!> @file surface_data_output_mod.f90 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! This file is part of the PALM model system. ! ! PALM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the ! terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software ! Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later ! version. ! ! PALM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY ! WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR ! A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ! PALM. If not, see . ! ! Copyright 1997-2019 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! Current revisions: ! ------------------ ! Output of waste_heat and innermost wall flux from indoor model ! ! Former revisions: ! ----------------- ! $Id: surface_data_output_mod.f90 3744 2019-02-15 18:38:58Z suehring $ ! Add azimuth and zenith to output file; set long-name attributes; ! clean-up coding layout ! ! 3735 2019-02-12 09:52:40Z suehring ! - Split initialization into initialization of arrays and further initialization ! in order to enable reading of restart data. ! - Consider restarts in surface data averaging. ! - Correct error message numbers ! ! 3731 2019-02-11 13:06:27Z suehring ! Bugfix: add cpp options ! ! 3727 2019-02-08 14:52:10Z gronemeier ! Enable NetCDF output for surface data (suehring, gronemeier) ! ! 3691 2019-01-23 09:57:04Z suehring ! Add output of surface-parallel flow speed ! ! 3648 2019-01-02 16:35:46Z suehring ! Rename module and subroutines ! ! 3646 2018-12-28 17:58:49Z kanani ! Bugfix: use time_since_reference_point instead of simulated_time (relevant ! when using wall/soil spinup) ! ! 3614 2018-12-10 07:05:46Z raasch ! unused variables removed ! ! 3572 2018-11-28 11:40:28Z suehring ! Added short- and longwave radiation flux arrays (e.g. diffuse, direct, ! reflected, resedual) for all surfaces (M. Salim) ! ! 3494 2018-11-06 14:51:27Z suehring ! Bugfix in gathering surface data from different types and orientation. ! Output of total number of surfaces and vertices added. ! String length is output, for more convinient post-processing. ! Last actions added. ! ! 3483 2018-11-02 14:19:26Z raasch ! bugfix: missed directives for MPI added ! ! 3421 2018-10-24 18:39:32Z gronemeier ! Add output variables ! Write data into binary file ! ! 3420 2018-10-24 17:30:08Z gronemeier ! Initial implementation from Klaus Ketelsen and Matthias Suehring ! ! ! Authors: ! -------- ! @author Klaus Ketelsen, Matthias Suehring, Tobias Gronemeier ! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Generate output for surface data. !> !> @todo Create namelist file for post-processing tool. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! MODULE surface_data_output_mod USE kinds USE arrays_3d, & ONLY: zu, zw USE control_parameters, & ONLY: coupling_char, data_output_during_spinup, end_time, & message_string, run_description_header, simulated_time_at_begin, & spinup_time, surface_output USE grid_variables, & ONLY: dx,dy USE indices, & ONLY: nxl, nxr, nys, nyn, nzb, nzt #if defined( __netcdf ) USE NETCDF #endif USE netcdf_data_input_mod, & ONLY: init_model USE netcdf_interface, & ONLY: netcdf_create_att, netcdf_create_dim, netcdf_create_file, & netcdf_create_global_atts, netcdf_create_var, netcdf_handle_error USE pegrid USE surface_mod, & ONLY: surf_def_h, surf_def_v, surf_lsm_h, surf_lsm_v, & surf_usm_h, surf_usm_v IMPLICIT NONE TYPE surf_out !< data structure which contains all surfaces elements of all types on subdomain INTEGER(iwp) :: ns !< number of surface elements on subdomain INTEGER(iwp) :: ns_total !< total number of surface elements INTEGER(iwp) :: npoints !< number of points / vertices which define a surface element (on subdomain) INTEGER(iwp) :: npoints_total !< total number of points / vertices which define a surface element INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: s !< coordinate for NetCDF output, number of the surface element REAL(wp) :: fillvalue = -9999.0_wp !< fillvalue for surface elements which are not defined REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: azimuth !< azimuth orientation coordinate for NetCDF output REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: es_utm !< E-UTM coordinate for NetCDF output REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ns_utm !< E-UTM coordinate for NetCDF output REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: xs !< x-coordinate for NetCDF output REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ys !< y-coordinate for NetCDF output REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: zs !< z-coordinate for NetCDF output REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: zenith !< zenith orientation coordinate for NetCDF output REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: var_out !< output variables REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: var_av !< variables used for averaging REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: points !< points / vertices of a surface element REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: polygons !< polygon data of a surface element END TYPE surf_out CHARACTER(LEN=100), DIMENSION(300) :: data_output_surf = ' ' !< namelist variable which describes the output variables CHARACTER(LEN=100), DIMENSION(0:1,300) :: dosurf = ' ' !< internal variable which describes the output variables !< and separates averaged from non-averaged output CHARACTER(LEN=100), DIMENSION(0:1,300) :: dosurf_unit = ' ' !< internal variable which holds the unit of the given output variable INTEGER(iwp) :: average_count_surf = 0 !< number of ensemble members used for averaging INTEGER(iwp) :: dosurf_no(0:1) = 0 !< number of surface output quantities INTEGER(iwp) :: nc_stat !< error code for netcdf routines INTEGER(iwp) :: oldmode !< save old set-fill-mode of netcdf file (not needed, but required for routine call) INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:1) :: id_dim_s_surf !< netcdf ID for dimension s INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:1) :: id_dim_time_surf !< netcdf ID for dimension time INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:1) :: id_set_surf !< netcdf ID for file INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:1) :: id_var_azimuth_surf !< netcdf ID for variable azimuth INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:1) :: id_var_etum_surf !< netcdf ID for variable Es_UTM INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:1) :: id_var_nutm_surf !< netcdf ID for variable Ns_UTM INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:1) :: id_var_time_surf !< netcdf ID for variable time INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:1) :: id_var_s_surf !< netcdf ID for variable s INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:1) :: id_var_xs_surf !< netcdf ID for variable xs INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:1) :: id_var_ys_surf !< netcdf ID for variable ys INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:1) :: id_var_zenith_surf !< netcdf ID for variable zenith INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:1) :: id_var_zs_surf !< netcdf ID for variable zs INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:1) :: dosurf_time_count = 0 !< count of output time steps INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:1) :: ntdim_surf !< number of output time steps INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:1,300) :: id_var_dosurf !< netcdf ID for output variables LOGICAL :: first_output(0:1) = .FALSE. !< true if first output was already called LOGICAL :: to_netcdf = .TRUE. !< flag indicating parallel NetCDF output LOGICAL :: to_vtk = .TRUE. !< flag indicating binary surface-data output that can be further !< processed to VTK format REAL(wp) :: averaging_interval_surf = 9999999.9_wp !< averaging interval REAL(wp) :: dt_dosurf = 9999999.9_wp !< time interval for instantaneous data output REAL(wp) :: dt_dosurf_av = 9999999.9_wp !< time interval for averaged data output REAL(wp) :: skip_time_dosurf = 0.0_wp !< skip time for instantaneous data output REAL(wp) :: skip_time_dosurf_av = 0.0_wp !< skip time for averaged data output REAL(wp) :: time_dosurf = 0.0_wp !< internal counter variable to check for instantaneous data output REAL(wp) :: time_dosurf_av = 0.0_wp !< internal counter variable to check for averaged data output TYPE(surf_out) :: surfaces !< variable which contains all required output information SAVE PRIVATE INTERFACE surface_data_output MODULE PROCEDURE surface_data_output END INTERFACE surface_data_output INTERFACE surface_data_output_averaging MODULE PROCEDURE surface_data_output_averaging END INTERFACE surface_data_output_averaging INTERFACE surface_data_output_check_parameters MODULE PROCEDURE surface_data_output_check_parameters END INTERFACE surface_data_output_check_parameters INTERFACE surface_data_output_init MODULE PROCEDURE surface_data_output_init END INTERFACE surface_data_output_init INTERFACE surface_data_output_init_arrays MODULE PROCEDURE surface_data_output_init_arrays END INTERFACE surface_data_output_init_arrays INTERFACE surface_data_output_last_action MODULE PROCEDURE surface_data_output_last_action END INTERFACE surface_data_output_last_action INTERFACE surface_data_output_parin MODULE PROCEDURE surface_data_output_parin END INTERFACE surface_data_output_parin INTERFACE surface_data_output_rrd_global MODULE PROCEDURE surface_data_output_rrd_global END INTERFACE surface_data_output_rrd_global INTERFACE surface_data_output_rrd_local MODULE PROCEDURE surface_data_output_rrd_local END INTERFACE surface_data_output_rrd_local INTERFACE surface_data_output_wrd_global MODULE PROCEDURE surface_data_output_wrd_global END INTERFACE surface_data_output_wrd_global INTERFACE surface_data_output_wrd_local MODULE PROCEDURE surface_data_output_wrd_local END INTERFACE surface_data_output_wrd_local ! !--Public subroutines PUBLIC surface_data_output, surface_data_output_averaging, & surface_data_output_check_parameters, surface_data_output_init, & surface_data_output_init_arrays, surface_data_output_last_action, & surface_data_output_parin, surface_data_output_rrd_global, & surface_data_output_rrd_local, surface_data_output_wrd_local, & surface_data_output_wrd_global ! !--Public variables PUBLIC average_count_surf, averaging_interval_surf, dt_dosurf, dt_dosurf_av,& skip_time_dosurf, skip_time_dosurf_av, time_dosurf, time_dosurf_av CONTAINS !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> This routine counts the number of surfaces on each core and allocates !> arrays. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE surface_data_output_init_arrays IMPLICIT NONE ! !-- Determine the number of surface elements on subdomain surfaces%ns = surf_def_h(0)%ns + surf_lsm_h%ns + surf_usm_h%ns & !horizontal upward-facing + surf_def_h(1)%ns & !horizontal downard-facing + surf_def_v(0)%ns + surf_lsm_v(0)%ns + surf_usm_v(0)%ns & !northward-facing + surf_def_v(1)%ns + surf_lsm_v(1)%ns + surf_usm_v(1)%ns & !southward-facing + surf_def_v(2)%ns + surf_lsm_v(2)%ns + surf_usm_v(2)%ns & !westward-facing + surf_def_v(3)%ns + surf_lsm_v(3)%ns + surf_usm_v(3)%ns !eastward-facing ! !-- Determine the total number of surfaces in the model domain #if defined( __parallel ) CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( surfaces%ns, surfaces%ns_total, 1, & MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, comm2d, ierr ) #else surfaces%ns_total = surfaces%ns #endif ! !-- Allocate output variable and set to _FillValue attribute ALLOCATE ( surfaces%var_out(1:surfaces%ns) ) surfaces%var_out = surfaces%fillvalue ! !-- If there is an output of time average output variables, allocate the !-- required array. IF ( dosurf_no(1) > 0 ) THEN ALLOCATE ( surfaces%var_av(1:surfaces%ns,1:dosurf_no(1)) ) surfaces%var_av = 0.0_wp ENDIF END SUBROUTINE surface_data_output_init_arrays !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Initialization surface-data output data structure: calculation of vertices !> and polygon data for the surface elements, allocation of required arrays. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE surface_data_output_init IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER (LEN=100) :: filename !< name of output file CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: time_average_text !< string written to file attribute time_avg CHARACTER (LEN=4000) :: var_list !< list of variables written to NetCDF file INTEGER(iwp) :: av !< flag for averaged (=1) and non-averaged (=0) data INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< grid index in x-direction, also running variable for counting non-average data output INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< grid index in y-direction, also running variable for counting average data output INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< grid index in z-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: l !< running index for surface-element orientation INTEGER(iwp) :: m !< running index for surface elements INTEGER(iwp) :: mm !< local counting variable for surface elements INTEGER(iwp) :: npg !< counter variable for all surface elements ( or polygons ) INTEGER(iwp) :: point_index_count !< local counter variable for point index INTEGER(iwp) :: start_count !< local start counter for the surface index INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:numprocs-1) :: num_points_on_pe !< array which contains the number of points on all mpi ranks INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:numprocs-1) :: num_surfaces_on_pe !< array which contains the number of surfaces on all mpi ranks INTEGER(iwp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: point_index !< dummy array used to check where the reference points for surface polygons are located REAL(wp) :: az !< azimuth angle, indicated the vertical orientation of a surface element REAL(wp) :: off_x !< grid offset in x-direction between the stored grid index and the actual wall REAL(wp) :: off_y !< grid offset in y-direction between the stored grid index and the actual wall REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: netcdf_data_1d !< dummy array to output 1D data into netcdf file ! !-- If output to VTK format is enabled, initialize point and polygon data. !-- In a first step, count the number of points which are defining !-- the surfaces and the polygons. IF ( to_vtk ) THEN ALLOCATE( point_index(nzb:nzt+1,nys-1:nyn+1,nxl-1:nxr+1) ) point_index = -1 ! !-- Horizontal default surfaces surfaces%npoints = 0 DO l = 0, 1 DO m = 1, surf_def_h(0)%ns ! !-- Determine the indices of the respective grid cell inside the topography i = surf_def_h(0)%i(m) + surf_def_h(0)%ioff j = surf_def_h(0)%j(m) + surf_def_h(0)%joff k = surf_def_h(0)%k(m) + surf_def_h(0)%koff ! !-- Check if the vertices that define the surface element are already !