SUBROUTINE lpm_exchange_horiz !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! This file is part of PALM. ! ! PALM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms ! of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, ! either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! PALM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY ! WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR ! A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ! PALM. If not, see . ! ! Copyright 1997-2012 Leibniz University Hannover !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! Current revisions: ! ------------------ ! ! ! Former revisions: ! ----------------- ! $Id: lpm_exchange_horiz.f90 1037 2012-10-22 14:10:22Z fricke $ ! ! 1036 2012-10-22 13:43:42Z raasch ! code put under GPL (PALM 3.9) ! ! 851 2012-03-15 14:32:58Z raasch ! Bugfix: resetting of particle_mask and tail mask moved from end of this ! routine to lpm ! ! 849 2012-03-15 10:35:09Z raasch ! initial revision (former part of advec_particles) ! ! ! Description: ! ------------ ! Exchange of particles (and tails) between the subdomains. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! USE control_parameters USE cpulog USE grid_variables USE indices USE interfaces USE particle_attributes USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: i, j, n, nn, tlength, & trlp_count, trlp_count_recv, trlpt_count, trlpt_count_recv, & trnp_count, trnp_count_recv, trnpt_count, trnpt_count_recv, & trrp_count, trrp_count_recv, trrpt_count, trrpt_count_recv, & trsp_count, trsp_count_recv, trspt_count, trspt_count_recv REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: trlpt, trnpt, trrpt, trspt TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: trlp, trnp, trrp, trsp #if defined( __parallel ) ! !-- Exchange between subdomains. !-- As soon as one particle has moved beyond the boundary of the domain, it !-- is included in the relevant transfer arrays and marked for subsequent !-- deletion on this PE. !-- First sweep for crossings in x direction. Find out first the number of !-- particles to be transferred and allocate temporary arrays needed to store !-- them. !-- For a one-dimensional decomposition along y, no transfer is necessary, !-- because the particle remains on the PE, but the particle coordinate has to !-- be adjusted. trlp_count = 0 trlpt_count = 0 trrp_count = 0 trrpt_count = 0 trlp_count_recv = 0 trlpt_count_recv = 0 trrp_count_recv = 0 trrpt_count_recv = 0 IF ( pdims(1) /= 1 ) THEN ! !-- First calculate the storage necessary for sending and receiving the data DO n = 1, number_of_particles i = ( particles(n)%x + 0.5 * dx ) * ddx ! !-- Above calculation does not work for indices less than zero IF ( particles(n)%x < -0.5 * dx ) i = -1 IF ( i < nxl ) THEN trlp_count = trlp_count + 1 IF ( particles(n)%tail_id /= 0 ) trlpt_count = trlpt_count + 1 ELSEIF ( i > nxr ) THEN trrp_count = trrp_count + 1 IF ( particles(n)%tail_id /= 0 ) trrpt_count = trrpt_count + 1 ENDIF ENDDO IF ( trlp_count == 0 ) trlp_count = 1 IF ( trlpt_count == 0 ) trlpt_count = 1 IF ( trrp_count == 0 ) trrp_count = 1 IF ( trrpt_count == 0 ) trrpt_count = 1 ALLOCATE( trlp(trlp_count), trrp(trrp_count) ) trlp = particle_type( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, & 