!> @file exchange_horiz.f90 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! This file is part of the PALM model system. ! ! PALM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the ! terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software ! Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later ! version. ! ! PALM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY ! WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR ! A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ! PALM. If not, see . ! ! Copyright 1997-2020 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! Current revisions: ! ----------------- ! ! ! Former revisions: ! ----------------- ! $Id: exchange_horiz_mod.f90 4461 2020-03-12 16:51:59Z gronemeier $ ! optional communicator added to exchange_horiz ! ! 4457 2020-03-11 14:20:43Z raasch ! routine has been modularized, file exchange_horiz_2d has been merged ! ! 4429 2020-02-27 15:24:30Z raasch ! bugfix: cpp-directives added for serial mode ! ! 4360 2020-01-07 11:25:50Z suehring ! Corrected "Former revisions" section ! ! 3761 2019-02-25 15:31:42Z raasch ! OpenACC directives re-formatted ! ! 3657 2019-01-07 20:14:18Z knoop ! OpenACC port for SPEC ! ! Revision 1.1 1997/07/24 11:13:29 raasch ! Initial revision ! ! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Exchange of ghost point layers for subdomains (in parallel mode) and setting !> of cyclic lateral boundary conditions for the total domain . !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! MODULE exchange_horiz_mod USE kinds USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC exchange_horiz, exchange_horiz_int, exchange_horiz_2d, exchange_horiz_2d_byte, & exchange_horiz_2d_int INTERFACE exchange_horiz MODULE PROCEDURE exchange_horiz END INTERFACE exchange_horiz INTERFACE exchange_horiz_int MODULE PROCEDURE exchange_horiz_int END INTERFACE exchange_horiz_int INTERFACE exchange_horiz_2d MODULE PROCEDURE exchange_horiz_2d END INTERFACE exchange_horiz_2d INTERFACE exchange_horiz_2d_byte MODULE PROCEDURE exchange_horiz_2d_byte END INTERFACE exchange_horiz_2d_byte INTERFACE exchange_horiz_2d_int MODULE PROCEDURE exchange_horiz_2d_int END INTERFACE exchange_horiz_2d_int CONTAINS !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Exchange of ghost point layers for subdomains (in parallel mode) and setting !> of cyclic lateral boundary conditions for the total domain. !> This routine is for REAL 3d-arrays. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE exchange_horiz( ar, nbgp_local, alternative_communicator) USE control_parameters, & ONLY: bc_lr_cyc, bc_ns_cyc #if defined( __parallel ) USE control_parameters, & ONLY: grid_level, mg_switch_to_pe0, synchronous_exchange #endif USE cpulog, & ONLY: cpu_log, log_point_s USE indices, & ONLY: nxl, nxr, nyn, nys, nzb, nzt #if defined( _OPENACC ) INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< #endif INTEGER(iwp), OPTIONAL :: alternative_communicator !