MODULE pmc_child !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! This file is part of the PALM model system. ! ! PALM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the ! terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software ! Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later ! version. ! ! PALM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY ! WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR ! A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ! PALM. If not, see . ! ! Copyright 1997-2019 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! Current revisions: ! ------------------ ! ! ! Former revisions: ! ----------------- ! $Id: pmc_child_mod.f90 4245 2019-09-30 08:40:37Z pavelkrc $ ! ! ! 4182 2019-08-22 15:20:23Z scharf ! Corrected "Former revisions" section ! ! 3964 2019-05-09 09:48:32Z suehring ! Remove unused variable ! ! 3963 2019-05-08 20:09:11Z suehring ! Bugfixes in initial settings of child and parent communication patterns. ! ! 3945 2019-05-02 11:29:27Z raasch ! ! 3932 2019-04-24 17:31:34Z suehring ! typo removed ! ! 2019-02-25 15:31:42Z raasch ! statement added to avoid compiler warning ! ! 3655 2019-01-07 16:51:22Z knoop ! explicit kind settings ! ! 1762 2016-02-25 12:31:13Z hellstea ! Initial revision by K. Ketelsen ! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Child part of Palm Model Coupler !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! #if defined( __parallel ) USE, INTRINSIC :: iso_c_binding #if !defined( __mpifh ) USE MPI #endif USE kinds USE pmc_general, & ONLY: arraydef, childdef, da_desclen, da_namedef, da_namelen, pedef, & pmc_da_name_err, pmc_g_setname, pmc_max_array, pmc_status_ok USE pmc_handle_communicator, & ONLY: m_model_comm, m_model_npes, m_model_rank, m_to_parent_comm USE pmc_mpi_wrapper, & ONLY: pmc_alloc_mem, pmc_bcast, pmc_inter_bcast, pmc_time IMPLICIT NONE #if defined( __mpifh ) INCLUDE "mpif.h" #endif PRIVATE SAVE TYPE(childdef), PUBLIC :: me !< INTEGER(iwp) :: myindex = 0 !< counter and unique number for data arrays INTEGER(iwp) :: next_array_in_list = 0 !< INTERFACE pmc_childinit MODULE PROCEDURE pmc_childinit END INTERFACE pmc_childinit INTERFACE pmc_c_clear_next_array_list MODULE PROCEDURE pmc_c_clear_next_array_list END INTERFACE pmc_c_clear_next_array_list INTERFACE pmc_c_getbuffer MODULE PROCEDURE pmc_c_getbuffer END INTERFACE pmc_c_getbuffer INTERFACE pmc_c_getnextarray MODULE PROCEDURE pmc_c_getnextarray END INTERFACE pmc_c_getnextarray INTERFACE pmc_c_get_2d_index_list MODULE PROCEDURE pmc_c_get_2d_index_list END INTERFACE pmc_c_get_2d_index_list INTERFACE pmc_c_putbuffer MODULE PROCEDURE pmc_c_putbuffer END INTERFACE pmc_c_putbuffer INTERFACE pmc_c_setind_and_allocmem MODULE PROCEDURE pmc_c_setind_and_allocmem END INTERFACE pmc_c_setind_and_allocmem INTERFACE pmc_c_set_dataarray MODULE PROCEDURE pmc_c_set_dataarray_2d MODULE PROCEDURE pmc_c_set_dataarray_3d MODULE PROCEDURE pmc_c_set_dataarray_ip2d END INTERFACE pmc_c_set_dataarray INTERFACE pmc_set_dataarray_name MODULE PROCEDURE pmc_set_dataarray_name MODULE PROCEDURE pmc_set_dataarray_name_lastentry END INTERFACE pmc_set_dataarray_name PUBLIC pmc_childinit, pmc_c_clear_next_array_list, pmc_c_getbuffer, & pmc_c_getnextarray, pmc_c_putbuffer, pmc_c_setind_and_allocmem, & pmc_c_set_dataarray, pmc_set_dataarray_name, pmc_c_get_2d_index_list CONTAINS SUBROUTINE pmc_childinit IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< INTEGER(iwp) :: istat !