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, & 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) trrp = particle_type( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, & 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, & 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) IF ( use_particle_tails ) THEN ALLOCATE( trlpt(maximum_number_of_tailpoints,5,trlpt_count), & trrpt(maximum_number_of_tailpoints,5,trrpt_count) ) tlength = maximum_number_of_tailpoints * 5 ENDIF trlp_count = 0 trlpt_count = 0 trrp_count = 0 trrpt_count = 0 ENDIF DO n = 1, number_of_particles nn = particles(n)%tail_id i = ( particles(n)%x + 0.5 * dx ) * ddx ! !-- Above calculation does not work for indices less than zero IF ( particles(n)%x < - 0.5 * dx ) i = -1 IF ( i < nxl ) THEN IF ( i < 0 ) THEN ! !-- Apply boundary condition along x IF ( ibc_par_lr == 0 ) THEN ! !-- Cyclic condition IF ( pdims(1) == 1 ) THEN particles(n)%x = ( nx + 1 ) * dx + particles(n)%x particles(n)%origin_x = ( nx + 1 ) * dx + & particles(n)%origin_x IF ( use_particle_tails .AND. nn /= 0 ) THEN i = particles(n)%tailpoints particle_tail_coordinates(1:i,1,nn) = ( nx + 1 ) * dx & + particle_tail_coordinates(1:i,1,nn) ENDIF ELSE trlp_count = trlp_count + 1 trlp(trlp_count) = particles(n) trlp(trlp_count)%x = ( nx + 1 ) * dx + trlp(trlp_count)%x trlp(trlp_count)%origin_x = trlp(trlp_count)%origin_x + & ( nx + 1 ) * dx particle_mask(n) = .FALSE. deleted_particles = deleted_particles + 1 IF ( trlp(trlp_count)%x >= (nx + 0.5)* dx - 1.0E-12 ) THEN trlp(trlp_count)%x = trlp(trlp_count)%x - 1.0E-10 !++ why is 1 subtracted in next statement??? trlp(trlp_count)%origin_x = trlp(trlp_count)%origin_x - 1 ENDIF IF ( use_particle_tails .AND. nn /= 0 ) THEN trlpt_count = trlpt_count + 1 trlpt(:,:,trlpt_count) = particle_tail_coordinates(:,:,nn) trlpt(:,1,trlpt_count) = ( nx + 1 ) * dx + & trlpt(:,1,trlpt_count) tail_mask(nn) = .FALSE. deleted_tails = deleted_tails + 1 ENDIF ENDIF ELSEIF ( ibc_par_lr == 1 ) THEN ! !-- Particle absorption particle_mask(n) = .FALSE. deleted_particles = deleted_particles + 1 IF ( use_particle_tails .AND. nn /= 0 ) THEN tail_mask(nn) = .FALSE. deleted_tails = deleted_tails + 1 ENDIF ELSEIF ( ibc_par_lr == 2 ) THEN ! !-- Particle reflection particles(n)%x = -particles(n)%x particles(n)%speed_x = -particles(n)%speed_x ENDIF ELSE ! !-- Store particle data in the transfer array, which will be send !-- to the neighbouring PE trlp_count = trlp_count + 1 trlp(trlp_count) = particles(n) particle_mask(n) = .FALSE. deleted_particles = deleted_particles + 1 IF ( use_particle_tails .AND. nn /= 0 ) THEN trlpt_count = trlpt_count + 1 trlpt(:,:,trlpt_count) = particle_tail_coordinates(:,:,nn) tail_mask(nn) = .FALSE. deleted_tails = deleted_tails + 1 ENDIF ENDIF ELSEIF ( i > nxr ) THEN IF ( i > nx ) THEN ! !-- Apply boundary condition along x IF ( ibc_par_lr == 0 ) THEN ! !