!> @file data_output_mask.f90 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! This file is part of the PALM model system. ! ! PALM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the ! terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software ! Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later ! version. ! ! PALM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY ! WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR ! A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ! PALM. If not, see . ! ! Copyright 1997-2020 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! Current revisions: ! ----------------- ! ! ! Former revisions: ! ----------------- ! $Id: data_output_mask.f90 4377 2020-01-15 11:10:51Z pavelkrc $ ! bugfix: set fill value for output according to wall_flags_total_0 for ! non-terrain following output ! ! 4360 2020-01-07 11:25:50Z suehring ! Introduction of wall_flags_total_0, which currently sets bits based on static ! topography information used in wall_flags_static_0 ! ! 4331 2019-12-10 18:25:02Z suehring ! Formatting adjustment ! ! 4329 2019-12-10 15:46:36Z motisi ! Renamed wall_flags_0 to wall_flags_static_0 ! ! 4246 2019-09-30 09:27:52Z pavelkrc ! Corrected "Former revisions" section ! ! 4168 2019-08-16 13:50:17Z suehring ! Remove variable grid ! ! 4167 2019-08-16 11:01:48Z suehring ! Changed behaviour of masked output over surface to follow terrain and ignore ! buildings (J.Resler, T.Gronemeier) ! ! 4069 2019-07-01 14:05:51Z Giersch ! Masked output running index mid has been introduced as a local variable to ! avoid runtime error (Loop variable has been modified) in time_integration ! ! 4039 2019-06-18 10:32:41Z suehring ! Modularize diagnostic output ! ! 3994 2019-05-22 18:08:09Z suehring ! output of turbulence intensity added ! ! 3665 2019-01-10 08:28:24Z raasch ! unused variables removed ! ! 3655 2019-01-07 16:51:22Z knoop ! Fix output time levels (use time_since_reference_point) ! ! 410 2009-12-04 17:05:40Z letzel ! Initial version ! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Masked data output in netCDF format for current mask (current value of mid). !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE data_output_mask( av, mid ) #if defined( __netcdf ) USE arrays_3d, & ONLY: e, nc, nr, p, pt, q, qc, ql, ql_c, ql_v, qr, rho_ocean, s, sa, & tend, u, v, vpt, w, d_exner USE averaging, & ONLY: e_av, lpt_av, nc_av, nr_av, p_av, pc_av, pr_av, pt_av, q_av, & qc_av, ql_av, ql_c_av, ql_v_av, ql_vp_av, qv_av, qr_av, & rho_ocean_av, s_av, sa_av, u_av, v_av, vpt_av, w_av USE basic_constants_and_equations_mod, & ONLY: lv_d_cp USE chemistry_model_mod, & ONLY: chem_data_output_mask USE control_parameters, & ONLY: air_chemistry, domask, domask_no, domask_time_count, mask_i, & mask_j, mask_k, mask_size, mask_size_l, mask_start_l, & mask_surface, & max_masks, message_string, nz_do3d, salsa, & time_since_reference_point USE diagnostic_output_quantities_mod, & ONLY: doq_output_mask USE cpulog, & ONLY: cpu_log, log_point USE indices, & ONLY: nbgp, nxl, nxr, nyn, nys, nzb, nzt, wall_flags_total_0 USE kinds USE bulk_cloud_model_mod, & ONLY: bulk_cloud_model USE NETCDF USE netcdf_interface, & ONLY: fill_value, id_set_mask, id_var_domask, id_var_time_mask, & nc_stat, netcdf_data_format, netcdf_handle_error USE particle_attributes, & ONLY: grid_particles, number_of_particles, particles, & particle_advection_start, prt_count USE pegrid USE radiation_model_mod, & ONLY: radiation, radiation_data_output_mask USE salsa_mod, & ONLY: salsa_data_output_mask IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: av !< flag for (non-)average output INTEGER(iwp) :: ngp !< number of grid points of an output slice INTEGER(iwp) :: flag_nr !< number of masking flag INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< loop index INTEGER(iwp) :: ivar !< variable index INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< loop index INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< loop index INTEGER(iwp) :: im !< loop index for masked variables INTEGER(iwp) :: jm !< loop index for masked variables INTEGER(iwp) :: kk !< vertical index INTEGER(iwp) :: mid !< masked output running index INTEGER(iwp) :: n !< loop index INTEGER(iwp) :: netcdf_data_format_save !< value of netcdf_data_format INTEGER(iwp) :: sender !< PE id of sending PE INTEGER(iwp) :: ktt !< k index of highest terrain surface INTEGER(iwp) :: ind(6) !< index limits (lower/upper bounds) of array 'local_2d' LOGICAL :: found !< true if output variable was found LOGICAL :: resorted !< true if variable is resorted REAL(wp) :: mean_r !< mean particle radius REAL(wp) :: s_r2 !< sum( particle-radius**2 ) REAL(wp) :: s_r3 !< sum( particle-radius**3 ) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: local_pf !< output array #if defined( __parallel ) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: total_pf !< collected output array #endif REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: to_be_resorted !< points to array which shall be output ! !-- Return, if nothing to output IF ( domask_no(mid,av) == 0 ) RETURN CALL cpu_log (log_point(49),'data_output_mask','start') ! !-- Parallel netcdf output is not tested so far for masked data, hence !-- netcdf_data_format is switched back to non-paralell output. netcdf_data_format_save = netcdf_data_format IF ( netcdf_data_format == 5 ) netcdf_data_format = 3 IF ( netcdf_data_format == 6 ) netcdf_data_format = 4 ! !-- Open output file. IF ( myid == 0 .OR. netcdf_data_format > 4 ) THEN CALL check_open( 200+mid+av*max_masks ) ENDIF ! !-- Allocate total and local output arrays. #if defined( __parallel ) IF ( myid == 0 ) THEN ALLOCATE( total_pf(mask_size(mid,1),mask_size(mid,2),mask_size(mid,3)) ) ENDIF #endif ALLOCATE( local_pf(mask_size_l(mid,1),mask_size_l(mid,2), & mask_size_l(mid,3)) ) ! !-- Update the netCDF time axis. domask_time_count(mid,av) = domask_time_count(mid,av) + 1 IF ( myid == 0 .OR. netcdf_data_format > 4 ) THEN nc_stat = NF90_PUT_VAR( id_set_mask(mid,av), id_var_time_mask(mid,av), & (/ time_since_reference_point /), & start = (/ domask_time_count(mid,av) /), & count = (/ 1 /) ) CALL netcdf_handle_error( 'data_output_mask', 460 ) ENDIF ! !-- Loop over all variables to be written. ivar = 1 DO WHILE ( domask(mid,av,ivar)(1:1) /= ' ' ) ! !-- Reallocate local_pf on PE 0 since its shape changes during MPI exchange IF ( netcdf_data_format < 5 .AND. myid == 0 .AND. ivar > 1 ) THEN DEALLOCATE( local_pf ) ALLOCATE( local_pf(mask_size_l(mid,1),mask_size_l(mid,2), & mask_size_l(mid,3)) ) ENDIF ! !-- Set masking flag for topography for not resorted arrays flag_nr = 0 ! !-- Store the variable chosen. resorted = .FALSE. SELECT CASE ( TRIM( domask(mid,av,ivar) ) ) CASE ( 'e' ) IF ( av == 0 ) THEN to_be_resorted => e ELSE to_be_resorted => e_av ENDIF CASE ( 'thetal' ) IF ( av == 0 ) THEN to_be_resorted => pt ELSE to_be_resorted => lpt_av ENDIF CASE ( 'nc' ) IF ( av == 0 ) THEN to_be_resorted => nc ELSE to_be_resorted => nc_av ENDIF CASE ( 'nr' ) IF ( av == 0 ) THEN to_be_resorted => nr ELSE to_be_resorted => nr_av ENDIF CASE ( 'p' ) IF ( av == 0 ) THEN to_be_resorted => p ELSE to_be_resorted => p_av ENDIF CASE ( 'pc' ) ! particle concentration (requires ghostpoint exchange) IF ( av == 0 ) THEN tend = prt_count CALL exchange_horiz( tend, nbgp ) IF ( .NOT. mask_surface(mid) ) THEN DO i = 1, mask_size_l(mid,1) DO j = 1, mask_size_l(mid,2) DO k = 1, mask_size_l(mid,3) local_pf(i,j,k) = tend(mask_k(mid,k), & mask_j(mid,j),mask_i(mid,i)) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ELSE ! !-- Terrain-following masked output DO i = 1, mask_size_l(mid,1) DO j = 1, mask_size_l(mid,2) !-- Get k index of the highest terraing surface im = mask_i(mid,i) jm = mask_j(mid,j) ktt = MINLOC( MERGE( 1, 0, BTEST( wall_flags_total_0(:,jm,im), 5 )),& DIM = 1 ) - 1 DO k = 1, mask_size_l(mid,3) kk = MIN( ktt+mask_k(mid,k), nzt+1 ) !-- Set value if not in building IF ( BTEST( wall_flags_total_0(kk,jm,im), 6 ) ) THEN local_pf(i,j,k) = fill_value ELSE local_pf(i,j,k) = tend(kk,jm,im) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF resorted = .TRUE. ELSE CALL exchange_horiz( pc_av, nbgp ) to_be_resorted => pc_av ENDIF CASE ( 'pr' ) ! mean particle radius (effective radius) IF ( av == 0 ) THEN IF ( time_since_reference_point >= particle_advection_start ) THEN DO i = nxl, nxr DO j = nys, nyn DO k = nzb, nz_do3d number_of_particles = prt_count(k,j,i) IF (number_of_particles <= 0) CYCLE particles => grid_particles(k,j,i)%particles(1:number_of_particles) s_r2 = 0.0_wp s_r3 = 0.0_wp DO n = 1, number_of_particles IF ( particles(n)%particle_mask ) THEN s_r2 = s_r2 + grid_particles(k,j,i)%particles(n)%radius**2 * & grid_particles(k,j,i)%particles(n)%weight_factor s_r3 = s_r3 + grid_particles(k,j,i)%particles(n)%radius**3 * & grid_particles(k,j,i)%particles(n)%weight_factor ENDIF ENDDO IF ( s_r2 > 0.0_wp ) THEN mean_r = s_r3 / s_r2 ELSE mean_r = 0.0_wp ENDIF tend(k,j,i) = mean_r ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO CALL exchange_horiz( tend, nbgp ) ELSE tend = 0.0_wp ENDIF IF ( .NOT. mask_surface(mid) ) THEN DO i = 1, mask_size_l(mid,1) DO j = 1, mask_size_l(mid,2) DO k = 1, mask_size_l(mid,3) local_pf(i,j,k) = tend(mask_k(mid,k), & mask_j(mid,j),mask_i(mid,i)) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ELSE ! !-- Terrain-following masked output DO i = 1, mask_size_l(mid,1) DO j = 1, mask_size_l(mid,2) !-- Get k index of the highest terraing surface im = mask_i(mid,i) jm = mask_j(mid,j) ktt = MINLOC( MERGE( 1, 0, BTEST( wall_flags_total_0(:,jm,im), 5 )), & DIM = 1 ) - 1 DO k = 1, mask_size_l(mid,3) kk = MIN( ktt+mask_k(mid,k), nzt+1 ) !-- Set value if not in building IF ( BTEST( wall_flags_total_0(kk,jm,im), 6 ) ) THEN local_pf(i,j,k) = fill_value ELSE local_pf(i,j,k) = tend(kk,jm,im) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF resorted = .TRUE. ELSE CALL exchange_horiz( pr_av, nbgp ) to_be_resorted => pr_av ENDIF CASE ( 'theta' ) IF ( av == 0 ) THEN IF ( .NOT. bulk_cloud_model ) THEN to_be_resorted => pt ELSE IF ( .NOT. mask_surface(mid) ) THEN DO i = 1, mask_size_l(mid,1) DO j = 1, mask_size_l(mid,2) DO k = 1, mask_size_l(mid,3) local_pf(i,j,k) = & pt(mask_k(mid,k),mask_j(mid,j),mask_i(mid,i)) & + lv_d_cp * d_exner(mask_k(mid,k)) * & ql(mask_k(mid,k),mask_j(mid,j),mask_i(mid,i)) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ELSE ! !-- Terrain-following masked output DO i = 1, mask_size_l(mid,1) DO j = 1, mask_size_l(mid,2) !-- Get k index of the highest terraing surface im = mask_i(mid,i) jm = mask_j(mid,j) ktt = MINLOC( MERGE( 1, 0, BTEST( wall_flags_total_0(:,jm,im), 5 )), & DIM = 1 ) - 1 DO k = 1, mask_size_l(mid,3) kk = MIN( ktt+mask_k(mid,k), nzt+1 ) !-- Set value if not in building IF ( BTEST( wall_flags_total_0(kk,jm,im), 6 ) ) THEN local_pf(i,j,k) = fill_value ELSE local_pf(i,j,k) = pt(kk,jm,im) + lv_d_cp * d_exner(kk) * ql(kk,jm,im) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF resorted = .TRUE. ENDIF ELSE to_be_resorted => pt_av ENDIF CASE ( 'q' ) IF ( av == 0 ) THEN to_be_resorted => q ELSE to_be_resorted => q_av ENDIF CASE ( 'qc' ) IF ( av == 0 ) THEN to_be_resorted => qc ELSE to_be_resorted => qc_av ENDIF CASE ( 'ql' ) IF ( av == 0 ) THEN to_be_resorted => ql ELSE to_be_resorted => ql_av ENDIF CASE ( 'ql_c' ) IF ( av == 0 ) THEN to_be_resorted => ql_c ELSE to_be_resorted => ql_c_av ENDIF CASE ( 'ql_v' ) IF ( av == 0 ) THEN to_be_resorted => ql_v ELSE to_be_resorted => ql_v_av ENDIF CASE ( 'ql_vp' ) IF ( av == 0 ) THEN IF ( time_since_reference_point >= particle_advection_start ) THEN DO i = nxl, nxr DO j = nys, nyn DO k = nzb, nz_do3d number_of_particles = prt_count(k,j,i) IF (number_of_particles <= 0) CYCLE particles => grid_particles(k,j,i)%particles(1:number_of_particles) DO n = 1, number_of_particles IF ( particles(n)%particle_mask ) THEN tend(k,j,i) = tend(k,j,i) + & particles(n)%weight_factor / & prt_count(k,j,i) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO CALL exchange_horiz( tend, nbgp ) ELSE tend = 0.0_wp ENDIF IF ( .NOT. mask_surface(mid) ) THEN DO i = 1, mask_size_l(mid,1) DO j = 1, mask_size_l(mid,2) DO k = 1, mask_size_l(mid,3) local_pf(i,j,k) = tend(mask_k(mid,k), & mask_j(mid,j),mask_i(mid,i)) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ELSE ! !-- Terrain-following masked output DO i = 1, mask_size_l(mid,1) DO j = 1, mask_size_l(mid,2) !-- Get k index of the highest terraing surface im = mask_i(mid,i) jm = mask_j(mid,j) ktt = MINLOC( MERGE( 1, 0, BTEST( wall_flags_total_0(:,jm,im), 5 )), & DIM = 1 ) - 1 DO k = 1, mask_size_l(mid,3) kk = MIN( ktt+mask_k(mid,k), nzt+1 ) !-- Set value if not in building IF ( BTEST( wall_flags_total_0(kk,jm,im), 6 ) ) THEN local_pf(i,j,k) = fill_value ELSE local_pf(i,j,k) = tend(kk,jm,im) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF resorted = .TRUE. ELSE CALL exchange_horiz( ql_vp_av, nbgp ) to_be_resorted => ql_vp_av ENDIF CASE ( 'qv' ) IF ( av == 0 ) THEN IF ( .NOT. mask_surface(mid) ) THEN DO i = 1, mask_size_l(mid,1) DO j = 1, mask_size_l(mid,2) DO k = 1, mask_size_l(mid,3) local_pf(i,j,k) = & q(mask_k(mid,k),mask_j(mid,j),mask_i(mid,i)) - & ql(mask_k(mid,k),mask_j(mid,j),mask_i(mid,i)) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ELSE ! !-- Terrain-following masked output DO i = 1, mask_size_l(mid,1) DO j = 1, mask_size_l(mid,2) !-- Get k index of the highest terraing surface im = mask_i(mid,i) jm = mask_j(mid,j) ktt = MINLOC( MERGE( 1, 0, BTEST( wall_flags_total_0(:,jm,im), 5 )), & DIM = 1 ) - 1 DO k = 1, mask_size_l(mid,3) kk = MIN( ktt+mask_k(mid,k), nzt+1 ) !-- Set value if not in building IF ( BTEST( wall_flags_total_0(kk,jm,im), 6 ) ) THEN local_pf(i,j,k) = fill_value ELSE local_pf(i,j,k) = q(kk,jm,im) - ql(kk,jm,im) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF resorted = .TRUE. ELSE to_be_resorted => qv_av ENDIF CASE ( 'qr' ) IF ( av == 0 ) THEN to_be_resorted => qr ELSE to_be_resorted => qr_av ENDIF CASE ( 'rho_sea_water' ) IF ( av == 0 ) THEN to_be_resorted => rho_ocean ELSE to_be_resorted => rho_ocean_av ENDIF CASE ( 's' ) IF ( av == 0 ) THEN to_be_resorted => s ELSE to_be_resorted => s_av ENDIF CASE ( 'sa' ) IF ( av == 0 ) THEN to_be_resorted => sa ELSE to_be_resorted => sa_av ENDIF CASE ( 'u' ) flag_nr = 1 IF ( av == 0 ) THEN to_be_resorted => u ELSE to_be_resorted => u_av ENDIF CASE ( 'v' ) flag_nr = 2 IF ( av == 0 ) THEN to_be_resorted => v ELSE to_be_resorted => v_av ENDIF CASE ( 'thetav' ) IF ( av == 0 ) THEN to_be_resorted => vpt ELSE to_be_resorted => vpt_av ENDIF CASE ( 'w' ) flag_nr = 3 IF ( av == 0 ) THEN to_be_resorted => w ELSE to_be_resorted => w_av ENDIF CASE DEFAULT ! !-- Set flag to steer output of radiation, land-surface, or user-defined !-- quantities found = .FALSE. ! !-- Radiation quantity IF ( .NOT. found .AND. radiation ) THEN CALL radiation_data_output_mask(av, domask(mid,av,ivar), found,& local_pf, mid ) ENDIF IF ( .NOT. found .AND. air_chemistry ) THEN CALL chem_data_output_mask(av, domask(mid,av,ivar), found, & local_pf, mid ) ENDIF ! !-- Check for diagnostic quantities IF ( .NOT. found ) THEN CALL doq_output_mask( av, domask(mid,av,ivar), found, local_pf, & mid) ENDIF ! !-- SALSA quantities IF ( .NOT. found .AND. salsa ) THEN CALL salsa_data_output_mask( av, domask(mid,av,ivar), found, & local_pf, mid ) ENDIF ! !-- User defined quantity IF ( .NOT. found ) THEN CALL user_data_output_mask(av, domask(mid,av,ivar), found, & local_pf, mid ) ENDIF resorted = .TRUE. IF ( .NOT. found ) THEN WRITE ( message_string, * ) 'no masked output available for: ',& TRIM( domask(mid,av,ivar) ) CALL message( 'data_output_mask', 'PA0327', 0, 0, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF END SELECT ! !-- Resort the array to be output, if not done above IF ( .NOT. resorted ) THEN IF ( .NOT. mask_surface(mid) ) THEN ! !-- Default masked output DO i = 1, mask_size_l(mid,1) DO j = 1, mask_size_l(mid,2) DO k = 1, mask_size_l(mid,3) local_pf(i,j,k) = MERGE( to_be_resorted(mask_k(mid,k), & mask_j(mid,j), & mask_i(mid,i)), & REAL( fill_value, KIND = wp ), & BTEST( wall_flags_total_0( & mask_k(mid,k), & mask_j(mid,j), & mask_i(mid,i)), & flag_nr ) ) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ELSE ! !-- Terrain-following masked output DO i = 1, mask_size_l(mid,1) DO j = 1, mask_size_l(mid,2) !-- Get k index of the highest terraing surface im = mask_i(mid,i) jm = mask_j(mid,j) ktt = MINLOC( MERGE( 1, 0, BTEST( wall_flags_total_0(:,jm,im), 5 )), & DIM = 1 ) - 1 DO k = 1, mask_size_l(mid,3) kk = MIN( ktt+mask_k(mid,k), nzt+1 ) !-- Set value if not in building IF ( BTEST( wall_flags_total_0(kk,jm,im), 6 ) ) THEN local_pf(i,j,k) = fill_value ELSE local_pf(i,j,k) = to_be_resorted(kk,jm,im) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- I/O block. I/O methods are implemented !-- (1) for parallel execution !-- a. with netCDF 4 parallel I/O-enabled library !-- b. with netCDF 3 library !-- (2) for serial execution. !-- The choice of method depends on the correct setting of preprocessor !-- directives __parallel and __netcdf4_parallel as well as on the parameter !-- netcdf_data_format. #if defined( __parallel ) #if defined( __netcdf4_parallel ) IF ( netcdf_data_format > 4 ) THEN ! !-- (1) a. Parallel I/O using netCDF 4 (not yet tested) nc_stat = NF90_PUT_VAR( id_set_mask(mid,av), & id_var_domask(mid,av,ivar), local_pf, & start = (/ mask_start_l(mid,1), mask_start_l(mid,2), & mask_start_l(mid,3), domask_time_count(mid,av) /), & count = (/ mask_size_l(mid,1), mask_size_l(mid,2), & mask_size_l(mid,3), 1 /) ) CALL netcdf_handle_error( 'data_output_mask', 461 ) ELSE #endif ! !-- (1) b. Conventional I/O only through PE0 !-- PE0 receives partial arrays from all processors of the respective mask !-- and outputs them. Here a barrier has to be set, because otherwise !-- "-MPI- FATAL: Remote protocol queue full" may occur. CALL MPI_BARRIER( comm2d, ierr ) ngp = mask_size_l(mid,1) * mask_size_l(mid,2) * mask_size_l(mid,3) IF ( myid == 0 ) THEN ! !-- Local array can be relocated directly. total_pf( & mask_start_l(mid,1):mask_start_l(mid,1)+mask_size_l(mid,1)-1, & mask_start_l(mid,2):mask_start_l(mid,2)+mask_size_l(mid,2)-1, & mask_start_l(mid,3):mask_start_l(mid,3)+mask_size_l(mid,3)-1 ) & = local_pf ! !-- Receive data from all other PEs. DO n = 1, numprocs-1 ! !-- Receive index limits first, then array. !-- Index limits are received in arbitrary order from the PEs. CALL MPI_RECV( ind(1), 6, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 0, & comm2d, status, ierr ) ! !-- Not all PEs have data for the mask IF ( ind(1) /= -9999 ) THEN ngp = ( ind(2)-ind(1)+1 ) * (ind(4)-ind(3)+1 ) * & ( ind(6)-ind(5)+1 ) sender = status(MPI_SOURCE) DEALLOCATE( local_pf ) ALLOCATE(local_pf(ind(1):ind(2),ind(3):ind(4),ind(5):ind(6))) CALL MPI_RECV( local_pf(ind(1),ind(3),ind(5)), ngp, & MPI_REAL, sender, 1, comm2d, status, ierr ) total_pf(ind(1):ind(2),ind(3):ind(4),ind(5):ind(6)) & = local_pf ENDIF ENDDO nc_stat = NF90_PUT_VAR( id_set_mask(mid,av), & id_var_domask(mid,av,ivar), total_pf, & start = (/ 1, 1, 1, domask_time_count(mid,av) /), & count = (/ mask_size(mid,1), mask_size(mid,2), & mask_size(mid,3), 1 /) ) CALL netcdf_handle_error( 'data_output_mask', 462 ) ELSE ! !-- If at least part of the mask resides on the PE, send the index !-- limits for the target array, otherwise send -9999 to PE0. IF ( mask_size_l(mid,1) > 0 .AND. mask_size_l(mid,2) > 0 .AND. & mask_size_l(mid,3) > 0 ) & THEN ind(1) = mask_start_l(mid,1) ind(2) = mask_start_l(mid,1) + mask_size_l(mid,1) - 1 ind(3) = mask_start_l(mid,2) ind(4) = mask_start_l(mid,2) + mask_size_l(mid,2) - 1 ind(5) = mask_start_l(mid,3) ind(6) = mask_start_l(mid,3) + mask_size_l(mid,3) - 1 ELSE ind(1) = -9999; ind(2) = -9999 ind(3) = -9999; ind(4) = -9999 ind(5) = -9999; ind(6) = -9999 ENDIF CALL MPI_SEND( ind(1), 6, MPI_INTEGER, 0, 0, comm2d, ierr ) ! !-- If applicable, send data to PE0. IF ( ind(1) /= -9999 ) THEN CALL MPI_SEND( local_pf(1,1,1), ngp, MPI_REAL, 0, 1, comm2d, & ierr ) ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- A barrier has to be set, because otherwise some PEs may proceed too !-- fast so that PE0 may receive wrong data on tag 0. CALL MPI_BARRIER( comm2d, ierr ) #if defined( __netcdf4_parallel ) ENDIF #endif #else ! !-- (2) For serial execution of PALM, the single processor (PE0) holds all !-- data and writes them directly to file. nc_stat = NF90_PUT_VAR( id_set_mask(mid,av), & id_var_domask(mid,av,ivar), local_pf, & start = (/ 1, 1, 1, domask_time_count(mid,av) /), & count = (/ mask_size_l(mid,1), mask_size_l(mid,2),& mask_size_l(mid,3), 1 /) ) CALL netcdf_handle_error( 'data_output_mask', 463 ) #endif ivar = ivar + 1 ENDDO ! !-- Deallocate temporary arrays. DEALLOCATE( local_pf ) #if defined( __parallel ) IF ( myid == 0 ) THEN DEALLOCATE( total_pf ) ENDIF #endif ! !-- Switch back to original format given by user (see beginning of this routine) netcdf_data_format = netcdf_data_format_save CALL cpu_log( log_point(49), 'data_output_mask', 'stop' ) #endif END SUBROUTINE data_output_mask