!> @file data_output_module.f90
! This file is part of the PALM model system.
! PALM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
! terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
! Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
! version.
! PALM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
! WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
! A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
! PALM. If not, see .
! Copyright 2019-2019 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover
! Current revisions:
! ------------------
! Former revisions:
! -----------------
! $Id: data_output_module.f90 4147 2019-08-07 09:42:31Z maronga $
! corrected indentation according to coding standard
! 4141 2019-08-05 12:24:51Z gronemeier
! Initial revision
! Authors:
! --------
!> @author Tobias Gronemeier
!> @author Helge Knoop
! Description:
! ------------
!> Data-output module to handle output of variables into output files.
!> The module first creates an interal database containing all meta data of all output quantities.
!> After defining all meta data, the output files are initialized and prepared for writing. When
!> writing is finished, files can be finalized and closed.
!> The order of calls are as follows:
!> 1. Initialize the module via
!> 'dom_init'
!> 2. Define output files via (multiple calls of)
!> 'dom_def_file', 'dom_def_att', 'dom_def_dim', 'dom_def_var'
!> 3. Leave definition stage via
!> 'dom_def_end'
!> 4. Write output data into file via
!> 'dom_write_var'
!> 5. Finalize the output via
!> 'dom_finalize_output'
!> If any routine exits with a non-zero return value, the error message of the last encountered
!> error can be fetched via 'dom_get_error_message'.
!> For debugging purposes, the content of the database can be written to the debug output via
!> 'dom_database_debug_output'.
!> @todo Convert variable if type of given values do not fit specified type.
MODULE data_output_module
USE kinds
USE data_output_netcdf4_module, &
ONLY: netcdf4_init_dimension, &
netcdf4_get_error_message, &
netcdf4_stop_file_header_definition, &
netcdf4_init_module, &
netcdf4_init_variable, &
netcdf4_finalize, &
netcdf4_open_file, &
netcdf4_write_attribute, &
USE data_output_binary_module, &
ONLY: binary_finalize, &
binary_get_error_message, &
binary_init_dimension, &
binary_stop_file_header_definition, &
binary_init_module, &
binary_init_variable, &
binary_open_file, &
binary_write_attribute, &
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: charlen = 100 !< maximum length of character variables
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: no_id = -1 !< default ID if no ID was assigned
TYPE attribute_type
CHARACTER(LEN=charlen) :: data_type = '' !< data type
CHARACTER(LEN=charlen) :: name !< attribute name
CHARACTER(LEN=charlen) :: value_char !< attribute value if character
INTEGER(KIND=1) :: value_int8 !< attribute value if 8bit integer
INTEGER(KIND=2) :: value_int16 !< attribute value if 16bit integer
INTEGER(KIND=4) :: value_int32 !< attribute value if 32bit integer
REAL(KIND=4) :: value_real32 !< attribute value if 32bit real
REAL(KIND=8) :: value_real64 !< attribute value if 64bit real
END TYPE attribute_type
TYPE variable_type
CHARACTER(LEN=charlen) :: data_type = '' !< data type
CHARACTER(LEN=charlen) :: name !< variable name
INTEGER :: id = no_id !< id within file
LOGICAL :: is_global = .FALSE. !< true if global variable
CHARACTER(LEN=charlen), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: dimension_names !< list of dimension names used by variable
INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: dimension_ids !< list of dimension ids used by variable
TYPE(attribute_type), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: attributes !< list of attributes
END TYPE variable_type
TYPE dimension_type
CHARACTER(LEN=charlen) :: data_type = '' !< data type
CHARACTER(LEN=charlen) :: name !< dimension name
INTEGER :: id = no_id !< dimension id within file
INTEGER :: length !< length of dimension
INTEGER :: length_mask !< length of masked dimension
INTEGER :: variable_id = no_id !< associated variable id within file
LOGICAL :: is_masked = .FALSE. !< true if masked
INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: bounds !< lower and upper bound of dimension
INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: masked_indices !< list of masked indices of dimension
INTEGER(KIND=1), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: masked_values_int8 !< masked dimension values if 16bit integer
INTEGER(KIND=2), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: masked_values_int16 !< masked dimension values if 16bit integer
INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: masked_values_int32 !< masked dimension values if 32bit integer
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: masked_values_intwp !< masked dimension values if working-precision int
INTEGER(KIND=1), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: values_int8 !< dimension values if 16bit integer
INTEGER(KIND=2), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: values_int16 !< dimension values if 16bit integer
INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: values_int32 !< dimension values if 32bit integer
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: values_intwp !< dimension values if working-precision integer
REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: masked_values_real32 !< masked dimension values if 32bit real
REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: masked_values_real64 !< masked dimension values if 64bit real
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: masked_values_realwp !< masked dimension values if working-precision real
REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: values_real32 !< dimension values if 32bit real
REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: values_real64 !< dimension values if 64bit real
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: values_realwp !< dimension values if working-precision real
TYPE(attribute_type), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: attributes !< list of attributes
END TYPE dimension_type
TYPE file_type
CHARACTER(LEN=charlen) :: format = '' !< file format
CHARACTER(LEN=charlen) :: name = '' !< file name
INTEGER :: id = no_id !< id of file
LOGICAL :: is_init = .FALSE. !< true if initialized
TYPE(attribute_type), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: attributes !< list of attributes
TYPE(dimension_type), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: dimensions !< list of dimensions
TYPE(variable_type), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: variables !< list of variables
END TYPE file_type
CHARACTER(LEN=charlen) :: output_file_suffix = '' !< file suffix added to each file name
CHARACTER(LEN=800) :: internal_error_message = '' !< string containing the last error message
CHARACTER(LEN=800) :: temp_string !< dummy string
INTEGER :: debug_output_unit !< Fortran Unit Number of the debug-output file
INTEGER :: nfiles = 0 !< number of files
INTEGER :: master_rank = 0 !< master rank for tasks to be executed by single PE only
INTEGER :: output_group_comm !< MPI communicator addressing all MPI ranks which participate in output
LOGICAL :: print_debug_output = .FALSE. !< if true, debug output is printed
TYPE(file_type), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: files !< file list
!> Initialize the data-output module
INTERFACE dom_init
!> Add files to database
INTERFACE dom_def_file
END INTERFACE dom_def_file
!> Add dimensions to database
INTERFACE dom_def_dim
END INTERFACE dom_def_dim
!> Add variables to database
INTERFACE dom_def_var
END INTERFACE dom_def_var
!> Add attributes to database
INTERFACE dom_def_att
MODULE PROCEDURE dom_def_att_char
MODULE PROCEDURE dom_def_att_int8
MODULE PROCEDURE dom_def_att_int16
MODULE PROCEDURE dom_def_att_int32
MODULE PROCEDURE dom_def_att_real32
MODULE PROCEDURE dom_def_att_real64
END INTERFACE dom_def_att
!> Prepare for output: evaluate database and create files
INTERFACE dom_def_end
END INTERFACE dom_def_end
!> Write variables to file
INTERFACE dom_write_var
MODULE PROCEDURE dom_write_var
END INTERFACE dom_write_var
!> Last actions required for output befor termination
INTERFACE dom_finalize_output
MODULE PROCEDURE dom_finalize_output
END INTERFACE dom_finalize_output
!> Return error message
INTERFACE dom_get_error_message
MODULE PROCEDURE dom_get_error_message
END INTERFACE dom_get_error_message
!> Write database to debug output
INTERFACE dom_database_debug_output
MODULE PROCEDURE dom_database_debug_output
END INTERFACE dom_database_debug_output
dom_init, &
dom_def_file, &
dom_def_dim, &
dom_def_var, &
dom_def_att, &
dom_def_end, &
dom_write_var, &
dom_finalize_output, &
dom_get_error_message, &
! Description:
! ------------
!> Initialize data-output module.
!> Provide some general information of the main program.
!> The optional argument 'file_suffix_of_output_group' defines a file suffix which is added to all
!> output files. If multiple output groups (groups of MPI ranks, defined by
!> 'mpi_comm_of_output_group') exist, a unique file suffix must be given for each group. This
!> prevents that multiple groups try to open and write to the same output file.
SUBROUTINE dom_init( file_suffix_of_output_group, mpi_comm_of_output_group, master_output_rank, &
program_debug_output_unit, debug_output )
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: file_suffix_of_output_group !< file-name suffix added to each file;
!> must be unique for each output group
INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: master_output_rank !< MPI rank executing tasks which must
!> be executed by a single PE only
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: mpi_comm_of_output_group !< MPI communicator specifying the MPI group
!> which participate in the output
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: program_debug_output_unit !< file unit number for debug output
LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: debug_output !< if true, debug output is printed
IF ( PRESENT( file_suffix_of_output_group ) ) output_file_suffix = file_suffix_of_output_group
IF ( PRESENT( master_output_rank ) ) master_rank = master_output_rank
output_group_comm = mpi_comm_of_output_group
debug_output_unit = program_debug_output_unit
print_debug_output = debug_output
CALL binary_init_module( output_file_suffix, output_group_comm, master_rank, &
debug_output_unit, debug_output, no_id )
CALL netcdf4_init_module( output_file_suffix, output_group_comm, master_rank, &
debug_output_unit, debug_output, no_id )
! Description:
! ------------
!> Define output file.
!> Example call:
!> status = dom_def_file( 'my_output_file_name', 'binary' )
FUNCTION dom_def_file( file_name, file_format ) RESULT( return_value )
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file_name !< name of file to be created
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file_format !< format of file to be created
CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routine_name = 'dom_def_file' !< name of this routine
INTEGER :: f !< loop index
INTEGER :: return_value !< return value
TYPE(file_type), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: files_tmp !< temporary file list
return_value = 0
CALL internal_message( 'debug', routine_name // ': define file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '"' )
!-- Allocate file list or extend it by 1
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( files ) ) THEN
nfiles = 1
ALLOCATE( files(nfiles) )
nfiles = SIZE( files )
!-- Check if file already exists
DO f = 1, nfiles
IF ( files(f)%name == TRIM( file_name ) ) THEN
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '" already exists' )
!-- Extend file list
IF ( return_value == 0 ) THEN
ALLOCATE( files_tmp(nfiles) )
files_tmp = files
nfiles = nfiles + 1
ALLOCATE( files(nfiles) )
files(:nfiles-1) = files_tmp
DEALLOCATE( files_tmp )
!-- Add new file to database
IF ( return_value == 0 ) THEN
files(nfiles)%name = TRIM( file_name )
files(nfiles)%format = TRIM( file_format )
END FUNCTION dom_def_file
! Description:
! ------------
!> Define dimension.
!> Dimensions can either be limited (a lower and upper bound is given) or unlimited (only a lower
!> bound is given). Also, instead of providing all values of the dimension, a single value can be
!> given which is then used to fill the entire dimension.
!> An optional mask can be given to mask limited dimensions.
!> Example call:
!> - fixed dimension with 100 entries (values known):
!> status = dom_def_dim( file_name='my_output_file_name', dimension_name='my_dimension', &
!> output_type='real32', bounds=(/1,100/), &
!> values_real32=my_dim(1:100), mask=my_dim_mask(1:100) )
!> - fixed dimension with 50 entries (values not yet known):
!> status = dom_def_dim( file_name='my_output_file_name', dimension_name='my_dimension', &
!> output_type='int32', bounds=(/0,49/), &
!> values_int32=(/fill_value/) )
!> - masked dimension with 75 entries:
!> status = dom_def_dim( file_name='my_output_file_name', dimension_name='my_dimension', &
!> output_type='real64', bounds=(/101,175/), &
!> values_real64=my_dim(1:75), mask=my_dim_mask(1:75) )
!> - unlimited dimension:
!> status = dom_def_dim( file_name='my_output_file_name', dimension_name='my_dimension', &
!> output_type='real32', bounds=(/1/), &
!> values_real32=(/fill_value/) )
!> @todo Convert given values into selected output_type.
FUNCTION dom_def_dim( file_name, dimension_name, output_type, bounds, &
values_int8, values_int16, values_int32, values_intwp, &
values_real32, values_real64, values_realwp, &
mask ) RESULT( return_value )
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file_name !< name of file
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: dimension_name !< name of dimension
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: output_type !< data type of dimension variable in output file
CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routine_name = 'dom_def_dim' !< name of this routine
INTEGER :: d !< loop index
INTEGER :: f !< loop index
INTEGER :: i !< loop index
INTEGER :: j !< loop index
INTEGER :: ndims !< number of dimensions in file
INTEGER :: return_value !< return value
INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: bounds !< lower and upper bound of dimension variable
INTEGER(KIND=1), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: values_int8 !< values of dimension
INTEGER(KIND=2), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: values_int16 !< values of dimension
INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: values_int32 !< values of dimension
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: values_intwp !< values of dimension
LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: mask !< mask of dimesion
REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: values_real32 !< values of dimension
REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: values_real64 !< values of dimension
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: values_realwp !< values of dimension
TYPE(dimension_type) :: dimension !< new dimension
TYPE(dimension_type), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: dimensions_tmp !< temporary dimension list
return_value = 0
CALL internal_message( 'debug', routine_name // &
': define dimension ' // &
'(dimension "' // TRIM( dimension_name ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")' )
dimension%name = TRIM( dimension_name )
dimension%data_type = TRIM( output_type )
!-- Check dimension bounds and allocate dimension according to bounds
IF ( SIZE( bounds ) == 1 ) THEN
!-- Dimension has only lower bound, which means it changes its size
!-- during simulation.
