#!/bin/bash # palmbuild - script for compiling the PALM code and its utility programs #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # This file is part of the PALM model system. # # PALM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms # of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, # either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # PALM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # PALM. If not, see . # # Copyright 2017-2018 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # # Current revisions: # ------------------ # # # Former revisions: # ----------------- # $Id: palmbuild 3312 2018-10-06 14:15:46Z eckhard $ # "host identifier" in header output renamed "config. identifier", # host_configuration renamed configuration_identifier, # jobname renamed run_identifier # header output of PALM code revision, # options -m, -s, and -S removed # # 3210 2018-08-28 07:31:13Z sward # Bugfix: agent_preprocessing stays in MAKE_DEPOSITORY after compilation # # 3208 2018-08-27 13:10:50Z sward # Added building of agent_preprocessing # # 3033 2018-05-23 15:26:19Z raasch # "fname" renamed to "jobname" # # 2718 2018-01-02 08:49:38Z maronga # Corrected "Former revisions" section # # 2696 2017-12-14 17:12:51Z kanani # Change in file header (GPL part) # # 2566 2017-10-20 08:50:47Z raasch # informative messages switched of almost completely in silent mode # two header blocks merged into one # # 2506 2017-09-29 08:30:37Z raasch # option -V added to check for an existing SOURCES_FOR_RUN_... folder # host configuration added to SOURCES_FOR_RUN_... folder name # SOURCES_FOR_RUN_... folder is deleted in case of compilation errors # host_identifier renamed host_configuration # # 2500 2017-09-25 11:10:03Z raasch # bugfix for r2492 # # 2492 2017-09-21 14:18:48Z raasch # ask for compilation, if SOURCES_FOR_RUN_... exists # # 2487 2017-09-21 11:30:10Z raasch # bugfix: abort in case of compiling/linking errors in silent mode # # 2422 2017-09-08 08:25:41Z raasch # initial revision # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # palmbuild - script for compiling the PALM code and its utility programs # # Procedure to compile code on local and remote hosts using the # make-mechanism. The source code must be provided on the local host. # # @note This script does not work on MAC OS #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # VARIABLE DECLARATIONS + DEFAULT VALUES calltime="" column1="" column2="" configuration_identifier=default global_revision="" locat=normal makefile="" make_options="" module_commands="" program_name=palm remote_ip="" silent=false ssh_key="" suf=f90 use_existing_sources_folder=false version="palmbuild 1.0 Rev$Rev: 3312 $" working_directory=`pwd` # ERROR HANDLING IN CASE OF EXIT trap 'rm -rf ${source_path}/${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protocol if [[ $locat != normal && $locat != control_c ]] then printf "\n\n+++ palmbuild crashed \n\n" exit 1 elif [[ $locat != normal ]] then printf "\n+++ palmbuild killed by \"^C\" \n\n" exit 2 else if [[ $silent = false ]] then printf "\n --> palmbuild finished\n\n" fi exit 0 fi' exit # ACTIONS IN CASE OF TERMINAL-BREAK (CONTROL-C): trap 'locat=control_c exit 1 ' 2 # READ SHELLSCRIPT-OPTIONS while getopts :d:h:uvV option do case $option in (d) run_identifier=$OPTARG;; (h) configuration_identifier=$OPTARG;; (v) silent=true;; (V) use_existing_sources_folder=true;; (\?) printf "\n +++ unknown option $OPTARG \n"; locat=parameter; exit;; esac done # FOR COMPATIBILITY REASONS SET OLD ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES export fname=$run_identifier export jobname=$run_identifier # BUILD THE CONFIGURATION-FILE NAME AND THE SOURCES_FOR_RUN-FOLDER NAME config_file=.palm.config.