MainWindow Qt::WindowModal true 0 0 1185 850 0 0 1185 850 1185 850 Qt::NoFocus palmrungui 72 72 Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly false false true true 0 720 1181 81 Qt::NoFocus true 350 15 91 26 Quit false 10 15 121 26 75 true palmrun false 250 15 91 26 Clear true 10 50 971 26 false false false false false false 550 20 621 21 460 20 81 21 Custom tag: Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 1000 47 181 31 Version: xxxx (27-02-2002) 140 20 111 23 Silent mode 0 -5 1181 731 0 0 false Qt::NoFocus false 0 Default false 0 350 441 351 Execution Qt::AlignCenter false 330 180 101 21 Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft 250 180 71 20 Queue: Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 130 150 81 20 10 150 111 20 Cores: Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 330 150 101 21 220 140 101 31 Tasks per node: Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 130 210 101 20 60 210 61 16 Account: Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 10 180 111 16 Wallclock time (s): Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 130 180 101 20 10 60 91 21 Configuration: false Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 10 230 411 20 Qt::Horizontal 10 280 121 23 Allow restarts 10 300 161 23 Keep temporary data 220 280 201 21 Use cyclic fill method 220 300 261 21 Read sky view factors from file false 60 250 191 26 Initial run Restart run Precursor run (atmosphere) Precursor run (ocean) Initial run (coupled) Restart run (coupled) 110 30 321 25 75 true true true 10 250 41 21 Mode: false Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 0 30 101 21 75 true Selected job: false Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 210 90 91 21 (re-)Build 110 60 321 26 330 90 101 22 Full rebuild 110 90 91 21 Edit 110 120 191 23 Use pre-built source code 220 320 201 21 Write sky view factors to file 240 210 81 20 Wait for job: Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 330 210 101 21 Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft 460 40 145 16 Browse at: true 530 35 351 23 true 450 5 721 691 Browser Qt::AlignCenter 10 90 231 591 Qt::CustomContextMenu true true 250 90 231 171 Qt::CustomContextMenu true QAbstractItemView::MultiSelection true 250 280 231 141 Qt::CustomContextMenu true QAbstractItemView::MultiSelection true 10 65 121 16 Available jobs: 250 65 74 16 Input files: 250 260 156 16 User code: 440 30 131 24 Update (60 s) 490 90 221 591 Qt::CustomContextMenu true QAbstractItemView::MultiSelection true 490 65 74 16 Output files: 250 450 231 231 Qt::CustomContextMenu true QAbstractItemView::MultiSelection true 250 430 156 16 Monitoring files: 630 5 77 72 TextLabel true 0 5 441 341 History Qt::AlignCenter 10 50 421 281 true 10 30 151 16 Recently submitted jobs: group_browser group_execution label_9 line_path group_history Advanced false 10 5 511 401 Advanced settings Qt::AlignCenter true 10 175 421 23 -x (tracing of palmrun for debug purposes) 10 150 421 23 -O (use OpenMP) 10 125 421 23 -k (keep data from previous run) 10 100 441 23 -I (archiving errors of previous batch-jobs will be ignored) 10 75 421 23 -F (create remote job file only) 10 50 421 23 -b (batch-job on local machine) 10 200 421 23 -Z (disable combine_plot_fields at the end of job) 0 220 581 20 Qt::Horizontal 220 345 191 25 220 320 191 25 220 295 191 25 220 270 191 25 220 245 81 25 10 300 201 21 Preprocessor directives (cpp): Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing -10 350 221 21 Number of parallel I/O streams: Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 110 255 101 16 Memory (MB): Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 20 325 191 21 Filenames to be compiled: Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 40 275 171 20 Makefile: Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing false 10 420 401 101 Processor distribution Qt::AlignCenter 100 70 111 21 40 65 51 21 Ocean: Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 100 45 111 21 true 10 45 81 21 Atmosphere: Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing 10 20 281 21 false (Coupled atmosphere-ocean runs only) false Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignJustify true false 160 5 55 15 TopToolBarArea false 0 0 1185 30 195 230 155 137 Sta&rt false He&lp &Tools &Select from history true &Save to File &Load Last Job &Quit &Help &About palmrungui true Save as &Default false Check parameter file Start watchdog Start job manager &Watchdog &Job