-- Cyclic condition IF ( pdims(1) == 1 ) THEN particles(n)%x = particles(n)%x - ( nx + 1 ) * dx particles(n)%origin_x = particles(n)%origin_x - & ( nx + 1 ) * dx IF ( use_particle_tails .AND. nn /= 0 ) THEN i = particles(n)%tailpoints particle_tail_coordinates(1:i,1,nn) = - ( nx+1 ) * dx & + particle_tail_coordinates(1:i,1,nn) ENDIF ELSE trrp_count = trrp_count + 1 trrp(trrp_count) = particles(n) trrp(trrp_count)%x = trrp(trrp_count)%x - ( nx + 1 ) * dx trrp(trrp_count)%origin_x = trrp(trrp_count)%origin_x - & ( nx + 1 ) * dx particle_mask(n) = .FALSE. deleted_particles = deleted_particles + 1 IF ( use_particle_tails .AND. nn /= 0 ) THEN trrpt_count = trrpt_count + 1 trrpt(:,:,trrpt_count) = particle_tail_coordinates(:,:,nn) trrpt(:,1,trrpt_count) = trrpt(:,1,trrpt_count) - & ( nx + 1 ) * dx tail_mask(nn) = .FALSE. deleted_tails = deleted_tails + 1 ENDIF ENDIF ELSEIF ( ibc_par_lr == 1 ) THEN ! !-- Particle absorption particle_mask(n) = .FALSE. deleted_particles = deleted_particles + 1 IF ( use_particle_tails .AND. nn /= 0 ) THEN tail_mask(nn) = .FALSE. deleted_tails = deleted_tails + 1 ENDIF ELSEIF ( ibc_par_lr == 2 ) THEN ! !-- Particle reflection particles(n)%x = 2 * ( nx * dx ) - particles(n)%x particles(n)%speed_x = -particles(n)%speed_x ENDIF ELSE ! !-- Store particle data in the transfer array, which will be send !-- to the neighbouring PE trrp_count = trrp_count + 1 trrp(trrp_count) = particles(n) particle_mask(n) = .FALSE. deleted_particles = deleted_particles + 1 IF ( use_particle_tails .AND. nn /= 0 ) THEN trrpt_count = trrpt_count + 1 trrpt(:,:,trrpt_count) = particle_tail_coordinates(:,:,nn) tail_mask(nn) = .FALSE. deleted_tails = deleted_tails + 1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ! !-- Send left boundary, receive right boundary (but first exchange how many !-- and check, if particle storage must be extended) IF ( pdims(1) /= 1 ) THEN CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(23), 'sendrcv_particles', 'start' ) CALL MPI_SENDRECV( trlp_count, 1, MPI_INTEGER, pleft, 0, & trrp_count_recv, 1, MPI_INTEGER, pright, 0, & comm2d, status, ierr ) IF ( number_of_particles + trrp_count_recv > & maximum_number_of_particles ) & THEN IF ( netcdf_output .AND. netcdf_data_format < 3 ) THEN message_string = 'maximum_number_of_particles ' // & 'needs to be increased ' // & '&but this is not allowed with ' // & 'netcdf-data_format < 3' CALL message( 'lpm_exch_horiz', 'PA0146', 2, 2, -1, 6, 1 ) ELSE CALL lpm_extend_particle_array( trrp_count_recv ) ENDIF ENDIF CALL MPI_SENDRECV( trlp(1)%age, trlp_count, mpi_particle_type, & pleft, 1, particles(number_of_particles+1)%age, & trrp_count_recv, mpi_particle_type, pright, 1, & comm2d, status, ierr ) IF ( use_particle_tails ) THEN CALL MPI_SENDRECV( trlpt_count, 1, MPI_INTEGER, pleft, 0, & trrpt_count_recv, 1, MPI_INTEGER, pright, 0, & comm2d, status, ierr ) IF ( number_of_tails+trrpt_count_recv > maximum_number_of_tails ) & THEN IF ( netcdf_output .AND. netcdf_data_format < 3 ) THEN message_string = 'maximum_number_of_tails ' // & 'needs to be increased ' // & '&but this is not allowed wi'// & 'th netcdf_data_format < 3' CALL message( 'lpm_exch_horiz', 'PA0147', 2, 2, -1, 6, 1 ) ELSE CALL lpm_extend_tail_array( trrpt_count_recv ) ENDIF ENDIF CALL MPI_SENDRECV( trlpt(1,1,1), trlpt_count*tlength, MPI_REAL, & pleft, 1, & particle_tail_coordinates(1,1,number_of_tails+1), & trrpt_count_recv*tlength, MPI_REAL, pright, 1, & comm2d, status, ierr ) ! !-- Update the tail ids for the transferred particles nn = number_of_tails DO n = number_of_particles+1, number_of_particles+trrp_count_recv IF ( particles(n)%tail_id /= 0 ) THEN nn = nn + 1 particles(n)%tail_id = nn ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF number_of_particles = number_of_particles + trrp_count_recv number_of_tails = number_of_tails + trrpt_count_recv ! !