SUBROUTINE check_open( file_id ) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Actual revisions: ! ----------------- ! ! ! Former revisions: ! ----------------- ! $Id$ ! RCS Log replace by Id keyword, revision history cleaned up ! ! Revision 1.44 2006/08/22 13:48:34 raasch ! xz and yz cross sections now up to nzt+1 ! ! Revision 1.1 1997/08/11 06:10:55 raasch ! Initial revision ! ! ! Description: ! ------------ ! Check if file unit is open. If not, open file and, if necessary, write a ! header or start other initializing actions, respectively. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! USE array_kind USE arrays_3d USE control_parameters USE grid_variables USE indices USE netcdf_control USE particle_attributes USE pegrid USE profil_parameter USE statistics IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER (LEN=2) :: suffix CHARACTER (LEN=20) :: return_addres, return_usern, xtext = 'time in s' CHARACTER (LEN=30) :: filename CHARACTER (LEN=40) :: avs_coor_file, avs_coor_file_localname, & avs_data_file_localname CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: rtext CHARACTER (LEN=100) :: avs_coor_file_catalog, avs_data_file_catalog, & batch_scp, zeile CHARACTER (LEN=400) :: command INTEGER :: av, anzzeile = 1, cranz, file_id, i, iaddres, ierr1, iusern, & j, k, legpos = 1, timodex = 1 INTEGER, DIMENSION(10) :: cucol, klist, lstyle LOGICAL :: avs_coor_file_found = .FALSE., avs_data_file_found = .FALSE., & datleg = .TRUE., get_filenames, grid = .TRUE., netcdf_extend, & rand = .TRUE., swap = .TRUE., twoxa = .TRUE., twoya = .TRUE. REAL :: ansx = -999.999, ansy = -999.999, gwid = 0.1, rlegfak = 1.5, & sizex = 250.0, sizey = 40.0, texfac = 1.5 REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: eta, ho, hu REAL(spk), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: xkoor, ykoor, zkoor NAMELIST /RAHMEN/ anzzeile, cranz, datleg, rtext, swap NAMELIST /CROSS/ ansx, ansy, cucol, grid, gwid, klist, legpos, lstyle, & rand, rlegfak, sizex, sizey, texfac, & timodex, twoxa, twoya, xtext ! !-- Immediate return if file already open IF ( openfile(file_id)%opened ) RETURN ! !-- Only certain files are allowed to be re-opened !-- NOTE: some of the other files perhaps also could be re-opened, but it !-- has not been checked so far, if it works! IF ( openfile(file_id)%opened_before ) THEN SELECT CASE ( file_id ) CASE ( 14, 21, 22, 23, 80:85 ) IF ( file_id == 14 .AND. openfile(file_id)%opened_before ) THEN IF ( myid == 0 ) PRINT*, '+++ check_open: re-open of unit ', & ' 14 is not verified. Please check results!' ENDIF CONTINUE CASE DEFAULT IF ( myid == 0 ) THEN PRINT*, '+++ check_open: re-opening of file-id ', file_id, & ' is not allowed' ENDIF RETURN END SELECT ENDIF ! !-- Check if file may be opened on the relevant PE SELECT CASE ( file_id ) CASE ( 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 40:49, 50:59, 81:84, 101:107, 109, 111:113, & 116 ) IF ( myid /= 0 ) THEN PRINT*,'+++ check_open: opening file-id ',file_id, & ' not allowed for PE ',myid #if defined( __parallel ) CALL MPI_ABORT( comm2d, 9999, ierr ) #else CALL local_stop #endif ENDIF CASE ( 21, 22, 23 ) IF ( .NOT. data_output_2d_on_each_pe ) THEN IF ( myid /= 0 ) THEN PRINT*,'+++ check_open: opening file-id ',file_id, & ' not allowed for PE ',myid #if defined( __parallel ) CALL MPI_ABORT( comm2d, 9999, ierr ) #else CALL local_stop #endif ENDIF ENDIF CASE ( 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 71:73, 90:99 ) ! !-- File-ids that are used temporarily in other routines PRINT*,'+++ check_open: opening file-id ',file_id, & ' is not allowed since it is used otherwise' END SELECT ! !-- Open relevant files SELECT CASE ( file_id ) CASE ( 11 ) OPEN ( 11, FILE='PARIN', FORM='FORMATTED', STATUS='OLD' ) CASE ( 13 ) IF ( myid_char == '' ) THEN OPEN ( 13, FILE='BININ'//myid_char, FORM='UNFORMATTED', & STATUS='OLD' ) ELSE #if defined( __t3eh ) || defined( __t3eb ) || defined( __t3ej5 ) ! !