manager drop_job line_q line_pe line_tpn line_time line_account check_restarts check_delete_tmp_files check_verbose check_cycfill button_start button_exit button_clear commandline list_jobname line_jobname check_b check_F check_I check_k check_O check_x check_Z line_m line_M line_D line_s line_w line_PE_atmos line_PE_ocean button_exit clicked() MainWindow close() 360 804 16 19 button_start clicked() MainWindow startpalmrun() 73 804 14 63 drop_job activated(QString) MainWindow enable_coupled() 218 695 261 0 drop_job currentIndexChanged(QString) MainWindow change_rc_list() 254 695 334 356 check_restarts stateChanged(int) MainWindow change_rc_list() 86 722 1 530 check_delete_tmp_files stateChanged(int) MainWindow check_flags() 90 742 3 562 check_verbose stateChanged(int) MainWindow check_flags() 197 806 5 623 check_b stateChanged(int) MainWindow check_flags() 434 134 599 67 check_F stateChanged(int) MainWindow check_flags() 434 159 599 103 check_I stateChanged(int) MainWindow check_flags() 454 184 599 129 check_k stateChanged(int) MainWindow check_flags() 434 209 599 158 check_O stateChanged(int) MainWindow check_flags() 434 234 599 188 check_x stateChanged(int) MainWindow check_flags() 434 259 599 255 line_pe textEdited(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 170 585 5 440 line_time textEdited(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 193 615 4 480 line_q textEdited(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 410 620 507 387 line_account textEdited(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 229 649 506 416 line_tpn textEdited(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 400 585 505 447 line_m textEdited(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 304 331 599 328 line_D textEdited(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 414 381 599 396 line_s textEdited(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 414 406 599 522 line_w textEdited(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 414 431 599 612 button_clear clicked() MainWindow reset_window() 299 804 599 689 line_M textChanged(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 414 356 599 287 action_quit triggered() MainWindow close() -1 -1 479 366 action_open triggered() MainWindow open_from_file() -1 -1 479 366 action_help triggered() MainWindow help() -1 -1 479 366 action_about triggered() MainWindow about_gui() -1 -1 479 366 action_default triggered() MainWindow save_default() -1 -1 479 366 line_jobname textChanged(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 189 464 4 122 check_Z stateChanged(int) MainWindow check_flags() 434 284 458 344 check_cycfill stateChanged(int) MainWindow change_rc_list() 274 705 4 510 action_start_watchdog triggered() MainWindow start_watchdog() -1 -1 458 344 check_svf stateChanged(int) MainWindow change_rc_list() 392 740 596 494 push_update clicked() MainWindow update_all() 982 115 798 44 list_user customContextMenuRequested(QPoint) MainWindow openmenuuser() 932 452 1110 642 list_jobs itemActivated(QListWidgetItem*) MainWindow update_input() 681 318 918 667 list_input customContextMenuRequested(QPoint) MainWindow openmenuinput() 850 256 1072 657 list_jobname itemActivated(QListWidgetItem*) MainWindow choosejob_list() 313 178 430 0 list_output customContextMenuRequested(QPoint) MainWindow openmenuoutput() 1035 570 1183 692 list_monitoring customContextMenuRequested(QPoint) MainWindow openmenumonitoring() 891 534 1182 495 button_palmbuild clicked() MainWindow startpalmbuild() 230 530 1182 748 combo_configuration currentIndexChanged(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 122 505 1183 538 button_editconfig clicked() MainWindow OpenConfig() 141 530 397 0 list_jobs customContextMenuRequested(QPoint) MainWindow openmenujob() 571 213 538 0 check_prebuilt clicked() MainWindow check_flags() 207 562 580 0 group_execution clicked() MainWindow check_flags() 378 708 728 0 check_svf_2 stateChanged(int) MainWindow change_rc_list() 347 760 831 0 line_wait textEdited(QString) MainWindow change_lineinput() 371 637 573 -6 startpalmrun() enable_advanced() enable_coupled() choosejob() choosejob_list() change_rc_list() check_flags() change_lineinput() reset_window() save_to_file() open_from_file() open_last() about() about_gui() save_default() help() start_watchdog() start_jobmanager() update_all() create_set() copy_job() openmenuuser() update_input() openmenuinput() openmenuoutput() openmenumonitoring() startpalmbuild() OpenConfig() openmenujob()