-- Send right boundary, receive left boundary CALL MPI_SENDRECV( trrp_count, 1, MPI_INTEGER, pright, 0, & trlp_count_recv, 1, MPI_INTEGER, pleft, 0, & comm2d, status, ierr ) IF ( number_of_particles + trlp_count_recv > & maximum_number_of_particles ) & THEN IF ( netcdf_output .AND. netcdf_data_format < 3 ) THEN message_string = 'maximum_number_of_particles ' // & 'needs to be increased ' // & '&but this is not allowed with '// & 'netcdf_data_format < 3' CALL message( 'lpm_exch_horiz', 'PA0146', 2, 2, -1, 6, 1 ) ELSE CALL lpm_extend_particle_array( trlp_count_recv ) ENDIF ENDIF CALL MPI_SENDRECV( trrp(1)%age, trrp_count, mpi_particle_type, & pright, 1, particles(number_of_particles+1)%age, & trlp_count_recv, mpi_particle_type, pleft, 1, & comm2d, status, ierr ) IF ( use_particle_tails ) THEN CALL MPI_SENDRECV( trrpt_count, 1, MPI_INTEGER, pright, 0, & trlpt_count_recv, 1, MPI_INTEGER, pleft, 0, & comm2d, status, ierr ) IF ( number_of_tails+trlpt_count_recv > maximum_number_of_tails ) & THEN IF ( netcdf_output .AND. netcdf_data_format < 3 ) THEN message_string = 'maximum_number_of_tails ' // & 'needs to be increased ' // & '&but this is not allowed wi'// & 'th netcdf_data_format < 3' CALL message( 'lpm_exch_horiz', 'PA0147', 2, 2, -1, 6, 1 ) ELSE CALL lpm_extend_tail_array( trlpt_count_recv ) ENDIF ENDIF CALL MPI_SENDRECV( trrpt(1,1,1), trrpt_count*tlength, MPI_REAL, & pright, 1, & particle_tail_coordinates(1,1,number_of_tails+1), & trlpt_count_recv*tlength, MPI_REAL, pleft, 1, & comm2d, status, ierr ) ! !-- Update the tail ids for the transferred particles nn = number_of_tails DO n = number_of_particles+1, number_of_particles+trlp_count_recv IF ( particles(n)%tail_id /= 0 ) THEN nn = nn + 1 particles(n)%tail_id = nn ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF number_of_particles = number_of_particles + trlp_count_recv number_of_tails = number_of_tails + trlpt_count_recv IF ( use_particle_tails ) THEN DEALLOCATE( trlpt, trrpt ) ENDIF DEALLOCATE( trlp, trrp ) CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(23), 'sendrcv_particles', 'pause' ) ENDIF ! !-- Check whether particles have crossed the boundaries in y direction. Note !-- that this case can also apply to particles that have just been received !-- from the adjacent right or left PE. !-- Find out first the number of particles to be transferred and allocate !-- temporary arrays needed to store them. !-- For a one-dimensional decomposition along x, no transfer is necessary, !-- because the particle remains on the PE. trsp_count = 0 trspt_count = 0 trnp_count = 0 trnpt_count = 0 trsp_count_recv = 0 trspt_count_recv = 0 trnp_count_recv = 0 trnpt_count_recv = 0 IF ( pdims(2) /= 1 ) THEN ! !-- First calculate the storage necessary for sending and receiving the !-- data DO n = 1, number_of_particles IF ( particle_mask(n) ) THEN j = ( particles(n)%y + 0.5 * dy ) * ddy ! !