1 | !> @file lpm.f90 |
2 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! |
3 | ! This file is part of PALM. |
4 | ! |
5 | ! PALM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the |
6 | ! terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software |
7 | ! Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later |
8 | ! version. |
9 | ! |
10 | ! PALM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY |
11 | ! WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR |
12 | ! A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. |
13 | ! |
14 | ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with |
15 | ! PALM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
16 | ! |
17 | ! Copyright 1997-2017 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover |
18 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! |
19 | ! |
20 | ! Current revisions: |
21 | ! ------------------ |
22 | ! |
23 | ! |
24 | ! Former revisions: |
25 | ! ----------------- |
26 | ! $Id: lpm.f90 2417 2017-09-06 15:22:27Z suehring $ |
27 | ! Major bugfixes in modeling SGS particle speeds (since revision 1359). |
28 | ! Particle sorting added to distinguish between already completed and |
29 | ! non-completed particles. |
30 | ! |
31 | ! 2263 2017-06-08 14:59:01Z schwenkel |
32 | ! Implemented splitting and merging algorithm |
33 | ! |
34 | ! 2233 2017-05-30 18:08:54Z suehring |
35 | ! |
36 | ! 2232 2017-05-30 17:47:52Z suehring |
37 | ! Adjustments to new topography concept |
38 | ! |
39 | ! 2000 2016-08-20 18:09:15Z knoop |
40 | ! Forced header and separation lines into 80 columns |
41 | ! |
42 | ! 1936 2016-06-13 13:37:44Z suehring |
43 | ! Call routine for deallocation of unused memory. |
44 | ! Formatting adjustments |
45 | ! |
46 | ! 1929 2016-06-09 16:25:25Z suehring |
47 | ! Call wall boundary conditions only if particles are in the vertical range of |
48 | ! topography. |
49 | ! |
50 | ! 1822 2016-04-07 07:49:42Z hoffmann |
51 | ! Tails removed. |
52 | ! |
53 | ! Initialization of sgs model not necessary for the use of cloud_droplets and |
54 | ! use_sgs_for_particles. |
55 | ! |
56 | ! lpm_release_set integrated. |
57 | ! |
58 | ! Unused variabled removed. |
59 | ! |
60 | ! 1682 2015-10-07 23:56:08Z knoop |
61 | ! Code annotations made doxygen readable |
62 | ! |
63 | ! 1416 2014-06-04 16:04:03Z suehring |
64 | ! user_lpm_advec is called for each gridpoint. |
65 | ! Bugfix: in order to prevent an infinite loop, time_loop_done is set .TRUE. |
66 | ! at the head of the do-loop. |
67 | ! |
68 | ! 1359 2014-04-11 17:15:14Z hoffmann |
69 | ! New particle structure integrated. |
70 | ! Kind definition added to all floating point numbers. |
71 | ! |
72 | ! 1320 2014-03-20 08:40:49Z raasch |
73 | ! ONLY-attribute added to USE-statements, |
74 | ! kind-parameters added to all INTEGER and REAL declaration statements, |
75 | ! kinds are defined in new module kinds, |
76 | ! revision history before 2012 removed, |
77 | ! comment fields (!:) to be used for variable explanations added to |
78 | ! all variable declaration statements |
79 | ! |
80 | ! 1318 2014-03-17 13:35:16Z raasch |
81 | ! module interfaces removed |
82 | ! |
83 | ! 1036 2012-10-22 13:43:42Z raasch |
84 | ! code put under GPL (PALM 3.9) |
85 | ! |
86 | ! 851 2012-03-15 14:32:58Z raasch |
87 | ! Bugfix: resetting of particle_mask and tail mask moved from routine |
88 | ! lpm_exchange_horiz to here (end of sub-timestep loop) |
89 | ! |