< alternative MPI communicator to be used INTEGER(iwp) :: communicator !< communicator that is used as argument in MPI calls INTEGER(iwp) :: left_pe !< id of left pe that is used as argument in MPI calls INTEGER(iwp) :: nbgp_local !< number of ghost point layers INTEGER(iwp) :: north_pe !< id of north pe that is used as argument in MPI calls INTEGER(iwp) :: right_pe !< id of right pe that is used as argument in MPI calls INTEGER(iwp) :: south_pe !< id of south pe that is used as argument in MPI calls REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nzb:nzt+1,nys-nbgp_local:nyn+nbgp_local, & nxl-nbgp_local:nxr+nbgp_local) :: ar !< 3d-array for which exchange is done CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(2), 'exchange_horiz', 'start' ) #if defined( _OPENACC ) !$ACC UPDATE IF_PRESENT ASYNC(1) & !$ACC HOST(ar(:,:,nxr-nbgp_local+1:nxr)) & !$ACC HOST(ar(:,:,nxl:nxl+nbgp_local-1)) ! !-- Wait for first UPDATE to complete before starting the others. !$ACC WAIT(1) ASYNC(2) ! ar(:,:,nxl-nbgp_local:nxl-1) is overwritten by first part below ! ar(:,:,nxl:nxl+nbgp_local-1) has been transferred above DO i = nxl+nbgp_local, nxr-nbgp_local !$ACC UPDATE IF_PRESENT ASYNC(2) & !$ACC HOST(ar(:,nyn-nbgp_local+1:nyn,i)) & !$ACC HOST(ar(:,nys:nys+nbgp_local-1,i)) ENDDO ! ar(:,:,nxr-nbgp_local+1:nxr) has been transferred above ! ar(:,:,nxr+1:nxr+nbgp_local) is overwritten by first part below ! !-- Wait for first UPDATE to complete before starting MPI. !$ACC WAIT(1) #endif ! !-- Set the communicator to be used IF ( PRESENT( alternative_communicator ) ) THEN ! !-- Alternative communicator is to be used communicator = communicator_configurations(alternative_communicator)%mpi_communicator left_pe = communicator_configurations(alternative_communicator)%pleft right_pe = communicator_configurations(alternative_communicator)%pright south_pe = communicator_configurations(alternative_communicator)%psouth north_pe = communicator_configurations(alternative_communicator)%pnorth ELSE ! !-- Main communicator is to be used communicator = comm2d left_pe = pleft right_pe = pright south_pe = psouth north_pe = pnorth ENDIF #if defined( __parallel ) ! !-- Exchange in x-direction of lateral boundaries IF ( pdims(1) == 1 .OR. mg_switch_to_pe0 ) THEN ! !-- One-dimensional decomposition along y, boundary values can be exchanged !-- within the PE memory IF ( bc_lr_cyc ) THEN ar(:,:,nxl-nbgp_local:nxl-1) = ar(:,:,nxr-nbgp_local+1:nxr) ar(:,:,nxr+1:nxr+nbgp_local) = ar(:,:,nxl:nxl+nbgp_local-1) ENDIF ELSE IF ( synchronous_exchange ) THEN ! !-- Send left boundary, receive right one (synchronous) CALL MPI_SENDRECV( ar(nzb,nys-nbgp_local,nxl), 1, type_yz(grid_level), left_pe, 0, & ar(nzb,nys-nbgp_local,nxr+1), 1, type_yz(grid_level), right_pe, 0, & communicator, status, ierr ) ! !-- Send right boundary, receive left one (synchronous) CALL MPI_SENDRECV( ar(nzb,nys-nbgp_local,nxr+1-nbgp_local), 1, & type_yz(grid_level), right_pe, 1, & ar(nzb,nys-nbgp_local,nxl-nbgp_local), 1, & type_yz(grid_level), left_pe, 1, & communicator, status, ierr ) ELSE ! !