-- Declare a cache layer for faster I/O CALL ASNUNIT ( 13, '-F cachea:512:1:1', ierr1 ) #endif OPEN ( 13, FILE='BININ/'//myid_char, FORM='UNFORMATTED', & STATUS='OLD' ) ENDIF CASE ( 14 ) IF ( myid_char == '' ) THEN OPEN ( 14, FILE='BINOUT'//myid_char, FORM='UNFORMATTED', & POSITION='APPEND' ) ELSE IF ( myid == 0 .AND. .NOT. openfile(file_id)%opened_before ) THEN CALL local_system( 'mkdir BINOUT' ) ENDIF #if defined( __parallel ) ! !-- Set a barrier in order to allow that all other processors in the !-- directory created by PE0 can open their file CALL MPI_BARRIER( comm2d, ierr ) #endif #if defined( __t3eh ) || defined( __t3eb ) || defined( __t3ej5 ) ! !-- Declare a cache layer for faster I/O CALL ASNUNIT ( 14, '-F cachea:512:1:1', ierr1 ) #endif OPEN ( 14, FILE='BINOUT/'//myid_char_14, FORM='UNFORMATTED', & POSITION='APPEND' ) ENDIF CASE ( 15 ) OPEN ( 15, FILE='RUN_CONTROL', FORM='FORMATTED' ) CASE ( 16 ) OPEN ( 16, FILE='LIST_PROFIL', FORM='FORMATTED' ) CASE ( 17 ) OPEN ( 17, FILE='LIST_PROFIL_1D', FORM='FORMATTED' ) CASE ( 18 ) OPEN ( 18, FILE='CPU_MEASURES', FORM='FORMATTED' ) CASE ( 19 ) OPEN ( 19, FILE='HEADER', FORM='FORMATTED' ) CASE ( 20 ) IF ( myid == 0 .AND. .NOT. openfile(file_id)%opened_before ) THEN CALL local_system( 'mkdir DATA_LOG' ) ENDIF IF ( myid_char == '' ) THEN OPEN ( 20, FILE='DATA_LOG/_0000', FORM='UNFORMATTED', & POSITION='APPEND' ) ELSE #if defined( __parallel ) ! !-- Set a barrier in order to allow that all other processors in the !-- directory created by PE0 can open their file CALL MPI_BARRIER( comm2d, ierr ) #endif OPEN ( 20, FILE='DATA_LOG/'//myid_char, FORM='UNFORMATTED', & POSITION='APPEND' ) ENDIF CASE ( 21 ) IF ( data_output_2d_on_each_pe ) THEN OPEN ( 21, FILE='PLOT2D_XY'//myid_char, FORM='UNFORMATTED', & POSITION='APPEND' ) ELSE OPEN ( 21, FILE='PLOT2D_XY', FORM='UNFORMATTED', & POSITION='APPEND' ) ENDIF IF ( myid == 0 .AND. .NOT. openfile(file_id)%opened_before ) THEN ! !-- Output for combine_plot_fields IF ( data_output_2d_on_each_pe .AND. myid_char /= '' ) THEN WRITE (21) -1, nx+1, -1, ny+1 ! total array size WRITE (21) 0, nx+1, 0, ny+1 ! output part ENDIF ! !-- Determine and write ISO2D coordiante header ALLOCATE( eta(0:ny+1), ho(0:nx+1), hu(0:nx+1) ) hu = 0.0 ho = (ny+1) * dy DO i = 1, ny eta(i) = REAL( i ) / ( ny + 1.0 ) ENDDO eta(0) = 0.0 eta(ny+1) = 1.0 WRITE (21) dx,eta,hu,ho DEALLOCATE( eta, ho, hu ) ! !-- Create output file for local parameters IF ( iso2d_output ) THEN OPEN ( 27, FILE='PLOT2D_XY_LOCAL', FORM='FORMATTED', & DELIM='APOSTROPHE' ) openfile(27)%opened = .TRUE. ENDIF ENDIF CASE ( 22 ) IF ( data_output_2d_on_each_pe ) THEN OPEN ( 22, FILE='PLOT2D_XZ'//myid_char, FORM='UNFORMATTED', & POSITION='APPEND' ) ELSE OPEN ( 22, FILE='PLOT2D_XZ', FORM='UNFORMATTED', & POSITION='APPEND' ) ENDIF IF ( myid == 0 .AND. .NOT. openfile(file_id)%opened_before ) THEN ! !-- Output for combine_plot_fields IF ( data_output_2d_on_each_pe .AND. myid_char /= '' ) THEN WRITE (22) -1, nx+1, 0, nz+1 ! total array size WRITE (22) 0, nx+1, 0, nz+1 ! output part ENDIF ! !-- Determine and write ISO2D coordiante header ALLOCATE( eta(0:nz+1), ho(0:nx+1), hu(0:nx+1) ) hu = 0.0 ho = zu(nz+1) DO i = 1, nz eta(i) = REAL( zu(i) ) / zu(nz+1) ENDDO eta(0) = 0.0 eta(nz+1) = 1.0 WRITE (22) dx,eta,hu,ho DEALLOCATE( eta, ho, hu ) ! !-- Create output file for local parameters OPEN ( 28, FILE='PLOT2D_XZ_LOCAL', FORM='FORMATTED', & DELIM='APOSTROPHE' ) openfile(28)%opened = .TRUE. ENDIF CASE ( 23 ) IF ( data_output_2d_on_each_pe ) THEN OPEN ( 23, FILE='PLOT2D_YZ'//myid_char, FORM='UNFORMATTED', & POSITION='APPEND' ) ELSE OPEN ( 23, FILE='PLOT2D_YZ', FORM='UNFORMATTED', & POSITION='APPEND' ) ENDIF IF ( myid == 0 .AND. .NOT. openfile(file_id)%opened_before ) THEN ! !-- Output for combine_plot_fields IF ( data_output_2d_on_each_pe .AND. myid_char /= '' ) THEN WRITE (23) -1, ny+1, 0, nz+1 ! total array size WRITE (23) 0, ny+1, 0, nz+1 ! output part ENDIF ! !-- Determine and write ISO2D coordiante header ALLOCATE( eta(0:nz+1), ho(0:ny+1), hu(0:ny+1) ) hu = 0.0 ho = zu(nz+1) DO i = 1, nz eta(i) = REAL( zu(i) ) / zu(nz+1) ENDDO eta(0) = 0.0 eta(nz+1) = 1.0 WRITE (23) dx,eta,hu,ho DEALLOCATE( eta, ho, hu ) ! !