!-- Set length to -1 as indicator.
dimension%bounds(:) = bounds(1)
dimension%length = -1
IF ( PRESENT( mask ) ) THEN
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': unlimited dimensions cannot be masked ' // &
'(dimension "' // TRIM( dimension_name ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")!' )
ELSEIF ( SIZE( bounds ) == 2 ) THEN
dimension%bounds = bounds
dimension%length = bounds(2) - bounds(1) + 1
!-- Save dimension values
IF ( PRESENT( values_int8 ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE( dimension%values_int8(dimension%bounds(1):dimension%bounds(2)) )
IF ( SIZE( values_int8 ) == dimension%length ) THEN
dimension%values_int8 = values_int8
ELSEIF ( SIZE( values_int8 ) == 1 ) THEN
dimension%values_int8(:) = values_int8(1)
return_value = 2
ELSEIF( PRESENT( values_int16 ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE( dimension%values_int16(dimension%bounds(1):dimension%bounds(2)) )
IF ( SIZE( values_int16 ) == dimension%length ) THEN
dimension%values_int16 = values_int16
ELSEIF ( SIZE( values_int16 ) == 1 ) THEN
dimension%values_int16(:) = values_int16(1)
return_value = 2
ELSEIF( PRESENT( values_int32 ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE( dimension%values_int32(dimension%bounds(1):dimension%bounds(2)) )
IF ( SIZE( values_int32 ) == dimension%length ) THEN
dimension%values_int32 = values_int32
ELSEIF ( SIZE( values_int32 ) == 1 ) THEN
dimension%values_int32(:) = values_int32(1)
return_value = 2
ELSEIF( PRESENT( values_intwp ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE( dimension%values_intwp(dimension%bounds(1):dimension%bounds(2)) )
IF ( SIZE( values_intwp ) == dimension%length ) THEN
dimension%values_intwp = values_intwp
ELSEIF ( SIZE( values_intwp ) == 1 ) THEN
dimension%values_intwp(:) = values_intwp(1)
return_value = 2
ELSEIF( PRESENT( values_real32 ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE( dimension%values_real32(dimension%bounds(1):dimension%bounds(2)) )
IF ( SIZE( values_real32 ) == dimension%length ) THEN
dimension%values_real32 = values_real32
ELSEIF ( SIZE( values_real32 ) == 1 ) THEN
dimension%values_real32(:) = values_real32(1)
return_value = 2
ELSEIF( PRESENT( values_real64 ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE( dimension%values_real64(dimension%bounds(1):dimension%bounds(2)) )
IF ( SIZE( values_real64 ) == dimension%length ) THEN
dimension%values_real64 = values_real64
ELSEIF ( SIZE( values_real64 ) == 1 ) THEN
dimension%values_real64(:) = values_real64(1)
return_value = 2
ELSEIF( PRESENT( values_realwp ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE( dimension%values_realwp(dimension%bounds(1):dimension%bounds(2)) )
IF ( SIZE( values_realwp ) == dimension%length ) THEN
dimension%values_realwp = values_realwp
ELSEIF ( SIZE( values_realwp ) == 1 ) THEN
dimension%values_realwp(:) = values_realwp(1)
return_value = 2
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': no values given ' // &
'(dimension "' // TRIM( dimension_name ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")!' )
IF ( return_value == 2 ) THEN
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': number of values and given bounds do not match ' // &
'(dimension "' // TRIM( dimension_name ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")!' )
!-- Initialize mask
IF ( PRESENT( mask ) .AND. return_value == 0 ) THEN
IF ( dimension%length == SIZE( mask ) ) THEN
IF ( ALL( mask ) ) THEN
CALL internal_message( 'debug', routine_name // &
': mask contains only TRUE values. Ignoring mask ' // &
'(dimension "' // TRIM( dimension_name ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")!' )
dimension%is_masked = .TRUE.
dimension%length_mask = COUNT( mask )
ALLOCATE( dimension%mask(dimension%bounds(1):dimension%bounds(2)) )
ALLOCATE( dimension%masked_indices(0:dimension%length_mask-1) )
dimension%mask = mask
!-- Save masked positions and masked values
IF ( ALLOCATED( dimension%values_int8 ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE( dimension%masked_values_int8(0:dimension%length_mask-1) )
j = 0
DO i = dimension%bounds(1), dimension%bounds(2)
IF ( dimension%mask(i) ) THEN
dimension%masked_values_int8(j) = dimension%values_int8(i)
dimension%masked_indices(j) = i
j = j + 1
ELSEIF ( ALLOCATED( dimension%values_int16 ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE( dimension%masked_values_int16(0:dimension%length_mask-1) )
j = 0
DO i = dimension%bounds(1), dimension%bounds(2)
IF ( dimension%mask(i) ) THEN
dimension%masked_values_int16(j) = dimension%values_int16(i)
dimension%masked_indices(j) = i
j = j + 1
ELSEIF ( ALLOCATED( dimension%values_int32 ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE( dimension%masked_values_int32(0:dimension%length_mask-1) )
j = 0
DO i =dimension%bounds(1), dimension%bounds(2)
IF ( dimension%mask(i) ) THEN
dimension%masked_values_int32(j) = dimension%values_int32(i)
dimension%masked_indices(j) = i
j = j + 1
ELSEIF ( ALLOCATED( dimension%values_intwp ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE( dimension%masked_values_intwp(0:dimension%length_mask-1) )
j = 0
DO i = dimension%bounds(1), dimension%bounds(2)
IF ( dimension%mask(i) ) THEN
dimension%masked_values_intwp(j) = dimension%values_intwp(i)
dimension%masked_indices(j) = i
j = j + 1
ELSEIF ( ALLOCATED( dimension%values_real32 ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE( dimension%masked_values_real32(0:dimension%length_mask-1) )
j = 0
DO i = dimension%bounds(1), dimension%bounds(2)
IF ( dimension%mask(i) ) THEN
dimension%masked_values_real32(j) = dimension%values_real32(i)
dimension%masked_indices(j) = i
j = j + 1
ELSEIF ( ALLOCATED(dimension%values_real64) ) THEN
ALLOCATE( dimension%masked_values_real64(0:dimension%length_mask-1) )
j = 0
DO i = dimension%bounds(1), dimension%bounds(2)
IF ( dimension%mask(i) ) THEN
dimension%masked_values_real64(j) = dimension%values_real64(i)
dimension%masked_indices(j) = i
j = j + 1
ELSEIF ( ALLOCATED(dimension%values_realwp) ) THEN
ALLOCATE( dimension%masked_values_realwp(0:dimension%length_mask-1) )
j = 0
DO i = dimension%bounds(1), dimension%bounds(2)
IF ( dimension%mask(i) ) THEN
dimension%masked_values_realwp(j) = dimension%values_realwp(i)
dimension%masked_indices(j) = i
j = j + 1
ENDIF ! if not all mask = true
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': size of mask and given bounds do not match ' // &
'(dimension "' // TRIM( dimension_name ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")!' )
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': at least one but no more than two bounds must be given ' // &
'(dimension "' // TRIM( dimension_name ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")!' )
!-- Add dimension to database
IF ( return_value == 0 ) THEN
DO f = 1, nfiles
IF ( TRIM( file_name ) == files(f)%name ) THEN
IF ( files(f)%is_init ) THEN
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': file already initialized. ' // &
'No further dimension definition allowed ' // &
'(dimension "' // TRIM( dimension_name ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")!' )
ELSEIF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( files(f)%dimensions ) ) THEN
ndims = 1
ALLOCATE( files(f)%dimensions(ndims) )
!-- Check if any variable of the same name as the new dimension is already defined
IF ( ALLOCATED( files(f)%variables ) ) THEN
DO i = 1, SIZE( files(f)%variables )
IF ( files(f)%variables(i)%name == dimension%name ) THEN
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': file already has a variable of this name defined. ' // &
'Defining a dimension of the same name is not allowed ' // &
'(dimension "' // TRIM( dimension_name ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")!' )
IF ( return_value == 0 ) THEN
!-- Check if dimension already exists in file
ndims = SIZE( files(f)%dimensions )
DO d = 1, ndims
IF ( files(f)%dimensions(d)%name == dimension%name ) THEN
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': dimension already exists in file ' // &
'(dimension "' // TRIM( dimension_name ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")!' )
!-- Extend dimension list
IF ( return_value == 0 ) THEN
ALLOCATE( dimensions_tmp(ndims) )
dimensions_tmp = files(f)%dimensions
DEALLOCATE( files(f)%dimensions )
ndims = ndims + 1
ALLOCATE( files(f)%dimensions(ndims) )
files(f)%dimensions(:ndims-1) = dimensions_tmp
DEALLOCATE( dimensions_tmp )
!-- Add new dimension to database
IF ( return_value == 0 ) files(f)%dimensions(ndims) = dimension
IF ( f > nfiles ) THEN
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': file not found (dimension "' // TRIM( dimension_name ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")!' )
END FUNCTION dom_def_dim
! Description:
! ------------
!> Add variable to database.
!> If a variable is identical for each MPI rank, the optional argument 'is_global' should be set to
!> TRUE. This flags the variable to be a global variable and is later only written once by the
!> master output rank.
!> Example call:
!> dom_def_var( file_name = 'my_output_file_name', &
!> variable_name = 'u', &
!> dimension_names = (/'x ', 'y ', 'z ', 'time'/), &
!> output_type = 'real32' )
!> @note The order of dimensions must match in reversed order to the dimensions of the
!> corresponding variable array. The last given dimension can also be non-existent within the
!> variable array if at any given call of 'dom_write_var' for this variable, the last
!> dimension has only a single index.
!> Hence, the array 'u' must be allocated with dimension 'x' as its last dimension, preceded
!> by 'y', then 'z', and 'time' being the first dimension. If at any given write statement,
!> only a single index of dimension 'time' is to be written, the dimension can be non-present
!> in the variable array leaving dimension 'z' as the first dimension.
!> So, the variable array needs to be allocated like either:
!> ALLOCATE( u(,,,) )
!> or
!> ALLOCATE( u(,,) )
FUNCTION dom_def_var( file_name, variable_name, dimension_names, output_type, is_global ) &
RESULT( return_value )
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file_name !< name of file
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: variable_name !< name of variable
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: output_type !< data type of variable
CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routine_name = 'dom_def_var' !< name of this routine
CHARACTER(LEN=*), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: dimension_names !< list of dimension names
INTEGER :: d !< loop index
INTEGER :: f !< loop index
INTEGER :: i !< loop index
INTEGER :: nvars !< number of variables in file
INTEGER :: return_value !< return value
LOGICAL :: found !< true if requested dimension is defined in file
LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: is_global !< true if variable is global (same on all PE)
TYPE(variable_type) :: variable !< new variable
TYPE(variable_type), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: variables_tmp !< temporary variable list
return_value = 0
found = .FALSE.
CALL internal_message( 'debug', routine_name // &
': define variable (variable "' // TRIM( variable_name ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")' )
variable%name = TRIM( variable_name )
ALLOCATE( variable%dimension_names(SIZE( dimension_names )) )
ALLOCATE( variable%dimension_ids(SIZE( dimension_names )) )
variable%dimension_names = dimension_names
variable%dimension_ids = -1
variable%data_type = TRIM( output_type )
IF ( PRESENT( is_global ) ) THEN
variable%is_global = is_global
variable%is_global = .FALSE.
!-- Add variable to database
DO f = 1, nfiles
IF ( TRIM( file_name ) == files(f)%name ) THEN
IF ( files(f)%is_init ) THEN
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': file already initialized. No further variable definition allowed ' // &
'(variable "' // TRIM( variable_name ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")!' )
ELSEIF ( ALLOCATED( files(f)%dimensions ) ) THEN
!-- Check if any dimension of the same name as the new variable is already defined
DO d = 1, SIZE( files(f)%dimensions )
IF ( files(f)%dimensions(d)%name == variable%name ) THEN
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': file already has a dimension of this name defined. ' // &
'Defining a variable of the same name is not allowed ' // &
'(variable "' // TRIM( variable_name ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")!' )
!-- Check if dimensions assigned to variable are defined within file
IF ( return_value == 0 ) THEN
DO i = 1, SIZE( variable%dimension_names )
found = .FALSE.
DO d = 1, SIZE( files(f)%dimensions )
IF ( files(f)%dimensions(d)%name == variable%dimension_names(i) ) THEN
found = .TRUE.
IF ( .NOT. found ) THEN
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': required dimension "'// TRIM( variable%dimension_names(i) ) // &
'" for variable is not defined ' // &
'(variable "' // TRIM( variable_name ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")!' )
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': no dimensions defined in file. Cannot define variable '// &
'(variable "' // TRIM( variable_name ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")!' )
IF ( return_value == 0 ) THEN
!-- Check if variable already exists
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( files(f)%variables ) ) THEN
nvars = 1
ALLOCATE( files(f)%variables(nvars) )
nvars = SIZE( files(f)%variables )
DO i = 1, nvars
IF ( files(f)%variables(i)%name == variable%name ) THEN
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': variable already exists '// &
'(variable "' // TRIM( variable_name ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")!' )
IF ( return_value == 0 ) THEN
!-- Extend variable list
ALLOCATE( variables_tmp(nvars) )
variables_tmp = files(f)%variables
DEALLOCATE( files(f)%variables )
nvars = nvars + 1
ALLOCATE( files(f)%variables(nvars) )
files(f)%variables(:nvars-1) = variables_tmp
DEALLOCATE( variables_tmp )
!-- Add new variable to database
IF ( return_value == 0 ) files(f)%variables(nvars) = variable
IF ( f > nfiles ) THEN
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': file not found (variable "' // TRIM( variable_name ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")!' )
END FUNCTION dom_def_var
! Description:
! ------------
!> Create attribute with value of type character.
!> If the optional argument 'variable_name' is given, the attribute is added to the respective
!> variable or dimension of that name. Otherwise, the attribute is added as a global attribute to
!> the file itself.
!> If an attribute of similar name already exists, it is updated (overwritten) with the new value.
!> If the optional argument 'append' is set TRUE, the value of an already existing attribute of
!> similar name is appended by the new value instead of overwritten.
!> Example call:
!> - define a global file attribute:
!> dom_def_att( file_name='my_output_file_name', &
!> attribute_name='my_attribute', &
!> value='This is the attribute value' )
!> - define a variable attribute:
!> dom_def_att( file_name='my_output_file_name', &
!> variable_name='my_variable', &
!> attribute_name='my_attribute', &
!> value='This is the attribute value' )
!> - append an attribute:
!> dom_def_att( file_name='my_output_file_name', &
!> attribute_name='my_attribute', &
!> value=' and this part was appended', append=.TRUE. )
FUNCTION dom_def_att_char( file_name, variable_name, attribute_name, value, append ) &
RESULT( return_value )
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file_name !< name of file
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: attribute_name !< name of attribute
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: value !< attribute value
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: variable_name !< name of variable
CHARACTER(LEN=charlen) :: variable_name_internal !< internal copy of variable_name
! CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routine_name = 'dom_def_att_char' !< name of routine
INTEGER :: return_value !< return value
LOGICAL :: append_internal !< same as 'append'
LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: append !< if true, append value to existing value
TYPE(attribute_type) :: attribute !< new attribute
return_value = 0
IF ( PRESENT( append ) ) THEN
append_internal = append
append_internal = .FALSE.
attribute%name = TRIM( attribute_name )
attribute%data_type = 'char'
attribute%value_char = TRIM( value )
IF ( PRESENT( variable_name ) ) THEN
variable_name_internal = TRIM( variable_name )
variable_name_internal = ''
return_value = save_attribute_in_database( file_name=TRIM( file_name ), &
variable_name=TRIM( variable_name_internal ), &
attribute=attribute, append=append_internal )
END FUNCTION dom_def_att_char
! Description:
! ------------
!> Create attribute with value of type int8.
!> If the optional argument 'variable_name' is given, the attribute is added to the respective
!> variable or dimension of that name. Otherwise, the attribute is added as a global attribute to
!> the file itself.
!> Numerical attributes cannot be appended, only updated (append=.TRUE. will cause an error).
!> Example call:
!> - define a global file attribute:
!> dom_def_att( file_name='my_output_file_name', &
!> attribute_name='my_attribute', &
!> value=0_1 )
!> - define a variable attribute:
!> dom_def_att( file_name='my_output_file_name', &
!> variable_name='my_variable', &
!> attribute_name='my_attribute', &
!> value=1_1 )
FUNCTION dom_def_att_int8( file_name, variable_name, attribute_name, value, append ) &
RESULT( return_value )
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file_name !< name of file
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: attribute_name !< name of attribute
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: variable_name !< name of variable
CHARACTER(LEN=charlen) :: variable_name_internal !< internal copy of variable_name
CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routine_name = 'dom_def_att_int8' !< name of routine
INTEGER(KIND=1), INTENT(IN) :: value !< attribute value
INTEGER :: return_value !< return value
LOGICAL :: append_internal !< same as 'append'
LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: append !< if true, append value to existing value
TYPE(attribute_type) :: attribute !< new attribute
return_value = 0
IF ( PRESENT( variable_name ) ) THEN
variable_name_internal = TRIM( variable_name )
variable_name_internal = ''
IF ( PRESENT( append ) ) THEN
IF ( append ) THEN
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': numeric attribute cannot be appended ' // &
'(attribute "' // TRIM( attribute_name ) // &
'", variable "' // TRIM( variable_name_internal ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")!' )
IF ( return_value == 0 ) THEN
append_internal = .FALSE.
attribute%name = TRIM( attribute_name )
attribute%data_type = 'int8'
attribute%value_int8 = value
return_value = save_attribute_in_database( file_name=TRIM( file_name ), &
variable_name=TRIM( variable_name_internal ), &
attribute=attribute, append=append_internal )
END FUNCTION dom_def_att_int8
! Description:
! ------------
!> Create attribute with value of type int16.
