.0_wp
fw_xz = 0.0_wp
fwo_xz = 0.0_wp
fu_yz = 0.0_wp
fuo_yz = 0.0_wp
fv_yz = 0.0_wp
fvo_yz = 0.0_wp
fw_yz = 0.0_wp
fwo_yz = 0.0_wp
!-- Create filter functions
CALL stg_filter_func( nux, bux ) !filter ux
CALL stg_filter_func( nuy, buy ) !filter uy
CALL stg_filter_func( nuz, buz ) !filter uz
CALL stg_filter_func( nvx, bvx ) !filter vx
CALL stg_filter_func( nvy, bvy ) !filter vy
CALL stg_filter_func( nvz, bvz ) !filter vz
CALL stg_filter_func( nwx, bwx ) !filter wx
CALL stg_filter_func( nwy, bwy ) !filter wy
CALL stg_filter_func( nwz, bwz ) !filter wz
#if defined( __parallel )
CALL MPI_BARRIER( comm2d, ierr )
!-- In case of restart, calculate velocity seeds fu, fv, fw from former
! time step.
! Bug: fu, fv, fw are different in those heights where a11, a22, a33
! are 0 compared to the prerun. This is mostly for k=nzt+1.
IF ( TRIM( initializing_actions ) == 'read_restart_data' ) THEN
IF ( myidx == id_stg_left .OR. myidx == id_stg_right ) THEN
IF ( myidx == id_stg_left ) i = -1
IF ( myidx == id_stg_right ) i = nxr+1
DO j = nysg, nyng
DO k = nzb, nzt+1
IF ( a11(k) .NE. 0._wp ) THEN
fu_yz(k,j) = ( u(k,j,i) / mc_factor - u_init(k) ) / a11(k)
fu_yz(k,j) = 0._wp
IF ( a22(k) .NE. 0._wp ) THEN
fv_yz(k,j) = ( v(k,j,i) / mc_factor - a21(k) * fu_yz(k,j) - &
v_init(k) ) / a22(k)
fv_yz(k,j) = 0._wp
IF ( a33(k) .NE. 0._wp ) THEN
fw_yz(k,j) = ( w(k,j,i) / mc_factor - a31(k) * fu_yz(k,j) - &
a32(k) * fv_yz(k,j) ) / a33(k)
fw_yz = 0._wp
CALL cpu_log( log_point(57), 'synthetic_turbulence_gen', 'stop' )
! Description:
! ------------
!> Calculate filter function bxx from length scale nxx following Eg.9 and 10
!> (Xie and Castro, 2008)
SUBROUTINE stg_filter_func( nxx, bxx )
INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< loop index
INTEGER(iwp) :: n_k !< length scale nXX in height k
INTEGER(iwp) :: n_k2 !< n_k * 2
INTEGER(iwp) :: nf !< index for length scales
REAL(wp) :: bdenom !< denominator for filter functions bXX
REAL(wp) :: qsi = 1.0_wp !< minimization factor
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:) :: nxx(nzb:nzt+1) !< length scale (in gp)
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:) :: bxx(-merg:merg,nzb:nzt+1) !< filter function
bxx = 0.0_wp
DO k = nzb, nzt+1
bdenom = 0.0_wp
n_k = nxx(k)
IF ( n_k /= 0 ) THEN
n_k2 = n_k * 2
!-- ( Eq.10 )^2
DO nf = -n_k2, n_k2
bdenom = bdenom + EXP( -qsi * pi * ABS(nf) / n_k )**2
!-- ( Eq.9 )
bdenom = SQRT( bdenom )
DO nf = -n_k2, n_k2
bxx(nf,k) = EXP( -qsi * pi * ABS(nf) / n_k ) / bdenom
END SUBROUTINE stg_filter_func
! Description:
! ------------
!> Parin for &stg_par for synthetic turbulence generator
SUBROUTINE stg_parin
CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: line !< dummy string that contains the current line of the parameter file
NAMELIST /stg_par/ use_syn_turb_gen
line = ' '
!-- Try to find stg package
REWIND ( 11 )
line = ' '
DO WHILE ( INDEX( line, '&stg_par' ) == 0 )
READ ( 11, '(A)', END=10 ) line
!-- Read namelist
READ ( 11, stg_par )
!-- Set flag that indicates that the synthetic turbulence generator is switched
!-- on
syn_turb_gen = .TRUE.
