!> @file date_and_time_mod.f90 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! This file is part of the PALM model system. ! ! PALM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the ! terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software ! Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later ! version. ! ! PALM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY ! WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR ! A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ! PALM. If not, see . ! ! Copyright 1997-2019 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! Current revisions: ! ------------------ ! ! ! Former revisions: ! ----------------- ! $Id: date_and_time_mod.f90 4144 2019-08-06 09:11:47Z schwenkel $ ! relational operators .EQ., .NE., etc. replaced by ==, /=, etc. ! ! 3839 2019-03-28 21:12:25Z moh.hefny ! further tabs removed, unused variables removed ! ! 3655 2019-01-07 16:51:22Z knoop ! further tabs removed ! ! 3467 2018-10-30 19:05:21Z suehring ! Tabs removed ! ! 3458 2018-10-30 14:51:23Z kanani ! from chemistry branch r3443, banzhafs: ! Added initial hour_of_day, hour_of_year, day_of_year and month_of_year to ! init_date_and_time ! ! 3298 2018-10-02 12:21:11Z kanani ! - Minor formatting (kanani) ! - Added Routines for DEFAULT mode of chemistry emissions (Russo) ! - Added routine for reading-in real dates: format has to be in DDMMYYYY and ! passed in the namelist parameter date_init (Russo) ! - Added calculation of several time indices useful in several routines ! of the model (Russo) ! ! 2718 2018-01-02 08:49:38Z maronga ! Corrected "Former revisions" section ! ! 2701 2017-12-15 15:40:50Z suehring ! Changes from last commit documented ! ! 2698 2017-12-14 18:46:24Z suehring ! Bugfix in definition of d_seconds_year. ! ! 2696 2017-12-14 17:12:51Z kanani ! Change in file header (GPL part) ! ! 2544 2017-10-13 18:09:32Z maronga ! Initial revision ! ! ! ! Description: ! ------------ !> This routine calculates all needed information on date and time used by !> other modules !> @todo Further testing and revision of routines for updating indices of !> emissions in the default mode !> @todo Add routine for recognizing leap years !> @todo Add recognition of exact days of week (Monday, Tuesday, etc.) !> @todo Reconsider whether to remove day_of_year_init from the namelist: we !> already implemented changes for calculating it from date_init in !> calc_date_and_time !> @todo time_utc during spin-up !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! MODULE date_and_time_mod USE control_parameters, & ONLY: coupling_start_time, days_since_reference_point, & message_string, simulated_time, time_since_reference_point USE kinds IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE !-- Variables Declaration INTEGER(iwp) :: day_of_year = 0 !< day of the year (DOY) INTEGER(iwp) :: day_of_year_init = 0 !< DOY at model start (default: 0) ! --- Most of these indices are updated by the routine calc_date_and_time according to the current date and time of the simulation INTEGER(iwp) :: hour_of_year = 1 !< hour of the current year (1:8760(8784)) INTEGER(iwp) :: hour_of_day=1 !< hour of the current day (1:24) INTEGER(iwp) :: day_of_month=0 !< day of the current month (1:31) INTEGER(iwp) :: month_of_year=0 !< month of the current year (1:12) INTEGER(iwp) :: current_year=0 !< current year INTEGER(iwp) :: hour_call_emis=0 !< index used to call the emissions just once every hour INTEGER(iwp) :: index_mm !< index months of the default emission mode INTEGER(iwp) :: index_dd !< index days of the default emission mode INTEGER(iwp) :: index_hh !< index hours of the emission mode REAL(wp) :: time_utc !< current model time in UTC REAL(wp) :: time_utc_emis !< current emission module time in UTC REAL(wp) :: time_utc_init = 43200.0_wp !< UTC time at model start REAL(wp) :: time_update !< used to calculate actual second of the simulation REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: d_hours_day = 1.0_wp / 24.0_wp !< inverse of hours per day (1/24) REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: d_seconds_hour = 1.0_wp / 3600.0_wp !< inverse of seconds per hour (1/3600) REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: d_seconds_year = 1.0_wp / 31536000.0_wp !< inverse of the seconds per year (1/(365*86400)) CHARACTER(len=8) :: date_init = "21062017" !< Starting date of simulation: We selected this because it was a monday !