!> @file lpm_splitting.f90 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! This file is part of the PALM model system. ! ! PALM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the ! terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software ! Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later ! version. ! ! PALM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY ! WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR ! A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ! PALM. If not, see . ! ! Copyright 1997-2018 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! Current revisions: ! ------------------ ! ! ! Former revisions: ! ----------------- ! $Id: lpm_splitting.f90 2932 2018-03-26 09:39:22Z hellstea $ ! renamed particles_par to particle_parameters ! ! 2718 2018-01-02 08:49:38Z maronga ! Corrected "Former revisions" section ! ! ! Change in file header (GPL part) ! ! Added comments ! ! ! 2263 2017-06-08 14:59:01Z schwenkel ! Initial revision ! ! ! ! Description: ! ------------ ! This routine is a part of the Lagrangian particle model. Super droplets which ! fulfill certain criterion's (e.g. a big weighting factor and a large radius) ! can be split into several super droplets with a reduced number of ! represented particles of every super droplet. This mechanism ensures an ! improved representation of the right tail of the drop size distribution with ! a feasible amount of computational costs. The limits of particle creation ! should be chosen carefully! The idea of this algorithm is based on ! Unterstrasser and Soelch, 2014. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE lpm_splitting USE arrays_3d, & ONLY: ql USE cloud_parameters, & ONLY: rho_l USE constants, & ONLY: pi USE cpulog, & ONLY: cpu_log, log_point_s USE indices, & ONLY: nxl, nxr, nyn, nys, nzb, nzt USE kinds USE lpm_exchange_horiz_mod, & ONLY: realloc_particles_array USE particle_attributes, & ONLY: grid_particles, iran_part, initial_weighting_factor, isf, & i_splitting_mode, max_number_particles_per_gridbox, & new_particles, n_max, number_concentration, & number_of_particles, number_particles_per_gridbox, particles, & particle_type, prt_count, radius_split, splitting, & splitting_factor, splitting_factor_max, splitting_mode, & sum_new_particles, weight_factor_split USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< INTEGER(iwp) :: jpp !< INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< INTEGER(iwp) :: n !< INTEGER(iwp) :: new_particles_gb !< counter of created particles within one grid box INTEGER(iwp) :: new_size !< new particle array size INTEGER(iwp) :: np !< INTEGER(iwp) :: old_size !< old particle array size LOGICAL :: first_loop_stride = .TRUE. !< flag to calculate constants only once REAL(wp) :: diameter !< diameter of droplet REAL(wp) :: dlog !< factor for DSD calculation REAL(wp) :: factor_volume_to_mass !< pre calculate factor volume to mass REAL(wp) :: lambda !< slope parameter of gamma-distribution REAL(wp) :: lwc !< liquid water content of grid box REAL(wp) :: lwc_total !< average liquid water content of cloud REAL(wp) :: m1 !< first moment of DSD REAL(wp) :: m1_total !< average over all PEs of first moment of DSD REAL(wp) :: m2 !< second moment of DSD REAL(wp) :: m2_total !< average average over all PEs second moment of DSD REAL(wp) :: m3 !< third moment of DSD REAL(wp) :: m3_total !< average average over all PEs third moment of DSD REAL(wp) :: mu !< spectral shape parameter of gamma distribution REAL(wp) :: nrclgb !< number of cloudy grid boxes (ql >= 1.0E-5 kg/kg) REAL(wp) :: nrclgb_total !< average over all PEs of number of cloudy grid boxes REAL(wp) :: nr !< number concentration of cloud droplets REAL(wp) :: nr_total !< average over all PEs of number of cloudy grid boxes REAL(wp) :: nr0 !