< ! !-- Get / define the MPI environment me%model_comm = m_model_comm me%inter_comm = m_to_parent_comm CALL MPI_COMM_RANK( me%model_comm, me%model_rank, istat ) CALL MPI_COMM_SIZE( me%model_comm, me%model_npes, istat ) CALL MPI_COMM_REMOTE_SIZE( me%inter_comm, me%inter_npes, istat ) ! !-- Intra-communicator is used for MPI_GET CALL MPI_INTERCOMM_MERGE( me%inter_comm, .TRUE., me%intra_comm, istat ) CALL MPI_COMM_RANK( me%intra_comm, me%intra_rank, istat ) ALLOCATE( me%pes(me%inter_npes) ) ! !-- Allocate an array of type arraydef for all parent processes to store !-- information of then transfer array DO i = 1, me%inter_npes ALLOCATE( me%pes(i)%array_list(pmc_max_array) ) ENDDO END SUBROUTINE pmc_childinit SUBROUTINE pmc_set_dataarray_name( parentarraydesc, parentarrayname, & childarraydesc, childarrayname, istat ) IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: parentarrayname !< CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: parentarraydesc !< CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: childarrayname !< CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: childarraydesc !< INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(OUT) :: istat !< ! !-- Local variables TYPE(da_namedef) :: myname !< INTEGER(iwp) :: mype !< istat = pmc_status_ok ! !-- Check length of array names IF ( LEN( TRIM( parentarrayname) ) > da_namelen .OR. & LEN( TRIM( childarrayname) ) > da_namelen ) THEN istat = pmc_da_name_err ENDIF IF ( m_model_rank == 0 ) THEN myindex = myindex + 1 myname%couple_index = myindex myname%parentdesc = TRIM( parentarraydesc ) myname%nameonparent = TRIM( parentarrayname ) myname%childdesc = TRIM( childarraydesc ) myname%nameonchild = TRIM( childarrayname ) ENDIF ! !-- Broadcast to all child processes ! !-- The complete description of an transfer names array is broadcasted CALL pmc_bcast( myname%couple_index, 0, comm=m_model_comm ) CALL pmc_bcast( myname%parentdesc, 0, comm=m_model_comm ) CALL pmc_bcast( myname%nameonparent, 0, comm=m_model_comm ) CALL pmc_bcast( myname%childdesc, 0, comm=m_model_comm ) CALL pmc_bcast( myname%nameonchild, 0, comm=m_model_comm ) ! !-- Broadcast to all parent processes !-- The complete description of an transfer array names is broadcasted als to all parent processe ! Only the root PE of the broadcasts to parent using intra communicator IF ( m_model_rank == 0 ) THEN mype = MPI_ROOT ELSE mype = MPI_PROC_NULL ENDIF CALL pmc_bcast( myname%couple_index, mype, comm=m_to_parent_comm ) CALL pmc_bcast( myname%parentdesc, mype, comm=m_to_parent_comm ) CALL pmc_bcast( myname%nameonparent, mype, comm=m_to_parent_comm ) CALL pmc_bcast( myname%childdesc, mype, comm=m_to_parent_comm ) CALL pmc_bcast( myname%nameonchild, mype, comm=m_to_parent_comm ) CALL pmc_g_setname( me, myname%couple_index, myname%nameonchild ) END SUBROUTINE pmc_set_dataarray_name SUBROUTINE pmc_set_dataarray_name_lastentry( lastentry ) IMPLICIT NONE LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: lastentry !< ! !-- Local variables INTEGER :: idum !< INTEGER :: mype !< TYPE(dA_namedef) :: myname !< myname%couple_index = -1 IF ( m_model_rank == 0 ) THEN mype = MPI_ROOT ELSE mype = MPI_PROC_NULL ENDIF CALL pmc_bcast( myname%couple_index, mype, comm=m_to_parent_comm ) ! !