90 | ! 849 2012-03-15 10:35:09Z raasch |
91 | ! original routine advec_particles split into several subroutines and renamed |
92 | ! lpm |
93 | ! |
94 | ! 831 2012-02-22 00:29:39Z raasch |
95 | ! thermal_conductivity_l and diff_coeff_l now depend on temperature and |
96 | ! pressure |
97 | ! |
98 | ! 828 2012-02-21 12:00:36Z raasch |
99 | ! fast hall/wang kernels with fixed radius/dissipation classes added, |
100 | ! particle feature color renamed class, routine colker renamed |
101 | ! recalculate_kernel, |
102 | ! lower limit for droplet radius changed from 1E-7 to 1E-8 |
103 | ! |
104 | ! Bugfix: transformation factor for dissipation changed from 1E5 to 1E4 |
105 | ! |
106 | ! 825 2012-02-19 03:03:44Z raasch |
107 | ! droplet growth by condensation may include curvature and solution effects, |
108 | ! initialisation of temporary particle array for resorting removed, |
109 | ! particle attributes speed_x|y|z_sgs renamed rvar1|2|3, |
110 | ! module wang_kernel_mod renamed lpm_collision_kernels_mod, |
111 | ! wang_collision_kernel renamed wang_kernel |
112 | ! |
113 | ! |
114 | ! Revision 1.1 1999/11/25 16:16:06 raasch |
115 | ! Initial revision |
116 | ! |
117 | ! |
118 | ! Description: |
119 | ! ------------ |
120 | !> Particle advection |
121 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! |
122 | SUBROUTINE lpm |
123 | |
124 | |
125 | USE arrays_3d, & |
126 | ONLY: ql_c, ql_v, ql_vp |
127 | |
128 | USE control_parameters, & |
129 | ONLY: cloud_droplets, dt_3d, dt_3d_reached, dt_3d_reached_l, & |
130 | molecular_viscosity, simulated_time, topography |
131 | |
132 | USE cpulog, & |
133 | ONLY: cpu_log, log_point, log_point_s |
134 | |
135 | USE indices, & |
136 | ONLY: nxl, nxr, nys, nyn, nzb, nzb_max, nzt |
137 | |
138 | USE kinds |
139 | |
140 | USE lpm_exchange_horiz_mod, & |
141 | ONLY: dealloc_particles_array, lpm_exchange_horiz, lpm_move_particle |
142 | |
143 | USE lpm_init_mod, & |
144 | ONLY: lpm_create_particle, PHASE_RELEASE |
145 | |
146 | USE lpm_pack_arrays_mod, & |
147 | ONLY: lpm_pack_all_arrays, lpm_sort |
148 | |
149 | USE particle_attributes, & |
150 | ONLY: collision_kernel, deleted_particles, deallocate_memory, & |
151 | dt_write_particle_data, dt_prel, end_time_prel, & |
152 | grid_particles, merging, number_of_particles, & |
153 | number_of_particle_groups, particles, particle_groups, & |
154 | prt_count, splitting, step_dealloc, time_prel, & |
155 | time_write_particle_data, trlp_count_sum, trlp_count_recv_sum, & |
156 | trnp_count_sum, trnp_count_recv_sum, trrp_count_sum, & |
157 | trrp_count_recv_sum, trsp_count_sum, trsp_count_recv_sum, & |
158 | use_sgs_for_particles, write_particle_statistics |
159 | |
160 | USE pegrid |
161 | |
163 | |
164 | INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< |
165 | INTEGER(iwp) :: ie !< |
166 | INTEGER(iwp) :: is !< |
167 | INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< |
168 | INTEGER(iwp) :: je !< |
169 | INTEGER(iwp) :: js !< |
170 | INTEGER(iwp), SAVE :: lpm_count = 0 !< |
171 | INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< |
172 | INTEGER(iwp) :: ke !< |
173 | INTEGER(iwp) :: ks !< |
174 | INTEGER(iwp) :: m !< |
175 | INTEGER(iwp), SAVE :: steps = 0 !< |
176 | |
177 | LOGICAL :: first_loop_stride !< |
178 | |
179 | CALL cpu_log( log_point(25), 'lpm', 'start' ) |
180 | |
181 | ! |
182 | !-- Write particle data at current time on file. |
183 | !-- This has to be done here, before particles are further processed, |