-- Asynchroneous exchange IF ( send_receive == 'lr' .OR. send_receive == 'al' ) THEN req(1:4) = 0 req_count = 0 ! !-- Send left boundary, receive right one (asynchronous) CALL MPI_ISEND( ar(nzb,nys-nbgp_local,nxl), 1, type_yz(grid_level), left_pe, & req_count, communicator, req(req_count+1), ierr ) CALL MPI_IRECV( ar(nzb,nys-nbgp_local,nxr+1), 1, type_yz(grid_level), right_pe, & req_count, communicator, req(req_count+2), ierr ) ! !-- Send right boundary, receive left one (asynchronous) CALL MPI_ISEND( ar(nzb,nys-nbgp_local,nxr+1-nbgp_local), 1, type_yz(grid_level), & right_pe, req_count+1, communicator, req(req_count+3), ierr ) CALL MPI_IRECV( ar(nzb,nys-nbgp_local,nxl-nbgp_local), 1, type_yz(grid_level), & left_pe, req_count+1, communicator, req(req_count+4), ierr ) CALL MPI_WAITALL( 4, req, wait_stat, ierr ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF !$ACC UPDATE IF_PRESENT ASYNC(1) & !$ACC DEVICE(ar(:,:,nxl-nbgp_local:nxl-1)) & !$ACC DEVICE(ar(:,:,nxr+1:nxr+nbgp_local)) ! !-- Wait for UPDATES above to complete before starting MPI. !$ACC WAIT(2) IF ( pdims(2) == 1 .OR. mg_switch_to_pe0 ) THEN ! !-- One-dimensional decomposition along x, boundary values can be exchanged !-- within the PE memory IF ( bc_ns_cyc ) THEN ar(:,nys-nbgp_local:nys-1,:) = ar(:,nyn-nbgp_local+1:nyn,:) ar(:,nyn+1:nyn+nbgp_local,:) = ar(:,nys:nys+nbgp_local-1,:) ENDIF ELSE IF ( synchronous_exchange ) THEN ! !-- Send front boundary, receive rear one (synchronous) CALL MPI_SENDRECV( ar(nzb,nys,nxl-nbgp_local), 1, type_xz(grid_level), south_pe, 0, & ar(nzb,nyn+1,nxl-nbgp_local), 1, type_xz(grid_level), north_pe, 0, & communicator, status, ierr ) ! !-- Send rear boundary, receive front one (synchronous) CALL MPI_SENDRECV( ar(nzb,nyn-nbgp_local+1,nxl-nbgp_local), 1, & type_xz(grid_level), north_pe, 1, & ar(nzb,nys-nbgp_local,nxl-nbgp_local), 1, & type_xz(grid_level), south_pe, 1, & communicator, status, ierr ) ELSE ! !-- Asynchroneous exchange IF ( send_receive == 'ns' .OR. send_receive == 'al' ) THEN req(1:4) = 0 req_count = 0 ! !-- Send front boundary, receive rear one (asynchronous) CALL MPI_ISEND( ar(nzb,nys,nxl-nbgp_local), 1, type_xz(grid_level), south_pe, & req_count, communicator, req(req_count+1), ierr ) CALL MPI_IRECV( ar(nzb,nyn+1,nxl-nbgp_local), 1, type_xz(grid_level), north_pe, & req_count, communicator, req(req_count+2), ierr ) ! !-- Send rear boundary, receive front one (asynchronous) CALL MPI_ISEND( ar(nzb,nyn-nbgp_local+1,nxl-nbgp_local), 1, type_xz(grid_level), & north_pe, req_count+1, communicator, req(req_count+3), ierr ) CALL MPI_IRECV( ar(nzb,nys-nbgp_local,nxl-nbgp_local), 1, type_xz(grid_level), & south_pe, req_count+1, communicator, req(req_count+4), ierr ) CALL MPI_WAITALL( 4, req, wait_stat, ierr ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF #else ! !-- Lateral boundary conditions in the non-parallel case. !