! Description:
! ------------
!> This routine reads the respective restart data.
SUBROUTINE stg_rrd_global( found )
USE control_parameters, &
ONLY: length, restart_string
LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: found !< flag indicating if variable was found
found = .TRUE.
SELECT CASE ( restart_string(1:length) )
CASE ( 'mc_factor' )
READ ( 13 ) mc_factor
CASE ( 'use_syn_turb_gen' )
READ ( 13 ) use_syn_turb_gen
found = .FALSE.
END SUBROUTINE stg_rrd_global
! Description:
! ------------
!> This routine writes the respective restart data.
SUBROUTINE stg_wrd_global
CALL wrd_write_string( 'mc_factor' )
WRITE ( 14 ) mc_factor
CALL wrd_write_string( 'use_syn_turb_gen' )
WRITE ( 14 ) use_syn_turb_gen
END SUBROUTINE stg_wrd_global
! Description:
! ------------
!> Create turbulent inflow fields for u, v, w with prescribed length scales and
!> Reynolds stress tensor after a method of Xie and Castro (2008), modified
!> following suggestions of Kim et al. (2013), and using a Lund rotation
!> (Lund, 1998).
USE arrays_3d, &
ONLY: dzw
USE control_parameters, &
ONLY: child_domain, dt_3d, intermediate_timestep_count, &
nesting_offline, rans_mode, simulated_time, volume_flow_initial
USE grid_variables, &
ONLY: dx, dy
USE indices, &
ONLY: wall_flags_0
USE statistics, &
ONLY: weight_substep
USE pmc_interface, &
ONLY : rans_mode_parent
INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< grid index in x-direction
INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< loop index in y-direction
INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< loop index in z-direction
REAL(wp) :: dt_stg !< wheighted subtimestep
REAL(wp) :: mc_factor_l !< local mass flux correction factor
REAL(wp) :: volume_flow !< mass flux through lateral boundary
REAL(wp) :: volume_flow_l !< local mass flux through lateral boundary
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nzb:nzt+1,nxlg:nxrg,5) :: dist_xz !< imposed disturbances at north/south boundary
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nzb:nzt+1,nysg:nyng,5) :: dist_yz !< imposed disturbances at left/right boundary
CALL cpu_log( log_point(57), 'synthetic_turbulence_gen', 'start' )
!-- Calculate time step which is needed for filter functions
dt_stg = dt_3d * weight_substep(intermediate_timestep_count)
!-- Initial value of fu, fv, fw
IF ( simulated_time == 0.0_wp .AND. .NOT. velocity_seed_initialized ) THEN
CALL stg_generate_seed_yz( nuy, nuz, buy, buz, fu_yz, id_stg_left )
CALL stg_generate_seed_yz( nvy, nvz, bvy, bvz, fv_yz, id_stg_left )
CALL stg_generate_seed_yz( nwy, nwz, bwy, bwz, fw_yz, id_stg_left )
IF ( nesting_offline .OR. ( child_domain .AND. rans_mode_parent &
.AND. .NOT. rans_mode ) ) THEN
!-- Generate turbulence at right boundary
CALL stg_generate_seed_yz( nuy, nuz, buy, buz, fu_yz, id_stg_right )
CALL stg_generate_seed_yz( nvy, nvz, bvy, bvz, fv_yz, id_stg_right )
CALL stg_generate_seed_yz( nwy, nwz, bwy, bwz, fw_yz, id_stg_right )
!-- Generate turbulence at north boundary
CALL stg_generate_seed_xz( nux, nuz, bux, buz, fu_xz, id_stg_north )
CALL stg_generate_seed_xz( nvx, nvz, bvx, bvz, fv_xz, id_stg_north )
CALL stg_generate_seed_xz( nwx, nwz, bwx, bwz, fw_xz, id_stg_north )
!-- Generate turbulence at south boundary
CALL stg_generate_seed_xz( nux, nuz, bux, buz, fu_xz, id_stg_south )
CALL stg_generate_seed_xz( nvx, nvz, bvx, bvz, fv_xz, id_stg_south )
CALL stg_generate_seed_xz( nwx, nwz, bwx, bwz, fw_xz, id_stg_south )
velocity_seed_initialized = .TRUE.