-- Above calculation does not work for indices less than zero IF ( particles(n)%y < -0.5 * dy ) j = -1 IF ( j < nys ) THEN trsp_count = trsp_count + 1 IF ( particles(n)%tail_id /= 0 ) trspt_count = trspt_count+1 ELSEIF ( j > nyn ) THEN trnp_count = trnp_count + 1 IF ( particles(n)%tail_id /= 0 ) trnpt_count = trnpt_count+1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO IF ( trsp_count == 0 ) trsp_count = 1 IF ( trspt_count == 0 ) trspt_count = 1 IF ( trnp_count == 0 ) trnp_count = 1 IF ( trnpt_count == 0 ) trnpt_count = 1 ALLOCATE( trsp(trsp_count), trnp(trnp_count) ) trsp = particle_type( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, & 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, & 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) trnp = particle_type( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, & 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, & 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) IF ( use_particle_tails ) THEN ALLOCATE( trspt(maximum_number_of_tailpoints,5,trspt_count), & trnpt(maximum_number_of_tailpoints,5,trnpt_count) ) tlength = maximum_number_of_tailpoints * 5 ENDIF trsp_count = 0 trspt_count = 0 trnp_count = 0 trnpt_count = 0 ENDIF DO n = 1, number_of_particles nn = particles(n)%tail_id ! !-- Only those particles that have not been marked as 'deleted' may be !-- moved. IF ( particle_mask(n) ) THEN j = ( particles(n)%y + 0.5 * dy ) * ddy ! !-- Above calculation does not work for indices less than zero IF ( particles(n)%y < -0.5 * dy ) j = -1 IF ( j < nys ) THEN IF ( j < 0 ) THEN ! !-- Apply boundary condition along y IF ( ibc_par_ns == 0 ) THEN ! !-- Cyclic condition IF ( pdims(2) == 1 ) THEN particles(n)%y = ( ny + 1 ) * dy + particles(n)%y particles(n)%origin_y = ( ny + 1 ) * dy + & particles(n)%origin_y IF ( use_particle_tails .AND. nn /= 0 ) THEN i = particles(n)%tailpoints particle_tail_coordinates(1:i,2,nn) = ( ny+1 ) * dy& + particle_tail_coordinates(1:i,2,nn) ENDIF ELSE trsp_count = trsp_count + 1 trsp(trsp_count) = particles(n) trsp(trsp_count)%y = ( ny + 1 ) * dy + & trsp(trsp_count)%y trsp(trsp_count)%origin_y = trsp(trsp_count)%origin_y & + ( ny + 1 ) * dy particle_mask(n) = .FALSE. deleted_particles = deleted_particles + 1 IF ( trsp(trsp_count)%y >= (ny+0.5)* dy - 1.0E-12 ) THEN trsp(trsp_count)%y = trsp(trsp_count)%y - 1.0E-10 !++ why is 1 subtracted in next statement??? trsp(trsp_count)%origin_y = & trsp(trsp_count)%origin_y - 1 ENDIF IF ( use_particle_tails .AND. nn /= 0 ) THEN trspt_count = trspt_count + 1 trspt(:,:,trspt_count) = & particle_tail_coordinates(:,:,nn) trspt(:,2,trspt_count) = ( ny + 1 ) * dy + & trspt(:,2,trspt_count) tail_mask(nn) = .FALSE. deleted_tails = deleted_tails + 1 ENDIF ENDIF ELSEIF ( ibc_par_ns == 1 ) THEN ! !-- Particle absorption particle_mask(n) = .FALSE. deleted_particles = deleted_particles + 1 IF ( use_particle_tails .AND. nn /= 0 ) THEN tail_mask(nn) = .FALSE. deleted_tails = deleted_tails + 1 ENDIF ELSEIF ( ibc_par_ns == 2 ) THEN ! !-- Particle reflection particles(n)%y = -particles(n)%y particles(n)%speed_y = -particles(n)%speed_y ENDIF ELSE ! !-- Store particle data in the transfer array, which will be send !-- to the neighbouring PE trsp_count = trsp_count + 1 trsp(trsp_count) = particles(n) particle_mask(n) = .FALSE. deleted_particles = deleted_particles + 1 IF ( use_particle_tails .AND. nn /= 0 ) THEN trspt_count = trspt_count + 1 trspt(:,:,trspt_count) = particle_tail_coordinates(:,:,nn) tail_mask(nn) = .FALSE. deleted_tails = deleted_tails + 1 ENDIF ENDIF ELSEIF ( j > nyn ) THEN IF ( j > ny ) THEN ! !