$configuration_identifier sources_for_run_catalog=SOURCES_FOR_RUN_${configuration_identifier}_$run_identifier # CHECK, IF CONFIGURATION-FILE EXISTS if [[ ! -f $config_file ]] then printf "\n +++ configuration file: " printf "\n $config_file" printf "\n does not exist" locat=configuration; exit fi # ### is this really required? config_file=$PWD/$config_file # READ VARIABLE SETTINGS FROM CONFIG FILE LINE BY LINE while read line do # FIRST REPLACE ENVIRONMENT-VARIABLES BY THEIR RESPECTIVE VALUES eval line=\"$line\" # INTERPRET THE LINE if [[ "$(echo $line)" = "" ]] then # EMPTY LINE, NO ACTION continue elif [[ "$(echo $line | cut -c1)" = "#" ]] then # LINE IS A COMMENT LINE continue elif [[ "$(echo $line | cut -c1)" = "%" ]] then # LINE DEFINES AN ENVIRONMENT-VARIABLE var=`echo $line | cut -d" " -s -f1 | cut -c2-` value=`echo $line | cut -d" " -s -f2-` # REPLACE ":" BY " " IN COMPILER- CPP- OR LINKER-OPTIONS, # "::" IS REPLACED BY ":". #value=`echo $value | sed 's/::/%DUM%/g' | sed 's/:/ /g' | sed 's/%DUM%/:/g'` # VALUE FROM THE CONFIGURATION-FILE IS ASSIGNED TO THE # ENVIRONMENT-VARIABLE, BUT ONLY IF NO VALUE HAS BEEN ALREADY # ASSIGNED WITHIN THIS SCRIPT (E.G. BY SCRIPT-OPTIONS). # NON-ASSIGNED VARIABLES HAVE VALUE "" OR 0 (IN CASE OF INTEGER). # HENCE THE GENERAL RULE IS: SCRIPT-OPTION OVERWRITES THE # CONFIGURATION-FILE. if [[ "$(eval echo \$$var)" = "" || "$(eval echo \$$var)" = "0" ]] then eval export $var="\$value" # TERMINAL OUTPUT OF ENVIRONMENT-VARIABLES, IF TRACEBACK IS SWITCHED on if [[ $do_trace = true ]] then printf "\n*** ENVIRONMENT-VARIABLE $var = $value" fi fi else # SKIP ALL OTHER LINES continue fi done < $config_file # CHECK, IF THE BASE DIRECTORY PATH HAS BEEN GIVEN if [[ "$base_directory" = "" ]] then printf "\n +++ no base directory found in configuration file" locat=config_file; exit else if [[ ! -d $base_directory ]] then printf "\n\n +++ base directory \"$base_directory\" " printf "\n does not exist" locat=source_path; exit fi fi # CHECK SOURCE-CODE PATH if [[ "$source_path" = "" ]] then printf "\n +++ no source path found in configuration file" locat=config_file; exit else if [[ ! -d $source_path ]] then printf "\n\n +++ source path \"$source_path\" " printf "\n does not exist" locat=source_path; exit fi fi # CHECK MAKEFILE makefile=$source_path/Makefile if [[ ! -f $makefile ]] then printf "\n +++ makefile: " printf "\n $makefile" printf "\n does not exist" locat=makefile; exit fi # CHECK COMPILERNAME if [[ "$compiler_name" = "" ]] then printf "\n +++ no compiler name found in configuration file" locat=config_file; exit fi # CHECK SERIAL COMPILERNAME if [[ "$compiler_name_ser" = "" ]] then printf "\n +++ no compiler name for serial compilation in configuration file" locat=config_file; exit fi # DETERMINE SSH-KEY TO BE USED if [[ "$ssh_key" != "" ]] then ssh_key="-i $HOME/.ssh/`echo $line | cut -d" " -s -f2`" fi #CHECK CPP-OPTIONS if [[ "$cpp_options" = "" ]] then printf "\n +++ WARNING: no cpp-options found in configuration file" fi # CHECK SETTINGS IN CASE OF COMPILING ON REMOTE MACHINE if [[ "$remote_ip" != "" ]] then if [[ "$remote_username" = "" ]] then printf "\n +++ no user name given in configuration file" locat=config_file; exit fi # GET SOURCE AND DEPOSITORY PATH ON THE REMOTE MACHINE WITHOUT EVALUATING # THE $ # IF NOT GIVEN, USE THE LOCAL SOURCE AND DEPOSITORY PATH line=`grep %remote_source_path $config_file` if [[ "$line" != "" ]] then remote_source_path=`echo $line | cut -d" " -s -f2` else line=`grep %source_path $config_file` remote_source_path=`echo $line | cut -d" " -s -f2` fi line=`grep %base_directory $config_file` make_depository=`echo $line | cut -d" " -s -f2`/MAKE_DEPOSITORY_${configuration_identifier} else make_depository=${base_directory}/MAKE_DEPOSITORY_${configuration_identifier} fi # GET THE GLOBAL REVISION-NUMBER OF THE SVN-REPOSITORY global_revision=`svnversion $source_path 2>/dev/null` global_revision="Rev: $global_revision" # HEADER-OUTPUT (PART1: MESSAGES CONCERNING THE LOCAL HOST) if [[ $silent = false ]] then calltime=$(date) printf "\n" printf "#------------------------------------------------------------------------# \n" printf "| %-40s%30s | \n" "$version" "$calltime" printf "| %-40s%30s | \n" "PALM code $global_revision" " " printf "| | \n" printf "| %-13s%-57s | \n" "called on:" "$(hostname) (IP:$local_ip)" column2=$(echo $config_file | cut -c1-57 ) printf "| %-13s%-57s | \n" "config file:" "$column2" line=$(echo "$config_file" | cut -c58-) while [[ "$line" != "" ]] do column1="" column2=$(echo $line | cut -c1-57 ) printf "| %-13s%-57s | \n" "$column1" "$column2" line=$(echo "$line" | cut -c58-) done column2=$(echo $makefile | cut -c1-57 ) printf "| %-13s%-57s | \n" "makefile:" "$column2" line=$(echo "$makefile" | cut -c58-) while [[ "$line" != "" ]] do column1="" column2=$(echo $line | cut -c1-57 ) printf "| %-13s%-57s | \n" "$column1" "$column2" line=$(echo "$line" | cut -c58-) done column2=$(echo $source_path | cut -c1-57 ) printf "| %-13s%-57s | \n" "source path:" "$column2" line=$(echo "$source_path" | cut -c58-) while [[ "$line" != "" ]] do column1="" column2=$(echo $line | cut -c1-57 ) printf "| %-13s%-57s | \n" "$column1" "$column2" line=$(echo "$line" | cut -c58-) done printf "| | \n" if [[ "$remote_ip" != "" ]] then column2="$configuration_identifier" printf "| %-20s%-50s | \n" "config. identifier:" "$column2" column2=$(echo "$make_depository" | cut -c1-50 ) printf "| %-20s%-50s | \n" "remote depository:" "$column2" else column2="$configuration_identifier" printf "| %-20s%-50s | \n" "config. identifier:" "$column2" column2=$(echo "$make_depository" | cut -c1-50 ) printf "| %-20s%-50s | \n" "local depository:" "$column2" fi line=$(echo "$make_depository" | cut -c51-) while [[ "$line" != "" ]] do column1="" column2=$(echo "$line" | cut -c1-50 ) printf "| %-20s%-50s | \n" "$column1" "$column2" line=$(echo "$line" | cut -c51-) done if [[ "$remote_ip" != "" ]] then printf "| %-20s%-50s | \n" "remote username:" "$remote_username" printf "| %-20s%-50s | \n" "remote address:" "$remote_ip" else printf "| %-20s%-50s | \n" "username:" "$local_username" printf "| %-20s%-50s | \n" "address:" "$local_ip" fi printf "| %-20s%-50s | \n" "compiler:" "$compiler_name" printf "| %-20s%-50s | \n" "serial compiler:" "$compiler_name_ser" if [[ "$make_options" != "" ]] then printf "| %-20s%-50s | \n" "make options:" "$make_options" fi column2=$(echo "$cpp_options" | cut -c1-50 ) printf "| %-20s%-50s | \n" "cpp options:" "$column2" line=$(echo "$cpp_options" | cut -c51-) while [[ "$line" != "" ]] do column1="" column2=$(echo "$line" | cut -c1-50 ) printf "| %-20s%-50s | \n" "$column1" "$column2" line=$(echo "$line" | cut -c51-) done column2=$(echo "$compiler_options" | cut -c1-50 ) printf "| %-20s%-50s | \n" "compiler options:" "$column2" line=$(echo "$compiler_options" | cut -c51-) while [[ "$line" != "" ]] do column1="" column2=$(echo "$line" | cut -c1-50 ) printf "| %-20s%-50s | \n" "$column1" "$column2" line=$(echo "$line" | cut -c51-) done column2=$(echo "$linker_options" | cut -c1-50 ) printf "| %-20s%-50s | \n" "linker options:" "$column2" line=$(echo "$linker_options" | cut -c51-) while [[ "$line" != "" ]] do column1="" column2=$(echo "$line" | cut -c1-50 ) printf "| %-20s%-50s | \n" "$column1" "$column2" line=$(echo "$line" | cut -c51-) done if [[ "$login_init_cmd" != "" ]] then column2=$(echo "$login_init_cmd" | cut -c1-50 ) printf "| %-20s%-50s | \n" "login init command:" "$column2" line=$(echo "$login_init_cmd" | cut -c51-) while [[ "$line" != "" ]] do column1="" column2=$(echo "$line" | cut -c1-50 ) printf "| %-20s%-50s | \n" "$column1" "$column2" line=$(echo "$line" | cut -c51-) done fi if [[ "$module_commands" != "" ]] then column2=$(echo "$module_commands" | cut -c1-50 ) printf "| %-20s%-50s | \n" "module command(s):" "$column2" line=$(echo "$module_commands" | cut -c51-) while [[ "$line" != "" ]] do column1="" column2=$(echo "$line" | cut -c1-50 ) printf "| %-20s%-50s | \n" "$column1" "$column2" line=$(echo "$line" | cut -c51-) done fi printf "#------------------------------------------------------------------------# \n" answer=dummy printf "\n" while [[ "$answer" != y && "$answer" != Y && "$answer" != c && "$answer" != C && "$answer" != s && "$answer" != S && "$answer" != a && "$answer" != A ]] do printf " >>> continue (y(es)/c(ontinue)/a(bort)) ? " read answer done if [[ $answer = a || $answer = A ]] then locat=user_abort; exit fi if [[ $answer = c || $answer = C ]] then silent=true fi fi # TAR THE SOURCES AND MAKEFILES # UTILITIES ARE TEMPORARILY COPIED TO THE SOURCE DIRECTORY IN ORDER TO TAR # THEM TOO if [[ $silent = false ]] then printf "\n\n *** tar of makefile and source files in" printf "\n $source_path\n" fi cd $source_path cp -p ../UTIL/combine_plot_fields.f90 . cp -p ../UTIL/compare_palm_logs.f90 . cp -p ../UTIL/agent_preprocessing/agent_preprocessing.f90 . cp -p ../UTIL/Makefile_utilities . tar -cf ${program_name}_sources.tar Makefile* *.$suf rm combine_plot_fields.f90 compare_palm_logs.f90 agent_preprocessing.f90 Makefile_utilities # MAKE ON REMOTE HOST if [[ "$remote_ip" != "" ]] then # NEXT IS THE BRANCH FOR CREATING THE MAKE_DEPOSITORY_... if [[ "$run_identifier" = "" ]] then # COPY CURRENT SOURCE CODE TO SOURCE-CODE DIRECTORY ON THE REMOTE HOST # CREATE THIS DIRECTORY, IF IT DOES NOT EXIST if [[ $silent = false ]] then echo " " echo " *** copying \"${program_name}_sources.tar\" to \"${remote_ip}:${make_depository}/\" " echo "[[ ! -d ${make_depository} ]] && (echo \" *** ${make_depository} will be created\"; mkdir -p ${make_depository})" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 scp $ssh_key ${source_path}/${program_name}_sources.tar ${remote_username}@${remote_ip}:${make_depository}/${program_name}_sources.tar else echo "[[ ! -d ${make_depository} ]] && mkdir -p ${make_depository}" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 scp $ssh_key ${source_path}/${program_name}_sources.tar ${remote_username}@${remote_ip}:${make_depository}/${program_name}_sources.tar > /dev/null fi # UNTAR PREVIOUS UPDATE ON REMOTE HOST, IF EXISTING if [[ $silent = false ]] then echo " *** untar previous update on remote host, if existing" fi echo "cd ${make_depository}; [[ -f ${program_name}_current_version.tar ]] && tar -xf ${program_name}_current_version.tar" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 # UNTAR CURRENT SOURCES ON REMOTE HOST if [[ $silent = false ]] then echo " *** untar current sources on remote host" fi echo "cd ${make_depository}; tar -xf ${program_name}_sources.tar" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 # CREATE INIT AND MODULE COAMMNDS [[ "$login_init_cmd" != "" ]] && login_init_cmd=${login_init_cmd}";" [[ "$module_commands" != "" ]] && module_commands=${module_commands}";" # FIRST CREATE EXECUTABLES FOR THE UTILITY ROUTINES if [[ $silent = false ]] then echo " " echo " *** creating utilities on remote host" fi make_call_string="make -f Makefile_utilities $make_options F90=$compiler_name F90_SER=$compiler_name_ser COPT=\"$cpp_options\" F90FLAGS=\"$compiler_options\" LDFLAGS=\"$linker_options\" " echo "$login_init_cmd $module_commands cd ${make_depository}; echo $make_call_string > LAST_MAKE_CALL; chmod u+x LAST_MAKE_CALL; $make_call_string; [[ \$? != 0 ]] && echo MAKE_ERROR" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 | tee ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protocol if [[ $(grep -c MAKE_ERROR ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protocol) != 0 ]] then printf "\a\n +++ error(s) occurred during compiling or linking of utilities" printf "\n for host configuration \"$configuration_identifier\" " if [[ $silent = false ]] then answer=dummy printf "\n" while [[ "$answer" != c && "$answer" != k ]] do printf " >>> continue / list errors / kill palmbuild (c/l/k) ? " read answer if [[ "$answer" = l ]] then more ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protocol fi done if [[ $answer = k ]] then locat=user_abort; exit fi else # ABORT ANYWAY locat=user_abort; exit fi fi # NOW COMPILE THE PALM CODE # COMMANDS WILL BE COMMUNICATED TO SSH VIA PIPE, SINCE THIS WAY THE SYSTEM- AND # USER-PROFILES OF THE SHELL ARE COMPLETELY EXECUTED (OTHERWISE, MAKE # MAY E.G. MISS THE COMPILER-PATHS) if [[ $silent = false ]] then echo " " echo " *** compile PALM sources on remote host" fi make_call_string="make $make_options PROG=$program_name F90=$compiler_name COPT=\"$cpp_options\" F90FLAGS=\"$compiler_options\" LDFLAGS=\"$linker_options\" " echo "$login_init_cmd $module_commands cd ${make_depository}; echo $make_call_string > LAST_MAKE_CALL; chmod u+x LAST_MAKE_CALL; $make_call_string; [[ \$? != 0 ]] && echo MAKE_ERROR" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 | tee ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protocol if [[ $(grep -c MAKE_ERROR ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protocol) != 0 ]] then printf "\a\n +++ error(s) occurred during compiling or linking for host configuration \"$configuration_identifier\" " if [[ $silent = false ]] then answer=dummy printf "\n" while [[ "$answer" != c && "$answer" != k ]] do printf " >>> continue / list errors / kill palmbuild (c/l/k) ? " read answer if [[ "$answer" = l ]] then more ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protocol fi done if [[ $answer = k ]] then locat=user_abort; exit fi else # ABORT ANYWAY locat=user_abort; exit fi fi # TAR UPDATED VERSION ON THE REMOTE HOST if [[ $silent = false ]] then printf "\n *** tar update on remote host ..." fi echo "cd ${make_depository}; chmod u+w *; tar -cf ${program_name}_current_version.tar ${program_name} *.f90 *.o *.mod *.x" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 # NOW COMES THE BRANCH FOR CREATING THE EXECUTABLE FOR THE CURRENT RUN # INCLUDING E.G. USER-INTERFACE ROUTINES. ALSO ADD OTHER UTILITY EXECUTABLES. EVERYTHING IS # COLLECTED IN DIRECTORY SOURCES_FOR_RUN_... elif [[ "$run_identifier" != "" ]] then # FIRST CHECK, IF COMPILED SOURCES FOR THIS RUN IDENTIFIER EXISTS # AND ASK, IF THEY SHALL BE USED echo "[[ -d ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog} ]] && echo sources for run found" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 > ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protocol if [[ $(grep -c "sources for run found" ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protocol) != 0 && $use_existing_sources_folder = true ]] then printf "\a\n *** compiled sources for run \"$run_identifier\" found on remote host in folder" printf "\n ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}" printf "\n will be used!" exit fi # COPY MAKE DEPOSITORY ON REMOTE MACHINE TO SOURCES_FOR_RUN_... if [[ $silent = false ]] then printf "\n *** copy MAKE_DEPOSITORY_${configuration_identifier} on remote host to $sources_for_run_catalog \n" fi echo "rm -rf ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}; mkdir -p ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}; cp ${make_depository}/${program_name}_current_version.tar ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}; cd ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}; tar xf ${program_name}_current_version.tar" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 # COPY CONTENTS OF SOURCES_FOR_RUN_... TO SOURCES_FOR_RUN_... ON THE REMOTE MACHINE if [[ $silent = false ]] then printf "\n *** copy ${base_directory}/${sources_for_run_catalog}" printf "\n to $sources_for_run_catalog on remote host \n" fi scp -q $ssh_key ${base_directory}/${sources_for_run_catalog}/{*,.[!.]*} ${remote_username}@${remote_ip}:${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog} # CREATE EXECUTABLE FROM THE NEW/MODIFIED SOURCE FILES, IF THERE ARE ANY if [[ $(ls -1 ${base_directory}/${sources_for_run_catalog}/ | grep -c .