> --- Parameters INTEGER, PARAMETER, DIMENSION(12) :: days = (/31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/) ! total number of days for each month (no leap year) SAVE !-- INTERFACES PART !-- Read initial day and time of simulation INTERFACE init_date_and_time MODULE PROCEDURE init_date_and_time END INTERFACE init_date_and_time !-- Get hour index in the DEAFULT case of chemistry emissions : INTERFACE time_default_indices MODULE PROCEDURE time_mdh_indices MODULE PROCEDURE time_hour_indices END INTERFACE time_default_indices !-- Get hour index in the PRE-PROCESSED case of chemistry emissions : INTERFACE time_preprocessed_indices MODULE PROCEDURE time_preprocessed_indices END INTERFACE time_preprocessed_indices !-- Calculate current date and time INTERFACE calc_date_and_time MODULE PROCEDURE calc_date_and_time END INTERFACE !-- Public Interfaces PUBLIC calc_date_and_time, time_default_indices, init_date_and_time, time_preprocessed_indices !-- Public Variables PUBLIC date_init, d_hours_day, d_seconds_hour, d_seconds_year, & day_of_year, day_of_year_init, time_utc, time_utc_init, day_of_month, & month_of_year, index_mm, index_dd, index_hh, hour_of_day, hour_of_year, & hour_call_emis CONTAINS !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! !> Reads starting date from namelist !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE init_date_and_time IMPLICIT NONE !-- Variables Definition INTEGER :: i_mon !< Index for going through the different months IF (day_of_year_init == 0) THEN ! Day of the month at starting time READ(UNIT=date_init(1:2),fmt=*)day_of_month ! Month of the year at starting time READ(UNIT=date_init(3:4),fmt=*)month_of_year ! Year at starting time READ(UNIT=date_init(5:8),fmt=*)current_year ENDIF !-- Calculate initial hour of the day: the first hour of the day is from 00:00:00 to 00:59:59. hour_of_day = INT( FLOOR( time_utc_init/3600.0_wp ) ) + 1 !-- Calculate initial day day_of_year_init in case date_init is given or day_of_year_init is given IF ( day_of_year_init == 0 ) THEN !> Condition for printing an error when date_init is not provided when day_of_year_init is not given in the namelist or when the format of the date is not the one required by PALM. IF ( day_of_month > 0 .AND. day_of_month <= 31 .AND. month_of_year > 0 .AND. month_of_year <= 12) THEN IF ( month_of_year == 1 ) THEN !!month of year is read in input day_of_year_init = day_of_month ELSE day_of_year_init= SUM(days( 1:(month_of_year-1) )) + day_of_month !day_of_month is read in input in this case ENDIF !kanani: Revise, we cannot force users to provide date_init, maybe set a default value? ! ELSE ! ! message_string = 'date_init not provided in the namelist or' // & ! ' given in the wrong format: MUST BE DDMMYYYY' ! CALL message( 'calc_date_and_time', 'DT0100', 2, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF !-- Initial day of the year day_of_year = day_of_year_init !-- Initial hour of the year hour_of_year = ( (day_of_year-1) * 24 ) + hour_of_day !--Initial day of the month and month of the year !> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> The first case is when date_init is not provided: we only know day_of_year_init IF ( month_of_year == 0 .AND. day_of_month == 0) THEN IF ( day_of_year <= 31 ) THEN month_of_year=1 day_of_month=day_of_year ELSE DO i_mon=2,12 !january is considered in the first case IF ( day_of_year <= SUM(days(1:i_mon)) .AND. day_of_year > SUM(days(1:(i_mon-1))) ) THEN month_of_year=i_mon day_of_month=INT(MOD(day_of_year, SUM(days(1:(i_mon-1))))) GOTO 38 ENDIF 38 ENDDO ENDIF !> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> in the second condition both day of month and month_of_year are either given in input (passed to date_init) or we are in some day successive to the initial one, so that day_of_month has already be computed in previous step !>TBD: something to calculate the current year is missing ELSEIF ( day_of_month > 0 .AND. day_of_month <= 31 .AND. month_of_year > 0 .AND. month_of_year <= 12) THEN !> calculate month_of_year. TBD: test the condition when day_of_year==31 IF (day_of_year==1) THEN !> this allows to turn from december to January when passing from a year to another month_of_year = 1 ELSE IF (day_of_year > 1 .AND. day_of_year > SUM(days(1:month_of_year))) THEN month_of_year = month_of_year + 1 ENDIF !