-- Next statement is just to avoid compiler warnings about unused variables IF ( PRESENT( lastentry ) ) idum = 1 END SUBROUTINE pmc_set_dataarray_name_lastentry SUBROUTINE pmc_c_get_2d_index_list IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: dummy !< INTEGER(iwp) :: i, ierr, i2, j, nr !< INTEGER(iwp) :: indwin !< MPI window object INTEGER(iwp) :: indwin2 !< MPI window object INTEGER(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: win_size !< Size of MPI window 1 (in bytes) INTEGER(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: disp !< Displacement unit (Integer = 4, floating poit = 8 INTEGER(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: winsize !< Size of MPI window 2 (in bytes) INTEGER, DIMENSION(me%inter_npes*2) :: nrele !< Number of Elements of a !< horizontal slice INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: myind !< TYPE(pedef), POINTER :: ape !> Pointer to pedef structure win_size = STORAGE_SIZE( dummy )/8 CALL MPI_WIN_CREATE( dummy, win_size, iwp, MPI_INFO_NULL, me%intra_comm, & indwin, ierr ) ! !-- Close window on child side and open on parent side CALL MPI_WIN_FENCE( 0, indwin, ierr ) ! Between the two MPI_WIN_FENCE calls, the parent can fill the RMA window !-- Close window on parent side and open on child side CALL MPI_WIN_FENCE( 0, indwin, ierr ) DO i = 1, me%inter_npes disp = me%model_rank * 2 CALL MPI_GET( nrele((i-1)*2+1), 2, MPI_INTEGER, i-1, disp, 2, & MPI_INTEGER, indwin, ierr ) ENDDO ! !-- MPI_GET is non-blocking -> data in nrele is not available until MPI_FENCE is !-- called CALL MPI_WIN_FENCE( 0, indwin, ierr ) ! !-- Allocate memory for index array winsize = 0 DO i = 1, me%inter_npes ape => me%pes(i) i2 = ( i-1 ) * 2 + 1 nr = nrele(i2+1) IF ( nr > 0 ) THEN ALLOCATE( ape%locind(nr) ) ELSE NULLIFY( ape%locind ) ENDIF winsize = MAX( INT( nr, MPI_ADDRESS_KIND ), winsize ) ENDDO ALLOCATE( myind(2*winsize) ) winsize = 1 ! !-- Local buffer used in MPI_GET can but must not be inside the MPI Window. !-- Here, we use a dummy for the MPI window because the parent processes do !-- not access the RMA window via MPI_GET or MPI_PUT CALL MPI_WIN_CREATE( dummy, winsize, iwp, MPI_INFO_NULL, me%intra_comm, & indwin2, ierr ) ! !-- MPI_GET is non-blocking -> data in nrele is not available until MPI_FENCE is !-- called CALL MPI_WIN_FENCE( 0, indwin2, ierr ) ! Between the two MPI_WIN_FENCE calls, the parent can fill the RMA window CALL MPI_WIN_FENCE( 0, indwin2, ierr ) DO i = 1, me%inter_npes ape => me%pes(i) nr = nrele(i*2) IF ( nr > 0 ) THEN disp = nrele(2*(i-1)+1) CALL MPI_WIN_LOCK( MPI_LOCK_SHARED , i-1, 0, indwin2, ierr ) CALL MPI_GET( myind, 2*nr, MPI_INTEGER, i-1, disp, 2*nr, & MPI_INTEGER, indwin2, ierr ) CALL MPI_WIN_UNLOCK( i-1, indwin2, ierr ) DO j = 1, nr ape%locind(j)%i = myind(2*j-1) ape%locind(j)%j = myind(2*j) ENDDO ape%nrele = nr ELSE ape%nrele = -1 ENDIF ENDDO ! !-- Don't know why, but this barrier is necessary before we can free the windows CALL MPI_BARRIER( me%intra_comm, ierr ) CALL MPI_WIN_FREE( indWin, ierr ) CALL MPI_WIN_FREE( indwin2, ierr ) DEALLOCATE( myind ) END SUBROUTINE pmc_c_get_2d_index_list SUBROUTINE pmc_c_clear_next_array_list IMPLICIT NONE next_array_in_list = 0 END SUBROUTINE pmc_c_clear_next_array_list LOGICAL FUNCTION pmc_c_getnextarray( myname ) ! !-- List handling is still required to get minimal interaction with !-- pmc_interface CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: myname !< ! !-- Local variables TYPE(pedef), POINTER :: ape TYPE(arraydef), POINTER :: ar next_array_in_list = next_array_in_list + 1 ! !