-- defined, if not, increment the counter. IF ( point_index(k,j,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j,i) = surfaces%npoints - 1 ENDIF IF ( point_index(k,j,i+1) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j,i+1) = surfaces%npoints - 1 ENDIF IF ( point_index(k,j+1,i+1) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j+1,i+1) = surfaces%npoints - 1 ENDIF IF ( point_index(k,j+1,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j+1,i) = surfaces%npoints - 1 ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO DO m = 1, surf_lsm_h%ns i = surf_lsm_h%i(m) + surf_lsm_h%ioff j = surf_lsm_h%j(m) + surf_lsm_h%joff k = surf_lsm_h%k(m) + surf_lsm_h%koff IF ( point_index(k,j,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j,i) = surfaces%npoints - 1 ENDIF IF ( point_index(k,j,i+1) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j,i+1) = surfaces%npoints - 1 ENDIF IF ( point_index(k,j+1,i+1) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j+1,i+1) = surfaces%npoints - 1 ENDIF IF ( point_index(k,j+1,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j+1,i) = surfaces%npoints - 1 ENDIF ENDDO DO m = 1, surf_usm_h%ns i = surf_usm_h%i(m) + surf_usm_h%ioff j = surf_usm_h%j(m) + surf_usm_h%joff k = surf_usm_h%k(m) + surf_usm_h%koff IF ( point_index(k,j,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j,i) = surfaces%npoints - 1 ENDIF IF ( point_index(k,j,i+1) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j,i+1) = surfaces%npoints - 1 ENDIF IF ( point_index(k,j+1,i+1) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j+1,i+1) = surfaces%npoints - 1 ENDIF IF ( point_index(k,j+1,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j+1,i) = surfaces%npoints - 1 ENDIF ENDDO ! !-- Vertical surfaces DO l = 0, 3 DO m = 1, surf_def_v(l)%ns ! !-- Determine the indices of the respective grid cell inside the !-- topography. Please note, j-index for north-facing surfaces !-- ( l==0 ) is identical to the reference j-index outside the grid !-- box. Equivalent for east-facing surfaces and i-index. i = surf_def_v(l)%i(m) + MERGE( surf_def_v(l)%ioff, 0, l == 3 ) j = surf_def_v(l)%j(m) + MERGE( surf_def_v(l)%joff, 0, l == 1 ) k = surf_def_v(l)%k(m) + surf_def_v(l)%koff ! !-- Lower left /front vertex IF ( point_index(k,j,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j,i) = surfaces%npoints - 1 ENDIF ! !-- Upper / lower right index for north- and south-facing surfaces IF ( l == 0 .OR. l == 1 ) THEN IF ( point_index(k,j,i+1) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j,i+1) = surfaces%npoints - 1 ENDIF IF ( point_index(k+1,j,i+1) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k+1,j,i+1) = surfaces%npoints - 1 ENDIF ! !-- Upper / lower front index for east- and west-facing surfaces ELSEIF ( l == 2 .OR. l == 3 ) THEN IF ( point_index(k,j+1,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j+1,i) = surfaces%npoints - 1 ENDIF IF ( point_index(k+1,j+1,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k+1,j+1,i) = surfaces%npoints - 1 ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Upper left / front vertex IF ( point_index(k+1,j,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k+1,j,i) = surfaces%npoints - 1 ENDIF ENDDO DO m = 1, surf_lsm_v(l)%ns i = surf_lsm_v(l)%i(m) + MERGE( surf_lsm_v(l)%ioff, 0, l == 3 ) j = surf_lsm_v(l)%j(m) + MERGE( surf_lsm_v(l)%joff, 0, l == 1 ) k = surf_lsm_v(l)%k(m) + surf_lsm_v(l)%koff ! !-- Lower left /front vertex IF ( point_index(k,j,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j,i) = surfaces%npoints - 1 ENDIF ! !-- Upper / lower right index for north- and south-facing surfaces IF ( l == 0 .OR. l == 1 ) THEN IF ( point_index(k,j,i+1) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j,i+1) = surfaces%npoints - 1 ENDIF IF ( point_index(k+1,j,i+1) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k+1,j,i+1) = surfaces%npoints - 1 ENDIF ! !-- Upper / lower front index for east- and west-facing surfaces ELSEIF ( l == 2 .OR. l == 3 ) THEN IF ( point_index(k,j+1,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j+1,i) = surfaces%npoints - 1 ENDIF IF ( point_index(k+1,j+1,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k+1,j+1,i) = surfaces%npoints - 1 ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Upper left / front vertex IF ( point_index(k+1,j,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k+1,j,i) = surfaces%npoints - 1 ENDIF ENDDO DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m) + MERGE( surf_usm_v(l)%ioff, 0, l == 3 ) j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m) + MERGE( surf_usm_v(l)%joff, 0, l == 1 ) k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m) + surf_usm_v(l)%koff ! !-- Lower left /front vertex IF ( point_index(k,j,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j,i) = surfaces%npoints - 1 ENDIF ! !-- Upper / lower right index for north- and south-facing surfaces IF ( l == 0 .OR. l == 1 ) THEN IF ( point_index(k,j,i+1) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j,i+1) = surfaces%npoints - 1 ENDIF IF ( point_index(k+1,j,i+1) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k+1,j,i+1) = surfaces%npoints - 1 ENDIF ! !-- Upper / lower front index for east- and west-facing surfaces ELSEIF ( l == 2 .OR. l == 3 ) THEN IF ( point_index(k,j+1,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j+1,i) = surfaces%npoints - 1 ENDIF IF ( point_index(k+1,j+1,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k+1,j+1,i) = surfaces%npoints - 1 ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Upper left / front vertex IF ( point_index(k+1,j,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k+1,j,i) = surfaces%npoints - 1 ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ! !-- Allocate the number of points and polygons. Note, the number of !-- polygons is identical to the number of surfaces elements, whereas the !-- number of points (vertices), which define the polygons, can be larger. ALLOCATE( surfaces%points(3,1:surfaces%npoints) ) ALLOCATE( surfaces%polygons(5,1:surfaces%ns) ) ! !-- Note, PARAVIEW expects consecutively ordered points, in order to !-- unambiguously identify surfaces. !-- Hence, all PEs should know where they start counting, depending on the !-- number of points on the other PE's with lower MPI rank. #if defined( __parallel ) CALL MPI_ALLGATHER( surfaces%npoints, 1, MPI_INTEGER, & num_points_on_pe, 1, MPI_INTEGER, comm2d, ierr ) #else num_points_on_pe = surfaces%npoints #endif ! !-- After the number of vertices is counted, repeat the loops and define !-- the vertices. Start with the horizontal default surfaces. !-- First, however, determine the offset where couting of points should be !-- started, which is the sum of points of all PE's with lower MPI rank. i = 0 point_index_count = 0 DO WHILE ( i < myid .AND. i <= SIZE( num_points_on_pe ) ) point_index_count = point_index_count + num_points_on_pe(i) i = i + 1 ENDDO surfaces%npoints = 0 point_index = -1 npg = 0 DO l = 0, 1 DO m = 1, surf_def_h(0)%ns ! !-- Determine the indices of the respective grid cell inside the !-- topography. i = surf_def_h(0)%i(m) + surf_def_h(0)%ioff j = surf_def_h(0)%j(m) + surf_def_h(0)%joff k = surf_def_h(0)%k(m) + surf_def_h(0)%koff ! !-- Check if the vertices that define the surface element are !-- already defined, if not, increment the counter. IF ( point_index(k,j,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j,i) = point_index_count point_index_count = point_index_count + 1 surfaces%points(1,surfaces%npoints) = ( i - 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%points(2,surfaces%npoints) = ( j - 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%points(3,surfaces%npoints) = zw(k) ENDIF IF ( point_index(k,j,i+1) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j,i+1) = point_index_count point_index_count = point_index_count + 1 surfaces%points(1,surfaces%npoints) = ( i + 1 - 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%points(2,surfaces%npoints) = ( j - 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%points(3,surfaces%npoints) = zw(k) ENDIF IF ( point_index(k,j+1,i+1) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j+1,i+1) = point_index_count point_index_count = point_index_count + 1 surfaces%points(1,surfaces%npoints) = ( i + 1 - 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%points(2,surfaces%npoints) = ( j + 1 - 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%points(3,surfaces%npoints) = zw(k) ENDIF IF ( point_index(k,j+1,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j+1,i) = point_index_count point_index_count = point_index_count + 1 surfaces%points(1,surfaces%npoints) = ( i - 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%points(2,surfaces%npoints) = ( j + 1 - 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%points(3,surfaces%npoints) = zw(k) ENDIF npg = npg + 1 surfaces%polygons(1,npg) = 4 surfaces%polygons(2,npg) = point_index(k,j,i) surfaces%polygons(3,npg) = point_index(k,j,i+1) surfaces%polygons(4,npg) = point_index(k,j+1,i+1) surfaces%polygons(5,npg) = point_index(k,j+1,i) ENDDO ENDDO DO m = 1, surf_lsm_h%ns i = surf_lsm_h%i(m) + surf_lsm_h%ioff j = surf_lsm_h%j(m) + surf_lsm_h%joff k = surf_lsm_h%k(m) + surf_lsm_h%koff IF ( point_index(k,j,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j,i) = point_index_count point_index_count = point_index_count + 1 surfaces%points(1,surfaces%npoints) = ( i - 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%points(2,surfaces%npoints) = ( j - 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%points(3,surfaces%npoints) = zw(k) ENDIF IF ( point_index(k,j,i+1) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j,i+1) = point_index_count point_index_count = point_index_count + 1 surfaces%points(1,surfaces%npoints) = ( i + 1 - 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%points(2,surfaces%npoints) = ( j - 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%points(3,surfaces%npoints) = zw(k) ENDIF IF ( point_index(k,j+1,i+1) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j+1,i+1) = point_index_count point_index_count = point_index_count + 1 surfaces%points(1,surfaces%npoints) = ( i + 1 - 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%points(2,surfaces%npoints) = ( j + 1 - 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%points(3,surfaces%npoints) = zw(k) ENDIF IF ( point_index(k,j+1,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j+1,i) = point_index_count point_index_count = point_index_count + 1 surfaces%points(1,surfaces%npoints) = ( i - 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%points(2,surfaces%npoints) = ( j + 1 - 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%points(3,surfaces%npoints) = zw(k) ENDIF npg = npg + 1 surfaces%polygons(1,npg) = 4 surfaces%polygons(2,npg) = point_index(k,j,i) surfaces%polygons(3,npg) = point_index(k,j,i+1) surfaces%polygons(4,npg) = point_index(k,j+1,i+1) surfaces%polygons(5,npg) = point_index(k,j+1,i) ENDDO DO m = 1, surf_usm_h%ns i = surf_usm_h%i(m) + surf_usm_h%ioff j = surf_usm_h%j(m) + surf_usm_h%joff k = surf_usm_h%k(m) + surf_usm_h%koff IF ( point_index(k,j,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j,i) = point_index_count point_index_count = point_index_count + 1 surfaces%points(1,surfaces%npoints) = ( i - 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%points(2,surfaces%npoints) = ( j - 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%points(3,surfaces%npoints) = zw(k) ENDIF IF ( point_index(k,j,i+1) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j,i+1) = point_index_count point_index_count = point_index_count + 1 surfaces%points(1,surfaces%npoints) = ( i + 1 - 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%points(2,surfaces%npoints) = ( j - 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%points(3,surfaces%npoints) = zw(k) ENDIF IF ( point_index(k,j+1,i+1) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j+1,i+1) = point_index_count point_index_count = point_index_count + 1 surfaces%points(1,surfaces%npoints) = ( i + 1 - 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%points(2,surfaces%npoints) = ( j + 1 - 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%points(3,surfaces%npoints) = zw(k) ENDIF IF ( point_index(k,j+1,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j+1,i) = point_index_count point_index_count = point_index_count + 1 surfaces%points(1,surfaces%npoints) = ( i - 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%points(2,surfaces%npoints) = ( j + 1 - 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%points(3,surfaces%npoints) = zw(k) ENDIF npg = npg + 1 surfaces%polygons(1,npg) = 4 surfaces%polygons(2,npg) = point_index(k,j,i) surfaces%polygons(3,npg) = point_index(k,j,i+1) surfaces%polygons(4,npg) = point_index(k,j+1,i+1) surfaces%polygons(5,npg) = point_index(k,j+1,i) ENDDO DO l = 0, 3 DO m = 1, surf_def_v(l)%ns ! !-- Determine the indices of the respective grid cell inside the !-- topography. !-- NOTE, j-index for north-facing surfaces ( l==0 ) is !-- identical to the reference j-index outside the grid box. !-- Equivalent for east-facing surfaces and i-index. i = surf_def_v(l)%i(m) + MERGE( surf_def_v(l)%ioff, 0, l == 3 ) j = surf_def_v(l)%j(m) + MERGE( surf_def_v(l)%joff, 0, l == 1 ) k = surf_def_v(l)%k(m) + surf_def_v(l)%koff ! !-- Lower left /front vertex IF ( point_index(k,j,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j,i) = point_index_count point_index_count = point_index_count + 1 surfaces%points(1,surfaces%npoints) = ( i - 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%points(2,surfaces%npoints) = ( j - 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%points(3,surfaces%npoints) = zw(k-1) ENDIF ! !-- Upper / lower right index for north- and south-facing surfaces IF ( l == 0 .OR. l == 1 ) THEN IF ( point_index(k,j,i+1) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j,i+1) = point_index_count point_index_count = point_index_count + 1 surfaces%points(1,surfaces%npoints) = ( i + 1 - 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%points(2,surfaces%npoints) = ( j - 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%points(3,surfaces%npoints) = zw(k-1) ENDIF IF ( point_index(k+1,j,i+1) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k+1,j,i+1) = point_index_count point_index_count = point_index_count + 1 surfaces%points(1,surfaces%npoints) = ( i + 1 - 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%points(2,surfaces%npoints) = ( j - 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%points(3,surfaces%npoints) = zw(k) ENDIF ! !-- Upper / lower front index for east- and west-facing surfaces ELSEIF ( l == 2 .OR. l == 3 ) THEN IF ( point_index(k,j+1,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j+1,i) = point_index_count point_index_count = point_index_count + 1 surfaces%points(1,surfaces%npoints) = ( i - 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%points(2,surfaces%npoints) = ( j + 1 - 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%points(3,surfaces%npoints) = zw(k-1) ENDIF IF ( point_index(k+1,j+1,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k+1,j+1,i) = point_index_count point_index_count = point_index_count + 1 surfaces%points(1,surfaces%npoints) = ( i - 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%points(2,surfaces%npoints) = ( j + 1 - 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%points(3,surfaces%npoints) = zw(k) ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Upper left / front vertex IF ( point_index(k+1,j,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k+1,j,i) = point_index_count point_index_count = point_index_count + 1 surfaces%points(1,surfaces%npoints) = ( i - 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%points(2,surfaces%npoints) = ( j - 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%points(3,surfaces%npoints) = zw(k) ENDIF npg = npg + 1 IF ( l == 0 .OR. l == 1 ) THEN surfaces%polygons(1,npg) = 4 surfaces%polygons(2,npg) = point_index(k,j,i) surfaces%polygons(3,npg) = point_index(k,j,i+1) surfaces%polygons(4,npg) = point_index(k+1,j,i+1) surfaces%polygons(5,npg) = point_index(k+1,j,i) ELSE surfaces%polygons(1,npg) = 4 surfaces%polygons(2,npg) = point_index(k,j,i) surfaces%polygons(3,npg) = point_index(k,j+1,i) surfaces%polygons(4,npg) = point_index(k+1,j+1,i) surfaces%polygons(5,npg) = point_index(k+1,j,i) ENDIF ENDDO DO m = 1, surf_lsm_v(l)%ns i = surf_lsm_v(l)%i(m) + MERGE( surf_lsm_v(l)%ioff, 0, l == 3 ) j = surf_lsm_v(l)%j(m) + MERGE( surf_lsm_v(l)%joff, 0, l == 1 ) k = surf_lsm_v(l)%k(m) + surf_lsm_v(l)%koff ! !