< intercept parameter of gamma distribution REAL(wp) :: pirho_l !< pi * rho_l / 6.0 REAL(wp) :: ql_crit = 1.0E-5_wp !< threshold lwc for cloudy grid cells !< (Siebesma et al 2003, JAS, 60) REAL(wp) :: rm !< volume averaged mean radius REAL(wp) :: rm_total !< average over all PEs of volume averaged mean radius REAL(wp) :: r_min = 1.0E-6_wp !< minimum radius of approximated spectra REAL(wp) :: r_max = 1.0E-3_wp !< maximum radius of approximated spectra REAL(wp) :: sigma_log = 1.5_wp !< standard deviation of the LOG-distribution REAL(wp) :: zeta !< Parameter for DSD calculation of Seifert REAL(wp), DIMENSION(0:n_max-1) :: an_spl !< size dependent critical weight factor REAL(wp), DIMENSION(0:n_max-1) :: r_bin_mid !< mass weighted mean radius of a bin REAL(wp), DIMENSION(0:n_max) :: r_bin !< boundaries of a radius bin TYPE(particle_type) :: tmp_particle !< temporary particle TYPE CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(80), 'lpm_splitting', 'start' ) IF ( first_loop_stride ) THEN IF ( i_splitting_mode == 2 .OR. i_splitting_mode == 3 ) THEN dlog = ( LOG10(r_max) - LOG10(r_min) ) / ( n_max - 1 ) DO i = 0, n_max-1 r_bin(i) = 10.0_wp**( LOG10(r_min) + i * dlog - 0.5_wp * dlog ) r_bin_mid(i) = 10.0_wp**( LOG10(r_min) + i * dlog ) ENDDO r_bin(n_max) = 10.0_wp**( LOG10(r_min) + n_max * dlog - 0.5_wp * dlog ) ENDIF factor_volume_to_mass = 4.0_wp / 3.0_wp * pi * rho_l pirho_l = pi * rho_l / 6.0_wp IF ( weight_factor_split == -1.0_wp ) THEN weight_factor_split = 0.1_wp * initial_weighting_factor ENDIF ENDIF new_particles = 0 IF ( i_splitting_mode == 1 ) THEN DO i = nxl, nxr DO j = nys, nyn DO k = nzb+1, nzt new_particles_gb = 0 number_of_particles = prt_count(k,j,i) IF ( number_of_particles <= 0 .OR. & ql(k,j,i) < ql_crit ) CYCLE particles => grid_particles(k,j,i)%particles(1:number_of_particles) ! !-- Start splitting operations. Each particle is checked if it !-- fulfilled the splitting criterion's. In splitting mode 'const' !-- a critical radius (radius_split) a critical weighting factor !-- (weight_factor_split) and a splitting factor (splitting_factor) !-- must be prescribed (see particle_parameters). Super droplets !-- which have a larger radius and larger weighting factor are split !-- into 'splitting_factor' super droplets. Therefore, the weighting !-- factor of the super droplet and all created clones is reduced !-- by the factor of 'splitting_factor'. DO n = 1, number_of_particles IF ( particles(n)%particle_mask .AND. & particles(n)%radius >= radius_split .AND. & particles(n)%weight_factor >= weight_factor_split ) & THEN ! !-- Calculate the new number of particles. new_size = prt_count(k,j,i) + splitting_factor - 1 ! !-- Cycle if maximum number of particles per grid box !-- is greater than the allowed maximum number. IF ( new_size >= max_number_particles_per_gridbox ) CYCLE ! !-- Reallocate particle array if necessary. IF ( new_size > SIZE(particles) ) THEN CALL realloc_particles_array(i,j,k,new_size) ENDIF old_size = prt_count(k,j,i) ! !-- Calculate new weighting factor. particles(n)%weight_factor = & particles(n)%weight_factor / splitting_factor tmp_particle = particles(n) ! !-- Create splitting_factor-1 new particles. DO jpp = 1, splitting_factor-1 grid_particles(k,j,i)%particles(jpp+old_size) = & tmp_particle ENDDO new_particles_gb = new_particles_gb + splitting_factor - 1 ! !-- Save the new number of super droplets for every grid box. prt_count(k,j,i) = prt_count(k,j,i) + & splitting_factor - 1 ENDIF ENDDO new_particles = new_particles + new_particles_gb sum_new_particles = sum_new_particles + new_particles_gb ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ELSEIF ( i_splitting_mode == 2 ) THEN ! !