!> If the optional argument 'variable_name' is given, the attribute is added to the respective
!> variable or dimension of that name. Otherwise, the attribute is added as a global attribute to
!> the file itself.
!> Numerical attributes cannot be appended, only updated (append=.TRUE. will cause an error).
!> Example call:
!> - define a global file attribute:
!> dom_def_att( file_name='my_output_file_name', &
!> attribute_name='my_attribute', &
!> value=0_2 )
!> - define a variable attribute:
!> dom_def_att( file_name='my_output_file_name', &
!> variable_name='my_variable', &
!> attribute_name='my_attribute', &
!> value=1_2 )
FUNCTION dom_def_att_int16( file_name, variable_name, attribute_name, value, append ) &
RESULT( return_value )
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file_name !< name of file
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: attribute_name !< name of attribute
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: variable_name !< name of variable
CHARACTER(LEN=charlen) :: variable_name_internal !< internal copy of variable_name
CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routine_name = 'dom_def_att_int16' !< name of routine
INTEGER(KIND=2), INTENT(IN) :: value !< attribute value
INTEGER :: return_value !< return value
LOGICAL :: append_internal !< same as 'append'
LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: append !< if true, append value to existing value
TYPE(attribute_type) :: attribute !< new attribute
return_value = 0
IF ( PRESENT( variable_name ) ) THEN
variable_name_internal = TRIM( variable_name )
variable_name_internal = ''
IF ( PRESENT( append ) ) THEN
IF ( append ) THEN
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': numeric attribute cannot be appended ' // &
'(attribute "' // TRIM( attribute_name ) // &
'", variable "' // TRIM( variable_name_internal ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")!' )
IF ( return_value == 0 ) THEN
append_internal = .FALSE.
attribute%name = TRIM( attribute_name )
attribute%data_type = 'int16'
attribute%value_int16 = value
return_value = save_attribute_in_database( file_name=TRIM( file_name ), &
variable_name=TRIM( variable_name_internal ), &
attribute=attribute, append=append_internal )
END FUNCTION dom_def_att_int16
! Description:
! ------------
!> Create attribute with value of type int32.
!> If the optional argument 'variable_name' is given, the attribute is added to the respective
!> variable or dimension of that name. Otherwise, the attribute is added as a global attribute to
!> the file itself.
!> Numerical attributes cannot be appended, only updated (append=.TRUE. will cause an error).
!> Example call:
!> - define a global file attribute:
!> dom_def_att( file_name='my_output_file_name', &
!> attribute_name='my_attribute', &
!> value=0_4 )
!> - define a variable attribute:
!> dom_def_att( file_name='my_output_file_name', &
!> variable_name='my_variable', &
!> attribute_name='my_attribute', &
!> value=1_4 )
FUNCTION dom_def_att_int32( file_name, variable_name, attribute_name, value, append ) &
RESULT( return_value )
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file_name !< name of file
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: attribute_name !< name of attribute
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: variable_name !< name of variable
CHARACTER(LEN=charlen) :: variable_name_internal !< internal copy of variable_name
CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routine_name = 'dom_def_att_int32' !< name of routine
INTEGER(KIND=4), INTENT(IN) :: value !< attribute value
INTEGER :: return_value !< return value
LOGICAL :: append_internal !< same as 'append'
LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: append !< if true, append value to existing value
TYPE(attribute_type) :: attribute !< new attribute
return_value = 0
IF ( PRESENT( variable_name ) ) THEN
variable_name_internal = TRIM( variable_name )
variable_name_internal = ''
IF ( PRESENT( append ) ) THEN
IF ( append ) THEN
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': numeric attribute cannot be appended ' // &
'(attribute "' // TRIM( attribute_name ) // &
'", variable "' // TRIM( variable_name_internal ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")!' )
IF ( return_value == 0 ) THEN
append_internal = .FALSE.
attribute%name = TRIM( attribute_name )
attribute%data_type = 'int32'
attribute%value_int32 = value
return_value = save_attribute_in_database( file_name=TRIM( file_name ), &
variable_name=TRIM( variable_name_internal ), &
attribute=attribute, append=append_internal )
END FUNCTION dom_def_att_int32
! Description:
! ------------
!> Create attribute with value of type real32.
!> If the optional argument 'variable_name' is given, the attribute is added to the respective
!> variable or dimension of that name. Otherwise, the attribute is added as a global attribute to
!> the file itself.
!> Numerical attributes cannot be appended, only updated (append=.TRUE. will cause an error).
!> Example call:
!> - define a global file attribute:
!> dom_def_att( file_name='my_output_file_name', &
!> attribute_name='my_attribute', &
!> value=1.0_4 )
!> - define a variable attribute:
!> dom_def_att( file_name='my_output_file_name', &
!> variable_name='my_variable', &
!> attribute_name='my_attribute', &
!> value=1.0_4 )
FUNCTION dom_def_att_real32( file_name, variable_name, attribute_name, value, append ) &
RESULT( return_value )
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file_name !< name of file
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: attribute_name !< name of attribute
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: variable_name !< name of variable
CHARACTER(LEN=charlen) :: variable_name_internal !< internal copy of variable_name
CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routine_name = 'dom_def_att_real32' !< name of routine
INTEGER :: return_value !< return value
LOGICAL :: append_internal !< same as 'append'
LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: append !< if true, append value to existing value
REAL(KIND=4), INTENT(IN) :: value !< attribute value
TYPE(attribute_type) :: attribute !< new attribute
return_value = 0
IF ( PRESENT( variable_name ) ) THEN
variable_name_internal = TRIM( variable_name )
variable_name_internal = ''
IF ( PRESENT( append ) ) THEN
IF ( append ) THEN
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': numeric attribute cannot be appended ' // &
'(attribute "' // TRIM( attribute_name ) // &
'", variable "' // TRIM( variable_name_internal ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")!' )
IF ( return_value == 0 ) THEN
append_internal = .FALSE.
attribute%name = TRIM( attribute_name )
attribute%data_type = 'real32'
attribute%value_real32 = value
return_value = save_attribute_in_database( file_name=TRIM( file_name ), &
variable_name=TRIM( variable_name_internal ), &
attribute=attribute, append=append_internal )
END FUNCTION dom_def_att_real32
! Description:
! ------------
!> Create attribute with value of type real64.
!> If the optional argument 'variable_name' is given, the attribute is added to the respective
!> variable or dimension of that name. Otherwise, the attribute is added as a global attribute to
!> the file itself.
!> Numerical attributes cannot be appended, only updated (append=.TRUE. will cause an error).
!> Example call:
!> - define a global file attribute:
!> dom_def_att( file_name='my_output_file_name', &
!> attribute_name='my_attribute', &
!> value=0.0_8 )
!> - define a variable attribute:
!> dom_def_att( file_name='my_output_file_name', &
!> variable_name='my_variable', &
!> attribute_name='my_attribute', &
!> value=1.0_8 )
FUNCTION dom_def_att_real64( file_name, variable_name, attribute_name, value, append ) &
RESULT( return_value )
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file_name !< name of file
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: attribute_name !< name of attribute
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: variable_name !< name of variable
CHARACTER(LEN=charlen) :: variable_name_internal !< internal copy of variable_name
CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routine_name = 'dom_def_att_real64' !< name of routine
INTEGER :: return_value !< return value
LOGICAL :: append_internal !< same as 'append'
LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: append !< if true, append value to existing value
REAL(KIND=8), INTENT(IN) :: value !< attribute value
TYPE(attribute_type) :: attribute !< new attribute
return_value = 0
IF ( PRESENT( variable_name ) ) THEN
variable_name_internal = TRIM( variable_name )
variable_name_internal = ''
IF ( PRESENT( append ) ) THEN
IF ( append ) THEN
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': numeric attribute cannot be appended ' // &
'(attribute "' // TRIM( attribute_name ) // &
'", variable "' // TRIM( variable_name_internal ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")!' )
IF ( return_value == 0 ) THEN
append_internal = .FALSE.
attribute%name = TRIM( attribute_name )
attribute%data_type = 'real64'
attribute%value_real64 = value
return_value = save_attribute_in_database( file_name=TRIM( file_name ), &
variable_name=TRIM( variable_name_internal ), &
attribute=attribute, append=append_internal )
END FUNCTION dom_def_att_real64
! Description:
! ------------
!> End output definition.
!> The database is cleared from unused files and dimensions. Then, the output files are initialized
!> and prepared for writing output values to them. The saved values of the dimensions are written
!> to the files.
FUNCTION dom_def_end() RESULT( return_value )
CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routine_name = 'dom_def_end' !< name of routine
INTEGER :: d !< loop index
INTEGER :: f !< loop index
INTEGER :: return_value !< return value
INTEGER(KIND=1), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: values_int8 !< target array for dimension values
INTEGER(KIND=2), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: values_int16 !< target array for dimension values
INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: values_int32 !< target array for dimension values
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: values_intwp !< target array for dimension values
INTEGER(KIND=1), DIMENSION(:), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS :: values_int8_pointer !< pointer to target array
INTEGER(KIND=2), DIMENSION(:), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS :: values_int16_pointer !< pointer to target array
INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS :: values_int32_pointer !< pointer to target array
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS :: values_intwp_pointer !< pointer to target array
REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: values_real32 !< target array for dimension values
REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: values_real64 !< target array for dimension values
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: values_realwp !< target array for dimension values
REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS :: values_real32_pointer !< pointer to target array
REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION(:), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS :: values_real64_pointer !< pointer to target array
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS :: values_realwp_pointer !< pointer to target array
return_value = 0
CALL internal_message( 'debug', routine_name // ': start' )
!-- Clear database from empty files and unused dimensions
IF ( nfiles > 0 ) return_value = cleanup_database()
IF ( return_value == 0 ) THEN
DO f = 1, nfiles
!-- Skip initialization if file is already initialized
IF ( files(f)%is_init ) CYCLE
CALL internal_message( 'debug', routine_name // ': initialize file "' // &
TRIM( files(f)%name ) // '"' )
!-- Open file
CALL open_output_file( files(f)%format, files(f)%name, files(f)%id, &
return_value=return_value )
!-- Initialize file header:
!-- define dimensions and variables and write attributes
IF ( return_value == 0 ) &
CALL init_file_header( files(f), return_value=return_value )
!-- End file definition
IF ( return_value == 0 ) &
CALL stop_file_header_definition( files(f)%format, files(f)%id, &
files(f)%name, return_value )
IF ( return_value == 0 ) THEN
!-- Flag file as initialized
files(f)%is_init = .TRUE.
!-- Write dimension values into file
DO d = 1, SIZE( files(f)%dimensions )
IF ( ALLOCATED( files(f)%dimensions(d)%values_int8 ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE( values_int8(files(f)%dimensions(d)%bounds(1): &
files(f)%dimensions(d)%bounds(2)) )
values_int8 = files(f)%dimensions(d)%values_int8
values_int8_pointer => values_int8
return_value = dom_write_var( files(f)%name, files(f)%dimensions(d)%name, &
bounds_start=(/ files(f)%dimensions(d)%bounds(1) /), &
bounds_end =(/ files(f)%dimensions(d)%bounds(2) /), &
values_int8_1d=values_int8_pointer )
DEALLOCATE( values_int8 )
ELSEIF ( ALLOCATED( files(f)%dimensions(d)%values_int16 ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE( values_int16(files(f)%dimensions(d)%bounds(1): &
files(f)%dimensions(d)%bounds(2)) )
values_int16 = files(f)%dimensions(d)%values_int16
values_int16_pointer => values_int16
return_value = dom_write_var( files(f)%name, files(f)%dimensions(d)%name, &
bounds_start=(/ files(f)%dimensions(d)%bounds(1) /), &
bounds_end =(/ files(f)%dimensions(d)%bounds(2) /), &
values_int16_1d=values_int16_pointer )
DEALLOCATE( values_int16 )
ELSEIF ( ALLOCATED( files(f)%dimensions(d)%values_int32 ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE( values_int32(files(f)%dimensions(d)%bounds(1): &
files(f)%dimensions(d)%bounds(2)) )
values_int32 = files(f)%dimensions(d)%values_int32
values_int32_pointer => values_int32
return_value = dom_write_var( files(f)%name, files(f)%dimensions(d)%name, &
bounds_start=(/ files(f)%dimensions(d)%bounds(1) /), &
bounds_end =(/ files(f)%dimensions(d)%bounds(2) /), &
values_int32_1d=values_int32_pointer )
DEALLOCATE( values_int32 )
ELSEIF ( ALLOCATED( files(f)%dimensions(d)%values_intwp ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE( values_intwp(files(f)%dimensions(d)%bounds(1): &
files(f)%dimensions(d)%bounds(2)) )
values_intwp = files(f)%dimensions(d)%values_intwp
values_intwp_pointer => values_intwp
return_value = dom_write_var( files(f)%name, files(f)%dimensions(d)%name, &
bounds_start=(/ files(f)%dimensions(d)%bounds(1) /), &
bounds_end =(/ files(f)%dimensions(d)%bounds(2) /), &
values_intwp_1d=values_intwp_pointer )
DEALLOCATE( values_intwp )
ELSEIF ( ALLOCATED( files(f)%dimensions(d)%values_real32 ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE( values_real32(files(f)%dimensions(d)%bounds(1): &
files(f)%dimensions(d)%bounds(2)) )
values_real32 = files(f)%dimensions(d)%values_real32
values_real32_pointer => values_real32
return_value = dom_write_var( files(f)%name, files(f)%dimensions(d)%name, &
bounds_start=(/ files(f)%dimensions(d)%bounds(1) /), &
bounds_end =(/ files(f)%dimensions(d)%bounds(2) /), &
values_real32_1d=values_real32_pointer )
DEALLOCATE( values_real32 )
ELSEIF ( ALLOCATED( files(f)%dimensions(d)%values_real64 ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE( values_real64(files(f)%dimensions(d)%bounds(1): &
files(f)%dimensions(d)%bounds(2)) )
values_real64 = files(f)%dimensions(d)%values_real64
values_real64_pointer => values_real64
return_value = dom_write_var( files(f)%name, files(f)%dimensions(d)%name, &
bounds_start=(/ files(f)%dimensions(d)%bounds(1) /), &
bounds_end =(/ files(f)%dimensions(d)%bounds(2) /), &
values_real64_1d=values_real64_pointer )
DEALLOCATE( values_real64 )
ELSEIF ( ALLOCATED( files(f)%dimensions(d)%values_realwp ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE( values_realwp(files(f)%dimensions(d)%bounds(1): &
files(f)%dimensions(d)%bounds(2)) )
values_realwp = files(f)%dimensions(d)%values_realwp
values_realwp_pointer => values_realwp
return_value = dom_write_var( files(f)%name, files(f)%dimensions(d)%name, &
bounds_start=(/ files(f)%dimensions(d)%bounds(1) /), &
bounds_end =(/ files(f)%dimensions(d)%bounds(2) /), &
values_realwp_1d=values_realwp_pointer )
DEALLOCATE( values_realwp )
IF ( return_value /= 0 ) EXIT
IF ( return_value /= 0 ) EXIT
CALL internal_message( 'debug', routine_name // ': finished' )
END FUNCTION dom_def_end
! Description:
! ------------
!> Write variable to file.