-- Lower left /front vertex IF ( point_index(k,j,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j,i) = point_index_count point_index_count = point_index_count + 1 surfaces%points(1,surfaces%npoints) = ( i - 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%points(2,surfaces%npoints) = ( j - 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%points(3,surfaces%npoints) = zw(k-1) ENDIF ! !-- Upper / lower right index for north- and south-facing surfaces IF ( l == 0 .OR. l == 1 ) THEN IF ( point_index(k,j,i+1) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j,i+1) = point_index_count point_index_count = point_index_count + 1 surfaces%points(1,surfaces%npoints) = ( i + 1 - 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%points(2,surfaces%npoints) = ( j - 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%points(3,surfaces%npoints) = zw(k-1) ENDIF IF ( point_index(k+1,j,i+1) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k+1,j,i+1) = point_index_count point_index_count = point_index_count + 1 surfaces%points(1,surfaces%npoints) = ( i + 1 - 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%points(2,surfaces%npoints) = ( j - 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%points(3,surfaces%npoints) = zw(k) ENDIF ! !-- Upper / lower front index for east- and west-facing surfaces ELSEIF ( l == 2 .OR. l == 3 ) THEN IF ( point_index(k,j+1,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j+1,i) = point_index_count point_index_count = point_index_count + 1 surfaces%points(1,surfaces%npoints) = ( i - 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%points(2,surfaces%npoints) = ( j + 1 - 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%points(3,surfaces%npoints) = zw(k-1) ENDIF IF ( point_index(k+1,j+1,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k+1,j+1,i) = point_index_count point_index_count = point_index_count + 1 surfaces%points(1,surfaces%npoints) = ( i - 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%points(2,surfaces%npoints) = ( j + 1 - 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%points(3,surfaces%npoints) = zw(k) ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Upper left / front vertex IF ( point_index(k+1,j,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k+1,j,i) = point_index_count point_index_count = point_index_count + 1 surfaces%points(1,surfaces%npoints) = ( i - 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%points(2,surfaces%npoints) = ( j - 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%points(3,surfaces%npoints) = zw(k) ENDIF npg = npg + 1 IF ( l == 0 .OR. l == 1 ) THEN surfaces%polygons(1,npg) = 4 surfaces%polygons(2,npg) = point_index(k,j,i) surfaces%polygons(3,npg) = point_index(k,j,i+1) surfaces%polygons(4,npg) = point_index(k+1,j,i+1) surfaces%polygons(5,npg) = point_index(k+1,j,i) ELSE surfaces%polygons(1,npg) = 4 surfaces%polygons(2,npg) = point_index(k,j,i) surfaces%polygons(3,npg) = point_index(k,j+1,i) surfaces%polygons(4,npg) = point_index(k+1,j+1,i) surfaces%polygons(5,npg) = point_index(k+1,j,i) ENDIF ENDDO DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m) + MERGE( surf_usm_v(l)%ioff, 0, l == 3 ) j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m) + MERGE( surf_usm_v(l)%joff, 0, l == 1 ) k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m) + surf_usm_v(l)%koff ! !-- Lower left /front vertex IF ( point_index(k,j,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j,i) = point_index_count point_index_count = point_index_count + 1 surfaces%points(1,surfaces%npoints) = ( i - 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%points(2,surfaces%npoints) = ( j - 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%points(3,surfaces%npoints) = zw(k-1) ENDIF ! !-- Upper / lower right index for north- and south-facing surfaces IF ( l == 0 .OR. l == 1 ) THEN IF ( point_index(k,j,i+1) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j,i+1) = point_index_count point_index_count = point_index_count + 1 surfaces%points(1,surfaces%npoints) = ( i + 1 - 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%points(2,surfaces%npoints) = ( j - 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%points(3,surfaces%npoints) = zw(k-1) ENDIF IF ( point_index(k+1,j,i+1) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k+1,j,i+1) = point_index_count point_index_count = point_index_count + 1 surfaces%points(1,surfaces%npoints) = ( i + 1 - 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%points(2,surfaces%npoints) = ( j - 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%points(3,surfaces%npoints) = zw(k) ENDIF ! !-- Upper / lower front index for east- and west-facing surfaces ELSEIF ( l == 2 .OR. l == 3 ) THEN IF ( point_index(k,j+1,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k,j+1,i) = point_index_count point_index_count = point_index_count + 1 surfaces%points(1,surfaces%npoints) = ( i - 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%points(2,surfaces%npoints) = ( j + 1 - 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%points(3,surfaces%npoints) = zw(k-1) ENDIF IF ( point_index(k+1,j+1,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k+1,j+1,i) = point_index_count point_index_count = point_index_count + 1 surfaces%points(1,surfaces%npoints) = ( i - 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%points(2,surfaces%npoints) = ( j + 1 - 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%points(3,surfaces%npoints) = zw(k) ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Upper left / front vertex IF ( point_index(k+1,j,i) < 0 ) THEN surfaces%npoints = surfaces%npoints + 1 point_index(k+1,j,i) = point_index_count point_index_count = point_index_count + 1 surfaces%points(1,surfaces%npoints) = ( i - 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%points(2,surfaces%npoints) = ( j - 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%points(3,surfaces%npoints) = zw(k) ENDIF npg = npg + 1 IF ( l == 0 .OR. l == 1 ) THEN surfaces%polygons(1,npg) = 4 surfaces%polygons(2,npg) = point_index(k,j,i) surfaces%polygons(3,npg) = point_index(k,j,i+1) surfaces%polygons(4,npg) = point_index(k+1,j,i+1) surfaces%polygons(5,npg) = point_index(k+1,j,i) ELSE surfaces%polygons(1,npg) = 4 surfaces%polygons(2,npg) = point_index(k,j,i) surfaces%polygons(3,npg) = point_index(k,j+1,i) surfaces%polygons(4,npg) = point_index(k+1,j+1,i) surfaces%polygons(5,npg) = point_index(k+1,j,i) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ! !-- Deallocate temporary dummy variable DEALLOCATE ( point_index ) ! !-- Sum-up total number of vertices on domain. This !-- will be needed for post-processing. surfaces%npoints_total = 0 #if defined( __parallel ) CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( surfaces%npoints, surfaces%npoints_total, 1, & MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, comm2d, ierr ) #else surfaces%npoints_total = surfaces%npoints #endif ENDIF ! !-- If output to netcdf is enabled, set-up the coordinate arrays that !-- unambiguously describe the position and orientation of each surface !-- element. IF ( to_netcdf ) THEN ! !-- Allocate local coordinate arrays ALLOCATE( surfaces%s(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE( surfaces%xs(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE( surfaces%ys(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE( surfaces%zs(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE( surfaces%azimuth(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE( surfaces%zenith(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE( surfaces%es_utm(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE( surfaces%ns_utm(1:surfaces%ns) ) ! !-- Gather the number of surface on each processor, in order to number !-- the surface elements in ascending order with respect to the total !-- number of surfaces in the domain. #if defined( __parallel ) CALL MPI_ALLGATHER( surfaces%ns, 1, MPI_INTEGER, & num_surfaces_on_pe, 1, MPI_INTEGER, comm2d, ierr ) #else num_surfaces_on_pe = surfaces%ns #endif ! !-- First, however, determine the offset where couting of the surfaces !-- should start (the sum of surfaces on all PE's with lower MPI rank). i = 0 start_count = 1 DO WHILE ( i < myid .AND. i <= SIZE( num_surfaces_on_pe ) ) start_count = start_count + num_surfaces_on_pe(i) i = i + 1 ENDDO ! !-- Set coordinate arrays. For horizontal surfaces, azimuth !-- angles are not defined (fill value). Zenith angle is 0 (180) for !-- upward (downward)-facing surfaces. i = start_count mm = 1 DO m = 1, surf_def_h(0)%ns surfaces%s(mm) = i surfaces%xs(mm) = ( surf_def_h(0)%i(m) + 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%ys(mm) = ( surf_def_h(0)%j(m) + 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%zs(mm) = zw(surf_def_h(0)%k(m)+surf_def_h(0)%koff) surfaces%azimuth(mm) = surfaces%fillvalue surfaces%zenith(mm) = 0.0 i = i + 1 mm = mm + 1 ENDDO DO m = 1, surf_lsm_h%ns surfaces%s(mm) = i surfaces%xs(mm) = ( surf_lsm_h%i(m) + 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%ys(mm) = ( surf_lsm_h%j(m) + 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%zs(mm) = zw(surf_lsm_h%k(m)+surf_lsm_h%koff) surfaces%azimuth(mm) = surfaces%fillvalue surfaces%zenith(mm) = 0.0 i = i + 1 mm = mm + 1 ENDDO DO m = 1, surf_usm_h%ns surfaces%s(mm) = i surfaces%xs(mm) = ( surf_usm_h%i(m) + 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%ys(mm) = ( surf_usm_h%j(m) + 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%zs(mm) = zw(surf_usm_h%k(m)+surf_usm_h%koff) surfaces%azimuth(mm) = surfaces%fillvalue surfaces%zenith(mm) = 0.0 i = i + 1 mm = mm + 1 ENDDO DO m = 1, surf_def_h(1)%ns surfaces%s(mm) = i surfaces%xs(mm) = ( surf_def_h(1)%i(m) + 0.5_wp ) * dx surfaces%ys(mm) = ( surf_def_h(1)%j(m) + 0.5_wp ) * dy surfaces%zs(mm) = zw(surf_def_h(1)%k(m)+surf_def_h(1)%koff) surfaces%azimuth(mm) = surfaces%fillvalue surfaces%zenith(mm) = 180.0 i = i + 1 mm = mm + 1 ENDDO ! !-- For vertical surfaces, zenith angles are not defined (fill value). !-- Azimuth angle: eastward (0), westward (180), northward (270), !-- southward (90). DO l = 0, 3 IF ( l == 0 ) THEN az = 270.0_wp off_x = 0.0_wp off_y = - 0.5_wp ELSEIF ( l == 1 ) THEN az = 90.0_wp off_x = 0.0_wp off_y = 0.5_wp ELSEIF ( l == 2 ) THEN az = 0.0_wp off_x = - 0.5_wp off_y = 0.0_wp ELSEIF ( l == 3 ) THEN az = 180.0_wp off_x = 0.5_wp off_y = 0.0_wp ENDIF DO m = 1, surf_def_v(l)%ns surfaces%s(mm) = i surfaces%xs(mm) = ( surf_def_v(l)%i(m) + off_x ) * dx surfaces%ys(mm) = ( surf_def_v(l)%j(m) + off_y ) * dy surfaces%zs(mm) = zu(surf_def_v(l)%k(m)) surfaces%azimuth(mm) = az surfaces%zenith(mm) = surfaces%fillvalue i = i + 1 mm = mm + 1 ENDDO DO m = 1, surf_lsm_v(l)%ns surfaces%s(mm) = i surfaces%xs(mm) = ( surf_lsm_v(l)%i(m) + off_x ) * dx surfaces%ys(mm) = ( surf_lsm_v(l)%j(m) + off_y ) * dy surfaces%zs(mm) = zu(surf_lsm_v(l)%k(m)) surfaces%azimuth(mm) = az surfaces%zenith(mm) = surfaces%fillvalue i = i + 1 mm = mm + 1 ENDDO DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns surfaces%s(mm) = i surfaces%xs(mm) = ( surf_usm_v(l)%i(m) + off_x ) * dx surfaces%ys(mm) = ( surf_usm_v(l)%j(m) + off_y ) * dy surfaces%zs(mm) = zu(surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)) surfaces%azimuth(mm) = az surfaces%zenith(mm) = surfaces%fillvalue i = i + 1 mm = mm + 1 ENDDO ENDDO ! !-- Finally, define UTM coordinates, which are the x/y-coordinates !-- plus the origin (lower-left coordinate of the model domain). surfaces%es_utm = surfaces%xs + init_model%origin_x surfaces%ns_utm = surfaces%ys + init_model%origin_y ! !-- Initialize NetCDF data output. Please note, local start position for !-- the surface elements in the NetCDF file is surfaces%s(1), while !-- the number of surfaces on the subdomain is given by surfaces%ns. #if defined( __netcdf4_parallel ) ! !-- Calculate number of time steps to be output ntdim_surf(0) = dosurf_time_count(0) + CEILING( & ( end_time - MAX( & MERGE( skip_time_dosurf, & skip_time_dosurf + spinup_time, & data_output_during_spinup ), & simulated_time_at_begin ) & ) / dt_dosurf ) ntdim_surf(1) = dosurf_time_count(1) + CEILING( & ( end_time - MAX( & MERGE( skip_time_dosurf_av, & skip_time_dosurf_av + spinup_time, & data_output_during_spinup ), & simulated_time_at_begin ) & ) / dt_dosurf_av ) ! !-- Create NetCDF4 files for parallel writing DO av = 0, 1 ! !-- If there is no instantaneous data (av=0) or averaged data (av=1) !-- requested, do not create the corresponding NetCDF file IF ( dosurf_no(av) == 0 ) CYCLE IF ( av == 0 ) THEN filename = 'SURFACE_DATA_NETCDF' // TRIM( coupling_char ) ELSE filename = 'SURFACE_DATA_AV_NETCDF' // TRIM( coupling_char ) ENDIF ! !-- Open file using netCDF4/HDF5 format, parallel nc_stat = NF90_CREATE( TRIM(filename), & IOR( NF90_NOCLOBBER, & IOR( NF90_NETCDF4, NF90_MPIIO ) ), & id_set_surf(av), & COMM = comm2d, INFO = MPI_INFO_NULL ) CALL netcdf_handle_error( 'surface_data_output_mod', 5550 ) !- Write some global attributes IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL netcdf_create_global_atts( id_set_surf(av), & 'surface-data', & TRIM( run_description_header ),& 5551 ) time_average_text = ' ' ELSE CALL netcdf_create_global_atts( id_set_surf(av), & 'surface-data_av', & TRIM( run_description_header ),& 5552 ) WRITE ( time_average_text,'(F7.1,'' s avg'')' ) & averaging_interval_surf nc_stat = NF90_PUT_ATT( id_set_surf(av), NF90_GLOBAL, & 'time_avg', & TRIM( time_average_text ) ) CALL netcdf_handle_error( 'surface_data_output_mod', 5553 ) ENDIF ! !-- Define time coordinate for surface data. !-- For parallel output the time dimension has to be limited !-- (ntdim_surf), otherwise the performance drops significantly. CALL netcdf_create_dim( id_set_surf(av), 'time', ntdim_surf(av), & id_dim_time_surf(av), 5554 ) CALL netcdf_create_var( id_set_surf(av), & (/ id_dim_time_surf(av) /), & 'time', NF90_DOUBLE, & id_var_time_surf(av), & 'seconds since '// & TRIM(init_model%origin_time), & 'time', 5555, 5555, 5555 ) CALL netcdf_create_att( id_set_surf(av), id_var_time_surf(av), & 'standard_name', 'time', 5556) CALL netcdf_create_att( id_set_surf(av), id_var_time_surf(av), & 'axis', 'T', 5557) ! !-- Define spatial dimensions and coordinates: !-- Define index of surface element CALL netcdf_create_dim( id_set_surf(av), 's', surfaces%ns_total, & id_dim_s_surf(av), 5558 ) CALL netcdf_create_var( id_set_surf(av), (/ id_dim_s_surf(av) /), & 's', NF90_DOUBLE, id_var_s_surf(av), & '1', 'number of surface element', & 5559, 5559, 5559 ) ! !-- Define x coordinate CALL netcdf_create_var( id_set_surf(av), (/ id_dim_s_surf(av) /), & 'xs', NF90_DOUBLE, id_var_xs_surf(av), & 'meters', & 'distance to origin in x-direction', & 5561, 5561, 5561 ) ! !-- Define y coordinate CALL netcdf_create_var( id_set_surf(av), (/ id_dim_s_surf(av) /), & 'ys', NF90_DOUBLE, id_var_ys_surf(av), & 'meters', & 'distance to origin in y-direction', & 5562, 5562, 5562 ) ! !-- Define z coordinate CALL netcdf_create_var( id_set_surf(av), (/ id_dim_s_surf(av) /), & 'zs', NF90_DOUBLE, id_var_zs_surf(av), & 'meters', 'height', 5560, 5560, 5560 ) CALL netcdf_create_att( id_set_surf(av), id_var_zs_surf(av), & 'standard_name', 'height', 5583 ) ! !