-- Case dependent, because in GPU mode still not all arrays are on device. This !-- workaround has to be removed later. Also, since PGI compiler 12.5 has problems !-- with array syntax, explicit loops are used. IF ( bc_lr_cyc ) THEN ar(:,:,nxl-nbgp_local:nxl-1) = ar(:,:,nxr-nbgp_local+1:nxr) ar(:,:,nxr+1:nxr+nbgp_local) = ar(:,:,nxl:nxl+nbgp_local-1) ENDIF !$ACC UPDATE IF_PRESENT ASYNC(1) & !$ACC DEVICE(ar(:,:,nxl-nbgp_local:nxl-1)) & !$ACC DEVICE(ar(:,:,nxr+1:nxr+nbgp_local)) ! !-- Wait for UPDATES above to complete before starting MPI. !$ACC WAIT(2) IF ( bc_ns_cyc ) THEN ar(:,nys-nbgp_local:nys-1,:) = ar(:,nyn-nbgp_local+1:nyn,:) ar(:,nyn+1:nyn+nbgp_local,:) = ar(:,nys:nys+nbgp_local-1,:) ENDIF #endif #if defined( _OPENACC ) DO i = nxl-nbgp_local, nxr+nbgp_local !$ACC UPDATE IF_PRESENT ASYNC(2) & !$ACC DEVICE(ar(:,nys-nbgp_local:nys-1,i)) & !$ACC DEVICE(ar(:,nyn+1:nyn+nbgp_local,i)) ENDDO ! !-- Wait for all UPDATEs to finish. !$ACC WAIT #endif CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(2), 'exchange_horiz', 'stop' ) END SUBROUTINE exchange_horiz !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> @todo Missing subroutine description. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE exchange_horiz_int( ar, nys_l, nyn_l, nxl_l, nxr_l, nzt_l, nbgp_local ) USE control_parameters, & ONLY: bc_lr_cyc, bc_ns_cyc #if defined( __parallel ) USE control_parameters, & ONLY: grid_level #endif USE indices, & ONLY: nzb INTEGER(iwp) :: nxl_l !< local index bound at current grid level, left side INTEGER(iwp) :: nxr_l !< local index bound at current grid level, right side INTEGER(iwp) :: nyn_l !< local index bound at current grid level, north side INTEGER(iwp) :: nys_l !< local index bound at current grid level, south side INTEGER(iwp) :: nzt_l !< local index bound at current grid level, top INTEGER(iwp) :: nbgp_local !< number of ghost points INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(nzb:nzt_l+1,nys_l-nbgp_local:nyn_l+nbgp_local, & nxl_l-nbgp_local:nxr_l+nbgp_local) :: ar !< treated array #if defined( __parallel ) IF ( pdims(1) == 1 ) THEN ! !-- One-dimensional decomposition along y, boundary values can be exchanged !-- within the PE memory IF ( bc_lr_cyc ) THEN ar(:,:,nxl_l-nbgp_local:nxl_l-1) = ar(:,:,nxr_l-nbgp_local+1:nxr_l) ar(:,:,nxr_l+1:nxr_l+nbgp_local) = ar(:,:,nxl_l:nxl_l+nbgp_local-1) ENDIF ELSE ! !-- Send left boundary, receive right one (synchronous) CALL MPI_SENDRECV( & ar(nzb,nys_l-nbgp_local,nxl_l), 1, type_yz_int(grid_level), pleft, 0,& ar(nzb,nys_l-nbgp_local,nxr_l+1), 1, type_yz_int(grid_level), pright, 0,& comm2d, status, ierr ) ! !-- Send right boundary, receive left one (synchronous) CALL MPI_SENDRECV( & ar(nzb,nys_l-nbgp_local,nxr_l+1-nbgp_local), 1, type_yz_int(grid_level),& pright, 1, & ar(nzb,nys_l-nbgp_local,nxl_l-nbgp_local), 1, type_yz_int(grid_level),& pleft, 1, & comm2d, status, ierr ) ENDIF IF ( pdims(2) == 1 ) THEN ! !-- One-dimensional decomposition along x, boundary values can be exchanged !