!> Example call:
!> dom_write_var( file_name = 'my_output_file_name', &
!> name = 'u', &
!> bounds_start = (/nxl, nys, nzb, time_step/), &
!> bounds_end = (/nxr, nyn, nzt, time_step/), &
!> values_real64_3d = u )
!> @note The order of dimension bounds must match to the order of dimensions given in call
!> 'dom_def_var'. I.e., the corresponding variable definition should be like:
!> dom_def_var( file_name = 'my_output_file_name', &
!> name = 'u', &
!> dimension_names = (/'x ', 'y ', 'z ', 'time'/), &
!> output_type = )
!> @note The values given do not need to be of the same data type as was defined in the
!> corresponding 'dom_def_var' call. If the output format 'netcdf' was chosen, the values are
!> automatically converted to the data type given during the definition. If 'binary' was
!> chosen, the values are written to file as given in the 'dom_write_var' call.
FUNCTION dom_write_var( file_name, variable_name, bounds_start, bounds_end, &
values_int8_0d, values_int8_1d, values_int8_2d, values_int8_3d, &
values_int16_0d, values_int16_1d, values_int16_2d, values_int16_3d, &
values_int32_0d, values_int32_1d, values_int32_2d, values_int32_3d, &
values_intwp_0d, values_intwp_1d, values_intwp_2d, values_intwp_3d, &
values_real32_0d, values_real32_1d, values_real32_2d, values_real32_3d, &
values_real64_0d, values_real64_1d, values_real64_2d, values_real64_3d, &
values_realwp_0d, values_realwp_1d, values_realwp_2d, values_realwp_3d &
) RESULT( return_value )
CHARACTER(LEN=charlen) :: file_format !< file format chosen for file
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file_name !< name of file
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: variable_name !< name of variable
CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routine_name = 'dom_write_var' !< name of routine
INTEGER :: file_id !< file ID
INTEGER :: i !< loop index
INTEGER :: j !< loop index
INTEGER :: k !< loop index
INTEGER :: output_return_value !< return value of a called output routine
INTEGER :: return_value !< return value
INTEGER :: variable_id !< variable ID
INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: bounds_end !< end index per dimension of variable
INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: bounds_start !< start index per dimension of variable
INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: bounds_origin !< first index of each dimension
INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: bounds_start_internal !< start index per dim. for output after masking
INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: value_counts !< count of indices to be written per dimension
INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: masked_indices !< list containing all output indices along a dimension
LOGICAL :: do_output !< true if any data lies within given range of masked dimension
LOGICAL :: is_global !< true if variable is global
INTEGER(KIND=1), POINTER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: values_int8_0d !< output variable
INTEGER(KIND=2), POINTER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: values_int16_0d !< output variable
INTEGER(KIND=4), POINTER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: values_int32_0d !< output variable
INTEGER(iwp), POINTER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: values_intwp_0d !< output variable
INTEGER(KIND=1), POINTER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(:) :: values_int8_1d !< output variable
INTEGER(KIND=2), POINTER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(:) :: values_int16_1d !< output variable
INTEGER(KIND=4), POINTER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(:) :: values_int32_1d !< output variable
INTEGER(iwp), POINTER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(:) :: values_intwp_1d !< output variable
INTEGER(KIND=1), POINTER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(:,:) :: values_int8_2d !< output variable
INTEGER(KIND=2), POINTER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(:,:) :: values_int16_2d !< output variable
INTEGER(KIND=4), POINTER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(:,:) :: values_int32_2d !< output variable
INTEGER(iwp), POINTER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(:,:) :: values_intwp_2d !< output variable
INTEGER(KIND=1), POINTER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: values_int8_3d !< output variable
INTEGER(KIND=2), POINTER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: values_int16_3d !< output variable
INTEGER(KIND=4), POINTER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: values_int32_3d !< output variable
INTEGER(iwp), POINTER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: values_intwp_3d !< output variable
INTEGER(KIND=1), TARGET, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: values_int8_1d_resorted !< resorted output variable
INTEGER(KIND=2), TARGET, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: values_int16_1d_resorted !< resorted output variable
INTEGER(KIND=4), TARGET, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: values_int32_1d_resorted !< resorted output variable
INTEGER(iwp), TARGET, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: values_intwp_1d_resorted !< resorted output variable
INTEGER(KIND=1), TARGET, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: values_int8_2d_resorted !< resorted output variable
INTEGER(KIND=2), TARGET, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: values_int16_2d_resorted !< resorted output variable
INTEGER(KIND=4), TARGET, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: values_int32_2d_resorted !< resorted output variable
INTEGER(iwp), TARGET, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: values_intwp_2d_resorted !< resorted output variable
INTEGER(KIND=1), TARGET, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: values_int8_3d_resorted !< resorted output variable
INTEGER(KIND=2), TARGET, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: values_int16_3d_resorted !< resorted output variable
INTEGER(KIND=4), TARGET, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: values_int32_3d_resorted !< resorted output variable
INTEGER(iwp), TARGET, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: values_intwp_3d_resorted !< resorted output variable
INTEGER(KIND=1), POINTER :: values_int8_0d_pointer !< pointer to resortet array
INTEGER(KIND=2), POINTER :: values_int16_0d_pointer !< pointer to resortet array
INTEGER(KIND=4), POINTER :: values_int32_0d_pointer !< pointer to resortet array
INTEGER(iwp), POINTER :: values_intwp_0d_pointer !< pointer to resortet array
INTEGER(KIND=1), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS, DIMENSION(:) :: values_int8_1d_pointer !< pointer to resortet array
INTEGER(KIND=2), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS, DIMENSION(:) :: values_int16_1d_pointer !< pointer to resortet array
INTEGER(KIND=4), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS, DIMENSION(:) :: values_int32_1d_pointer !< pointer to resortet array
INTEGER(iwp), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS, DIMENSION(:) :: values_intwp_1d_pointer !< pointer to resortet array
INTEGER(KIND=1), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS, DIMENSION(:,:) :: values_int8_2d_pointer !< pointer to resortet array
INTEGER(KIND=2), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS, DIMENSION(:,:) :: values_int16_2d_pointer !< pointer to resortet array
INTEGER(KIND=4), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS, DIMENSION(:,:) :: values_int32_2d_pointer !< pointer to resortet array
INTEGER(iwp), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS, DIMENSION(:,:) :: values_intwp_2d_pointer !< pointer to resortet array
INTEGER(KIND=1), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: values_int8_3d_pointer !< pointer to resortet array
INTEGER(KIND=2), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: values_int16_3d_pointer !< pointer to resortet array
INTEGER(KIND=4), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: values_int32_3d_pointer !< pointer to resortet array
INTEGER(iwp), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: values_intwp_3d_pointer !< pointer to resortet array
REAL(KIND=4), POINTER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: values_real32_0d !< output variable
REAL(KIND=8), POINTER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: values_real64_0d !< output variable
REAL(wp), POINTER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: values_realwp_0d !< output variable
REAL(KIND=4), POINTER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(:) :: values_real32_1d !< output variable
REAL(KIND=8), POINTER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(:) :: values_real64_1d !< output variable
REAL(wp), POINTER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(:) :: values_realwp_1d !< output variable
REAL(KIND=4), POINTER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(:,:) :: values_real32_2d !< output variable
REAL(KIND=8), POINTER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(:,:) :: values_real64_2d !< output variable
REAL(wp), POINTER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(:,:) :: values_realwp_2d !< output variable
REAL(KIND=4), POINTER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: values_real32_3d !< output variable
REAL(KIND=8), POINTER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: values_real64_3d !< output variable
REAL(wp), POINTER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: values_realwp_3d !< output variable
REAL(KIND=4), TARGET, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: values_real32_1d_resorted !< resorted output variable
REAL(KIND=8), TARGET, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: values_real64_1d_resorted !< resorted output variable
REAL(wp), TARGET, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: values_realwp_1d_resorted !< resorted output variable
REAL(KIND=4), TARGET, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: values_real32_2d_resorted !< resorted output variable
REAL(KIND=8), TARGET, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: values_real64_2d_resorted !< resorted output variable
REAL(wp), TARGET, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: values_realwp_2d_resorted !< resorted output variable
REAL(KIND=4), TARGET, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: values_real32_3d_resorted !< resorted output variable
REAL(KIND=8), TARGET, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: values_real64_3d_resorted !< resorted output variable
REAL(wp), TARGET, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: values_realwp_3d_resorted !< resorted output variable
REAL(KIND=4), POINTER :: values_real32_0d_pointer !< pointer to resortet array
REAL(KIND=8), POINTER :: values_real64_0d_pointer !< pointer to resortet array
REAL(wp), POINTER :: values_realwp_0d_pointer !< pointer to resortet array
REAL(KIND=4), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS, DIMENSION(:) :: values_real32_1d_pointer !< pointer to resortet array
REAL(KIND=8), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS, DIMENSION(:) :: values_real64_1d_pointer !< pointer to resortet array
REAL(wp), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS, DIMENSION(:) :: values_realwp_1d_pointer !< pointer to resortet array
REAL(KIND=4), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS, DIMENSION(:,:) :: values_real32_2d_pointer !< pointer to resortet array
REAL(KIND=8), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS, DIMENSION(:,:) :: values_real64_2d_pointer !< pointer to resortet array
REAL(wp), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS, DIMENSION(:,:) :: values_realwp_2d_pointer !< pointer to resortet array
REAL(KIND=4), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: values_real32_3d_pointer !< pointer to resortet array
REAL(KIND=8), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: values_real64_3d_pointer !< pointer to resortet array
REAL(wp), POINTER, CONTIGUOUS, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: values_realwp_3d_pointer !< pointer to resortet array
TYPE(dimension_type), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: dimension_list !< list of used dimensions of variable
return_value = 0
output_return_value = 0
CALL internal_message( 'debug', routine_name // ': write ' // TRIM( variable_name ) // &
' into file ' // TRIM( file_name ) )
!-- Search for variable within file
CALL find_var_in_file( file_name, variable_name, file_format, file_id, variable_id, &
is_global, dimension_list, return_value=return_value )
IF ( return_value == 0 ) THEN
!-- Check if the correct amount of variable bounds were given
IF ( SIZE( bounds_start ) /= SIZE( dimension_list ) .OR. &
SIZE( bounds_end ) /= SIZE( dimension_list ) ) THEN
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': number bounds do not match with ' // &
'number of dimensions of variable ' // &
'(variable "' // TRIM( variable_name ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")!' )
IF ( return_value == 0 ) THEN
!-- Save starting index (lower bounds) of each dimension
ALLOCATE( bounds_origin(SIZE( dimension_list )) )
ALLOCATE( bounds_start_internal(SIZE( dimension_list )) )
ALLOCATE( value_counts(SIZE( dimension_list )) )
WRITE( temp_string, * ) bounds_start
CALL internal_message( 'debug', routine_name // &
': file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // &
'", variable "' // TRIM( variable_name ) // &
'", bounds_start =' // TRIM( temp_string ) )
WRITE( temp_string, * ) bounds_end
CALL internal_message( 'debug', routine_name // &
': file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // &
'", variable "' // TRIM( variable_name ) // &
'", bounds_end =' // TRIM( temp_string ) )
!-- Get bounds for masking
CALL get_masked_indices_and_masked_dimension_bounds( dimension_list, &
bounds_start, bounds_end, bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, &
masked_indices )
do_output = .NOT. ANY( value_counts == 0 )
WRITE( temp_string, * ) bounds_start_internal
CALL internal_message( 'debug', routine_name // &
': file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // &
'", variable "' // TRIM( variable_name ) // &
'", bounds_start_internal =' // TRIM( temp_string ) )
WRITE( temp_string, * ) value_counts
CALL internal_message( 'debug', routine_name // &
': file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // &
'", variable "' // TRIM( variable_name ) // &
'", value_counts =' // TRIM( temp_string ) )
!-- Mask and resort variable
!-- 8bit integer output
IF ( PRESENT( values_int8_0d ) ) THEN
values_int8_0d_pointer => values_int8_0d
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int8_1d ) ) THEN
IF ( do_output ) THEN
ALLOCATE( values_int8_1d_resorted(0:value_counts(1)-1) )
DO i = 0, value_counts(1) - 1
values_int8_1d_resorted(i) = values_int8_1d(masked_indices(1,i))
ALLOCATE( values_int8_1d_resorted(1) )
values_int8_1d_resorted = 0_1
values_int8_1d_pointer => values_int8_1d_resorted
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int8_2d ) ) THEN
IF ( do_output ) THEN
ALLOCATE( values_int8_2d_resorted(0:value_counts(1)-1, &
0:value_counts(2)-1) )
DO i = 0, value_counts(1) - 1
DO j = 0, value_counts(2) - 1
values_int8_2d_resorted(i,j) = values_int8_2d(masked_indices(2,j), &
masked_indices(1,i) )
ALLOCATE( values_int8_2d_resorted(1,1) )
values_int8_2d_resorted = 0_1
values_int8_2d_pointer => values_int8_2d_resorted
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int8_3d ) ) THEN
IF ( do_output ) THEN
ALLOCATE( values_int8_3d_resorted(0:value_counts(1)-1, &
0:value_counts(2)-1, &
0:value_counts(3)-1) )
DO i = 0, value_counts(1) - 1
DO j = 0, value_counts(2) - 1
DO k = 0, value_counts(3) - 1
values_int8_3d_resorted(i,j,k) = values_int8_3d(masked_indices(3,k), &
masked_indices(2,j), &
masked_indices(1,i) )
ALLOCATE( values_int8_3d_resorted(1,1,1) )
values_int8_3d_resorted = 0_1
values_int8_3d_pointer => values_int8_3d_resorted
!-- 16bit integer output
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int16_0d ) ) THEN
values_int16_0d_pointer => values_int16_0d
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int16_1d ) ) THEN
IF ( do_output ) THEN
ALLOCATE( values_int16_1d_resorted(0:value_counts(1)-1) )
DO i = 0, value_counts(1) - 1
values_int16_1d_resorted(i) = values_int16_1d(masked_indices(1,i))
ALLOCATE( values_int16_1d_resorted(1) )
values_int16_1d_resorted = 0_1
values_int16_1d_pointer => values_int16_1d_resorted
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int16_2d ) ) THEN
IF ( do_output ) THEN
ALLOCATE( values_int16_2d_resorted(0:value_counts(1)-1, &
0:value_counts(2)-1) )
DO i = 0, value_counts(1) - 1
DO j = 0, value_counts(2) - 1
values_int16_2d_resorted(i,j) = values_int16_2d(masked_indices(2,j), &
ALLOCATE( values_int16_2d_resorted(1,1) )
values_int16_2d_resorted = 0_1
values_int16_2d_pointer => values_int16_2d_resorted
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int16_3d ) ) THEN
IF ( do_output ) THEN
ALLOCATE( values_int16_3d_resorted(0:value_counts(1)-1, &
0:value_counts(2)-1, &
0:value_counts(3)-1) )
DO i = 0, value_counts(1) - 1
DO j = 0, value_counts(2) - 1
DO k = 0, value_counts(3) - 1
values_int16_3d_resorted(i,j,k) = values_int16_3d(masked_indices(3,k), &
masked_indices(2,j), &
masked_indices(1,i) )
ALLOCATE( values_int16_3d_resorted(1,1,1) )
values_int16_3d_resorted = 0_1
values_int16_3d_pointer => values_int16_3d_resorted
!-- 32bit integer output
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int32_0d ) ) THEN
values_int32_0d_pointer => values_int32_0d
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int32_1d ) ) THEN
IF ( do_output ) THEN
ALLOCATE( values_int32_1d_resorted(0:value_counts(1)-1) )
DO i = 0, value_counts(1) - 1
values_int32_1d_resorted(i) = values_int32_1d(masked_indices(1,i))
ALLOCATE( values_int32_1d_resorted(1) )
values_int32_1d_resorted = 0_1
values_int32_1d_pointer => values_int32_1d_resorted
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int32_2d ) ) THEN
IF ( do_output ) THEN
ALLOCATE( values_int32_2d_resorted(0:value_counts(1)-1, &
0:value_counts(2)-1) )
DO i = 0, value_counts(1) - 1
DO j = 0, value_counts(2) - 1
values_int32_2d_resorted(i,j) = values_int32_2d(masked_indices(2,j), &