-- Define UTM coordinates CALL netcdf_create_var( id_set_surf(av), (/ id_dim_s_surf(av) /), & 'Es_UTM', NF90_DOUBLE, & id_var_etum_surf(av), & 'meters', '', 5563, 5563, 5563 ) CALL netcdf_create_var( id_set_surf(av), (/ id_dim_s_surf(av) /), & 'Ns_UTM', NF90_DOUBLE, & id_var_nutm_surf(av), & 'meters', '', 5564, 5564, 5564 ) ! !-- Define angles CALL netcdf_create_var( id_set_surf(av), (/ id_dim_s_surf(av) /), & 'azimuth', NF90_DOUBLE, & id_var_azimuth_surf(av), & 'degree', 'azimuth angle', & 5577, 5578, 5579, & fill = .TRUE. ) CALL netcdf_create_att( id_set_surf(av), id_var_azimuth_surf(av), & 'standard_name', 'surface_azimuth_angle', & 5584 ) CALL netcdf_create_var( id_set_surf(av), (/ id_dim_s_surf(av) /), & 'zenith', NF90_DOUBLE, & id_var_zenith_surf(av), & 'degree', '', 5580, 5581, 5582, & fill = .TRUE. ) ! !-- Define the variables var_list = ';' i = 1 DO WHILE ( dosurf(av,i)(1:1) /= ' ' ) CALL netcdf_create_var( id_set_surf(av),(/ id_dim_s_surf(av), & id_dim_time_surf(av) /), dosurf(av,i), & NF90_REAL4, id_var_dosurf(av,i), & dosurf_unit(av,i), dosurf(av,i), 5565, & 5565, 5565, .TRUE. ) ! !-- Set no fill for every variable to increase performance. nc_stat = NF90_DEF_VAR_FILL( id_set_surf(av), & id_var_dosurf(av,i), & 1, 0 ) CALL netcdf_handle_error( 'surface_data_output_init', 5566 ) ! !-- Set collective io operations for parallel io nc_stat = NF90_VAR_PAR_ACCESS( id_set_surf(av), & id_var_dosurf(av,i), & NF90_COLLECTIVE ) CALL netcdf_handle_error( 'surface_data_output_init', 5567 ) var_list = TRIM( var_list ) // TRIM( dosurf(av,i) ) // ';' i = i + 1 ENDDO ! !-- Write the list of variables as global attribute (this is used by !-- restart runs and by combine_plot_fields) nc_stat = NF90_PUT_ATT( id_set_surf(av), NF90_GLOBAL, 'VAR_LIST', & var_list ) CALL netcdf_handle_error( 'surface_data_output_init', 5568 ) ! !-- Set general no fill, otherwise the performance drops significantly !-- for parallel output. nc_stat = NF90_SET_FILL( id_set_surf(av), NF90_NOFILL, oldmode ) CALL netcdf_handle_error( 'surface_data_output_init', 5569 ) ! !-- Leave netCDF define mode nc_stat = NF90_ENDDEF( id_set_surf(av) ) CALL netcdf_handle_error( 'surface_data_output_init', 5570 ) ! !-- These data are only written by PE0 for parallel output to increase !-- the performance. IF ( myid == 0 ) THEN ! !-- Write data for surface indices ALLOCATE( netcdf_data_1d(1:surfaces%ns_total) ) DO i = 1, surfaces%ns_total netcdf_data_1d(i) = i ENDDO nc_stat = NF90_PUT_VAR( id_set_surf(av), id_var_s_surf(av), & netcdf_data_1d, start = (/ 1 /), & count = (/ surfaces%ns_total /) ) CALL netcdf_handle_error( 'surface_data_output_init', 5571 ) DEALLOCATE( netcdf_data_1d ) ENDIF ! !-- Write surface positions to file nc_stat = NF90_PUT_VAR( id_set_surf(av), id_var_xs_surf(av), & surfaces%xs, start = (/ surfaces%s(1) /), & count = (/ surfaces%ns /) ) CALL netcdf_handle_error( 'surface_data_output_init', 5572 ) nc_stat = NF90_PUT_VAR( id_set_surf(av), id_var_ys_surf(av), & surfaces%ys, start = (/ surfaces%s(1) /), & count = (/ surfaces%ns /) ) CALL netcdf_handle_error( 'surface_data_output_init', 5573 ) nc_stat = NF90_PUT_VAR( id_set_surf(av), id_var_zs_surf(av), & surfaces%zs, start = (/ surfaces%s(1) /), & count = (/ surfaces%ns /) ) CALL netcdf_handle_error( 'surface_data_output_init', 5574 ) nc_stat = NF90_PUT_VAR( id_set_surf(av), id_var_etum_surf(av), & surfaces%es_utm, & start = (/ surfaces%s(1) /), & count = (/ surfaces%ns /) ) CALL netcdf_handle_error( 'surface_data_output_init', 5575 ) nc_stat = NF90_PUT_VAR( id_set_surf(av), id_var_nutm_surf(av), & surfaces%ns_utm, & start = (/ surfaces%s(1) /), & count = (/ surfaces%ns /) ) CALL netcdf_handle_error( 'surface_data_output_init', 5576 ) nc_stat = NF90_PUT_VAR( id_set_surf(av), id_var_azimuth_surf(av), & surfaces%azimuth, & start = (/ surfaces%s(1) /), & count = (/ surfaces%ns /) ) CALL netcdf_handle_error( 'surface_data_output_init', 5585 ) nc_stat = NF90_PUT_VAR( id_set_surf(av), id_var_zenith_surf(av), & surfaces%zenith, & start = (/ surfaces%s(1) /), & count = (/ surfaces%ns /) ) CALL netcdf_handle_error( 'surface_data_output_init', 5586 ) ENDDO #endif ENDIF END SUBROUTINE surface_data_output_init !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Routine for controlling the data output. Surface data is collected from !> different types of surfaces (default, natural, urban) and different !> orientation and written to one 1D-output array. Further, NetCDF routines !> are called to write the surface data in the respective NetCDF files. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE surface_data_output( av ) USE control_parameters, & ONLY: io_blocks, io_group, time_since_reference_point USE pegrid, & ONLY: comm2d, ierr IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: trimvar = ' ' !< dummy for single output variable INTEGER(iwp) :: av !< id indicating average or non-average data output INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< loop index INTEGER(iwp) :: n_out !< counter variables for surface output ! !-- Return, if nothing to output IF ( dosurf_no(av) == 0 ) RETURN ! !-- In case of VTK output, check if binary files are open and write coordinates. IF ( to_vtk ) THEN CALL check_open( 25+av ) IF ( .NOT. first_output(av) ) THEN DO i = 0, io_blocks-1 IF ( i == io_group ) THEN WRITE ( 25+av ) surfaces%npoints WRITE ( 25+av ) surfaces%npoints_total WRITE ( 25+av ) surfaces%ns WRITE ( 25+av ) surfaces%ns_total WRITE ( 25+av ) surfaces%points WRITE ( 25+av ) surfaces%polygons ENDIF #if defined( __parallel ) CALL MPI_BARRIER( comm2d, ierr ) #endif first_output(av) = .TRUE. ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- In case of NetCDF output, check if enough time steps are available in file !-- and update time axis. IF ( to_netcdf ) THEN #if defined( __netcdf4_parallel ) IF ( dosurf_time_count(av) + 1 > ntdim_surf(av) ) THEN WRITE ( message_string, * ) & 'Output of surface data is not given at t=', & time_since_reference_point, 's because the maximum ', & 'number of output time levels is exceeded.' CALL message( 'surface_data_output', 'PA0539', 0, 1, 0, 6, 0 ) RETURN ENDIF ! !-- Update the netCDF time axis !-- In case of parallel output, this is only done by PE0 to increase the !-- performance. dosurf_time_count(av) = dosurf_time_count(av) + 1 IF ( myid == 0 ) THEN nc_stat = NF90_PUT_VAR( id_set_surf(av), id_var_time_surf(av), & (/ time_since_reference_point /), & start = (/ dosurf_time_count(av) /), & count = (/ 1 /) ) CALL netcdf_handle_error( 'surface_data_output', 6666 ) ENDIF #endif ENDIF ! !-- Cycle through output quantities and write them to file. n_out = 0 DO WHILE ( dosurf(av,n_out+1)(1:1) /= ' ' ) n_out = n_out + 1 trimvar = TRIM( dosurf(av,n_out) ) ! !-- Set the output array to the _FillValue in case it is not !-- defined for each type of surface. surfaces%var_out = surfaces%fillvalue SELECT CASE ( trimvar ) CASE ( 'us' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%us, & surf_def_h(1)%us, & surf_lsm_h%us, & surf_usm_h%us, & surf_def_v(0)%us, & surf_lsm_v(0)%us, & surf_usm_v(0)%us, & surf_def_v(1)%us, & surf_lsm_v(1)%us, & surf_usm_v(1)%us, & surf_def_v(2)%us, & surf_lsm_v(2)%us, & surf_usm_v(2)%us, & surf_def_v(3)%us, & surf_lsm_v(3)%us, & surf_usm_v(3)%us ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'ts' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%ts, & surf_def_h(1)%ts, & surf_lsm_h%ts, & surf_usm_h%ts, & surf_def_v(0)%ts, & surf_lsm_v(0)%ts, & surf_usm_v(0)%ts, & surf_def_v(1)%ts, & surf_lsm_v(1)%ts, & surf_usm_v(1)%ts, & surf_def_v(2)%ts, & surf_lsm_v(2)%ts, & surf_usm_v(2)%ts, & surf_def_v(3)%ts, & surf_lsm_v(3)%ts, & surf_usm_v(3)%ts ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'qs' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%qs, & surf_def_h(1)%qs, & surf_lsm_h%qs, & surf_usm_h%qs, & surf_def_v(0)%qs, & surf_lsm_v(0)%qs, & surf_usm_v(0)%qs, & surf_def_v(1)%qs, & surf_lsm_v(1)%qs, & surf_usm_v(1)%qs, & surf_def_v(2)%qs, & surf_lsm_v(2)%qs, & surf_usm_v(2)%qs, & surf_def_v(3)%qs, & surf_lsm_v(3)%qs, & surf_usm_v(3)%qs ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'ss' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%ss, & surf_def_h(1)%ss, & surf_lsm_h%ss, & surf_usm_h%ss, & surf_def_v(0)%ss, & surf_lsm_v(0)%ss, & surf_usm_v(0)%ss, & surf_def_v(1)%ss, & surf_lsm_v(1)%ss, & surf_usm_v(1)%ss, & surf_def_v(2)%ss, & surf_lsm_v(2)%ss, & surf_usm_v(2)%ss, & surf_def_v(3)%ss, & surf_lsm_v(3)%ss, & surf_usm_v(3)%ss ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'qcs' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%qcs, & surf_def_h(1)%qcs, & surf_lsm_h%qcs, & surf_usm_h%qcs, & surf_def_v(0)%qcs, & surf_lsm_v(0)%qcs, & surf_usm_v(0)%qcs, & surf_def_v(1)%qcs, & surf_lsm_v(1)%qcs, & surf_usm_v(1)%qcs, & surf_def_v(2)%qcs, & surf_lsm_v(2)%qcs, & surf_usm_v(2)%qcs, & surf_def_v(3)%qcs, & surf_lsm_v(3)%qcs, & surf_usm_v(3)%qcs ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'ncs' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%ncs, & surf_def_h(1)%ncs, & surf_lsm_h%ncs, & surf_usm_h%ncs, & surf_def_v(0)%ncs, & surf_lsm_v(0)%ncs, & surf_usm_v(0)%ncs, & surf_def_v(1)%ncs, & surf_lsm_v(1)%ncs, & surf_usm_v(1)%ncs, & surf_def_v(2)%ncs, & surf_lsm_v(2)%ncs, & surf_usm_v(2)%ncs, & surf_def_v(3)%ncs, & surf_lsm_v(3)%ncs, & surf_usm_v(3)%ncs ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'qrs' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%qrs, & surf_def_h(1)%qrs, & surf_lsm_h%qrs, & surf_usm_h%qrs, & surf_def_v(0)%qrs, & surf_lsm_v(0)%qrs, & surf_usm_v(0)%qrs, & surf_def_v(1)%qrs, & surf_lsm_v(1)%qrs, & surf_usm_v(1)%qrs, & surf_def_v(2)%qrs, & surf_lsm_v(2)%qrs, & surf_usm_v(2)%qrs, & surf_def_v(3)%qrs, & surf_lsm_v(3)%qrs, & surf_usm_v(3)%qrs ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'nrs' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%nrs, & surf_def_h(1)%nrs, & surf_lsm_h%nrs, & surf_usm_h%nrs, & surf_def_v(0)%nrs, & surf_lsm_v(0)%nrs, & surf_usm_v(0)%nrs, & surf_def_v(1)%nrs, & surf_lsm_v(1)%nrs, & surf_usm_v(1)%nrs, & surf_def_v(2)%nrs, & surf_lsm_v(2)%nrs, & surf_usm_v(2)%nrs, & surf_def_v(3)%nrs, & surf_lsm_v(3)%nrs, & surf_usm_v(3)%nrs ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'ol' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%ol, & surf_def_h(1)%ol, & surf_lsm_h%ol, & surf_usm_h%ol, & surf_def_v(0)%ol, & surf_lsm_v(0)%ol, & surf_usm_v(0)%ol, & surf_def_v(1)%ol, & surf_lsm_v(1)%ol, & surf_usm_v(1)%ol, & surf_def_v(2)%ol, & surf_lsm_v(2)%ol, & surf_usm_v(2)%ol, & surf_def_v(3)%ol, & surf_lsm_v(3)%ol, & surf_usm_v(3)%ol ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'z0' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%z0, & surf_def_h(1)%z0, & surf_lsm_h%z0, & surf_usm_h%z0, & surf_def_v(0)%z0, & surf_lsm_v(0)%z0, & surf_usm_v(0)%z0, & surf_def_v(1)%z0, & surf_lsm_v(1)%z0, & surf_usm_v(1)%z0, & surf_def_v(2)%z0, & surf_lsm_v(2)%z0, & surf_usm_v(2)%z0, & surf_def_v(3)%z0, & surf_lsm_v(3)%z0, & surf_usm_v(3)%z0 ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'z0h' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%z0h, & surf_def_h(1)%z0h, & surf_lsm_h%z0h, & surf_usm_h%z0h, & surf_def_v(0)%z0h, & surf_lsm_v(0)%z0h, & surf_usm_v(0)%z0h, & surf_def_v(1)%z0h, & surf_lsm_v(1)%z0h, & surf_usm_v(1)%z0h, & surf_def_v(2)%z0h, & surf_lsm_v(2)%z0h, & surf_usm_v(2)%z0h, & surf_def_v(3)%z0h, & surf_lsm_v(3)%z0h, & surf_usm_v(3)%z0h ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'z0q' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%z0q, & surf_def_h(1)%z0q, & surf_lsm_h%z0q, & surf_usm_h%z0q, & surf_def_v(0)%z0q, & surf_lsm_v(0)%z0q, & surf_usm_v(0)%z0q, & surf_def_v(1)%z0q, & surf_lsm_v(1)%z0q, & surf_usm_v(1)%z0q, & surf_def_v(2)%z0q, & surf_lsm_v(2)%z0q, & surf_usm_v(2)%z0q, & surf_def_v(3)%z0q, & surf_lsm_v(3)%z0q, & surf_usm_v(3)%z0q ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'theta1' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%pt1, & surf_def_h(1)%pt1, & surf_lsm_h%pt1, & surf_usm_h%pt1, & surf_def_v(0)%pt1, & surf_lsm_v(0)%pt1, & surf_usm_v(0)%pt1, & surf_def_v(1)%pt1, & surf_lsm_v(1)%pt1, & surf_usm_v(1)%pt1, & surf_def_v(2)%pt1, & surf_lsm_v(2)%pt1, & surf_usm_v(2)%pt1, & surf_def_v(3)%pt1, & surf_lsm_v(3)%pt1, & surf_usm_v(3)%pt1 ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'qv1' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%qv1, & surf_def_h(1)%qv1, & surf_lsm_h%qv1, & surf_usm_h%qv1, & surf_def_v(0)%qv1, & surf_lsm_v(0)%qv1, & surf_usm_v(0)%qv1, & surf_def_v(1)%qv1, & surf_lsm_v(1)%qv1, & surf_usm_v(1)%qv1, & surf_def_v(2)%qv1, & surf_lsm_v(2)%qv1, & surf_usm_v(2)%qv1, & surf_def_v(3)%qv1, & surf_lsm_v(3)%qv1, & surf_usm_v(3)%qv1 ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'thetav1' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%vpt1, & surf_def_h(1)%vpt1, & surf_lsm_h%vpt1, & surf_usm_h%vpt1, & surf_def_v(0)%vpt1, & surf_lsm_v(0)%vpt1, & surf_usm_v(0)%vpt1, & surf_def_v(1)%vpt1, & surf_lsm_v(1)%vpt1, & surf_usm_v(1)%vpt1, & surf_def_v(2)%vpt1, & surf_lsm_v(2)%vpt1, & surf_usm_v(2)%vpt1, & surf_def_v(3)%vpt1, & surf_lsm_v(3)%vpt1, & surf_usm_v(3)%vpt1 ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'usws' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%usws, & surf_def_h(1)%usws, & surf_lsm_h%usws, & surf_usm_h%usws, & surf_def_v(0)%usws, & surf_lsm_v(0)%usws, & surf_usm_v(0)%usws, & surf_def_v(1)%usws, & surf_lsm_v(1)%usws, & surf_usm_v(1)%usws, & surf_def_v(2)%usws, & surf_lsm_v(2)%usws, & surf_usm_v(2)%usws, & surf_def_v(3)%usws, & surf_lsm_v(3)%usws, & surf_usm_v(3)%usws ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'vsws' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%vsws, & surf_def_h(1)%vsws, & surf_lsm_h%vsws, & surf_usm_h%vsws, & surf_def_v(0)%vsws, & surf_lsm_v(0)%vsws, & surf_usm_v(0)%vsws, & surf_def_v(1)%vsws, & surf_lsm_v(1)%vsws, & surf_usm_v(1)%vsws, & surf_def_v(2)%vsws, & surf_lsm_v(2)%vsws, & surf_usm_v(2)%vsws, & surf_def_v(3)%vsws, & surf_lsm_v(3)%vsws, & surf_usm_v(3)%vsws ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'shf' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%shf, & surf_def_h(1)%shf, & surf_lsm_h%shf, & surf_usm_h%shf, & surf_def_v(0)%shf, & surf_lsm_v(0)%shf, & surf_usm_v(0)%shf, & surf_def_v(1)%shf, & surf_lsm_v(1)%shf, & surf_usm_v(1)%shf, & surf_def_v(2)%shf, & surf_lsm_v(2)%shf, & surf_usm_v(2)%shf, & surf_def_v(3)%shf, & surf_lsm_v(3)%shf, & surf_usm_v(3)%shf ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'qsws' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%qsws, & surf_def_h(1)%qsws, & surf_lsm_h%qsws, & surf_usm_h%qsws, & surf_def_v(0)%qsws, & surf_lsm_v(0)%qsws, & surf_usm_v(0)%qsws, & surf_def_v(1)%qsws, & surf_lsm_v(1)%qsws, & surf_usm_v(1)%qsws, & surf_def_v(2)%qsws, & surf_lsm_v(2)%qsws, & surf_usm_v(2)%qsws, & surf_def_v(3)%qsws, & surf_lsm_v(3)%qsws, & surf_usm_v(3)%qsws ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'ssws' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%ssws, & surf_def_h(1)%ssws, & surf_lsm_h%ssws, & surf_usm_h%ssws, & surf_def_v(0)%ssws, & surf_lsm_v(0)%ssws, & surf_usm_v(0)%ssws, & surf_def_v(1)%ssws, & surf_lsm_v(1)%ssws, & surf_usm_v(1)%ssws, & surf_def_v(2)%ssws, & surf_lsm_v(2)%ssws, & surf_usm_v(2)%ssws, & surf_def_v(3)%ssws, & surf_lsm_v(3)%ssws, & surf_usm_v(3)%ssws ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'qcsws' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%qcsws, & surf_def_h(1)%qcsws, & surf_lsm_h%qcsws, & surf_usm_h%qcsws, & surf_def_v(0)%qcsws, & surf_lsm_v(0)%qcsws, & surf_usm_v(0)%qcsws, & surf_def_v(1)%qcsws, & surf_lsm_v(1)%qcsws, & surf_usm_v(1)%qcsws, & surf_def_v(2)%qcsws, & surf_lsm_v(2)%qcsws, & surf_usm_v(2)%qcsws, & surf_def_v(3)%qcsws, & surf_lsm_v(3)%qcsws, & surf_usm_v(3)%qcsws ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'ncsws' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%ncsws, & surf_def_h(1)%ncsws, & surf_lsm_h%ncsws, & surf_usm_h%ncsws, & surf_def_v(0)%ncsws, & surf_lsm_v(0)%ncsws, & surf_usm_v(0)%ncsws, & surf_def_v(1)%ncsws, & surf_lsm_v(1)%ncsws, & surf_usm_v(1)%ncsws, & surf_def_v(2)%ncsws, & surf_lsm_v(2)%ncsws, & surf_usm_v(2)%ncsws, & surf_def_v(3)%ncsws, & surf_lsm_v(3)%ncsws, & surf_usm_v(3)%ncsws ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'qrsws' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%qrsws, & surf_def_h(1)%qrsws, & surf_lsm_h%qrsws, & surf_usm_h%qrsws, & surf_def_v(0)%qrsws, & surf_lsm_v(0)%qrsws, & surf_usm_v(0)%qrsws, & surf_def_v(1)%qrsws, & surf_lsm_v(1)%qrsws, & surf_usm_v(1)%qrsws, & surf_def_v(2)%qrsws, & surf_lsm_v(2)%qrsws, & surf_usm_v(2)%qrsws, & surf_def_v(3)%qrsws, & surf_lsm_v(3)%qrsws, & surf_usm_v(3)%qrsws ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'nrsws' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%nrsws, & surf_def_h(1)%nrsws, & surf_lsm_h%nrsws, & surf_usm_h%nrsws, & surf_def_v(0)%nrsws, & surf_lsm_v(0)%nrsws, & surf_usm_v(0)%nrsws, & surf_def_v(1)%nrsws, & surf_lsm_v(1)%nrsws, & surf_usm_v(1)%nrsws, & surf_def_v(2)%nrsws, & surf_lsm_v(2)%nrsws, & surf_usm_v(2)%nrsws, & surf_def_v(3)%nrsws, & surf_lsm_v(3)%nrsws, & surf_usm_v(3)%nrsws ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'sasws' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%sasws, & surf_def_h(1)%sasws, & surf_lsm_h%sasws, & surf_usm_h%sasws, & surf_def_v(0)%sasws, & surf_lsm_v(0)%sasws, & surf_usm_v(0)%sasws, & surf_def_v(1)%sasws, & surf_lsm_v(1)%sasws, & surf_usm_v(1)%sasws, & surf_def_v(2)%sasws, & surf_lsm_v(2)%sasws, & surf_usm_v(2)%sasws, & surf_def_v(3)%sasws, & surf_lsm_v(3)%sasws, & surf_usm_v(3)%sasws ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'q_surface' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%q_surface, & surf_def_h(1)%q_surface, & surf_lsm_h%q_surface, & surf_usm_h%q_surface, & surf_def_v(0)%q_surface, & surf_lsm_v(0)%q_surface, & surf_usm_v(0)%q_surface, & surf_def_v(1)%q_surface, & surf_lsm_v(1)%q_surface, & surf_usm_v(1)%q_surface, & surf_def_v(2)%q_surface, & surf_lsm_v(2)%q_surface, & surf_usm_v(2)%q_surface, & surf_def_v(3)%q_surface, & surf_lsm_v(3)%q_surface, & surf_usm_v(3)%q_surface ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'theta_surface' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%pt_surface, & surf_def_h(1)%pt_surface, & surf_lsm_h%pt_surface, & surf_usm_h%pt_surface, & surf_def_v(0)%pt_surface, & surf_lsm_v(0)%pt_surface, & surf_usm_v(0)%pt_surface, & surf_def_v(1)%pt_surface, & surf_lsm_v(1)%pt_surface, & surf_usm_v(1)%pt_surface, & surf_def_v(2)%pt_surface, & surf_lsm_v(2)%pt_surface, & surf_usm_v(2)%pt_surface, & surf_def_v(3)%pt_surface, & surf_lsm_v(3)%pt_surface, & surf_usm_v(3)%pt_surface ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'thetav_surface' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%vpt_surface, & surf_def_h(1)%vpt_surface, & surf_lsm_h%vpt_surface, & surf_usm_h%vpt_surface, & surf_def_v(0)%vpt_surface, & surf_lsm_v(0)%vpt_surface, & surf_usm_v(0)%vpt_surface, & surf_def_v(1)%vpt_surface, & surf_lsm_v(1)%vpt_surface, & surf_usm_v(1)%vpt_surface, & surf_def_v(2)%vpt_surface, & surf_lsm_v(2)%vpt_surface, & surf_usm_v(2)%vpt_surface, & surf_def_v(3)%vpt_surface, & surf_lsm_v(3)%vpt_surface, & surf_usm_v(3)%vpt_surface) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'rad_net' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%rad_net, & surf_def_h(1)%rad_net, & surf_lsm_h%rad_net, & surf_usm_h%rad_net, & surf_def_v(0)%rad_net, & surf_lsm_v(0)%rad_net, & surf_usm_v(0)%rad_net, & surf_def_v(1)%rad_net, & surf_lsm_v(1)%rad_net, & surf_usm_v(1)%rad_net, & surf_def_v(2)%rad_net, & surf_lsm_v(2)%rad_net, & surf_usm_v(2)%rad_net, & surf_def_v(3)%rad_net, & surf_lsm_v(3)%rad_net, & surf_usm_v(3)%rad_net ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'rad_lw_in' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%rad_lw_in, & surf_def_h(1)%rad_lw_in, & surf_lsm_h%rad_lw_in, & surf_usm_h%rad_lw_in, & surf_def_v(0)%rad_lw_in, & surf_lsm_v(0)%rad_lw_in, & surf_usm_v(0)%rad_lw_in, & surf_def_v(1)%rad_lw_in, & surf_lsm_v(1)%rad_lw_in, & surf_usm_v(1)%rad_lw_in, & surf_def_v(2)%rad_lw_in, & surf_lsm_v(2)%rad_lw_in, & surf_usm_v(2)%rad_lw_in, & surf_def_v(3)%rad_lw_in, & surf_lsm_v(3)%rad_lw_in, & surf_usm_v(3)%rad_lw_in ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'rad_lw_out' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%rad_lw_out, & surf_def_h(1)%rad_lw_out, & surf_lsm_h%rad_lw_out, & surf_usm_h%rad_lw_out, & surf_def_v(0)%rad_lw_out, & surf_lsm_v(0)%rad_lw_out, & surf_usm_v(0)%rad_lw_out, & surf_def_v(1)%rad_lw_out, & surf_lsm_v(1)%rad_lw_out, & surf_usm_v(1)%rad_lw_out, & surf_def_v(2)%rad_lw_out, & surf_lsm_v(2)%rad_lw_out, & surf_usm_v(2)%rad_lw_out, & surf_def_v(3)%rad_lw_out, & surf_lsm_v(3)%rad_lw_out, & surf_usm_v(3)%rad_lw_out ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'rad_sw_in' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%rad_sw_in, & surf_def_h(1)%rad_sw_in, & surf_lsm_h%rad_sw_in, & surf_usm_h%rad_sw_in, & surf_def_v(0)%rad_sw_in, & surf_lsm_v(0)%rad_sw_in, & surf_usm_v(0)%rad_sw_in, & surf_def_v(1)%rad_sw_in, & surf_lsm_v(1)%rad_sw_in, & surf_usm_v(1)%rad_sw_in, & surf_def_v(2)%rad_sw_in, & surf_lsm_v(2)%rad_sw_in, & surf_usm_v(2)%rad_sw_in, & surf_def_v(3)%rad_sw_in, & surf_lsm_v(3)%rad_sw_in, & surf_usm_v(3)%rad_sw_in ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'rad_sw_out' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%rad_sw_out, & surf_def_h(1)%rad_sw_out, & surf_lsm_h%rad_sw_out, & surf_usm_h%rad_sw_out, & surf_def_v(0)%rad_sw_out, & surf_lsm_v(0)%rad_sw_out, & surf_usm_v(0)%rad_sw_out, & surf_def_v(1)%rad_sw_out, & surf_lsm_v(1)%rad_sw_out, & surf_usm_v(1)%rad_sw_out, & surf_def_v(2)%rad_sw_out, & surf_lsm_v(2)%rad_sw_out, & surf_usm_v(2)%rad_sw_out, & surf_def_v(3)%rad_sw_out, & surf_lsm_v(3)%rad_sw_out, & surf_usm_v(3)%rad_sw_out ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'ghf' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%ghf, & surf_def_h(1)%ghf, & surf_lsm_h%ghf, & surf_usm_h%ghf, & surf_def_v(0)%ghf, & surf_lsm_v(0)%ghf, & surf_usm_v(0)%ghf, & surf_def_v(1)%ghf, & surf_lsm_v(1)%ghf, & surf_usm_v(1)%ghf, & surf_def_v(2)%ghf, & surf_lsm_v(2)%ghf, & surf_usm_v(2)%ghf, & surf_def_v(3)%ghf, & surf_lsm_v(3)%ghf, & surf_usm_v(3)%ghf ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'r_a' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%r_a, & surf_def_h(1)%r_a, & surf_lsm_h%r_a, & surf_usm_h%r_a, & surf_def_v(0)%r_a, & surf_lsm_v(0)%r_a, & surf_usm_v(0)%r_a, & surf_def_v(1)%r_a, & surf_lsm_v(1)%r_a, & surf_usm_v(1)%r_a, & surf_def_v(2)%r_a, & surf_lsm_v(2)%r_a, & surf_usm_v(2)%r_a, & surf_def_v(3)%r_a, & surf_lsm_v(3)%r_a, & surf_usm_v(3)%r_a ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'r_soil' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%r_soil, & surf_def_h(1)%r_soil, & surf_lsm_h%r_soil, & surf_usm_h%r_soil, & surf_def_v(0)%r_soil, & surf_lsm_v(0)%r_soil, & surf_usm_v(0)%r_soil, & surf_def_v(1)%r_soil, & surf_lsm_v(1)%r_soil, & surf_usm_v(1)%r_soil, & surf_def_v(2)%r_soil, & surf_lsm_v(2)%r_soil, & surf_usm_v(2)%r_soil, & surf_def_v(3)%r_soil, & surf_lsm_v(3)%r_soil, & surf_usm_v(3)%r_soil ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'r_canopy' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%r_canopy, & surf_def_h(1)%r_canopy, & surf_lsm_h%r_canopy, & surf_usm_h%r_canopy, & surf_def_v(0)%r_canopy, & surf_lsm_v(0)%r_canopy, & surf_usm_v(0)%r_canopy, & surf_def_v(1)%r_canopy, & surf_lsm_v(1)%r_canopy, & surf_usm_v(1)%r_canopy, & surf_def_v(2)%r_canopy, & surf_lsm_v(2)%r_canopy, & surf_usm_v(2)%r_canopy, & surf_def_v(3)%r_canopy, & surf_lsm_v(3)%r_canopy, & surf_usm_v(3)%r_canopy ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'r_s' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%r_s, & surf_def_h(1)%r_s, & surf_lsm_h%r_s, & surf_usm_h%r_s, & surf_def_v(0)%r_s, & surf_lsm_v(0)%r_s, & surf_usm_v(0)%r_s, & surf_def_v(1)%r_s, & surf_lsm_v(1)%r_s, & surf_usm_v(1)%r_s, & surf_def_v(2)%r_s, & surf_lsm_v(2)%r_s, & surf_usm_v(2)%r_s, & surf_def_v(3)%r_s, & surf_lsm_v(3)%r_s, & surf_usm_v(3)%r_s ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'rad_sw_dir' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%rad_sw_dir, & surf_def_h(1)%rad_sw_dir, & surf_lsm_h%rad_sw_dir, & surf_usm_h%rad_sw_dir, & surf_def_v(0)%rad_sw_dir, & surf_lsm_v(0)%rad_sw_dir, & surf_usm_v(0)%rad_sw_dir, & surf_def_v(1)%rad_sw_dir, & surf_lsm_v(1)%rad_sw_dir, & surf_usm_v(1)%rad_sw_dir, & surf_def_v(2)%rad_sw_dir, & surf_lsm_v(2)%rad_sw_dir, & surf_usm_v(2)%rad_sw_dir, & surf_def_v(3)%rad_sw_dir, & surf_lsm_v(3)%rad_sw_dir, & surf_usm_v(3)%rad_sw_dir ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'rad_sw_dif' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%rad_sw_dif, & surf_def_h(1)%rad_sw_dif, & surf_lsm_h%rad_sw_dif, & surf_usm_h%rad_sw_dif, & surf_def_v(0)%rad_sw_dif, & surf_lsm_v(0)%rad_sw_dif, & surf_usm_v(0)%rad_sw_dif, & surf_def_v(1)%rad_sw_dif, & surf_lsm_v(1)%rad_sw_dif, & surf_usm_v(1)%rad_sw_dif, & surf_def_v(2)%rad_sw_dif, & surf_lsm_v(2)%rad_sw_dif, & surf_usm_v(2)%rad_sw_dif, & surf_def_v(3)%rad_sw_dif, & surf_lsm_v(3)%rad_sw_dif, & surf_usm_v(3)%rad_sw_dif ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'rad_sw_ref' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%rad_sw_ref, & surf_def_h(1)%rad_sw_ref, & surf_lsm_h%rad_sw_ref, & surf_usm_h%rad_sw_ref, & surf_def_v(0)%rad_sw_ref, & surf_lsm_v(0)%rad_sw_ref, & surf_usm_v(0)%rad_sw_ref, & surf_def_v(1)%rad_sw_ref, & surf_lsm_v(1)%rad_sw_ref, & surf_usm_v(1)%rad_sw_ref, & surf_def_v(2)%rad_sw_ref, & surf_lsm_v(2)%rad_sw_ref, & surf_usm_v(2)%rad_sw_ref, & surf_def_v(3)%rad_sw_ref, & surf_lsm_v(3)%rad_sw_ref, & surf_usm_v(3)%rad_sw_ref ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'rad_sw_res' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%rad_sw_res, & surf_def_h(1)%rad_sw_res, & surf_lsm_h%rad_sw_res, & surf_usm_h%rad_sw_res, & surf_def_v(0)%rad_sw_res, & surf_lsm_v(0)%rad_sw_res, & surf_usm_v(0)%rad_sw_res, & surf_def_v(1)%rad_sw_res, & surf_lsm_v(1)%rad_sw_res, & surf_usm_v(1)%rad_sw_res, & surf_def_v(2)%rad_sw_res, & surf_lsm_v(2)%rad_sw_res, & surf_usm_v(2)%rad_sw_res, & surf_def_v(3)%rad_sw_res, & surf_lsm_v(3)%rad_sw_res, & surf_usm_v(3)%rad_sw_res ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'rad_lw_dif' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%rad_lw_dif, & surf_def_h(1)%rad_lw_dif, & surf_lsm_h%rad_lw_dif, & surf_usm_h%rad_lw_dif, & surf_def_v(0)%rad_lw_dif, & surf_lsm_v(0)%rad_lw_dif, & surf_usm_v(0)%rad_lw_dif, & surf_def_v(1)%rad_lw_dif, & surf_lsm_v(1)%rad_lw_dif, & surf_usm_v(1)%rad_lw_dif, & surf_def_v(2)%rad_lw_dif, & surf_lsm_v(2)%rad_lw_dif, & surf_usm_v(2)%rad_lw_dif, & surf_def_v(3)%rad_lw_dif, & surf_lsm_v(3)%rad_lw_dif, & surf_usm_v(3)%rad_lw_dif ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'rad_lw_ref' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%rad_lw_ref, & surf_def_h(1)%rad_lw_ref, & surf_lsm_h%rad_lw_ref, & surf_usm_h%rad_lw_ref, & surf_def_v(0)%rad_lw_ref, & surf_lsm_v(0)%rad_lw_ref, & surf_usm_v(0)%rad_lw_ref, & surf_def_v(1)%rad_lw_ref, & surf_lsm_v(1)%rad_lw_ref, & surf_usm_v(1)%rad_lw_ref, & surf_def_v(2)%rad_lw_ref, & surf_lsm_v(2)%rad_lw_ref, & surf_usm_v(2)%rad_lw_ref, & surf_def_v(3)%rad_lw_ref, & surf_lsm_v(3)%rad_lw_ref, & surf_usm_v(3)%rad_lw_ref ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'rad_lw_res' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%rad_lw_res, & surf_def_h(1)%rad_lw_res, & surf_lsm_h%rad_lw_res, & surf_usm_h%rad_lw_res, & surf_def_v(0)%rad_lw_res, & surf_lsm_v(0)%rad_lw_res, & surf_usm_v(0)%rad_lw_res, & surf_def_v(1)%rad_lw_res, & surf_lsm_v(1)%rad_lw_res, & surf_usm_v(1)%rad_lw_res, & surf_def_v(2)%rad_lw_res, & surf_lsm_v(2)%rad_lw_res, & surf_usm_v(2)%rad_lw_res, & surf_def_v(3)%rad_lw_res, & surf_lsm_v(3)%rad_lw_res, & surf_usm_v(3)%rad_lw_res ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF CASE ( 'uvw1' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%uvw_abs, & surf_def_h(1)%uvw_abs, & surf_lsm_h%uvw_abs, & surf_usm_h%uvw_abs, & surf_def_v(0)%uvw_abs, & surf_lsm_v(0)%uvw_abs, & surf_usm_v(0)%uvw_abs, & surf_def_v(1)%uvw_abs, & surf_lsm_v(1)%uvw_abs, & surf_usm_v(1)%uvw_abs, & surf_def_v(2)%uvw_abs, & surf_lsm_v(2)%uvw_abs, & surf_usm_v(2)%uvw_abs, & surf_def_v(3)%uvw_abs, & surf_lsm_v(3)%uvw_abs, & surf_usm_v(3)%uvw_abs ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF ! !-- Waste heat from indoor model CASE ( 'waste_heat' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%waste_heat, & surf_def_h(1)%waste_heat, & surf_lsm_h%waste_heat, & surf_usm_h%waste_heat, & surf_def_v(0)%waste_heat, & surf_lsm_v(0)%waste_heat, & surf_usm_v(0)%waste_heat, & surf_def_v(1)%waste_heat, & surf_lsm_v(1)%waste_heat, & surf_usm_v(1)%waste_heat, & surf_def_v(2)%waste_heat, & surf_lsm_v(2)%waste_heat, & surf_usm_v(2)%waste_heat, & surf_def_v(3)%waste_heat, & surf_lsm_v(3)%waste_heat, & surf_usm_v(3)%waste_heat ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF ! !-- Innermost building wall flux from indoor model CASE ( 'im_hf' ) ! !-- Output of instantaneous data IF ( av == 0 ) THEN CALL surface_data_output_collect( surf_def_h(0)%iwghf_eb, & surf_def_h(1)%iwghf_eb, & surf_lsm_h%iwghf_eb, & surf_usm_h%iwghf_eb, & surf_def_v(0)%iwghf_eb, & surf_lsm_v(0)%iwghf_eb, & surf_usm_v(0)%iwghf_eb, & surf_def_v(1)%iwghf_eb, & surf_lsm_v(1)%iwghf_eb, & surf_usm_v(1)%iwghf_eb, & surf_def_v(2)%iwghf_eb, & surf_lsm_v(2)%iwghf_eb, & surf_usm_v(2)%iwghf_eb, & surf_def_v(3)%iwghf_eb, & surf_lsm_v(3)%iwghf_eb, & surf_usm_v(3)%iwghf_eb ) ELSE ! !-- Output of averaged data surfaces%var_out(:) = surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) / & REAL( average_count_surf, KIND=wp ) surfaces%var_av(:,n_out) = 0.0_wp ENDIF ! !-- Add further variables: !-- 'css', 'cssws', 'qsws_liq', 'qsws_soil', 'qsws_veg' END SELECT ! !-- Write to binary file: !-- - surfaces%points ( 3, 1-npoints ) !-- - surfaces%polygons ( 5, 1-ns ) !-- - surfaces%var_out ( 1-ns, time ) !-- - Dimension: 1-nsurfaces, 1-npoints - can be ordered consecutively !-- - Distinguish between average and non-average data IF ( to_vtk ) THEN DO i = 0, io_blocks-1 IF ( i == io_group ) THEN WRITE ( 25+av ) LEN_TRIM( 'time' ) WRITE ( 25+av ) 'time' WRITE ( 25+av ) time_since_reference_point WRITE ( 25+av ) LEN_TRIM( trimvar ) WRITE ( 25+av ) TRIM( trimvar ) WRITE ( 25+av ) surfaces%var_out ENDIF #if defined( __parallel ) CALL MPI_BARRIER( comm2d, ierr ) #endif ENDDO ENDIF IF ( to_netcdf ) THEN #if defined( __netcdf4_parallel ) ! !-- Write output array to file nc_stat = NF90_PUT_VAR( id_set_surf(av), id_var_dosurf(av,n_out), & surfaces%var_out, & start = (/ surfaces%s(1), & dosurf_time_count(av) /), & count = (/ surfaces%ns, 1 /) ) CALL netcdf_handle_error( 'surface_data_output', 6667 ) #endif ENDIF ENDDO ! !-- If averaged output was written to NetCDF file, set the counter to zero IF ( av == 1 ) average_count_surf = 0 END SUBROUTINE surface_data_output !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Routine for controlling the data averaging. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE surface_data_output_averaging IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: trimvar !< dummy variable for current output variable INTEGER(iwp) :: n_out !< counter variables for surface output n_out = 0 DO WHILE ( dosurf(1,n_out+1)(1:1) /= ' ' ) n_out = n_out + 1 trimvar = TRIM( dosurf(1,n_out) ) SELECT CASE ( trimvar ) CASE ( 'us' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%us, & surf_def_h(1)%us, & surf_lsm_h%us, & surf_usm_h%us, & surf_def_v(0)%us, & surf_lsm_v(0)%us, & surf_usm_v(0)%us, & surf_def_v(1)%us, & surf_lsm_v(1)%us, & surf_usm_v(1)%us, & surf_def_v(2)%us, & surf_lsm_v(2)%us, & surf_usm_v(2)%us, & surf_def_v(3)%us, & surf_lsm_v(3)%us, & surf_usm_v(3)%us, n_out ) CASE ( 'ts' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%ts, & surf_def_h(1)%ts, & surf_lsm_h%ts, & surf_usm_h%ts, & surf_def_v(0)%ts, & surf_lsm_v(0)%ts, & surf_usm_v(0)%ts, & surf_def_v(1)%ts, & surf_lsm_v(1)%ts, & surf_usm_v(1)%ts, & surf_def_v(2)%ts, & surf_lsm_v(2)%ts, & surf_usm_v(2)%ts, & surf_def_v(3)%ts, & surf_lsm_v(3)%ts, & surf_usm_v(3)%ts, n_out ) CASE ( 'qs' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%qs, & surf_def_h(1)%qs, & surf_lsm_h%qs, & surf_usm_h%qs, & surf_def_v(0)%qs, & surf_lsm_v(0)%qs, & surf_usm_v(0)%qs, & surf_def_v(1)%qs, & surf_lsm_v(1)%qs, & surf_usm_v(1)%qs, & surf_def_v(2)%qs, & surf_lsm_v(2)%qs, & surf_usm_v(2)%qs, & surf_def_v(3)%qs, & surf_lsm_v(3)%qs, & surf_usm_v(3)%qs, n_out ) CASE ( 'ss' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%ss, & surf_def_h(1)%ss, & surf_lsm_h%ss, & surf_usm_h%ss, & surf_def_v(0)%ss, & surf_lsm_v(0)%ss, & surf_usm_v(0)%ss, & surf_def_v(1)%ss, & surf_lsm_v(1)%ss, & surf_usm_v(1)%ss, & surf_def_v(2)%ss, & surf_lsm_v(2)%ss, & surf_usm_v(2)%ss, & surf_def_v(3)%ss, & surf_lsm_v(3)%ss, & surf_usm_v(3)%ss, n_out ) CASE ( 'qcs' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%qcs, & surf_def_h(1)%qcs, & surf_lsm_h%qcs, & surf_usm_h%qcs, & surf_def_v(0)%qcs, & surf_lsm_v(0)%qcs, & surf_usm_v(0)%qcs, & surf_def_v(1)%qcs, & surf_lsm_v(1)%qcs, & surf_usm_v(1)%qcs, & surf_def_v(2)%qcs, & surf_lsm_v(2)%qcs, & surf_usm_v(2)%qcs, & surf_def_v(3)%qcs, & surf_lsm_v(3)%qcs, & surf_usm_v(3)%qcs, n_out ) CASE ( 'ncs' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%ncs, & surf_def_h(1)%ncs, & surf_lsm_h%ncs, & surf_usm_h%ncs, & surf_def_v(0)%ncs, & surf_lsm_v(0)%ncs, & surf_usm_v(0)%ncs, & surf_def_v(1)%ncs, & surf_lsm_v(1)%ncs, & surf_usm_v(1)%ncs, & surf_def_v(2)%ncs, & surf_lsm_v(2)%ncs, & surf_usm_v(2)%ncs, & surf_def_v(3)%ncs, & surf_lsm_v(3)%ncs, & surf_usm_v(3)%ncs, n_out ) CASE ( 'qrs' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%qrs, & surf_def_h(1)%qrs, & surf_lsm_h%qrs, & surf_usm_h%qrs, & surf_def_v(0)%qrs, & surf_lsm_v(0)%qrs, & surf_usm_v(0)%qrs, & surf_def_v(1)%qrs, & surf_lsm_v(1)%qrs, & surf_usm_v(1)%qrs, & surf_def_v(2)%qrs, & surf_lsm_v(2)%qrs, & surf_usm_v(2)%qrs, & surf_def_v(3)%qrs, & surf_lsm_v(3)%qrs, & surf_usm_v(3)%qrs, n_out ) CASE ( 'nrs' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%nrs, & surf_def_h(1)%nrs, & surf_lsm_h%nrs, & surf_usm_h%nrs, & surf_def_v(0)%nrs, & surf_lsm_v(0)%nrs, & surf_usm_v(0)%nrs, & surf_def_v(1)%nrs, & surf_lsm_v(1)%nrs, & surf_usm_v(1)%nrs, & surf_def_v(2)%nrs, & surf_lsm_v(2)%nrs, & surf_usm_v(2)%nrs, & surf_def_v(3)%nrs, & surf_lsm_v(3)%nrs, & surf_usm_v(3)%nrs, n_out ) CASE ( 'ol' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%ol, & surf_def_h(1)%ol, & surf_lsm_h%ol, & surf_usm_h%ol, & surf_def_v(0)%ol, & surf_lsm_v(0)%ol, & surf_usm_v(0)%ol, & surf_def_v(1)%ol, & surf_lsm_v(1)%ol, & surf_usm_v(1)%ol, & surf_def_v(2)%ol, & surf_lsm_v(2)%ol, & surf_usm_v(2)%ol, & surf_def_v(3)%ol, & surf_lsm_v(3)%ol, & surf_usm_v(3)%ol, n_out ) CASE ( 'z0' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%z0, & surf_def_h(1)%z0, & surf_lsm_h%z0, & surf_usm_h%z0, & surf_def_v(0)%z0, & surf_lsm_v(0)%z0, & surf_usm_v(0)%z0, & surf_def_v(1)%z0, & surf_lsm_v(1)%z0, & surf_usm_v(1)%z0, & surf_def_v(2)%z0, & surf_lsm_v(2)%z0, & surf_usm_v(2)%z0, & surf_def_v(3)%z0, & surf_lsm_v(3)%z0, & surf_usm_v(3)%z0, n_out ) CASE ( 'z0h' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%z0h, & surf_def_h(1)%z0h, & surf_lsm_h%z0h, & surf_usm_h%z0h, & surf_def_v(0)%z0h, & surf_lsm_v(0)%z0h, & surf_usm_v(0)%z0h, & surf_def_v(1)%z0h, & surf_lsm_v(1)%z0h, & surf_usm_v(1)%z0h, & surf_def_v(2)%z0h, & surf_lsm_v(2)%z0h, & surf_usm_v(2)%z0h, & surf_def_v(3)%z0h, & surf_lsm_v(3)%z0h, & surf_usm_v(3)%z0h, n_out ) CASE ( 'z0q' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%z0q, & surf_def_h(1)%z0q, & surf_lsm_h%z0q, & surf_usm_h%z0q, & surf_def_v(0)%z0q, & surf_lsm_v(0)%z0q, & surf_usm_v(0)%z0q, & surf_def_v(1)%z0q, & surf_lsm_v(1)%z0q, & surf_usm_v(1)%z0q, & surf_def_v(2)%z0q, & surf_lsm_v(2)%z0q, & surf_usm_v(2)%z0q, & surf_def_v(3)%z0q, & surf_lsm_v(3)%z0q, & surf_usm_v(3)%z0q, n_out ) CASE ( 'theta1' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%pt1, & surf_def_h(1)%pt1, & surf_lsm_h%pt1, & surf_usm_h%pt1, & surf_def_v(0)%pt1, & surf_lsm_v(0)%pt1, & surf_usm_v(0)%pt1, & surf_def_v(1)%pt1, & surf_lsm_v(1)%pt1, & surf_usm_v(1)%pt1, & surf_def_v(2)%pt1, & surf_lsm_v(2)%pt1, & surf_usm_v(2)%pt1, & surf_def_v(3)%pt1, & surf_lsm_v(3)%pt1, & surf_usm_v(3)%pt1, n_out ) CASE ( 'qv1' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%qv1, & surf_def_h(1)%qv1, & surf_lsm_h%qv1, & surf_usm_h%qv1, & surf_def_v(0)%qv1, & surf_lsm_v(0)%qv1, & surf_usm_v(0)%qv1, & surf_def_v(1)%qv1, & surf_lsm_v(1)%qv1, & surf_usm_v(1)%qv1, & surf_def_v(2)%qv1, & surf_lsm_v(2)%qv1, & surf_usm_v(2)%qv1, & surf_def_v(3)%qv1, & surf_lsm_v(3)%qv1, & surf_usm_v(3)%qv1, n_out ) CASE ( 'thetav1' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%vpt1, & surf_def_h(1)%vpt1, & surf_lsm_h%vpt1, & surf_usm_h%vpt1, & surf_def_v(0)%vpt1, & surf_lsm_v(0)%vpt1, & surf_usm_v(0)%vpt1, & surf_def_v(1)%vpt1, & surf_lsm_v(1)%vpt1, & surf_usm_v(1)%vpt1, & surf_def_v(2)%vpt1, & surf_lsm_v(2)%vpt1, & surf_usm_v(2)%vpt1, & surf_def_v(3)%vpt1, & surf_lsm_v(3)%vpt1, & surf_usm_v(3)%vpt1, n_out ) CASE ( 'usws' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%usws, & surf_def_h(1)%usws, & surf_lsm_h%usws, & surf_usm_h%usws, & surf_def_v(0)%usws, & surf_lsm_v(0)%usws, & surf_usm_v(0)%usws, & surf_def_v(1)%usws, & surf_lsm_v(1)%usws, & surf_usm_v(1)%usws, & surf_def_v(2)%usws, & surf_lsm_v(2)%usws, & surf_usm_v(2)%usws, & surf_def_v(3)%usws, & surf_lsm_v(3)%usws, & surf_usm_v(3)%usws, n_out ) CASE ( 'vsws' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%vsws, & surf_def_h(1)%vsws, & surf_lsm_h%vsws, & surf_usm_h%vsws, & surf_def_v(0)%vsws, & surf_lsm_v(0)%vsws, & surf_usm_v(0)%vsws, & surf_def_v(1)%vsws, & surf_lsm_v(1)%vsws, & surf_usm_v(1)%vsws, & surf_def_v(2)%vsws, & surf_lsm_v(2)%vsws, & surf_usm_v(2)%vsws, & surf_def_v(3)%vsws, & surf_lsm_v(3)%vsws, & surf_usm_v(3)%vsws, n_out ) CASE ( 'shf' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%shf, & surf_def_h(1)%shf, & surf_lsm_h%shf, & surf_usm_h%shf, & surf_def_v(0)%shf, & surf_lsm_v(0)%shf, & surf_usm_v(0)%shf, & surf_def_v(1)%shf, & surf_lsm_v(1)%shf, & surf_usm_v(1)%shf, & surf_def_v(2)%shf, & surf_lsm_v(2)%shf, & surf_usm_v(2)%shf, & surf_def_v(3)%shf, & surf_lsm_v(3)%shf, & surf_usm_v(3)%shf, n_out ) CASE ( 'qsws' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%qsws, & surf_def_h(1)%qsws, & surf_lsm_h%qsws, & surf_usm_h%qsws, & surf_def_v(0)%qsws, & surf_lsm_v(0)%qsws, & surf_usm_v(0)%qsws, & surf_def_v(1)%qsws, & surf_lsm_v(1)%qsws, & surf_usm_v(1)%qsws, & surf_def_v(2)%qsws, & surf_lsm_v(2)%qsws, & surf_usm_v(2)%qsws, & surf_def_v(3)%qsws, & surf_lsm_v(3)%qsws, & surf_usm_v(3)%qsws, n_out ) CASE ( 'ssws' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%ssws, & surf_def_h(1)%ssws, & surf_lsm_h%ssws, & surf_usm_h%ssws, & surf_def_v(0)%ssws, & surf_lsm_v(0)%ssws, & surf_usm_v(0)%ssws, & surf_def_v(1)%ssws, & surf_lsm_v(1)%ssws, & surf_usm_v(1)%ssws, & surf_def_v(2)%ssws, & surf_lsm_v(2)%ssws, & surf_usm_v(2)%ssws, & surf_def_v(3)%ssws, & surf_lsm_v(3)%ssws, & surf_usm_v(3)%ssws, n_out ) CASE ( 'qcsws' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%qcsws, & surf_def_h(1)%qcsws, & surf_lsm_h%qcsws, & surf_usm_h%qcsws, & surf_def_v(0)%qcsws, & surf_lsm_v(0)%qcsws, & surf_usm_v(0)%qcsws, & surf_def_v(1)%qcsws, & surf_lsm_v(1)%qcsws, & surf_usm_v(1)%qcsws, & surf_def_v(2)%qcsws, & surf_lsm_v(2)%qcsws, & surf_usm_v(2)%qcsws, & surf_def_v(3)%qcsws, & surf_lsm_v(3)%qcsws, & surf_usm_v(3)%qcsws, n_out ) CASE ( 'ncsws' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%ncsws, & surf_def_h(1)%ncsws, & surf_lsm_h%ncsws, & surf_usm_h%ncsws, & surf_def_v(0)%ncsws, & surf_lsm_v(0)%ncsws, & surf_usm_v(0)%ncsws, & surf_def_v(1)%ncsws, & surf_lsm_v(1)%ncsws, & surf_usm_v(1)%ncsws, & surf_def_v(2)%ncsws, & surf_lsm_v(2)%ncsws, & surf_usm_v(2)%ncsws, & surf_def_v(3)%ncsws, & surf_lsm_v(3)%ncsws, & surf_usm_v(3)%ncsws, n_out ) CASE ( 'qrsws' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%qrsws, & surf_def_h(1)%qrsws, & surf_lsm_h%qrsws, & surf_usm_h%qrsws, & surf_def_v(0)%qrsws, & surf_lsm_v(0)%qrsws, & surf_usm_v(0)%qrsws, & surf_def_v(1)%qrsws, & surf_lsm_v(1)%qrsws, & surf_usm_v(1)%qrsws, & surf_def_v(2)%qrsws, & surf_lsm_v(2)%qrsws, & surf_usm_v(2)%qrsws, & surf_def_v(3)%qrsws, & surf_lsm_v(3)%qrsws, & surf_usm_v(3)%qrsws, n_out ) CASE ( 'nrsws' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%nrsws, & surf_def_h(1)%nrsws, & surf_lsm_h%nrsws, & surf_usm_h%nrsws, & surf_def_v(0)%nrsws, & surf_lsm_v(0)%nrsws, & surf_usm_v(0)%nrsws, & surf_def_v(1)%nrsws, & surf_lsm_v(1)%nrsws, & surf_usm_v(1)%nrsws, & surf_def_v(2)%nrsws, & surf_lsm_v(2)%nrsws, & surf_usm_v(2)%nrsws, & surf_def_v(3)%nrsws, & surf_lsm_v(3)%nrsws, & surf_usm_v(3)%nrsws, n_out ) CASE ( 'sasws' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%sasws, & surf_def_h(1)%sasws, & surf_lsm_h%sasws, & surf_usm_h%sasws, & surf_def_v(0)%sasws, & surf_lsm_v(0)%sasws, & surf_usm_v(0)%sasws, & surf_def_v(1)%sasws, & surf_lsm_v(1)%sasws, & surf_usm_v(1)%sasws, & surf_def_v(2)%sasws, & surf_lsm_v(2)%sasws, & surf_usm_v(2)%sasws, & surf_def_v(3)%sasws, & surf_lsm_v(3)%sasws, & surf_usm_v(3)%sasws, n_out ) CASE ( 'q_surface' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%q_surface, & surf_def_h(1)%q_surface, & surf_lsm_h%q_surface, & surf_usm_h%q_surface, & surf_def_v(0)%q_surface, & surf_lsm_v(0)%q_surface, & surf_usm_v(0)%q_surface, & surf_def_v(1)%q_surface, & surf_lsm_v(1)%q_surface, & surf_usm_v(1)%q_surface, & surf_def_v(2)%q_surface, & surf_lsm_v(2)%q_surface, & surf_usm_v(2)%q_surface, & surf_def_v(3)%q_surface, & surf_lsm_v(3)%q_surface, & surf_usm_v(3)%q_surface, n_out ) CASE ( 'theta_surface' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%pt_surface, & surf_def_h(1)%pt_surface, & surf_lsm_h%pt_surface, & surf_usm_h%pt_surface, & surf_def_v(0)%pt_surface, & surf_lsm_v(0)%pt_surface, & surf_usm_v(0)%pt_surface, & surf_def_v(1)%pt_surface, & surf_lsm_v(1)%pt_surface, & surf_usm_v(1)%pt_surface, & surf_def_v(2)%pt_surface, & surf_lsm_v(2)%pt_surface, & surf_usm_v(2)%pt_surface, & surf_def_v(3)%pt_surface, & surf_lsm_v(3)%pt_surface, & surf_usm_v(3)%pt_surface, n_out ) CASE ( 'thetav_surface' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%vpt_surface, & surf_def_h(1)%vpt_surface, & surf_lsm_h%vpt_surface, & surf_usm_h%vpt_surface, & surf_def_v(0)%vpt_surface, & surf_lsm_v(0)%vpt_surface, & surf_usm_v(0)%vpt_surface, & surf_def_v(1)%vpt_surface, & surf_lsm_v(1)%vpt_surface, & surf_usm_v(1)%vpt_surface, & surf_def_v(2)%vpt_surface, & surf_lsm_v(2)%vpt_surface, & surf_usm_v(2)%vpt_surface, & surf_def_v(3)%vpt_surface, & surf_lsm_v(3)%vpt_surface, & surf_usm_v(3)%vpt_surface, n_out ) CASE ( 'rad_net' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%rad_net, & surf_def_h(1)%rad_net, & surf_lsm_h%rad_net, & surf_usm_h%rad_net, & surf_def_v(0)%rad_net, & surf_lsm_v(0)%rad_net, & surf_usm_v(0)%rad_net, & surf_def_v(1)%rad_net, & surf_lsm_v(1)%rad_net, & surf_usm_v(1)%rad_net, & surf_def_v(2)%rad_net, & surf_lsm_v(2)%rad_net, & surf_usm_v(2)%rad_net, & surf_def_v(3)%rad_net, & surf_lsm_v(3)%rad_net, & surf_usm_v(3)%rad_net, n_out ) CASE ( 'rad_lw_in' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%rad_lw_in, & surf_def_h(1)%rad_lw_in, & surf_lsm_h%rad_lw_in, & surf_usm_h%rad_lw_in, & surf_def_v(0)%rad_lw_in, & surf_lsm_v(0)%rad_lw_in, & surf_usm_v(0)%rad_lw_in, & surf_def_v(1)%rad_lw_in, & surf_lsm_v(1)%rad_lw_in, & surf_usm_v(1)%rad_lw_in, & surf_def_v(2)%rad_lw_in, & surf_lsm_v(2)%rad_lw_in, & surf_usm_v(2)%rad_lw_in, & surf_def_v(3)%rad_lw_in, & surf_lsm_v(3)%rad_lw_in, & surf_usm_v(3)%rad_lw_in, n_out ) CASE ( 'rad_lw_out' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%rad_lw_out, & surf_def_h(1)%rad_lw_out, & surf_lsm_h%rad_lw_out, & surf_usm_h%rad_lw_out, & surf_def_v(0)%rad_lw_out, & surf_lsm_v(0)%rad_lw_out, & surf_usm_v(0)%rad_lw_out, & surf_def_v(1)%rad_lw_out, & surf_lsm_v(1)%rad_lw_out, & surf_usm_v(1)%rad_lw_out, & surf_def_v(2)%rad_lw_out, & surf_lsm_v(2)%rad_lw_out, & surf_usm_v(2)%rad_lw_out, & surf_def_v(3)%rad_lw_out, & surf_lsm_v(3)%rad_lw_out, & surf_usm_v(3)%rad_lw_out, n_out ) CASE ( 'rad_sw_in' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%rad_sw_in, & surf_def_h(1)%rad_sw_in, & surf_lsm_h%rad_sw_in, & surf_usm_h%rad_sw_in, & surf_def_v(0)%rad_sw_in, & surf_lsm_v(0)%rad_sw_in, & surf_usm_v(0)%rad_sw_in, & surf_def_v(1)%rad_sw_in, & surf_lsm_v(1)%rad_sw_in, & surf_usm_v(1)%rad_sw_in, & surf_def_v(2)%rad_sw_in, & surf_lsm_v(2)%rad_sw_in, & surf_usm_v(2)%rad_sw_in, & surf_def_v(3)%rad_sw_in, & surf_lsm_v(3)%rad_sw_in, & surf_usm_v(3)%rad_sw_in, n_out ) CASE ( 'rad_sw_out' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%rad_sw_out, & surf_def_h(1)%rad_sw_out, & surf_lsm_h%rad_sw_out, & surf_usm_h%rad_sw_out, & surf_def_v(0)%rad_sw_out, & surf_lsm_v(0)%rad_sw_out, & surf_usm_v(0)%rad_sw_out, & surf_def_v(1)%rad_sw_out, & surf_lsm_v(1)%rad_sw_out, & surf_usm_v(1)%rad_sw_out, & surf_def_v(2)%rad_sw_out, & surf_lsm_v(2)%rad_sw_out, & surf_usm_v(2)%rad_sw_out, & surf_def_v(3)%rad_sw_out, & surf_lsm_v(3)%rad_sw_out, & surf_usm_v(3)%rad_sw_out, n_out ) CASE ( 'ghf' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%ghf, & surf_def_h(1)%ghf, & surf_lsm_h%ghf, & surf_usm_h%ghf, & surf_def_v(0)%ghf, & surf_lsm_v(0)%ghf, & surf_usm_v(0)%ghf, & surf_def_v(1)%ghf, & surf_lsm_v(1)%ghf, & surf_usm_v(1)%ghf, & surf_def_v(2)%ghf, & surf_lsm_v(2)%ghf, & surf_usm_v(2)%ghf, & surf_def_v(3)%ghf, & surf_lsm_v(3)%ghf, & surf_usm_v(3)%ghf, n_out ) CASE ( 'r_a' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%r_a, & surf_def_h(1)%r_a, & surf_lsm_h%r_a, & surf_usm_h%r_a, & surf_def_v(0)%r_a, & surf_lsm_v(0)%r_a, & surf_usm_v(0)%r_a, & surf_def_v(1)%r_a, & surf_lsm_v(1)%r_a, & surf_usm_v(1)%r_a, & surf_def_v(2)%r_a, & surf_lsm_v(2)%r_a, & surf_usm_v(2)%r_a, & surf_def_v(3)%r_a, & surf_lsm_v(3)%r_a, & surf_usm_v(3)%r_a, n_out ) CASE ( 'r_soil' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%r_soil, & surf_def_h(1)%r_soil, & surf_lsm_h%r_soil, & surf_usm_h%r_soil, & surf_def_v(0)%r_soil, & surf_lsm_v(0)%r_soil, & surf_usm_v(0)%r_soil, & surf_def_v(1)%r_soil, & surf_lsm_v(1)%r_soil, & surf_usm_v(1)%r_soil, & surf_def_v(2)%r_soil, & surf_lsm_v(2)%r_soil, & surf_usm_v(2)%r_soil, & surf_def_v(3)%r_soil, & surf_lsm_v(3)%r_soil, & surf_usm_v(3)%r_soil, n_out ) CASE ( 