-- Apply boundary condition along x IF ( ibc_par_ns == 0 ) THEN ! !-- Cyclic condition IF ( pdims(2) == 1 ) THEN particles(n)%y = particles(n)%y - ( ny + 1 ) * dy particles(n)%origin_y = particles(n)%origin_y - & ( ny + 1 ) * dy IF ( use_particle_tails .AND. nn /= 0 ) THEN i = particles(n)%tailpoints particle_tail_coordinates(1:i,2,nn) = - (ny+1) * dy & + particle_tail_coordinates(1:i,2,nn) ENDIF ELSE trnp_count = trnp_count + 1 trnp(trnp_count) = particles(n) trnp(trnp_count)%y = trnp(trnp_count)%y - & ( ny + 1 ) * dy trnp(trnp_count)%origin_y = trnp(trnp_count)%origin_y & - ( ny + 1 ) * dy particle_mask(n) = .FALSE. deleted_particles = deleted_particles + 1 IF ( use_particle_tails .AND. nn /= 0 ) THEN trnpt_count = trnpt_count + 1 trnpt(:,:,trnpt_count) = & particle_tail_coordinates(:,:,nn) trnpt(:,2,trnpt_count) = trnpt(:,2,trnpt_count) - & ( ny + 1 ) * dy tail_mask(nn) = .FALSE. deleted_tails = deleted_tails + 1 ENDIF ENDIF ELSEIF ( ibc_par_ns == 1 ) THEN ! !-- Particle absorption particle_mask(n) = .FALSE. deleted_particles = deleted_particles + 1 IF ( use_particle_tails .AND. nn /= 0 ) THEN tail_mask(nn) = .FALSE. deleted_tails = deleted_tails + 1 ENDIF ELSEIF ( ibc_par_ns == 2 ) THEN ! !-- Particle reflection particles(n)%y = 2 * ( ny * dy ) - particles(n)%y particles(n)%speed_y = -particles(n)%speed_y ENDIF ELSE ! !-- Store particle data in the transfer array, which will be send !-- to the neighbouring PE trnp_count = trnp_count + 1 trnp(trnp_count) = particles(n) particle_mask(n) = .FALSE. deleted_particles = deleted_particles + 1 IF ( use_particle_tails .AND. nn /= 0 ) THEN trnpt_count = trnpt_count + 1 trnpt(:,:,trnpt_count) = particle_tail_coordinates(:,:,nn) tail_mask(nn) = .FALSE. deleted_tails = deleted_tails + 1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ! !-- Send front boundary, receive back boundary (but first exchange how many !-- and check, if particle storage must be extended) IF ( pdims(2) /= 1 ) THEN CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(23), 'sendrcv_particles', 'continue' ) CALL MPI_SENDRECV( trsp_count, 1, MPI_INTEGER, psouth, 0, & trnp_count_recv, 1, MPI_INTEGER, pnorth, 0, & comm2d, status, ierr ) IF ( number_of_particles + trnp_count_recv > & maximum_number_of_particles ) & THEN IF ( netcdf_output .AND. netcdf_data_format < 3 ) THEN message_string = 'maximum_number_of_particles ' // & 'needs to be increased ' // & '&but this is not allowed with '// & 'netcdf_data_format < 3' CALL message( 'lpm_exch_horiz', 'PA0146', 2, 2, -1, 6, 1 ) ELSE CALL lpm_extend_particle_array( trnp_count_recv ) ENDIF ENDIF CALL MPI_SENDRECV( trsp(1)%age, trsp_count, mpi_particle_type, & psouth, 1, particles(number_of_particles+1)%age, & trnp_count_recv, mpi_particle_type, pnorth, 1, & comm2d, status, ierr ) IF ( use_particle_tails ) THEN CALL MPI_SENDRECV( trspt_count, 1, MPI_INTEGER, psouth, 0, & trnpt_count_recv, 1, MPI_INTEGER, pnorth, 0, & comm2d, status, ierr ) IF ( number_of_tails+trnpt_count_recv > maximum_number_of_tails ) & THEN IF ( netcdf_output .AND. netcdf_data_format < 3 ) THEN message_string = 'maximum_number_of_tails ' // & 'needs to be increased ' // & '&but this is not allowed wi' // & 'th netcdf_data_format < 3' CALL message( 'lpm_exch_horiz', 'PA0147', 2, 2, -1, 6, 1 ) ELSE CALL lpm_extend_tail_array( trnpt_count_recv ) ENDIF ENDIF CALL MPI_SENDRECV( trspt(1,1,1), trspt_count*tlength, MPI_REAL, & psouth, 1, & particle_tail_coordinates(1,1,number_of_tails+1), & trnpt_count_recv*tlength, MPI_REAL, pnorth, 1, & comm2d, status, ierr ) ! !