-- Initialize summing variables. lwc = 0.0_wp lwc_total = 0.0_wp m1 = 0.0_wp m1_total = 0.0_wp m2 = 0.0_wp m2_total = 0.0_wp m3 = 0.0_wp m3_total = 0.0_wp nr = 0.0_wp nrclgb = 0.0_wp nrclgb_total = 0.0_wp nr_total = 0.0_wp rm = 0.0_wp rm_total = 0.0_wp DO i = nxl, nxr DO j = nys, nyn DO k = nzb+1, nzt number_of_particles = prt_count(k,j,i) IF ( number_of_particles <= 0 .OR. & ql(k,j,i) < ql_crit ) CYCLE particles => grid_particles(k,j,i)%particles(1:number_of_particles) nrclgb = nrclgb + 1.0_wp ! !-- Calculate moments of DSD. DO n = 1, number_of_particles IF ( particles(n)%particle_mask .AND. & particles(n)%radius >= r_min ) & THEN nr = nr + particles(n)%weight_factor rm = rm + factor_volume_to_mass * & particles(n)%radius**3 * & particles(n)%weight_factor IF ( isf == 1 ) THEN diameter = particles(n)%radius * 2.0_wp lwc = lwc + factor_volume_to_mass * & particles(n)%radius**3 * & particles(n)%weight_factor m1 = m1 + particles(n)%weight_factor * diameter m2 = m2 + particles(n)%weight_factor * diameter**2 m3 = m3 + particles(n)%weight_factor * diameter**3 ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO #if defined( __parallel ) IF ( collective_wait ) CALL MPI_BARRIER( comm2d, ierr ) CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( nr, nr_total, 1 , & MPI_REAL, MPI_SUM, comm2d, ierr ) CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( rm, rm_total, 1 , & MPI_REAL, MPI_SUM, comm2d, ierr ) IF ( collective_wait ) CALL MPI_BARRIER( comm2d, ierr ) CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( nrclgb, nrclgb_total, 1 , & MPI_REAL, MPI_SUM, comm2d, ierr ) IF ( collective_wait ) CALL MPI_BARRIER( comm2d, ierr ) CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( lwc, lwc_total, 1 , & MPI_REAL, MPI_SUM, comm2d, ierr ) IF ( collective_wait ) CALL MPI_BARRIER( comm2d, ierr ) CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( m1, m1_total, 1 , & MPI_REAL, MPI_SUM, comm2d, ierr ) IF ( collective_wait ) CALL MPI_BARRIER( comm2d, ierr ) CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( m2, m2_total, 1 , & MPI_REAL, MPI_SUM, comm2d, ierr ) IF ( collective_wait ) CALL MPI_BARRIER( comm2d, ierr ) CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( m3, m3_total, 1 , & MPI_REAL, MPI_SUM, comm2d, ierr ) #endif ! !-- Calculate number concentration and mean volume averaged radius. nr_total = MERGE( nr_total / nrclgb_total, & 0.0_wp, nrclgb_total > 0.0_wp & ) rm_total = MERGE( ( rm_total / & ( nr_total * factor_volume_to_mass ) & )**0.3333333_wp, 0.0_wp, nrclgb_total > 0.0_wp & ) ! !-- Check which function should be used to approximate the DSD. IF ( isf == 1 ) THEN lwc_total = MERGE( lwc_total / nrclgb_total, & 0.0_wp, nrclgb_total > 0.0_wp & ) m1_total = MERGE( m1_total / nrclgb_total, & 0.0_wp, nrclgb_total > 0.0_wp & ) m2_total = MERGE( m2_total / nrclgb_total, & 0.0_wp, nrclgb_total > 0.0_wp & ) m3_total = MERGE( m3_total / nrclgb_total, & 0.0_wp, nrclgb_total > 0.0_wp & ) zeta = m1_total * m3_total / m2_total**2 mu = MAX( ( ( 1.0_wp - zeta ) * 2.0_wp + 1.0_wp ) / & ( zeta - 1.0_wp ), 0.0_wp & ) lambda = ( pirho_l * nr_total / lwc_total * & ( mu + 3.0_wp ) * ( mu + 2.0_wp ) * ( mu + 1.0_wp ) & )**0.3333333_wp nr0 = nr_total / gamma( mu + 1.0_wp ) * lambda**( mu + 1.0_wp ) DO n = 0, n_max-1 diameter = r_bin_mid(n) * 2.0_wp an_spl(n) = nr0 * diameter**mu * EXP( -lambda * diameter ) * & ( r_bin(n+1) - r_bin(n) ) * 2.0_wp ENDDO ELSEIF ( isf == 2 ) THEN DO n = 0, n_max-1 an_spl(n) = nr_total / ( SQRT( 2.0_wp * pi ) * & LOG(sigma_log) * r_bin_mid(n) & ) * & EXP( -( LOG( r_bin_mid(n) / rm_total )**2 ) / & ( 2.0_wp * LOG(sigma_log)**2 ) & ) * & ( r_bin(n+1) - r_bin(n) ) ENDDO ELSEIF( isf == 3 ) THEN DO n = 0, n_max-1 an_spl(n) = 3.0_wp * nr_total * r_bin_mid(n)**2 / rm_total**3 * & EXP( - ( r_bin_mid(n)**3 / rm_total**3 ) ) * & ( r_bin(n+1) - r_bin(n) ) ENDDO ENDIF ! !