-- Create output file for local parameters OPEN ( 29, FILE='PLOT2D_YZ_LOCAL', FORM='FORMATTED', & DELIM='APOSTROPHE' ) openfile(29)%opened = .TRUE. ENDIF CASE ( 30 ) #if defined( __t3eb ) || defined( __t3eh ) || defined( __t3ej5 ) ! !-- In case of active data compression 32Bit integer output IF ( do3d_compress ) THEN CALL ASNUNIT( 30, '-F f77 -N ieee_32', ierr1 ) ENDIF #endif OPEN ( 30, FILE='PLOT3D_DATA'//myid_char, FORM='UNFORMATTED' ) ! !-- Write coordinate file for AVS IF ( myid == 0 ) THEN #if defined( __parallel ) ! !-- Specifications for combine_plot_fields IF ( .NOT. do3d_compress ) THEN WRITE ( 30 ) -1,nx+1,-1,ny+1,0,nz_do3d WRITE ( 30 ) 0,nx+1,0,ny+1,0,nz_do3d ENDIF #endif ! !-- Write coordinate file for AVS: !-- First determine file names (including cyle numbers) of AVS files on !-- target machine (to which the files are to be transferred). !-- Therefore path information has to be obtained first. IF ( avs_output ) THEN CALL local_getenv( 'return_addres', 13, return_addres, iaddres ) CALL local_getenv( 'return_username', 15, return_usern, iusern ) OPEN ( 3, FILE='OUTPUT_FILE_CONNECTIONS', FORM='FORMATTED' ) DO WHILE ( .NOT. avs_coor_file_found .OR. & .NOT. avs_data_file_found ) READ ( 3, '(A)', END=1 ) zeile SELECT CASE ( zeile(1:11) ) CASE ( 'PLOT3D_COOR' ) READ ( 3, '(A/A)' ) avs_coor_file_catalog, & avs_coor_file_localname avs_coor_file_found = .TRUE. CASE ( 'PLOT3D_DATA' ) READ ( 3, '(A/A)' ) avs_data_file_catalog, & avs_data_file_localname avs_data_file_found = .TRUE. CASE DEFAULT READ ( 3, '(A/A)' ) zeile, zeile END SELECT ENDDO ! !-- Now the cycle numbers on the remote machine must be obtained !-- using batch_scp 1 CLOSE ( 3 ) IF ( .NOT. avs_coor_file_found .OR. & .NOT. avs_data_file_found ) THEN PRINT*, '+++ check_open: no filename for AVS-data-file ', & 'found in MRUN-config-file' PRINT*, ' filename in FLD-file set to ', & '"unknown"' avs_coor_file = 'unknown' avs_data_file = 'unknown' ELSE get_filenames = .TRUE. IF ( TRIM( host ) == 'hpmuk' .OR. & TRIM( host ) == 'lcmuk' ) THEN batch_scp = '/home/raasch/pub/batch_scp' ELSEIF ( TRIM( host ) == 'nech' ) THEN batch_scp = '/ipf/b/b323011/pub/batch_scp' ELSEIF ( TRIM( host ) == 'ibmh' .OR. & TRIM( host ) == 'ibmb' ) THEN batch_scp = '/home/h/niksiraa/pub/batch_scp' ELSEIF ( TRIM( host ) == 't3eb' ) THEN batch_scp = '/home/nhbksira/pub/batch_scp' ELSE PRINT*,'+++ check_open: no path for batch_scp on host "',& TRIM( host ), '"' get_filenames = .FALSE. ENDIF IF ( get_filenames ) THEN ! !-- Determine the coordinate file name. !-- /etc/passwd serves as Dummy-Datei, because it is not !-- really transferred. command = TRIM( batch_scp ) // ' -n -u ' // & return_usern(1:iusern) // ' ' // & return_addres(1:iaddres) // ' /etc/passwd "' // & TRIM( avs_coor_file_catalog ) // '" ' // & TRIM( avs_coor_file_localname ) // ' > REMOTE_FILENAME' CALL local_system( command ) OPEN ( 3, FILE='REMOTE_FILENAME', FORM='FORMATTED' ) READ ( 3, '(A)' ) avs_coor_file CLOSE ( 3 ) ! !-- Determine the data file name command = TRIM( batch_scp ) // ' -n -u ' // & return_usern(1:iusern) // ' ' // & return_addres(1:iaddres) // ' /etc/passwd "' // & TRIM( avs_data_file_catalog ) // '" ' // & TRIM( avs_data_file_localname ) // ' > REMOTE_FILENAME' CALL local_system( command ) OPEN ( 3, FILE='REMOTE_FILENAME', FORM='FORMATTED' ) READ ( 3, '(A)' ) avs_data_file CLOSE ( 3 ) ELSE avs_coor_file = 'unknown' avs_data_file = 'unknown' ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Output of the coordinate file description for FLD-file OPEN ( 33, FILE='PLOT3D_FLD_COOR', FORM='FORMATTED' ) openfile(33)%opened = .TRUE. WRITE ( 33, 3300 ) TRIM( avs_coor_file ), & TRIM( avs_coor_file ), (nx+2)*4, & TRIM( avs_coor_file ), (nx+2)*4+(ny+2)*4 ALLOCATE( xkoor(0:nx+1), ykoor(0:ny+1), zkoor(0:nz_do3d) ) DO i = 0, nx+1 xkoor(i) = i * dx ENDDO DO j = 0, ny+1 ykoor(j) = j * dy ENDDO DO k = 0, nz_do3d zkoor(k) = zu(k) ENDDO ! !-- Create and write on AVS coordinate file OPEN ( 31, FILE='PLOT3D_COOR', FORM='UNFORMATTED' ) openfile(31)%opened = .TRUE. WRITE (31) xkoor, ykoor, zkoor DEALLOCATE( xkoor, ykoor, zkoor ) ! !