-- within the PE memory IF ( bc_ns_cyc ) THEN ar(:,nys_l-nbgp_local:nys_l-1,:) = ar(:,nyn_l-nbgp_local+1:nyn_l,:) ar(:,nyn_l+1:nyn_l+nbgp_local,:) = ar(:,nys_l:nys_l+nbgp_local-1,:) ENDIF ELSE ! !-- Send front boundary, receive rear one (synchronous) CALL MPI_SENDRECV( & ar(nzb,nys_l,nxl_l-nbgp_local), 1, type_xz_int(grid_level), psouth, 0,& ar(nzb,nyn_l+1,nxl_l-nbgp_local), 1, type_xz_int(grid_level), pnorth, 0,& comm2d, status, ierr ) ! !-- Send rear boundary, receive front one (synchronous) CALL MPI_SENDRECV( ar(nzb,nyn_l-nbgp_local+1,nxl_l-nbgp_local), 1, & type_xz_int(grid_level), pnorth, 1, & ar(nzb,nys_l-nbgp_local,nxl_l-nbgp_local), 1, & type_xz_int(grid_level), psouth, 1, & comm2d, status, ierr ) ENDIF #else IF ( bc_lr_cyc ) THEN ar(:,:,nxl_l-nbgp_local:nxl_l-1) = ar(:,:,nxr_l-nbgp_local+1:nxr_l) ar(:,:,nxr_l+1:nxr_l+nbgp_local) = ar(:,:,nxl_l:nxl_l+nbgp_local-1) ENDIF IF ( bc_ns_cyc ) THEN ar(:,nys_l-nbgp_local:nys_l-1,:) = ar(:,nyn_l-nbgp_local+1:nyn_l,:) ar(:,nyn_l+1:nyn_l+nbgp_local,:) = ar(:,nys_l:nys_l+nbgp_local-1,:) ENDIF #endif END SUBROUTINE exchange_horiz_int ! Description: ! ------------ !> Exchange of lateral (ghost) boundaries (parallel computers) and cyclic !> boundary conditions, respectively, for 2D-arrays. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE exchange_horiz_2d( ar ) USE control_parameters, & ONLY : bc_dirichlet_l, bc_dirichlet_n, bc_dirichlet_r, & bc_dirichlet_s, bc_radiation_l, & bc_radiation_n, bc_radiation_r, bc_radiation_s USE cpulog, & ONLY : cpu_log, log_point_s USE indices, & ONLY : nbgp, nxl, nxlg, nxr, nxrg, nyn, nyng, nys, nysg #if ! defined( __parallel ) USE control_parameters, & ONLY: bc_lr_cyc, bc_ns_cyc #endif INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< REAL(wp) :: ar(nysg:nyng,nxlg:nxrg) !< CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(13), 'exchange_horiz_2d', 'start' ) #if defined( __parallel ) ! !-- Exchange of lateral boundary values for parallel computers IF ( pdims(1) == 1 ) THEN ! !-- One-dimensional decomposition along y, boundary values can be exchanged !-- within the PE memory ar(:,nxlg:nxl-1) = ar(:,nxr-nbgp+1:nxr) ar(:,nxr+1:nxrg) = ar(:,nxl:nxl+nbgp-1) ELSE ! !-- Send left boundary, receive right one CALL MPI_SENDRECV( ar(nysg,nxl), 1, type_y, pleft, 0, & ar(nysg,nxr+1), 1, type_y, pright, 0, & comm2d, status, ierr ) ! !-- Send right boundary, receive left one CALL MPI_SENDRECV( ar(nysg,nxr+1-nbgp), 1, type_y, pright, 1, & ar(nysg,nxlg), 1, type_y, pleft, 1, & comm2d, status, ierr ) ENDIF IF ( pdims(2) == 1 ) THEN ! !-- One-dimensional decomposition along x, boundary values can be exchanged !-- within the PE memory ar(nysg:nys-1,:) = ar(nyn-nbgp+1:nyn,:) ar(nyn+1:nyng,:) = ar(nys:nys+nbgp-1,:) ELSE ! !-- Send front boundary, receive rear one CALL MPI_SENDRECV( ar(nys,nxlg), 1, type_x, psouth, 0, & ar(nyn+1,nxlg), 1, type_x, pnorth, 0, & comm2d, status, ierr ) ! !-- Send rear boundary, receive front one CALL MPI_SENDRECV( ar(nyn+1-nbgp,nxlg), 1, type_x, pnorth, 1, & ar(nysg,nxlg), 1, type_x, psouth, 1, & comm2d, status, ierr ) ENDIF #else ! !