-- Array names are the same on all child PEs, so take first process to !-- get the name ape => me%pes(1) ! !-- Check if all arrays have been processed IF ( next_array_in_list > ape%nr_arrays ) THEN pmc_c_getnextarray = .FALSE. RETURN ENDIF ar => ape%array_list( next_array_in_list ) myname = ar%name ! !-- Return true if annother array !-- If all array have been processed, the RETURN statement a couple of lines above is active pmc_c_getnextarray = .TRUE. END FUNCTION pmc_c_getnextarray SUBROUTINE pmc_c_set_dataarray_2d( array ) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(wp), INTENT(IN) , DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: array !< INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< INTEGER(iwp) :: nrdims !< INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(4) :: dims !< TYPE(C_PTR) :: array_adr TYPE(arraydef), POINTER :: ar TYPE(pedef), POINTER :: ape dims = 1 nrdims = 2 dims(1) = SIZE( array, 1 ) dims(2) = SIZE( array, 2 ) array_adr = C_LOC( array ) DO i = 1, me%inter_npes ape => me%pes(i) ar => ape%array_list(next_array_in_list) ar%nrdims = nrdims ar%dimkey = nrdims ar%a_dim = dims ar%data = array_adr ENDDO END SUBROUTINE pmc_c_set_dataarray_2d SUBROUTINE pmc_c_set_dataarray_ip2d( array ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(idp), INTENT(IN) , DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: array !< INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< INTEGER(iwp) :: nrdims !< INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(4) :: dims !< TYPE(C_PTR) :: array_adr TYPE(arraydef), POINTER :: ar TYPE(pedef), POINTER :: ape dims = 1 nrdims = 2 dims(1) = SIZE( array, 1 ) dims(2) = SIZE( array, 2 ) array_adr = C_LOC( array ) DO i = 1, me%inter_npes ape => me%pes(i) ar => ape%array_list(next_array_in_list) ar%nrdims = nrdims ar%dimkey = 22 ar%a_dim = dims ar%data = array_adr ENDDO END SUBROUTINE pmc_c_set_dataarray_ip2d SUBROUTINE pmc_c_set_dataarray_3d (array) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(wp), INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: array !< INTEGER(iwp) :: i INTEGER(iwp) :: nrdims INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION (4) :: dims TYPE(C_PTR) :: array_adr TYPE(pedef), POINTER :: ape TYPE(arraydef), POINTER :: ar dims = 1 nrdims = 3 dims(1) = SIZE( array, 1 ) dims(2) = SIZE( array, 2 ) dims(3) = SIZE( array, 3 ) array_adr = C_LOC( array ) DO i = 1, me%inter_npes ape => me%pes(i) ar => ape%array_list(next_array_in_list) ar%nrdims = nrdims ar%dimkey = nrdims ar%a_dim = dims ar%data = array_adr ENDDO END SUBROUTINE pmc_c_set_dataarray_3d SUBROUTINE pmc_c_setind_and_allocmem IMPLICIT NONE ! !-- Naming convention for appendices: _pc -> parent to child transfer !-- _cp -> child to parent transfer !-- recv -> parent to child transfer !-- send -> child to parent transfer INTEGER(iwp) :: arlen !< INTEGER(iwp) :: myindex !< INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< INTEGER(iwp) :: ierr !< INTEGER(iwp) :: istat !< INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< INTEGER(iwp) :: lo_nr_arrays !< INTEGER(iwp) :: rcount !< INTEGER(iwp) :: tag !< INTEGER(iwp) :: total_npes !< INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER :: noindex = -1 !< INTEGER(idp) :: bufsize !< size of MPI data window INTEGER(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: winsize !< INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: myindex_s INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: myindex_r REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER, SAVE :: base_array_pc !< base array REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER, SAVE :: base_array_cp !< base array TYPE(pedef), POINTER :: ape !< TYPE(arraydef), POINTER :: ar !< Type(C_PTR) :: base_ptr !< CALL MPI_COMM_SIZE (me%intra_comm, total_npes, ierr) lo_nr_arrays = me%pes(1)%nr_arrays ALLOCATE(myindex_s(lo_nr_arrays,0:total_npes-1)) ALLOCATE(myindex_r(lo_nr_arrays,0:total_npes-1)) myindex_s = 0 ! !-- Receive indices from child CALL MPI_ALLTOALL( myindex_s, lo_nr_arrays, MPI_INTEGER, & myindex_r, lo_nr_arrays, MPI_INTEGER, & me%intra_comm, ierr ) myindex = 0 bufsize = 8 ! !-- Parent to child direction. !-- First stride: compute size and set index DO i = 1, me%inter_npes ape => me%pes(i) DO j = 1, ape%nr_arrays ar => ape%array_list(j) ar%recvindex = myindex_r(j,i-1) ! !-- Determine max, because child buffer is allocated only once !-- All 2D and 3d arrays use the same buffer IF ( ar%nrdims == 3 ) THEN bufsize = MAX( bufsize, & INT( ar%a_dim(1)*ar%a_dim(2)*ar%a_dim(3), & MPI_ADDRESS_KIND ) ) ELSE bufsize = MAX( bufsize, & INT( ar%a_dim(1)*ar%a_dim(2), MPI_ADDRESS_KIND ) ) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ! !-- Create RMA (one sided communication) data buffer. !-- The buffer for MPI_GET can be PE local, i.e. it can but must not be part of !-- the MPI RMA window CALL pmc_alloc_mem( base_array_pc, bufsize, base_ptr ) me%totalbuffersize = bufsize*wp ! total buffer size in byte ! !-- Second stride: set buffer pointer DO i = 1, me%inter_npes ape => me%pes(i) DO j = 1, ape%nr_arrays ar => ape%array_list(j) ar%recvbuf = base_ptr ENDDO ENDDO ! !-- Child to parent direction myindex = 1 rcount = 0 bufsize = 8 myindex_s = 0 myindex_r = 0 DO i = 1, me%inter_npes ape => me%pes(i) tag = 300 DO j = 1, ape%nr_arrays ar => ape%array_list(j) IF ( ar%nrdims == 2 ) THEN arlen = ape%nrele ELSEIF( ar%nrdims == 3 ) THEN arlen = ape%nrele*ar%a_dim(1) ENDIF IF ( ape%nrele > 0 ) THEN ar%sendindex = myindex ELSE ar%sendindex = noindex ENDIF myindex_s(j,i-1) = ar%sendindex IF ( ape%nrele > 0 ) THEN ar%sendsize = arlen myindex = myindex + arlen bufsize = bufsize + arlen ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ! !-- Send indices to parent CALL MPI_ALLTOALL( myindex_s, lo_nr_arrays, MPI_INTEGER, & myindex_r, lo_nr_arrays, MPI_INTEGER, & me%intra_comm, ierr) DEALLOCATE( myindex_s ) DEALLOCATE( myindex_r ) ! !-- Create RMA (one sided communication) window for data buffer child to parent !-- transfer. !-- The buffer of MPI_GET (counter part of transfer) can be PE-local, i.e. it !-- can but must not be part of the MPI RMA window. Only one RMA window is !-- required to prepare the data !-- for parent -> child transfer on the parent side !-- and !-- for child -> parent transfer on the child side CALL pmc_alloc_mem( base_array_cp, bufsize ) me%totalbuffersize = bufsize * wp ! total buffer size in byte winSize = me%totalbuffersize CALL MPI_WIN_CREATE( base_array_cp, winsize, wp, MPI_INFO_NULL, & me%intra_comm, me%win_parent_child, ierr ) CALL MPI_WIN_FENCE( 0, me%win_parent_child, ierr ) CALL MPI_BARRIER( me%intra_comm, ierr ) ! !-- Second stride: set buffer pointer DO i = 1, me%inter_npes ape => me%pes(i) DO j = 1, ape%nr_arrays ar => ape%array_list(j) IF ( ape%nrele > 0 ) THEN ar%sendbuf = C_LOC( base_array_cp(ar%sendindex) ) ! !