184 | !-- because they may be deleted within this timestep (in case that |
185 | !-- dt_write_particle_data = dt_prel = particle_maximum_age). |
186 | time_write_particle_data = time_write_particle_data + dt_3d |
187 | IF ( time_write_particle_data >= dt_write_particle_data ) THEN |
188 | |
189 | CALL lpm_data_output_particles |
190 | ! |
191 | !-- The MOD function allows for changes in the output interval with restart |
192 | !-- runs. |
193 | time_write_particle_data = MOD( time_write_particle_data, & |
194 | MAX( dt_write_particle_data, dt_3d ) ) |
195 | ENDIF |
196 | |
197 | ! |
198 | !-- Initialize arrays for marking those particles to be deleted after the |
199 | !-- (sub-) timestep |
200 | deleted_particles = 0 |
201 | |
202 | ! |
203 | !-- Initialize variables used for accumulating the number of particles |
204 | !-- exchanged between the subdomains during all sub-timesteps (if sgs |
205 | !-- velocities are included). These data are output further below on the |
206 | !-- particle statistics file. |
207 | trlp_count_sum = 0 |
208 | trlp_count_recv_sum = 0 |
209 | trrp_count_sum = 0 |
210 | trrp_count_recv_sum = 0 |
211 | trsp_count_sum = 0 |
212 | trsp_count_recv_sum = 0 |
213 | trnp_count_sum = 0 |
214 | trnp_count_recv_sum = 0 |
215 | |
216 | |
217 | ! |
218 | !-- Calculate exponential term used in case of particle inertia for each |
219 | !-- of the particle groups |
220 | DO m = 1, number_of_particle_groups |
221 | IF ( particle_groups(m)%density_ratio /= 0.0_wp ) THEN |
222 | particle_groups(m)%exp_arg = & |
223 | 4.5_wp * particle_groups(m)%density_ratio * & |
224 | molecular_viscosity / ( particle_groups(m)%radius )**2 |
225 | |
226 | particle_groups(m)%exp_term = EXP( -particle_groups(m)%exp_arg * & |
227 | dt_3d ) |
228 | ENDIF |
229 | ENDDO |
230 | |
231 | ! |
232 | !-- If necessary, release new set of particles |
233 | IF ( time_prel >= dt_prel .AND. end_time_prel > simulated_time ) THEN |
234 | |
235 | CALL lpm_create_particle(PHASE_RELEASE) |
236 | ! |
237 | !-- The MOD function allows for changes in the output interval with |
238 | !-- restart runs. |
239 | time_prel = MOD( time_prel, MAX( dt_prel, dt_3d ) ) |
240 | |
241 | ENDIF |
242 | ! |
243 | !-- Reset summation arrays |
244 | IF ( cloud_droplets) THEN |
245 | ql_c = 0.0_wp |
246 | ql_v = 0.0_wp |
247 | ql_vp = 0.0_wp |
248 | ENDIF |
249 | |
250 | first_loop_stride = .TRUE. |
251 | grid_particles(:,:,:)%time_loop_done = .TRUE. |
252 | ! |
253 | !-- Timestep loop for particle advection. |
254 | !-- This loop has to be repeated until the advection time of every particle |
255 | !-- (within the total domain!) has reached the LES timestep (dt_3d). |
256 | !-- In case of including the SGS velocities, the particle timestep may be |
257 | !-- smaller than the LES timestep (because of the Lagrangian timescale |
258 | !-- restriction) and particles may require to undergo several particle |
259 | !-- timesteps, before the LES timestep is reached. Because the number of these |
260 | !-- particle timesteps to be carried out is unknown at first, these steps are |
261 | !-- carried out in the following infinite loop with exit condition. |
262 | DO |
263 | CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(44), 'lpm_advec', 'start' ) |
264 | CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(44), 'lpm_advec', 'pause' ) |
265 | |
266 | ! |
267 | !-- If particle advection includes SGS velocity components, calculate the |