masked_indices(1,i) )
ALLOCATE( values_int32_2d_resorted(1,1) )
values_int32_2d_resorted = 0_1
values_int32_2d_pointer => values_int32_2d_resorted
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int32_3d ) ) THEN
IF ( do_output ) THEN
ALLOCATE( values_int32_3d_resorted(0:value_counts(1)-1, &
0:value_counts(2)-1, &
0:value_counts(3)-1) )
DO i = 0, value_counts(1) - 1
DO j = 0, value_counts(2) - 1
DO k = 0, value_counts(3) - 1
values_int32_3d_resorted(i,j,k) = values_int32_3d(masked_indices(3,k), &
masked_indices(2,j), &
masked_indices(1,i) )
ALLOCATE( values_int32_3d_resorted(1,1,1) )
values_int32_3d_resorted = 0_1
values_int32_3d_pointer => values_int32_3d_resorted
!-- working-precision integer output
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_intwp_0d ) ) THEN
values_intwp_0d_pointer => values_intwp_0d
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_intwp_1d ) ) THEN
IF ( do_output ) THEN
ALLOCATE( values_intwp_1d_resorted(0:value_counts(1)-1) )
DO i = 0, value_counts(1) - 1
values_intwp_1d_resorted(i) = values_intwp_1d(masked_indices(1,i))
ALLOCATE( values_intwp_1d_resorted(1) )
values_intwp_1d_resorted = 0_1
values_intwp_1d_pointer => values_intwp_1d_resorted
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_intwp_2d ) ) THEN
IF ( do_output ) THEN
ALLOCATE( values_intwp_2d_resorted(0:value_counts(1)-1, &
0:value_counts(2)-1) )
DO i = 0, value_counts(1) - 1
DO j = 0, value_counts(2) - 1
values_intwp_2d_resorted(i,j) = values_intwp_2d(masked_indices(2,j), &
masked_indices(1,i) )
ALLOCATE( values_intwp_2d_resorted(1,1) )
values_intwp_2d_resorted = 0_1
values_intwp_2d_pointer => values_intwp_2d_resorted
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_intwp_3d ) ) THEN
IF ( do_output ) THEN
ALLOCATE( values_intwp_3d_resorted(0:value_counts(1)-1, &
0:value_counts(2)-1, &
0:value_counts(3)-1) )
DO i = 0, value_counts(1) - 1
DO j = 0, value_counts(2) - 1
DO k = 0, value_counts(3) - 1
values_intwp_3d_resorted(i,j,k) = values_intwp_3d(masked_indices(3,k), &
masked_indices(2,j), &
masked_indices(1,i) )
ALLOCATE( values_intwp_3d_resorted(1,1,1) )
values_intwp_3d_resorted = 0_1
values_intwp_3d_pointer => values_intwp_3d_resorted
!-- 32bit real output
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_real32_0d ) ) THEN
values_real32_0d_pointer => values_real32_0d
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_real32_1d ) ) THEN
IF ( do_output ) THEN
ALLOCATE( values_real32_1d_resorted(0:value_counts(1)-1) )
DO i = 0, value_counts(1) - 1
values_real32_1d_resorted(i) = values_real32_1d(masked_indices(1,i))
ALLOCATE( values_real32_1d_resorted(1) )
values_real32_1d_resorted = 0_1
values_real32_1d_pointer => values_real32_1d_resorted
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_real32_2d ) ) THEN
IF ( do_output ) THEN
ALLOCATE( values_real32_2d_resorted(0:value_counts(1)-1, &
0:value_counts(2)-1) )
DO i = 0, value_counts(1) - 1
DO j = 0, value_counts(2) - 1
values_real32_2d_resorted(i,j) = values_real32_2d(masked_indices(2,j), &
masked_indices(1,i) )
ALLOCATE( values_real32_2d_resorted(1,1) )
values_real32_2d_resorted = 0_1
values_real32_2d_pointer => values_real32_2d_resorted
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_real32_3d ) ) THEN
IF ( do_output ) THEN
ALLOCATE( values_real32_3d_resorted(0:value_counts(1)-1, &
0:value_counts(2)-1, &
0:value_counts(3)-1) )
DO i = 0, value_counts(1) - 1
DO j = 0, value_counts(2) - 1
DO k = 0, value_counts(3) - 1
values_real32_3d_resorted(i,j,k) = values_real32_3d(masked_indices(3,k), &
masked_indices(2,j), &
masked_indices(1,i) )
ALLOCATE( values_real32_3d_resorted(1,1,1) )
values_real32_3d_resorted = 0_1
values_real32_3d_pointer => values_real32_3d_resorted
!-- 64bit real output
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_real64_0d ) ) THEN
values_real64_0d_pointer => values_real64_0d
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_real64_1d ) ) THEN
IF ( do_output ) THEN
ALLOCATE( values_real64_1d_resorted(0:value_counts(1)-1) )
DO i = 0, value_counts(1) - 1
values_real64_1d_resorted(i) = values_real64_1d(masked_indices(1,i))
ALLOCATE( values_real64_1d_resorted(1) )
values_real64_1d_resorted = 0_1
values_real64_1d_pointer => values_real64_1d_resorted
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_real64_2d ) ) THEN
IF ( do_output ) THEN
ALLOCATE( values_real64_2d_resorted(0:value_counts(1)-1, &
0:value_counts(2)-1) )
DO i = 0, value_counts(1) - 1
DO j = 0, value_counts(2) - 1
values_real64_2d_resorted(i,j) = values_real64_2d(masked_indices(2,j), &
masked_indices(1,i) )
ALLOCATE( values_real64_2d_resorted(1,1) )
values_real64_2d_resorted = 0_1
values_real64_2d_pointer => values_real64_2d_resorted
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_real64_3d ) ) THEN
IF ( do_output ) THEN
ALLOCATE( values_real64_3d_resorted(0:value_counts(1)-1, &
0:value_counts(2)-1, &
0:value_counts(3)-1) )
DO i = 0, value_counts(1) - 1
DO j = 0, value_counts(2) - 1
DO k = 0, value_counts(3) - 1
values_real64_3d_resorted(i,j,k) = values_real64_3d(masked_indices(3,k), &
masked_indices(2,j), &
masked_indices(1,i) )
ALLOCATE( values_real64_3d_resorted(1,1,1) )
values_real64_3d_resorted = 0_1
values_real64_3d_pointer => values_real64_3d_resorted
!-- working-precision real output
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_realwp_0d ) ) THEN
values_realwp_0d_pointer => values_realwp_0d
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_realwp_1d ) ) THEN
IF ( do_output ) THEN
ALLOCATE( values_realwp_1d_resorted(0:value_counts(1)-1) )
DO i = 0, value_counts(1) - 1
values_realwp_1d_resorted(i) = values_realwp_1d(masked_indices(1,i))
ALLOCATE( values_realwp_1d_resorted(1) )
values_realwp_1d_resorted = 0_1
values_realwp_1d_pointer => values_realwp_1d_resorted
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_realwp_2d ) ) THEN
IF ( do_output ) THEN
ALLOCATE( values_realwp_2d_resorted(0:value_counts(1)-1, &
0:value_counts(2)-1) )
DO i = 0, value_counts(1) - 1
DO j = 0, value_counts(2) - 1
values_realwp_2d_resorted(i,j) = values_realwp_2d(masked_indices(2,j), &
masked_indices(1,i) )
ALLOCATE( values_realwp_2d_resorted(1,1) )
values_realwp_2d_resorted = 0_1
values_realwp_2d_pointer => values_realwp_2d_resorted
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_realwp_3d ) ) THEN
IF ( do_output ) THEN
ALLOCATE( values_realwp_3d_resorted(0:value_counts(1)-1, &
0:value_counts(2)-1, &
0:value_counts(3)-1) )
DO i = 0, value_counts(1) - 1
DO j = 0, value_counts(2) - 1
DO k = 0, value_counts(3) - 1
values_realwp_3d_resorted(i,j,k) = values_realwp_3d(masked_indices(3,k), &
masked_indices(2,j), &
masked_indices(1,i) )
ALLOCATE( values_realwp_3d_resorted(1,1,1) )
values_realwp_3d_resorted = 0_1
values_realwp_3d_pointer => values_realwp_3d_resorted
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': no output values given ' // &
'(variable "' // TRIM( variable_name ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")!' )
DEALLOCATE( masked_indices )
ENDIF ! Check for error
IF ( return_value == 0 ) THEN
!-- Write variable into file
SELECT CASE ( TRIM( file_format ) )
CASE ( 'binary' )
!-- 8bit integer output
IF ( PRESENT( values_int8_0d ) ) THEN
CALL binary_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_int8_0d=values_int8_0d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int8_1d ) ) THEN
CALL binary_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_int8_1d=values_int8_1d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int8_2d ) ) THEN
CALL binary_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_int8_2d=values_int8_2d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int8_3d ) ) THEN
CALL binary_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_int8_3d=values_int8_3d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
!-- 16bit integer output
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int16_0d ) ) THEN
CALL binary_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_int16_0d=values_int16_0d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int16_1d ) ) THEN
CALL binary_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_int16_1d=values_int16_1d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int16_2d ) ) THEN
CALL binary_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_int16_2d=values_int16_2d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int16_3d ) ) THEN
CALL binary_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_int16_3d=values_int16_3d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
!-- 32bit integer output
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int32_0d ) ) THEN
CALL binary_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_int32_0d=values_int32_0d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int32_1d ) ) THEN
CALL binary_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_int32_1d=values_int32_1d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int32_2d ) ) THEN
CALL binary_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_int32_2d=values_int32_2d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int32_3d ) ) THEN
CALL binary_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_int32_3d=values_int32_3d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
!-- working-precision integer output
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_intwp_0d ) ) THEN
CALL binary_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_intwp_0d=values_intwp_0d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_intwp_1d ) ) THEN
CALL binary_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_intwp_1d=values_intwp_1d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_intwp_2d ) ) THEN
CALL binary_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_intwp_2d=values_intwp_2d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_intwp_3d ) ) THEN
CALL binary_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_intwp_3d=values_intwp_3d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
!-- 32bit real output
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_real32_0d ) ) THEN
CALL binary_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_real32_0d=values_real32_0d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_real32_1d ) ) THEN
CALL binary_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_real32_1d=values_real32_1d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_real32_2d ) ) THEN
CALL binary_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_real32_2d=values_real32_2d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_real32_3d ) ) THEN
CALL binary_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_real32_3d=values_real32_3d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
!-- 64bit real output
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_real64_0d ) ) THEN
CALL binary_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_real64_0d=values_real64_0d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_real64_1d ) ) THEN
CALL binary_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_real64_1d=values_real64_1d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_real64_2d ) ) THEN
CALL binary_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_real64_2d=values_real64_2d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_real64_3d ) ) THEN
CALL binary_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_real64_3d=values_real64_3d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
!-- working-precision real output
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_realwp_0d ) ) THEN
CALL binary_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_realwp_0d=values_realwp_0d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_realwp_1d ) ) THEN
CALL binary_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_realwp_1d=values_realwp_1d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_realwp_2d ) ) THEN
CALL binary_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_realwp_2d=values_realwp_2d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_realwp_3d ) ) THEN
CALL binary_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_realwp_3d=values_realwp_3d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': output_type not supported by file format "' // &
TRIM( file_format ) // '" ' // &
'(variable "' // TRIM( variable_name ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")!' )
CASE ( 'netcdf4-parallel', 'netcdf4-serial' )
!-- 8bit integer output
IF ( PRESENT( values_int8_0d ) ) THEN
CALL netcdf4_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_int8_0d=values_int8_0d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int8_1d ) ) THEN
CALL netcdf4_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_int8_1d=values_int8_1d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int8_2d ) ) THEN
CALL netcdf4_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_int8_2d=values_int8_2d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int8_3d ) ) THEN
CALL netcdf4_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_int8_3d=values_int8_3d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
!-- 16bit integer output
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int16_0d ) ) THEN
CALL netcdf4_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_int16_0d=values_int16_0d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int16_1d ) ) THEN
CALL netcdf4_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_int16_1d=values_int16_1d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int16_2d ) ) THEN
CALL netcdf4_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_int16_2d=values_int16_2d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int16_3d ) ) THEN
CALL netcdf4_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_int16_3d=values_int16_3d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
!-- 32bit integer output
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int32_0d ) ) THEN
CALL netcdf4_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_int32_0d=values_int32_0d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int32_1d ) ) THEN
CALL netcdf4_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_int32_1d=values_int32_1d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int32_2d ) ) THEN
CALL netcdf4_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_int32_2d=values_int32_2d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_int32_3d ) ) THEN
CALL netcdf4_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_int32_3d=values_int32_3d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
!-- working-precision integer output
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_intwp_0d ) ) THEN
CALL netcdf4_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_intwp_0d=values_intwp_0d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_intwp_1d ) ) THEN
CALL netcdf4_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_intwp_1d=values_intwp_1d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_intwp_2d ) ) THEN
CALL netcdf4_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_intwp_2d=values_intwp_2d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_intwp_3d ) ) THEN
CALL netcdf4_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_intwp_3d=values_intwp_3d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
!-- 32bit real output
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_real32_0d ) ) THEN
CALL netcdf4_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_real32_0d=values_real32_0d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_real32_1d ) ) THEN
CALL netcdf4_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_real32_1d=values_real32_1d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_real32_2d ) ) THEN
CALL netcdf4_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_real32_2d=values_real32_2d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_real32_3d ) ) THEN
CALL netcdf4_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_real32_3d=values_real32_3d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
!-- 64bit real output
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_real64_0d ) ) THEN
CALL netcdf4_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_real64_0d=values_real64_0d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_real64_1d ) ) THEN
CALL netcdf4_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_real64_1d=values_real64_1d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_real64_2d ) ) THEN
CALL netcdf4_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_real64_2d=values_real64_2d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_real64_3d ) ) THEN
CALL netcdf4_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_real64_3d=values_real64_3d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
!-- working-precision real output
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_realwp_0d ) ) THEN
CALL netcdf4_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_realwp_0d=values_realwp_0d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_realwp_1d ) ) THEN
CALL netcdf4_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_realwp_1d=values_realwp_1d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_realwp_2d ) ) THEN
CALL netcdf4_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_realwp_2d=values_realwp_2d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
ELSEIF ( PRESENT( values_realwp_3d ) ) THEN
CALL netcdf4_write_variable( file_id, variable_id, &
bounds_start_internal, value_counts, bounds_origin, is_global, &
values_realwp_3d=values_realwp_3d_pointer, return_value=output_return_value )
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': output_type not supported by file format "' // &
TRIM( file_format ) // '" ' // &
'(variable "' // TRIM( variable_name ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")!' )
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': file format "' // TRIM( file_format ) // &
'" not supported ' // &
'(variable "' // TRIM( variable_name ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")!' )
IF ( return_value == 0 .AND. output_return_value /= 0 ) THEN
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': error while writing variable ' // &
'(variable "' // TRIM( variable_name ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")!' )
END FUNCTION dom_write_var
! Description:
! ------------
!> Finalize output.