!-- New set of fu, fv, fw
CALL stg_generate_seed_yz( nuy, nuz, buy, buz, fuo_yz, id_stg_left )
CALL stg_generate_seed_yz( nvy, nvz, bvy, bvz, fvo_yz, id_stg_left )
CALL stg_generate_seed_yz( nwy, nwz, bwy, bwz, fwo_yz, id_stg_left )
IF ( nesting_offline .OR. ( child_domain .AND. rans_mode_parent &
.AND. .NOT. rans_mode ) ) THEN
!-- Generate turbulence at right boundary
CALL stg_generate_seed_yz( nuy, nuz, buy, buz, fuo_yz, id_stg_right )
CALL stg_generate_seed_yz( nvy, nvz, bvy, bvz, fvo_yz, id_stg_right )
CALL stg_generate_seed_yz( nwy, nwz, bwy, bwz, fwo_yz, id_stg_right )
!-- Generate turbulence at north boundary
CALL stg_generate_seed_xz( nux, nuz, bux, buz, fuo_xz, id_stg_north )
CALL stg_generate_seed_xz( nvx, nvz, bvx, bvz, fvo_xz, id_stg_north )
CALL stg_generate_seed_xz( nwx, nwz, bwx, bwz, fwo_xz, id_stg_north )
!-- Generate turbulence at south boundary
CALL stg_generate_seed_xz( nux, nuz, bux, buz, fuo_xz, id_stg_south )
CALL stg_generate_seed_xz( nvx, nvz, bvx, bvz, fvo_xz, id_stg_south )
CALL stg_generate_seed_xz( nwx, nwz, bwx, bwz, fwo_xz, id_stg_south )
!-- Turbulence generation at left and or right boundary
IF ( myidx == id_stg_left .OR. myidx == id_stg_right ) THEN
DO j = nysg, nyng
DO k = nzb, nzt + 1
!-- Update fu, fv, fw following Eq. 14 of Xie and Castro (2008)
IF ( tu(k) == 0.0_wp ) THEN
fu_yz(k,j) = fuo_yz(k,j)
fu_yz(k,j) = fu_yz(k,j) * EXP( -pi * dt_stg * 0.5_wp / tu(k) ) + &
fuo_yz(k,j) * SQRT( 1.0_wp - EXP( -pi * dt_stg / tu(k) ) )
IF ( tv(k) == 0.0_wp ) THEN
fv_yz(k,j) = fvo_yz(k,j)
fv_yz(k,j) = fv_yz(k,j) * EXP( -pi * dt_stg * 0.5_wp / tv(k) ) + &
fvo_yz(k,j) * SQRT( 1.0_wp - EXP( -pi * dt_stg / tv(k) ) )
IF ( tw(k) == 0.0_wp ) THEN
fw_yz(k,j) = fwo_yz(k,j)
fw_yz(k,j) = fw_yz(k,j) * EXP( -pi * dt_stg * 0.5_wp / tw(k) ) + &
fwo_yz(k,j) * SQRT( 1.0_wp - EXP( -pi * dt_stg / tw(k) ) )
!-- Lund rotation following Eq. 17 in Xie and Castro (2008).