-- Criterion to avoid super droplets with a weighting factor < 1.0. an_spl = MAX(an_spl, 1.0_wp) DO i = nxl, nxr DO j = nys, nyn DO k = nzb+1, nzt number_of_particles = prt_count(k,j,i) IF ( number_of_particles <= 0 .OR. & ql(k,j,i) < ql_crit ) CYCLE particles => grid_particles(k,j,i)%particles(1:number_of_particles) new_particles_gb = 0 ! !-- Start splitting operations. Each particle is checked if it !-- fulfilled the splitting criterion's. In splitting mode 'cl_av' !-- a critical radius (radius_split) and a splitting function must !-- be prescribed (see particles_par). The critical weighting factor !-- is calculated while approximating a 'gamma', 'log' or 'exp'- !-- drop size distribution. In this mode the DSD is calculated as !-- an average over all cloudy grid boxes. Super droplets which !-- have a larger radius and larger weighting factor are split into !-- 'splitting_factor' super droplets. In this case the splitting !-- factor is calculated of weighting factor of the super droplet !-- and the approximated number concentration for droplet of such !-- a size. Due to the splitting, the weighting factor of the !-- super droplet and all created clones is reduced by the factor !-- of 'splitting_facor'. DO n = 1, number_of_particles DO np = 0, n_max-1 IF ( r_bin(np) >= radius_split .AND. & particles(n)%particle_mask .AND. & particles(n)%radius >= r_bin(np) .AND. & particles(n)%radius < r_bin(np+1) .AND. & particles(n)%weight_factor >= an_spl(np) ) & THEN ! !-- Calculate splitting factor splitting_factor = & MIN( INT( particles(n)%weight_factor / & an_spl(np) & ), splitting_factor_max & ) IF ( splitting_factor < 2 ) CYCLE ! !-- Calculate the new number of particles. new_size = prt_count(k,j,i) + splitting_factor - 1 ! !-- Cycle if maximum number of particles per grid box !-- is greater than the allowed maximum number. IF ( new_size >= max_number_particles_per_gridbox ) & CYCLE ! !-- Reallocate particle array if necessary. IF ( new_size > SIZE(particles) ) THEN CALL realloc_particles_array(i,j,k,new_size) ENDIF old_size = prt_count(k,j,i) new_particles_gb = new_particles_gb + & splitting_factor - 1 ! !-- Calculate new weighting factor. particles(n)%weight_factor = & particles(n)%weight_factor / splitting_factor tmp_particle = particles(n) ! !-- Create splitting_factor-1 new particles. DO jpp = 1, splitting_factor-1 grid_particles(k,j,i)%particles(jpp+old_size) = & tmp_particle ENDDO ! !-- Save the new number of super droplets. prt_count(k,j,i) = prt_count(k,j,i) + & splitting_factor - 1 ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO new_particles = new_particles + new_particles_gb sum_new_particles = sum_new_particles + new_particles_gb ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ELSEIF ( i_splitting_mode == 3 ) THEN DO i = nxl, nxr DO j = nys, nyn DO k = nzb+1, nzt ! !-- Initialize summing variables. lwc = 0.0_wp m1 = 0.0_wp m2 = 0.0_wp m3 = 0.0_wp nr = 0.0_wp rm = 0.0_wp new_particles_gb = 0 number_of_particles = prt_count(k,j,i) IF ( number_of_particles <= 0 .OR. & ql(k,j,i) < ql_crit ) CYCLE particles => grid_particles(k,j,i)%particles ! !-- Calculate moments of DSD. DO n = 1, number_of_particles IF ( particles(n)%particle_mask .AND. & particles(n)%radius >= r_min ) & THEN nr = nr + particles(n)%weight_factor rm = rm + factor_volume_to_mass * & particles(n)%radius**3 * & particles(n)%weight_factor IF ( isf == 1 ) THEN diameter = particles(n)%radius * 2.0_wp lwc = lwc + factor_volume_to_mass * & particles(n)%radius**3 * & particles(n)%weight_factor m1 = m1 + particles(n)%weight_factor * diameter m2 = m2 + particles(n)%weight_factor * diameter**2 m3 = m3 + particles(n)%weight_factor * diameter**3 ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO IF ( nr <= 0.0 .OR. rm <= 0.0_wp ) CYCLE ! !-- Calculate mean volume averaged radius. rm = ( rm / ( nr * factor_volume_to_mass ) )**0.3333333_wp ! !