-- Lateral boundary conditions in the non-parallel case IF ( bc_lr_cyc ) THEN ar(:,nxlg:nxl-1) = ar(:,nxr-nbgp+1:nxr) ar(:,nxr+1:nxrg) = ar(:,nxl:nxl+nbgp-1) ENDIF IF ( bc_ns_cyc ) THEN ar(nysg:nys-1,:) = ar(nyn-nbgp+1:nyn,:) ar(nyn+1:nyng,:) = ar(nys:nys+nbgp-1,:) ENDIF #endif ! !-- Neumann-conditions at inflow/outflow/nested boundaries IF ( bc_dirichlet_l .OR. bc_radiation_l ) THEN DO i = nbgp, 1, -1 ar(:,nxl-i) = ar(:,nxl) ENDDO ENDIF IF ( bc_dirichlet_r .OR. bc_radiation_r ) THEN DO i = 1, nbgp ar(:,nxr+i) = ar(:,nxr) ENDDO ENDIF IF ( bc_dirichlet_s .OR. bc_radiation_s ) THEN DO i = nbgp, 1, -1 ar(nys-i,:) = ar(nys,:) ENDDO ENDIF IF ( bc_dirichlet_n .OR. bc_radiation_n ) THEN DO i = 1, nbgp ar(nyn+i,:) = ar(nyn,:) ENDDO ENDIF CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(13), 'exchange_horiz_2d', 'stop' ) END SUBROUTINE exchange_horiz_2d !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Exchange of lateral (ghost) boundaries (parallel computers) and cyclic !> boundary conditions, respectively, for 2D 8-bit integer arrays. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE exchange_horiz_2d_byte( ar, nys_l, nyn_l, nxl_l, nxr_l, nbgp_local ) USE control_parameters, & ONLY: bc_dirichlet_l, bc_dirichlet_n, bc_dirichlet_r, bc_dirichlet_s, & bc_radiation_l, bc_radiation_n, bc_radiation_r, bc_radiation_s, & bc_radiation_l, bc_radiation_n, bc_radiation_r, bc_radiation_s USE cpulog, & ONLY: cpu_log, log_point_s #if ! defined( __parallel ) USE control_parameters, & ONLY: bc_lr_cyc, bc_ns_cyc #endif INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< dummy index to zero-gradient conditions at in/outflow boundaries INTEGER(iwp) :: nxl_l !< local index bound at current grid level, left side INTEGER(iwp) :: nxr_l !< local index bound at current grid level, right side INTEGER(iwp) :: nyn_l !< local index bound at current grid level, north side INTEGER(iwp) :: nys_l !< local index bound at current grid level, south side INTEGER(iwp) :: nbgp_local !< number of ghost layers to be exchanged INTEGER(KIND=1), DIMENSION(nys_l-nbgp_local:nyn_l+nbgp_local, & nxl_l-nbgp_local:nxr_l+nbgp_local) :: ar !< treated array CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(13), 'exchange_horiz_2d', 'start' ) #if defined( __parallel ) ! !-- Exchange of lateral boundary values for parallel computers IF ( pdims(1) == 1 ) THEN ! !-- One-dimensional decomposition along y, boundary values can be exchanged !-- within the PE memory ar(:,nxl_l-nbgp_local:nxl_l-1) = ar(:,nxr_l-nbgp_local+1:nxr_l) ar(:,nxr_l+1:nxr_l+nbgp_local) = ar(:,nxl_l:nxl_l+nbgp_local-1) ELSE ! !-- Send left boundary, receive right one CALL MPI_SENDRECV( ar(nys_l-nbgp_local,nxl_l), 1, & type_y_byte, pleft, 0, & ar(nys_l-nbgp_local,nxr_l+1), 1, & type_y_byte, pright, 0, & comm2d, status, ierr ) ! !