> calculate day_of_month IF ( month_of_year == 1 ) THEN day_of_month=day_of_year ELSE day_of_month=INT(MOD(day_of_year, SUM(days(1:(month_of_year-1))))) ENDIF ELSE !> Condition when date_init is provided but it is given in the wrong format message_string = 'date_init not provided in the namelist or' // & ' given in the wrong format: MUST BE DDMMYYYY' CALL message( 'init_date_and_time', 'DT0102', 2, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE init_date_and_time !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Calculate current date and time of the simulation !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE calc_date_and_time IMPLICIT NONE !-- Variables Definition INTEGER :: i_mon !< Index for going through the different months !> Update simulation time in seconds time_update = simulated_time-coupling_start_time !-- Calculate current day of the simulated time days_since_reference_point=INT(FLOOR( (time_utc_init + time_update) & / 86400.0_wp ) ) !-- Calculate actual UTC time time_utc = MOD((time_utc_init + time_since_reference_point), 86400.0_wp) !sB PRILIMINARY workaround for time_utc changes due to changes in time_since_reference_point in !sB radiation_model_mod during runtime: time_utc_emis = MOD((time_utc_init + time_update), 86400.0_wp) !-- Calculate initial day of the year: it is calculated only once. In fact, day_of_year_init is initialized to 0 and then a positive value is passed. This condition is also called only when day_of_year_init is not given in the namelist. IF ( day_of_year_init == 0 ) THEN !> Condition for printing an error when date_init is not provided when day_of_year_init is not given in the namelist or when the format of the date is not the one required by PALM. IF ( day_of_month > 0 .AND. day_of_month <= 31 .AND. month_of_year > 0 .AND. month_of_year <= 12) THEN IF ( month_of_year == 1 ) THEN !!month of year is read in input day_of_year_init = day_of_month ELSE day_of_year_init= SUM(days( 1:(month_of_year-1) )) + day_of_month !day_of_month is read in input in this case ENDIF !kanani: Revise, we cannot force users to provide date_init, maybe set a default value? ! ELSE ! ! message_string = 'date_init not provided in the namelist or' // & ! ' given in the wrong format: MUST BE DDMMYYYY' ! CALL message( 'calc_date_and_time', 'DT0100', 2, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF !-- Calculate actual hour of the day: the first hour of the day is from 00:00:00 to 00:59:59. hour_of_day = INT( FLOOR( time_utc_emis/3600.0_wp ) ) + 1 !-- Calculate current day of the year !TBD: considetr leap years IF ( (day_of_year_init + days_since_reference_point) > 365 ) THEN day_of_year=INT(MOD((day_of_year_init + days_since_reference_point), 365.0_wp)) ELSE day_of_year = day_of_year_init + days_since_reference_point ENDIF ! !-- Calculate current hour of the year hour_of_year = ( (day_of_year-1) * 24 ) + hour_of_day !> actual hour of the year ! !-- UPDATE actual day of the month and month of the year !> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> The first case is when date_init is not provided: we only know day_of_year_init IF ( month_of_year == 0 .AND. day_of_month == 0) THEN !> The first case is when date_init is not provided: we only know day_of_year_init !DO i_mon=1,12 !IF (day_of_year <= SUM(days(1:i_mon))) THEN IF ( day_of_year <= 31 ) THEN month_of_year=1 day_of_month=day_of_year ELSE DO i_mon=2,12 !january is considered in the first case IF ( day_of_year <= SUM(days(1:i_mon)) .AND. day_of_year > SUM(days(1:(i_mon-1))) ) THEN month_of_year=i_mon day_of_month=INT(MOD(day_of_year, SUM(days(1:(i_mon-1))))) GOTO 38 ENDIF 38 ENDDO ENDIF !> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> in the second condition both day of month and month_of_year are either given in input (passed to date_init) or we are in some day successive to the initial one, so that day_of_month has already be computed in previous step !>TBD: something to calculate the current year is missing ELSEIF ( day_of_month > 0 .AND. day_of_month <= 31 .AND. month_of_year > 0 .AND. month_of_year <= 12) THEN !> calculate month_of_year. TBD: test the condition when day_of_year==31 IF (day_of_year==1) THEN !> this allows to turn from december to January when passing from a year to another month_of_year = 1 ELSE IF (day_of_year > 1 .AND. day_of_year > SUM(days(1:month_of_year))) THEN month_of_year = month_of_year + 1 ENDIF !