!> All necessary steps are carried out to close all output files. If a file could not be closed,
!> this is noted in the error message.
!> @bug if multiple files failed to be closed, only the last failure is given in the error message.
FUNCTION dom_finalize_output() RESULT( return_value )
CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routine_name = 'dom_finalize_output' !< name of routine
INTEGER :: f !< loop index
INTEGER :: output_return_value !< return value from called routines
INTEGER :: return_value !< return value
INTEGER :: return_value_internal !< error code after closing a single file
return_value = 0
DO f = 1, nfiles
IF ( files(f)%is_init ) THEN
output_return_value = 0
return_value_internal = 0
SELECT CASE ( TRIM( files(f)%format ) )
CASE ( 'binary' )
CALL binary_finalize( files(f)%id, output_return_value )
CASE ( 'netcdf4-parallel', 'netcdf4-serial' )
CALL netcdf4_finalize( files(f)%id, output_return_value )
return_value_internal = 1
IF ( output_return_value /= 0 ) THEN
return_value = output_return_value
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': error while finalizing file "' // &
TRIM( files(f)%name ) // '"' )
ELSEIF ( return_value_internal /= 0 ) THEN
return_value = return_value_internal
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': unsupported file format "' // &
TRIM( files(f)%format ) // '" for file "' // &
TRIM( files(f)%name ) // '"' )
END FUNCTION dom_finalize_output
! Description:
! ------------
!> Return the last created error message.
FUNCTION dom_get_error_message() RESULT( error_message )
CHARACTER(LEN=800) :: error_message !< return error message to main program
error_message = TRIM( internal_error_message )
error_message = TRIM( error_message ) // TRIM( binary_get_error_message() )
error_message = TRIM( error_message ) // TRIM( netcdf4_get_error_message() )
internal_error_message = ''
END FUNCTION dom_get_error_message
! Description:
! ------------
!> Add attribute to database.
!> @todo Try to combine similar code parts and shorten routine.
FUNCTION save_attribute_in_database( file_name, variable_name, attribute, append ) &
RESULT( return_value )
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file_name !< name of file
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: variable_name !< name of variable
CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routine_name = 'save_attribute_in_database' !< name of routine
INTEGER :: a !< loop index
INTEGER :: d !< loop index
INTEGER :: f !< loop index
INTEGER :: natts !< number of attributes
INTEGER :: return_value !< return value
LOGICAL :: found !< true if variable or dimension of name 'variable_name' found
LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: append !< if true, append value to existing value
TYPE(attribute_type), INTENT(IN) :: attribute !< new attribute
TYPE(attribute_type), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: atts_tmp !< temporary attribute list
return_value = 0
found = .FALSE.
CALL internal_message( 'debug', routine_name // &
': define attribute "' // TRIM( attribute%name ) // &
'" of variable "' // TRIM( variable_name ) // &
'" in file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '"' )
DO f = 1, nfiles
IF ( TRIM( file_name ) == files(f)%name ) THEN
IF ( files(f)%is_init ) THEN
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // ': file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // &
'" is already initialized. No further attribute definition allowed!' )
!-- Add attribute to file
IF ( TRIM( variable_name ) == '' ) THEN
!-- Initialize first file attribute
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( files(f)%attributes ) ) THEN
natts = 1
ALLOCATE( files(f)%attributes(natts) )
natts = SIZE( files(f)%attributes )
!-- Check if attribute already exists
DO a = 1, natts
IF ( files(f)%attributes(a)%name == attribute%name ) THEN
IF ( append ) THEN
!-- Append existing string attribute
files(f)%attributes(a)%value_char = &
TRIM( files(f)%attributes(a)%value_char ) // &
TRIM( attribute%value_char )
files(f)%attributes(a) = attribute
found = .TRUE.
!-- Extend attribute list by 1
IF ( .NOT. found ) THEN
ALLOCATE( atts_tmp(natts) )
atts_tmp = files(f)%attributes
DEALLOCATE( files(f)%attributes )
natts = natts + 1
ALLOCATE( files(f)%attributes(natts) )
files(f)%attributes(:natts-1) = atts_tmp
DEALLOCATE( atts_tmp )
!-- Save new attribute to the end of the attribute list
IF ( .NOT. found ) THEN
files(f)%attributes(natts) = attribute
found = .TRUE.
!-- Add attribute to dimension
IF ( ALLOCATED( files(f)%dimensions ) ) THEN
DO d = 1, SIZE( files(f)%dimensions )
IF ( files(f)%dimensions(d)%name == TRIM( variable_name ) ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( files(f)%dimensions(d)%attributes ) ) THEN
!-- Initialize first attribute
natts = 1
ALLOCATE( files(f)%dimensions(d)%attributes(natts) )
natts = SIZE( files(f)%dimensions(d)%attributes )
!-- Check if attribute already exists
DO a = 1, natts
IF ( files(f)%dimensions(d)%attributes(a)%name == attribute%name ) &
IF ( append ) THEN
!-- Append existing character attribute
files(f)%dimensions(d)%attributes(a)%value_char = &
TRIM( files(f)%dimensions(d)%attributes(a)%value_char ) // &
TRIM( attribute%value_char )
!-- Update existing attribute
files(f)%dimensions(d)%attributes(a) = attribute
found = .TRUE.
!-- Extend attribute list
IF ( .NOT. found ) THEN
ALLOCATE( atts_tmp(natts) )
atts_tmp = files(f)%dimensions(d)%attributes
DEALLOCATE( files(f)%dimensions(d)%attributes )
natts = natts + 1
ALLOCATE( files(f)%dimensions(d)%attributes(natts) )
files(f)%dimensions(d)%attributes(:natts-1) = atts_tmp
DEALLOCATE( atts_tmp )
!-- Add new attribute to database
IF ( .NOT. found ) THEN
files(f)%dimensions(d)%attributes(natts) = attribute
found = .TRUE.
ENDIF ! dimension found
ENDDO ! loop over dimensions
ENDIF ! dimensions exist in file
!-- Add attribute to variable
IF ( .NOT. found .AND. ALLOCATED( files(f)%variables) ) THEN
DO d = 1, SIZE( files(f)%variables )
IF ( files(f)%variables(d)%name == TRIM( variable_name ) ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( files(f)%variables(d)%attributes ) ) THEN
!-- Initialize first attribute
natts = 1
ALLOCATE( files(f)%variables(d)%attributes(natts) )
natts = SIZE( files(f)%variables(d)%attributes )
!-- Check if attribute already exists
DO a = 1, natts
IF ( files(f)%variables(d)%attributes(a)%name == attribute%name ) &
IF ( append ) THEN
!-- Append existing character attribute
files(f)%variables(d)%attributes(a)%value_char = &
TRIM( files(f)%variables(d)%attributes(a)%value_char ) // &
TRIM( attribute%value_char )
!-- Update existing attribute
files(f)%variables(d)%attributes(a) = attribute
found = .TRUE.
!-- Extend attribute list
IF ( .NOT. found ) THEN
ALLOCATE( atts_tmp(natts) )
atts_tmp = files(f)%variables(d)%attributes
DEALLOCATE( files(f)%variables(d)%attributes )
natts = natts + 1
ALLOCATE( files(f)%variables(d)%attributes(natts) )
files(f)%variables(d)%attributes(:natts-1) = atts_tmp
DEALLOCATE( atts_tmp )
!-- Add new attribute to database
IF ( .NOT. found ) THEN
files(f)%variables(d)%attributes(natts) = attribute
found = .TRUE.
ENDIF ! variable found
ENDDO ! loop over variables
ENDIF ! variables exist in file
IF ( .NOT. found ) THEN
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', &
routine_name // &
': requested dimension/variable "' // TRIM( variable_name ) // &
'" for attribute "' // TRIM( attribute%name ) // &
'" does not exist in file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '"' )
ENDIF ! variable_name not empty
ENDIF ! check file_name
ENDDO ! loop over files
IF ( .NOT. found .AND. return_value == 0 ) THEN
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', &
routine_name // &
': requested file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // &
'" for attribute "' // TRIM( attribute%name ) // &
'" does not exist' )
END FUNCTION save_attribute_in_database
! Description:
! ------------
!> Check database and delete any unused dimensions and empty files (i.e. files
!> without variables).
FUNCTION cleanup_database() RESULT( return_value )
! CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routine_name = 'cleanup_database' !< name of routine
INTEGER :: d !< loop index
INTEGER :: f !< loop index
INTEGER :: i !< loop index
INTEGER :: ndims !< number of dimensions in a file
INTEGER :: ndims_used !< number of used dimensions in a file
INTEGER :: nfiles_used !< number of used files
INTEGER :: nvars !< number of variables in a file
INTEGER :: return_value !< return value
LOGICAL, DIMENSION(1:nfiles) :: file_is_used !< true if file contains variables
LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: dimension_is_used !< true if dimension is used by any variable
TYPE(dimension_type), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: used_dimensions !< list of used dimensions
TYPE(file_type), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: used_files !< list of used files
return_value = 0
!-- Flag files which contain output variables as used
file_is_used(:) = .FALSE.
DO f = 1, nfiles
IF ( ALLOCATED( files(f)%variables ) ) THEN
file_is_used(f) = .TRUE.
!-- Copy flagged files into temporary list
nfiles_used = COUNT( file_is_used )
ALLOCATE( used_files(nfiles_used) )
i = 0
DO f = 1, nfiles
IF ( file_is_used(f) ) THEN
i = i + 1
used_files(i) = files(f)
!-- Replace file list with list of used files
nfiles = nfiles_used
ALLOCATE( files(nfiles) )
files = used_files
DEALLOCATE( used_files )
!-- Check every file for unused dimensions
DO f = 1, nfiles
!-- If a file is already initialized, it was already checked previously
IF ( files(f)%is_init ) CYCLE
!-- Get number of defined dimensions
ndims = SIZE( files(f)%dimensions )
ALLOCATE( dimension_is_used(ndims) )
!-- Go through all variables and flag all used dimensions
nvars = SIZE( files(f)%variables )
DO d = 1, ndims
DO i = 1, nvars
dimension_is_used(d) = &
ANY( files(f)%dimensions(d)%name == files(f)%variables(i)%dimension_names )
IF ( dimension_is_used(d) ) EXIT
!-- Copy used dimensions to temporary list
ndims_used = COUNT( dimension_is_used )
ALLOCATE( used_dimensions(ndims_used) )
i = 0
DO d = 1, ndims
IF ( dimension_is_used(d) ) THEN
i = i + 1
used_dimensions(i) = files(f)%dimensions(d)
!-- Replace dimension list with list of used dimensions
DEALLOCATE( files(f)%dimensions )
ndims = ndims_used
ALLOCATE( files(f)%dimensions(ndims) )
files(f)%dimensions = used_dimensions
DEALLOCATE( used_dimensions )
DEALLOCATE( dimension_is_used )
END FUNCTION cleanup_database
! Description:
! ------------
!> Open requested output file.
SUBROUTINE open_output_file( file_format, file_name, file_id, return_value )
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file_format !< file format chosen for file
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file_name !< name of file to be checked
CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routine_name = 'open_output_file' !< name of routine
INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: file_id !< file ID
INTEGER :: output_return_value !< return value of a called output routine
INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: return_value !< return value
return_value = 0
output_return_value = 0
SELECT CASE ( TRIM( file_format ) )
CASE ( 'binary' )
CALL binary_open_file( 'binary', file_name, file_id, output_return_value )
CASE ( 'netcdf4-serial' )
CALL netcdf4_open_file( 'serial', file_name, file_id, output_return_value )
CASE ( 'netcdf4-parallel' )
CALL netcdf4_open_file( 'parallel', file_name, file_id, output_return_value )
return_value = 1
IF ( output_return_value /= 0 ) THEN
return_value = output_return_value
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': error while opening file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '"' )
ELSEIF ( return_value /= 0 ) THEN
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // &
'": file format "' // TRIM( file_format ) // &
'" not supported' )
END SUBROUTINE open_output_file
! Description:
! ------------
!> Initialize attributes, dimensions and variables in a file.
SUBROUTINE init_file_header( file, return_value )
! CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routine_name = 'init_file_header' !< name of routine
INTEGER :: a !< loop index
INTEGER :: d !< loop index
INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: return_value !< return value
TYPE(file_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: file !< initialize header of this file
return_value = 0
!-- Write file attributes
IF ( ALLOCATED( file%attributes ) ) THEN
DO a = 1, SIZE( file%attributes )
return_value = write_attribute( file%format, file%id, file%name, &
variable_id=no_id, variable_name='', &
attribute=file%attributes(a) )
IF ( return_value /= 0 ) EXIT
IF ( return_value == 0 ) THEN
!-- Initialize file dimensions
DO d = 1, SIZE( file%dimensions )
IF ( .NOT. file%dimensions(d)%is_masked ) THEN
!-- Initialize non-masked dimension
CALL init_file_dimension( file%format, file%id, file%name, &
file%dimensions(d)%id, file%dimensions(d)%name, &
file%dimensions(d)%data_type, file%dimensions(d)%length, &
file%dimensions(d)%variable_id, return_value )
!-- Initialize masked dimension
CALL init_file_dimension( file%format, file%id, file%name, &
file%dimensions(d)%id, file%dimensions(d)%name, &
file%dimensions(d)%data_type, file%dimensions(d)%length_mask, &
file%dimensions(d)%variable_id, return_value )
IF ( return_value == 0 .AND. ALLOCATED( file%dimensions(d)%attributes ) ) THEN
!-- Write dimension attributes
DO a = 1, SIZE( file%dimensions(d)%attributes )
return_value = write_attribute( file%format, file%id, file%name, &
variable_id=file%dimensions(d)%variable_id, &
variable_name=file%dimensions(d)%name, &
attribute=file%dimensions(d)%attributes(a) )
IF ( return_value /= 0 ) EXIT
IF ( return_value /= 0 ) EXIT
!-- Save dimension IDs for variables wihtin database
IF ( return_value == 0 ) &
CALL collect_dimesion_ids_for_variables( file%name, file%variables, file%dimensions, &
return_value )
!-- Initialize file variables
IF ( return_value == 0 ) THEN
DO d = 1, SIZE( file%variables )
CALL init_file_variable( file%format, file%id, file%name, &
file%variables(d)%id, file%variables(d)%name, file%variables(d)%data_type, &
file%variables(d)%dimension_ids, &
file%variables(d)%is_global, return_value )
IF ( return_value == 0 .AND. ALLOCATED( file%variables(d)%attributes ) ) THEN
!-- Write variable attributes
DO a = 1, SIZE( file%variables(d)%attributes )
return_value = write_attribute( file%format, file%id, file%name, &
variable_id=file%variables(d)%id, &
variable_name=file%variables(d)%name, &
attribute=file%variables(d)%attributes(a) )
IF ( return_value /= 0 ) EXIT
IF ( return_value /= 0 ) EXIT
END SUBROUTINE init_file_header
! Description:
! ------------
!> Initialize dimension in file.