$suf) != 0 ]] then make_call_string="make $make_options PROG=$program_name F90=$compiler_name COPT=\"$cpp_options\" F90FLAGS=\"$compiler_options\" LDFLAGS=\"$linker_options\" " [[ "$login_init_cmd" != "" ]] && login_init_cmd=${login_init_cmd}";" [[ "$module_commands" != "" ]] && module_commands=${module_commands}";" if [[ $silent = false ]] then echo " *** execute \"make\" on remote host" fi echo "$login_init_cmd $module_commands cd ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}; echo $make_call_string > LAST_MAKE_CALL; chmod u+x LAST_MAKE_CALL; $make_call_string; [[ \$? != 0 ]] && echo MAKE_ERROR" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 | tee ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protocol if [[ $(grep -c MAKE_ERROR ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protocol) != 0 ]] then printf "\a\n +++ error(s) occurred during compiling or linking for host configuration \"$configuration_identifier\" " if [[ $silent = false ]] then answer=dummy printf "\n" while [[ "$answer" != c && "$answer" != k ]] do printf " >>> continue / list errors / kill palmbuild (c/l/k) ? " read answer if [[ "$answer" = l ]] then more ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protocol fi done if [[ $answer = k ]] then echo "rm -rf ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 locat=user_abort; exit fi else # ABORT ANYWAY echo "rm -rf ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}" | ssh -q $ssh_key ${remote_username}@${remote_ip} 2>&1 locat=user_abort; exit fi fi else echo " *** nothing to compile for this run" fi fi rm -rf ${source_path}/${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protocol # MAKE ON LOCAL HOST else # NEXT IS THE BRANCH FOR CREATING THE MAKE_DEPOSITORY_... ON THE # LOCAL HOST if [[ "$run_identifier" = "" ]] then # SET THE ENVIRONMENT (EXECUTE INIT AND MODULE COMMANDS) if [[ "$login_init_cmd" != "" ]] then $login_init_cmd fi if [[ "$module_commands" != "" ]] then $module_commands fi # CREATE MAKE-DEPOSITORY, IF IT DOES NOT EXIST eval make_depository=$make_depository if [[ ! -d $make_depository ]] then if mkdir -p $make_depository then if [[ $silent = false ]] then printf "\n\n *** directory for local make depository:" printf "\n $make_depository" printf "\n was created\n" fi else printf "\n +++ directory for local make depository:" printf "\n $make_depository" printf "\n cannot be created" locat=local_depository; exit fi fi # COPY SOURCE-CODE FROM REPOSITORY TO MAKE-DEPOSITORY if [[ $silent = false ]] then echo " " echo " *** untar current source sources on local host in" echo " $make_depository" fi cd $make_depository cp $source_path/${program_name}_sources.tar . tar xf ${program_name}_sources.tar # FIRST CREATE EXECUTABLES FOR THE UTILITY ROUTINES if [[ $silent = false ]] then echo " " echo " *** creating utilities on local host" fi make -f Makefile_utilities $make_options F90=$compiler_name F90_SER=$compiler_name_ser COPT="$cpp_options" F90FLAGS="$compiler_options" LDFLAGS="$linker_options" | tee ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protocol if [[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} != 0 ]] then printf "\a\n +++ error(s) occurred during compiling of the utilities for host configuration \"$configuration_identifier\" " if [[ $silent = false ]] then answer=dummy printf "\n" while [[ "$answer" != c && "$answer" != k ]] do printf " >>> continue / list errors / kill palmbuild (c/l/k) ? " read answer if [[ "$answer" = l ]] then more ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protocol fi done if [[ $answer = k ]] then locat=user_abort; exit fi else # ABORT ANYWAY locat=user_abort; exit fi else cp agent_preprocessing $source_path/../SCRIPTS/. fi # CALL MAKE ON LOCAL HOST USING THE OPTIONS DETERMINED FURTHER ABOVE if [[ $silent = false ]] then echo " " echo " *** compile PALM sources on local host" fi make $make_options PROG=$program_name F90=$compiler_name