-- Send right boundary, receive left one CALL MPI_SENDRECV( ar(nys_l-nbgp_local,nxr_l+1-nbgp_local), 1, & type_y_byte, pright, 1, & ar(nys_l-nbgp_local,nxl_l-nbgp_local), 1, & type_y_byte, pleft, 1, & comm2d, status, ierr ) ENDIF IF ( pdims(2) == 1 ) THEN ! !-- One-dimensional decomposition along x, boundary values can be exchanged !-- within the PE memory ar(nys_l-nbgp_local:nys_l-1,:) = ar(nyn_l+1-nbgp_local:nyn_l,:) ar(nyn_l+1:nyn_l+nbgp_local,:) = ar(nys_l:nys_l-1+nbgp_local,:) ELSE ! !-- Send front boundary, receive rear one CALL MPI_SENDRECV( ar(nys_l,nxl_l-nbgp_local), 1, & type_x_byte, psouth, 0, & ar(nyn_l+1,nxl_l-nbgp_local), 1, & type_x_byte, pnorth, 0, & comm2d, status, ierr ) ! !-- Send rear boundary, receive front one CALL MPI_SENDRECV( ar(nyn_l+1-nbgp_local,nxl_l-nbgp_local), 1, & type_x_byte, pnorth, 1, & ar(nys_l-nbgp_local,nxl_l-nbgp_local), 1, & type_x_byte, psouth, 1, & comm2d, status, ierr ) ENDIF #else ! !-- Lateral boundary conditions in the non-parallel case IF ( bc_lr_cyc ) THEN ar(:,nxl_l-nbgp_local:nxl_l-1) = ar(:,nxr_l-nbgp_local+1:nxr_l) ar(:,nxr_l+1:nxr_l+nbgp_local) = ar(:,nxl_l:nxl_l+nbgp_local-1) ENDIF IF ( bc_ns_cyc ) THEN ar(nys_l-nbgp_local:nys_l-1,:) = ar(nyn_l+1-nbgp_local:nyn_l,:) ar(nyn_l+1:nyn_l+nbgp_local,:) = ar(nys_l:nys_l-1+nbgp_local,:) ENDIF #endif ! !-- Neumann-conditions at inflow/outflow/nested boundaries IF ( bc_dirichlet_l .OR. bc_radiation_l ) THEN DO i = nbgp_local, 1, -1 ar(:,nxl_l-i) = ar(:,nxl_l) ENDDO ENDIF IF ( bc_dirichlet_r .OR. bc_radiation_r ) THEN DO i = 1, nbgp_local ar(:,nxr_l+i) = ar(:,nxr_l) ENDDO ENDIF IF ( bc_dirichlet_s .OR. bc_radiation_s ) THEN DO i = nbgp_local, 1, -1 ar(nys_l-i,:) = ar(nys_l,:) ENDDO ENDIF IF ( bc_dirichlet_n .OR. bc_radiation_n ) THEN DO i = 1, nbgp_local ar(nyn_l+i,:) = ar(nyn_l,:) ENDDO ENDIF CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(13), 'exchange_horiz_2d', 'stop' ) END SUBROUTINE exchange_horiz_2d_byte !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Exchange of lateral (ghost) boundaries (parallel computers) and cyclic !> boundary conditions, respectively, for 2D 32-bit integer arrays. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE exchange_horiz_2d_int( ar, nys_l, nyn_l, nxl_l, nxr_l, nbgp_local ) USE control_parameters, & ONLY: bc_dirichlet_l, bc_dirichlet_n, bc_dirichlet_r, bc_dirichlet_s, & bc_radiation_l, bc_radiation_n, bc_radiation_r, bc_radiation_s, & bc_radiation_l, bc_radiation_n, bc_radiation_r, bc_radiation_s #if defined( __parallel ) USE control_parameters, & ONLY: grid_level #endif USE cpulog, & ONLY: cpu_log, log_point_s #if ! defined( __parallel ) USE control_parameters, & ONLY: bc_lr_cyc, bc_ns_cyc #endif INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< dummy index to zero-gradient conditions at in/outflow boundaries INTEGER(iwp) :: nxl_l !< local index bound at current grid level, left side INTEGER(iwp) :: nxr_l !< local index bound at current grid level, right side INTEGER(iwp) :: nyn_l !< local index bound at current grid level, north side INTEGER(iwp) :: nys_l !