SUBROUTINE init_file_dimension( file_format, file_id, file_name, &
dimension_id, dimension_name, dimension_type, dimension_length, &
variable_id, return_value )
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: dimension_name !< name of dimension
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: dimension_type !< data type of dimension
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file_format !< file format chosen for file
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file_name !< name of file
CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routine_name = 'init_file_dimension' !< file format chosen for file
INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: dimension_id !< dimension ID
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: dimension_length !< length of dimension
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: file_id !< file ID
INTEGER :: output_return_value !< return value of a called output routine
INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: return_value !< return value
INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: variable_id !< associated variable ID
return_value = 0
output_return_value = 0
temp_string = '(file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // &
'", dimension "' // TRIM( dimension_name ) // '")'
SELECT CASE ( TRIM( file_format ) )
CASE ( 'binary' )
CALL binary_init_dimension( 'binary', file_id, dimension_id, variable_id, &
dimension_name, dimension_type, dimension_length, &
return_value=output_return_value )
CASE ( 'netcdf4-serial' )
CALL netcdf4_init_dimension( 'serial', file_id, dimension_id, variable_id, &
dimension_name, dimension_type, dimension_length, &
return_value=output_return_value )
CASE ( 'netcdf4-parallel' )
CALL netcdf4_init_dimension( 'parallel', file_id, dimension_id, variable_id, &
dimension_name, dimension_type, dimension_length, &
return_value=output_return_value )
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': file format "' // TRIM( file_format ) // &
'" not supported ' // TRIM( temp_string ) )
IF ( output_return_value /= 0 ) THEN
return_value = output_return_value
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': error while defining dimension ' // TRIM( temp_string ) )
END SUBROUTINE init_file_dimension
! Description:
! ------------
!> Initialize variable.
SUBROUTINE init_file_variable( file_format, file_id, file_name, &
variable_id, variable_name, variable_type, dimension_ids, &
is_global, return_value )
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file_format !< file format chosen for file
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file_name !< file name
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: variable_name !< name of variable
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: variable_type !< data type of variable
CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routine_name = 'init_file_variable' !< file format chosen for file
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: file_id !< file ID
INTEGER :: output_return_value !< return value of a called output routine
INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: return_value !< return value
INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: variable_id !< variable ID
INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: dimension_ids !< list of dimension IDs used by variable
LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: is_global !< true if variable is global
return_value = 0
output_return_value = 0
temp_string = '(file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // &
'", variable "' // TRIM( variable_name ) // '")'
SELECT CASE ( TRIM( file_format ) )
CASE ( 'binary' )
CALL binary_init_variable( 'binary', file_id, variable_id, variable_name, &
variable_type, dimension_ids, is_global, return_value=output_return_value )
CASE ( 'netcdf4-serial' )
CALL netcdf4_init_variable( 'serial', file_id, variable_id, variable_name, &
variable_type, dimension_ids, is_global, return_value=output_return_value )
CASE ( 'netcdf4-parallel' )
CALL netcdf4_init_variable( 'parallel', file_id, variable_id, variable_name, &
variable_type, dimension_ids, is_global, return_value=output_return_value )
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': file format "' // TRIM( file_format ) // &
'" not supported ' // TRIM( temp_string ) )
IF ( output_return_value /= 0 ) THEN
return_value = output_return_value
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': error while defining variable ' // TRIM( temp_string ) )
END SUBROUTINE init_file_variable
! Description:
! ------------
!> Write attribute to file.
FUNCTION write_attribute( file_format, file_id, file_name, &
variable_id, variable_name, attribute ) RESULT( return_value )
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file_format !< file format chosen for file
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file_name !< file name
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: variable_name !< variable name
CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routine_name = 'write_attribute' !< file format chosen for file
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: file_id !< file ID
INTEGER :: return_value !< return value
INTEGER :: output_return_value !< return value of a called output routine
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: variable_id !< variable ID
TYPE(attribute_type), INTENT(IN) :: attribute !< attribute to be written
return_value = 0
output_return_value = 0
!-- Prepare for possible error message
temp_string = '(file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // &
'", variable "' // TRIM( variable_name ) // &
'", attribute "' // TRIM( attribute%name ) // '")'
!-- Write attribute to file
SELECT CASE ( TRIM( file_format ) )
CASE ( 'binary' )
SELECT CASE ( TRIM( attribute%data_type ) )
CASE( 'char' )
CALL binary_write_attribute( file_id=file_id, variable_id=variable_id, &
attribute_name=attribute%name, value_char=attribute%value_char, &
return_value=output_return_value )
CASE( 'int8' )
CALL binary_write_attribute( file_id=file_id, variable_id=variable_id, &
attribute_name=attribute%name, value_int8=attribute%value_int8, &
return_value=output_return_value )
CASE( 'int16' )
CALL binary_write_attribute( file_id=file_id, variable_id=variable_id, &
attribute_name=attribute%name, value_int16=attribute%value_int16, &
return_value=output_return_value )
CASE( 'int32' )
CALL binary_write_attribute( file_id=file_id, variable_id=variable_id, &
attribute_name=attribute%name, value_int32=attribute%value_int32, &
return_value=output_return_value )
CASE( 'real32' )
CALL binary_write_attribute( file_id=file_id, variable_id=variable_id, &
attribute_name=attribute%name, value_real32=attribute%value_real32, &
return_value=output_return_value )
CASE( 'real64' )
CALL binary_write_attribute( file_id=file_id, variable_id=variable_id, &
attribute_name=attribute%name, value_real64=attribute%value_real64, &
return_value=output_return_value )
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': file format "' // TRIM( file_format ) // &
'" does not support attribute data type "'// &
TRIM( attribute%data_type ) // &
'" ' // TRIM( temp_string ) )
CASE ( 'netcdf4-parallel', 'netcdf4-serial' )
SELECT CASE ( TRIM( attribute%data_type ) )
CASE( 'char' )
CALL netcdf4_write_attribute( file_id=file_id, variable_id=variable_id, &
attribute_name=attribute%name, value_char=attribute%value_char, &
return_value=output_return_value )
CASE( 'int8' )
CALL netcdf4_write_attribute( file_id=file_id, variable_id=variable_id, &
attribute_name=attribute%name, value_int8=attribute%value_int8, &
return_value=output_return_value )
CASE( 'int16' )
CALL netcdf4_write_attribute( file_id=file_id, variable_id=variable_id, &
attribute_name=attribute%name, value_int16=attribute%value_int16, &
return_value=output_return_value )
CASE( 'int32' )
CALL netcdf4_write_attribute( file_id=file_id, variable_id=variable_id, &
attribute_name=attribute%name, value_int32=attribute%value_int32, &
return_value=output_return_value )
CASE( 'real32' )
CALL netcdf4_write_attribute( file_id=file_id, variable_id=variable_id, &
attribute_name=attribute%name, value_real32=attribute%value_real32, &
return_value=output_return_value )
CASE( 'real64' )
CALL netcdf4_write_attribute( file_id=file_id, variable_id=variable_id, &
attribute_name=attribute%name, value_real64=attribute%value_real64, &
return_value=output_return_value )
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': file format "' // TRIM( file_format ) // &
'" does not support attribute data type "'// &
TRIM( attribute%data_type ) // &
'" ' // TRIM( temp_string ) )
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': unsupported file format "' // TRIM( file_format ) // &
'" ' // TRIM( temp_string ) )
IF ( output_return_value /= 0 ) THEN
return_value = output_return_value
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': error while writing attribute ' // TRIM( temp_string ) )
END FUNCTION write_attribute
! Description:
! ------------
!> Get dimension IDs and save them to variables.
SUBROUTINE collect_dimesion_ids_for_variables( file_name, variables, dimensions, return_value )
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file_name !< name of file
CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routine_name = 'collect_dimesion_ids_for_variables' !< file format chosen for file
INTEGER :: d !< loop index
INTEGER :: i !< loop index
INTEGER :: j !< loop index
INTEGER :: ndims !< number of dimensions
INTEGER :: nvars !< number of variables
INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: return_value !< return value
LOGICAL :: found !< true if dimension required by variable was found in dimension list
TYPE(dimension_type), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: dimensions !< list of dimensions in file
TYPE(variable_type), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(INOUT) :: variables !< list of variables in file
return_value = 0
ndims = SIZE( dimensions )
nvars = SIZE( variables )
DO i = 1, nvars
DO j = 1, SIZE( variables(i)%dimension_names )
found = .FALSE.
DO d = 1, ndims
IF ( variables(i)%dimension_names(j) == dimensions(d)%name ) THEN
variables(i)%dimension_ids(j) = dimensions(d)%id
found = .TRUE.
IF ( .NOT. found ) THEN
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': required dimension "' // TRIM( variables(i)%dimension_names(j) ) // &
'" is undefined (variable "' // TRIM( variables(i)%name ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")!' )
IF ( .NOT. found ) EXIT
END SUBROUTINE collect_dimesion_ids_for_variables
! Description:
! ------------
!> Leave file definition/initialization.
!> @todo Do we need an MPI barrier at the end?
SUBROUTINE stop_file_header_definition( file_format, file_id, file_name, return_value )
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file_format !< file format
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file_name !< file name
CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routine_name = 'stop_file_header_definition' !< name of routine
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: file_id !< file id
INTEGER :: output_return_value !< return value of a called output routine
INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: return_value !< return value
return_value = 0
output_return_value = 0
temp_string = '(file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")'
SELECT CASE ( TRIM( file_format ) )
CASE ( 'binary' )
CALL binary_stop_file_header_definition( file_id, output_return_value )
CASE ( 'netcdf4-parallel', 'netcdf4-serial' )
CALL netcdf4_stop_file_header_definition( file_id, output_return_value )
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': file format "' // TRIM( file_format ) // &
'" not supported ' // TRIM( temp_string ) )
IF ( output_return_value /= 0 ) THEN
return_value = output_return_value
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': error while leaving file-definition state ' // &
TRIM( temp_string ) )
! CALL MPI_Barrier( MPI_COMM_WORLD, return_value )
END SUBROUTINE stop_file_header_definition
! Description:
! ------------
!> Find a requested variable 'variable_name' and its used dimensions in requested file 'file_name'.
SUBROUTINE find_var_in_file( file_name, variable_name, file_format, file_id, variable_id, &
is_global, dimensions, return_value )
CHARACTER(LEN=charlen), INTENT(OUT) :: file_format !< file format chosen for file
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file_name !< name of file
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: variable_name !< name of variable
CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routine_name = 'find_var_in_file' !< name of routine
INTEGER :: d !< loop index
INTEGER :: dd !< loop index
INTEGER :: f !< loop index
INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: file_id !< file ID
INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: return_value !< return value
INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: variable_id !< variable ID
INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: dimension_ids !< list of dimension IDs used by variable
LOGICAL :: found !< true if requested variable found in requested file
LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: is_global !< true if variable is global
TYPE(dimension_type), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(OUT) :: dimensions !< list of dimensions used by variable
return_value = 0
found = .FALSE.
DO f = 1, nfiles
IF ( TRIM( file_name ) == TRIM( files(f)%name ) ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. files(f)%is_init ) THEN
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': file not initialized. ' // &
'Writing variable to file is impossible ' // &
'(variable "' // TRIM( variable_name ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")!' )
file_id = files(f)%id
file_format = files(f)%format
!-- Search for variable in file
DO d = 1, SIZE( files(f)%variables )
IF ( TRIM( variable_name ) == TRIM( files(f)%variables(d)%name ) ) THEN
variable_id = files(f)%variables(d)%id
is_global = files(f)%variables(d)%is_global
ALLOCATE( dimension_ids(SIZE( files(f)%variables(d)%dimension_ids )) )
ALLOCATE( dimensions(SIZE( files(f)%variables(d)%dimension_ids )) )
dimension_ids = files(f)%variables(d)%dimension_ids
found = .TRUE.
IF ( found ) THEN
!-- Get list of dimensions used by variable
DO d = 1, SIZE( files(f)%dimensions )
DO dd = 1, SIZE( dimension_ids )
IF ( dimension_ids(dd) == files(f)%dimensions(d)%id ) THEN
dimensions(dd) = files(f)%dimensions(d)
!-- If variable was not found, search for a dimension instead
DO d = 1, SIZE( files(f)%dimensions )
IF ( TRIM( variable_name ) == TRIM( files(f)%dimensions(d)%name ) ) THEN
variable_id = files(f)%dimensions(d)%variable_id
is_global = .TRUE.
ALLOCATE( dimensions(1) )
dimensions(1) = files(f)%dimensions(d)
found = .TRUE.
!-- If variable was not found in requested file, return an error
IF ( .NOT. found ) THEN
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': variable not found in file ' // &
'(variable "' // TRIM( variable_name ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")!' )
ENDIF ! file found
ENDDO ! loop over files
IF ( .NOT. found .AND. return_value == 0 ) THEN
return_value = 1
CALL internal_message( 'error', routine_name // &
': file not found ' // &
'(variable "' // TRIM( variable_name ) // &
'", file "' // TRIM( file_name ) // '")!' )
END SUBROUTINE find_var_in_file
! Description:
! ------------
!> Search for masked indices of dimensions within the given bounds ('bounds_start' and
!> 'bounds_end'). Return the masked indices ('masked_indices') of the dimensions, the first index
!> of the masked dimensions containing these indices ('bounds_masked_start'), the count of masked
!> indices within given bounds ('value_counts') and the origin index of each dimension
!> ('bounds_origin'). If, for any dimension, no masked index lies within the given bounds, counts,
!> starts and origins are set to zero for all dimensions.
SUBROUTINE get_masked_indices_and_masked_dimension_bounds( &
dimensions, bounds_start, bounds_end, bounds_masked_start, value_counts, &
bounds_origin, masked_indices )
! CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routine_name = 'get_masked_indices_and_masked_dimension_bounds' !< name of routine
INTEGER :: d !< loop index
INTEGER :: i !< loop index
INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: bounds_end !< upper bonuds to be searched in
INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(OUT) :: bounds_masked_start !< lower bounds of masked dimensions within given bounds
INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(OUT) :: bounds_origin !< first index of each dimension, 0 if dimension is masked
INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: bounds_start !< lower bounds to be searched in
INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(OUT) :: value_counts !< count of indices per dimension to be output
INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(OUT) :: masked_indices !< masked indices within given bounds
TYPE(dimension_type), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: dimensions !< dimensions to be searched for masked indices
ALLOCATE( masked_indices(SIZE( dimensions ),0:MAXVAL( bounds_end - bounds_start + 1 )) )
masked_indices = -HUGE( 0 )
!-- Check for masking and update lower and upper bounds if masked
DO d = 1, SIZE( dimensions )
IF ( dimensions(d)%is_masked ) THEN
bounds_origin(d) = 0
bounds_masked_start(d) = -HUGE( 0 )
!-- Find number of masked values within given variable bounds
value_counts(d) = 0
DO i = LBOUND( dimensions(d)%masked_indices, DIM=1 ), &
UBOUND( dimensions(d)%masked_indices, DIM=1 )
!-- Is masked index within given bounds?