!-- Additional factors are added to improve the variance of v and w
IF( k == 0 ) THEN
dist_yz(k,j,1) = 0.0_wp
dist_yz(k,j,2) = 0.0_wp
dist_yz(k,j,3) = 0.0_wp
! dist_yz(k,j,4) = 0.0_wp
! dist_yz(k,j,5) = 0.0_wp
dist_yz(k,j,1) = a11(k) * fu_yz(k,j)
!experimental test of 1.2
dist_yz(k,j,2) = ( SQRT( a22(k) / MAXVAL(a22) ) &
* 1.2_wp ) &
* ( a21(k) * fu_yz(k,j) &
+ a22(k) * fv_yz(k,j) )
dist_yz(k,j,3) = ( SQRT(a33(k) / MAXVAL(a33) ) &
* 1.3_wp ) &
* ( a31(k) * fu_yz(k,j) &
+ a32(k) * fv_yz(k,j) &
+ a33(k) * fw_yz(k,j) )
! Calculation for pt and e not yet implemented
! dist_yz(k,j,4) = 0.0_wp
! dist_yz(k,j,5) = 0.0_wp
!-- Mass flux correction following Kim et al. (2013)
!-- This correction factor insures that the mass flux is preserved at the
!-- inflow boundary
IF ( .NOT. nesting_offline .AND. .NOT. child_domain ) THEN
mc_factor_l = 0.0_wp
mc_factor = 0.0_wp
DO j = nys, nyn
DO k = nzb+1, nzt
mc_factor_l = mc_factor_l + dzw(k) * &
( mean_inflow_profiles(k,1) + dist_yz(k,j,1) )
#if defined( __parallel )
CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( mc_factor_l, mc_factor, &
1, MPI_REAL, MPI_SUM, comm1dy, ierr )
mc_factor = mc_factor_l
mc_factor = volume_flow_initial(1) / mc_factor
!-- Add disturbance at the inflow
DO j = nysg, nyng
DO k = nzb, nzt+1
u(k,j,-nbgp+1:0) = ( mean_inflow_profiles(k,1) + &
dist_yz(k,j,1) ) * mc_factor
v(k,j,-nbgp:-1) = ( mean_inflow_profiles(k,2) + &
dist_yz(k,j,2) ) * mc_factor
w(k,j,-nbgp:-1) = dist_yz(k,j,3) * mc_factor
!-- First, calculate volume flow at yz boundary
IF ( myidx == id_stg_left ) i = nxl
IF ( myidx == id_stg_right ) i = nxr+1
volume_flow_l = 0.0_wp
volume_flow = 0.0_wp
mc_factor_l = 0.0_wp
mc_factor = 0.0_wp
DO j = nys, nyn
DO k = nzb+1, nzt
volume_flow_l = volume_flow_l + u(k,j,i) * dzw(k) * dy &
* MERGE( 1.0_wp, 0.0_wp, &
BTEST( wall_flags_0(k,j,i), 1 ) )
mc_factor_l = mc_factor_l + ( u(k,j,i) + dist_yz(k,j,1) ) &
* dzw(k) * dy &
* MERGE( 1.0_wp, 0.0_wp, &
BTEST( wall_flags_0(k,j,i), 1 ) )
#if defined( __parallel )
CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( volume_flow_l, volume_flow, &
1, MPI_REAL, MPI_SUM, comm1dy, ierr )
CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( mc_factor_l, mc_factor, &
1, MPI_REAL, MPI_SUM, comm1dy, ierr )
volume_flow = volume_flow_l
mc_factor = mc_factor_l
mc_factor = volume_flow / mc_factor