< local index bound at current grid level, south side INTEGER(iwp) :: nbgp_local !< number of ghost layers to be exchanged INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(nys_l-nbgp_local:nyn_l+nbgp_local, & nxl_l-nbgp_local:nxr_l+nbgp_local) :: ar !< treated array CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(13), 'exchange_horiz_2d', 'start' ) #if defined( __parallel ) ! !-- Exchange of lateral boundary values for parallel computers IF ( pdims(1) == 1 ) THEN ! !-- One-dimensional decomposition along y, boundary values can be exchanged !-- within the PE memory ar(:,nxl_l-nbgp_local:nxl_l-1) = ar(:,nxr_l-nbgp_local+1:nxr_l) ar(:,nxr_l+1:nxr_l+nbgp_local) = ar(:,nxl_l:nxl_l+nbgp_local-1) ELSE ! !-- Send left boundary, receive right one CALL MPI_SENDRECV( ar(nys_l-nbgp_local,nxl_l), 1, & type_y_int(grid_level), pleft, 0, & ar(nys_l-nbgp_local,nxr_l+1), 1, & type_y_int(grid_level), pright, 0, & comm2d, status, ierr ) ! !-- Send right boundary, receive left one CALL MPI_SENDRECV( ar(nys_l-nbgp_local,nxr_l+1-nbgp_local), 1, & type_y_int(grid_level), pright, 1, & ar(nys_l-nbgp_local,nxl_l-nbgp_local), 1, & type_y_int(grid_level), pleft, 1, & comm2d, status, ierr ) ENDIF IF ( pdims(2) == 1 ) THEN ! !-- One-dimensional decomposition along x, boundary values can be exchanged !-- within the PE memory ar(nys_l-nbgp_local:nys_l-1,:) = ar(nyn_l+1-nbgp_local:nyn_l,:) ar(nyn_l+1:nyn_l+nbgp_local,:) = ar(nys_l:nys_l-1+nbgp_local,:) ELSE ! !-- Send front boundary, receive rear one CALL MPI_SENDRECV( ar(nys_l,nxl_l-nbgp_local), 1, & type_x_int(grid_level), psouth, 0, & ar(nyn_l+1,nxl_l-nbgp_local), 1, & type_x_int(grid_level), pnorth, 0, & comm2d, status, ierr ) ! !-- Send rear boundary, receive front one CALL MPI_SENDRECV( ar(nyn_l+1-nbgp_local,nxl_l-nbgp_local), 1, & type_x_int(grid_level), pnorth, 1, & ar(nys_l-nbgp_local,nxl_l-nbgp_local), 1, & type_x_int(grid_level), psouth, 1, & comm2d, status, ierr ) ENDIF #else ! !-- Lateral boundary conditions in the non-parallel case IF ( bc_lr_cyc ) THEN ar(:,nxl_l-nbgp_local:nxl_l-1) = ar(:,nxr_l-nbgp_local+1:nxr_l) ar(:,nxr_l+1:nxr_l+nbgp_local) = ar(:,nxl_l:nxl_l+nbgp_local-1) ENDIF IF ( bc_ns_cyc ) THEN ar(nys_l-nbgp_local:nys_l-1,:) = ar(nyn_l+1-nbgp_local:nyn_l,:) ar(nyn_l+1:nyn_l+nbgp_local,:) = ar(nys_l:nys_l-1+nbgp_local,:) ENDIF #endif ! !-- Neumann-conditions at inflow/outflow/nested boundaries IF ( bc_dirichlet_l .OR. bc_radiation_l ) THEN DO i = nbgp_local, 1, -1 ar(:,nxl_l-i) = ar(:,nxl_l) ENDDO ENDIF IF ( bc_dirichlet_r .OR. bc_radiation_r ) THEN DO i = 1, nbgp_local ar(:,nxr_l+i) = ar(:,nxr_l) ENDDO ENDIF IF ( bc_dirichlet_s .OR. bc_radiation_s ) THEN DO i = nbgp_local, 1, -1 ar(nys_l-i,:) = ar(nys_l,:) ENDDO ENDIF IF ( bc_dirichlet_n .OR. bc_radiation_n ) THEN DO i = 1, nbgp_local ar(nyn_l+i,:) = ar(nyn_l,:) ENDDO ENDIF CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(13), 'exchange_horiz_2d', 'stop' ) END SUBROUTINE exchange_horiz_2d_int END MODULE exchange_horiz_mod