-- TODO: if this is an error to be really expected, replace the !-- following message by a meaningful standard PALM message using !-- the message-routine IF ( ar%sendindex+ar%sendsize > bufsize ) THEN WRITE( 0,'(a,i4,4i7,1x,a)') 'Child buffer too small ', i, & ar%sendindex, ar%sendsize, ar%sendindex+ar%sendsize, & bufsize, TRIM( ar%name ) CALL MPI_ABORT( MPI_COMM_WORLD, istat, ierr ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO END SUBROUTINE pmc_c_setind_and_allocmem SUBROUTINE pmc_c_getbuffer( waittime, particle_transfer ) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(wp), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: waittime !< LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: particle_transfer !< LOGICAL :: lo_ptrans!< INTEGER(iwp) :: ierr !< INTEGER(iwp) :: ij !< INTEGER(iwp) :: ip !< INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< INTEGER(iwp) :: myindex !< INTEGER(iwp) :: nr !< number of elements to get !< from parent INTEGER(KIND=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: target_disp INTEGER,DIMENSION(1) :: buf_shape REAL(wp) :: t1 REAL(wp) :: t2 REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: buf REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: data_2d REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: data_3d TYPE(pedef), POINTER :: ape TYPE(arraydef), POINTER :: ar INTEGER(idp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: ibuf !< INTEGER(idp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: idata_2d !< ! !-- Synchronization of the model is done in pmci_synchronize. !-- Therefore the RMA window can be filled without !-- sychronization at this point and a barrier is not necessary. !-- In case waittime is present, the following barrier is necessary to !-- insure the same number of barrier calls on parent and child !-- This means, that here on child side two barriers are call successively !-- The parent is filling its buffer between the two barrier calls !-- Please note that waittime has to be set in pmc_s_fillbuffer AND !-- pmc_c_getbuffer IF ( PRESENT( waittime ) ) THEN t1 = pmc_time() CALL MPI_BARRIER( me%intra_comm, ierr ) t2 = pmc_time() waittime = t2 - t1 ENDIF lo_ptrans = .FALSE. IF ( PRESENT( particle_transfer)) lo_ptrans = particle_transfer ! !-- Wait for buffer is filled. ! !-- The parent side (in pmc_s_fillbuffer) is filling the buffer in the MPI RMA window !-- When the filling is complet, a MPI_BARRIER is called. !-- The child is not allowd to access the parent-buffer before it is completely filled !-- therefore the following barrier is required. CALL MPI_BARRIER( me%intra_comm, ierr ) DO ip = 1, me%inter_npes ape => me%pes(ip) DO j = 1, ape%nr_arrays ar => ape%array_list(j) IF ( ar%dimkey == 2 .AND. .NOT.lo_ptrans) THEN nr = ape%nrele ELSEIF ( ar%dimkey == 3 .AND. .NOT.lo_ptrans) THEN nr = ape%nrele * ar%a_dim(1) ELSE IF ( ar%dimkey == 22 .AND. lo_ptrans) THEN nr = ape%nrele ELSE CYCLE ! Particle array ar not transferd here ENDIF buf_shape(1) = nr IF ( lo_ptrans ) THEN CALL C_F_POINTER( ar%recvbuf, ibuf, buf_shape ) ELSE CALL C_F_POINTER( ar%recvbuf, buf, buf_shape ) ENDIF ! !-- MPI passive target RMA !