268 | !-- required SGS quantities (i.e. gradients of the TKE, as well as |
269 | !-- horizontally averaged profiles of the SGS TKE and the resolved-scale |
270 | !-- velocity variances) |
271 | IF ( use_sgs_for_particles .AND. .NOT. cloud_droplets ) THEN |
272 | CALL lpm_init_sgs_tke |
273 | ENDIF |
274 | |
275 | ! |
276 | !-- In case SGS-particle speed is considered, particles may carry out |
277 | !-- several particle timesteps. In order to prevent unnecessary |
278 | !-- treatment of particles that already reached the final time level, |
279 | !-- particles are sorted into contiguous blocks of finished and |
280 | !-- not-finished particles, in addition to their already sorting |
281 | !-- according to their sub-boxes. |
282 | IF ( .NOT. first_loop_stride .AND. use_sgs_for_particles ) & |
283 | CALL lpm_sort |
284 | |
285 | DO i = nxl, nxr |
286 | DO j = nys, nyn |
287 | DO k = nzb+1, nzt |
288 | |
289 | number_of_particles = prt_count(k,j,i) |
290 | ! |
291 | !-- If grid cell gets empty, flag must be true |
292 | IF ( number_of_particles <= 0 ) THEN |
293 | grid_particles(k,j,i)%time_loop_done = .TRUE. |
294 | CYCLE |
295 | ENDIF |
296 | |
297 | IF ( .NOT. first_loop_stride .AND. & |
298 | grid_particles(k,j,i)%time_loop_done ) CYCLE |
299 | |
300 | particles => grid_particles(k,j,i)%particles(1:number_of_particles) |
301 | |
302 | particles(1:number_of_particles)%particle_mask = .TRUE. |
303 | ! |
304 | !-- Initialize the variable storing the total time that a particle |
305 | !-- has advanced within the timestep procedure |
306 | IF ( first_loop_stride ) THEN |
307 | particles(1:number_of_particles)%dt_sum = 0.0_wp |
308 | ENDIF |
309 | ! |
310 | !-- Particle (droplet) growth by condensation/evaporation and |
311 | !-- collision |
312 | IF ( cloud_droplets .AND. first_loop_stride) THEN |
313 | ! |
314 | !-- Droplet growth by condensation / evaporation |
315 | CALL lpm_droplet_condensation(i,j,k) |
316 | ! |
317 | !-- Particle growth by collision |
318 | IF ( collision_kernel /= 'none' ) THEN |
319 | CALL lpm_droplet_collision(i,j,k) |
320 | ENDIF |
321 | |
322 | ENDIF |
323 | ! |
324 | !-- Initialize the switch used for the loop exit condition checked |
325 | !-- at the end of this loop. If at least one particle has failed to |
326 | !-- reach the LES timestep, this switch will be set false in |
327 | !-- lpm_advec. |
328 | dt_3d_reached_l = .TRUE. |
329 | |
330 | ! |
331 | !-- Particle advection |
332 | CALL lpm_advec(i,j,k) |
333 | ! |
334 | !-- Particle reflection from walls. Only applied if the particles |
335 | !-- are in the vertical range of the topography. (Here, some |
336 | !-- optimization is still possible.) |
337 | IF ( topography /= 'flat' .AND. k < nzb_max + 2 ) THEN |
338 | CALL lpm_boundary_conds( 'walls' )!, i, j, k ) |
339 | ENDIF |
340 | ! |
341 | !-- User-defined actions after the calculation of the new particle |
342 | !-- position |
343 | CALL user_lpm_advec(i,j,k) |
344 | ! |
345 | !-- Apply boundary conditions to those particles that have crossed |
346 | !-- the top or bottom boundary and delete those particles, which are |
347 | !-- older than allowed |
348 | CALL lpm_boundary_conds( 'bottom/top' ) !, i, j, k ) |
349 | ! |
350 | !--- If not all particles of the actual grid cell have reached the |
351 | !-- LES timestep, this cell has to do another loop iteration. Due to |
352 | !-- the fact that particles can move into neighboring grid cells, |