-- Check which function should be used to approximate the DSD. IF ( isf == 1 ) THEN ! !-- Gamma size distribution to calculate !-- critical weight_factor (e.g. Marshall + Palmer, 1948). zeta = m1 * m3 / m2**2 mu = MAX( ( ( 1.0_wp - zeta ) * 2.0_wp + 1.0_wp ) / & ( zeta - 1.0_wp ), 0.0_wp & ) lambda = ( pirho_l * nr / lwc * & ( mu + 3.0_wp ) * ( mu + 2.0_wp ) * & ( mu + 1.0_wp ) & )**0.3333333_wp nr0 = ( nr / (gamma( mu + 1.0_wp ) ) ) * & lambda**( mu + 1.0_wp ) DO n = 0, n_max-1 diameter = r_bin_mid(n) * 2.0_wp an_spl(n) = nr0 * diameter**mu * & EXP( -lambda * diameter ) * & ( r_bin(n+1) - r_bin(n) ) * 2.0_wp ENDDO ELSEIF ( isf == 2 ) THEN ! !-- Lognormal size distribution to calculate critical !-- weight_factor (e.g. Levin, 1971, Bradley + Stow, 1974). DO n = 0, n_max-1 an_spl(n) = nr / ( SQRT( 2.0_wp * pi ) * & LOG(sigma_log) * r_bin_mid(n) & ) * & EXP( -( LOG( r_bin_mid(n) / rm )**2 ) / & ( 2.0_wp * LOG(sigma_log)**2 ) & ) * & ( r_bin(n+1) - r_bin(n) ) ENDDO ELSEIF ( isf == 3 ) THEN ! !-- Exponential size distribution to calculate critical !-- weight_factor (e.g. Berry + Reinhardt, 1974). DO n = 0, n_max-1 an_spl(n) = 3.0_wp * nr * r_bin_mid(n)**2 / rm**3 * & EXP( - ( r_bin_mid(n)**3 / rm**3 ) ) * & ( r_bin(n+1) - r_bin(n) ) ENDDO ENDIF ! !-- Criterion to avoid super droplets with a weighting factor < 1.0. an_spl = MAX(an_spl, 1.0_wp) ! !-- Start splitting operations. Each particle is checked if it !-- fulfilled the splitting criterion's. In splitting mode 'gb_av' !-- a critical radius (radius_split) and a splitting function must !-- be prescribed (see particles_par). The critical weighting factor !-- is calculated while appoximating a 'gamma', 'log' or 'exp'- !-- drop size distribution. In this mode a DSD is calculated for !-- every cloudy grid box. Super droplets which have a larger !-- radius and larger weighting factor are split into !-- 'splitting_factor' super droplets. In this case the splitting !-- factor is calculated of weighting factor of the super droplet !-- and theapproximated number concentration for droplet of such !-- a size. Due to the splitting, the weighting factor of the !-- super droplet and all created clones is reduced by the factor !-- of 'splitting_facor'. DO n = 1, number_of_particles DO np = 0, n_max-1 IF ( r_bin(np) >= radius_split .AND. & particles(n)%particle_mask .AND. & particles(n)%radius >= r_bin(np) .AND. & particles(n)%radius < r_bin(np+1) .AND. & particles(n)%weight_factor >= an_spl(np) ) & THEN ! !-- Calculate splitting factor. splitting_factor = & MIN( INT( particles(n)%weight_factor / & an_spl(np) & ), splitting_factor_max & ) IF ( splitting_factor < 2 ) CYCLE ! !-- Calculate the new number of particles. new_size = prt_count(k,j,i) + splitting_factor - 1 ! !-- Cycle if maximum number of particles per grid box !-- is greater than the allowed maximum number. IF ( new_size >= max_number_particles_per_gridbox ) & CYCLE ! !-- Reallocate particle array if necessary. IF ( new_size > SIZE(particles) ) THEN CALL realloc_particles_array(i,j,k,new_size) ENDIF ! !-- Calculate new weighting factor. particles(n)%weight_factor = & particles(n)%weight_factor / splitting_factor tmp_particle = particles(n) old_size = prt_count(k,j,i) ! !-- Create splitting_factor-1 new particles. DO jpp = 1, splitting_factor-1 grid_particles(k,j,i)%particles(jpp+old_size) = & tmp_particle ENDDO ! !-- Save the new number of droplets for every grid box. prt_count(k,j,i) = prt_count(k,j,i) + & splitting_factor - 1 new_particles_gb = new_particles_gb + & splitting_factor - 1 ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO new_particles = new_particles + new_particles_gb sum_new_particles = sum_new_particles + new_particles_gb ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(80), 'lpm_splitting', 'stop' ) END SUBROUTINE lpm_splitting