IF ( dimensions(d)%masked_indices(i) >= bounds_start(d) .AND. &
dimensions(d)%masked_indices(i) <= bounds_end(d) ) THEN
!-- Save masked index
masked_indices(d,value_counts(d)) = dimensions(d)%masked_indices(i)
value_counts(d) = value_counts(d) + 1
!-- Save bounds of mask within given bounds
IF ( bounds_masked_start(d) == -HUGE( 0 ) ) bounds_masked_start(d) = i
!-- Set masked bounds to zero if no masked index lies within bounds
IF ( value_counts(d) == 0 ) THEN
bounds_origin(:) = 0
bounds_masked_start(:) = 0
value_counts(:) = 0
!-- If dimension is not masked, save all indices within bounds for output
bounds_origin(d) = dimensions(d)%bounds(1)
bounds_masked_start(d) = bounds_start(d)
value_counts(d) = bounds_end(d) - bounds_start(d) + 1
DO i = 0, value_counts(d) - 1
masked_indices(d,i) = bounds_start(d) + i
END SUBROUTINE get_masked_indices_and_masked_dimension_bounds
! Description:
! ------------
!> Message routine writing debug information into the debug file
!> or creating the error message string.
SUBROUTINE internal_message( level, string )
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: level !< message importance level
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: string !< message string
IF ( TRIM( level ) == 'error' ) THEN
WRITE( internal_error_message, '(A,A)' ) 'DOM ERROR: ', string
ELSEIF ( TRIM( level ) == 'debug' .AND. print_debug_output ) THEN
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A,A)' ) 'DOM DEBUG: ', string
FLUSH( debug_output_unit )
END SUBROUTINE internal_message
! Description:
! ------------
!> Print contents of the created database to debug_output_unit. This routine can be called at any
!> stage after the call to 'dom_init'. Multiple calls are possible.
SUBROUTINE dom_database_debug_output
CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: separation_string = '---' !< string separating blocks in output
CHARACTER(LEN=50) :: write_format1 !< format for write statements
CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routine_name = 'dom_database_debug_output' !< name of this routine
INTEGER :: f !< loop index
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: indent_depth = 3 !< space per indentation
INTEGER :: indent_level !< indentation level
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: max_keyname_length = 6 !< length of longest key name
INTEGER :: natts !< number of attributes
INTEGER :: ndims !< number of dimensions
INTEGER :: nvars !< number of variables
CALL internal_message( 'debug', routine_name // ': write database to debug output' )
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A)' ) 'DOM database:'
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A)' ) REPEAT( separation_string // ' ', 4 )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( files ) .OR. nfiles == 0 ) THEN
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A)' ) 'database is empty'
indent_level = 1
WRITE( write_format1, '(A,I3,A,I3,A)' ) '(T', indent_level * indent_depth + 1, ',A,T', &
indent_level * indent_depth + 1 + max_keyname_length, &
',(": ")'
DO f = 1, nfiles
natts = 0
ndims = 0
nvars = 0
IF ( ALLOCATED( files(f)%attributes ) ) natts = SIZE( files(f)%attributes )
IF ( ALLOCATED( files(f)%dimensions ) ) ndims = SIZE( files(f)%dimensions )
IF ( ALLOCATED( files(f)%variables ) ) nvars = SIZE( files(f)%variables )
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A)' ) 'file:'
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format1 ) // ',A)' ) 'name', TRIM( files(f)%name )
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format1 ) // ',A)' ) 'format', TRIM(files(f)%format)
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format1 ) // ',I7)' ) 'id', files(f)%id
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format1 ) // ',L1)' ) 'is init', files(f)%is_init
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format1 ) // ',I7)' ) '#atts', natts
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format1 ) // ',I7)' ) '#dims', ndims
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format1 ) // ',I7)' ) '#vars', nvars
IF ( natts /= 0 ) CALL print_attributes( indent_level, files(f)%attributes )
IF ( ndims /= 0 ) CALL print_dimensions( indent_level, files(f)%dimensions )
IF ( nvars /= 0 ) CALL print_variables( indent_level, files(f)%variables )
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(/A/)' ) REPEAT( separation_string // ' ', 4 )
! Description:
! ------------
!> Print list of attributes.
SUBROUTINE print_attributes( indent_level, attributes )
CHARACTER(LEN=50) :: write_format1 !< format for write statements
CHARACTER(LEN=50) :: write_format2 !< format for write statements
INTEGER :: i !< loop index
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: indent_level !< indentation level
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: max_keyname_length = 6 !< length of longest key name
INTEGER :: nelement !< number of elements to print
TYPE(attribute_type), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: attributes !< list of attributes
WRITE( write_format1, '(A,I3,A)' ) '(T', indent_level * indent_depth + 1, ',A'
WRITE( write_format2, '(A,I3,A,I3,A)' ) &
'(T', ( indent_level + 1 ) * indent_depth + 1, ',A,T', &
( indent_level + 1 ) * indent_depth + 1 + max_keyname_length, ',(": ")'
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format1 ) // ',A)' ) &
REPEAT( separation_string // ' ', 4 )
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format1 ) // ')' ) 'attributes:'
nelement = SIZE( attributes )
DO i = 1, nelement
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',A)' ) &
'name', TRIM( attributes(i)%name )
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',A)' ) &
'type', TRIM( attributes(i)%data_type )
IF ( TRIM( attributes(i)%data_type ) == 'char' ) THEN
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',A)' ) &
'value', TRIM( attributes(i)%value_char )
ELSEIF ( TRIM( attributes(i)%data_type ) == 'int8' ) THEN
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',I4)' ) &
'value', attributes(i)%value_int8
ELSEIF ( TRIM( attributes(i)%data_type ) == 'int16' ) THEN
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',I6)' ) &
'value', attributes(i)%value_int16
ELSEIF ( TRIM( attributes(i)%data_type ) == 'int32' ) THEN
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',I11)' ) &
'value', attributes(i)%value_int32
ELSEIF ( TRIM( attributes(i)%data_type ) == 'real32' ) THEN
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',E14.7)' ) &
'value', attributes(i)%value_real32
ELSEIF ( TRIM(attributes(i)%data_type) == 'real64' ) THEN
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',E22.15)' ) &
'value', attributes(i)%value_real64
IF ( i < nelement ) &
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format1 ) // ')' ) separation_string
END SUBROUTINE print_attributes
! Description:
! ------------
!> Print list of dimensions.
SUBROUTINE print_dimensions( indent_level, dimensions )
CHARACTER(LEN=50) :: write_format1 !< format for write statements
CHARACTER(LEN=50) :: write_format2 !< format for write statements
INTEGER :: i !< loop index
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: indent_level !< indentation level
INTEGER :: j !< loop index
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: max_keyname_length = 15 !< length of longest key name
INTEGER :: nelement !< number of elements to print
LOGICAL :: is_masked !< true if dimension is masked
TYPE(dimension_type), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: dimensions !< list of dimensions
WRITE( write_format1, '(A,I3,A)' ) '(T', indent_level * indent_depth + 1, ',A'
WRITE( write_format2, '(A,I3,A,I3,A)' ) &
'(T', ( indent_level + 1 ) * indent_depth + 1, ',A,T', &
( indent_level + 1 ) * indent_depth + 1 + max_keyname_length, ',(": ")'
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format1 ) // ',A)' ) &
REPEAT( separation_string // ' ', 4 )
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format1 ) // ')' ) 'dimensions:'
nelement = SIZE( dimensions )
DO i = 1, nelement
is_masked = dimensions(i)%is_masked
!-- Print general information
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',A)' ) &
'name', TRIM( dimensions(i)%name )
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',A)' ) &
'type', TRIM( dimensions(i)%data_type )
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',I7)' ) &
'id', dimensions(i)%id
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',I7)' ) &
'length', dimensions(i)%length
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',I7,A,I7)' ) &
'bounds', dimensions(i)%bounds(1), ',', dimensions(i)%bounds(2)
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',L1)' ) &
'is masked', dimensions(i)%is_masked
!-- Print information about mask
IF ( is_masked ) THEN
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',I7)' ) &
'masked length', dimensions(i)%length_mask
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',L1)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
'mask', dimensions(i)%mask(dimensions(i)%bounds(1))
DO j = dimensions(i)%bounds(1)+1, dimensions(i)%bounds(2)
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A,L1)', ADVANCE='no' ) ',', dimensions(i)%mask(j)
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A)' ) '' ! write line-end
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',I6)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
'masked indices', dimensions(i)%masked_indices(0)
DO j = 1, dimensions(i)%length_mask-1
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A,I6)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
',', dimensions(i)%masked_indices(j)
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A)' ) '' ! write line-end
!-- Print saved values
IF ( ALLOCATED( dimensions(i)%values_int8 ) ) THEN
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',I4)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
'values', dimensions(i)%values_int8(dimensions(i)%bounds(1))
DO j = dimensions(i)%bounds(1)+1, dimensions(i)%bounds(2)
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A,I4)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
',', dimensions(i)%values_int8(j)
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A)' ) '' ! write line-end
IF ( is_masked ) THEN
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',I4)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
'masked values', dimensions(i)%masked_values_int8(0)
DO j = 1, dimensions(i)%length_mask-1
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A,I4)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
',', dimensions(i)%masked_values_int8(j)
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A)' ) '' ! write line-end
ELSEIF ( ALLOCATED( dimensions(i)%values_int16 ) ) THEN
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',I6)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
'values', dimensions(i)%values_int16(dimensions(i)%bounds(1))
DO j = dimensions(i)%bounds(1)+1, dimensions(i)%bounds(2)
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A,I6)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
',', dimensions(i)%values_int16(j)
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A)' ) '' ! write line-end
IF ( is_masked ) THEN
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',I6)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
'masked values', dimensions(i)%masked_values_int16(0)
DO j = 1, dimensions(i)%length_mask-1
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A,I6)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
',', dimensions(i)%masked_values_int16(j)
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A)' ) '' ! write line-end
ELSEIF ( ALLOCATED( dimensions(i)%values_int32 ) ) THEN
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',I11)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
'values', dimensions(i)%values_int32(dimensions(i)%bounds(1))
DO j = dimensions(i)%bounds(1)+1, dimensions(i)%bounds(2)
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A,I11)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
',', dimensions(i)%values_int32(j)
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A)' ) '' ! write line-end
IF ( is_masked ) THEN
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',I11)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
'masked values', dimensions(i)%masked_values_int32(0)
DO j = 1, dimensions(i)%length_mask-1
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A,I11)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
',', dimensions(i)%masked_values_int32(j)
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A)' ) '' ! write line-end
ELSEIF ( ALLOCATED( dimensions(i)%values_intwp ) ) THEN
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',I11)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
'values', dimensions(i)%values_intwp(dimensions(i)%bounds(1))
DO j = dimensions(i)%bounds(1)+1, dimensions(i)%bounds(2)
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A,I11)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
',', dimensions(i)%values_intwp(j)
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A)' ) '' ! write line-end
IF ( is_masked ) THEN
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',I11)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
'masked values', dimensions(i)%masked_values_intwp(0)
DO j = 1, dimensions(i)%length_mask-1
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A,I11)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
',', dimensions(i)%masked_values_intwp(j)
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A)' ) '' ! write line-end
ELSEIF ( ALLOCATED( dimensions(i)%values_real32 ) ) THEN
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',E14.7)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
'values', dimensions(i)%values_real32(dimensions(i)%bounds(1))
DO j = dimensions(i)%bounds(1)+1, dimensions(i)%bounds(2)
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A,E14.7)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
',', dimensions(i)%values_real32(j)
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A)' ) '' ! write line-end
IF ( is_masked ) THEN
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',E14.7)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
'masked values', dimensions(i)%masked_values_real32(0)
DO j = 1, dimensions(i)%length_mask-1
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A,E14.7)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
',', dimensions(i)%masked_values_real32(j)
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A)' ) '' ! write line-end
ELSEIF ( ALLOCATED( dimensions(i)%values_real64 ) ) THEN
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',E22.15)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
'values', dimensions(i)%values_real64(dimensions(i)%bounds(1))
DO j = dimensions(i)%bounds(1)+1, dimensions(i)%bounds(2)
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A,E22.15)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
',', dimensions(i)%values_real64(j)
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A)' ) '' ! write line-end
IF ( is_masked ) THEN
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',E22.15)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
'masked values', dimensions(i)%masked_values_real64(0)
DO j = 1, dimensions(i)%length_mask-1
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A,E22.15)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
',', dimensions(i)%masked_values_real64(j)
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A)' ) '' ! write line-end
ELSEIF ( ALLOCATED( dimensions(i)%values_realwp ) ) THEN
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',E22.15)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
'values', dimensions(i)%values_realwp(dimensions(i)%bounds(1))
DO j = dimensions(i)%bounds(1)+1, dimensions(i)%bounds(2)
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A,E22.15)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
',', dimensions(i)%values_realwp(j)
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A)' ) '' ! write line-end
IF ( is_masked ) THEN
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',E22.15)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
'masked values', dimensions(i)%masked_values_realwp(0)
DO j = 1, dimensions(i)%length_mask-1
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A,E22.15)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
',', dimensions(i)%masked_values_realwp(j)
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A)' ) '' ! write line-end
IF ( ALLOCATED( dimensions(i)%attributes ) ) &
CALL print_attributes( indent_level+1, dimensions(i)%attributes )
IF ( i < nelement ) &
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format1 ) // ')' ) separation_string
END SUBROUTINE print_dimensions
! Description:
! ------------
!> Print list of variables.
SUBROUTINE print_variables( indent_level, variables )
CHARACTER(LEN=50) :: write_format1 !< format for write statements
CHARACTER(LEN=50) :: write_format2 !< format for write statements
INTEGER :: i !< loop index
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: indent_level !< indentation level
INTEGER :: j !< loop index
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: max_keyname_length = 16 !< length of longest key name
INTEGER :: nelement !< number of elements to print
TYPE(variable_type), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: variables !< list of variables
WRITE( write_format1, '(A,I3,A)' ) '(T', indent_level * indent_depth + 1, ',A'
WRITE( write_format2, '(A,I3,A,I3,A)' ) &
'(T', ( indent_level + 1 ) * indent_depth + 1, ',A,T', &
( indent_level + 1 ) * indent_depth + 1 + max_keyname_length, ',(": ")'
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format1 ) // ',A)' ) &
REPEAT( separation_string // ' ', 4 )
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format1 ) // ')' ) 'variables:'
nelement = SIZE( variables )
DO i = 1, nelement
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',A)' ) &
'name', TRIM( variables(i)%name )
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',A)' ) &
'type', TRIM( variables(i)%data_type )
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',I7)' ) &
'id', variables(i)%id
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',L1)' ) &
'is global', variables(i)%is_global
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',A)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
'dimension names', TRIM( variables(i)%dimension_names(1) )
DO j = 2, SIZE( variables(i)%dimension_names )
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A,A)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
',', TRIM( variables(i)%dimension_names(j) )
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A)' ) '' ! write line-end
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format2 ) // ',I7)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
'dimension ids', variables(i)%dimension_ids(1)
DO j = 2, SIZE( variables(i)%dimension_names )
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A,I7)', ADVANCE='no' ) &
',', variables(i)%dimension_ids(j)
WRITE( debug_output_unit, '(A)' ) '' ! write line-end
IF ( ALLOCATED( variables(i)%attributes ) ) &
CALL print_attributes( indent_level+1, variables(i)%attributes )
IF ( i < nelement ) &
WRITE( debug_output_unit, TRIM( write_format1 ) // ')' ) separation_string
END SUBROUTINE print_variables
END SUBROUTINE dom_database_debug_output
END MODULE data_output_module