-- Create FLD file (being written on in close_file) OPEN ( 32, FILE='PLOT3D_FLD', FORM='FORMATTED' ) openfile(32)%opened = .TRUE. ! !-- Create flag file for compressed 3D output, !-- influences output commands in mrun IF ( do3d_compress ) THEN OPEN ( 3, FILE='PLOT3D_COMPRESSED', FORM='FORMATTED' ) WRITE ( 3, '(1X)' ) CLOSE ( 3 ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- In case of data compression output of the coordinates of the !-- corresponding partial array of a PE only once at the top of the file IF ( avs_output .AND. do3d_compress ) THEN WRITE ( 30 ) nxl-1, nxr+1, nys-1, nyn+1, nzb, nz_do3d ENDIF CASE ( 40:49 ) IF ( statistic_regions == 0 .AND. file_id == 40 ) THEN suffix = '' ELSE WRITE ( suffix, '(''_'',I1)' ) file_id - 40 ENDIF OPEN ( file_id, FILE='PLOT1D_DATA'//TRIM( suffix ), FORM='FORMATTED' ) ! !-- Write contents comments at the top of the file WRITE ( file_id, 4000 ) TRIM( run_description_header ) // ' ' // & TRIM( region( file_id - 40 ) ) CASE ( 50:59 ) IF ( statistic_regions == 0 .AND. file_id == 50 ) THEN suffix = '' ELSE WRITE ( suffix, '(''_'',I1)' ) file_id - 50 ENDIF OPEN ( file_id, FILE='PLOTTS_DATA'//TRIM( suffix ), FORM='FORMATTED',& RECL=496 ) ! !-- Write PROFIL parameter file for output of time series !-- NOTE: To be on the safe side, this output is done at the beginning of !-- the model run (in case of collapse) and it is repeated in !-- close_file, then, however, with value ranges for the coordinate !-- systems ! !-- Firstly determine the number of the coordinate systems to be drawn cranz = 0 DO j = 1, 10 IF ( cross_ts_number_count(j) /= 0 ) cranz = cranz+1 ENDDO rtext = '\1.0 ' // TRIM( run_description_header ) // ' ' // & TRIM( region( file_id - 50 ) ) ! !-- Write RAHMEN parameter OPEN ( 90, FILE='PLOTTS_PAR'//TRIM( suffix ), FORM='FORMATTED', & DELIM='APOSTROPHE' ) WRITE ( 90, RAHMEN ) ! !-- Determine and write CROSS parameters for the individual coordinate !-- systems DO j = 1, 10 k = cross_ts_number_count(j) IF ( k /= 0 ) THEN ! !-- Store curve numbers, colours and line style klist(1:k) = cross_ts_numbers(1:k,j) klist(k+1:10) = 999999 cucol(1:k) = linecolors(1:k) lstyle(1:k) = linestyles(1:k) ! !-- Write CROSS parameter WRITE ( 90, CROSS ) ENDIF ENDDO CLOSE ( 90 ) ! !-- Write all labels at the top of the data file, but only during the !-- first run of a sequence of jobs. The following jobs copy the time !-- series data to the bottom of that file. IF ( runnr == 0 ) THEN WRITE ( file_id, 5000 ) TRIM( run_description_header ) // & ' ' // TRIM( region( file_id - 50 ) ) ENDIF CASE ( 80 ) IF ( myid_char == '' ) THEN OPEN ( 80, FILE='PARTICLE_INFOS'//myid_char, FORM='FORMATTED', & POSITION='APPEND' ) ELSE IF ( myid == 0 .AND. .NOT. openfile(80)%opened_before ) THEN CALL local_system( 'mkdir PARTICLE_INFOS' ) ENDIF #if defined( __parallel ) ! !-- Set a barrier in order to allow that thereafter all other !-- processors in the directory created by PE0 can open their file. !-- WARNING: The following barrier will lead to hanging jobs, if !-- check_open is first called from routine !-- allocate_prt_memory! IF ( .NOT. openfile(80)%opened_before ) THEN CALL MPI_BARRIER( comm2d, ierr ) ENDIF #endif OPEN ( 80, FILE='PARTICLE_INFOS/'//myid_char, FORM='FORMATTED', & POSITION='APPEND' ) ENDIF IF ( .NOT. openfile(80)%opened_before ) THEN WRITE ( 80, 8000 ) TRIM( run_description_header ) ENDIF CASE ( 81 ) OPEN ( 81, FILE='PLOTSP_X_PAR', FORM='FORMATTED', & DELIM='APOSTROPHE', RECL=1500, POSITION='APPEND' ) CASE ( 82 ) OPEN ( 82, FILE='PLOTSP_X_DATA', FORM='FORMATTED', & POSITION = 'APPEND' ) CASE ( 83 ) OPEN ( 83, FILE='PLOTSP_Y_PAR', FORM='FORMATTED', & DELIM='APOSTROPHE', RECL=1500, POSITION='APPEND' ) CASE ( 84 ) OPEN ( 84, FILE='PLOTSP_Y_DATA', FORM='FORMATTED', & POSITION='APPEND' ) CASE ( 85 ) IF ( myid_char == '' ) THEN OPEN ( 85, FILE='PARTICLE_DATA'//myid_char, FORM='UNFORMATTED', & POSITION='APPEND' ) ELSE IF ( myid == 0 .AND. .NOT. openfile(85)%opened_before ) THEN CALL local_system( 'mkdir PARTICLE_DATA' ) ENDIF #if defined( __parallel ) ! !