!-- Add disturbances
IF ( myidx == id_stg_left ) THEN
DO j = nys, nyn
DO k = nzb, nzt
u(k,j,0) = ( u(k,j,0) + dist_yz(k,j,1) ) &
* mc_factor * MERGE( 1.0_wp, 0.0_wp, &
BTEST( wall_flags_0(k,j,0), 1 ) )
v(k,j,-1) = ( v(k,j,-1) + dist_yz(k,j,2) ) &
* mc_factor * MERGE( 1.0_wp, 0.0_wp, &
BTEST( wall_flags_0(k,j,-1), 2 ) )
w(k,j,-1) = ( w(k,j,-1) + dist_yz(k,j,3) ) &
* mc_factor * MERGE( 1.0_wp, 0.0_wp, &
BTEST( wall_flags_0(k,j,-1), 3 ) )
IF ( myidx == id_stg_right ) THEN
DO j = nys, nyn
DO k = nzb, nzt
u(k,j,nxr+1) = ( u(k,j,nxr+1) + dist_yz(k,j,1) ) &
* mc_factor * MERGE( 1.0_wp, 0.0_wp, &
BTEST( wall_flags_0(k,j,nxr+1), 1 ) )
v(k,j,nxr+1) = ( v(k,j,nxr+1) + dist_yz(k,j,2) ) &
* mc_factor * MERGE( 1.0_wp, 0.0_wp, &
BTEST( wall_flags_0(k,j,nxr+1), 2 ) )
w(k,j,nxr+1) = ( w(k,j,nxr+1) + dist_yz(k,j,3) ) &
* mc_factor * MERGE( 1.0_wp, 0.0_wp, &
BTEST( wall_flags_0(k,j,nxr+1), 3 ) )
!-- Turbulence generation at north and south boundary
IF ( myidy == id_stg_north .OR. myidy == id_stg_south ) THEN
DO i = nxlg, nxrg
DO k = nzb, nzt + 1
!-- Update fu, fv, fw following Eq. 14 of Xie and Castro (2008)
IF ( tu(k) == 0.0_wp ) THEN
fu_xz(k,i) = fuo_xz(k,i)
fu_xz(k,i) = fu_xz(k,i) * EXP( -pi * dt_stg * 0.5_wp / tu(k) ) + &
fuo_xz(k,i) * SQRT( 1.0_wp - EXP( -pi * dt_stg / tu(k) ) )
IF ( tv(k) == 0.0_wp ) THEN
fv_xz(k,i) = fvo_xz(k,i)
fv_xz(k,i) = fv_xz(k,i) * EXP( -pi * dt_stg * 0.5_wp / tv(k) ) + &
fvo_xz(k,i) * SQRT( 1.0_wp - EXP( -pi * dt_stg / tv(k) ) )
IF ( tw(k) == 0.0_wp ) THEN
fw_xz(k,i) = fwo_xz(k,i)
fw_xz(k,i) = fw_xz(k,i) * EXP( -pi * dt_stg * 0.5_wp / tw(k) ) + &
fwo_xz(k,i) * SQRT( 1.0_wp - EXP( -pi * dt_stg / tw(k) ) )
!-- Lund rotation following Eq. 17 in Xie and Castro (2008).
!-- Additional factors are added to improve the variance of v and w
IF( k == 0 ) THEN
dist_xz(k,i,1) = 0.0_wp
dist_xz(k,i,2) = 0.0_wp
dist_xz(k,i,3) = 0.0_wp
dist_xz(k,i,1) = a11(k) * fu_xz(k,i)
!experimental test of 1.2
dist_xz(k,i,2) = ( SQRT( a22(k) / MAXVAL(a22) ) &
* 1.2_wp ) &
* ( a21(k) * fu_xz(k,i) &
+ a22(k) * fv_xz(k,i) )
dist_xz(k,i,3) = ( SQRT(a33(k) / MAXVAL(a33) ) &
* 1.3_wp ) &
* ( a31(k) * fu_xz(k,i) &
+ a32(k) * fv_xz(k,i) &
+ a33(k) * fw_xz(k,i) )
!-- Mass flux correction following Kim et al. (2013)
!-- This correction factor insures that the mass flux is preserved at the
!-- inflow boundary.