-- One data array is fetcht from MPI RMA window on parent IF ( nr > 0 ) THEN target_disp = ar%recvindex - 1 CALL MPI_WIN_LOCK( MPI_LOCK_SHARED , ip-1, 0, & me%win_parent_child, ierr ) IF ( lo_ptrans ) THEN CALL MPI_GET( ibuf, nr*8, MPI_BYTE, ip-1, target_disp, nr*8, MPI_BYTE, & !There is no MPI_INTEGER8 datatype me%win_parent_child, ierr ) ELSE CALL MPI_GET( buf, nr, MPI_REAL, ip-1, target_disp, nr, & MPI_REAL, me%win_parent_child, ierr ) ENDIF CALL MPI_WIN_UNLOCK( ip-1, me%win_parent_child, ierr ) ENDIF myindex = 1 IF ( ar%dimkey == 2 .AND. .NOT.lo_ptrans) THEN CALL C_F_POINTER( ar%data, data_2d, ar%a_dim(1:2) ) DO ij = 1, ape%nrele data_2d(ape%locind(ij)%j,ape%locind(ij)%i) = buf(myindex) myindex = myindex + 1 ENDDO ELSEIF ( ar%dimkey == 3 .AND. .NOT.lo_ptrans) THEN CALL C_F_POINTER( ar%data, data_3d, ar%a_dim(1:3) ) DO ij = 1, ape%nrele data_3d(:,ape%locind(ij)%j,ape%locind(ij)%i) = & buf(myindex:myindex+ar%a_dim(1)-1) myindex = myindex+ar%a_dim(1) ENDDO ELSEIF ( ar%dimkey == 22 .AND. lo_ptrans) THEN CALL C_F_POINTER( ar%data, idata_2d, ar%a_dim(1:2) ) DO ij = 1, ape%nrele idata_2d(ape%locind(ij)%j,ape%locind(ij)%i) = ibuf(myindex) myindex = myindex + 1 ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO END SUBROUTINE pmc_c_getbuffer SUBROUTINE pmc_c_putbuffer( waittime , particle_transfer ) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(wp), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: waittime !< LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: particle_transfer !< LOGICAL :: lo_ptrans!< INTEGER(iwp) :: ierr !< INTEGER(iwp) :: ij !< INTEGER(iwp) :: ip !< INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< INTEGER(iwp) :: myindex !< INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(1) :: buf_shape !< REAL(wp) :: t1 !< REAL(wp) :: t2 !< REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: buf !< REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: data_2d !< REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: data_3d !< INTEGER(idp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: ibuf !< INTEGER(idp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: idata_2d !< TYPE(pedef), POINTER :: ape !< TYPE(arraydef), POINTER :: ar !< ! !-- Wait for empty buffer !-- Switch RMA epoche t1 = pmc_time() CALL MPI_BARRIER( me%intra_comm, ierr ) t2 = pmc_time() IF ( PRESENT( waittime ) ) waittime = t2 - t1 lo_ptrans = .FALSE. IF ( PRESENT( particle_transfer)) lo_ptrans = particle_transfer DO ip = 1, me%inter_npes ape => me%pes(ip) DO j = 1, ape%nr_arrays ar => aPE%array_list(j) myindex = 1 IF ( ar%dimkey == 2 .AND. .NOT.lo_ptrans ) THEN buf_shape(1) = ape%nrele CALL C_F_POINTER( ar%sendbuf, buf, buf_shape ) CALL C_F_POINTER( ar%data, data_2d, ar%a_dim(1:2) ) DO ij = 1, ape%nrele buf(myindex) = data_2d(ape%locind(ij)%j,ape%locind(ij)%i) myindex = myindex + 1 ENDDO ELSEIF ( ar%dimkey == 3 .AND. .NOT.lo_ptrans ) THEN buf_shape(1) = ape%nrele*ar%a_dim(1) CALL C_F_POINTER( ar%sendbuf, buf, buf_shape ) CALL C_F_POINTER( ar%data, data_3d, ar%a_dim(1:3) ) DO ij = 1, ape%nrele buf(myindex:myindex+ar%a_dim(1)-1) = & data_3d(:,ape%locind(ij)%j,ape%locind(ij)%i) myindex = myindex + ar%a_dim(1) ENDDO ELSE IF ( ar%dimkey == 22 .AND. lo_ptrans) THEN buf_shape(1) = ape%nrele CALL C_F_POINTER( ar%sendbuf, ibuf, buf_shape ) CALL C_F_POINTER( ar%data, idata_2d, ar%a_dim(1:2) ) DO ij = 1, ape%nrele ibuf(myindex) = idata_2d(ape%locind(ij)%j,ape%locind(ij)%i) myindex = myindex + 1 ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ! !-- Buffer is filled !-- Switch RMA epoche CALL MPI_Barrier(me%intra_comm, ierr) END SUBROUTINE pmc_c_putbuffer #endif END MODULE pmc_child