-- Set a barrier in order to allow that thereafter all other !-- processors in the directory created by PE0 can open their file CALL MPI_BARRIER( comm2d, ierr ) #endif OPEN ( 85, FILE='PARTICLE_DATA/'//myid_char, FORM='UNFORMATTED', & POSITION='APPEND' ) ENDIF IF ( .NOT. openfile(85)%opened_before ) THEN WRITE ( 85 ) run_description_header ! !-- Attention: change version number whenever the output format on !-- unit 85 is changed (see also in routine advec_particles) rtext = 'data format version 3.0' WRITE ( 85 ) rtext WRITE ( 85 ) number_of_particle_groups, & max_number_of_particle_groups WRITE ( 85 ) particle_groups ENDIF #if defined( __netcdf ) CASE ( 101, 111 ) ! !-- Set filename depending on unit number IF ( file_id == 101 ) THEN filename = 'DATA_2D_XY_NETCDF' av = 0 ELSE filename = 'DATA_2D_XY_AV_NETCDF' av = 1 ENDIF ! !-- Inquire, if there is a NetCDF file from a previuos run. This should !-- be opened for extension, if its dimensions and variables match the !-- actual run. INQUIRE( FILE=filename, EXIST=netcdf_extend ) IF ( netcdf_extend ) THEN ! !-- Open an existing NetCDF file for output nc_stat = NF90_OPEN( filename, NF90_WRITE, id_set_xy(av) ) IF ( nc_stat /= NF90_NOERR ) CALL handle_netcdf_error( 20 ) ! !-- Read header information and set all ids. If there is a mismatch !-- between the previuos and the actual run, netcdf_extend is returned !-- as .FALSE. CALL define_netcdf_header( 'xy', netcdf_extend, av ) ! !-- Remove the local file, if it can not be extended IF ( .NOT. netcdf_extend ) THEN nc_stat = NF90_CLOSE( id_set_xy(av) ) IF ( nc_stat /= NF90_NOERR ) CALL handle_netcdf_error( 21 ) CALL local_system( 'rm ' // TRIM( filename ) ) ENDIF ENDIF IF ( .NOT. netcdf_extend ) THEN ! !-- Create a new NetCDF output file IF ( netcdf_64bit ) THEN #if defined( __netcdf_64bit ) nc_stat = NF90_CREATE( filename, & OR( NF90_NOCLOBBER, NF90_64BIT_OFFSET ),& id_set_xy(av) ) #else IF ( myid == 0 ) PRINT*, '+++ WARNING: NetCDF: no 64-bit ', & 'offset allowed on this machine' nc_stat = NF90_CREATE( filename, NF90_NOCLOBBER, id_set_xy(av) ) #endif ELSE nc_stat = NF90_CREATE( filename, NF90_NOCLOBBER, id_set_xy(av) ) ENDIF IF ( nc_stat /= NF90_NOERR ) CALL handle_netcdf_error( 22 ) ! !-- Define the header CALL define_netcdf_header( 'xy', netcdf_extend, av ) ENDIF CASE ( 102, 112 ) ! !-- Set filename depending on unit number IF ( file_id == 102 ) THEN filename = 'DATA_2D_XZ_NETCDF' av = 0 ELSE filename = 'DATA_2D_XZ_AV_NETCDF' av = 1 ENDIF ! !-- Inquire, if there is a NetCDF file from a previuos run. This should !-- be opened for extension, if its dimensions and variables match the !-- actual run. INQUIRE( FILE=filename, EXIST=netcdf_extend ) IF ( netcdf_extend ) THEN ! !-- Open an existing NetCDF file for output nc_stat = NF90_OPEN( filename, NF90_WRITE, id_set_xz(av) ) IF ( nc_stat /= NF90_NOERR ) CALL handle_netcdf_error( 23 ) ! !-- Read header information and set all ids. If there is a mismatch !-- between the previuos and the actual run, netcdf_extend is returned !-- as .FALSE. CALL define_netcdf_header( 'xz', netcdf_extend, av ) ! !-- Remove the local file, if it can not be extended IF ( .NOT. netcdf_extend ) THEN nc_stat = NF90_CLOSE( id_set_xz(av) ) IF ( nc_stat /= NF90_NOERR ) CALL handle_netcdf_error( 24 ) CALL local_system( 'rm ' // TRIM( filename ) ) ENDIF ENDIF IF ( .NOT. netcdf_extend ) THEN ! !-- Create a new NetCDF output file IF ( netcdf_64bit ) THEN #if defined( __netcdf_64bit ) nc_stat = NF90_CREATE( filename, & OR( NF90_NOCLOBBER, NF90_64BIT_OFFSET ),& id_set_xz(av) ) #else IF ( myid == 0 ) PRINT*, '+++ WARNING: NetCDF: no 64-bit ', & 'offset allowed on this machine' nc_stat = NF90_CREATE( filename, NF90_NOCLOBBER, id_set_xz(av) ) #endif ELSE nc_stat = NF90_CREATE( filename, NF90_NOCLOBBER, id_set_xz(av) ) ENDIF IF ( nc_stat /= NF90_NOERR ) CALL handle_netcdf_error( 25 ) ! !-- Define the header CALL define_netcdf_header( 'xz', netcdf_extend, av ) ENDIF CASE ( 103, 113 ) ! !