> calculate day_of_month IF ( month_of_year == 1 ) THEN day_of_month=day_of_year ELSE day_of_month=INT(MOD(day_of_year, SUM(days(1:(month_of_year-1))))) ENDIF ! fix the date if the day is 1st and earlier day is needed due to spinup IF ( day_of_month < 1 ) THEN ! if the day is the first day in the year IF ( month_of_year == 1 ) THEN month_of_year = 12 day_of_month = 31 ! other cases ELSE month_of_year = month_of_year - 1 day_of_month = days(month_of_year) ENDIF ENDIF ELSE !> Condition when date_init is provided but it is given in the wrong format message_string = 'date_init not provided in the namelist or' // & ' given in the wrong format: MUST BE DDMMYYYY' CALL message( 'calc_date_and_time', 'DT0101', 2, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE calc_date_and_time !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> This routine determines the time factor index in the PRE-PROCESSED emissions mode. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE time_preprocessed_indices(index_hh) USE indices IMPLICIT NONE ! !-- In/output INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: index_hh !> Index Hour ! !-- Additional Variables for calculateing indices !-- Constants INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nhour = 24 IF (days_since_reference_point == 0) THEN index_hh=hour_of_day ELSE index_hh=(days_since_reference_point*nhour)+(hour_of_day) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE time_preprocessed_indices !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> This routine determines the time factor index in the mdh case of the DEFAULT chemistry emissions mode. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE time_mdh_indices(daytype_mdh,mo, dd, hh, index_mm, index_dd, index_hh) USE indices IMPLICIT NONE !> IN/OUTPUT INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: mo !> Month of year INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: dd !> Day of month INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: hh !> Hour of day INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: index_mm !> Index Month INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: index_dd !> Index Day INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: index_hh !> Index Hour CHARACTER(len=80), INTENT(INOUT) :: daytype_mdh !> type of the day in mdh mode: one of 1-WORKDAY ! 2-WEEKEND ! 3-HOLIDAY REAL(wp) :: frac_day=0 !> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INTEGER :: weekday !> CONSTANTS INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nmonth = 12 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nday = 7 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nhour = 24 frac_day= (dd-1)/nday !> indicates the week of the month, supposing the month starts on monday ! 1:7 1:31 7 (0:30)/7 weekday = dd-( nday * (INT( CEILING( frac_day ) ) ) ) ! for now we let the year start on Monday. !TBD: set weekday correct based on date index_mm = mo index_dd = nmonth + weekday !> Index of the days in the mdh mode (13:20) SELECT CASE(TRIM(daytype_mdh)) CASE ("workday") index_hh = nmonth+ nday + hh CASE ("weekend") index_hh = nmonth+ nday + nhour + hh CASE ("holiday") index_hh = nmonth+ nday + 2*nhour + hh END SELECT END SUBROUTINE time_mdh_indices !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> This routine determines the time factor index in the HOURLY case of the DEFAULT emissions mode. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE time_hour_indices(mo,dd,hh,index_hh) USE indices IMPLICIT NONE !> IN/OUTPUT INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: mo !> Month INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: hh !> Hour INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: dd !> Day INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: index_hh !> Index Hour !> Additional Variables for calculateing indices INTEGER :: index_mm !> Index Month INTEGER :: index_dd !> Index Day INTEGER :: i_mon !> Index for going through the different months INTEGER :: sum_dd !> Sum days !> CONSTANTS INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nhour = 24 INTEGER, PARAMETER, DIMENSION(12) :: days = (/31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/) ! no leap year index_mm = mo-1 index_dd = dd-1 sum_dd=0 IF (mo == 1) THEN index_hh=(index_dd*nhour)+hh ELSE DO i_mon=1,index_mm sum_dd=sum_dd+days(i_mon) ENDDO index_hh=(sum_dd*nhour)+(index_dd*nhour)+(hh) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE time_hour_indices END MODULE date_and_time_mod