!-- First, calculate volume flow at xz boundary
IF ( myidy == id_stg_south ) j = nys
IF ( myidy == id_stg_north ) j = nyn+1
volume_flow_l = 0.0_wp
volume_flow = 0.0_wp
mc_factor_l = 0.0_wp
mc_factor = 0.0_wp
DO i = nxl, nxr
DO k = nzb+1, nzt
volume_flow_l = volume_flow_l + v(k,j,i) * dzw(k) * dx &
* MERGE( 1.0_wp, 0.0_wp, &
BTEST( wall_flags_0(k,j,i), 2 ) )
mc_factor_l = mc_factor_l + ( v(k,j,i) + dist_xz(k,i,2) ) &
* dzw(k) * dx &
* MERGE( 1.0_wp, 0.0_wp, &
BTEST( wall_flags_0(k,j,i), 2 ) )
#if defined( __parallel )
CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( volume_flow_l, volume_flow, &
1, MPI_REAL, MPI_SUM, comm1dx, ierr )
CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( mc_factor_l, mc_factor, &
1, MPI_REAL, MPI_SUM, comm1dx, ierr )
volume_flow = volume_flow_l
mc_factor = mc_factor_l
mc_factor = volume_flow / mc_factor
!-- Add disturbances
IF ( myidy == id_stg_south ) THEN
DO i = nxl, nxr
DO k = nzb, nzt
u(k,-1,i) = ( u(k,-1,i) + dist_xz(k,i,1) ) &
* mc_factor * MERGE( 1.0_wp, 0.0_wp, &
BTEST( wall_flags_0(k,-1,i), 1 ) )
v(k,0,i) = ( v(k,0,i) + dist_xz(k,i,2) ) &
* mc_factor * MERGE( 1.0_wp, 0.0_wp, &
BTEST( wall_flags_0(k,0,i), 2 ) )
w(k,-1,i) = ( w(k,-1,i) + dist_xz(k,i,3) ) &
* mc_factor * MERGE( 1.0_wp, 0.0_wp, &
BTEST( wall_flags_0(k,-1,i), 3 ) )
IF ( myidy == id_stg_north ) THEN
DO i = nxl, nxr
DO k = nzb, nzt
u(k,nyn+1,i) = ( u(k,nyn+1,i) + dist_xz(k,i,1) ) &
* mc_factor * MERGE( 1.0_wp, 0.0_wp, &
BTEST( wall_flags_0(k,nyn+1,i), 1 ) )
v(k,nyn+1,i) = ( v(k,nyn+1,i) + dist_xz(k,i,1) ) &
* mc_factor * MERGE( 1.0_wp, 0.0_wp, &
BTEST( wall_flags_0(k,nyn+1,i), 2 ) )
w(k,nyn+1,i) = ( w(k,nyn+1,i) + dist_xz(k,i,1) ) &
* mc_factor * MERGE( 1.0_wp, 0.0_wp, &
BTEST( wall_flags_0(k,nyn+1,i), 3 ) )
CALL cpu_log( log_point(57), 'synthetic_turbulence_gen', 'stop' )
! Description:
! ------------
!> Generate a set of random number rand_it wich is equal on each PE
!> and calculate the velocity seed f_n.
!> f_n is splitted in vertical direction by the number of PEs in x-direction and
!> and each PE calculates a vertical subsection of f_n. At the the end, all
!> parts are collected to form the full array.
SUBROUTINE stg_generate_seed_yz( n_y, n_z, b_y, b_z, f_n, id )
USE indices, &
ONLY: ny
INTEGER(iwp) :: id !< core ids at respective boundaries
INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< loop index in y-direction
INTEGER(iwp) :: jj !< loop index in y-direction
INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< loop index in z-direction
INTEGER(iwp) :: kk !< loop index in z-direction
INTEGER(iwp) :: send_count !< send count for MPI_GATHERV
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(nzb:nzt+1) :: n_y !< length scale in y-direction
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(nzb:nzt+1) :: n_z !< length scale in z-direction
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(nzb:nzt+1) :: n_y2 !< n_y*2
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(nzb:nzt+1) :: n_z2 !< n_z*2
REAL(wp) :: nyz_inv !< inverse of number of grid points in yz-slice
REAL(wp) :: rand_av !< average of random number
REAL(wp) :: rand_sigma_inv !< inverse of stdev of random number
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(-merg:merg,nzb:nzt+1) :: b_y !< filter func in y-dir
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(-merg:merg,nzb:nzt+1) :: b_z !< filter func in z-dir
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nzb_x_stg:nzt_x_stg+1,nysg:nyng) :: f_n_l !< local velocity seed
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nzb:nzt+1,nysg:nyng) :: f_n !< velocity seed
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: rand_it !< random number
!-- Generate random numbers using a seed generated in stg_init.