COPT="$cpp_options" F90FLAGS="$compiler_options" LDFLAGS="$linker_options" 2>&1 | tee ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protocol if [[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} != 0 ]] then printf "\a\n +++ error(s) occurred during compiling or linking for host configuration \"$configuration_identifier\" " if [[ $silent = false ]] then answer=dummy printf "\n" while [[ "$answer" != c && "$answer" != k ]] do printf " >>> continue / list errors / kill palmbuild (c/l/k) ? " read answer if [[ "$answer" = l ]] then more ${configuration_identifier}_last_make_protocol fi done if [[ $answer = k ]] then locat=user_abort; exit fi else # ABORT ANYWAY locat=user_abort; exit fi fi # TAR NEW VERSION ON LOCAL HOST if [[ $silent = false ]] then printf "\n *** tar update on local host ..." fi tar -cf ${program_name}_current_version.tar ${program_name} *.$suf *.o *.mod *.x else # NOW COMES THE BRANCH FOR CREATING THE EXECUTABLE FOR THE CURRENT RUN # INCLUDING E.G. USER-INTERFACE ROUTINES. ALSO ADD OTHER UTILITY EXECUTABLES. EVERYTHING IS # COLLECTED IN DIRECTORY SOURCES_FOR_RUN_... # FIRST CHECK, IF COMPILED SOURCES FOR THIS RUN IDENTIFIER EXISTS # AND ASK, IF THEY SHALL BE USED if [[ -d ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog} && $use_existing_sources_folder = true ]] then printf "\a\n *** compiled sources for run \"$run_identifier\" found on local host in folder" printf "\n ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog}" printf "\n will be used!" exit fi # SECOND CHECK, IF A DEPOSITORY EXISTS ON THE LOCAL MACHINE if [[ ! -d ${make_depository} ]] then printf "\n +++ directory for local make depository:" printf "\n $make_depository" printf "\n not found. Please run \"palmbuild -h $configuration_identifier\" " locat=make_depository; exit fi # COPY MAKE DEPOSITORY ON LOCAL MACHINE TO SOURCES_FOR_RUN_... if [[ $silent = false ]] then printf "\n *** copy MAKE_DEPOSITORY_${configuration_identifier} on local host to " printf "\n ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog} \n" fi rm -rf ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog} mkdir -p ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog} cp ${make_depository}/${program_name}_current_version.tar ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog} cd $fast_io_catalog/${sources_for_run_catalog} tar xf ${program_name}_current_version.tar # COPY CONTENTS OF SOURCES_FOR_RUN_... TO SOURCES_FOR_RUN_... # IN THE FAST_IO_CATALOG ON THE LOCAL MACHINE if [[ $silent = false ]] then printf "\n *** copy ${base_directory}/${sources_for_run_catalog} to" printf "\n ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog} on local host \n" fi cp ${base_directory}/${sources_for_run_catalog}/{*,.[!.]*} ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog} # CREATE EXECUTABLE FROM THE NEW/MODIFIED SOURCE FILES, IF THERE ARE ANY if [[ $(ls -1 ${base_directory}/${sources_for_run_catalog}/ | grep -c .$suf) != 0 ]] then if [[ $silent = false ]] then echo " *** execute \"make\" on local host" fi [[ "$login_init_cmd" != "" ]] && $login_init_cmd [[ "$module_commands" != "" ]] && $module_commands make $make_options PROG=$program_name F90=$compiler_name COPT="$cpp_options" F90FLAGS="$compiler_options" LDFLAGS="$linker_options" if [[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} != 0 ]] then printf "\a\n +++ error(s) occurred during compiling or linking for host configuration \"$configuration_identifier\" " if [[ $silent = false ]] then answer=dummy printf "\n" while [[ "$answer" != c && "$answer" != k ]] do printf " >>> continue / kill palmbuild (c/k) ? " read answer done if [[ $answer = k ]] then rm -rf ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog} locat=user_abort; exit fi else # ABORT ANYWAY rm -rf ${fast_io_catalog}/${sources_for_run_catalog} locat=user_abort; exit fi fi else echo " *** nothing to compile for this run" fi fi fi