-- Update the tail ids for the transferred particles nn = number_of_tails DO n = number_of_particles+1, number_of_particles+trnp_count_recv IF ( particles(n)%tail_id /= 0 ) THEN nn = nn + 1 particles(n)%tail_id = nn ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF number_of_particles = number_of_particles + trnp_count_recv number_of_tails = number_of_tails + trnpt_count_recv ! !-- Send back boundary, receive front boundary CALL MPI_SENDRECV( trnp_count, 1, MPI_INTEGER, pnorth, 0, & trsp_count_recv, 1, MPI_INTEGER, psouth, 0, & comm2d, status, ierr ) IF ( number_of_particles + trsp_count_recv > & maximum_number_of_particles ) & THEN IF ( netcdf_output .AND. netcdf_data_format < 3 ) THEN message_string = 'maximum_number_of_particles ' // & 'needs to be increased ' // & '&but this is not allowed with ' // & 'netcdf_data_format < 3' CALL message( 'lpm_exch_horiz', 'PA0146', 2, 2, -1, 6, 1 ) ELSE CALL lpm_extend_particle_array( trsp_count_recv ) ENDIF ENDIF CALL MPI_SENDRECV( trnp(1)%age, trnp_count, mpi_particle_type, & pnorth, 1, particles(number_of_particles+1)%age, & trsp_count_recv, mpi_particle_type, psouth, 1, & comm2d, status, ierr ) IF ( use_particle_tails ) THEN CALL MPI_SENDRECV( trnpt_count, 1, MPI_INTEGER, pnorth, 0, & trspt_count_recv, 1, MPI_INTEGER, psouth, 0, & comm2d, status, ierr ) IF ( number_of_tails+trspt_count_recv > maximum_number_of_tails ) & THEN IF ( netcdf_output .AND. netcdf_data_format < 3 ) THEN message_string = 'maximum_number_of_tails ' // & 'needs to be increased ' // & '&but this is not allowed wi'// & 'th NetCDF output switched on' CALL message( 'lpm_exch_horiz', 'PA0147', 2, 2, -1, 6, 1 ) ELSE CALL lpm_extend_tail_array( trspt_count_recv ) ENDIF ENDIF CALL MPI_SENDRECV( trnpt(1,1,1), trnpt_count*tlength, MPI_REAL, & pnorth, 1, & particle_tail_coordinates(1,1,number_of_tails+1), & trspt_count_recv*tlength, MPI_REAL, psouth, 1, & comm2d, status, ierr ) ! !-- Update the tail ids for the transferred particles nn = number_of_tails DO n = number_of_particles+1, number_of_particles+trsp_count_recv IF ( particles(n)%tail_id /= 0 ) THEN nn = nn + 1 particles(n)%tail_id = nn ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF number_of_particles = number_of_particles + trsp_count_recv number_of_tails = number_of_tails + trspt_count_recv IF ( use_particle_tails ) THEN DEALLOCATE( trspt, trnpt ) ENDIF DEALLOCATE( trsp, trnp ) CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(23), 'sendrcv_particles', 'stop' ) ENDIF #else ! !-- Apply boundary conditions DO n = 1, number_of_particles nn = particles(n)%tail_id IF ( particles(n)%x < -0.5 * dx ) THEN IF ( ibc_par_lr == 0 ) THEN ! !-- Cyclic boundary. Relevant coordinate has to be changed. particles(n)%x = ( nx + 1 ) * dx + particles(n)%x IF ( use_particle_tails .AND. nn /= 0 ) THEN i = particles(n)%tailpoints particle_tail_coordinates(1:i,1,nn) = ( nx + 1 ) * dx + & particle_tail_coordinates(1:i,1,nn) ENDIF ELSEIF ( ibc_par_lr == 1 ) THEN ! !