!-- The set of random numbers are modified to have an average of 0 and
!-- unit variance.
ALLOCATE( rand_it(nzb-mergp:nzt+1+mergp,-mergp:ny+mergp) )
rand_av = 0.0_wp
rand_sigma_inv = 0.0_wp
nyz_inv = 1.0_wp / REAL( ( nzt+1 - nzb+1 ) * ( ny+1 ), KIND=wp )
DO j = 0, ny
DO k = nzb, nzt+1
CALL RANDOM_NUMBER( rand_it(k,j) )
rand_av = rand_av + rand_it(k,j)
rand_av = rand_av * nyz_inv
DO j = 0, ny
DO k = nzb, nzt+1
rand_it(k,j) = rand_it(k,j) - rand_av
rand_sigma_inv = rand_sigma_inv + rand_it(k,j) ** 2
rand_sigma_inv = 1.0_wp / SQRT(rand_sigma_inv * nyz_inv)
DO j = 0, ny
DO k = nzb, nzt+1
rand_it(k,j) = rand_it(k,j) * rand_sigma_inv
!-- Periodic fill of random number in space
DO j = 0, ny
DO k = 1, mergp
rand_it(nzb -k,j) = rand_it(nzt+2-k,j) ! bottom margin
rand_it(nzt+1+k,j) = rand_it(nzb+k-1,j) ! top margin
DO j = 1, mergp
DO k = nzb-mergp, nzt+1+mergp
rand_it(k, -j) = rand_it(k,ny-j+1) ! south margin
rand_it(k,ny+j) = rand_it(k, j-1) ! north margin
!-- Generate velocity seed following Eq.6 of Xie and Castro (2008)
n_y2 = n_y * 2
n_z2 = n_z * 2
f_n_l = 0.0_wp
DO j = nysg, nyng
DO k = nzb_x_stg, nzt_x_stg+1
DO jj = -n_y2(k), n_y2(k)
DO kk = -n_z2(k), n_z2(k)
f_n_l(k,j) = f_n_l(k,j) &
+ b_y(jj,k) * b_z(kk,k) * rand_it(k+kk,j+jj)
DEALLOCATE( rand_it )
!-- Gather velocity seeds of full subdomain
send_count = nzt_x_stg - nzb_x_stg + 1
IF ( nzt_x_stg == nzt ) send_count = send_count + 1
#if defined( __parallel )
CALL MPI_GATHERV( f_n_l(nzb_x_stg,nysg), send_count, stg_type_yz_small, &
f_n(nzb+1,nysg), recv_count_yz, displs_yz, stg_type_yz, &
id, comm1dx, ierr )
f_n(nzb+1:nzt+1,nysg:nyng) = f_n_l(nzb_x_stg:nzt_x_stg+1,nysg:nyng)
END SUBROUTINE stg_generate_seed_yz
! Description:
! ------------
!> Generate a set of random number rand_it wich is equal on each PE
!> and calculate the velocity seed f_n.
!> f_n is splitted in vertical direction by the number of PEs in y-direction and
!> and each PE calculates a vertical subsection of f_n. At the the end, all
!> parts are collected to form the full array.