'r_canopy' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%r_canopy, & surf_def_h(1)%r_canopy, & surf_lsm_h%r_canopy, & surf_usm_h%r_canopy, & surf_def_v(0)%r_canopy, & surf_lsm_v(0)%r_canopy, & surf_usm_v(0)%r_canopy, & surf_def_v(1)%r_canopy, & surf_lsm_v(1)%r_canopy, & surf_usm_v(1)%r_canopy, & surf_def_v(2)%r_canopy, & surf_lsm_v(2)%r_canopy, & surf_usm_v(2)%r_canopy, & surf_def_v(3)%r_canopy, & surf_lsm_v(3)%r_canopy, & surf_usm_v(3)%r_canopy, n_out ) CASE ( 'r_s' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%r_s, & surf_def_h(1)%r_s, & surf_lsm_h%r_s, & surf_usm_h%r_s, & surf_def_v(0)%r_s, & surf_lsm_v(0)%r_s, & surf_usm_v(0)%r_s, & surf_def_v(1)%r_s, & surf_lsm_v(1)%r_s, & surf_usm_v(1)%r_s, & surf_def_v(2)%r_s, & surf_lsm_v(2)%r_s, & surf_usm_v(2)%r_s, & surf_def_v(3)%r_s, & surf_lsm_v(3)%r_s, & surf_usm_v(3)%r_s, n_out ) CASE ( 'rad_sw_dir' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%rad_sw_dir, & surf_def_h(1)%rad_sw_dir, & surf_lsm_h%rad_sw_dir, & surf_usm_h%rad_sw_dir, & surf_def_v(0)%rad_sw_dir, & surf_lsm_v(0)%rad_sw_dir, & surf_usm_v(0)%rad_sw_dir, & surf_def_v(1)%rad_sw_dir, & surf_lsm_v(1)%rad_sw_dir, & surf_usm_v(1)%rad_sw_dir, & surf_def_v(2)%rad_sw_dir, & surf_lsm_v(2)%rad_sw_dir, & surf_usm_v(2)%rad_sw_dir, & surf_def_v(3)%rad_sw_dir, & surf_lsm_v(3)%rad_sw_dir, & surf_usm_v(3)%rad_sw_dir, n_out ) CASE ( 'rad_sw_dif' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%rad_sw_dif, & surf_def_h(1)%rad_sw_dif, & surf_lsm_h%rad_sw_dif, & surf_usm_h%rad_sw_dif, & surf_def_v(0)%rad_sw_dif, & surf_lsm_v(0)%rad_sw_dif, & surf_usm_v(0)%rad_sw_dif, & surf_def_v(1)%rad_sw_dif, & surf_lsm_v(1)%rad_sw_dif, & surf_usm_v(1)%rad_sw_dif, & surf_def_v(2)%rad_sw_dif, & surf_lsm_v(2)%rad_sw_dif, & surf_usm_v(2)%rad_sw_dif, & surf_def_v(3)%rad_sw_dif, & surf_lsm_v(3)%rad_sw_dif, & surf_usm_v(3)%rad_sw_dif, n_out ) CASE ( 'rad_sw_ref' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%rad_sw_ref, & surf_def_h(1)%rad_sw_ref, & surf_lsm_h%rad_sw_ref, & surf_usm_h%rad_sw_ref, & surf_def_v(0)%rad_sw_ref, & surf_lsm_v(0)%rad_sw_ref, & surf_usm_v(0)%rad_sw_ref, & surf_def_v(1)%rad_sw_ref, & surf_lsm_v(1)%rad_sw_ref, & surf_usm_v(1)%rad_sw_ref, & surf_def_v(2)%rad_sw_ref, & surf_lsm_v(2)%rad_sw_ref, & surf_usm_v(2)%rad_sw_ref, & surf_def_v(3)%rad_sw_ref, & surf_lsm_v(3)%rad_sw_ref, & surf_usm_v(3)%rad_sw_ref, n_out ) CASE ( 'rad_sw_res' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%rad_sw_res, & surf_def_h(1)%rad_sw_res, & surf_lsm_h%rad_sw_res, & surf_usm_h%rad_sw_res, & surf_def_v(0)%rad_sw_res, & surf_lsm_v(0)%rad_sw_res, & surf_usm_v(0)%rad_sw_res, & surf_def_v(1)%rad_sw_res, & surf_lsm_v(1)%rad_sw_res, & surf_usm_v(1)%rad_sw_res, & surf_def_v(2)%rad_sw_res, & surf_lsm_v(2)%rad_sw_res, & surf_usm_v(2)%rad_sw_res, & surf_def_v(3)%rad_sw_res, & surf_lsm_v(3)%rad_sw_res, & surf_usm_v(3)%rad_sw_res, n_out ) CASE ( 'rad_lw_dif' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%rad_lw_dif, & surf_def_h(1)%rad_lw_dif, & surf_lsm_h%rad_lw_dif, & surf_usm_h%rad_lw_dif, & surf_def_v(0)%rad_lw_dif, & surf_lsm_v(0)%rad_lw_dif, & surf_usm_v(0)%rad_lw_dif, & surf_def_v(1)%rad_lw_dif, & surf_lsm_v(1)%rad_lw_dif, & surf_usm_v(1)%rad_lw_dif, & surf_def_v(2)%rad_lw_dif, & surf_lsm_v(2)%rad_lw_dif, & surf_usm_v(2)%rad_lw_dif, & surf_def_v(3)%rad_lw_dif, & surf_lsm_v(3)%rad_lw_dif, & surf_usm_v(3)%rad_lw_dif, n_out ) CASE ( 'rad_lw_ref' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%rad_lw_ref, & surf_def_h(1)%rad_lw_ref, & surf_lsm_h%rad_lw_ref, & surf_usm_h%rad_lw_ref, & surf_def_v(0)%rad_lw_ref, & surf_lsm_v(0)%rad_lw_ref, & surf_usm_v(0)%rad_lw_ref, & surf_def_v(1)%rad_lw_ref, & surf_lsm_v(1)%rad_lw_ref, & surf_usm_v(1)%rad_lw_ref, & surf_def_v(2)%rad_lw_ref, & surf_lsm_v(2)%rad_lw_ref, & surf_usm_v(2)%rad_lw_ref, & surf_def_v(3)%rad_lw_ref, & surf_lsm_v(3)%rad_lw_ref, & surf_usm_v(3)%rad_lw_ref, n_out ) CASE ( 'rad_lw_res' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%rad_lw_res, & surf_def_h(1)%rad_lw_res, & surf_lsm_h%rad_lw_res, & surf_usm_h%rad_lw_res, & surf_def_v(0)%rad_lw_res, & surf_lsm_v(0)%rad_lw_res, & surf_usm_v(0)%rad_lw_res, & surf_def_v(1)%rad_lw_res, & surf_lsm_v(1)%rad_lw_res, & surf_usm_v(1)%rad_lw_res, & surf_def_v(2)%rad_lw_res, & surf_lsm_v(2)%rad_lw_res, & surf_usm_v(2)%rad_lw_res, & surf_def_v(3)%rad_lw_res, & surf_lsm_v(3)%rad_lw_res, & surf_usm_v(3)%rad_lw_res, n_out ) CASE ( 'uvw1' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%uvw_abs, & surf_def_h(1)%uvw_abs, & surf_lsm_h%uvw_abs, & surf_usm_h%uvw_abs, & surf_def_v(0)%uvw_abs, & surf_lsm_v(0)%uvw_abs, & surf_usm_v(0)%uvw_abs, & surf_def_v(1)%uvw_abs, & surf_lsm_v(1)%uvw_abs, & surf_usm_v(1)%uvw_abs, & surf_def_v(2)%uvw_abs, & surf_lsm_v(2)%uvw_abs, & surf_usm_v(2)%uvw_abs, & surf_def_v(3)%uvw_abs, & surf_lsm_v(3)%uvw_abs, & surf_usm_v(3)%uvw_abs, n_out ) CASE ( 'waste_heat' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%waste_heat, & surf_def_h(1)%waste_heat, & surf_lsm_h%waste_heat, & surf_usm_h%waste_heat, & surf_def_v(0)%waste_heat, & surf_lsm_v(0)%waste_heat, & surf_usm_v(0)%waste_heat, & surf_def_v(1)%waste_heat, & surf_lsm_v(1)%waste_heat, & surf_usm_v(1)%waste_heat, & surf_def_v(2)%waste_heat, & surf_lsm_v(2)%waste_heat, & surf_usm_v(2)%waste_heat, & surf_def_v(3)%waste_heat, & surf_lsm_v(3)%waste_heat, & surf_usm_v(3)%waste_heat, n_out ) CASE ( 'im_hf' ) CALL surface_data_output_sum_up( surf_def_h(0)%iwghf_eb, & surf_def_h(1)%iwghf_eb, & surf_lsm_h%iwghf_eb, & surf_usm_h%iwghf_eb, & surf_def_v(0)%iwghf_eb, & surf_lsm_v(0)%iwghf_eb, & surf_usm_v(0)%iwghf_eb, & surf_def_v(1)%iwghf_eb, & surf_lsm_v(1)%iwghf_eb, & surf_usm_v(1)%iwghf_eb, & surf_def_v(2)%iwghf_eb, & surf_lsm_v(2)%iwghf_eb, & surf_usm_v(2)%iwghf_eb, & surf_def_v(3)%iwghf_eb, & surf_lsm_v(3)%iwghf_eb, & surf_usm_v(3)%iwghf_eb, n_out ) END SELECT ENDDO END SUBROUTINE surface_data_output_averaging !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Sum-up the surface data for average output variables. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE surface_data_output_sum_up( var_def_h0, var_def_h1, & var_lsm_h, var_usm_h, & var_def_v0, var_lsm_v0, var_usm_v0, & var_def_v1, var_lsm_v1, var_usm_v1, & var_def_v2, var_lsm_v2, var_usm_v2, & var_def_v3, var_lsm_v3, var_usm_v3, n_out ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: m !< running index for surface elements INTEGER(iwp) :: n_out !< index for output variable INTEGER(iwp) :: n_surf !< running index for surface elements REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_def_h0 !< output variable at upward-facing default-type surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_def_h1 !< output variable at downward-facing default-type surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_lsm_h !< output variable at upward-facing natural-type surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_usm_h !< output variable at upward-facing urban-type surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_def_v0 !< output variable at northward-facing default-type surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_def_v1 !< output variable at southward-facing default-type surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_def_v2 !< output variable at eastward-facing default-type surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_def_v3 !< output variable at westward-facing default-type surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_lsm_v0 !< output variable at northward-facing natural-type surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_lsm_v1 !< output variable at southward-facing natural-type surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_lsm_v2 !< output variable at eastward-facing natural-type surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_lsm_v3 !< output variable at westward-facing natural-type surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_usm_v0 !< output variable at northward-facing urban-type surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_usm_v1 !< output variable at southward-facing urban-type surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_usm_v2 !< output variable at eastward-facing urban-type surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_usm_v3 !< output variable at westward-facing urban-type surfaces ! !-- Set counter variable to zero before the variable is written to !-- the output array. n_surf = 0 ! !-- Write the horizontal surfaces. !-- Before each the variable is written to the output data structure, first !-- check if the variable for the respective surface type is defined. !-- If a variable is not defined, skip the block and increment the counter !-- variable by the number of surface elements of this type. Usually this !-- is zere, however, there might be the situation that e.g. urban surfaces !-- are defined but the respective variable is not allocated for this surface !-- type. To write the data on the exact position, increment the counter. IF ( ALLOCATED( var_def_h0 ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_def_h(0)%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) = surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) & + var_def_h0(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_def_h(0)%ns ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( var_def_h1 ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_def_h(1)%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) = surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) & + var_def_h1(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_def_h(1)%ns ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( var_lsm_h ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_lsm_h%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) = surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) & + var_lsm_h(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_lsm_h%ns ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( var_usm_h ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_usm_h%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) = surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) & + var_usm_h(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_usm_h%ns ENDIF ! !-- Write northward-facing IF ( ALLOCATED( var_def_v0 ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_def_v(0)%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) = surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) & + var_def_v0(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_def_v(0)%ns ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( var_lsm_v0 ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_lsm_v(0)%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) = surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) & + var_lsm_v0(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_lsm_v(0)%ns ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( var_usm_v0 ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(0)%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) = surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) & + var_usm_v0(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_usm_v(0)%ns ENDIF ! !-- Write southward-facing IF ( ALLOCATED( var_def_v1 ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_def_v(1)%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) = surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) & + var_def_v1(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_def_v(1)%ns ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( var_lsm_v1 ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_lsm_v(1)%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) = surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) & + var_lsm_v1(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_lsm_v(1)%ns ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( var_usm_v1 ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(1)%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) = surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) & + var_usm_v1(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_usm_v(1)%ns ENDIF ! !-- Write eastward-facing IF ( ALLOCATED( var_def_v2 ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_def_v(2)%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) = surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) & + var_def_v2(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_def_v(2)%ns ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( var_lsm_v2 ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_lsm_v(2)%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) = surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) & + var_lsm_v2(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_lsm_v(2)%ns ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( var_usm_v2 ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(2)%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) = surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) & + var_usm_v2(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_usm_v(2)%ns ENDIF ! !-- Write westward-facing IF ( ALLOCATED( var_def_v3 ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_def_v(3)%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) = surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) & + var_def_v3(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_def_v(3)%ns ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( var_lsm_v3 ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_lsm_v(3)%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) = surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) & + var_lsm_v3(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_lsm_v(3)%ns ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( var_usm_v3 ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(3)%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) = surfaces%var_av(n_surf,n_out) & + var_usm_v3(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_usm_v(3)%ns ENDIF END SUBROUTINE surface_data_output_sum_up !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Collect the surface data from different types and different orientation. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE surface_data_output_collect( var_def_h0, var_def_h1, & var_lsm_h, var_usm_h, & var_def_v0, var_lsm_v0, var_usm_v0, & var_def_v1, var_lsm_v1, var_usm_v1, & var_def_v2, var_lsm_v2, var_usm_v2, & var_def_v3, var_lsm_v3, var_usm_v3 ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: m !< running index for surface elements INTEGER(iwp) :: n_surf !< running index for surface elements REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_def_h0 !< output variable at upward-facing default-type surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_def_h1 !< output variable at downward-facing default-type surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_lsm_h !< output variable at upward-facing natural-type surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_usm_h !< output variable at upward-facing urban-type surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_def_v0 !< output variable at northward-facing default-type surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_def_v1 !< output variable at southward-facing default-type surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_def_v2 !< output variable at eastward-facing default-type surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_def_v3 !< output variable at westward-facing default-type surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_lsm_v0 !< output variable at northward-facing natural-type surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_lsm_v1 !