-- Set filename depending on unit number IF ( file_id == 103 ) THEN filename = 'DATA_2D_YZ_NETCDF' av = 0 ELSE filename = 'DATA_2D_YZ_AV_NETCDF' av = 1 ENDIF ! !-- Inquire, if there is a NetCDF file from a previuos run. This should !-- be opened for extension, if its dimensions and variables match the !-- actual run. INQUIRE( FILE=filename, EXIST=netcdf_extend ) IF ( netcdf_extend ) THEN ! !-- Open an existing NetCDF file for output nc_stat = NF90_OPEN( filename, NF90_WRITE, id_set_yz(av) ) IF ( nc_stat /= NF90_NOERR ) CALL handle_netcdf_error( 26 ) ! !-- Read header information and set all ids. If there is a mismatch !-- between the previuos and the actual run, netcdf_extend is returned !-- as .FALSE. CALL define_netcdf_header( 'yz', netcdf_extend, av ) ! !-- Remove the local file, if it can not be extended IF ( .NOT. netcdf_extend ) THEN nc_stat = NF90_CLOSE( id_set_yz(av) ) IF ( nc_stat /= NF90_NOERR ) CALL handle_netcdf_error( 27 ) CALL local_system( 'rm ' // TRIM( filename ) ) ENDIF ENDIF IF ( .NOT. netcdf_extend ) THEN ! !-- Create a new NetCDF output file IF ( netcdf_64bit ) THEN #if defined( __netcdf_64bit ) nc_stat = NF90_CREATE( filename, & OR( NF90_NOCLOBBER, NF90_64BIT_OFFSET), & id_set_yz(av) ) #else IF ( myid == 0 ) PRINT*, '+++ WARNING: NetCDF: no 64-bit ', & 'offset allowed on this machine' nc_stat = NF90_CREATE( filename, NF90_NOCLOBBER, id_set_yz(av) ) #endif ELSE nc_stat = NF90_CREATE( filename, NF90_NOCLOBBER, id_set_yz(av) ) ENDIF IF ( nc_stat /= NF90_NOERR ) CALL handle_netcdf_error( 28 ) ! !-- Define the header CALL define_netcdf_header( 'yz', netcdf_extend, av ) ENDIF CASE ( 104 ) ! !-- Inquire, if there is a NetCDF file from a previuos run. This should !-- be opened for extension, if its variables match the actual run. INQUIRE( FILE='DATA_1D_PR_NETCDF', EXIST=netcdf_extend ) IF ( netcdf_extend ) THEN ! !-- Open an existing NetCDF file for output nc_stat = NF90_OPEN( 'DATA_1D_PR_NETCDF', NF90_WRITE, id_set_pr ) IF ( nc_stat /= NF90_NOERR ) CALL handle_netcdf_error( 29 ) ! !-- Read header information and set all ids. If there is a mismatch !-- between the previuos and the actual run, netcdf_extend is returned !-- as .FALSE. CALL define_netcdf_header( 'pr', netcdf_extend, 0 ) ! !-- Remove the local file, if it can not be extended IF ( .NOT. netcdf_extend ) THEN nc_stat = NF90_CLOSE( id_set_pr ) IF ( nc_stat /= NF90_NOERR ) CALL handle_netcdf_error( 30 ) CALL local_system( 'rm DATA_1D_PR_NETCDF' ) ENDIF ENDIF IF ( .NOT. netcdf_extend ) THEN ! !-- Create a new NetCDF output file IF ( netcdf_64bit ) THEN #if defined( __netcdf_64bit ) nc_stat = NF90_CREATE( 'DATA_1D_PR_NETCDF', & OR( NF90_NOCLOBBER, NF90_64BIT_OFFSET ),& id_set_pr ) #else IF ( myid == 0 ) PRINT*, '+++ WARNING: NetCDF: no 64-bit ', & 'offset allowed on this machine' nc_stat = NF90_CREATE( 'DATA_1D_PR_NETCDF', NF90_NOCLOBBER, & id_set_pr ) #endif ELSE nc_stat = NF90_CREATE( 'DATA_1D_PR_NETCDF', NF90_NOCLOBBER, & id_set_pr ) ENDIF IF ( nc_stat /= NF90_NOERR ) CALL handle_netcdf_error( 31 ) ! !-- Define the header CALL define_netcdf_header( 'pr', netcdf_extend, 0 ) ENDIF CASE ( 105 ) ! !-- Inquire, if there is a NetCDF file from a previuos run. This should !-- be opened for extension, if its variables match the actual run. INQUIRE( FILE='DATA_1D_TS_NETCDF', EXIST=netcdf_extend ) IF ( netcdf_extend ) THEN ! !-- Open an existing NetCDF file for output nc_stat = NF90_OPEN( 'DATA_1D_TS_NETCDF', NF90_WRITE, id_set_ts ) IF ( nc_stat /= NF90_NOERR ) CALL handle_netcdf_error( 32 ) ! !-- Read header information and set all ids. If there is a mismatch !-- between the previuos and the actual run, netcdf_extend is returned !-- as .FALSE. CALL define_netcdf_header( 'ts', netcdf_extend, 0 ) ! !-- Remove the local file, if it can not be extended IF ( .NOT. netcdf_extend ) THEN nc_stat = NF90_CLOSE( id_set_ts ) IF ( nc_stat /= NF90_NOERR ) CALL handle_netcdf_error( 33 ) CALL local_system( 'rm DATA_1D_TS_NETCDF' ) ENDIF ENDIF IF ( .NOT. netcdf_extend ) THEN ! !-- Create a new NetCDF output file IF ( netcdf_64bit ) THEN #if defined( __netcdf_64bit ) nc_stat = NF90_CREATE( 'DATA_1D_TS_NETCDF', & OR( NF90_NOCLOBBER, NF90_64BIT_OFFSET ),& id_set_ts ) #else IF ( myid == 0 ) PRINT*, '+++ WARNING: NetCDF: no 64-bit ', & 'offset allowed on this machine' nc_stat = NF90_CREATE( 'DATA_1D_TS_NETCDF', NF90_NOCLOBBER, & id_set_ts ) #endif ELSE nc_stat = NF90_CREATE( 'DATA_1D_TS_NETCDF', NF90_NOCLOBBER, & id_set_ts ) ENDIF IF ( nc_stat /= NF90_NOERR ) CALL handle_netcdf_error( 34 ) ! !-- Define the header CALL define_netcdf_header( 'ts', netcdf_extend, 0 ) ENDIF CASE ( 106, 116 ) ! !-- Set filename depending on unit number IF ( file_id == 106 ) THEN filename = 'DATA_3D_NETCDF' av = 0 ELSE filename = 'DATA_3D_AV_NETCDF' av = 1 ENDIF ! !-- Inquire, if there is a NetCDF file from a previuos run. This should !-- be opened for extension, if its dimensions and variables match the !-- actual run. INQUIRE( FILE=filename, EXIST=netcdf_extend ) IF ( netcdf_extend ) THEN ! !-- Open an existing NetCDF file for output nc_stat = NF90_OPEN( filename, NF90_WRITE, id_set_3d(av) ) IF ( nc_stat /= NF90_NOERR ) CALL handle_netcdf_error( 35 ) ! !-- Read header information and set all ids. If there is a mismatch !-- between the previuos and the actual run, netcdf_extend is returned !-- as .FALSE. CALL define_netcdf_header( '3d', netcdf_extend, av ) ! !-- Remove the local file, if it can not be extended IF ( .NOT. netcdf_extend ) THEN nc_stat = NF90_CLOSE( id_set_3d(av) ) IF ( nc_stat /= NF90_NOERR ) CALL handle_netcdf_error( 36 ) CALL local_system('rm ' // TRIM( filename ) ) ENDIF ENDIF IF ( .NOT. netcdf_extend ) THEN ! !-- Create a new NetCDF output file IF ( netcdf_64bit ) THEN #if defined( __netcdf_64bit ) nc_stat = NF90_CREATE( filename, & OR( NF90_NOCLOBBER, NF90_64BIT_OFFSET ),& id_set_3d(av) ) #else IF ( myid == 0 ) PRINT*, '+++ WARNING: NetCDF: no 64-bit ', & 'offset allowed on this machine' nc_stat = NF90_CREATE( filename, NF90_NOCLOBBER, id_set_3d(av) ) #endif ELSE nc_stat = NF90_CREATE( filename, NF90_NOCLOBBER, id_set_3d(av) ) ENDIF IF ( nc_stat /= NF90_NOERR ) CALL handle_netcdf_error( 37 ) ! !-- Define the header CALL define_netcdf_header( '3d', netcdf_extend, av ) ENDIF CASE ( 107 ) ! !-- Inquire, if there is a NetCDF file from a previuos run. This should !-- be opened for extension, if its variables match the actual run. INQUIRE( FILE='DATA_1D_SP_NETCDF', EXIST=netcdf_extend ) IF ( netcdf_extend ) THEN ! !-- Open an existing NetCDF file for output nc_stat = NF90_OPEN( 'DATA_1D_SP_NETCDF', NF90_WRITE, id_set_sp ) IF ( nc_stat /= NF90_NOERR ) CALL handle_netcdf_error( 38 ) ! !-- Read header information and set all ids. If there is a mismatch !-- between the previuos and the actual run, netcdf_extend is returned !-- as .FALSE. CALL define_netcdf_header( 'sp', netcdf_extend, 0 ) ! !-- Remove the local file, if it can not be extended IF ( .NOT. netcdf_extend ) THEN nc_stat = NF90_CLOSE( id_set_sp ) IF ( nc_stat /= NF90_NOERR ) CALL handle_netcdf_error( 39 ) CALL local_system( 'rm DATA_1D_SP_NETCDF' ) ENDIF ENDIF IF ( .NOT. netcdf_extend ) THEN ! !-- Create a new NetCDF output file IF ( netcdf_64bit ) THEN #if defined( __netcdf_64bit ) nc_stat = NF90_CREATE( 'DATA_1D_SP_NETCDF', & OR( NF90_NOCLOBBER, NF90_64BIT_OFFSET ),& id_set_sp ) #else IF ( myid == 0 ) PRINT*, '+++ WARNING: NetCDF: no 64-bit ', & 'offset allowed on this machine' nc_stat = NF90_CREATE( 'DATA_1D_SP_NETCDF', NF90_NOCLOBBER, & id_set_sp ) #endif ELSE nc_stat = NF90_CREATE( 'DATA_1D_SP_NETCDF', NF90_NOCLOBBER, & id_set_sp ) ENDIF IF ( nc_stat /= NF90_NOERR ) CALL handle_netcdf_error( 40 ) ! !-- Define the header CALL define_netcdf_header( 'sp', netcdf_extend, 0 ) ENDIF CASE ( 108 ) IF ( myid_char == '' ) THEN filename = 'DATA_PRT_NETCDF' ELSE filename = 'DATA_PRT_NETCDF/' // myid_char ENDIF ! !-- Inquire, if there is a NetCDF file from a previuos run. This should !-- be opened for extension, if its variables match the actual run. INQUIRE( FILE=filename, EXIST=netcdf_extend ) IF ( netcdf_extend ) THEN ! !-- Open an existing NetCDF file for output nc_stat = NF90_OPEN( filename, NF90_WRITE, id_set_prt ) IF ( nc_stat /= NF90_NOERR ) CALL handle_netcdf_error( 41 ) ! !-- Read header information and set all ids. If there is a mismatch !-- between the previuos and the actual run, netcdf_extend is returned !-- as .FALSE. CALL define_netcdf_header( 'pt', netcdf_extend, 0 ) ! !-- Remove the local file, if it can not be extended IF ( .NOT. netcdf_extend ) THEN nc_stat = NF90_CLOSE( id_set_prt ) IF ( nc_stat /= NF90_NOERR ) CALL handle_netcdf_error( 42 ) CALL local_system( 'rm ' // filename ) ENDIF ENDIF IF ( .NOT. netcdf_extend ) THEN ! !-- For runs on multiple processors create the subdirectory IF ( myid_char /= '' ) THEN IF ( myid == 0 .AND. .NOT. openfile(file_id)%opened_before ) & THEN ! needs modification in case of non-extendable sets CALL local_system( 'mkdir DATA_PRT_NETCDF/' ) ENDIF #if defined( __parallel ) ! !-- Set a barrier in order to allow that all other processors in the !-- directory created by PE0 can open their file CALL MPI_BARRIER( comm2d, ierr ) #endif ENDIF ! !-- Create a new NetCDF output file IF ( netcdf_64bit ) THEN #if defined( __netcdf_64bit ) nc_stat = NF90_CREATE( filename, & OR( NF90_NOCLOBBER, NF90_64BIT_OFFSET ),& id_set_prt ) #else IF ( myid == 0 ) PRINT*, '+++ WARNING: NetCDF: no 64-bit ', & 'offset allowed on this machine' nc_stat = NF90_CREATE( filename, NF90_NOCLOBBER, id_set_prt ) #endif ELSE nc_stat = NF90_CREATE( filename, NF90_NOCLOBBER, id_set_prt ) ENDIF IF ( nc_stat /= NF90_NOERR ) CALL handle_netcdf_error( 43 ) ! !-- Define the header CALL define_netcdf_header( 'pt', netcdf_extend, 0 ) ENDIF CASE ( 109 ) ! !-- Inquire, if there is a NetCDF file from a previuos run. This should !-- be opened for extension, if its variables match the actual run. INQUIRE( FILE='DATA_1D_PTS_NETCDF', EXIST=netcdf_extend ) IF ( netcdf_extend ) THEN ! !-- Open an existing NetCDF file for output nc_stat = NF90_OPEN( 'DATA_1D_PTS_NETCDF', NF90_WRITE, id_set_pts ) IF ( nc_stat /= NF90_NOERR ) CALL handle_netcdf_error( 393 ) ! !-- Read header information and set all ids. If there is a mismatch !-- between the previuos and the actual run, netcdf_extend is returned !-- as .FALSE. CALL define_netcdf_header( 'ps', netcdf_extend, 0 ) ! !-- Remove the local file, if it can not be extended IF ( .NOT. netcdf_extend ) THEN nc_stat = NF90_CLOSE( id_set_pts ) IF ( nc_stat /= NF90_NOERR ) CALL handle_netcdf_error( 394 ) CALL local_system( 'rm DATA_1D_PTS_NETCDF' ) ENDIF ENDIF IF ( .NOT. netcdf_extend ) THEN ! !-- Create a new NetCDF output file IF ( netcdf_64bit ) THEN #if defined( __netcdf_64bit ) nc_stat = NF90_CREATE( 'DATA_1D_PTS_NETCDF', & OR( NF90_NOCLOBBER, NF90_64BIT_OFFSET ),& id_set_pts ) #else IF ( myid == 0 ) PRINT*, '+++ WARNING: NetCDF: no 64-bit ', & 'offset allowed on this machine' nc_stat = NF90_CREATE( 'DATA_1D_PTS_NETCDF', NF90_NOCLOBBER, & id_set_pts ) #endif ELSE nc_stat = NF90_CREATE( 'DATA_1D_PTS_NETCDF', NF90_NOCLOBBER, & id_set_pts ) ENDIF IF ( nc_stat /= NF90_NOERR ) CALL handle_netcdf_error( 395 ) ! !-- Define the header CALL define_netcdf_header( 'ps', netcdf_extend, 0 ) ENDIF #else CASE ( 101:109, 111:113, 116 ) ! !-- Nothing is done in case of missing netcdf support RETURN #endif CASE DEFAULT PRINT*,'+++ check_open: no OPEN-statement for file-id ',file_id #if defined( __parallel ) CALL MPI_ABORT( comm2d, 9999, ierr ) #else CALL local_stop #endif END SELECT ! !-- Set open flag openfile(file_id)%opened = .TRUE. ! !-- Formats 3300 FORMAT ('#'/ & 'coord 1 file=',A,' filetype=unformatted'/ & 'coord 2 file=',A,' filetype=unformatted skip=',I6/ & 'coord 3 file=',A,' filetype=unformatted skip=',I6/ & '#') 4000 FORMAT ('# ',A) 5000 FORMAT ('# ',A/ & '#1 E'/'#2 E*'/'#3 dt'/'#4 u*'/'#5 th*'/'#6 umax'/'#7 vmax'/ & '#8 wmax'/'#9 div_new'/'#10 div_old'/'#11 z_i_wpt'/'#12 z_i_pt'/ & '#13 w*'/'#14 w''pt''0'/'#15 w''pt'''/'#16 wpt'/'#17 pt(0)'/ & '#18 pt(zp)'/'#19 splptx'/'#20 splpty'/'#21 splptz') 8000 FORMAT (A/ & ' step time # of parts lPE sent/recv rPE sent/recv ',& 'sPE sent/recv nPE sent/recv max # of parts'/ & 103('-')) END SUBROUTINE check_open