SUBROUTINE stg_generate_seed_xz( n_x, n_z, b_x, b_z, f_n, id )
USE indices, &
ONLY: nx
INTEGER(iwp) :: id !< core ids at respective boundaries
INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< loop index in x-direction
INTEGER(iwp) :: ii !< loop index in x-direction
INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< loop index in z-direction
INTEGER(iwp) :: kk !< loop index in z-direction
INTEGER(iwp) :: send_count !< send count for MPI_GATHERV
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(nzb:nzt+1) :: n_x !< length scale in x-direction
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(nzb:nzt+1) :: n_z !< length scale in z-direction
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(nzb:nzt+1) :: n_x2 !< n_y*2
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(nzb:nzt+1) :: n_z2 !< n_z*2
REAL(wp) :: nxz_inv !< inverse of number of grid points in xz-slice
REAL(wp) :: rand_av !< average of random number
REAL(wp) :: rand_sigma_inv !< inverse of stdev of random number
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(-merg:merg,nzb:nzt+1) :: b_x !< filter func in y-dir
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(-merg:merg,nzb:nzt+1) :: b_z !< filter func in z-dir
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nzb_y_stg:nzt_y_stg+1,nxlg:nxrg) :: f_n_l !< local velocity seed
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nzb:nzt+1,nxlg:nxrg) :: f_n !< velocity seed
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: rand_it !< random number
!-- Generate random numbers using a seed generated in stg_init.
!-- The set of random numbers are modified to have an average of 0 and
!-- unit variance.
ALLOCATE( rand_it(nzb-mergp:nzt+1+mergp,-mergp:nx+mergp) )
rand_av = 0.0_wp
rand_sigma_inv = 0.0_wp
nxz_inv = 1.0_wp / REAL( ( nzt+1 - nzb+1 ) * ( nx+1 ), KIND=wp )
DO i = 0, nx
DO k = nzb, nzt+1
CALL RANDOM_NUMBER( rand_it(k,i) )
rand_av = rand_av + rand_it(k,i)
rand_av = rand_av * nxz_inv
DO i = 0, nx
DO k = nzb, nzt+1
rand_it(k,i) = rand_it(k,i) - rand_av
rand_sigma_inv = rand_sigma_inv + rand_it(k,i) ** 2
rand_sigma_inv = 1.0_wp / SQRT(rand_sigma_inv * nxz_inv)
DO i = 0, nx
DO k = nzb, nzt+1
rand_it(k,i) = rand_it(k,i) * rand_sigma_inv
!-- Periodic fill of random number in space
DO i = 0, nx
DO k = 1, mergp
rand_it(nzb-k,i) = rand_it(nzt+2-k,i) ! bottom margin
rand_it(nzt+1+k,i) = rand_it(nzb+k-1,i) ! top margin
DO i = 1, mergp
DO k = nzb-mergp, nzt+1+mergp
rand_it(k,-i) = rand_it(k,nx-i+1) ! left margin
rand_it(k,nx+i) = rand_it(k,i-1) ! right margin
!-- Generate velocity seed following Eq.6 of Xie and Castro (2008)
n_x2 = n_x * 2
n_z2 = n_z * 2
f_n_l = 0.0_wp
DO i = nxlg, nxrg
DO k = nzb_y_stg, nzt_y_stg+1
DO ii = -n_x2(k), n_x2(k)
DO kk = -n_z2(k), n_z2(k)
f_n_l(k,i) = f_n_l(k,i) &
+ b_x(ii,k) * b_z(kk,k) * rand_it(k+kk,i+ii)
DEALLOCATE( rand_it )
!-- Gather velocity seeds of full subdomain
send_count = nzt_y_stg - nzb_y_stg + 1
IF ( nzt_y_stg == nzt ) send_count = send_count + 1
#if defined( __parallel )
CALL MPI_GATHERV( f_n_l(nzb_y_stg,nxlg), send_count, stg_type_xz_small, &
f_n(nzb+1,nxlg), recv_count_xz, displs_xz, stg_type_xz, &
id, comm1dy, ierr )
f_n(nzb+1:nzt+1,nxlg:nxrg) = f_n_l(nzb_y_stg:nzt_y_stg+1,nxlg:nxrg)
END SUBROUTINE stg_generate_seed_xz
END MODULE synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod