!> @file chem_emissions_mod.f90 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! This file is part of PALM model system. ! ! PALM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the ! terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software ! Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later ! version. ! ! PALM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY ! WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR ! A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ! PALM. If not, see . ! ! Copyright 2018-2018 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover ! Copyright 2018-2018 Freie Universitaet Berlin ! Copyright 2018-2018 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! Current revisions: ! ------------------ ! ! ! Former revisions: ! ----------------- ! $Id: chem_emissions_mod.f90 3685 2019-01-21 01:02:11Z maronga $ ! Some interface calls moved to module_interface + cleanup ! ! 3611 2018-12-07 14:14:11Z banzhafs ! Code update to comply PALM coding rules ! removed unnecessary informative messsages/location ! messages and corrected comments on PM units from to kg ! bug fix: spcs_name replaced by nvar in DO loops ! ! 3591 2018-11-30 17:37:32Z suehring ! - Removed salsa dependency. ! - Enabled PARAMETRIZED mode for default surfaces when LSM is not applied but ! salsa is (M. Kurppa) ! ! 3582 2018-11-29 19:16:36Z suehring ! resler: ! Break lines at 132 characters ! ! 3483 2018-11-02 14:19:26Z raasch ! bugfix: wrong locations of netCDF directives fixed ! ! 3467 2018-10-30 19:05:21Z suehring ! Enabled PARAMETRIZED mode for default surfaces when LSM is not applied but ! salsa is used ! ! 3458 2018-10-30 14:51:23Z kanani ! from chemistry branch r3443, banzhafs, Russo: ! Additional correction for index of input file of pre-processed mode ! Removed atomic and molecular weights as now available in chem_modules and ! added par_emis_time_factor (formerly in netcdf_data_input_mod) ! Added correction for index of input file of pre-processed mode ! Added a condition for default mode necessary for information read from ncdf file ! in pre-processed and default mode ! Correction of multiplying factor necessary for scaling emission values in time ! Introduced correction for scaling units in the case of DEFAULT emission mode ! ! 3373 2018-10-18 15:25:56Z kanani ! Fix wrong location of __netcdf directive ! ! 3337 2018-10-12 15:17:09Z kanani ! (from branch resler) ! Formatting ! ! 3312 2018-10-06 14:15:46Z knoop ! Initial revision ! ! 3286 2018-09-28 07:41:39Z forkel ! ! Authors: ! -------- ! @author Emmanuele Russo (FU-Berlin) ! @author Sabine Banzhaf (FU-Berlin) ! @author Martijn Schaap (FU-Berlin, TNO Utrecht) ! ! Description: ! ------------ !> MODULE for reading-in Chemistry Emissions data !> !> @todo Check_parameters routine should be developed: for now it includes just one condition !> @todo Use of Restart files not contempled at the moment !> @todo revise indices of files read from the netcdf: preproc_emission_data and expert_emission_data !> @todo for now emission data may be passed on a singular vertical level: need to be more flexible !> @todo fill/activate restart option in chem_emissions_init !> @todo discuss dt_emis !> @note !> @bug !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! MODULE chem_emissions_mod USE arrays_3d, & ONLY: rho_air USE control_parameters, & ONLY: end_time, message_string, initializing_actions, & intermediate_timestep_count, dt_3d USE indices USE kinds #if defined( __netcdf ) USE netcdf #endif USE netcdf_data_input_mod, & ONLY: chem_emis_att_type, chem_emis_val_type USE date_and_time_mod, & ONLY: day_of_month, hour_of_day, & index_mm, index_dd, index_hh, & month_of_year, hour_of_day, & time_default_indices, time_preprocessed_indices USE chem_gasphase_mod, & ONLY: spc_names USE chem_modules USE statistics, & ONLY: weight_pres IMPLICIT NONE ! !-- Declare all global variables within the module CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: filename_emis !< Variable for the name of the netcdf input file INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< index 1st selected dimension (some dims are not spatial) INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< index 2nd selected dimension INTEGER(iwp) :: i_start !< Index to start read variable from netcdf along one dims INTEGER(iwp) :: i_end !< Index to end read variable from netcdf in one dims INTEGER(iwp) :: j_start !< Index to start read variable from netcdf in additional dims INTEGER(iwp) :: j_end !< Index to end read variable from netcdf in additional dims INTEGER(iwp) :: z_start !< Index to start read variable from netcdf in additional dims INTEGER(iwp) :: z_end !< Index to end read variable from netcdf in additional dims INTEGER(iwp) :: dt_emis !< Time Step Emissions INTEGER(iwp) :: len_index !< length of index (used for several indices) INTEGER(iwp) :: len_index_voc !< length of voc index INTEGER(iwp) :: len_index_pm !< length of PMs index REAL(wp) :: con_factor !< Units Conversion Factor REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: Rgas = 8.3144 !< gas constant in J/mol/K REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: pref_i = 1.0_wp / 100000.0_wp !< Inverse Reference Pressure (1/Pa) REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: r_cp = 0.286_wp !< R / cp (exponent for potential temperature) SAVE ! !-- Checks Input parameters INTERFACE chem_emissions_check_parameters MODULE PROCEDURE chem_emissions_check_parameters END INTERFACE chem_emissions_check_parameters ! !-- Matching Emissions actions INTERFACE chem_emissions_match MODULE PROCEDURE chem_emissions_match END INTERFACE chem_emissions_match ! !-- Initialization actions INTERFACE chem_emissions_init MODULE PROCEDURE chem_emissions_init END INTERFACE chem_emissions_init ! !-- Setup of Emissions INTERFACE chem_emissions_setup MODULE PROCEDURE chem_emissions_setup END INTERFACE chem_emissions_setup PUBLIC chem_emissions_init, chem_emissions_match, chem_emissions_setup ! !-- Public Variables PUBLIC con_factor, len_index, len_index_pm, len_index_voc CONTAINS !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Routine for checking input parameters !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE chem_emissions_check_parameters IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: tmp TYPE(chem_emis_att_type) :: emt ! !-- Check Emission Species Number equal to number of passed names for the chemistry species: IF ( SIZE(emt%species_name) /= emt%nspec ) THEN message_string = 'Numbers of input emission species names and number of species' // & 'for which emission values are given do not match' CALL message( 'chem_emissions_check_parameters', 'CM0437', 2, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE chem_emissions_check_parameters !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Matching the chemical species indices. The routine checks what are the indices of the emission input species !> and the corresponding ones of the model species. The routine gives as output a vector containing the number !> of common species: it is important to note that while the model species are distinct, their values could be !> given to a single species in input: for example, in the case of NO2 and NO, values may be passed in input as !> NOx values. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE chem_emissions_match( emt_att,len_index ) INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(INOUT) :: len_index !< Variable where to store the number of common species between the input dataset and the model species TYPE(chem_emis_att_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: emt_att !< Chemistry Emission Array containing information for all the input chemical emission species INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_mod, ind_inp !< Parameters for cycling through chemical model and input species INTEGER(iwp) :: nspec_emis_inp !< Variable where to store the number of the emission species in input INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_voc !< Indices to check whether a split for voc should be done INTEGER(iwp) :: ispec !< index for cycle over effective number of emission species CALL location_message( 'Matching input emissions and model chemistry species', .FALSE. ) ! !-- Number of input emission species. nspec_emis_inp=emt_att%nspec ! !-- Check the emission mode: DEFAULT, PRE-PROCESSED or PARAMETERIZED SELECT CASE( TRIM( mode_emis ) ) ! !-- PRE-PROCESSED mode CASE ( "PRE-PROCESSED" ) len_index = 0 len_index_voc = 0 IF ( nvar > 0 .AND. (nspec_emis_inp > 0) ) THEN ! !-- Cycle over model species DO ind_mod = 1, nvar ! !-- Cycle over input species DO ind_inp = 1, nspec_emis_inp ! !-- Check for VOC Species IF ( TRIM( emt_att%species_name(ind_inp) ) == "VOC" ) THEN DO ind_voc = 1, emt_att%nvoc IF ( TRIM( emt_att%voc_name(ind_voc) ) == TRIM( spc_names(ind_mod) ) ) THEN len_index = len_index + 1 len_index_voc = len_index_voc + 1 ENDIF END DO ENDIF ! !-- Other Species IF ( TRIM( emt_att%species_name(ind_inp) ) == TRIM( spc_names(ind_mod) ) ) THEN len_index = len_index + 1 ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ! !-- Allocate array for storing the indices of the matched species IF ( len_index > 0 ) THEN ALLOCATE( match_spec_input(len_index) ) ALLOCATE( match_spec_model(len_index) ) IF ( len_index_voc > 0 ) THEN ! !-- contains indices of the VOC model species ALLOCATE( match_spec_voc_model(len_index_voc) ) ! !-- contains the indices of different values of VOC composition of input variable VOC_composition ALLOCATE( match_spec_voc_input(len_index_voc) ) ENDIF ! !-- pass the species indices to declared arrays len_index = 0 ! !-- Cycle over model species DO ind_mod = 1, nvar ! !-- Cycle over Input species DO ind_inp = 1, nspec_emis_inp ! !-- VOCs IF ( TRIM(emt_att%species_name(ind_inp) ) == "VOC" .AND. & ALLOCATED(match_spec_voc_input) ) THEN DO ind_voc= 1, emt_att%nvoc IF ( TRIM( emt_att%voc_name(ind_voc) ) == TRIM( spc_names(ind_mod) ) ) THEN len_index = len_index + 1 len_index_voc = len_index_voc + 1 match_spec_input(len_index) = ind_inp match_spec_model(len_index) = ind_mod match_spec_voc_input(len_index_voc) = ind_voc match_spec_voc_model(len_index_voc) = ind_mod ENDIF END DO ENDIF ! !-- Other Species IF ( TRIM( emt_att%species_name(ind_inp) ) == TRIM( spc_names(ind_mod) ) ) THEN len_index = len_index + 1 match_spec_input(len_index) = ind_inp match_spec_model(len_index) = ind_mod ENDIF END DO END DO ELSE ! !-- in case there are no species matching message_string = 'Non of given emission species' // & ' matches' // & ' model chemical species:' // & ' Emission routine is not called' CALL message( 'chem_emissions_matching', 'CM0438', 0, 0, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ELSE ! !-- either spc_names is zero or nspec_emis_inp is not allocated message_string = 'Array of Emission species not allocated:' // & ' Either no emission species are provided as input or' // & ' no chemical species are used by PALM:' // & ' Emission routine is not called' CALL message( 'chem_emissions_matching', 'CM0439', 0, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ! !-- DEFAULT mode CASE ("DEFAULT") len_index = 0 !< index for TOTAL number of species len_index_voc = 0 !< index for TOTAL number of VOCs len_index_pm = 3 !< index for TOTAL number of PMs: PM1, PM2.5, PM10. IF ( nvar > 0 .AND. nspec_emis_inp > 0 ) THEN ! !-- Cycle over model species DO ind_mod = 1, nvar ! !-- Cycle over input species DO ind_inp = 1, nspec_emis_inp ! !-- Check for VOC Species IF ( TRIM( emt_att%species_name(ind_inp) ) == "VOC" ) THEN DO ind_voc= 1, emt_att%nvoc IF ( TRIM( emt_att%voc_name(ind_voc) ) == TRIM( spc_names(ind_mod) ) ) THEN len_index = len_index + 1 len_index_voc = len_index_voc + 1 ENDIF END DO ENDIF ! !-- PMs: There is one input species name for all PM !-- This variable has 3 dimensions, one for PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 IF ( TRIM( emt_att%species_name(ind_inp) ) == "PM" ) THEN ! !-- PM1 IF ( TRIM( spc_names(ind_mod) ) == "PM1" ) THEN len_index = len_index + 1 ! !-- PM2.5 ELSEIF ( TRIM( spc_names(ind_mod) ) == "PM25" ) THEN len_index = len_index + 1 ! !-- PM10 ELSEIF ( TRIM( spc_names(ind_mod) ) == "PM10" ) THEN len_index = len_index + 1 ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- NOx: NO2 and NO IF ( TRIM( emt_att%species_name(ind_inp) ) == "NOx" ) THEN ! !-- NO IF ( TRIM( spc_names(ind_mod) ) == "NO" ) THEN len_index = len_index + 1 ! !-- NO2 ELSEIF ( TRIM( spc_names(ind_mod) ) == "NO2" ) THEN len_index = len_index + 1 ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- SOx: SO2 and SO4 IF ( TRIM( emt_att%species_name(ind_inp) ) == "SOx" ) THEN ! !-- SO2 IF ( TRIM( spc_names(ind_mod) ) == "SO2" ) THEN len_index = len_index + 1 ! !-- SO4 ELSEIF ( TRIM( spc_names(ind_mod) ) == "SO4" ) THEN len_index = len_index + 1 ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Other Species IF ( TRIM( emt_att%species_name(ind_inp) ) == TRIM( spc_names(ind_mod) ) ) THEN len_index = len_index + 1 ENDIF END DO END DO ! !-- Allocate arrays IF ( len_index > 0 ) THEN ALLOCATE( match_spec_input(len_index) ) ALLOCATE( match_spec_model(len_index) ) IF ( len_index_voc > 0 ) THEN ! !-- Contains indices of the VOC model species ALLOCATE( match_spec_voc_model(len_index_voc) ) ! !-- Contains the indices of different values of VOC composition !-- of input variable VOC_composition ALLOCATE( match_spec_voc_input(len_index_voc) ) ENDIF ! !-- Pass the species indices to declared arrays len_index = 0 len_index_voc = 0 DO ind_mod = 1, nvar DO ind_inp = 1, nspec_emis_inp ! !-- VOCs IF ( TRIM( emt_att%species_name(ind_inp) ) == "VOC" .AND. & ALLOCATED(match_spec_voc_input) ) THEN DO ind_voc= 1, emt_att%nvoc IF ( TRIM( emt_att%voc_name(ind_voc) ) == TRIM( spc_names(ind_mod) ) ) THEN len_index = len_index + 1 len_index_voc = len_index_voc + 1 match_spec_input(len_index) = ind_inp match_spec_model(len_index) = ind_mod match_spec_voc_input(len_index_voc) = ind_voc match_spec_voc_model(len_index_voc) = ind_mod ENDIF END DO ENDIF ! !-- PMs IF ( TRIM( emt_att%species_name(ind_inp) ) == "PM" ) THEN ! !-- PM1 IF ( TRIM( spc_names(ind_mod) ) == "PM1" ) THEN len_index = len_index + 1 match_spec_input(len_index) = ind_inp match_spec_model(len_index) = ind_mod ! !-- PM2.5 ELSEIF ( TRIM( spc_names(ind_mod) ) == "PM25" ) THEN len_index = len_index + 1 match_spec_input(len_index) = ind_inp match_spec_model(len_index) = ind_mod ! !-- PM10 ELSEIF ( TRIM( spc_names(ind_mod) ) == "PM10" ) THEN len_index = len_index + 1 match_spec_input(len_index) = ind_inp match_spec_model(len_index) = ind_mod ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- NOx IF ( TRIM( emt_att%species_name(ind_inp) ) == "NOx" ) THEN ! !-- NO IF ( TRIM( spc_names(ind_mod) ) == "NO" ) THEN len_index = len_index + 1 match_spec_input(len_index) = ind_inp match_spec_model(len_index) = ind_mod ! !-- NO2 ELSEIF ( TRIM( spc_names(ind_mod) ) == "NO2" ) THEN len_index = len_index + 1 match_spec_input(len_index) = ind_inp match_spec_model(len_index) = ind_mod ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- SOx IF ( TRIM( emt_att%species_name(ind_inp) ) == "SOx" ) THEN ! !-- SO2 IF ( TRIM( spc_names(ind_mod) ) == "SO2" ) THEN len_index = len_index + 1 match_spec_input(len_index) = ind_inp match_spec_model(len_index) = ind_mod ! !-- SO4 ELSEIF ( TRIM( spc_names(ind_mod) ) == "SO4" ) THEN len_index = len_index + 1 match_spec_input(len_index) = ind_inp match_spec_model(len_index) = ind_mod ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Other Species IF ( TRIM( emt_att%species_name(ind_inp) ) == TRIM( spc_names(ind_mod) ) ) THEN len_index = len_index + 1 match_spec_input(len_index) = ind_inp match_spec_model(len_index) = ind_mod ENDIF END DO END DO ELSE message_string = 'Non of given Emission Species' // & ' matches' // & ' model chemical species' // & ' Emission routine is not called' CALL message( 'chem_emissions_matching', 'CM0440', 0, 0, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ELSE message_string = 'Array of Emission species not allocated: ' // & ' Either no emission species are provided as input or' // & ' no chemical species are used by PALM:' // & ' Emission routine is not called' CALL message( 'chem_emissions_matching', 'CM0441', 0, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ! !-- PARAMETERIZED mode CASE ("PARAMETERIZED") len_index = 0 IF ( nvar > 0 .AND. nspec_emis_inp > 0 ) THEN ! !-- Cycle over model species DO ind_mod = 1, nvar ind_inp = 1 DO WHILE ( TRIM( surface_csflux_name(ind_inp) ) /= 'novalue' ) !< 'novalue' is the default IF ( TRIM( surface_csflux_name(ind_inp) ) == TRIM( spc_names(ind_mod) ) ) THEN len_index = len_index + 1 ENDIF ind_inp = ind_inp + 1 ENDDO ENDDO IF ( len_index > 0 ) THEN ! !-- Allocation of Arrays of the matched species ALLOCATE( match_spec_input(len_index) ) ALLOCATE( match_spec_model(len_index) ) ! !-- Pass the species indices to declared arrays len_index = 0 DO ind_mod = 1, nvar ind_inp = 1 DO WHILE ( TRIM( surface_csflux_name(ind_inp) ) /= 'novalue' ) IF ( TRIM( surface_csflux_name(ind_inp) ) == TRIM( spc_names(ind_mod) ) ) THEN len_index = len_index + 1 match_spec_input(len_index) = ind_inp match_spec_model(len_index) = ind_mod ENDIF ind_inp = ind_inp + 1 END DO END DO ! !-- Check DO ispec = 1, len_index IF ( emiss_factor_main(match_spec_input(ispec) ) < 0 .AND. & emiss_factor_side(match_spec_input(ispec) ) < 0 ) THEN message_string = 'PARAMETERIZED emissions mode selected:' // & ' EMISSIONS POSSIBLE ONLY ON STREET SURFACES' // & ' but values of scaling factors for street types' // & ' emiss_factor_main AND emiss_factor_side' // & ' not provided for each of the emissions species' // & ' or not provided at all: PLEASE set a finite value' // & ' for these parameters in the chemistry namelist' CALL message( 'chem_emissions_matching', 'CM0442', 2, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF END DO ELSE message_string = 'Non of given Emission Species' // & ' matches' // & ' model chemical species' // & ' Emission routine is not called' CALL message( 'chem_emissions_matching', 'CM0443', 0, 0, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ELSE message_string = 'Array of Emission species not allocated: ' // & ' Either no emission species are provided as input or' // & ' no chemical species are used by PALM.' // & ' Emission routine is not called' CALL message( 'chem_emissions_matching', 'CM0444', 0, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ! !-- If emission module is switched on but mode_emis is not specified or it is given the wrong name CASE DEFAULT message_string = 'Emission Module switched ON, but' // & ' either no emission mode specified or incorrectly given :' // & ' please, pass the correct value to the namelist parameter "mode_emis"' CALL message( 'chem_emissions_matching', 'CM0445', 2, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) END SELECT END SUBROUTINE chem_emissions_match !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Initialization: !> Netcdf reading, arrays allocation and first calculation of cssws !> fluxes at timestep 0 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE chem_emissions_init USE surface_mod, & ONLY: surf_def_h, surf_lsm_h, surf_usm_h USE netcdf_data_input_mod, & ONLY: chem_emis, chem_emis_att IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: units !< units of inputs INTEGER(iwp) :: ispec !< running index ! !-- Actions for initial runs ! IF ( TRIM( initializing_actions ) /= 'read_restart_data' ) THEN !-- ... ! ! !-- Actions for restart runs ! ELSE !-- ... ! ! ENDIF CALL location_message( 'Starting initialization of emission arrays', .FALSE. ) ! !-- Matching CALL chem_emissions_match( chem_emis_att, nspec_out ) IF ( nspec_out == 0 ) THEN emission_output_required = .FALSE. ELSE emission_output_required = .TRUE. ! !-- Set molecule masses' ALLOCATE( chem_emis_att%xm(nspec_out) ) DO ispec = 1, nspec_out SELECT CASE ( TRIM( spc_names(match_spec_model(ispec)) ) ) CASE ( 'SO2' ); chem_emis_att%xm(ispec) = xm_S + xm_O * 2 !< kg/mole CASE ( 'SO4' ); chem_emis_att%xm(ispec) = xm_S + xm_O * 4 !< kg/mole CASE ( 'NO' ); chem_emis_att%xm(ispec) = xm_N + xm_O !< kg/mole CASE ( 'NO2' ); chem_emis_att%xm(ispec) = xm_N + xm_O * 2 !< kg/mole CASE ( 'NH3' ); chem_emis_att%xm(ispec) = xm_N + xm_H * 3 !< kg/mole CASE ( 'CO' ); chem_emis_att%xm(ispec) = xm_C + xm_O !< kg/mole CASE ( 'CO2' ); chem_emis_att%xm(ispec) = xm_C + xm_O * 2 !< kg/mole CASE ( 'CH4' ); chem_emis_att%xm(ispec) = xm_C + xm_H * 4 !< kg/mole CASE ( 'HNO3' ); chem_emis_att%xm(ispec) = xm_H + xm_N + xm_O*3 !< kg/mole CASE DEFAULT chem_emis_att%xm(ispec) = 1.0_wp END SELECT ENDDO ! !-- assign emission values SELECT CASE ( TRIM( mode_emis ) ) ! !-- PRE-PROCESSED case CASE ( "PRE-PROCESSED" ) IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( emis_distribution) ) ALLOCATE( emis_distribution(nzb:nzt+1,0:ny,0:nx,nspec_out) ) ! !-- Get emissions at the first time step CALL chem_emissions_setup( chem_emis_att, chem_emis, nspec_out ) ! !-- Default case CASE ( "DEFAULT" ) IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( emis_distribution) ) ALLOCATE( emis_distribution(1,0:ny,0:nx,nspec_out) ) ! !-- Get emissions at the first time step CALL chem_emissions_setup( chem_emis_att, chem_emis, nspec_out ) ! !-- PARAMETERIZED case CASE ( "PARAMETERIZED" ) IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( emis_distribution) ) ALLOCATE( emis_distribution(1,0:ny,0:nx,nspec_out) ) ! !-- Get emissions at the first time step CALL chem_emissions_setup( chem_emis_att, chem_emis, nspec_out) END SELECT ENDIF END SUBROUTINE chem_emissions_init !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Routine for Update of Emission values at each timestep !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE chem_emissions_setup( emt_att, emt, nspec_out ) USE arrays_3d, & ONLY: dzw USE grid_variables, & ONLY: dx, dy USE indices, & ONLY: nnx, nny, nnz USE surface_mod, & ONLY: surf_def_h, surf_lsm_h, surf_usm_h USE netcdf_data_input_mod, & ONLY: street_type_f USE arrays_3d, & ONLY: hyp, pt IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(chem_emis_att_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: emt_att !< variable to store emission information TYPE(chem_emis_val_type), INTENT(INOUT), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: emt !< variable to store emission input values, !< depending on the considered species INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: nspec_out !< Output of matching routine with number !< of matched species CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: units !< Units of the emission data INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< running index for grid in x-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< running index for grid in y-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< running index for grid in z-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: m !< running index for horizontal surfaces INTEGER(iwp) :: icat !< Index for number of categories INTEGER(iwp) :: ispec !< index for number of species INTEGER(iwp) :: i_pm_comp !< index for number of PM components INTEGER(iwp) :: ivoc !< Index for number of VOCs INTEGER(iwp) :: time_index !< Index for time REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: delta_emis REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: time_factor !< factor for time scaling of emissions REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: emis REAL(wp), DIMENSION(24) :: par_emis_time_factor !< time factors for the parameterized mode: !< fixed houlry profile for example day REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nzb:nzt+1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) :: conv_to_ratio !< factor used for converting input !< to concentration ratio REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nzb:nzt+1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) :: tmp_temp ! !-- CONVERSION FACTORS: TIME REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: s_per_hour = 3600.0 !< number of sec per hour (s)/(hour) REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: s_per_day = 86400.0 !< number of sec per day (s)/(day) REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: hour_per_year = 8760.0 !< number of hours in a year of 365 days REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: hour_per_day = 24.0 !< number of hours in a day REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: hour_to_s = 1/s_per_hour !< conversion from hours to seconds (s/hour) ~ 0.2777778 REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: day_to_s = 1/s_per_day !< conversion from day to seconds (s/day) ~ 1.157407e-05 REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: year_to_s = 1/(s_per_hour*hour_per_year) !< conversion from year to sec (s/year) ~ 3.170979e-08 ! !-- CONVERSION FACTORS: WEIGHT REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: tons_to_kg = 100 !< Conversion from tons to kg (kg/tons) REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: g_to_kg = 0.001 !< Conversion from g to kg (kg/g) REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: miug_to_kg = 0.000000001 !< Conversion from g to kg (kg/g) ! !-- CONVERSION FACTORS: fraction to ppm REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: ratio2ppm = 1.0e06 !------------------------------------------------------ IF ( emission_output_required ) THEN ! !-- Set emis_dt IF ( call_chem_at_all_substeps ) THEN dt_emis = dt_3d * weight_pres(intermediate_timestep_count) ELSE dt_emis = dt_3d ENDIF ! !-- Conversion of units to the ones employed in PALM !-- In PARAMETERIZED mode no conversion is performed: in this case input units are fixed IF ( TRIM( mode_emis ) == "DEFAULT" .OR. TRIM( mode_emis ) == "PRE-PROCESSED" ) THEN SELECT CASE ( TRIM( emt_att%units ) ) ! !-- kilograms CASE ( 'kg/m2/s', 'KG/M2/S' ) con_factor=1 CASE ('kg/m2/hour', 'KG/M2/HOUR' ) con_factor=hour_to_s CASE ( 'kg/m2/day', 'KG/M2/DAY' ) con_factor=day_to_s CASE ( 'kg/m2/year', 'KG/M2/YEAR' ) con_factor=year_to_s ! !-- Tons CASE ( 'ton/m2/s', 'TON/M2/S' ) con_factor=tons_to_kg CASE ( 'ton/m2/hour', 'TON/M2/HOUR' ) con_factor=tons_to_kg*hour_to_s CASE ( 'ton/m2/year', 'TON/M2/YEAR' ) con_factor=tons_to_kg*year_to_s ! !-- Grams CASE ( 'g/m2/s', 'G/M2/S' ) con_factor=g_to_kg CASE ( 'g/m2/hour', 'G/M2/HOUR' ) con_factor=g_to_kg*hour_to_s CASE ( 'g/m2/year', 'G/M2/YEAR' ) con_factor=g_to_kg*year_to_s ! !-- Micrograms CASE ( 'micrograms/m2/s', 'MICROGRAMS/M2/S' ) con_factor=miug_to_kg CASE ( 'micrograms/m2/hour', 'MICROGRAMS/M2/HOUR' ) con_factor=miug_to_kg*hour_to_s CASE ( 'micrograms/m2/year', 'MICROGRAMS/M2/YEAR' ) con_factor=miug_to_kg*year_to_s CASE DEFAULT message_string = 'The Units of the provided emission input' // & ' are not the ones required by PALM-4U: please check ' // & ' emission module documentation.' CALL message( 'chem_emissions_setup', 'CM0446', 2, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) END SELECT ENDIF ! !-- Conversion factor to convert kg/m**2/s to ppm/s DO i = nxl, nxr DO j = nys, nyn ! !-- Derive Temperature from Potential Temperature tmp_temp(nzb:nzt+1,j,i) = pt(nzb:nzt+1,j,i) * ( hyp(nzb:nzt+1) * pref_i )**r_cp !> We need to pass to cssws <- (ppm/s) * dz !> Input is Nmole/(m^2*s) !> To go to ppm*dz multiply the input by (m**2/N)*dz !> (m**2/N)*dz == V/N !> V/N = RT/P !> m**3/Nmole (J/mol)*K^-1 K Pa conv_to_ratio(nzb:nzt+1,j,i) = ( (Rgas * tmp_temp(nzb:nzt+1,j,i)) / ((hyp(nzb:nzt+1))) ) ENDDO ENDDO ! !-- Initialize emis_distribution(:,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr,:) = 0.0_wp ! !-- PRE-PROCESSED MODE IF ( TRIM( mode_emis ) == "PRE-PROCESSED" ) THEN ! !-- Update time indices CALL time_preprocessed_indices( index_hh ) ELSEIF ( TRIM( mode_emis ) == "DEFAULT" ) THEN ! !-- Allocate array where to store temporary emission values IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED(emis) ) ALLOCATE( emis(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) ! !-- Allocate time factor per category ALLOCATE( time_factor(emt_att%ncat) ) ! !-- Read-in hourly emission time factor IF ( TRIM( time_fac_type ) == "HOUR" ) THEN ! !-- Update time indices CALL time_default_indices( month_of_year, day_of_month, hour_of_day, index_hh ) ! !-- Check if the index is less or equal to the temporal dimension of HOURLY emission files IF ( index_hh <= SIZE( emt_att%hourly_emis_time_factor(1,:) ) ) THEN ! !-- Read-in the correspondant time factor time_factor(:) = emt_att%hourly_emis_time_factor(:,index_hh) ELSE message_string = 'The "HOUR" time-factors in the DEFAULT mode ' // & ' are not provided for each hour of the total simulation time' CALL message( 'chem_emissions_setup', 'CM0448', 2, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ! !-- Read-in MDH emissions time factors ELSEIF ( TRIM( time_fac_type ) == "MDH" ) THEN ! !-- Update time indices CALL time_default_indices( daytype_mdh, month_of_year, day_of_month, & hour_of_day, index_mm, index_dd,index_hh ) ! !-- Check if the index is less or equal to the temporal dimension of MDH emission files IF ( ( index_hh + index_dd + index_mm) <= SIZE( emt_att%mdh_emis_time_factor(1,:) ) ) THEN ! !-- Read-in the correspondant time factor time_factor(:) = emt_att%mdh_emis_time_factor(:,index_mm) * emt_att%mdh_emis_time_factor(:,index_dd) * & emt_att%mdh_emis_time_factor(:,index_hh) ELSE message_string = 'The "MDH" time-factors in the DEFAULT mode ' // & ' are not provided for each hour/day/month of the total simulation time' CALL message( 'chem_emissions_setup', 'CM0449', 2, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ELSE message_string = 'In the DEFAULT mode the time factor' // & ' has to be defined in the NAMELIST' CALL message( 'chem_emissions_setup', 'CM0450', 2, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ! !-- PARAMETERIZED MODE ELSEIF ( TRIM( mode_emis ) == "PARAMETERIZED" ) THEN ! !-- assign constant values of time factors, diurnal time profile for traffic sector par_emis_time_factor( : ) = & (/ 0.009, 0.004, 0.004, 0.009, 0.029, 0.039, 0.056, 0.053, 0.051, 0.051, 0.052, 0.055, & 0.059, 0.061, 0.064, 0.067, 0.069, 0.069, 0.049, 0.039, 0.039, 0.029, 0.024, 0.019 /) IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( time_factor ) ) ALLOCATE( time_factor(1) ) ! !-- Get time-factor for specific hour index_hh = hour_of_day time_factor(1) = par_emis_time_factor(index_hh) ENDIF ! !-- Emission distribution calculation ! !-- PARAMETERIZED case IF ( TRIM( mode_emis ) == "PARAMETERIZED" ) THEN DO ispec = 1, nspec_out ! !-- Units are micromoles/m**2*day (or kilograms/m**2*day for PMs) emis_distribution(1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr,ispec) = surface_csflux(match_spec_input(ispec)) * & time_factor(1) * hour_to_s ENDDO ! !-- PRE-PROCESSED case ELSEIF ( TRIM( mode_emis ) == "PRE-PROCESSED" ) THEN ! !-- Cycle over species: !-- nspec_out represents the number of species in common between the emission input data !-- and the chemistry mechanism used DO ispec=1,nspec_out emis_distribution(1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr,ispec) = emt(match_spec_input(ispec))% & preproc_emission_data(index_hh,1,nys+1:nyn+1,nxl+1:nxr+1) * & con_factor ENDDO ! !-- DEFAULT case ELSEIF ( TRIM( mode_emis ) == "DEFAULT" ) THEN ! !-- Allocate array for the emission value corresponding to a specific category and time factor ALLOCATE( delta_emis(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) ! !-- Cycle over categories DO icat = 1, emt_att%ncat ! !-- Cycle over Species !-- nspec_out represents the number of species in common between the emission input data !-- and the chemistry mechanism used DO ispec = 1, nspec_out emis(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) = emt(match_spec_input(ispec))%default_emission_data(icat,nys+1:nyn+1,nxl+1:nxr+1) ! !-- NOx IF ( TRIM( spc_names(match_spec_model(ispec)) ) == "NO" ) THEN delta_emis(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) = emis(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) * time_factor(icat) * & !< kg/m2*s emt_att%nox_comp(icat,1) * con_factor * hour_per_day emis_distribution(1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr,ispec) = emis_distribution(1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr,ispec) + & delta_emis(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ELSEIF ( TRIM( spc_names(match_spec_model(ispec)) ) == "NO2" ) THEN delta_emis(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) = emis(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) * time_factor(icat) * & !< kg/m2*s emt_att%nox_comp(icat,2) * con_factor * hour_per_day emis_distribution(1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr,ispec) = emis_distribution(1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr,ispec) + & delta_emis(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ! !-- SOx ELSEIF ( TRIM( spc_names(match_spec_model(ispec)) ) == "SO2" ) THEN delta_emis(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) = emis(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) * time_factor(icat) * & !< kg/m2*s emt_att%sox_comp(icat,1) * con_factor * hour_per_day emis_distribution(1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr,ispec) = emis_distribution(1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr,ispec) + & delta_emis(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ELSEIF ( TRIM( spc_names(match_spec_model(ispec)) ) == "SO4" ) THEN delta_emis(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) = emis(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) * time_factor(icat) * & !< kg/m2*s emt_att%sox_comp(icat,2) * con_factor * hour_per_day emis_distribution(1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr,ispec) = emis_distribution(1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr,ispec) + & delta_emis(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ! !-- PMs !-- PM1 ELSEIF ( TRIM( spc_names(match_spec_model(ispec)) ) == "PM1" ) THEN ! !-- Cycle over PM1 components DO i_pm_comp = 1, SIZE( emt_att%pm_comp(1,:,1) ) delta_emis(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) = emis(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) * time_factor(icat) * & !< kg/m2*s emt_att%pm_comp(icat,i_pm_comp,1) * con_factor * hour_per_day emis_distribution(1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr,ispec) = emis_distribution(1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr,ispec) + & delta_emis(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ENDDO ! !-- PM2.5 ELSEIF ( TRIM( spc_names(match_spec_model(ispec)) ) == "PM25" ) THEN ! !-- Cycle over PM2.5 components DO i_pm_comp = 1, SIZE( emt_att%pm_comp(1,:,2) ) delta_emis(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) = emis(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) * time_factor(icat) * & !< kg/m2*s emt_att%pm_comp(icat,i_pm_comp,2) * con_factor * hour_per_day emis_distribution(1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr,ispec) = emis_distribution(1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr,ispec) + & delta_emis(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ENDDO ! !-- PM10 ELSEIF ( TRIM( spc_names(match_spec_model(ispec)) ) == "PM10" ) THEN ! !-- Cycle over PM10 components DO i_pm_comp = 1, SIZE( emt_att%pm_comp(1,:,3) ) delta_emis(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) = emis(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) * time_factor(icat) * & !< kg/m2*s emt_att%pm_comp(icat,i_pm_comp,3) * con_factor * hour_per_day emis_distribution(1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr,ispec)=emis_distribution(1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr,ispec)+ & delta_emis(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ENDDO ! !-- VOCs ELSEIF ( SIZE( match_spec_voc_input ) > 0 ) THEN DO ivoc = 1, SIZE( match_spec_voc_input ) IF ( TRIM( spc_names(match_spec_model(ispec)) ) == TRIM( emt_att%voc_name(ivoc) ) ) THEN delta_emis(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) = emis(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) * time_factor(icat) * & emt_att%voc_comp(icat,match_spec_voc_input(ivoc)) * & con_factor * hour_per_day emis_distribution(1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr,ispec) = emis_distribution(1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr,ispec) + & delta_emis(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ENDIF ENDDO ! !-- any other species ELSE delta_emis(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) = emis(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) * time_factor(icat) * & con_factor * hour_per_day emis_distribution(1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr,ispec) = emis_distribution(1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr,ispec) + & delta_emis(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ENDIF emis(:,:)= 0 ENDDO delta_emis(:,:)=0 ENDDO ENDIF ! !-- Cycle to transform x,y coordinates to the one of surface_mod and to assign emission values to cssws ! !-- PARAMETERIZED mode ! !-- Units of inputs are micromoles/(m**2*s) IF ( TRIM( mode_emis ) == "PARAMETERIZED" ) THEN IF ( street_type_f%from_file ) THEN ! !-- Streets are lsm surfaces, hence, no usm surface treatment required IF ( surf_lsm_h%ns > 0 ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_lsm_h%ns i = surf_lsm_h%i(m) j = surf_lsm_h%j(m) k = surf_lsm_h%k(m) IF ( street_type_f%var(j,i) >= main_street_id .AND. street_type_f%var(j,i) < max_street_id ) THEN ! !-- Cycle over matched species DO ispec = 1, nspec_out ! !-- PMs are already in kilograms IF ( TRIM( spc_names(match_spec_model(ispec)) ) == "PM1 " & .OR. TRIM( spc_names(match_spec_model(ispec)) ) == "PM25" & .OR. TRIM( spc_names(match_spec_model(ispec)) )=="PM10") THEN ! !-- kg/(m^2*s) * kg/m^3 surf_lsm_h%cssws(match_spec_model(ispec),m) = emiss_factor_main(match_spec_input(ispec)) * & emis_distribution(1,j,i,ispec) * & !< in kg/(m^2*s) rho_air(k) !< in kg/m^3 ! !-- Other Species !-- Inputs are micromoles ELSE ! !-- ppm/s *m *kg/m^3 surf_lsm_h%cssws(match_spec_model(ispec),m) = emiss_factor_main(match_spec_input(ispec)) * & emis_distribution(1,j,i,ispec) * & !< in micromoles/(m^2*s) conv_to_ratio(k,j,i) * & !< in m^3/Nmole rho_air(k) !< in kg/m^3 ENDIF ENDDO ELSEIF ( street_type_f%var(j,i) >= side_street_id .AND. street_type_f%var(j,i) < main_street_id ) THEN ! !-- Cycle over matched species DO ispec = 1, nspec_out ! !-- PMs are already in kilograms IF ( TRIM( spc_names(match_spec_model(ispec)) ) == "PM1" & .OR. TRIM( spc_names(match_spec_model(ispec)) ) == "PM25" & .OR. TRIM( spc_names(match_spec_model(ispec)) ) == "PM10" ) THEN ! !-- kg/(m^2*s) * kg/m^3 surf_lsm_h%cssws(match_spec_model(ispec),m) = emiss_factor_side(match_spec_input(ispec)) * & emis_distribution(1,j,i,ispec) * & !< in kg/(m^2*s) rho_air(k) !< in kg/m^3 ! !-- Other species !-- Inputs are micromoles ELSE ! !-- ppm/s *m *kg/m^3 surf_lsm_h%cssws(match_spec_model(ispec),m) = emiss_factor_side(match_spec_input(ispec)) * & emis_distribution(1,j,i,ispec) * & !< in micromoles/(m^2*s) conv_to_ratio(k,j,i) * & !< in m^3/Nmole rho_air(k) !< in kg/m^3 ENDIF ENDDO ELSE ! !-- If no street type is defined, then assign zero emission to all the species surf_lsm_h%cssws(:,m) = 0.0_wp ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- For both DEFAULT and PRE-PROCESSED mode ELSE DO ispec = 1, nspec_out ! !-- Default surfaces IF ( surf_def_h(0)%ns > 0 ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_def_h(0)%ns i = surf_def_h(0)%i(m) j = surf_def_h(0)%j(m) IF ( emis_distribution(1,j,i,ispec) > 0.0_wp ) THEN ! !-- PMs IF ( TRIM( spc_names(match_spec_model(ispec)) ) == "PM1" & .OR. TRIM( spc_names(match_spec_model(ispec)) ) == "PM25" & .OR. TRIM( spc_names(match_spec_model(ispec)) ) == "PM10" ) THEN ! !-- kg/(m^2*s) *kg/m^3 kg/(m^2*s) surf_def_h(0)%cssws(match_spec_model(ispec),m) = emis_distribution(1,j,i,ispec)* & rho_air(nzb) !< in kg/m^3 ELSE ! !-- VOCs IF ( len_index_voc > 0 .AND. emt_att%species_name(match_spec_input(ispec)) == "VOC" ) THEN ! !-- (ppm/s) * m * kg/m^3 mole/(m^2/s) surf_def_h(0)%cssws(match_spec_model(ispec),m) = emis_distribution(1,j,i,ispec) * & conv_to_ratio(nzb,j,i) * & !< in m^3/mole ratio2ppm * & !< in ppm rho_air(nzb) !< in kg/m^3 ! !-- Other species ELSE ! !-- (ppm/s) * m * kg/m^3 kg/(m^2/s) surf_def_h(0)%cssws(match_spec_model(ispec),m) = emis_distribution(1,j,i,ispec) * & ( 1.0_wp / emt_att%xm(ispec) ) * & !< in mole/kg conv_to_ratio(nzb,j,i) * & !< in m^3/mole ratio2ppm * & !< in ppm rho_air(nzb) !< in kg/m^3 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF ! !-- LSM surfaces IF ( surf_lsm_h%ns > 0 ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_lsm_h%ns i = surf_lsm_h%i(m) j = surf_lsm_h%j(m) k = surf_lsm_h%k(m) IF ( emis_distribution(1,j,i,ispec) > 0.0_wp ) THEN ! !-- PMs IF ( TRIM( spc_names(match_spec_model(ispec)) ) == "PM1" & .OR. TRIM( spc_names(match_spec_model(ispec)) ) == "PM25" & .OR. TRIM( spc_names(match_spec_model(ispec)) ) == "PM10" ) THEN ! !-- kg/(m^2*s) * kg/m^3 kg/(m^2*s) surf_lsm_h%cssws(match_spec_model(ispec),m) = emis_distribution(1,j,i,ispec) * & rho_air(k) !< in kg/m^3 ELSE ! !-- VOCs IF ( len_index_voc > 0 .AND. emt_att%species_name(match_spec_input(ispec)) == "VOC" ) THEN ! !-- (ppm/s) * m * kg/m^3 mole/(m^2/s) surf_lsm_h%cssws(match_spec_model(ispec),m) = emis_distribution(1,j,i,ispec) * & conv_to_ratio(k,j,i) * & !< in m^3/mole ratio2ppm * & !< in ppm rho_air(k) !< in kg/m^3 ! !-- Other species ELSE ! !-- (ppm/s) * m * kg/m^3 kg/(m^2/s) surf_lsm_h%cssws(match_spec_model(ispec),m) = emis_distribution(1,j,i,ispec) * & ( 1.0_wp / emt_att%xm(ispec) ) * & !< in mole/kg conv_to_ratio(k,j,i) * & !< in m^3/mole ratio2ppm * & !< in ppm rho_air(k) !< in kg/m^3 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF ! !-- USM surfaces IF ( surf_usm_h%ns > 0 ) THEN DO m = 1, surf_usm_h%ns i = surf_usm_h%i(m) j = surf_usm_h%j(m) k = surf_usm_h%k(m) IF ( emis_distribution(1,j,i,ispec) > 0.0_wp ) THEN ! !-- PMs IF ( TRIM( spc_names(match_spec_model(ispec)) ) == "PM1" & .OR. TRIM( spc_names(match_spec_model(ispec)) ) == "PM25" & .OR. TRIM( spc_names(match_spec_model(ispec)) ) == "PM10" ) THEN ! !-- kg/(m^2*s) *kg/m^3 kg/(m^2*s) surf_usm_h%cssws(match_spec_model(ispec),m) = emis_distribution(1,j,i,ispec)* & rho_air(k) !< in kg/m^3 ELSE ! !-- VOCs IF ( len_index_voc > 0 .AND. emt_att%species_name(match_spec_input(ispec)) == "VOC" ) THEN ! !-- (ppm/s) * m * kg/m^3 mole/(m^2/s) surf_usm_h%cssws(match_spec_model(ispec),m) = emis_distribution(1,j,i,ispec) * & conv_to_ratio(k,j,i) * & !< in m^3/mole ratio2ppm * & !< in ppm rho_air(k) !< in kg/m^3 ! !-- Other species ELSE ! !-- (ppm/s) * m * kg/m^3 kg/(m^2/s) surf_usm_h%cssws(match_spec_model(ispec),m) = emis_distribution(1,j,i,ispec) * & ( 1.0_wp / emt_att%xm(ispec) ) * & !< in mole/kg conv_to_ratio(k,j,i) * & !< in m^3/mole ratio2ppm* & !< in ppm rho_air(k) !< in kg/m^3 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF ! !-- Deallocate time_factor in case of DEFAULT mode) IF ( ALLOCATED ( time_factor ) ) DEALLOCATE( time_factor ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE chem_emissions_setup END MODULE chem_emissions_mod