-- Particle absorption particle_mask(n) = .FALSE. deleted_particles = deleted_particles + 1 IF ( use_particle_tails .AND. nn /= 0 ) THEN tail_mask(nn) = .FALSE. deleted_tails = deleted_tails + 1 ENDIF ELSEIF ( ibc_par_lr == 2 ) THEN ! !-- Particle reflection particles(n)%x = -dx - particles(n)%x particles(n)%speed_x = -particles(n)%speed_x ENDIF ELSEIF ( particles(n)%x >= ( nx + 0.5 ) * dx ) THEN IF ( ibc_par_lr == 0 ) THEN ! !-- Cyclic boundary. Relevant coordinate has to be changed. particles(n)%x = particles(n)%x - ( nx + 1 ) * dx IF ( use_particle_tails .AND. nn /= 0 ) THEN i = particles(n)%tailpoints particle_tail_coordinates(1:i,1,nn) = - ( nx + 1 ) * dx + & particle_tail_coordinates(1:i,1,nn) ENDIF ELSEIF ( ibc_par_lr == 1 ) THEN ! !-- Particle absorption particle_mask(n) = .FALSE. deleted_particles = deleted_particles + 1 IF ( use_particle_tails .AND. nn /= 0 ) THEN tail_mask(nn) = .FALSE. deleted_tails = deleted_tails + 1 ENDIF ELSEIF ( ibc_par_lr == 2 ) THEN ! !-- Particle reflection particles(n)%x = ( nx + 1 ) * dx - particles(n)%x particles(n)%speed_x = -particles(n)%speed_x ENDIF ENDIF IF ( particles(n)%y < -0.5 * dy ) THEN IF ( ibc_par_ns == 0 ) THEN ! !-- Cyclic boundary. Relevant coordinate has to be changed. particles(n)%y = ( ny + 1 ) * dy + particles(n)%y IF ( use_particle_tails .AND. nn /= 0 ) THEN i = particles(n)%tailpoints particle_tail_coordinates(1:i,2,nn) = ( ny + 1 ) * dy + & particle_tail_coordinates(1:i,2,nn) ENDIF ELSEIF ( ibc_par_ns == 1 ) THEN ! !-- Particle absorption particle_mask(n) = .FALSE. deleted_particles = deleted_particles + 1 IF ( use_particle_tails .AND. nn /= 0 ) THEN tail_mask(nn) = .FALSE. deleted_tails = deleted_tails + 1 ENDIF ELSEIF ( ibc_par_ns == 2 ) THEN ! !-- Particle reflection particles(n)%y = -dy - particles(n)%y particles(n)%speed_y = -particles(n)%speed_y ENDIF ELSEIF ( particles(n)%y >= ( ny + 0.5 ) * dy ) THEN IF ( ibc_par_ns == 0 ) THEN ! !-- Cyclic boundary. Relevant coordinate has to be changed. particles(n)%y = particles(n)%y - ( ny + 1 ) * dy IF ( use_particle_tails .AND. nn /= 0 ) THEN i = particles(n)%tailpoints particle_tail_coordinates(1:i,2,nn) = - ( ny + 1 ) * dy + & particle_tail_coordinates(1:i,2,nn) ENDIF ELSEIF ( ibc_par_ns == 1 ) THEN ! !-- Particle absorption particle_mask(n) = .FALSE. deleted_particles = deleted_particles + 1 IF ( use_particle_tails .AND. nn /= 0 ) THEN tail_mask(nn) = .FALSE. deleted_tails = deleted_tails + 1 ENDIF ELSEIF ( ibc_par_ns == 2 ) THEN ! !-- Particle reflection particles(n)%y = ( ny + 1 ) * dy - particles(n)%y particles(n)%speed_y = -particles(n)%speed_y ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO #endif ! !-- Accumulate the number of particles transferred between the subdomains #if defined( __parallel ) trlp_count_sum = trlp_count_sum + trlp_count trlp_count_recv_sum = trlp_count_recv_sum + trlp_count_recv trrp_count_sum = trrp_count_sum + trrp_count trrp_count_recv_sum = trrp_count_recv_sum + trrp_count_recv trsp_count_sum = trsp_count_sum + trsp_count trsp_count_recv_sum = trsp_count_recv_sum + trsp_count_recv trnp_count_sum = trnp_count_sum + trnp_count trnp_count_recv_sum = trnp_count_recv_sum + trnp_count_recv #endif END SUBROUTINE lpm_exchange_horiz