< output variable at southward-facing natural-type surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_lsm_v2 !< output variable at eastward-facing natural-type surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_lsm_v3 !< output variable at westward-facing natural-type surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_usm_v0 !< output variable at northward-facing urban-type surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_usm_v1 !< output variable at southward-facing urban-type surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_usm_v2 !< output variable at eastward-facing urban-type surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(IN) :: var_usm_v3 !< output variable at westward-facing urban-type surfaces ! !-- Set counter variable to zero before the variable is written to !-- the output array. n_surf = 0 ! !-- Write the horizontal surfaces. !-- Before each the variable is written to the output data structure, first !-- check if the variable for the respective surface type is defined. !-- If a variable is not defined, skip the block and increment the counter !-- variable by the number of surface elements of this type. Usually this !-- is zere, however, there might be the situation that e.g. urban surfaces !-- are defined but the respective variable is not allocated for this surface !-- type. To write the data on the exact position, increment the counter. IF ( ALLOCATED( var_def_h0 ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_def_h(0)%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_out(n_surf) = var_def_h0(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_def_h(0)%ns ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( var_def_h1 ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_def_h(1)%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_out(n_surf) = var_def_h1(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_def_h(1)%ns ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( var_lsm_h ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_lsm_h%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_out(n_surf) = var_lsm_h(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_lsm_h%ns ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( var_usm_h ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_usm_h%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_out(n_surf) = var_usm_h(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_usm_h%ns ENDIF ! !-- Write northward-facing IF ( ALLOCATED( var_def_v0 ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_def_v(0)%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_out(n_surf) = var_def_v0(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_def_v(0)%ns ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( var_lsm_v0 ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_lsm_v(0)%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_out(n_surf) = var_lsm_v0(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_lsm_v(0)%ns ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( var_usm_v0 ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(0)%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_out(n_surf) = var_usm_v0(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_usm_v(0)%ns ENDIF ! !-- Write southward-facing IF ( ALLOCATED( var_def_v1 ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_def_v(1)%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_out(n_surf) = var_def_v1(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_def_v(1)%ns ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( var_lsm_v1 ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_lsm_v(1)%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_out(n_surf) = var_lsm_v1(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_lsm_v(1)%ns ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( var_usm_v1 ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(1)%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_out(n_surf) = var_usm_v1(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_usm_v(1)%ns ENDIF ! !-- Write eastward-facing IF ( ALLOCATED( var_def_v2 ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_def_v(2)%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_out(n_surf) = var_def_v2(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_def_v(2)%ns ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( var_lsm_v2 ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_lsm_v(2)%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_out(n_surf) = var_lsm_v2(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_lsm_v(2)%ns ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( var_usm_v2 ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(2)%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_out(n_surf) = var_usm_v2(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_usm_v(2)%ns ENDIF ! !-- Write westward-facing IF ( ALLOCATED( var_def_v3 ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_def_v(3)%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_out(n_surf) = var_def_v3(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_def_v(3)%ns ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( var_lsm_v3 ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_lsm_v(3)%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_out(n_surf) = var_lsm_v3(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_lsm_v(3)%ns ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( var_usm_v3 ) ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(3)%ns n_surf = n_surf + 1 surfaces%var_out(n_surf) = var_usm_v3(m) ENDDO ELSE n_surf = n_surf + surf_usm_v(3)%ns ENDIF END SUBROUTINE surface_data_output_collect !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Parin for output of surface parameters !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE surface_data_output_parin IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: line !< dummy string that contains the current line of the parameter file NAMELIST /surface_data_output_parameters/ & averaging_interval_surf, data_output_surf, & dt_dosurf, dt_dosurf_av, & skip_time_dosurf, skip_time_dosurf_av, & to_netcdf, to_vtk line = ' ' ! !-- Try to find the namelist REWIND ( 11 ) line = ' ' DO WHILE ( INDEX( line, '&surface_data_output_parameters' ) == 0 ) READ ( 11, '(A)', END=14 ) line ENDDO BACKSPACE ( 11 ) ! !-- Read namelist READ ( 11, surface_data_output_parameters, ERR = 10 ) ! !-- Set flag that indicates that surface data output is switched on surface_output = .TRUE. GOTO 14 10 BACKSPACE( 11 ) READ( 11 , '(A)') line CALL parin_fail_message( 'surface_data_output_parameters', line ) 14 CONTINUE END SUBROUTINE surface_data_output_parin !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Check the input parameters for consistency. Further pre-process the given !> output variables, i.e. separate them into average and non-average output !> variables and map them onto internal output array. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE surface_data_output_check_parameters USE control_parameters, & ONLY: averaging_interval, dt_data_output, indoor_model, & initializing_actions, message_string USE pegrid, & ONLY: numprocs_previous_run IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: trimvar !< dummy for single output variable CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: unit !< dummy for unit of output variable INTEGER(iwp) :: av !< id indicating average or non-average data output INTEGER(iwp) :: ilen !< string length INTEGER(iwp) :: n_out !< running index for number of output variables ! !-- Check the average interval IF ( averaging_interval_surf == 9999999.9_wp ) THEN averaging_interval_surf = averaging_interval ENDIF ! !-- Set the default data-output interval dt_data_output if necessary IF ( dt_dosurf == 9999999.9_wp ) dt_dosurf = dt_data_output IF ( dt_dosurf_av == 9999999.9_wp ) dt_dosurf_av = dt_data_output IF ( averaging_interval_surf > dt_dosurf_av ) THEN WRITE( message_string, * ) 'averaging_interval_surf = ', & averaging_interval_surf, ' must be <= dt_dosurf_av = ', & dt_dosurf_av CALL message( 'surface_data_output_check_parameters', & 'PA0536', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF #if ! defined( __netcdf4_parallel ) ! !-- Surface output via NetCDF requires parallel NetCDF IF ( to_netcdf ) THEN message_string = 'to_netcdf = .True. requires parallel NetCDF' CALL message( 'surface_data_output_check_parameters', & 'PA0116', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF #endif ! !-- In case of restart runs, check it the number of cores has been changed. !-- With surface output this is not allowed. IF ( TRIM( initializing_actions ) == 'read_restart_data' .AND. & numprocs_previous_run /= numprocs ) THEN message_string = 'The number of cores has been changed between ' // & 'restart runs. This is not allowed when surface ' // & 'data output is used.' CALL message( 'surface_data_output_check_parameters', & 'PA0585', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ! !-- Count number of output variables and separate output strings for !-- average and non-average output variables. n_out = 0 DO WHILE ( data_output_surf(n_out+1)(1:1) /= ' ' ) n_out = n_out + 1 ilen = LEN_TRIM( data_output_surf(n_out) ) trimvar = TRIM( data_output_surf(n_out) ) ! !-- Check for data averaging av = 0 IF ( ilen > 3 ) THEN IF ( data_output_surf(n_out)(ilen-2:ilen) == '_av' ) THEN trimvar = data_output_surf(n_out)(1:ilen-3) av = 1 ENDIF ENDIF dosurf_no(av) = dosurf_no(av) + 1 dosurf(av,dosurf_no(av)) = TRIM( trimvar ) ! !-- Check if all output variables are known and assign a unit unit = 'not set' SELECT CASE ( TRIM( trimvar ) ) CASE ( 'css', 'cssws', 'qsws_liq', 'qsws_soil', 'qsws_veg' ) message_string = TRIM( trimvar ) // & ' is not yet implemented in the surface output' CALL message( 'surface_data_output_check_parameters', & 'PA0537', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) CASE ( 'us', 'uvw1' ) unit = 'm/s' CASE ( 'ss', 'qcs', 'ncs', 'qrs', 'nrs' ) unit = '1' CASE ( 'z0', 'z0h', 'z0q', 'ol' ) unit = 'm' CASE ( 'ts', 'theta1', 'thetav1', 'theta_surface', 'thetav_surface' ) unit = 'K' CASE ( 'usws', 'vsws' ) unit = 'm2/s2' CASE ( 'qcsws', 'ncsws', 'qrsws', 'nrsws', 'sasws' ) CASE ( 'shf' ) unit = 'K m/s' CASE ( 'qsws' ) unit = 'kg/kg m/s' CASE ( 'ssws' ) unit = 'kg/m2/s' CASE ( 'qs', 'q_surface', 'qv1' ) unit = 'kg/kg' CASE ( 'rad_net' ) unit = 'W/m2' CASE ( 'rad_lw_in', 'rad_lw_out', 'rad_lw_dif', 'rad_lw_ref', & 'rad_lw_res' ) unit = 'W/m2' CASE ( 'rad_sw_in', 'rad_sw_out', 'rad_sw_dif', 'rad_sw_ref', & 'rad_sw_res', 'rad_sw_dir' ) unit = 'W/m2' CASE ( 'ghf' ) unit = 'W/m2' CASE ( 'r_a', 'r_canopy', 'r_soil', 'r_s' ) unit = 's/m' CASE ( 'waste_heat', 'im_hf' ) IF ( .NOT. indoor_model ) THEN message_string = TRIM( trimvar ) // & ' requires the indoor model' CALL message( 'surface_data_output_check_parameters', & 'PA0588', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF unit = 'W/m2' CASE DEFAULT message_string = TRIM( trimvar ) // & ' is not part of the surface output' CALL message( 'surface_data_output_check_parameters', & 'PA0538', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) END SELECT dosurf_unit(av,dosurf_no(av)) = unit ENDDO END SUBROUTINE surface_data_output_check_parameters !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Last action. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE surface_data_output_last_action( av ) USE control_parameters, & ONLY: io_blocks, io_group USE pegrid, & ONLY: comm2d, ierr IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: av !< id indicating average or non-average data output INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< loop index ! !-- Return, if nothing to output IF ( dosurf_no(av) == 0 ) RETURN ! !-- If output to VTK files is enabled, check if files are open and write !-- an end-of-file statement. IF ( to_vtk ) THEN CALL check_open( 25+av ) ! !-- Write time coordinate DO i = 0, io_blocks-1 IF ( i == io_group ) THEN WRITE ( 25+av ) LEN_TRIM( 'END' ) WRITE ( 25+av ) 'END' ENDIF #if defined( __parallel ) CALL MPI_BARRIER( comm2d, ierr ) #endif ENDDO ENDIF END SUBROUTINE surface_data_output_last_action !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> This routine reads globally used restart data. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE surface_data_output_rrd_global( found ) USE control_parameters, & ONLY: length, restart_string IMPLICIT NONE LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: found !< flag indicating if variable was found found = .TRUE. SELECT CASE ( restart_string(1:length) ) CASE ( 'average_count_surf' ) READ ( 13 ) average_count_surf CASE DEFAULT found = .FALSE. END SELECT END SUBROUTINE surface_data_output_rrd_global !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> This routine reads the respective restart data. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE surface_data_output_rrd_local( i, k, nxlf, nxlc, nxl_on_file, & nxrf, nxrc, nxr_on_file, nynf, nync, nyn_on_file,& nysf, nysc, nys_on_file, found ) USE control_parameters, & ONLY: length, restart_string IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: l !< index variable for surface type INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< running index over input files INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< running index over previous input files covering current local domain INTEGER(iwp) :: ns_h_on_file_usm !< number of horizontal surface elements (urban type) on file INTEGER(iwp) :: nxlc !< index of left boundary on current subdomain INTEGER(iwp) :: nxlf !< index of left boundary on former subdomain INTEGER(iwp) :: nxl_on_file !< index of left boundary on former local domain INTEGER(iwp) :: nxrc !< index of right boundary on current subdomain INTEGER(iwp) :: nxrf !< index of right boundary on former subdomain INTEGER(iwp) :: nxr_on_file !< index of right boundary on former local domain INTEGER(iwp) :: nync !< index of north boundary on current subdomain INTEGER(iwp) :: nynf !< index of north boundary on former subdomain INTEGER(iwp) :: nyn_on_file !< index of north boundary on former local domain INTEGER(iwp) :: nysc !< index of south boundary on current subdomain INTEGER(iwp) :: nysf !< index of south boundary on former subdomain INTEGER(iwp) :: nys_on_file !< index of south boundary on former local domain LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: found ! !-- Here the reading of user-defined restart data follows: !-- Sample for user-defined output found = .TRUE. SELECT CASE ( restart_string(1:length) ) CASE ( 'surfaces%var_av' ) IF ( k == 1 ) READ ( 13 ) surfaces%var_av CASE DEFAULT found = .FALSE. END SELECT END SUBROUTINE surface_data_output_rrd_local !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> This routine writes the respective restart data. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE surface_data_output_wrd_global IMPLICIT NONE CALL wrd_write_string( 'average_count_surf' ) WRITE ( 14 ) average_count_surf END SUBROUTINE surface_data_output_wrd_global !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> This routine writes restart data which individual on each PE !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE surface_data_output_wrd_local IMPLICIT NONE IF ( ALLOCATED( surfaces%var_av ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surfaces%var_av' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surfaces%var_av ENDIF END SUBROUTINE surface_data_output_wrd_local END MODULE surface_data_output_mod