353 | !-- these neighbor cells also have to perform another loop iteration. |
354 | !-- Please note, this realization does not work properly if |
355 | !-- particles move into another subdomain. |
356 | IF ( .NOT. dt_3d_reached_l ) THEN |
357 | ks = MAX(nzb+1,k-1) |
358 | ke = MIN(nzt,k+1) |
359 | js = MAX(nys,j-1) |
360 | je = MIN(nyn,j+1) |
361 | is = MAX(nxl,i-1) |
362 | ie = MIN(nxr,i+1) |
363 | grid_particles(ks:ke,js:je,is:ie)%time_loop_done = .FALSE. |
364 | ELSE |
365 | grid_particles(k,j,i)%time_loop_done = .TRUE. |
366 | ENDIF |
367 | |
368 | ENDDO |
369 | ENDDO |
370 | ENDDO |
371 | |
372 | steps = steps + 1 |
373 | dt_3d_reached_l = ALL(grid_particles(:,:,:)%time_loop_done) |
374 | ! |
375 | !-- Find out, if all particles on every PE have completed the LES timestep |
376 | !-- and set the switch corespondingly |
377 | #if defined( __parallel ) |
378 | IF ( collective_wait ) CALL MPI_BARRIER( comm2d, ierr ) |
379 | CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( dt_3d_reached_l, dt_3d_reached, 1, MPI_LOGICAL, & |
380 | MPI_LAND, comm2d, ierr ) |
381 | #else |
382 | dt_3d_reached = dt_3d_reached_l |
383 | #endif |
384 | |
385 | CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(44), 'lpm_advec', 'stop' ) |
386 | |
387 | ! |
388 | !-- Increment time since last release |
389 | IF ( dt_3d_reached ) time_prel = time_prel + dt_3d |
390 | ! |
391 | !-- Apply splitting and merging algorithm |
392 | IF ( cloud_droplets ) THEN |
393 | IF ( splitting ) THEN |
394 | CALL lpm_splitting |
395 | ENDIF |
396 | IF ( merging ) THEN |
397 | CALL lpm_merging |
398 | ENDIF |
399 | ENDIF |
400 | ! |
401 | !-- Move Particles local to PE to a different grid cell |
402 | CALL lpm_move_particle |
403 | |
404 | ! |
405 | !-- Horizontal boundary conditions including exchange between subdmains |
406 | CALL lpm_exchange_horiz |
407 | ! |
408 | !-- Pack particles (eliminate those marked for deletion), |
409 | !-- determine new number of particles |
410 | CALL lpm_pack_all_arrays |
411 | ! |
412 | !-- Initialize variables for the next (sub-) timestep, i.e., for marking |
413 | !-- those particles to be deleted after the timestep |
414 | deleted_particles = 0 |
415 | |
416 | IF ( dt_3d_reached ) EXIT |
417 | |
418 | first_loop_stride = .FALSE. |
419 | ENDDO ! timestep loop |
420 | |
421 | ! |
422 | !-- Calculate the new liquid water content for each grid box |
423 | IF ( cloud_droplets ) CALL lpm_calc_liquid_water_content |
424 | ! |
425 | !-- Deallocate unused memory |
426 | IF ( deallocate_memory .AND. lpm_count == step_dealloc ) THEN |
427 | CALL dealloc_particles_array |
428 | lpm_count = 0 |
429 | ELSEIF ( deallocate_memory ) THEN |
430 | lpm_count = lpm_count + 1 |
431 | ENDIF |
432 | |
433 | ! |
434 | !-- Set particle attributes. |
435 | !-- Feature is not available if collision is activated, because the respective |
436 | !-- particle attribute (class) is then used for storing the particle radius |
437 | !-- class. |
438 | IF ( collision_kernel == 'none' ) CALL lpm_set_attributes |
439 | |
440 | ! |
441 | !-- Set particle attributes defined by the user |
442 | CALL user_lpm_set_attributes |
443 | |
444 | ! |
445 | !-- Write particle statistics (in particular the number of particles |
446 | !-- exchanged between the subdomains) on file |
447 | IF ( write_particle_statistics ) CALL lpm_write_exchange_statistics |
448 | |
449 | CALL cpu_log( log_point(25), 'lpm', 'stop' ) |
450 | |
451 | END SUBROUTINE lpm |